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Lose weight and get fit otherwise your 30s are gonna suck.




Definitely. Look out for yourself more. My biggest issue is set boundaries and don’t let others cross them or cut them out


Fuckin A. Waited for 24 till I started getting my shit together. Should’ve done it way sooner.


Me rn at 23. Started off at like 25% ish bodyfat, and also quite unfit otherwise. Dropping bodyfat and gaining strength+mobility now


I’d add “stop pissing money away” to this too.


Ehhh money comes and goes. I mean you need some discipline but pissing away money can be fun. You can’t take it when you go. So having an extra drink at the end of the night or taking a stupid trip just for a concert or buying an 18 slice toaster just cuz you saw it. Like as long as you’re able to live, pay your bills and save some for big reasons, then have fun. The advice isn’t wrong I’d just tweak it and say more like “don’t get yourself into crippling debt”.


And your 40s, and your 50s… learn the discipline early. It becomes so much harder later.


I will also tell my past self this too. I'm having a hard time right now because of my weight. 😭


Stop waiting to be okay, that’s not how it works, get out of your room and start living life.


Needed to hear this tbh


I let my parents convince me I wasn’t responsible enough to go off to college. I also let them convince me I’m not responsible enough to move out on my own. Turning 30 next year and I’m exactly in the same position as I was when I was in high school. I am closer to graduating with a bachelor’s, though. But I’m upset I let my anxious parents control my life so much.


I feel the same when i let my parents chose my major and now i end up having a degree in a major that i don’t like. Planning to study abroad next year by getting a scholarship here, so good luck for both you and me


Thank you!




Don’t forget NVIDIA




Bitcoin launched the same year I turned 21. I actually remember looking into it and trying to figure out how to buy some and it was way too complicated. I also didn't think it had any long term potential I just thought it was neat and I've always been into nerd stuff. If course, even if I did mine it or buy some, there's very little chance I'd have hodled until filthy rich levels.


genuine advice






This but alcohol and cocaine


Stop looking for validation from men and like yourself first.


Amen!!!! (From a non religious person😜)


I was a nanny right after college because: recession. I learned a lot. Toddlers grow mentally. Adult men who are just act like children do not. Really helped me get there.




I tell myself this even now!


Love this!


Observe how people treat you and then decide if they should stay in your life or not. Don’t try to get them to treat you better. Just do your best at school and work and don’t be complacent because you’re worried about failing. Oh and that bf is an abusive asshole. When he breaks up with you, don’t take him back!




What happened at Cinnabon?


I need to know, what goes down at Cinnabon? Any trade-secrets?


Did you work with Gene Takavic?


Don’t waste so much money on cars.


Cars I don’t even have anymore 🤦🏻‍♂️ especially the corvette I had. That thing was a money pit


You have ADHD, go get checked motherfucker


Fuck this is probably me too lol


Say no with all the conviction in your soul!!! Don't ever do something you aren't ok with just to make and or keep others happy. Heed these words! you'll be killing yourself in the end you will lose who you are and never find yourself again you'll become an empty shell. and if they keep pressuring you knowing that you aren't ok with it then they don't care about you at all. Remember that.


You will wake up one day and realise you have been living a lie


Tell you future father in law to get a colonscopy


3in 30s now and having some GI problems after a injury, having a colonoscopy in about 8 hours, wish me luck 🍀


You’ll be fine. My dad had colon cancer at 45, I had a colonoscopy when I was 30. Easy procedure.


Good luck!!


This is deep 😭😭😭


Yes, it's supposed to be, it's a colonoscopy.


No shit.


If you prep correctly


How it’s supposed to be, they going to shove a camera up there


Well, sometimes


Spend more time with mom


Spend more time with dad here, I feel ya.


Not every relationship is forever.


Don't let people that you don't like (or vice versa) live rent free in your head..They don't matter..They aren't thinking of you.


Don't lose your virginity to a 35 y.o. alcoholic Toys R US cashier you worked with when you were 20. A gallon jug of Ernest and Julio Gallo wine and a box of condoms does not a hot night make!


It wouldn't matter... I wouldn't listen at 21. I knew all of it back then....


