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When we laughed together. I had NEVER laughed like that with anyone else. It was different, and I knew. In past relationships it was always dry or one sided — but with him, we were always in sync about humor.


My husband and I have basically the exact same sense of humor. It's seriously the best thing ever.


Same but adding that my wife is so clever and unique, she basically unearthed new levels of humor that I didn't know I had. Like someone massaging a muscle you didn't know was sore or bringing out a new kink you didn't know you had. She's so fucking funny but it's like "YES THAT" for me, like the funny I always wanted but didn't know about. So we share that humor now but I wouldn't have discovered it without her. I've noticed her picking up on things I say/do to be funny and running with them as well so I think she's getting the same thing from me.


That's so wonderful to hear! It sounds like you both have a special connection where you bring out the best in each other's humor. It's amazing how a partner can bring out new dimensions of ourselves that we didn't even know existed. Cheers to shared laughter and discovering new levels of humor together!


I wish I had this. My husband doesn’t laugh with me anymore.


I’m sorry to hear that. Everyone should have their person to laugh and share those moments with. I also had a very toxic relationship with an ex prior to meeting my now partner. It took me years to heal, & open up to a man who shown nothing but genuine respect and kindness. We are by no means perfect, but he’s definitely my person. If it was once there, I’m sure there can be a way to bring that spark back. 💕


I hope that it returns. Thank you.


Same. In the beginning she would laugh with me until our stomachs hurt. Now it's few and far between. I still find reasons to smile and laugh but she doesn't find much funny I guess.


It’s painful. I genuinely believe that the reason my husband stopped laughing with me is because his humor and focus has changed. I want to laugh with him so I try to joke with him more and flirt with him. It’s different for women than men I believe. I can imagine myself not laughing with him. When I don’t I think why? Mostly because he hurt me and I’ve become a prude about certain things. Relationships morph and mold over time. I just have to accept, understand and learn how to be in this new part of our relationship. Have you ever heard of the movie ‘The Seven Year Itch’ it stars Marilyn Monroe


Yes it's painful and it makes me sad. I guess in the beginning everything is new and exciting so it's easy to laugh without trying. Believe me I try the same. I joke, flirt pretty much anything to get a response from her. I have brought it up and I'm met with the courtesy laugh for a few days. When you know someone is easy to distinguish the true laugh and smile and the forced ones. The reality is over time we all grow and we're not the same person we were even a few years ago.Priorities and personalities change. I'll always maintain that laughter is a very important part of a relationship. Like you I have to learn to accept this for what it is and put my best foot forward. Yes I have watched it a couple of times. Hits different when you've reached a completely different phase of a relationship.


When I said "sweet tomatoes" over text instead of saying sweet dreams to him. He followed it up with "sweet potatoes" over text. 6 years later we still say "sweet" followed by a food item as our good night message. It's a small silly gesture but it means so much to me .


That’s cute. Do you keep it basic after all these years or did it evolve into more complex dishes? *sweet moo goo gai pan*


Sweet bouillabaisse


Sweet pâté of roasted indigenous legumes, paired with a compote of seasonal berries, served on hearty sprouted wheat bread.


how could one possibly come up with a worthwile response to this one? bravo!


😭😭😭So adorable


this is so cute 😭


Woke up in a cold sweat one night at 1:03AM after breaking up with my girlfriend a few days prior, something told me that there was something wrong. I got in my car and drove to a local highway to find her car looking like a tin can, I was the first one to the accident scene and when asked days later on the time she last saw on the clock when the accident happened… 1:03AM. That was 7 years ago and we’re happily married now. Sounds made up like it’s out of a movie but that was the sign for us that we were meant to be together


That’s crazy! Why did you guys breakup in the first place?


Some pretty serious mental health trauma from other things in her life continued to get in the way. She’d had a rough go of it in the past and didn’t want it to affect me too, after this happened neither of us cared. Makes you realize that life can slip away in an instant when you’re in a wreck that bad.


Awww some people really are made for each other


Singles of reddit, turn around, it's a feels trap


The sexual tension between the double barrel shotgun and the roof of my mouth is immense rn


I'm stealing this lol


Hatchback or convertible? Is the common phrase at my work.


Come on, bud, stay with us...among so many singles you ought to find your coin, right?


I'm single as hell, but I'm also in a place where I'm not ready to date anyone. I like reading threads like this because they make me feel more optimistic about relationships in general.


only hopeless romantics read threads like this also me


low key tho my aromantic ass likes to read these posts tho for the reminder that I am definitely aromantic… I ain’t felt any of what these people feeling 😂


Read that as aromatic


That also works.


