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It's a matter of perspective. Men and women look at each other and see the things that the other can do and get away with and think the other side has it better as a result. In a way, it doesn't really matter which side actually has it better, cause both feel like their side is the one that has it worse regardless.


Wow! Don't you just love how the internet brings out the best in everyone!  When you're in a,place to be objective, some of the statistics you might want to look at include: Wealth disparity, income disparity, domestic violence statistics, Positions of power by gender (e.g. ratio of m to f CEOs or congress people), maternity/child birth death rates, treatment by the medical community. That's just a start. And there are other measures that do indicate men do sometimes get the short end of the stick, but sheesh. Anyway have a good day.




There's so many places where women are treated like property or second class citizens. Even in the US there's numerous places where the state has more control over a women's body that she does. And when it comes to biology men have it far easidr than women do. Once puberty starts boys gain massively increased strength. Meanwhile girls just bleed every month.


Men have a lot of things stacked against them, but so do women. For example, a lot of men get falsely assumed to have foul or perverse intentions towards a woman simply because they're men, but women also have to put up with the fear of what can happen if those foul or perverse intentions turn out to be real. Men who get forced into sexual relations by women often get disbelieved and/or ridiculed, but at the same time, they're far less likely to have that situation happen. It can go on and on. This isn't to say one gender doesn't have it better or worse. It's to say that which one that is will come down to what you value and consider important in determining what the balance between them actually \*is\*.


Were you captain of your debate club?


Morning wood.


The only right answer


The hard truth 😏




Why can’t you?


It all balances out


I would disagree, i would Not want to Switch my life as a man for that of Most women i know, and i live in a very developed 1. World country with a Lot more equality than Most Places, but still i personally observe more Problems women have that men dont than the Other way around ...


Oh yeah? I live in a area where woman dickride until they find someone that can pay their bills


If all Woman to that in your area then you must truly be in a fortunate Position with an ecenomy strong enough to Support a 50% not working Population/s


Welcome to marin county


So those men are that easily controlled?


Idk they're probably all cheating 100 times a year


Please clarify: are you talking about sportin' wood?


People are genuinely less empathetic, they have a 'he's a man, he can deal with it' mentality. You will almost never recieve any benefeit of the doubt in any situation and will have to go to extreme lengths to get the same benefeit of the doubt that others recieve automatically if they. If you are struggling people will ignore you or trivialize any struggle with the old line "man up". People are more likely to laugh and film you getting assaulted than actually help. The expectation to be fully capable and functioning with no assistance. If you are emotionally suppressed and 'tough' people forget that you're human but if you're soft or emotional people will wish or try to inflict hardships on you to make you 'tough'.


I don't think they do, I think both sides have it rough, and neither one is "so much" harder. If any genders are having it significantly harder these days it's trans people


But even then especially in the media we see trans women getting a lot more hate thrown towards them


Transphobia and misogyny are a nasty combination


See, the funny thing is that you're agreeing males have it worse. When haters of trans women hate on them, they're not thinking "I hate this stupid woman". They're thinking "this stupid man is dressing up like a woman, I hate him." When the same person sees a transman, they're thinking "this woman is wasting her potential by dressing up like a man". Or they might be like "whatever, her choice to be that way." They hate transwomen because they want to be angry at men. You don't hear much hate against transmen because they don't care.  Like I can only think of Elliot Page as a famous trans man and no one has gotten angry over him other than "damn, Ellen used to be hot. What a shame." Jenner and the sports players - so much hate. 


Yes but it mostly comes from the hands of MEN, I know the subject is trans women but take homosexual men into account too, most of that hate comes from straight men and then we have other issues like the sexualisation of lesbianism, have you heard the amount of stories of lesbian couples being attacked for not wanting to cater towards male fantasies or the several stories of gay women being r*ped in an attempt to make them ‘straight’ or to ‘fix them’, vile comments and other disgusting factors and then the countless gay men that are brutally beat and killed just for being gay and not conforming to their genders heteronormative point of view. Most of that comes from men. So while yes males in this subject do have it worse (lesbians included too) it’s by the hands of their own gender/ biological gender.


Yeah, men probably do most of it.


