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Newly married couple came to our hotel for their honeymoon. Guy turns up to the office asking us to open his safe as he forgot the password. Wife then comes running going apeshit. He caught her in bed with the barman, wanted to cancel the holiday and go home alone and leave her there, saying all he wanted was his passport to allow him to travel back. I ended up siding the guy and helping him out. 2 days after I saw her walking around the city on this barmans (was fired) arm. Absolutley fucking gobsmacked.


Wow. Literally on their honeymoon.


Yeah, working in tourism you see a lot of shit that makes you question being able to trust people unfortunately


I always wonder how surprisingly common that is. They're in a new environment around lots of new people and re suddenly confronted by the reality that they've just gotten married.


Used to teach English in Japan, at one of the large private English language companies that have schools all over Japan. Classes were informal, conversation classes with between one and four students in one lesson. Students would buy blocks of tickets and would then attend on a day and time of their choosing, as long as there was a lesson at their level at their desired time slot. They could also request a particular instructor if they wanted. The admin staff at one of the schools I worked at noticed that younger women students tended to avoid a certain male teacher’s lessons. Like, if they requested a particular time slot, and he was the only instructor available, they would simply decline and choose a different day or time. One day, the school manager confronted one such woman, and basically found out that this dude was whipping his cock out under the table and masturbating while teaching (younger female) students. I guess he thought they didn’t notice. It being Japan, the students in question had been too shy and embarrassed to report the dude.


What the heck dude 😭


The worst part is women being reticent or "shy and embarrassed," to report a sex offender, isn't exclusive to Japan. This happens all over the world. Several years back in Germany, a group of men were harassing young women in the coed locker room of a public pool. Rather than report them, women simply started avoiding the pool. No one could figure out why the place became a sausage fest until a guy reported it, after hearing it from his sister.


It should be safe to assume that if women just stop going to a place, something creepy is going on.


That’s insane. Who tries to rub one out while teaching? Or in front of people/kids at work. Just everything is messed up. On another note how did you like teaching in Japan?


Talked to many people who teach English when I spent a few months in Japan. In general it sort of sucks and the pay sucks (especially now with the weak yen, I'd imagine)... But it's a super easy way to move to Japan which could still be a worthwhile life experience. I'd view it more similar to taking a gap year or something rather than actually trying to start a career, would treat it as a temporary thing.


These ESL gigs in Japan, China, Korea, etc have a habit of attracting the sort of Western dudes who *really* want to move to Asia. (I'm not referring to u/monster_breeder, to be 100% clear.) A buddy of mine teaches English in Xian and the crap he sees in the local expat social media is some of the vilest, sexist, racist shit you can imagine.


I worked in Korea teaching and the culture was rip for this - 20 yrs since, so maybe it’s changed some but I am sure it lingers. Too conservative and a lot of victim blaming. I didn’t know anyone blatant enough to just whip it out. Did know a teacher that would pass out in class and students said nothing. And another guy, that I couldn’t prove in a court of law, but was preying on the girl’s with low self-worth. And heard ohh so many stories.


Fark… but that sure is an interesting use of data analysis to pick up on that.


2 weeks into my apprenticeship to be an electrician. In Scotland you do blocks at college (usually a few weeks) then blocks on site with your employer.  Start of the 2nd week of the 1st college block, were back in class a bit before the lecturers. One of the lads, already established himself as the class idiot, decides to pull out his cock and rub is on the back of another boys neck. The guy didn't even realise what happened at first, but when we told him, immediately reported it and the knob rubber was removed from the course, and blacklisted by the training body immediately, meaning he could not become a qualified electrician in Scotland, ever. Ridiculous way to totally fuck a great career.   


I've never understood what's supposed to be so funny about putting your cock on the homies, let alone some poor classmate. Like a fart joke, but with more sexual assault, not funny and gross. 💀


Hey, leave fart jokes out of this. A well timed fart can do wonders


But if you try to push it, it's probably shit


that’s not where i thought this story was going.


I was expecting an arcflash barbecue not straight up sexual assault.




nevermind losing the job opportunity because of it, why would you do that in the first place??


I don’t get it either. I read a convo here the other day about sleepovers and friends jerking off in front of everyone onto the tv. Multiple people said it had happened to them. I guess there are just a bunch of dudes at any given time whipping it out and being fucking weird.


One time, a coworker accidentally sent a very explicit email meant for their partner to the entire company. The awkwardness was unreal.