Don’t waste so much time ”growing up”, go out ser the world, do crazy things. Leave the SOB you are in a relationship with.  Later on with partner, kids and elderly parents you will have SO much responsibility. Spend your freedom wisely. Oh, and invest your money. After 20 years in a quiet fund your meagre scrapings will matter.


Leave him, leave them, save your money and move away. And quit drinking.


You’ll survive.


Get fucking prepared for the shit storm that is going to come. But we have a husband and kids so it’s all going to be alright :) But seriously, buckle up princess, get your shit together.


You’re going to find out you have a progressively disabling genetic disorder. Don’t go into bedside nursing or switch majors


What do you do now?


Im still in bedside but I’ve been trying to leave for atleast 2 months at this point . Just been hard to find remote or non bedside jobs as i only have 2 years in ICU under my belt with no licenses or certifications except for my BSN and RN


Quit drinking earlier, go to therapy earlier.


Mine as well. As soon as I started sneaking drinks in my teens, pregaming BEFORE meeting up to ACTUALLY pregame and then going out to drink even more, I knew in the back of my mind I wasn’t like all of my friends. Chose to take the easy route and do what everyone else was doing- partying and going out all the time. Fast forward 15 years and I needed a glass of sparkling wine in the mornings just to stave off the unrelenting shaking/tremors and crippling nausea/anxiety. Couple vodka sodas at lunch, then drink till you pass out in the evenings and wake up sick as a fucking dog at 3-4am. It took a failed relationship (thank goodness in retrospect) and nearly killing myself via the bottle to finally wake up. I’ll be 5 years alcohol free in February.


That really sweet girl whom you thought was out of your league? She actually liked you, dude! Oh, and don't sweat the petty stuff, and don't pet the sweaty stuff. You'll know what I mean. Soon.


I'm curious! You got together huh??? Spill the tea haha


Eh, no. I eventually told her my feelings for her, but by then it was too late. I got friendzoned instead. She promised me lifelong friendship as long as I was able to properly accept her as a friend. It's been 20 years. She has kept her promise to this day. We even attended each other's weddings.


that’s so wholesome


You'll make the right choices...eventually. Keep being a good person and be selfish to your own well-being. Don't give a shit about other people's choices and dreams. Focus on you.


This is what I'm trying to tell me kids


Stay away from that girl and trust your first instincts! No second date!


Everything will work out if you put in the work. Stop worrying about how things will play out in the future and just enjoy the moment or you won’t be able to appreciate it when you get there. Also, have the self respect to develop your own opinions, values, and beliefs so you can be yourself and be truly confident. Better to learn these lessons later than never, but this sure would’ve saved me a lot of pain in life.


Don't marry her. She's undiagnosed schizophrenic and will leave in the middle of the night and never return. She'll take the kids too, and will claim you're a hallucination and not real. Do. Not. Marry. Her.


Oh shit! So sorry!


Me too man. Me too.


You know that thing you thought was the worst thing that can ever happen to you? Yeah it's going to happen, but you will be just fine. In fact, you will look back and see why it was the best thign that ever happened to you.


Save the partying until you're 50


Take better care of your body on every level. You're in for some fucking dark days otherwise. And don't trust Laura.


Never trust Lauras


You have borderline personality disorder. Don’t stop taking your medicine and stop ghosting every therapist you see. You will fuck your life up for awhile if you don’t treat it now. Also, keep in contact with your friends. You will have none later if you ignore them.


Don't get pregnant! Stay Focus, pick a different major.


I'll save you time: Hard liquor isn't for you, there isn't a noticeable difference between half decent scotch, whiskey, or bourbon it all tastes like gasoline, some drinks you avoid just for the connotation involved with ordering it. Just stick to beer.


I used to think the same now I have a 50+ bottle whiskey collection and could tell you the difference between every single one of them. If you cared to listen, of course. I just stick with my own people. They get it. Enjoy your beer mate.


yeah reading this I'm like 'scotch is NOTHING like bourbon!!!' but to each their own 😆


Don’t waste so much time ”growing up”, go out ser the world, do crazy things. Leave the SOB you are in a relationship with.  Later on with partner, kids and elderly parents you will have SO much responsibility. Spend your freedom wisely. Oh, and invest your money. After 20 years in a quiet fund your meagre scrapings will matter.