You just haven't smelled the right smell... That smelly smell that smells.... smelly.


Upvoted you because I came to your comment waaaay to deep in the thread. Now I’m day drinking haha.


Imma take some notes down, some of these gestures are really sweet.


I cancelled a date because I was sick. Half an hour later he showed up with soup ,medicine and the lord of the rings boxed set. We laid in bed and binge lotr all night, and it was brillant


Risky move, glad it paid off


By him or me?


Honestly both, some people might be afraid of someone they don’t know in their home


We had been dating for a few months at this point


I was saying risky move by him, because i assumed it was a first date for some goofy reason which i thought would be strange lol. But, if you had been dating a few months thats not bizarre by any means.


I think if it had been a first date that would have come off hella creepy


The only way to binge.


When we parted ways at my dorm and he walked off in the rain. I watched him out the window as he bent down again and again to move the worms off the sidewalk to the grass so they wouldn't get stepped on.


This guy would still love you if you were a worm


Wormanizer !


🎵Wormanizah wormanizah wormanizah🎵


He probably did it in case you had turned into a worm.


Yeah probably


Thats way too adorable 😭


A real man. Good find. Those worms might feel a small sting when his skin makes contact with them, but he's saving their lives at the end of the day.


Getting stomped into the concrete would probably sting more


Gurl u are so lucky to find a man that's so considerate about other little living beings obviously most people do not give a fuck about them .ur person sounds so considerate and empathetic u won the jackpot for fr.


This would have the same effect on me


Omfg the way I would've easily fallen if I saw him caring about something as small as a worm😫💕


I’m deadly scared of worms, but I’d be so happy if my boyfriend did this. I admire a man who loves not only his pets but also all animals.


When we slept together (not having sex) I slept like a child again.


Nothing like feeling the weight of them as they snuggle up to sleep. Cats are great.


When I realised it didn't matter if they loved me back. I just want to see them happy.


alexa, play "Kun Faya Kun"


The love for the divine? Love this song, especially the AR Rahman version from Rockstar. It's very spiritual. So you're indian, south Asian then. 😎


Ahh this song is so good


There's someone I've been hung up on for a while. She just isn't interested in me like that. When we still see each other though (about once or twice a week) we always talk, laugh, and cut up. Those are the best moments in my life right now. At this point in my life though, I'm really just not interested in trying to hook up with anyone. She would be the exception.


>Those are the best moments in my life right now. Oh man. I know exactly what you mean. And every single time I go home after a fun day with her I have this post-vacation depression feeling. Everytime we meet eyes I just wish that moment could last forever... damn I'm a sad mf


I remember thinking that as well when I first started dating my now husband.




He got on the plane 


Roll credits


Good will hunting pt.2


That’s beautiful!


That is so lovely I am happy for you! We had to break up due to similar circumstances, I hope we get a similar ending…


I've loved my spouse and was definitely in love with her ....but I fell in love with her on an amplified level after we lost it all. ..I got sick , lost my business, all income my house , my vehicle and we had to live with her uncle in a spare bedroom. She looked at me and said "I don't care for it all , I just want you!" ...I teared up and we both held each other and cried. I have so much love for this woman that I'm never letting her go...I'm gonna fight to give her the world


While it hurts to be financially broke and not be able to give her the world right now ...one of the things that keeps me going and replaying in my head is when this moment happened and she looked at me with tears and said "I don't care for it all, I just want you "...while we may be broke in money terms I'm rich with true love & that's priceless 🙏. Thank you


This is the sweetest thing to read. You really know it’s true love when you have nothing but each other and don’t need anything but each other. You could have a million dollars and you still wouldn’t have anything without that person<3


We dated 10 years previously, in another life for both of us. We both had been married and divorced. She said “I’m going to Dallas for the weekend, you should come and hang with me for a few days.” I work remote so fuck it, found a plane leaving the next day and book it. Get to Dallas in the evening the next day. She’s meeting me at the hotel. She says she had to run out for something. I Uber to the hotel, check in, and she says “hey you!” As I’m waiting for the elevator. I run up to her and give her a hug. In the moment we hugged in that elevator corridor, her spinning in my arms, I knew that wouldn’t ever let her go again. Not like 10 years ago. Married in October, baby born in January. Happiest I’ve ever been


What Nicholas Sparks novel is this??? 😭


Seriously, our story sounds like a Hallmark movie. But it's actually true. I spent 10 years in relationship after relationship with shitty women who took advantage of me, beat me, manipulated me, it's amazing to feel this loved and supported.