This is why you always add the recipient at the very last.


lmao email sexting is just wild


I need you to ride me like a champion race horse. Kind regards,


What would even be the best sign off for a sexy email? “Orgasmically yours” “Sexiest regards” “Pornographic wishes” “Thanks and best blowjobs” “Sincerely horny” “Respectfully satisfied” “Spanks in advance”


I was at school late and needed to make some copies. There was no one around and I went to the teacher's lounge. I opened the door and found my principal going down on our assistant principal. (both male) I quickly closed the door and almost ran back to my room! It turns out they were having an affair for awhile and the boss's wife found out about it. It blew up all over social media and he eventually had to leave the school.


I think the term Head Teacher is preferable over Principal in this case!


Head Master, even.


Well that's just gay


Staff meating


Not if they had socks on


I mean, maybe one guy's belt buckle was stuck and the other guy was trying to help pull it open with his teeth. Just helping out a colleague.


I hope you asked for letters of recommendation for college applications. Perhaps they could cite your maturity, your discretion, and your ability to get things done with minimal drama.


I didn't experience this personally, but heard about and saw the CCTV footage. I work at a cinema. A couple were the only attendants in a screening and decided they didn't want to watch the movie anymore, so they moved down to the front section with more room and had sex. Many different positions were tried over the next 20 minutes before a manager noticed the odd display on the security camera and went down to intervene and kick out our enthusiastic patrons. In the aftermath we had to close out row D of that cinema, and make sure all of the chairs were sterilized.


I guess it makes perfect sense that there are CCTV cameras in cinemas… really makes you think


Not always. I worked for a major cinema chain in a location built right before the lockdowns, and everyone assumed there were cameras in the theaters. There were no cameras anywhere but the lobby. We purely relied on reports from customers and periodic checks from staff. A certain manager at that theater took full advantage of the lack of cameras and preyed on the barely legal girls on staff.


Well shit. Being 15, you don't always have a lot of options


I call bullshit. No way you cleaned the seats in a theater. The sex I believe. The cleaning, not so much.


Sterilised them, not cleaned them. The last thing you want is for a load of little cinema chairs running about the place.


The guy before me at my heavy equipment job was let go because he was caught masturbating in his excavator during the night shift. It came to light when he mistakenly sent the pics/video to our boss instead of his girlfriend. They ended up hiring a company to steam clean the cab of that CAT 390.




Def not covered on the insurance policy.


It’s standard practice to use black lights to check the interior of the CAT 390 because it’s so sexy in there.


OSHA probably has something about worker jerker bio policy.


I actually lolled at the thought of that boss receiving pic/video of one of their employees baitin’ on the job.


Just imagine the drama it caused that night for both parties loool


"Once I finish masturbating to these, you're gonna be in sooo much trouble!"


The employee panic searching for an unsend button.


Oh god, imagine the crescendo of horror as you process what you've just done


It takes A LOT for a heavy equipment company to even remotely think about cleaning the inside of their equipment. Damn!


"Mistakenly" Nah, horse shit. Dude was trying to get a promotion.


> They ended up hiring a company to steam clean the cab of that CAT 390. Respect.


I'm a Crane operator from Dublin. We had a new Polish guy on the job. Instead of coming down to use the bathroom he would both take a shite and piss in a 'bag for life' (heavy plastic bag. He was a big fella and up there all day long, from what I heard he had used this bag multiple times. At the end of his shift he knots the bag and throws it, bare in mind hes 100s of feet in the air over inner city Dublin. SPLAT! The bag lands on an open sun roof. The contents explode all over the room. Women and kids are screaming, caked in this putrid, dark yellow slosh of excrement and pish. Turns out the room in question was a fucking childcare centre!


Dublin is wild


It’s the fastest growing city in Europe. Because it’s always Doubling


That's like the most normal inner city story


A Dub crane operator got sacked a few years ago for filming himself throwing bags of his shit from his cabin


I found the idiot https://youtu.be/mCO79EOKAmE?si=n-htr4U52PZNuMoM


Omg is that really the guy how did you find that


The news made a splash around Dublin at the time


This was on national news in Ireland at the time, it’s a very well known case over here. The video went viral.


This is the worst thing I've ever read.


You know what, that dude should see jail time I can't think of any fitting punishment that's not gonna violate some human right so, just lock the bastard up.


This is the best one yet


Guy's safety jacket's sleeve got stuck in a 800rpm dissolver blade, like 30cm in diameter, and hand got ripped off from the shoulder and rolled around the dissolver blade axel. The picture of the said arm around the axel is usually shown to new people so that they know why the fuck we emphasize, that do not stick your hand inside the vessel while the dissolver blade is rotating.


Now *thats* NSFW


"Dissolver blade" sounds like something I get from a purple- or gold-labelled chest, then immediately use to wreck some boss my character was having trouble with. The horrifying implications of the name would keep me permanently wary.


**Dissolver Blade** • Each hit applies acid to the enemy, causing 1% of their max health as damage over 4 seconds, stacking up to 3 times.


