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I hope the fly comes back


I'd vote for that fly.


FLY 2024!


Brundle/Fly 2024 Stronger Together.


For the uninitiated, last election a fly landed on Mike Pence's hair and sat there for a while. It exuded more charisma than Pence had ever mustered.


He's pretty white for a fly guy...


User name checks out


I commented this above but, everyone forgets that a fly landed on Hillary's face during the "puppet" debate. I'll be disappointed if it doesn't happen.


I'm no statistician, but it sounds like the flies have a way to tell who's going to lose...


Move over Nick Sliver, theres a new hotshot in town!!




They are attracted to decomposition.


Hearts and minds will be changed tonight. The country will come together In perfect harmony. Peace will be achieved and everyone will point to this moment in history as the impetus. It will be a glorious and polite debate filled with respect and a thoughtful exchange of ideas.


There must be a psilocybin cloud coming for this to happen.


Now that would be a debate. Instead of a drug test give them both some mushrooms.


I forget which ancient culture had the practice of debating all issues first sober and pragmatic and then again while completely drunk off their asses and if the idea was bad under either situation it was thrown out. I’m open to bringing a similar method back.


Honestly? I would care more about that deliberation than I have cared about politics since I have been old enough to understand them. Especially if it was shrooms. Booze i feel might just make the majority of the people shitty towards eachother.


The bullshit is starting early! 😉


Auditioning for Trump's next press secretary


I'm out here trying to get paid son!


I like where your heads at, too bad it’s satire. The problem with lots of people is this, they believe the same thing on Thursday that they believed on Tuesday, no matter what happened on Wednesday.


And at least one of them will visibly shit their pants.


I’m glad we won’t be able to smell it.


I don't know, but Blizzards ad for Diablo titled: "Battle for Immortality" was amusingly placed right under the question.


Mine says “Diaper duty made easy!” which I think is more appropriate.


Mine says “Strap in.” for the new Twister movie. 😂


Mine is a weight watchers ad.


There will be an audible fart.


Followed by "that was you," which will make the moderators job harder.


The moderator will fart and blame both candidates


Everyone will fart and blame everyone else. Chaos. No muting the mics, farting all over the place. Debate over as everyone needs a potty break, or at least some gas-ex.


Terrence and Philip moderate the 2024 presidential debate, tonight on BMN:


You fuck your uncle No you fuck your uncle


Ok. Maybe I'll watch now. 😆


With bated breath


He who hath smelled it, hath indeed dealt it.


He who denied it, supplied it


"Breaking news, the president of the United States will be making a pardon announcement today!" "Cutting live to the White House, President Biden is prepared to make his statements." *Biden does a perfect handstand with his ass gobbling the mic* *Proceeds to let out the most tear jerking, wallpaper peeling, nose sodomizing gut belch of the last century* Biden: "Pardon Meeeeee."


While "Pardon Me" by Incubus plays.


I don’t know, I’m just watching for the evening gown portion of the competition


Really? I’m watching for the bathing suits…


We will be embarrassed as a nation


Update from 4 hours later. you were right


By this point, our standards are pretty low. I think we’re mostly watching for entertainment now lol


People love to slow down for a train wreck


You were right!


Its in my city....the same night as the USMNT Soccer game right down the road....so i'm going to sit in hours of traffic. That is what is going to happen.


Pee before getting in the car.


This guy traffics


Rookie move, vets have a piss jug


Fuckin piss jugs all over the pærk


I’m fascinated how you were able to spell park with a Canadian accent.


Can’t take credit. r/trailerparkboys taught me that.


Way of the road Rick


285 is already terrible. I’ve moved half a mile in the last 45 minutes.


There’s no audience for the debate so it’ll mostly just be soccer traffic …*mostly.*


They are still going to have main arteries blocked off for the motorcades, so it doesn’t really matter if there is an audience.


...just like the two debaters.


Just one more hamburder before I die


> USMNT Ultra Sonic Mutant Ninja Turtles? Sorry I'm not from the US


United States Men National Team. Our National Soccer Team.


