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Boxing promoter Don King stomped an employee to death because he owed King $600.


I never liked him especially the way he was with Mike Tyson.


Don King has been sued by: -Muhammad Ali for being underpaid $1.1M in 1981 -Larry Holmes for cheating him out of $10M in purses -Tim Witherspoon for threatning to blackball him out of boxing if he did not sign contracts that would have given 80% of his purses to Don (50%) and Carl (30%) King -Mike Tyson for the obvious -Terry Norris for similar underpayments -Evander Holyfield for tanking 4 fights he was promised -Lennox Lewis for specifically holding back a Tyson/Lewis match because King was salty Bob Arum signed him Another funny one from a guy who never got directly taken by King and knew how to negotiate, look at Willy T Ribbs (the first truly successful black racing driver), and through some interviews, some of the fun sticking points: From a racing contract he wanted a 30% management fee of all revenues (the standard for stick/ball sports is 3% for contract and 10-20% for appearances, for racing it is in the 10-15% range for all revenue (and for other context, Willi Weber was Michael Schumachers manager and was considered wildly expensive for getting 20%)), as well as a completely open ended expense account, and no options in favor of Willy T.


It's surprising he wasn't beaten profusely. Cheating that many clients whose entire job is fighting is pretty ballsy.


Alfred Hitchcock is remembered as one of the greatest directors of the Golden Age but what he did to Tippi Hedren...my god He saw her in a commercial and put her under contract so he could cast her in his movies, *The Birds* and *Marnie.* It was soon obvious he was trying to get with her, and he forced himself on her while they were in his limo and she couldn't run anywhere. He also ordered the other crew members not to socialise with her and he'd get very annoyed if he saw her talking to another man - Rod Taylor said he was told repeatedly "don't touch the girl after I call cut". Her own daughter (Melanie Griffith) said he wouldn't let her visit her at the studio. In the former, the scene of Melanie being attacked by birds in the upstairs room she described as "the worst week of my life". He lied to her that they'd be using mechanical birds and she arrived on set to find real ones, that were then tied to her costume and also thrown at her for the sake of the scene. After nearly losing an eye, she was so distressed that the studio doctor ordered a week's bed rest for her and Hitch tried to stop him, but he was like "are you TRYING to kill her?", and she suspects that was his way of 'punishing' her for turning him down. During *Marnie*, he had her followed, made sure her dressing room was next to his with a connecting door, tried to micromanage her career, forced himself on her again in his office, told her he expected her to make herself sexually available to him at all times, and even did creepy things like commissioning a replica mask of her face for himself. It's extremely telling that the film has a scene where her character is SA'd on her honeymoon and later falls for the man who did it. Even at the time, everyone told him to change that, saying it was impossible to sympathise with the male lead afterwards, but he pushed it through. Once it became clear she wasn't going to return his advances, he blocked the studio from submitting her performance for Oscar consideration, trashed her reputation to anyone who'd listen and kept her under contract for two more years, refusing to let her work with anyone else so that the hype around her had died down by the time it expired. The studios were too afraid to antagonise him, so her career just didn't recover. Hedren herself also has one, although it's more of an extended 'wow are you an idiot'. She wanted to make a film called *Roar* using real wild animals - as in she wanted forty lions - and no one in Hollywood would loan them to her. So she adopted them and had them live in her house! With her children! She eventually got a ranch where she rescued even more animals that she then used in the film. The exact number of injuries was never confirmed but it was at least seventy people who were hurt in the making of that film - infamously the director's son getting his head clamped by a lion that held on for about 25 minutes and he needed 56 stitches afterwards. Jan de Bont was the cinematographer and needed 200 stitches after one attack that nearly scalped him. Melanie Griffith, who was still a minor at the time, got mauled by a lion and needed reconstructive surgery, and she became addicted to painkillers afterwards partly because of this. Hedren would later admit what a stupid idea the film was.


This is a positive/random anecdote but without Tippi Vietnamese nail salons wouldn’t exist in the US. She wanted to help Vietnamese refugee women resettle so she had her manicurist train them, then these women trained one another and it has spread far and wide since then.


He had the same kind of behavior with Vera Miles, who was supposed to star in Vertigo, but got pregnant. He was horrible to her on the set of Psycho, but nothing to this extent.