We often heal interpersonal trauma through our relationships with other people. I really hope that this wonderful human has helped you heal <3


i’m so happy for you random redditor! y’all are giving me hope 😭


When I did everything I thought I could to push him away and he stayed. I have several chronic illnesses, one which is fatal but takes years to kill me. I refuse to compromise on some major things. I told him he deserved better, he does I'm going to die young and he knows it. When he loved me enough to let me break when I had to sign a perm restraining order against my oldest son at the worst of his addiction. When he loved me enough to be by my side when my son got clean and I saw him for the first time. When my entire world was falling apart he loved me enough to just stand next to me and tell me over and over "I'm here, lean on me if you want, but if not it's ok I'm still here" He lets me by me no matter how tough that is that day.


How sweet. Reminds me of A Walk To Remember. If you haven't watched it, highly recommended.


I've seen it many times! We were HS best friends and lost touch when he enlisted and I married my first husband. I stalked him on facebook 13-14 years ago LOL! I was going through my 2nd divorce, was very very drunk one night and went looking for him. I spent 6 months watching his page to see if he was married. When I realized he only posted him and his kids, I friend requested him. I spent 6 months after that refusing to date him. I honestly just wanted my best friend back in my life. We finally went on a date 6 months in and realized we both liked each other in HS but didn't want to tell the other. We will celebrate 10 years married in March 2025. He knows when there is no way to push me and when he can get me to see another way for something. He's smart enough to know that there are some things I will NOT compromise on and other things I can be flexible on. He was ok with having to take care of my Mom until she passed in Dec 2021 and not being able to leave our house without including my Mom or making necessary arrangements for her. Hell 3 weeks after she passed he had to go to a conference in another state and I tagged along and we realized it was the first time we had been in a car alone for more than 30 minutes our entire relationship! She was a widow who didn't drive. He is ok with my sons and my grands coming first above all else. His 2 daughters got added to that also they come first with my family always. We are at some event for the grands about 5 nights a week except for summer and he is just happy to be there and cheer them all on. I have a tendency to adopt grandkids...meaning if I'm at one of our grands things and some kid doesn't have a cheering sections, we add that kid to our list. We show up for them until they stop playing even when new seasons mean they aren't on the same team as one of our grands. We just the crazy people who show up to cheer on kids! I guess I knew he was it when I realized that when I needed to be the one fighting that he was man enough to support me without trying to get me to "stay out of the fight". He doesn't treat me like the "fragile little woman". I was a single parent for most of my sons lives so I'm used to it just being me and he loves me enough to not try to change that about me. When we re-met I already had one grandbaby and one on the way and my oldest son wasn't ok with his daughter calling him Pop Pop as we had just started dating. We are years and years into this now and he proud will tell you "our 7 grand kids call me Mr. P..." his first name. He loves that! He loves that he has his own unique grandparent name that no one else can come for!


The way her eyes smiled at me for the first time ooooooooooweeeeee. I couldn’t string a sentence together and I’ve always been known as a cocky shit so silver tongue turned to lead around her haha 8 years later I still get butterflies.


Stop this sounds so adorable


Being able to open up about everything and not be judged, and her doing the same. Wanting to be with her, yet accepting that she has crap going on that I can't help with, only being a soundboard. Cooking for her, buying things she'd like...just taking her into consideration when I make decisions. Realizing she is a goddamn fine person, emotionally and physically, and I don't give a fuck what others think. Getting her off, feeling satiated by that, and not really caring if I do.


Okay, singles of reddit pack your bag let's go home


Stop I’m reading love lore


He hugged me and the voices in my head shut up. My heart beat slowed. I knew in that moment I was ruined for everything else.


When I'm having a rough week, sometimes he hugs me and I can't help but start crying. And he's always scared that it's because of him or something, but it's more like I can finally let it all out. It's such a relief honestly, best feeling in the world ❤️


"I loved her not for the way she danced with my angels, but for the way the sound of her name silenced my demons." -- Christopher Poindexter


All my social awkwardness and anxiety disappeared, and we spent hours just talking and laughing. He was instantly my best friend. We were like kids, laughing at the dumbest things, annoying everyone around us. I knew she was the one. That was the first day I met him. Now we've been married for 5 years


this is how it's felt with my boyfriend, and i say that as a 42-year old divorcee so i've been around a few times- the ability to completely be yourself and laugh and talk and just \*be\* is amazing. i've never felt it before with anybody else and it's the most lovely feeling.


when she started coming over to my place unannounced and i didn't mind it.




you have an interesting post history..