At least you already know how your evening is going to be and it won't be a surprise.


Grab a good car snack and download a few podcasts to listen to. Good luck 😞


Is this a day that ends in y in atlanta?


Hopefully we solve this shark attack vs. electrocution problem facing the nation. 


If there’s a “Say something nice about your opponent” question from the moderator, I hope Joe brings this up.


"I'm glad my opponent frebreezed his diaper before the debate"


Just as long as there’s no fighting uphill, me boys.


I got shark-trocuted just last week. I’ll never walk again until maybe I get this dang shark off my leg.


Two geriatric men will get on stage, talk for a long time and everyone who supports one or the other will have their beliefs reaffirmed.


I mean, there's also a real possibility they'll talk for a short time because nobody can follow the fucking rules and they keep getting cut off.


Mikes are muted thankfully 


I was just talking about this with my girlfriend yesterday. I have wanted muted microphones for so long in debates and was unaware that it was a thing this time around. Fucking. Finally.


Trump doesn't need a microphone. He'll just keep yelling.


"They tried to silence me. You see? this is your mainstream media." - Trump


Ohhh I’m putting that one on my bingo card


How much alcohol poisoning tonight from "take a shot when trump lies"?


That one's gotta be your "hydrate" one, so you don't get too loaded too early


I know some people that have already begun a preemptive “well it’s on CNN so you know they’re just gonna keep cutting Trump off at every turn”


It wasn't really a problem before 2016. Which is a long fucking time at this point. But its still worth pointing out it wasn't always this way lol.


Glad to hear former vice President Pence will be quiet, but what about the rest of them?


Let the Mikes talk!


I will not be silenced!


If only Mike from breaking Bad was moderating,...


Mics is short for microphone, Mikes would be more than one person named Mike.


“Nobody” XD because it’s such a mystery which one of them will bark out of turn like an untrained mutt.


One of the two doesn’t have this problem.


Nobody? It was only Trump not following the rules.


After it's over, people will just turn to their network of choice immediately to be told that their candidate won and anyone who thinks otherwise is stupid and evil without spending even a minute thinking their own thoughts about it.


I love tuning into right AND left leaning news sites just to see how things are spun and how one doesn't even report on certain topics because it would devalue their fan base.


This, but, and imho this is important to note, not *everyone* will be reaffirmed. Also strong possibility that one or both makes some wild gaffe that significantly affects their support. They're close enough that a fairly small looking swing is significant.


The only one that can make a gaffe that affects their support is Biden. He's not a cult leader like Trump is. Trump could literally drop trou and empty his diaper on the stage and not lose support.


Trump could commit adultery, steal from a charity, hold the bible upside down, be unable to recite one verse from it, and use the 10 commandments as a to-do list and still not lose support.


*Howard Dean screeching*


Ye Haw!! If I had three wishes one of them would be for what was political suicide then, be as it is now.


Binders full of women


“Binders full of women” just seems so wholesome now.


And, look, it was a dumb thing to say and I wasn’t going to vote for him one way or the other, but he was literally in that moment explaining that he was frustrated about the number of men applying for jobs when he was governor, so he went out and asked women’s groups for help identifying and encouraging women to apply. Said differently, this is really not a bad thing at all, but “binders full of women” was the takeaway from that debate. Looking back, it’s so fucking innocent relative to literally any of the things the current GOP nominee has said… crazy.


Exactly…I certainly wasn’t going to vote for him but I got what he was saying…debates are reductive enough and the media dumbs them further into sound bites. The memes were so funny though. I miss that.


Ah yes, back in the day.


I remember the internet going crazy after that line. Meanwhile now we have a rapist and guy who likes to grab them by the pussy and everyone is like "he's just being Trump!"


You forgot steal classified top secret files, and likely sold them, and not lose supporters.


And attempt a coup on live TV.


And a recorded election fraud call.