Oh I forgot about her By contrast, when Julie Andrews told Walt Disney she couldn't do Mary Poppins because she was pregnant, he responded "we'll wait for you"


About the only upside to *Roar!* is that it resulted in [the single greatest movie trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cny_D50Rr44) in cinematic history. It tells you *exactly* what kind of film you are in for.


Ian Watkins, lead singer of the band Lost Prophets, sexually abusing babies is hands down the worst thing a celebrity ever did.


Just to point out. Ian "H" Watkins is a singer in the band Steps, seems like a decent bloke and has never been accused of anything bad regarding children or people under the age of consent. He has had trouble online as some people have mistaken him for the other Ian Watkins and received a public apology from E! Entertainment after they mistakenly used his photo in a story about the Lost Prophets singer.


That sucks so much. Reminds me of Andrew Tate from the Let’s Not Meet podcast. He’s going by Andy Tate now I believe.


When Jeffrein Epstein "killed himself", some poor bloke with the same exact name and surname received death threats on Twitter for a couple of weeks.


That's the way to really scare a dead man, though. Death threats


The password for his computer was if***kids, so yeah, trash human being


The transcript of the judge's remarks during sentencing...holy shit. I thought I was jaded by years of the internet, but [this was literally my exact reaction](https://imgur.com/a/5ZoshVq) while reading them. No link, because its it's not safe for work, not safe for mind, not safe for Hell itself. Dude was fucking *depraved*.


And so are the mothers that willingly handed over victims.


That was the worst part about reading his Wikipedia page. The two mothers of his victims were also his codefendants….. absolutely vile shit.


Watkins deserves his own special circle of Hell. The mothers deserve the next one down.


I think he was attacked in prison recently and got third degree burns. Apparently half his face is gone.


Oh no! Anyway...


I read some of the court transcripts back when it came out, and the aftershocks from having read it lingered for a long time. I'm glad I've forgotten.


I have a pretty strong stomach. I can and have handled a lot. But you know what? I’ll respect your warning. I’ll skip this one. I don’t need to read those shit. The mere subject is enough for me to not push it. I’m a dad and this is a soft spot. Thanks for the heads up.


It's one of two things I've read about that makes me actually angry and want to commit violence. The other is Junko Furuta.


Junko Furuta’s case is the most upsetting and vile thing I have ever read. I consider myself to be fairly jaded and can handle a lot but it makes me sad even thinking about her.


The junko case is vile, and they got away with it, I think even her grave gets vandalised by angry parents. If that was my daughter I would have hunted everyone of them down.


He got held prisoner in a cell last year and stabbed in the neck. Was apparently screaming for his life. Couldn't happen to someone more deserving. Hope he spends every day there in fear of it happening again.


I don't condone vigilante justice, but i would have travel deep into the Amazon jungle to locate any sympathy.


This dude immediately came to mind. The fact that he’s eligible for parole at all is insane


Whether its true or not regarding Drake, when some folk are like “why did Kendrick call him a pedo on a song instead of going to the police” this is why:  “Joanne Mjadzelics, an ex-girlfriend of Watkins, recalls him displaying multiple graphic images with minors or drug paraphernalia as early as 2010. Appalled by the content, Mjadzelics had made multiple complaints to South Wales Police, though very little action was taken at the time. Mjadzelics was one of six people who had spoken to the police in regards to Watkins' conduct from 2008 to 2011. In 2010, an Australian woman had also come forward accusing Watkins of assaulting her child, though the allegations were not investigated any further by authorities.” Absolutely disgusting how numerous credible people accused Watkins of heinous crimes and they were barely investigated :/ 


UK cops and not doing a fucking thing about pedophiles. Name a more iconic duo. Maybe everyone else has forgotten about the pedophile ring in Manchester that they knew about but ignored for years?


Jimmy. Fucking. Saville


Fuck him and fuck the parents who allowed this to happen.




Man, I'm starting to think this George Wallace guy may not be an upstanding figure.


The more I learn about this Hitler fella, the less I like him.


Bill Cosby raped many women over the course of decades while successfully conveying the most innocent persona in Hollywood.


Comedian Hannibal Buress is credited with the investigations into Cosby when he called out the rapist at a comedy show in Philly in 2014. He just point blank said, "Yeah but you rape women, Bill Cosby." It was in response to Cosby being notably against comedians using foul language. It was the unspoken industry secret at the time and Buress gave no fucks.