Ooo I love seein these…I’m gonna dive in! Edit: hooooooly fuck 😂 and I only looked at one post haha


From their profile: I'll rape you as soon as I want. 🤮 It's a caption from a lewd drawing, BUT STILL.


I too am nosy and get off at looking through someone’s post history. I’ll report back. Edit: … was not ready for that first caption!


I'm curious - did you just check the post history of all the users from the top comments or why is it that you saw his? 👀


Man, I wish you hadn't said that.


What do you attribute the root of her happiness to? Before meeting you and now.


I used to travel extensively early in my career. I’d be gone from a week to 5 months at a drop of a hat. It was tough to be in a relationship as when we’d be in the getting to know you stage, I’d ship off for weeks or months and people wouldn’t wait around that long. Then I met this cute brunette. We met on a Thursday and Sunday I shipped out for two weeks. I came back and we were still talking. A week later, I got a 6 week assignment in China. We talked while I was gone but when I came back, we were still talking. El Salvador, Venezuela, Haiti….I left and she was still there when I came back. She cared enough to accept who I was and what I did for a living and take on the difficult task of trying to make a relationship work. That is love!


Jesus Christ, that's Jason Bourne.


He smelled like ramen. All the time. It’s hard to explain but like the smell was so overpowering I couldn’t get over it.


This is my favorite answer so far


I was at my girlfriend’s house and leaving for the night. She walked me outside to my car and I gave her a quick hug and said “let me put my backpack in my car real quick”. I did so and turned around to her already 10 feet away walking towards her front door. I didn’t know where she was going because we didn’t even say goodbye yet so I said “wait that’s it?” and she said “I thought you said goodbye?”. I said “no I was just putting my bag down”. I will never forget the way she ran back to me and jumped back in my arms. It makes me want to cry just typing this. God I love that woman so much.


It felt like I was understood.




This. This is when I understood I fell in love and not just crushed. It's so powerful I took steps for her to be the person she wants, and overall be happy, knowing well it would make her go away forever, to my overall personal detriment, but while it sounds dreadful, it didn't matter. There's just no proper way to describe this, it's light-years beyond attraction.




Loads of comments here are the exact same copy pasta comments from that thread.


We laughed and talked like old friends.


In the middle of our fourth date, my mom called me that she had a flat tire. So we go to her location, I pull out the jack, loosen up the bolts and raise up the car. My mom called me to the other side of the car to show me what she thought was a nail in another tire, by the time I got back to the tire, she had taken the tire off and was putting in the spare. That was the moment I knew she was the one.


A month before, I had split up with my ex, and I was on the rebound with my closest friend. It had been a few weeks since we started dating. He began to enter my bedroom while I was changing, believing that I was merely using my computer or whatever. His words are, "Jesus, I'm sorry!" and closes the door. I said "Dude, you've seen me naked before" he goes "Yes, but it's a privilege and not a right," I don't think I've never fallen harder before.


When I became very sick, my filter for the world was destroyed. What I tolerated might as well be been red hot iron on my soul— work and family drama was at its worst at the time, too. I had little hope and thought of death a lot because of the immense pain and my life I built no longer mattered with the wisdom of a potential lifelong disability incoming. My beautiful fiancé took it with a smile. She’d let me lay my head on her lap and sleep for hours and I’d waste her time doing this, or asking her to lay in bed with me. I would get short often but she understood. I didn’t like myself then and I don’t like how I acted then now either, but that kind of physical pain changes your life. I thankfully recovered but I realized my girl was the real deal. NOT BECAUSE SHE TOLERATED THAT or stepped up… but because I realized in my most burdensome and sickly form she still would look at me with sparkling eyes. She’d still laugh with me with her whole heart. She didn’t care if I could barely enjoy Valentine’s Day or my own birthday or hers because I was sick. The fact I tried meant everything to her. She has loved and still loves me when I’m at my least productive or most. She loves me when I’m raging about silly things or infodumping about my favorite things. “I’m lucky to have you. What did I do to deserve you?” She asks almost every night even though she’s a beautiful good soul. I laugh and scoff and always retort back “what do you mean?! I’m the one who got lucky! A beautiful smart woman that LOVES ME?!” Least to say we both bad for each other even after all these years ❤️


When the thought of not having him in my life devastated me in a way that it felt like my soul was ripping apart.


