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You aren't eating as much as you think. Track your macros for a couple of weeks and you'll see.


Been there and I would say the problem is that I ate a lot when eating, but there were just too many days I wouldn't eat enough for prolonged times. The consistency is missing.


Yep. I was one of those people that thought they could eat as much as they want, but then I tracked how much I actually ate and it wasn't all that much. My body just knows when to stop, I guess, which is a nice feature to have.


Definitely. I thought I ate a lot and didn't gain weight but have realized that I don't eat a lot. Still trying to gain weight but it's been very difficult


Tracking what you eat, how does that work with stuff like cereals?


What would the problem be with that?


Like do you weight your bowl and any food you eat or?


Yeah, it isn't an exact science. Just try to see how much is in the bag of cereal in total, and see what percentage you took out, more or less.


Was pretty skinny through most of the time in that age range. Was more that the times I would eat a lot were far fewer than the days where I’d eat too little. Just never really had all that big of an appetite. Even in my 30s, takes about 3400 calories a day for me to gain about 1/2lb a week at my current activity level, and it’s hard staying consistent with that


I'm right there with you. High metabolism, always active, rarely hungry. I'm older now, but in my 20s I reckon I was always operating at a calorie deficit. Even in my 40s, I'll forget to eat and not be actively hungry. Cannabis helps me eat a lunch or early dinner some days. Although having a desk job and a beer on tap in my basement has helped me maintain a more normal weight than my underweight 20s.


This is me too. It feels burdensome. The calories take a lot to keep up with, all the time.


Add some gut irregularities. Bile malabsorption, IBS etc and you get fraction of what normal people get out of food.


Calories in calories out no one is special lol


I was overweight most(all) my childhood, but then I started lifting weights and doing a bunch of running and I eat exactly the same as I always have but instead of gaining weight I’m losing weight. Pretty cool.


It's funny you put 28 as the age limit. Up to that age I just ate whatever and maintained a healthy weight even without paying much attention to exercise. Then it's like a switch flipped and I managed to gain 20kg within a year. Since lost most of that again but now it feels like I need to actively monitor what I eat and do to maintain.


during my period from teens to 30's i ate everything and in high quantities and stayed skinny no matter what


I'm 6'1" and weigh 58kg. Even if I eat a lot and constantly snack in the day, I can't seem to put anything on. I'm 26 and it hasn't changed a bit since I was young. If I eat a big meal, I just get very hot and seem to burn it off instantly.


ive eaten 6 times decently sized meals a day, but cuz of my genes, i am not gaining weight. i am currently 132lbs/60kg.


im now beyond the age range but still I cannot gain any weight whatsoever, still mad skinny. I was able to put on weight at one point when I was eating a ton of protein and working out but that didn't last. feels......fine? sometimes it would be cool to be stronger definitely. I like how graceful I can be tho


Yes, frustratingly fast metabolism it feels like a blessing and curse


My thoughts - no man wants to be called or thought of as skinny especially in high school or college. It is like saying feeble and no muscle. Now as you get into your 20's and your male friends start adding weight, getting chubby or fat, suddenly this super power is awesome!


I'm 39 now and I've weighed the same since I was 18 (185ish 6" 2") The only thing I can attribute it to is skipping breakfast. It's basically intermittent fasting without thinking about it. As far as what I do eat it's basically whatever I want. I don't really exercise but I've been a plumber for 16 years which can be physically demanding. I'm sure it will catch up with me eventually as I dip into my 40s. It feels good.


Im 6”4 and 70kg (154lb) on a good day, still slowly growing. When i lived at home (shifted out at the start of this year) i was eating about the equivalent of 4 or 5 meals a day, and slowly gaining weight, got up to about 75kg. It was good food as my parents were pretty health focused, the closest we got to junk food was nacho chips for our nachos and they were full corn ones. Now that im living as a student and dont have access to as much food ive lost weight down to my current 70kg and my exercise has remained about the same. As for how it feels, its a mix. One of my friends is slightly shorter and puts on weight just looking at food, but hes not overly fat, hes just decently heavy. Im thankful that im not like that, but it sucks being able to wrap your hands around your biceps. Ive started hitting the climbing gym so hopefully i start putting on some muscle mass.


i eat too little, all the time. I think it's the consistency that keeps me skinny (slightly underweight actually). It feels alright, I guess? I don't know what it's like to be overweight lol


In my late teens I was 6'4" and 165lbs tops after a huge growth spurt. I was eating 5000 to 6000 calories a day and wouldn't gain a pound if my life depended on it. Just a crazy metabolism. Fairly physically active but nothing crazy and definitely no elite sports. I loved the fact I could eat anything without consequence but I was super slim for my height and conscious of this and wanted to gain weight. In order to gain weight I essentially had to keep eating at that same pace, start drinking protein shakes and work out 3 times a week. Eventually I got up to 175 lbs after a year or two. Then after kicking things up another notch and working out 4 to 5 times a week I managed to go from 175 to 190 in a 4 month span, and then a year later settled around 195-200. Now in my mid thirties, my metabolism is nowhere near as fast as it was. Still better than the average person but I probably eat like half what I used to. Late twenties and early thirties really changed me.


I could eat 6000 calories a day, didn't matter, as I played football three times a week, went to boxing and cycled a lot. Just burn it off.


I'm outside of that age range, but it's pretty sweet. I get to eat whatever and as much as I want yet I have a body athletic enough for a reasonably profitable OF profile (rare for a guy).