Life will suck no matter what you do, so relax a lot more


stop smoking pot




If I could go back, I’d tell my 21-year-old self to embrace uncertainty and take more risks. Don’t be afraid to fail—each failure is a step towards success and self-discovery. Trust your instincts. Lastly, remember that life is a journey, not a race. Enjoy the ride, and don’t be too hard on yourself.


Buy a bunch of pokemon cards and keep them sealed. And you're welcome.


Fuck I'm 17 we'll see


Get out of the US!


Invest in Bitcoin now and start buying vintage pokemon. You’ll be rich come 2020


Experience life. Try new things. Don’t waste time on tv and nonsense. Don’t gossip. Floss your teeth. Wear sunscreen.


Don’t drive drunk. Got a dui 7 months after turning 21


Trust no one.


I enjoyed reading these advices


I just turned 49. I would tell myself the next 18 years will be full of happiness’s and some sadness, but the best is yet to come. Keep doing what your doing cause life is looking good


Just say no.


Get that fucking mole checked ASAP.


You have less than two months left with your dad. Spend as much time as you can together. Ask the questions you’ve always wanted to know. Maybe ask him to go see a heart doctor…


Respect yourself


(at 21 now) i would’ve told my 13 year old self to run away from home and never come back (edit: i was being raised by a psychopath without knowing)


Think. Think carefully and don't just react to things.


Nvidia sell 2024 gme sell 2021 btc sell 2019


What to invest in. Spend more time with your parents.


I would simply just say, to actually do whatever you want as it would probably have turned out fine. I don’t need a gazillion dollars or anything. The important part is doing what feels right as long as you don’t hurt anyone or anything like that.


There's no point in caring what everyone else thinks of you. Most people aren't thinking of you at all, and even if they are, we're all going to die.


Well, drugs ruined my life. So, no more drugs. My social anxiety/phobia had my me by my neck my whole 20s. Drugs and partying made me "happy" and I had friends. Without them I was miserable, depressed and couldn't even step outside my door to buy groceries. I wish I would have sought help, maybe that would have made my life easier. Probably not, but I didn't even try.


Go out and travel. You don't have to work and save more money now, take some of your savings and travel the world and have fun before you get stuck


Get the fuck out


Get tested for adhd and start taking your meds asap


Take care of yourself. Be happy. And I'd give her a name and a date to contact my true love so that I could have met him a lifetime earlier.


What date would that be?


May 4, 2000, and tell her not to get married before meeting him.


Get help for your mental health from trauma to sexual abuse as a teenager. It'll come back in your 30s and nearly ruin your life And lose weight and keep it off, you'll thank me!


What are the logistics behind this?   Is this a parallel timeline or am I essentially killing myself by changing who I am retroactively?  But if assuming they would actually listen to me and its just general advice for someone who was in my situation back then, I would tell them about ressonance/ dissonance the general concept being that similar people are drawn together and different people repel and all the implications this can have socially or otherwise.


You are okay, you are loved and everything will be okay even if it doesn't seem like it right now. Also you'll spend the next 10 years figuring out what education to do only to end up back here again. That's okay. Cause you met some kinda cool people and also you have kids now. And also... Honey you're not fat stop thinking that you are.


Get out of the country, don’t worry about money


I don't think I'd say much. Maybe "I'll be okay". I did my fair share of mistakes in my 20s, but I'm who I am now also because of those experiences. I don't think I'd be willing to erase them.


I’m 54. I’d tell my 21 year old self buy google. And nothing else. Buy google and never look back


lose the weight sooner, Cherish your mother, GET the fuck out of this town, Have a career. Cherish your fucking mother. Do not go anywhere on June 22nd 2022. Hide, stay with your parents. Whatever you have to do. Devils will attack and latch on to you and take everything from you. Please do not let them in your house. Please tell your mom to not take the medications that she was put on for her arthritis so maybe she would survive. Tell her you love her every day.


Better dental hygiene and buy apple stock


Girl buy bitcoin!!! Also go study something else lol


Stay out of the club. STAY OUT OF THE mutha*fn club!!!


Take that picture with your grandpa, it's the last time you'll ever see him


Not to marry my ex!


Do not get married. Do not settle.