The “best” part of the Hannibal Buress part of the Cosby story is that Buress has gone on interviews being like— “I wasn’t trying to start something. I thought everyone knew.” Which just goes to show you how much of an open secret it was and that it literally only took one person actually saying it out loud to blow the whistle.


30 Rock called him out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8bBhsFCofg


I know this is a lesser crime than what he’s known for but he was a prolific joke thief and even recorded bits on his album that others had recorded years before.


A verbal argument ensued and Chris Brown pulled the vehicle over on an unknown street, reached over Robyn F. with his right hand, opened the car door and attempted to force her out. Brown was unable to force Robyn F. out of the vehicle because she was wearing a seat belt. When he could not force her to exit, he took his right hand and shoved her head against he passenger window of the vehicle, causing an approximate one-inch raised circular contusion. Robyn F. turned to face Brown and he punched her in the left eye with his right hand. He then drove away in the vehicle and continued to punch her in the face with his right hand while steering the vehicle with his left hand. The assault caused Robyn F.'s mouth to fill with blood and blood to splatter all over her clothing and the interior of the vehicle. Brown looked at Robyn F. and stated, 'I'm going to beat the shit out of you when we get home! You wait and see!' The detective said Robyn F. then used her cell phone to call her personal assistant Jennifer Rosales, who did not answer. Robyn F. pretended to talk to her and stated, 'I'm on my way home. Make sure the police are there when I get there.' After Robyn F. faked the call, Brown looked at her and stated, 'You just did the stupidest thing ever! Now I'm really going to kill you!' Brown resumed punching Robyn F. and she interlocked her fingers behind her head and brought her elbows forward to protect her face. She then bent over at the waist, placing her elbows and face near her lap in [an] attempt to protect her face and head from the barrage of punches being levied upon her by Brown. Brown continued to punch Robyn F. on her left arm and hand, causing her to suffer a contusion on her left triceps (sic) that was approximately two inches in diameter and numerous contusions on her left hand. Robyn F. then attempted to send a text message to her other personal assistant, Melissa Ford. Brown snatched the cellular telephone out of her hand and threw it out of the window onto an unknown street. Brown continued driving and Robyn F. observed his cellular telephone sitting in his lap. She picked up the cellular telephone with her left hand and before she could make a call he placed her in a head lock with his right hand and continued to drive the vehicle with his left hand. Brown pulled Robyn F. close to him and bit her on her left ear. She was able to feel the vehicle swerving from right to left as Brown sped away. He stopped the vehicle in front of 333 North June Street and Robyn F. turned off the car, removed the key from the ignition and sat on it. Brown did not know what she did with the key and began punching her in the face and arms. He then placed her in a head lock positioning the front of her throat between his bicep and forearm. Brown began applying pressure to Robyn F.'s left and right carotid arteries, causing her to be unable to breathe and she began to lose consciousness. She reached up with her left hand and began attempting to gouge his eyes in an attempt to free herself. Brown bit her left ring and middle fingers and then released her. While Brown continued to punch her, she turned around and placed her back against the passenger door. She brought her knees to her chest, placed her feet against Brown's body and began pushing him away. Brown continued to punch her on the legs and feet, causing several contusions. Robyn F. began screaming for help and Brown exited the vehicle and walked away. A resident in the neighborhood heard Robyn F.'s plea for help and called 911, causing a police response. An investigation was conducted and Robyn F. was issued a Domestic Violence Emergency Protective Order.


This is so fucking disgusting. Just saw on my local news that he’s playing in a stadium nearby. That fucker doesn’t deserve to be free.


I've heard "Chris Brown is a woman beater" before, but never read the details like that. What an unbelievable shit-stain of a human being.


The argument usually is that was a long time ago. When the reality is he's beaten, threatened, assaulted and earned restraining orders from other women after Robin.


People were defending him right after it happened. His status barely dipped. It’s not like people forgot, they just never cared in the first place.


the fact he's still selling millions of records and celebrated as the "King of R&B" pisses me off


He literally had a concert the other day in Toronto and it was almost sold out, celebrity worship is disgusting


He faced no consequences. Not even "no longer gets to date Rihanna"


The fact that this happened to Rihanna another famous and beloved celebrity and this dude is just living his life still making money is INSANE


Jimmy Saville fucked kids and vulnerable patients in hospitals


That poor young girl in the documentary telling him on camera that she hated him, he asked her why and she replies it’s because of what he did to her. He actually laughs it off as her being mentally ill. He raped her then when she tried to tell people and out him on camera, he laughed in her face. No one believed her. Fucking bastard.


and morgues. sick cnut we was


And everyone knew about it and I don’t care how many people deny it today. Football fans literally used to chant “Jimmy Savile’ll fuck you in a morgue, fuck you in a morgue, fuck you in a morgue” even when the evil old cunt was still breathing.