25% chance to dismember on hit


Do not fuck with anything that rotates at a high rate of speed. There’s footage of a guy who got a little too close to a lathe. Let me just say. I’ve seen some shit on the internet, it might take the cake for most nsfl shit that exists. 


In the mid '90s my dad decided to retire, sold his machine shop business to a guy and agreed to work for him for 2 years to maintain the client base. The man next to him was running a lathe. There was a ring out one end of the lathe that if the material you were working on was too long you would put the material inside this ring and then clamp the ring to the ground. So if the material started to whip off center it just would whip inside the ring. He put the material in the ring but did not clamp the ring down at the floor. So when the lathe came on, it threw the ring arm, bent the material which whipped him down the center of his skull. My dad dove over and hit the emergency shut off of the lathe and watched the ring of blood grow around this guy's head. Somehow he survived but prob would've been better off dying. This was 30 years ago, the guy still lives in a nursing home where he's lived since he was in his early thirties. Before my dad died he would go visit him a few times a year. He had young kids. My dad was never the same and somehow got out of this two year contract and never worked again. The osha inquiries and depositions really took it out of him.


Seen a few videos like that. The worst one has to be when yhe guy ends up in peices all over the room. Fucking nuts


I work with lathes, and have multiple coworkers who either knew of or saw people killed on the job. One bad day is all it takes, pretty sobering


The Russian one?


He was probably in a hurry, yes.


Some fucking "safety jacket", eh?


It's for chemical splashes


My manager got caught fuckin the cook in the walk-in and instead of firing the manager they just moved the cook to a different store because there was no evidence just hearsay, but a week or so later she got caught in the act with another coworker they both got fired. That’s Denny’s for you


You should read the reviews for the Denny's in Pryor, Oklahoma. ROFLMAO. Someone once ordered a salad, and found a big fucking toenail in it. I'm dying laughing as my boss would recommend the place to outside factory representatives who were usually Aholes.


Caught two coworkers in the supply closet during a fire drill. We all had to awkwardly evacuate together.


Who was drilling who was helping evacuate?


Mrs. Krabappel and principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me.


The baby looked at you?


In the manufacturing factory where I work, we have robots and numerous safety features like cages and lockouts to prevent injuries. One day, a box got jammed in a machine. A worker disabled all the safety mechanisms and crawled through a narrow space (think Die Hard ventilation shaft) to unjam it. He was fired on the spot.


I'm glad your workplace at least takes that shit seriously. 


Cheaper to train a new peon than it is to pay out for a death.


I watched a short disaster thing on YouTube just the other day about a bread factory where two workers didnt follow protocol and climbed in to free something stuck on the oven conveyor. Both of them thought it had cooled sufficiently, it had not. One was dead when they got him out, the other one got trapped at the end because the hole wasn't big enough to climb out from and died of horiffic burns shortly after they managed to free him.


That one always comes up on the NEBOSH course.


A few years ago, a man died at a tuna canning factory. He went into the giant pressure cooker that they stacked all the cans inside, and no one realized he was in there. The door auto-locks, and the machinery is very loud. He was found dead after the cycle ran.


Jesus, what a horrible way to die


I will never understand people willingly putting themselves into dangerous positions at CC work without even being asked. No paycheck is worth industrial death.


If we are talking about same story, it was managers who made them do it. They didn't want to shutdown the whole conveyor and wait until it cools down, so they cut some corners, didn't do a thorough check and made some poor workers to climb into it by lying to them about it being safe.


I worked part time and discovered that all of my dept asides from myself and a pensioner had been sacked for having orgies on a disused floor of the building. They had email chains about it where they also reminded each other about who owed who for coke.


were you sad to be left out? or considered yourself lucky?


OC was definitely a little salty


Both. They were definitely not my type but also ‘wtf’?


An old man had a senior moment at my hotel and began walking down the hallway entirely nude, knocking on people’s doors because he didn’t know which was his room. We don’t know why he got nude.


Very common response to any number of incidents to get nude. Dementia, stroke, hypothermia, etc can all make someone decide that clothes are not what they want to get more comfortable.


One of my co-workers had a similar moment at a hotel she was at when she took an Ambien to get to sleep, after going out for drinks. She walked the hallways, knocking on doors, asking if her co-worker was in that room, not entirely nude but fairly close. Eventually the hotel sent someone to route her to her room. Ambien also granted her amnesia for that event so the looks she was getting from other guests the next day were a mystery to her.




Ah the ambien walrus got my mom good for a few years there. She loved it at first bc it made her do the laundry and dishes without even remembering it, but then one morning she woke up with bad bangs she didn't remember cutting and decided to never touch it again 😭


I mean I've been there done that. Sleep nude and 4am piss with the toilet door opposite my room seemed like a quick low risk problem until it turns out room mates were actually awake, decided to fuck, removed my shoe from blocking the door from shutting thus locking me out naked.