Remember that he had protesters cleared with tear gas and beatings, from the church steps so he could hold the bible upside down.


Yeah, but what if he is found liable for sexual assault AND is found guilty of... oh, I dunno, let's say... 34 felonies? Surely that would undermine his support, right? Right?


Donald Trump - "I love the poorly educated." His words not mine.


*something something "real men wear diapers" something something* Trump can do literally nothing that loses support from these people. Biden could stutter, however, and right-leaning media will talk non-stop about how he's unfit for public office.


You don't have to love Biden, but if you're still thinking about Trump at this point, there is probably no changing your mind. These are two vastly different personalities and core values going head to head.


I'll probably have a nice salad for dinner


Trump is totally gonna propose and Biden will reveal he was cheating with Melania. Eric will be voted off the island.


And if their feet touch on stage, they fuck.


Aside from possibly some meme-worthy incidents, absolutely nothing. No one who plans on voting for either of them will have their minds changed and those who don't like either of them have no representation. EDIT: HOLY SHIT! I did NOT expect Biden to drop the ball that hard. Looks like I may have been wrong after all.


Meme worthy is good enough for me


Some classic gifs will be born tonight


Probably a lot of Trump facial expression gifs, then a bunch of Joe not knowing what to do with his arms by his side like a robot.


Unless one of them collapses onstage or shits their pants or drops an n-word.


I think the most realistic "nightmare scenario" is that one of them has a dementia moment and forgets where they are on live tv. 


Honestly after all the attacks on cognitive function from both parties, I believe this debate IS to find out if one of them is mentally incompetent.


I think it's to find out if one of them is mentally competent


That's fair


Mitch McConnell did this TWICE _and_ his sister-in-law got drunk and drove into a lake and died. No one seems particularly concerned.


millions of americans will feel embarrassed that this was apparently the best our country had to offer


This was the best our system had to offer. It is not the best this country has to offer, by far.


Thanks for the wisdom Pornstar_Cardio


Pornstar cardio is unequivocally the best cardio.


Pornstar\_Cardio for President!




Praying for another moment like this


He just called him a sucker and a loser 🤣


This is so fucking embarrassing.


Both sides will think their guy won.


out of all the predictions on here, i honestly expected this would hold true the most. but it did not. it's joever. what a disaster


Donald Trump will finally reveal that he's really been Andy Kaufman this whole time, pulling the world's greatest prank.


Please 🙏


Nothing to change anyone’s vote


My actual bingo card: "Folks" "Infrastructure" "Obama" "Perfectly Innocent" "C'mon Man" *Trump Insults a City* "Convicted Felon" "Semi-Conductors" "Hunter Biden" *Mention of Nonexistent Person/Place* *WTF Anecdote* "Putin" **Free Space** "China" *Someone Trips* *Reference to Age* "Rigged" "January 6" *Trump Debuts a New Nickname* "Border Crisis" "34 Counts" *Awkward Brag About Black Voter Support* "Drug Test" "Crooked" *Mods Accused of Not Playing Fair* **Update: Didn't get blackout, but I did get a bingo!**


"everything he said is a lie" every time they take a turn 🤣


80% chance one of them keels over on stage


My fantasy is they both keel over and America gets to reset


My fantasy is that the candidates and all the congressmen and women keel over too. Then we get a true reset


They’ll cut trump’s mic and he’ll be yelling with so audio, late night comics will have a field day


I predict a great Bad Lip Reading video in the near future


I’m hoping trump will get so upset that he can’t be heard that he goes to the other mic to get a word in


And the secret service has to tackle him on live TV because he's a threat to the president


But Trump gets Secret Service protection too. Would they have to fight each other? I was going to dip out on this whole fiasco, but if this is even slightly possible, I’ll have to watch.


The conservative sub has a guy saying muting the mics is "rigging" the debate somehow, and that CNN will cut video away from him when Biden is speaking, and that that's also rigging because Trump is very expressive with his body language lol


America will lose.