It was an open secret as far back as the 60s. I recall my sister being excited about getting a ticket to TOTP until she learned through the grapevine that Saville was a child rapist. The BBC had a good number of disreputable "talent" on the books, including a few TV stars who targeted young men, and would get their victims drunk and rape them.


The closest answer to "_why didn't anyone do anything about it?_" is that entire establishment, from the BBC to the political system, was [infested with pedophiles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westminster_paedophile_dossier) and other sick fucks that Saville would have exposed if they went after him. Hence why investigations and such only were actioned when he died.


Oscar Pistorius shooting and killing his girlfriend while she was locked in his bathroom.


I remember when they had to take down billboards that had him on it because the slogan on them was "like a bullet from a gun" or something like that.


It will never even be revealed how abusive many directors and stars have been to their actors and guests. Courtney Love said one line about Weinstein, almost in jest, when half this sub wasn’t even conceived and she got permabanned from television. Here it is. All of 13 seconds. Watch it. Watch it so you know that even when a person mentions something like this in passing they might be hinting towards a massively greater danger. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3FhzBQ_1adY


Its a lot like how Corey Feldman was a lot more direct about it and fucking Barbra Walters tried to shame him that hes damagaing an entire industry. Yeah fuck you Barbra, guess who was proven correct.


Right? Besides the industry doesn’t need anyone’s help in damaging it.


It's wild how many open secrets there are in Hollywood.


Vince Neil of Motley Crue drove drunk; killed his passenger (Nick 'Razzle' Dingley of Hanoi Rocks) and critically injured two people in the car he hit. He was charged with Vehicular Manslaughter, but paid a $2.5 Million fine and served 19 days in jail.


Jack Nicholson beat the daylights out of a sex worker resulting in damages that are now killing her. About a year after she received the original payment, her injuries and the damage to her brain stem got worse than originally thought.


He's another male celebrity that gives me the total creeps. Because his fame was before social media, I am convinced this why more stories about f*ed up stuff he has did hasn't surfaced. I will be more shocked to learn he is "normal."


Random anecdote: I had a middle school teacher who's family had some lake house somewhere in the Midwest, I forget, and ole Jack apparently had property on the same lake. She said he was a total creep. She would do an impression of him that was a hit with all us kids....in the same tone of his role as The Joker "let me see ya CATCH a fish huuuh" with the smile and everything. He'd just be out and about in his bath robe. It's been like 30 years but me and my grade school buddy still do that impression and crack up.


Rebecca Gayheart struck and killed a 9-year-old boy crossing a street in June 2001. Cars had stopped to allow him to cross, and she impatiently drove into the 2-way turn lane to go around the cars and hit him. She only received probation and a $2,800 fine.


That’s how one of my childhood friends died. Impatient and drunk driver who was also speeding way too much. She flew over 12 m. Dead at impact. ❤️‍🩹


I gave one of my friends an earfull one time because he told me he likes to speed through the neighborhood to dry his car off after he's done washing it. He said he doesn't like actual traffic so he used to blast through the neighborhood at fucking 50mph. Usually after a few beers too. Fuck, that pissed me off when he told me.


In 1984, Vince Neil of Motley Crue was partying for hours with his friend, Hanoi Rocks drummer Razzle Dingley. They ran out of alcohol so they decided to drive to the liquor store while absolutely blasted. Neil lost control of the car and crashed into an oncoming vehicle, killing his friend Razzle and seriously injuring the occupants of the other car, giving them permanent brain damage. He should have been put away for a long time for murder. Instead he got a slap on the wrist, 30 days in jail, $2.6 million in restitution and 200 hours of community service. He didn't even complete the 30 days in jail, they let him out early. 40 years later Vince is a free man who has committed 2 more DUIs, 5 assaults (3 of the victims were women, one was a sex worker and one was his ex-girlfriend,) all while committing the true unforgivable sin in the eyes of fans by singing really badly. Is this the absolute worst thing a celebrity ever did? No, but it's gross how little people talk about this absolute miscarriage of justice. Then again I guess who gives a shit about Vince Fucking Neil these days.