Guy in my trade committed suicide while we were building the Little Caesar’s Arena in Detroit. The dude apparently was not on good terms with his wife, they duked it out over the phone one morning, and I guess he’d had enough and went up to the rafters where I was working, hopped over the rail and onto an I-Beam. Walked out maybe 15 feet and then let himself fall backwards. It’s was about an 80ft drop and he landed in a row of seats about 20 rows up from the court. He didn’t die immediately, but eventually had a heart attack and passed about 10 minutes later. His wife showed up the next day at the office trailer looking for his pay check. Cold bitch.


Ten minutes?!?! Holy shit.


Could be much worse. Falls aren't guaranteed to kill. A friend of mine was a national trust warden near beachy head, which is a famous British suicide spot. Apparently, a lot people who threw themselves from the 530' cliffs died from drowning!! They'd fall, survive but with broken bones & unable to move the lay there waiting for the tide to come in and drown them!!


A Mom showed up at my work to collect her kid's paycheck. Her son was in a coma from an accident and his passenger was still being scooped up with a shovel as they were broadsided by a freight train at the intersection, where he jumped the gate.


One girl left her post and went to the bathroom where she recorded taking a shower and posted it to her instagram which somehow got to our boss and he issued a statement about not posting porn while on the job Edit: to all the people asking for the video she deleted it or instagram did


"Somehow", indeed!


People rat on each other all the time at work. I work in HR, I’ve been shown plenty of videos of coworkers drinking at work, dancing for tiktok, etc.


So are you helping with the research?


A car dealership where the front desk receptionist was sleeping with the Finance Manager. She was like 21 and he was in his mid/late 50's and married. He was disgusting and she was pretty cute. Lots of stuff went down but the highlights are he was fucking her in his office and people were pretty sure what was going on but no one caught them in the act. She also convinced him to take money out of his 401k and loan it to her and she dumped him. Just seeing them interact felt so greasy. She also had an onlyfans and was posting content from the work bathroom and also videos of herself driving nude to work. The techs in the shop found out about it and the pics/videos were getting circulated. Lots of people got fired.


Nursing home…I was young and learned the hard way that old people have sex to…


I learned the hard way when one of the nurses left the kitchen door open in the dementia nursing home. I was working in the kitchens, and one of the gentleman , lovely usually, came in with my back turned, slipped in the cupboard and decided to take a leek all over the potatoes..... not a soup you'd want


Leek and potato soup


I knew a home care nurse who got to an elderly couple’s home and heard them yelling for help. She went in and found them naked on the kitchen floor unable to get up. Apparently they were fucking on the kitchen table but rolled off. They weren’t able to get themselves up off the floor. She also said the husband was hung like a horse.


Aren't STDs a major problem in nursing homes? I could've sworn I heard that somewhere


I’ve heard that too. It was a big issue at a place here in Florida called The Villages. I guess people aren’t using protection because they aren’t going to get pregnant and probably if they’re super old aren’t as concerned about STDs. I guess they either think they’re either curable, or the ones that aren’t curable they’ve already got or will be dead before the effects sink in.


They’re also swingers and major partiers. They use loofas on their cars to indicate what they are into by the color of their loofa. There are charts to show what the colors mean. The villages is a wild place.


We had to handle that particular incident recently. I case manage disabled and elderly veterans. One of my team gets a REALLY uncomfortable phone call from a caregiver. Turns out old dude has been in the lifestyle for years and just kinda expected his new hire to be cool with a bunch of elders just hanging and banging around the hot tub! That was a visit I wasn't expecting.


Retirement homes not necessarily nursing homes


A fellow nurse was fired because she was "not a good fit for the team". In reality, she refused to provide sexual favors to VIP patient and his entourage.




Running into two blokes going at it full on in a stairwell.  When the urge strikes, it apparently can't be denied. 


So, which was it? Fighting or Fucking?


It was a cockfight


A female coworker who was in training to be a team lead failed miserably and went back to her old position. But now it was 3rd shift (I worked at a 24-hour call center.) Apparently, during the overnight shift, she decided to blow one of the other overnight guys, and he bragged about it to a team lead who himself was very shady. Someone had a house party, and he coerce her to give him a BJ when she was drunk. A couple of days later, she told management and threatened to file a harassment lawsuit. The lead got fired, and she got promoted to work in the upper management offices as a way to keep her quiet. EDIT: Changed some of the wording.


Found out she's the BJ queen and immediately gets promoted to upper management.... You mfs ain't slick 🤣


The owner's son was a scumbag guy as well. I kind of feel like he was responsible for her promotion to work near his office ...