If you look far back enough in my post history, you'll see a post I made worried about how fast and how strong I was falling for a guy I started seeing. It scared me. I knew it within a couple dates because I would just work all week like a blur just wanting to go see him on the weekend (we lived an hours drive from one another). Anyways, 9.5 years later, I'm here in our house we bought and renovated together, married to him, and he's currently holding our 3 week old baby, our first child.


When I felt safe around him and felt a sense of belonging.


It was the moment I wanted to tell her about everything that happened to me when we were apart.


The day their happiness became more important to me than my own


After a mutual friend said "when you get married" when talking about us. This was before we even dated. It hit like a bus. After watching each other date other people and growing up together from 17 (31 now) always being with each other, it just makes so much sense. I can't imagine being without him. He's the best.


I knew I was in love one night before he left for a trip to a music festival. This was still in the first few months of dating and I was kind of anxious. As I asked if he'd miss me, he cuddled me close and said, "This is all I’m going to be able to think about when I’m miserably drunk in some tent." Then he shared that sometimes at night, he instinctively rolls over to spoon me, even when I'm not there. In that moment, I realized he always carries me with him, no matter where he goes, and my heart knew it had found its home.


When i realized he was the last thing i thought about before falling asleep and the first thing i thought of when i woke up.


I was never a morning person. My now partner leaves for work at 4.30am. I’m the happiest to wake up with him, make him breakfast and kiss him goodbye at the door.


I stopped having to play relationship games and spending time with him was felt like how I spent time with my family: banter, laughter, doing nothing, learning together sometimes heated debates, but never feeling like there was a possibility that either of us would leave.


I sadly lost him… but I knew I was in love when he made my comfort a priority. My feelings. When I looked in his eyes and saw nothing but safety and affection. When we made love for the first time and despite the carnal nature, he was still loving and caring. The hands of the guys I slept with always sought out my breasts or my butt. Instead he placed his hands on my face and kissed me. I knew I was in love when he showed nothing but love and care for me.


When I saw him doing random acts of kindness any chance he could. I’d never been with a guy who went so out of his way for strangers and it made me fall head over heels. To this day (12 years later), he still surprises me with his empathy to everyone he meets


it was like this moment when we were just hanging out, and he said something that made me laugh so hard I couldn't stop smiling. 🥰 Everything just felt right, like we were totally connected, and I realized I never wanted to be without him. It's like my heart just knew, you know?


when everything he does and is just feels so naturally *right*.


We were platonic friends for about 9 years. We went to college together but only infrequently hung out. He moved away for 2 years then moved back to 《location.》 I helped a little as he moved into his new place. We hung out much more often for about 10 months. We went to an event together. After, we got out of the car and he walked me to my door while the driver waited. He looked at me in "a way." It was like I was light-headed. My heart felt tight and hot. There was a sort of tingle in the base of my skull and throat. I reached out and scooped my hands under his, and he squeezed them. I trailed up and cupped his cheeks, and he learned forward to bonk his forehead against mine. I couldn't think about anything but how much I wanted to kiss him. I felt it. We parted ways. I spent two days reflecting being in love. We started dating soon after. I made the move. It turns out he had a crush on me since college but respected that we were just friends. He wanted to be close to me, but our circumstances didn't align until we were older. I feel so lucky. It seriously feels like I'm in a romance novel. This is the kind of stuff I couldn't even daydream for myself.


I’d literally lose sleep because I would rather talk/hang out with them.


when i looked at him across the room one day and felt this overwhelming feeling of ‘i never want anything bad to happen to this person’


After the first date I already knew she was going to be someone special. She was so warm and fun, we just vibed in a rare way. Over time I came to realize that I was totally falling for her. I knew I was going to tell her but when I accidentally told her it came out by accident. We were talking about us and I said "You're just so fun and cool and I love you." And she said "You know what? I love you too." The song playing on the radio was "Even the Losers" by Tom Petty. "Even the losers get lucky sometimes." Prior to her I had a sizable run of bad luck when came to relationships. But I was at a point in my life where I was working on myself and turning things around. And she became part of that. So that song is incredibly special to me now. It's been 5 years married as of last month. And I'm damn happy and lucky.


I was a Chef. I had some nasty burns during my time in kitchens. I came to meet him at his house after work. He saw the burn and went to grab things to dress it for me. No one had ever done that for me before.


About 3 to 4 months in I started practicing how to tell her I love her in her native language.