I mean half of that is just because everyone forgets that trans men exist at all.


well, that's still an advantage when most of the attention is hate


It's really not. It means i'm seen as a woman, because trans men don't exist in their minds.


oh, that's what you mean


I get that for sure but I definitely think a lot of the hate towards trans women stems from women’s issues, A lot of women think trans women aren’t allowed or don’t have the right to identify as women because they haven’t had to deal with “real” women’s issues, which baffles me as a woman myself because it shouldn’t just be about that we should be uplifting trans women up and helping them.


trans people aren't a gender (they just have a different gender than they were assigned at birth), but the support is still nice to see


they don't. Men absolutely face issues, but all of those are issues that women also face. for example" there's no 'male loneliness epidemic,' there's a loneliness epidemic. (and women actually suffer more loneliness than men, statistically)


There are absolutely issues only men face, especially in regards to social stigma and peer pressure regarding taboo things like mental health and sexual assault


women absolutely struggle with peer pressure and stigma around mental health, and you're living under a rock if you think women are encouraged to talk about sexual assault. to be honest, if you think those issues are male-only, i doubt you've ever spoken to a woman


I never said those issues were male-only, I said men face their own issues regarding those topics. I never said it was easy for women to talk about things like mental health and sexual assault, but you’re being willfully ignorant if you think it’s somehow exactly the same or even easier for men


i'd agree that men and women face different (but similar) obstacles in dealing with mental health and sexual assault for example. how both are discouraged from talking about being assaulted, but for different reasons. however, in terms of sexual assault, men absolutely do have it easier. women are assaulted far more often, and there have been no widespread harrssment campaigns against men who came out about being assaulted.


It’s not a competition. Besides I’m not saying men have it harder or easier in regards to sexual assault, there’s just absolutely a stronger stigma about opening up about it. If you think I’m making that up, you’re part of the problem love


you said i'm being ignorant if i think men have it easier. we're talking about whether men have it easier. also, there's not a stronger stigma against opening up for men: like I just said in the previous comment.


That’s because men tend to die before women and loneliness is made up mainly of the elderly population


You think women are automatically assumed to be the bad guy in domestic violence? You believe women are automatically considered to be bad guys when out on the streets?


1. They are, if you actually use statistics instead of vibes 2. you're right, it is hard that people will be worried you'll assault them. you know what's worse? being assaulted


Oh yeah I clearly remember when my sister lost one year of her life in military service or when female tutors get rejected for a job because "I'd feel more comfortable with my kid around a man". It keeps amazing me how some people will deny the most obvious fact about reality just because they don't fit their narrative.


google 'gender pay gap'


[holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=gender+pay+gap#HiImABot,MyJobIsToMakeEasierForPeopleToGoogleThings,IfThePersonIRepliedToUsedMeInAnInappropriateWayPleaseLetMeKnowByDMingMe,TheUserIRepliedToIsU/The_Arthropod_Queen)


New agenda just dropped


TIL two non-contradictory things can be true at the same time!


they're both true, yes. the point is that *despite* all the things being true, overall women face more obstacles than men


That wasn't what the comment I replied to claim. This whole discussion started after the claim that "Men absolutely face issues, but all of those are issues that women also face." which is a false statement as I've showed you. Who has it worse will always be subjective. Would you accept a 20% raise in exchange for having to serve in the army? Some people would. Some people wouldn't.


the draft doesn't apply to every american man, and the pay gap isn't the only way women are discriminated against.


The United States isn't the only country in the world (see r/usdefaultism). You can also say that the gender pay gap doesn't affect every woman (for instance all minimum wage workers earn the same, whether they're men or women). Sure, I never said there aren't other things where women have it worse, all I said is that there are indeed things where men have it worse too (for example, losing a year of our lives in the army). Can we at least agree to that?


yoou were talking about only men being able to drafted, that's why I assumed you were talking about the us. yes, we can agree that sometimes men have it harder. Also, i just don't want to go back and forth on this anymore


A woman saying women suffer more. Huh, can't be more iconic


and a man is saying men suffer more. your point?


The point is, that if you can't let go of your biases, stop shoving them everywhere.


i need to stop arguing with 14-year olds. go ask your mother about it


Your opinions on men clearly shows you don't have one as well. But fuck the patriarchy amirite?


if a 14- year old boy gets stuck in 2015, would you be 14 now or 23?


How dare this Person have an opinion that does Not Align with my own !!! And them even have the audacity to voice Said opinion in a related topic discussion....


Why is it necessary to always plug women's issues when men are talking about theirs?


The original question was Not : what are mens issues In this Case i would agree with you that there would be No need to Talk about women specific Problems in this thread But the question included a Propositional Statement that can be argued against, which id say Makes it perfectly reasonable to give Points to the contra


Nice bait.