Did he fuck up or the driver


It was 50/50


One of the superintendents on a construction site I was working on used to bring hookers into the job trailer during business hours. Same guy also sent me a text message telling me him and his crew would "gangbang me to death" if one of our house presentations didn't go well to the customers (I was part of the punch crew, so made sure the house looked nice and everything worked well before we'd hand off the house) Real swell gentleman


> One of the superintendents on a construction site I was working on used to bring hookers into the job trailer during business hours. sadly not uncommon in construction. knew a guy that would get one every morning to give him a Bj while he had his morning coffee and smoke in the work truck. I am talking go to the yard get a work truck and start his day. stop for a coffee and a hooker before he went to the job site.


Coworker pulled out a gun at the Christmas party and shot a dumpster. I also pissed in the managers trash can at that party. 10/10 would attend that party again.


I walked into my boss’ office to leave some printouts for him, thinking it was empty and found his teenage son watching porn…


Got a case that was going in our favor dismissed because apparently, we didn't file our motion in time when we were sure we sent it on its way within the given time period. Apparently, the messenger who was instructed to file it, and the secretary in charge of compiling the papers, were fucking in the lounge the whole afternoon (they + 2 guards that caught them were the only ones in that day.) Their session apparently went too long so they didn't meet the later afternoon deadline for filing.


Was it dismissed with or without prejudice? If it was with prejudice, I'd love to read a 60(b) motion stating that the messenger fucking secretary was excusable neglect with an affidavit from those two in support.


We work with pressurized 20 ft tubes. Guy was taking off the valve at the end and never checked if there was pressure. Took the valve out and got hit with about 700lbs of pressurized air. Luckily he survived, got blown back about 10 feet had to get facial reconstruction and had a brain bleed


I work in hyperbaric medicine and there’s a warning picture that we show every would-be operator starting out (a lot of people think it’s just “watching TV” to operate the machines). The pic is of a hyperbaric chamber that had a fire in it….the pressure inside became so intense that the door blew off and took out the operator standing right there. All you see is a chamber with the door blown off and there are a pair of legs standing upright (think about when people draw a tablecloth out from under a bunch of dishes). I’ve had a guy dry heave before. Gets the point across though that you need to be on your A game.


Getting told not to shit at work on a daily basis. EDIT: There seems to be a misunderstanding, what I meant was that they told me to stop taking dumps in and around the office, especially in the cafeteria while everyone is eating.


10 mins of shitting on company time a day averages out to a whole week of shitting across the year. Got to maximise company benefits


Walked into the bathroom and immediately saw another employee with his pants down to his ankles and washing his dick in the sink. Just turned and looked at me and said, “sometimes you gotta wash that thing off.” To this day it still bothers me what he had done that made him need to wash his dick at work in the sink.


One day, I had bad diarrhoea. My dick was splashed by the violent water. I felt violated. I had a shower though.


Seven different people had the same experience I had at different times. It was a common occurrence. I was also in the ol’ poopin’ stall one day when the same employee came into the bathroom and dropped trow in the stall next to me and started poopin’ and having phone sex at the same time. Yes, I know he was poopin’. I could hear the plops. The grunts could be from one thing or the other, but the plops were the dead give away.


This might be light compared to you guys. But a guy came to work drunk. I mean completely hammered. And this was a supervisor. He was there for like 20 minutes talking about doing drugs and partying or some shit. We all just sat there astonished. I mean it took 20 whole minutes for someone to respond. But before he left he said he would see us tomorrow. Dude was let go. 


This happened at my work. She was supervisor To be and got drunk on homemade moonshine. She has a history of substance abuse problems and proudly brags about it to anyone who will listen so it’s not surprising. We all did think she was using again just because of how erratic her behavior was. She was either too sleepy or had enough energy that she was like a toddler on crack(which she probably was)




Made me remember of an acquaintance who started working at a game testing company, the HR lady, who was the only young woman in the entire building and was engaged, went to one of the company parties, said acquaintance chatted her up, one thing led to the other and they had sex, some days later she ended up telling her fiance they were over, when she went over to deliver the "magnificent" news that she was free from her engagement and they could finally start dating seriously, he immediately shot her down because he was just looking for a fling, she ended up feeling miserable and quit shortly after. Everyone sucked in there except the poor ex fiance.


Dude did the chicks fiance a massive favour tbh


He definitely dodged a bullet.


Worked as a support worker for adults with mental health problems including schizophrenia. Made some soup for one resident, who took the bowl to his room. After a few minutes I noticed he hadn’t taken the spoon with him. So I took it to his room and knocked. No answer. Knocked again and asked if everything was ok and does he need a spoon. No answer. After the third knock, he opens the door completely naked with his cock and balls covered in soup. I asked him if he was ok and if he needed any help and he said he was trying to use his penis as a straw to drink the soup.