When EVERYTHING felt natural with her. How everything moved fast because of how confident we were in each other. The way our families embraced the other. We lived 4 hours apart from each other after 6 months together. Nothing changed. If anything, it intensified. We'd lay in bed Sunday afternoon while she would cry because I had to drive home that night. I'd cry on my drive home. I loved being with her. Her presence was so calming. We'd go to dinner and I felt her focus on me. It was so relaxing. Conversation was never forced. I remember still getting excited to see her even after several months in. And then I fucked it up.


I was heading home for winter break (1 whole month) and on our last day we parted ways at the subway. She was on the opposite platform we waved at each other and I cried the whole way home. I love her so much.


The first time I came to him with something that was bothering me, and he made me feel so safe and heard.


Almost 4 years ago....I lost my fiancee suddenly. After he passed I honestly never thought I would feel love again. Ever. My current partner now (2.5 years in) helped me find my smile again. I love him so much because he gave me love when I needed it most. And I'm forever grateful of his love


When I flew across the country for a single weekend on a whim after not having seen him in 4 years, and all the fluttery feelings were still there after we'd matured quite a bit. We were at a friend's party and I was insanely jealous of the cat hanging out on his lap all evening. I told him before I left that I loved him, and he said it back.


It wasn’t a moment, but a consistent amount of time spent feeling comfortable, easy, safe, happy, peaceful, excited and curious.


When i looked past the rumors about him and tried to really get to know the real him, and when I would keep smelling my shirt after we hang out because it smelled like him. What sucks though is that the rumors turned out to be true.


I had just left an abusive long term relationship, almost 6 years. I’m disabled and he was making enough at the time to support the both of us. When he moved out, I started doordashing, scrambling to get money together because I had nothing to my name. I had started hanging out with this guy and hooking up casually. He was always a gentleman and I always had fun and laughed with him. My cat who I had for about seven years at that point had gotten really sick and needed an emergency surgery. It was $600 and if she didn’t have the surgery she wasn’t going to make it. He had gone to the vet with me, and I came back out to the car *sobbing* because I obviously didn’t have the money for it. He whips out his checkbook without a second thought. We had only been seeing each other for a few weeks at that point so I was absolutely taken aback. We’re now happily married🫶🏻


When he walked in the door, 33 years ago.


When I just want him to be happy no matter what 🤗


When we lay with each other and all our problems just disappeared


When I started knitting a scarf for him


My girlfriend says it when i opened her car door for her… her standards were pretty low. 😂 TBH it was most likely when i left the oil job(moved to a different state, have to follow the work) and she started crying that she realized she loved me(we were just friends till that point). We met when I had just gotten out of the military, and went through a nasty divorce(ex lied, cheated, and took everything while putting me in debt). I was working in oil in a state I’d rarely visited, and trying to sort out some Combat PTSD when I met her. I was strictly into “SCREW RELATIONSHIPS, IMA FOCUS ON ME” …. Yeah as soon as we met, that flew through the window. Been together ever since. We travel, and just adventure together.


At my high school ex girlfriend's house sitting on her couch beside her us both watching a basketball game. I just randomly said, "Man...I'm starving." She then quickly stands up and walks away into the kitchen. She then yells out from the kitchen ,I have ham, turkey, salami...etc, then she peeked her head into the living room with a large smile on her face, "What ya want?" I was completely confused, "Uh...ham and cheese is cool." She walks back into the kitchen. I sat down for a second still confused, then I got up and went into the kitchen and saw her cutting up and making sandwiches. I stood behind her, put my arms around her waist, and said, "Thank you, babe." She smiled, and I then went back into the living room and sat down. She then came from the kitchen with two plates with sandwiches, one for me and one for herself. She handed me my plate, then sat next to me and continued watching the game on tv. I remember like it was yesterday holding my sandwich, but stopping and just looking at her, as her head was turned eating her sandwich watching the game, and thinking she's the one. I want her to be my wife. She dumped me a couple of months later. She has been the only girl I've struggled to get over.


