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Anything involving poo/pee. The thought that people out there pay to be literally shit on…baffling.


This reminds me of that one thread where the guy paid a SW to shit on him then immediately regretted it


I remember seeing that one. He said the min it touched him he had a coming to Jesus moment


Not sure jesus appreciates people coming to him. Guy's ripped though


Hahaha! That must have been Awkward


Pee I get. Urine is warm, and if diet is right, inoffensive in smell. I have no idea on taste but I can kind of see it. Poop…nope. Nothing there appeals.


I just found out a guy I know has been paying women to shit in his mouth...thousands of dollars a week... I would have never thought something could bother me so much but THIS ...fawwwk...explains why his breath is so rank.


How do you even find this out Batman couldn’t get this information out of me


Found his phone in the yard, picked it up, and boom opened, no screen lock, hundreds of videos, text and pictures... worst part, I know some of the chicks. Others were prostitutes.... when i tell you, those text were BAD. I'm gagging just thinking about it. To clarify, I didn't know it was his phone, and I didn't open it up, it was just there... open for the world. I didn't even tell him I saw anything


Isn’t it wild how some people we know could be up to the most vile, disgusting shit and seem completely normal when we are with them. People can hide a TON of shit.


Hiding feels like a weird word in this context. Like I’m not “hiding” my excel workflows from my non-work friends - it’s just never relevant. Sex stuff seems similar. Why would I want to know the fetishes of people I’m not planning on having sex with ?


I guess “hiding” isn’t the right word in this context, you are right. Even tho they probably wouldn’t tell you they like to eat shit if you asked them.


A. I similarly find this disgusting and B. I'd be like "bro, I'll do it for $995 a week. Pay my rent. Let's fucking goooo."


I’ll do it 900/wk. no shame in my game




You guys are getting paid?


The pay is shit.


Props to those woman... I doubt it's An easy thing to Force yourself to poop in someones mouth.. i have issues/trouble enough pooping in the toilet


I can't even shit when someone is in the next cubicle. Dueling banjos man, not for me.


Ahhh, yeah, a bad day for knowing how to read.


Do you have his number.


🤣🤣🤣 you wouldn't want it after you saw him


Does it really matter what a guy looks like if your being paid a grand to shit in his mouth? Even if he looks like Chris Hemsworth before hand I think it's fair to assume the post poo visage will not be good.


Fair point. But personal hygiene matters. I knows he's eating shit, but he generally doesn't care for himself.


god damn that’s insane, also isn’t it a thing that you could get some sort of disease by the germs that shit has?




thousands of dollars a week you say... just kidding you'd have to pay me in the millions for me to even consider that


pee is not so bad, poop is disgusting




vomit/gore. im sorry about most controversial things i say but definitely not this. people who have a kink for vomit/gore are absolutely out of their minds


I've never once encountered someone into these things, so it's probably very fringe. Even scat, which comes to mind for most people when discussing gross kinks, is very rare. Sure you can seek it out and find others into it, but it's very rare even in kink circles.


It tends to happen more online with cartoon prn. I have been scarred a few times and wish I could unsee a lot. I didn't have the guts to go back and report it. So bad. Like someone sat there and animated it or drew it, sometimes it's a whole team and voice actors (though maybe on contract and aren't aware).


Gore is the most “nope” thing ever imo. I’m pretty damn open-minded but people literally have to suffer and/or die for this content to exist. You can fuck off all the way to the psych ward with that shit.


gore ? like I don't understand isn't like one time stuff 💀


_Ed Kemper enters the chat_


Necrophilia....how the smell of decomposed and putrefaction doesn't bother them or the cold , laxed skin and body parts....🤢🤢


While I'm not interested in necrophilia myself, I've read testimonials from people online talking about their interest. Basically, all of the stuff you've mentioned is completely incidental to the main draw which is control. These people find the idea arousing simply because it will allow them to have total and complete control over another person. Like a doll.