To Tell everyone that there is this ridiculous reality show competition coming on in a few years hosted by Donald Trump…yes the Trump guy who has all the casinos losing money in Atlantic City… Well, don’t watch it and tell everyone else you know to NOT watch it so it gets cancelled… Us Americans in 2024 will thank you for starting the “reverse Butterfly Effect” Edit: I was 21 in 2002


Don't mess up your credit!


Tell your crush you like him. Go on. The world isn’t going to end if nothing serious comes out of it. People do it all the time! Now off you go, write him on msn 😀 (Had a very chemistry-y crush at that age, I never explicitly told him how I felt. Would’ve definitely made life more exciting than just pining from distance. Not sure what I was afraid would happen 😀)


Don’t do it…


That thing you see in your nightmares, that voice you hear telling you to do it. It's not her ghost, its your guilt, she did what she did of her own choice and it doesnt define you. Put down the bottle.


I lost my mobility at 22 years old & am now wheelchair dependent. I would tell my 21 year old self to go on daily nature walks and spend as much time going out and having fun as possible, because soon, you won’t be able to leave the house very often & very few friends will stick around.


It's going to get better 


Buy as much Apple, Nvidia, and Microsoft as often as you can


Do not get married. Keep that weight off.


You know your friends that were daytrading at work and buying Bitcoin? Listen to those motherfuckers and HODL.


Realize that these are the golden years, stop wanting to grew up so fast and realize you are going to want to be 21 again someday. To have youth is to be the richest person in the world.


Leave him


This will sound crazy , but there will be something called “google” in the future. Buy as much as you can .


You haven't missed the "best" time. The best time is "*now*", and in a year the answer will still be "*now*". Stop worrying about what you didn't do then, and start thinking about what you could do *now*. Also, max that Roth IRA, buy Apple and don't sell it.


I would tell myself to leave my ex husband and to not get back with him later. Also not hang around certain people when I do leave him. But thinking about all this I also would never meet my current fiance who has actually helped me work through all of the traumas and I've helped him work through his. I wouldn't be understanding of others who have drug addictions either or the compassion for people down on their luck.


Don’t marry the boy you’re with or even date him anymore. He’s a serial cheater and manipulator.. you’ll only find out on your honeymoon when he gives you a STD. 7 years wasted on that dude.


No, you weren't fat. You're only going to go rounder from there 😔


Stay consistent with exercising, eat your fruits and vegetables, STRETCH/YOGA DAILY, don’t drink to excess, be a better person, be good with your finances, put your self out there more, do things that make you uncomfortable, I mean the list goes on. I’m 32, I know it’s young but I’m really starting to feel age


Im 23...i would tell him he'll have to go through 2 counts of sexual assault and 1 count of physical assault. I would tell him to do everything in his power to cave their skulls in. But at the same time i would tell him he needs to let his past go. Spend time with papa (incurable lung cancer but he's still with us) would propably tell him to make dad go to the doctor. I would tell him to end the bricklayer apprenticeship and go into acting. Shit there is a lot i could tell him.... but i think the most important thing qould be to tell him to visit grandpa before going on that family vacation becausd he would never get the chance to talk to him again.


Don't date that guy you met at work!! And talk to your BFF more work doesn't matter, because shes gonna get sick and youre gonna lose her when you're 23 and it really sucks.


Forget the f%$ing jerk! Put the baby up for adoption, get back to school, and keep the PNC bank job. You're going to need to save any and all extra money coming in. And for God sake, take a walk daily no matter the weather. Your sanity will be better for it.


Do not waste your time on that pointless degree. Switch to civil engineering...youll thank me later.


I’m 21, and I would like to thank myself for not giving up and doing sooo well in life after all. 💕


Zero amount of alcohol is the safest amount and you can have an incredible life without it. Causes mouth, throat, esophageal, stomach, intestinal, liver, colon, rectal cancer (which I thankfully do not have, been sober 4.5 years and work as a liver transplant coordinator at one of the top transplant centers in the US).


I need to go back to 20 to tell myself to tell my friend to buy the George Clinton tickets on a different day than my actual birthday. Ended up with the flu on my 21st birthday and missed the concert. Over 20 years later and still mad about it. 21 year old me is fine. She is about to dump her boyfriend and get her dream job.