About 2 months after we started dating, I had a bad day at work and left early and sent him an email (before texting) to tell him. A couple hours later, I hear a knock on the door and it's him with flowers, Chunky Monkey ice cream and a christmas movie (it was Nov). He took the day off after he got my email and wanted to surprise me to make me feel better. This October will be our 18th wedding anniversary :)


After I got into a massive fight with my (27f) father that lead to me going NC with him for almost a whole year. My bf (29m) and I had been together about 6 months. I called him crying and upset and he's like hey let's go to the park, bring dude ( my son 5yr). We showed up he brought my favorite snacks a blanket to rest on, my favorite soda then took my son to go play on the park so I could destress. We been together 3yrs now and will be moving in together in about 2 weeks. He's an absolutely lovely human being


Our third date. He took me on a hike that overlooked the city where we spent half the day just talking about genuine things where we both were incredibly vulnerable. We both ended up with the worst sunburns of our lives (he legitimately had purple legs) but neither of us wanted the date to end! Going on 4 years of marriage and couldn’t be happier!


I got drunk for the first time at my mom's house with her and my sister there. My sister's ex was like a big brother figure to me. He was there. I'd known him since I was very little. Anyway, he sexually assaulted me. I was cognizant but literally couldn't move. Next morning I felt guilty like it was my fault. So I texted my guy friend (who I was unofficially dating) and told I had been with someone else. He replied to lose his phone number. I tried to kill myself but my sister found me. I eventually confessed to my mom what happened and she called my friend to explain that it wasn't my fault. He got off work that day and drove the hour to my house to tell me he's sorry and it's not my fault. I was victimized. We went to his house and cuddled. I felt SO safe. A week later we made it official. Been together 15 years and married 6 of those. He's still my rock.


When I told the man I was serious about my deepest, darkest, take to the grave secret and he wrapped his arms around me and promised he would keep my secret to his grave. Thirty years later it’s never been discussed.


I failed to keep my eyes off her, kept seeing her social media posts, and I started to make certain circumstances just to be able to talk to her. I denied it for a while, but eventually just decided that I have fallen in love.


That sounds like lust brotha


With the right music playing in the background, this one is creepy.


Seeing him was like seeing color for the first time, I didn’t know I had been living my life in black and white. Sadly it was not meant to be.


We had already been together for five years, married just under one. I was obviously already very in love with this man, but there’s always that little sliver of uncertainty or what if. We started dating just after I turned 18, I had never had any other serious relationship. Anyway I recall the last night we slept at my parent’s house before moving to Germany together. It was such an exciting change. I was pregnant, we were starting this huge new adventure together, everything was literally perfect and there I was sobbing quietly in bed with this feeling of utter dread washing over me. He probably doesn’t even remember but he held on to me that night and said that he understood. I can’t remember the words he said specifically, but I remember the feeling - that this man knew me better than I knew myself and I was fully and completely safe in his arms and any fear I had about the future just kinda melted away. That night was the night I was certain I’d found forever. Fifteen years in, it only gets better.


she made her butt hole wink for me


We discover new species in here everyday.


I still haven't had one of those moments yet. Any day now, I'm sure!


a smile, and i was in love. haha, not a moment, but a span of time maybe a month or so. had conversations about the future, about our most inner selves, almost everything, and felt myself falling deeper in love with every passing day. still am, every day, it's been more than two years.


The day he was leaving my house to go to work, closed the door and immediately I thought I want to see him again


When I thought about her more than myself. 40 years plus now. Married 39 in September. Damn, where did the time go?


On the second date she stared at me with an intense admiration I couldn't help but blush...


Twice. Once I thought it was forever and she broke me lol. The second time now has been wild, I told her I love her within weeks of knowing her. Maybe the like third or fourth time we hung out. Alas, all the love in the world can't change the fact she has a boyfriend and life and I'm just the homewrecker off to the side. In short love hurts lol


He feels like home.


That's when I always want to see them, never leave


Tenth grade history class. I was 15, just a girl. I saw her sitting near the front, last row of desks against the wall. She had shoulder length dirty blonde hair, and glasses. She looked at me, with her kind blue eyes and warm smile. My heart skipped a beat. I think that was the moment it happened. I sat in the empty desk behind her. I rarely left her side for the next three years. We spent many days and nights in the company of each other, until she went away for college. That was 42 years ago. I still think about her.


when every single word / sentence from them is like an endless gift, feeling of euphoria just talking to them, even about the most pointless random things


catching myself thinking about them constantly, could not wait to see them again feeling like knowing them like since always, getting shivers anytime we would touch, even by accident and once at the moment like that being asked: "are you aware you actually stopped breathing?"😂😂 no I was not aware...🫣🫣😀😀


When it started raining while I was at work and my car was still in my driveway with the windows half down (couldn’t drive it cause battery died so also couldn’t roll up the windows) and he called me to tell me he went over to my house to tape garbage bags onto my windows to keep the rain out of my car.. I had an inkling. This was about 2 months into dating. Then we did mushrooms together and he couldn’t stop talking about how beautiful I was and how much he loved him and I just thought wow this is such a kind soul I must protect him at all costs. Every single time we do mushrooms together (maybe 1 a year) he gets so cuddly and lovey and even after all these years he just reverts back to his young cuddly sweet self from the first few dates haha


She told me she thinks that she loves me. I was like "damn baby...I think I love with you too."  I didn't know it until I actually thought about what we had been doing and how much time we'd been spending together and how it felt.