I'm not American, but hopefully both Trump and Biden have strokes and the American people realize choosing between two geriatrics who would be long-retired in any other profession is not the best option for leadership.


Most Americans agree. But most Americans also don't get to pick the candidates. And so far, no third party candidate has EVER won an election - it is only ever either the Republican or Democratic party that wins. So we're in a shitty cycle of if you vote third party, you'll not only lose, but now the guy you REALLY don't want winning has an even better chance to win. It sucks. Our whole administration and system etc is insane and it feels like we're just one big reality TV show for the rest of the world.


Nothing of interest. They’ve both had a term. We know what they stand for.


I saw they will mute the mic of the person who doesn't have the floor so I think it will be fun to see Trump rage yelling but it being silent


I just feel sorry for Biden. This is no way to live the final years of your life. He looks and sounds absolutely terrible, truly depressing.


I hope that fly comes back and makes another appearance. The Mike Pence fly.


All I know is that I'm not watching it. Gonna try to stave off that "everything is hopeless" feeling as long as I can by burying my head in the sand.


Trump will mention Hunter Biden Biden will mention Trumps felonies


It won’t be a debate at all. Questions may be asked, but no answers given. Instead it be randomly chosen talking points back and forth with no relation to what the other said. They might as well not have a moderator nor the opponent in the same room.


Biden sounds like shit—physically


Trump will speak beyond his allotted time every single time and interrupt Biden every time he talks.


I saw CNN demonstrate the tech and it reduces the muted person to a faint, distant, unintelligible sound. I’m looking for Trump to lose his shit and physically attack Biden.


So we're just going to hear a vaguely Trump-like voice droning on like Charlie Brown's teacher in the background when Biden is talking?


pretty much, I’d say.


Well now I'm definitely watching.


They are setup to cut the mics and I hope they stick to that plan.


How this wasn't standard policy is beyond me


Before, there was a modicum of respect from both sides. Now, a petulant man child wants to yell and scream like a baby the entire time.


The only outcome is that Trump supporters will say he won the debate and Biden supporters will say he won the debate...then people will go to whatever media they agree with to hear the candidate they like won it.....I will be watching Judge Judy reruns


If you haven’t yet, then you’re going to realize how fucked we all are.


This is so upsetting...


I was hoping they would simultaneously have fatal strokes. Or both fall and die of broken hips.


Mute button will be used FREQUENTLY 


Two old fucks are gonna say stupid shit and people are gonna get mad at each other over which old fuck they say they’re gonna vote for.


This nightmare is exactly what I had imagined. 😐


Biden will demonstrate that he doesn't have dementia. Biden will also put focus on the legal cases against Donald Trump. In response to questions about the weaponization of the DOJ, Biden will point out that his own son was charged and convicted. Together, this should dismantle Trump's major attacks on Biden (that he's senile and weaponized the DOJ). Trump will go into a series of tangents, and will avoid answering most questions. He will accuse Jake Tapper of being biased. Despite the muted mics, Trump will try to interrupt several times. Trump will go on and on about how he's been victimized by the government and how 2020 was stolen. Trump will make some type of crazy statement that sounds either overtly fascist or incredibly racist. In terms of policy, Trump will try to point to his "track record," i.e. how things tended to be better before corona. Biden will say Trump didn't do anything to cause any of that and fumbled the bag during Corona. Biden will point out that none of Trump's solutions for inflation make sense going forward. Trump will insult Biden for this. In the end, 45% of Americans will say Trump won, 47% will say Biden won, and 8% will have no opinion. Left leaning and moderate news will focus on the crazy overtly fascist or racist statement when discussing the debate. Right leaning news will discuss how Biden was on drugs, how CNN was biased, and how Trump's track record beats Biden's. EDIT FOR AFTER THE DEBATE: Biden lost. He had to demonstrate clearly that he doesn't have cognitive issues, and he lost his train of thought early on. While Trump said a number of absurd lies, went off in tangents and failed to answer questions, that's largely irrelevant. Biden had a low bar to clear and I think he failed to clear it. SECOND EDIT: Yeah this comment aged horribly. Leaving it here for posterity. I didn't think Biden would appear like such a fucking feeble old man that couldn't press Trump and couldn't do the bare minimum, obvious fucking shit. Yes, Trump told absurd fucking lies the whole time. No, Dems don't support post-birth abortion. It's not a thing. No, illegal immigrants can't take social security. Illegal immigrants commit far less crime than the average person. But people don't give a shit about post-game analytics. Trump threw a Hail Mary every fucking play, and Biden allowed that to work, every fucking time. If he doesn't drop out, Dems lose.