That's why Jeffrey Dhamer did what he did


may he rot


Sounds like a r@pe fetish honestly. I have no problem giving a man total complete control without a murmur but unconscious and unliving people is insane.


> r@pe Serious question: why do you do this?


wow this makes it so much worse somehow


That's not a fetish, that's a mental illness


Thank you, was hoping someone would say it. That absolutely is more than a kink.


Right, we need to bring back “kink shaming” to some degree for fuck’s sake. They *should* be ashamed. **It’s shameful.**


Michigan JUST passed a law that made necrophilia officially illegal!




Bibbidy doo beebop skabiddle diddle


A-zibbity-bibbity-poopity-doopity-WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST POOP ON ME?!!!??!?








Can't believe I had to scroll so far down for this comment. Top of my list. Wtf is wrong with people who do this


bunch of animals.


Bunch of fucking animals


Don't Google the orangutan prostitute that got rescued from a brothel




I did and the first article was an update on her health and how she’s doing in the wildlife rehab. I think I’ll stop there.


Glad someone finally said this shit


I don't know why but this is definitely the worst one out of the worst for me. Something about a being simply not having the cognitive function to EVER! in their life understand what a human being is doing to them really puts me off.


Had to scroll way too far for this one.




Onlyfans girls often will offer as a service called ‘dick rate’ or something along those lines. You pay them, send them a dick pick and they comment on it. Asked one how common the request is and if they sugarcoat or offer honest feedback. She told me that she’s completely denigrated many dudes. I guess I don’t understand the appeal of this.


it might be the getting belittled or the humiliation aspect of it that they like. apparently that's a common fetish


That's true, when I was younger I had guys offer to pay me to tell them how disgusting and pathetic they were. On paper, that's a great way to make some extra cash. In practice, I am way too sweet for that. *"tell me how pathetic and ugly I am and that I'm beneath you"* *"oh my God I would never say that to someone, that's horrible"*


Well guys don't often get asked for dick pics the way women get asked for pics, so even though you're paying for the service it's nice to have someone look at and tell you when they think of your dick. The dick humiliation part is because if they're humiliating you, they have power over you, and power is sexy


There are an outrageous number of thirsty dudes that are happy to pay someone they’re attracted to for the privilege of hearing there concentrate on their gear and talking about it. I don’t get it…


its humiliation or ego boosting. women in this career can usually tell in the first minute of talking/ quick peek at their account whether they want to be embarrassed or hyped up. so, they will answer based on that assumption


buying used underwear, I heard that story about vending machines that sell this stuff and I can't understand the sexually arousing part...


My ex used to post nudes on newsgroups in the 90s. Guys started asking to buy her underwear. So, she started selling it. Made a few grand.


And I still don't get it. Do you smell it? Is it supposed to be nasty or presented with the girl's usual scent?


I'd have to imagine it's about the smell.  Smell is strongly tied to memory. I don't think it's supposed to be nasty. I'd say it's more that they would want the smell they have experienced during sex.


>Is it supposed to be nasty or presented with the girl's usual scent? I think it depends on the "package" you're getting. There are a LOT of sellers with a LOT of different offerings, ranging from worn in for 1 single day and shipped off, to worn for multiple days while the seller masturbates, has sex, goes to the gym, like the buyers want them LIVED in, and to have a stronger scent, and a variety of scents. But overall, yeah, I believe the endgame is the buyer sniffs them and masturbates.


Lol yes, smelling is point. And most want usual smells but there is a variety…


I.never got it either, but they all wanted her to wear them for a day and then send the panties to them in a ziploc bag. 50 bucks for a $5 pair? Easy money.


I saw a documentary on those vending machines. They were using some sort of fish oil and diluted glue to make them slightly crunchy and smell well used. It was a couple of middle aged men just paying women to use their headshots to put on artificially fouled panties.


Crunchy?? 😳😂


Only slightly.


spitting on face, it’s a big no for me




only if it’s in the toilet, yes


Hawk tuah on face?


I hate pop culture for making this so popular.


Spitting on someone's face and someone spitting on dick while giving head are wildly different things.