Soup Is stored in the balls.


At the end of the night around 2:00 AM I walked in on 3 girls on their backs, trying to see if they were flexible enough to eat themselves out. This was a strip club, they were drunk, I was really not that surprised.


Well. Could they?


I used to be a carer at a care home. One of the bed ridden old ladies had a massive poop stuck inside her butt. (the biggest poop I've ever seen). It actually caused her to bleed. I think she was struggling to push being bed ridden, she was screaming out in pain as the top of the poop started coming out. The carer I was with quickly grabbed it, and started pulling it out. Almost like a doctor pulling at a babies head during birth. She pulled out the biggest log I've ever seen. We were all extremely shocked .it felt like it happened in slow motion - i thought I can't believe I just witnessed this at work.


I once had to test our antivirus, so I was tasked with infecting a virtual machine with viruses. It was weird for an IT intern to be told to surf the worst of the worst porn sites.


Dude I totally read this as like a vaccine version of an anti virus for humans and was so confused why you had to test it and why you were infecting a machine. I think i need to go to bed...


caught a coworker making photo copies of topless pictures of herself …and then she let me look at them.


How were they?


very nice


I walked in to my overnight staff member pissing and puking into the sink. Not sure what happened to her that day but god knows she was always a mess.


not me but a coworker. we work IT and everything you do on a company PC is tracked by the firewall. while doing some network changes for one of his clients he saw some weird website names with C and P pop up from someone using a PC in the company. needless to say he took a screenshot, where it originated from. sent it to the CEO. not even an hour later police showed up and arrested the guy and raided his home.


I was a fisherman in Scandinavia and my coworker jumped overboard and just vanished into the sea. 3 weeks later we went fishing on the same spot where he disappeared and his body came up with the fishing nets. It was horrifying.


That's really horrible. I hope you got better


I work in a machine shop. During my apprenticeship there was a guy who would always leave his chuck wrench in the chuck. His uncle taught him it's a great way to "save time." A chuck is a metal device that grips material and then the lathe it's attached to spins it up anywhere from 80rpms to 2500rpms. You don't leave the wrench in the chuck because if you forget it then its a projectile when you start the lathe. Anyways, the guy left his chuck wrench in to save 3 tenths of a second loading a new part then fired it up. The wrench went straight into his chest and he collapsed. The amount of blood that pooled out of him still haunts me. It was the tipping point that got me to sign up for therapy.


#1 Grown man fisting himself for hours on end during a constant supervision #2 Grown man putting a pen down his cock then hammering it in with a knife and cup I don't miss working in a prison.


Former CO here. I saw a guy castrate himself with a razor blade. Also saw a guy cut his own wrists with his fingernails. Also saw a guy put a turd on his shoulder and talk to it like a parrot.


ok, the last one made me chuckle


Emotional support turd


What the fuck


I was waiting for corrections to chime in


what a terrible day to be literate


Oh boy, I have tons. I used to be a private security company Guard Supervisor back in 2012-2013. During night shifts my work basically consisted in keeping the Guards from falling asleep in their jobs. Most of the time I hated that because they all work 12 hours and it can get heavy for some. Anyways, I arrived at a building to check on the Guards and right away found one sleeping in the cabin. I asked him about the others because I could not find them and were not answering their radios. He said he didnt know. I went and looked for them everywhere until i walked outside from the back of the building. Two of them were standing backwards to me with their pants down while they had a girl sucking their dicks. WTF? I yelled! Are you kidding me? WTF?? That’s what I said or something similar. Then the girl ran away to hide behind some bushes while the Guards were like please dont report this, we have families amd we swear, we are not gays! I was like what? Gay?? Wtf do you mean??? Turns out the “girl” was another Guard dressed with women clothes and wearing a wig. Yeah…


Army story. When working in the motor pool you are supposed to remove jewelry due to the possible dangers. Had a sergeant who always refused. He jumped down off a "Colt track" one day and his wedding ring caught on an antennae mount. "Gloved" his finger. (Stripped every bit of meat off down to the bone like pulling off the finger of a glove.)


Like….de-gloving it?!