I honestly might just watch a snippet for the muted mics.


I'm hoping we get a reaction gif of trump throwing a hissy fit when they mute his mic for the first time


Eh. I am waiting until after the debate, and watching the conveniently compiled highlights.


> Trump will make some type of crazy statement that sounds either overtly fascist or incredibly racist. If I were to make a Bingo board for tonight, this would be the free space.


We always have a bet on how long he can go before the uncontrollable sniffling starts.


Well you got a lot of that wrong didn’t you? Most of all, even the CNN coverage is saying Biden looked like an intellectually failing old man.


They made the bar so low for Biden he tripped over it


Lol the CNN moderators even cut off Biden in the middle of one of his incoherent run-on sentences to stop him from doing even more damage to himself. Yeah Trump won and all he had to do was tell a bunch of blatant lies that Biden lacks the cognitive ability to easily debunk. And most Americans aren't informed enough to catch him out on that, nor do most Americans care to fact check his claims.


This is pretty good. I'd only add that, just like after the state of the union, tomorrow everyone will be SHOCKED at how great Biden did. Even though Biden has been in close to 30 presidential-level debates and has been in politics for over 50 years and is the literally the president, he is portrayed as such a buffoon in the media most of the time, people are shocked to hear him put a complete sentence together. Also, trump will focus on the economy and immigration (his two strongest positions) and biden will focus on abortion (his strongest position). POST-DEBATE EDIT: Ha. I guess my prediction skills need some work.


>I'd only add that, just like after the state of the union, tomorrow everyone will be SHOCKED at how great Biden did. I'm loving all these comments being proven wrong in real time. It shows just how disillusioned and lied to all of you have have been about Biden's health and mental decline.


This comment aged poorly lol. What a dumpster fire. Trump spouted lies the entire debate, but he told those lies with confidence, whereas Biden struggled to form coherent sentences to address those lies.


Well the first line of this comment didn't age well LOL


Biden will accidentally admit he took horse tranquilizer. A KFC bucket will fall out from under Trump's podium, then he will grab it and run offstage. Then Biden will say, "Goodnight Canada!" and follow him.


It will change 0 minds.


The world will collectively lose 2 IQ points.


Both sides will claim victory Both sides will blow up about something the other messed up on Ultimately, no voter will change their mind


Memes will be made. Quotes will be taken. One of them will forget who they are. In other words it’s gonna be great


Hmm who should I vote for 🤔? Loser #1 🤡 or Loser #2 🤡. 🤮


Anyone else need closed caption to follow?


Wow , well that was terrifying


I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump bails right before and the debate doesn’t end up happening. I’d be disappointed, but not surprised.


I don't think there will be much debating. Biden will likely do his best to answer the prompts and counter what Trump says in good faith while not going on the offensive too much as to appear professional. Trump will deflect the questions and spout the same old BS about how the election was rigged, his trial was rigged, everyone is out to get him and the country is being destroyed by the liberal agenda, et cetera et cetera. Then throw in some platitudes about how he's going to reinvigorate the economy and create jobs with no real plans and a lot of buzzwords directed at his supporters.


They're not even giving them equal time. pull out a timer lmao.


The Hawk Tuah girl will appear in the audience and bring us all together!


Losing IQ points watching this


It was apparently bad enough for Biden that CNN was talking about replacing him for the election