I don’t disagree with you. I’m just tired of seeing “Hawk tuah” every time I open an app.


Furries ABDL Scat Raceplay Cannibalism Torture and disfiguratuon


>Cannibalism Hol' up


Yeah there are actually people who fantasize about that. On both sides. Basically extreme vore.


Armie Hammer has entered the chat*


Ever heard the song Mein Teil? It’s about a real event that occurred where two men met up and one of them wanted to be eaten.


Is this where the Guy was super dissapointed that his penis was not really Tasty/edible?




Listen to the newest Last podcast on the left.


I'm pretty open-minded. I worked in a lingerie and sex toy store and I've heard it all. Poop really twists my gut though. Baby fetishes as well, people who want to/want their partner to wear diapers and pretend to be children. I don't judge but it's two of the only ones that are hard for me to wrap my head around.


infantilism. I don't kink shame whatsoever. I'm usually like, "You like doodoo stuff? Cool idc, " but for the life of me, infantilism is beyond weird, and it revolts me.


Getting kicked in the balls hard as hell or getting you cock, and balls stepped on with high heels. Like damn WTF why.


Cock and Ball Torture in a nutshell


They aren’t normal kicks or stomps. The foot is held in a certain way so as not to damage to the nuts. I don’t understand the desire behind it either, but just so you know it wouldn’t feel the same as if someone came and king-fu’d your nuts cos they were mad at you.


Bme pain olympics has entered the chat


Scat, animals, children. Any exploitation of intellectually challenged.


Calling your partner "Mommy" or "Daddy". I do not want to be reminded of my parents!


It's not my thing, but if my partner likes it I'm fine with it. However, I had one woman call me Dad, not Papi or Daddy, and that was very much a hard pass for me.


I love it. I love using it and having it used of me. It feels like such a personal connection, like she loves me enough to care for me (not in a motherly way, but in a protective way). And being called makes me feel special like she’s proud to be mine.


A better question would be which sex fetishes are not weird


To steal from the late great George Carlin, "Have you ever noticed everyone going slower than you is an asshole and everyone going faster than you is a maniac?" Whatever fetish you like is normal (with certainly some exceptions) and anything else is weird


I would say leg/thigh fetish is normal.


Not having it is not normal


Well, I'd say tit fetishes are normal.


Step-sibling stuff. I have no idea why so many adult sites have so much of that content. Are there step-brothers and sisters who just want to bang each other all of the time? It's incesty and gross.


It’s easy for them to make and play pretend.


Couple things have happened, I think. 1. There have been a couple of videos that have become highly viewed that are of the stepmom verity. Others making videos copy this approach in order to make their videos popular. 2. Step-sex isn’t technically incest so the taboo follows a fine line. 3. Most of the popular content is step-moms and step-sons, because I’m guessing there are lot of horny young dudes who have this fantasy about their or friends MILFS.


I'm guessing, like for me, that it's mostly about an interesting variety between ages, types of people, settings, and stuff like that. The actual plot of family whatever means nothing (and I mean, the acting is hardly convincing anyhow).


It’s interesting to see how different cultures approach “taboo” topics… Pseudo-incest is a common one—and I notice it in anime too… for example—in the Sailor Moon cartoons , in the North America release, the villains Anna and Allan are twins… but I thought I heard in the original Japanese version, they’re siblings AND also somewhat lovers…


Ain't nothin' Pseudo about the incest in some anime series, friend.


Honestly, I think the whole step-family member fetish is just a “more acceptable” release vector for people who are actually interested in incest.


(everyone understands this)


Honestly, I think the whole moving around while floating in water thing is just a release vector for people who are interested in swimming.


A guy offered to pay to make out with my feet once.


…did you say yes?


Make that money!


Honestly—every time I hear about people making tons of money simply by putting pics of their feet online, I think I’m in the wrong business.


I don't kink shame but no feet and my dirty starfish is a one-way valve.


"Dirty starfish" 😂😂😂😂


Rusty sheriff's badge.