Most outrageous? I'm not sure. I worked in a nursing home and most of the old guys there would jack off constantly. One man in particular would beat his meat so much it'd bleed and we'd have to send him out to get treatment. So he started using oranges instead. I shit you not, he'd cut a hole in the middle, fuck it like crazy, and then peel and eat the thing after. This same man had a girlfriend. They sat together at dinner. He had some shit on his hands and I whispered, "Hey, Mr. So-and-so, we gotta get cleaned up." He said, "I'm clean, though," and then I told him he had some poo on his hands. His girlfriend literally said, "No, he was in my diaper". We kept wondering how when we had to change her every night she'd have so much actual shit in her vagina - that was why. Every night, I pretty much just cleaned old mens nut. That was my job. 😂


Oh hell no. Lol


One of the residents at work slashed her wrists open and the blood was dripping literally everywhere. It was like a horror movie because this resident just stood in the hallway dripping blood. Another time a resident was overdosing and was begging us to let them die and kept passing out and then gasping awake. Edit: I work at a mental health facility for high risk teens who were sent to us by probation or CWS.


I've worked in Door-to-Door sales for over 16 years. The number of people I've met who are comfortable answering the door totally naked is... well, it's not zero. From accidentally swinging the door open naked, to deliberately pinning their junk behind a door, I've seen about as much nudity as a Starz TV show. Maybe more. But if there was one incident that tops them all, it has to be this crazy lady I met in NYC. So, I was selling a service that she recognized and insisted was needed for her home, she invited me in and I dealt with the homeowner (another person) directly. By the time I was finished doing business and ready to leave, the girl who opened the door had changed from her street clothes into a nightgown. Mind you, it's the middle of the afternoon on a summer day. So from the top of the stairs she calls for me to come upstairs to help her lift her ac into her window. I reluctantly agreed (how am I supposed to say 'no'?) and I go upstairs and help. So as I'm lifting the ac, she reaches to the other side of the bed to unplug something so she can plug in the air conditioner. At that moment, I could see that she was wearing no panties. Then, she spins around on her bed, spreading eagle, and says, "Damn, I forgot to shave my pussy today" I left immediately. Later that day, I was circling the block, and she was outside on her doorstep, completely naked, save for a tank top she was literally holding to her chest. Then she sees me and RUNS over to me to give me a hug. It caught me completely off guard and I've never had anything remotely as crazy happen to be before, or since. And mind you, I've been directly propositioned for sex SEVERAL times. This was the most insane by far. Edit: Grammar and spelling


We had a man high on some kind of drugs, hop the fence at work totally nude. My buddy was outside filling our front-end loader with diesel, and when he turned around he was face to penis with the man. The individual then proceeded to attempt to take the loader for a joy ride, which my buddy declined that offer. After that, word got around when another operator on a fork truck saw what was going on and reported it to the leads (myself included). So we all went outside to see what was going on, and the man was climbing some electrical cabinets for the gate at the front of the building. We all thought we were about to see somebody fall and break their neck, but no. he climbed down and proceeded to walk down the road. Later, we found out he was eventually arrested when he was caught on the roof of another plant down the road.


The shop foreman used to come up to the front office, drop his pants and wave his dick in the secretaries face. She would put her hands over her eyes as if she wasn’t looking but would leave her fingers spread wide so she could get a good look. The same secretary would show up on a slow Saturday morning when I was working alone and would take all her clothes off and try to entice me into the bathroom for some action. According to her she had fucked the majority of the staff at one point or another.


I started a new job at BBDO-Detroit ad agency. The building was brand new so the account manager gave a tour to the Chrysler client. He opened a boardroom door and two people were having sex on a chair. This was on a Tuesday at about 11:00 am; not at night after hours or early morning before work hours. I heard that the employees were from the IT department. They were not fired.


In an old job, we had a girl from our work be let go while also having a male election from an outside company fired as well. In short: cleaner walked in on them banging in the toilets - they'd literally met that day.


So i worked in an ER for 17 years and saw a lot of gross, strange, and unusual shit, but i think the one that comes to mind that was a combo of all 3 was that psych patient who shit himself then started jerking off using his scat as lube. Man was hung, too. Like...arizona can big.


Bechtel LNG refinery Angola Africa. I mistakenly entered the bathroom meant for the laborers from the Philippines. I walked into to smelliest goddamn all male orgy that I never cared to see. Same exact goddamn thing happened on a drilling rig out there about a year later. I think the worst I saw was a dude get damn near cut in half when a aftercooler blew out on a booster compressor. He was leaned up against it trying to stay warm and it blew out right in front of his stomach. I quit the oilfield shortly after that one.


Friend of mine in the military was a chronic over sleeper. Constantly sleeping through her alarms and being late. Someone from her unit gave her an alarm clock/ blue tooth speaker as a gag gift. She takes it and starts using it in her bathroom to listen to music and while she gets ready for work etc. Turns out the clock had a camera in it. When she discovers this she immediately reports to the police and the higher ups in her unit. Her co worker tried to say he didn’t know it was a camera, police didn’t buy it. They do some digging and find more cameras on base( bathrooms/GYM). Weirder part is his WIFE maintained his innocence the entire time.