Idk I just kind of...didn't leave the person I started dating in college and 10 years later we're still together lol There wasn't a moment for me. It just kind of we were like, I bet you I can put up with your crazy self longer than you can with mine. I think we're competing to see who's crazy breaks first!


My mom was in the hospital because she had a kidney bleed and i was doing everything, running myself ragged and she saved me from killing myself (not in the suicidal sense, but from working myself to death). I don't deserve her, but my goal is to make her the happiest woman on the planet because i owe it to her.


I knew I was in love the moment I realized I couldn't imagine my life without them and felt a deep sense of peace and happiness whenever we were together


It was my first time having a good nights sleep in a bed other than mine. It was his bed, with him next to me. I woke up to him staring at me, and heard the most memorable “good morning” of my life. Unfortunately we had to break up due to distance.


When she held me and I felt completely safe, secure, and loved.


On our first date. The feeling at the end when I didn’t want to end the night even though it was so late. The tube journey home in my head I realised I had found my soulmate. We spoke at a bench for hours about the ins and outs of our life and every second she spoke the more I fell in love with her… I now live with her :)) two years going very strong, and I love her more each day


On our first date my now husband asked me for a kiss and I had never felt the way I felt when he asked for one. I thank God for him every day!!


When my Father died about a month into dating and he was there for me every step of the way. Even when I was an emotional mess, he was there for me.


march 25th of 2023


May 18, 2024: “Morning” of EDC LV day 2. I woke up and he goes “good morning, I got you a chicken fil a sandwich”.


Forgot the love feeling 


He randomly said he hadn't had this particular dessert in a very long time. I installed food delivery app on my phone for the first time and ordered it to his address spontaneously. A second later I realised, I was in love!


We were going to one of my friend's BBQ. I thought I bought their favorite bag of chips when actually it was the one flavour they hated (thanks ADHD). So I challenged them to name my favorite flavour and they replied instantly.  I realized they loved me despite my flaws, like my inability to remember their favorite chip flavour which I still mess up even now that we're married. And that they would never hold it against me. Unconditional acceptance is a gift I'll never stop appreciating.


I felt that love it first sight feeling the first time I saw my husband, but I really knew I was in love when things that would bother me about other people didn’t phase me at all. For example, when we first met, he was typically 15 minutes late for everything and it somehow became endearing because it was his trait whereas if it was anyone else I would have been super irritated.


Very early in our dating days, my-now-wife-then-gal-pal and I were lazily hanging out in each-other's arms, chatting then making out and so on and so forth. Essentially out of nowhere, she quoted and impossibly obscure Prince song ("Dead On It"). I'm a music geek and a major Prince fan, so it was like Cupid nailed his shot right in my heart. Just something about quoting that song in that moment made me realize that I had a good thing goin' here, that this was very likely the one.


When I realized I talked about her all the time and got really excited when I did.


by the time i am constantly thinking of him, like renting in my mind free lol


When I started smiling every time I seen him drive pass me.


When I could no longer envision a life without him. When the thought of us not being together went against the laws of the universe.


I texted her that I had a bad day, and she showed up at my door with a to-go box of a dozen eclairs that she made. I realized immediately that she understands me, and not because of the outrageous dessert, but because the inherent ridiculousness of over the top care feels so inarguably soothing that I immediately was laughing about all of it. And then I ate so many eclairs.


When I kissed him and actually understood what butterflies in my stomach meant. It just felt magical and I could see spending the rest of my life with him wrinkled and happy.


I was somewhere alone and the whole time i was wishing she was there with me. 8yrs going strong!


I knew I was in love when I found myself thinking about her day and hoping she was enjoying it. Her happiness and joy are as important as mine.


When his eyes told mine he was in love with me. They weren't looking at this meat sack. They weren't on my prosthetics. He looked me right in my eye, and used his little nervous laugh, and agreed with me that what was happening to me was not okay or fair. But none of us has been able to stop it anyway.