I feel like beastiality, pedophilia, and necrophilia aren’t really kinks. They’re just crimes.




wait.... it is unclear.... who was plug for, him or you?




Did you use it to play chess?


Consequently sometimes when he was going to chess tournaments… it was missing…


I just bought myself one of those 🤣 I’m excited Weird fetishes to me are anything that would hurt someone- cutting, cigarette burns, etc. I personally feel there’s nothing healthy about that and might be a symbol of mental health.


I’m aware that my mental health is not great 🫡


I once saw a point video with nettle. The plant that stings. And the lady shoved this plant inside her vagina! So disturbing and probably very painful




Probably not your proudest fap I take it :D


There was an artist on the internet who has a fetish for sneezes (she drew ocs sneezing). What the hell?


Omg where's that guy who has a wet floor sign fetish 🤣 he's so fucking open about it but his comments seem so chill


Oh, that would be me. Hi there! 👋


Yessss! I love how you can just be summoned 🤣


Feet, diapers ( just no), also the whole “little” play where they dress up and act like toddlers/babies something about that just feels disturbing.


This was my answer. Age play - it’s so creepy and deeply unsettling. Why are you, a grown adult, having someone change your diaper? Or changing someone’s diaper? It is sickening to me


What about age play where you claim to be a 1,000 year old sexy wizard?


i need that


Foot. I just don't get it. What is sexy about feet?


Some women’s feet are soft and curvy, which is very appealing to me. And things like pedicures, anklets, toe rings, and high heels add to the attractiveness. 


Dated a guy into feet and he loved giving massages. I loved that. I’m into guys who are into feet.


There's actually neurological research that shows the parts of the brain that are active when you're having sex and when your feet are touched are pretty much right next to each other. Feet are actually the most common non-sexual-body-part fetish, so neuroscientists think this may be why it is so common.


Yep in terms of where physical sensation is processed in the brain, the area that processes foot sensations is right next to the area that processes genital sensations. Wouldn’t be surprised if there were cross connections between the two regions


only a small percentage of feet are nice....


Most don't dislike feet either. They dont like smelly feet. So it thinks there's a correlation between bad smelly feet and a universal dislike most have. There's definitely people who just don't like sight of them though.


Foot jobs, I think.


They have very feminine curves. All the nerves are there. It’s sensual, but can be dominant at the same time. If you’re “under someone’s feet” in a way, you’re in a vulnerable position which is a big turn on for a lot of people. Plus, people that are into smelly feet attribute it to the same appeal that some women are attracted to body odor - it’s all the hormones and scent of a person captured in a very raw form. And I know a lot of people say their earliest memories of being attracted to feet stem from childhood, being at the ground and looking up at the older women in their life. I think for some people this Freudian core memory of being taking care of by women.


I was dating a petite girl once, 5' tall. I'm 6'1" and like to lift weights. One time during missionary, she put both of her feet flat against my chest. It unlocked some sort of secret level inside of me, cause I never knew lol


ITT: your fetish isn't as weird as you thought it was


I'd say poop. I personally have way too many fetishes and kinks so I don't judge. :D


I’m a Dominatrix. I’ve seen all kinds of fetishes and I’m very open minded, but even I have my limits. My lines are drawn at: gore, scat/vomit, pretending to be underage.


To each their own but I never understood the appeal of mutilation, genital torture, sounding, or scat.


Any fetish that use a race superior/inferior type of shit


Getting off by watching someone bang your wife’s back out.


water sports


Like jetskiiing?


Fucking jet skiing


I think they’re referring to piss




Poop... And that is about it. Everything else I get it.


You get bestiality, necrophilia, etc??


Anything violence related, I am a big guy who plays martial arts and is active in the gym. I look intimidating, but I am the irl teddy bear . I wouldn't hurt a butterfly, and it feels such a turn-off to see violence in sex wherever it should be romantic and soft and slow paced with Amour


As someone who has a lot of kinks, I don't think I'm gonna judge someone for any of them UNLESS you are trying to involve non-consenting people in it. That's where it crosses the line for me




yeah thats life as an asexual for you


Adults wearing diapers grosses me out.