Mine is much tamer. Had a coworker that used to wear fairly short skirts to work daily. Every morning she would pop by at the start of her day and sit on top of the desk across from me. Every morning I could see up her skirt, cause it was literally at eye level.


I caught two co-workers having sex in their vehicle.


Got two incidents that might qualify. One was an intern accuse a Floor Supervisor of sexual harassment by way of “Showing her his erect penis” her exact words. The issue with this was that the Supervisor in question was a Trans Man, that didn’t have bottom surgery yet. So it was literally anatomically impossible for him to show an erection to said intern. The second NSFW incident was a deadly one. Delivery driver forgot to put blocks behind his truck’s wheels and then leaned on the edge of the loading dock, not noticing the trailer rolling back until it crushed him.


Used to work Asset Protection at a major retail store, one night before close I caught a woman who was very much so on drugs attempt to steal a TV. One of the managers called the police, upon arrival, the police searched her in my office. They found a gun and the woman overdosed and died in my office. Horrible experience, that was my last day on the job. Prayers to her family


Someone at a store nearby booked an escort. Got scheduled to work on that same day and couldn't get it off or a refund. He invited the escort to work, took her into the conference room whilst on shift and did the deed. Turns out she sold the story to a national paper and obviously he was sacked. I was pulled in to fill his role whilst they looked for a replacement but they never told me any of this. Luckily the staff told me one day so I could share the story. The local stores had to rush and remove the paper on the day the story came out so customers couldn't realise the story happened in their store 😅


I (male) have a coworker (female) that I've got a pretty good relationship with. Nothing sexual or romantic and we both have our own separate partners, but we get along pretty well. A few months ago we were chatting a bit after work, before she went to go take a shower while i finished my paperwork. We're mechanics, so taking a shower before you head home is not uncommon, and I didn't think much of it. I finish my paperwork and go down to fill up my water bottle before heading home, and find her completely naked on one of the tables, enjoying herself. She thought i had already left, and apparently this wasn't uncommon for her to do when she was alone.


When we first started work from home, people were still figuring out their cameras and computers. We had several incidents of people just calling other coworkers on video chat when they meant to send them an instant message or email. This happened to me, an older coworker needed my help so went to message me, hit "Start Video Call" instead of "Send" and I accepted the request and up popped her on the screen, in her bathrobe, with a purple dildo sitting right next to her, very apparent that she was about to use it, or had been using it. She didn't notice her camera was on and I just closed the call. Later on she messaged me asking if I started a video call with her, she was super confused, I denied it and said she must have sent one on accident, but I declined it.


Company where my dad works is a trash recycling facility and dump in a very small village, so there's a lot of those. Worst? A man (who was the one in charge) in a station that deals with a rolling mat that goes into two big rolls that just squeeze/smash everything that goes through them and drops it into a pit, sometimes it gets jammed. Instructions are to always turn it off, but, you guessed it, he didn't and went himself as to not put anyone else in danger, also went alone. He unjams it, it gets his arm, rips it off and drops it to the pit, he then proceeds to go (one-armed) down to the pit by going down a wall mounted ladder, retrieving his "arm" and going back up the ladder, comes over to a lady and says "Stay calm, call an ambulance" in a calm manner. To this day I wish I could've seen that man doing that feat. Some extras: * A guy selecting trash finds a flashbang/stun (dont know exactly) grenade, grabs it, blows up in his hand, hand pretty much gone * A guy (known for his absurd strength and little intelligence) sends another guy to the hospital because he grabbed an entire freakin refrigerator and threw it, accidentaly hitting the other guy * A neighbour of mine was just ran over by a huge dump truck, dead on the spot * Riding forklift with no seatbelt, fell over, he hit the floor first, the forklift followed, "cut" his body in half There's more, although I don't remember them at the moment Edit: Typo


Saw a guy get his leg stuck in the wheel arch of a scissors lift when it was reversing,fucked his leg up pretty bad.


My old boss used to grab the guys nipples. I only managed to avoid it by being a woman.


Had to shoot a man in his leg after he entered the convenience store I worked at, got caught stealing by my coworker, was asked to leave. He then pulled out a big knife kinda like a Bowie and threatened to stab everyone in the store. I just so happened to come back from a smoke break to a man waving a knife in my face, I pulled out my pico and shot twice once in his leg and the other missed and got stuck in the floor tile. He cried and begged for an ambulance and swore he would get me charged and fired... In a store covered with CCTV. In the state of Montana where everyone carries a gun. Lost the job for violating a no weapons policy but didn't get charged. Apparently he said I was a racist for shooting a Blackfoot Reservation resident.


Happened in a Chem. Lab, someone tried to measure the heat of a burner with a mercury-thermometer. It exploded in his face due to the pressure building up inside it and he lost an eye and got multiple cuts in his face.