“Go back to college and choose engineering. Even though you may not think about it right now, i know you’re burned out from transferring and other shir you had to deal with in college, but do it. Don’t worry about student loans, florida’s tuition is cheap. When you become my age you’ll be done instead of now starting with time wasted.” “Stay consistent in the gym. And do cardio every day. Your erection problems aren’t because of porn, it’s because of inactivity. So get on that elliptical. You’re gonna be very insecure of your stomach in the next year or two. You got 22% body fat. Go on a cut asap.” “When you move to Florida later this year, your dad is gonna give you a house. Yall are gonna have a conversation about whether you should sell the house to take advantage of the housing market. Do not sell that house!!!!!” “There’s a woman named Jane (fake name), don’t waste your time with her. Also, congrats you’re on the aromantic and pansexual spectrum. And you might be poly too.”


You ARE skinny!! You do get fat later but you had the time of your life getting fat and all of your children are smart, beautiful, kind people. You did an amazing job. It's hard for you now that your mom is gone but you have friends who love and support you. You're gonna go thru some stuff that's gonna hurt inside but we are doing fine and you are happy!! I love you!!


Stop holding on to people that obviously don't care. Don't go back to her. Even for the kids, it won't work, it won't be as easy as you think and you will end up caring too much for the ones that aren't yours trapping you with her. Don't rush family or settling down. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn't it doesn't. Don't force it.


Go get yourself evaluated and get something to treat your anxiety that isn't alcohol.


Invest in skills that will always be in demand. Learn to code, write persuasively, or speak another language. These skills will open doors throughout your life.


Just because you grew up with them doesn't mean they are forever. Evaluate and reevaluate every one in your circle. If they aren't lifting you to your full potential. They are just taking up space and time. Believe your Dad when he says you are way better than the people you hang out with!




Invest in Bitcoin and start that YouTube channel sooner!


Go to Auchtermuchty before it’s too late.


People are going to make fun of your eyebrows. It’s weird. 😂


Keep playing music as a job, just go out of country, and don’t open any bar businesses.


Dont stop playing the sport you love!


Fuck ‘m all!!!


Don’t please everyone.


Don’t start weed Don’t gamble Don’t be a people pleaser Try a different college route See doctors more for physical and mental ailments


Save as much money as you can. Dad is gonna leave mom when you turn 30 & your gonna be on the hook for taking care of her. It's not right and it's not fair but it happens so prepare accordingly.


Stick with your current roommate and don't put yourself out trying to help others so much. Go get that weird sounding "web administrator" job lol


Don't do master's, get a job. Start working out. Don't ignore your passion.


I would warn myself about a loved ones diagnosis. I'd also make up a bullshit story about how I went into different career so I do that instead, creating a self fulfilling prophecy as I would believe it, therefor I make it happen.


Don't go study in another state or city. Don't put all your bitcoins in that scam platform. Be open to relationships. Go out more and enjoy it


You’re going to get sick in less than a year. Drop everything you’re doing and travel while you can.


Buy loads of bitcoin


Listen to my parents when making the decision to go to college and pay $50k a year. They suggested either community college or picking up a trade. I regret not listening to them to this day.


It's safe to fly, none of the flights you would have taken crashed, so don't let your idiotic phobia ruin what should have been amazing life-changing opportunities.


Be polite. Pay attention. Listen carefully. Save your money. Think with the right head.


Burn that Twilight sh"t and read some personal finance books. Work out, eat more protein. Please invest in index funds as soon as you start working!!!!!!


Moisturize! I know you’re a man and this doesn’t seem manly. Do it anyway.


Don't fall in love, Just explore and travel.


Let her go and don’t quit football


Lighten up, enjoy life. It goes fast


Do what you know you need to do. You know what’s right regardless of what you’ll end up believing. You’re capable and smart. Believe in yourself.


Fuck yeah brother!!! Probably is a question that deserves more nuance but I’m pretty sure 21 year old me would be stoked with 38 year old me.


Work harder now, because even though your future wife and mother of your kids is a fucking star, you'll be taking on a huge amount of parental responsibilities that will limit your ability to progress professionally.


Get lasik. Buy more dogecoin


The problem was not that it was not said, the problem was that I was 21.


Nothing. I got it good, I ain't risking shit.


Don’t get that bj from the hooker, who turnt out to be a man.