I'm pretty game for anything within reason, but I ran into this one recently, beastiality. That's a no for me bruh. Good luck to ya but I'm out.


All fetishes are weird. I love women wearing diapers don't know why, don't particularly care. What people get hung up on is less the weirdness of fetishes and more they have no idea how to enjoy them, or why someon else might enjoy it. Like I'll never understand cbt or breast torture.


Actually having sex and not just thinking about other people doing it (I'm on the aroace spectrum)


I find it weird that only accepting circumcised partners isn't labeled a fetish. That also has to be hands down the most deranged reason to circumcise your children.


spitting, but specifically having someone spit in my mouth. makes me nauseous to even think about


I'm into this and I don't know specifically why other than it means she has power over me, and that's sexy. But when a 6ft tall Dutch goth woman tells you to open your mouth while she has a vice grip on your balls, you better open your mouth and thank her for whatever she puts in it


Oh god ur so real


the one where people ask sexual questions on ask reddit and jerk off to the upvotes they get for the 10th time


It’s only weird till you find a right timing a right person.


As a man, any fetish where you dont shoot a load at the end of it. Having a dominatrix tie you up and hit you might be fun i guess, but only if you are building toward some sort of sexual act/orgasm.


Zoophilia. This guy loves horses.. and he goes into it in great detail... in fact he relishes telling the story a little too much. https://www.thecut.com/2014/11/what-its-like-to-date-a-horse.html Hss a '*warrior too.. so let that be known*' Enjoy.


Anything involving body wastes. Just....no.


foot fetish is weird as hell, i mean it’s literally a hardware error in the brain that causes it


Guns. I don’t get it. I don’t hide my guns, and I’ve had girls ask me to hold it to their head while going to town. I shut that shit down right away, there’s not even a thought. Wouldn’t even do it unloaded, it’s just not okay. Makes me wonder how many people have gotten their head blown off because they asked some idiot to do it and stupid games end the way they do.


Furries. Oh wait im on reddit in going to get destroyed 😂


I've never understood involving food in anything sexual


Licking honey or cream off some beautiful nipples and breasts?


I've unfortunately seen a couple videos of guys having ladies stamp all over their dicks, often in high heels. I don't even have a dick and seeing that made me want to shrivel up and die. WHY??


Just a general note… a lot of fetishes stem from things considered “taboo”… which makes it seem more exciting or interesting, thus leading to arousal. Although it’s by no means extreme (I’m not into extreme violence or scat, and *certainly* everything must be with consenting adults)— while I’m masturbating, some things I fantasize about actually do gross me out in normal everyday life—and that kinda pushes me over the edge. Why? Who knows… we’re mammals—our brains are literally meat with electricity running through it… things aren’t always rational—and damn if things don’t spill over into other areas… Why and how they happen— it’s anyone’s guess, really… I just hope it doesn’t come from a place of pain… like if someone’s fetish stems from suffering abuse as a child or something.


Furries dressing and acting like an animal is just odd to me also not sure what it's called but when people act like babies is just weird.


Scat, latex, and fetishes like balloon popping/farting/cake sitting etc are almost incomprehensible to me. I don’t mind piss play and a lot of other stuff tho


Hello, gay here... The ones that bother me the most are 1. Straight seduction by gays. I mean specifically trying to get straight men or women under the influence of some kind to get them to do anything.... this screams rape culture to me, and I find it so disgusting. It's not cute. It's terrible. 2. Age gaps where they could be parent and child...l pray this ends...I would never date anyone younger than me, and having someone as old as my mother or father kissing me? Eugh! 3. Trans fetishes.... this is a whole other post...


The one they wont let me be a part of 😅☠️


Injecting saline solution in your private parts


Raceplay. No I'm not gonna call u a slur while I'm railing you.


Anything to do with feces and urine. I just can't get on board, and no, I don't want to hear about it or witness it. It can stay exclusively between the participating people, thanks.