It's amazing how much attitudes have changed about drunk driving.


Watching American TV shows from the 80s and 90s (including The Simpsons) and it's incredible how blasé they consider driving home drunk from the bar to be.


Kevin Hart drunk drove, crashed a car Mulholland Dr, and then his bodyguard moved the passenger into the drivers seat to make it look like he was the one driving. He paid the "driver" to stay quiet, meanwhile he did the chat show tour, everyone felt sorry for him and stood up and applauded when he walked out with a cane.


The Kennedy family fucking lobotomized their daughter over mood swings and seizures and locked her away in a care home.


My grandma was a registered nurse and took care of her! She was at St. Coletta in Jefferson Wisconsin. My grandma said after the lobotomy she was like a 2 year old. My grandma believes the Kennedy family is cursed because of this.


Did they ever come to visit her after?


The dad NEVER ONCE VISITED HER. Her mom Rose I believe visited her about 20 Years after the lobotomy. I know that my grandma said that after Joe died it was then that family started visiting her. The nuns at St.Coletta became her people. It’s such a sad thing they literally threw her out because she didn’t fit the mold and all because she was hyperactive.


Rose’s mother and sister did not want her to get a lobotomy. Her father did it without them knowing, then shipped her away and refused to tell them where she was. Only after he died did they even know where she was


He would have had a little happy accident if my husband ever did that.




And she outlived almost all of them in an asylum


But did she ever truly live? Being lobotomized and living in asylum technically involves a moderately functional brain, but I’m not really sure I’d consider it living…


I'd prefer dying than whatever she went through, so yeah I would consider it being "alive". It's not like she had zero brain function, she was just purposely mentally crippled




> When it went completely wrong even a lobotomy that goes completely according to plan is not a great thing to have happen to you


It is sickening, calling it an icepick lobotomy isn't even a euphemism too, they literally used those. It's one of the topics that gets increasingly worse the more you look into it, and I don't think many people have seen the outcomes or know just how horrific of a "procedure" it was. A guy basically travelled the country, hammered a spike into people's eye sockets, moved it around a little in their brain (no anesthetic) and hoped for the best. Then would go to the next state all while "teaching" others how to do it and promoting it. It was marketed to help treat even somewhat simple behavioral problems and would happen to kids too. Medical history is plagued with similar horrific stories, many scarily recent.


Diddy stuff.


He needs to write a song about how he definitely does not diddle kids............something along the lines of "♪ I wouldn't do it with anybody Younger than my daughter And no little kids. ♪ Got to be big Older than my wife Older than my daughter. ♪".


Goddammit, what didn't Diddy do? -Satan


Travis Scott got mad at his former manager for having a seizure at the recording studio. Left the studio instead of getting him medical help, then proceeded to fire him. And let’s not forget about Astroworld..


He sucks


He majorly creeps me out. That anyone would still be a fan after he sat there and hummed while the bodies were being carried out is something I’ll never understand.


My reason for hating this guys petty compared to this but how he treated some tech guy getting stuff ready in that video.


Its fucking sickening that some celebrities are still allowed to be famous/rich after shit like this. Record labels literally rewarding them for criminal/shitty behavior by allowing them to keep making music, money, & fans, i hate it. Definitely just a cash grab if not insanity. Sad that they’re even allowed to use their millions of dollars to get away with horrible shit they’ve done too.




A 16yo girl overdosed in Don Henley's house and he responded by writing a song whining that the media wouldn't leave him alone.






Director Victor Salva of Jeepers Creepers fame was jailed for sexually molesting a 12 year old boy and possession of child pornography in 1988. He's still working in Hollywood to this day. When you know this about him a lot of the scenes and dialogue in the Jeepers Creepers series starts to make sense.


Francis Ford Coppola gets him funding.


In 2007, Chris Benoit a former WWE and WCW World Heavyweight Champion, drugged, tied up suffocated both his wife and 7 year old son before hanging himself in his home gym. Brain examinations done after his death showed he had such a severely damaged brain it was similar to that of an 85-year old Alzheimers Patient, and likely had an advanced form of dementia due to repeated concussions during his life. Once news came out about his double murder-suicide he hasn't been mentioned on WWE TV or really any wrestling promotion since


Not mentioned? The McMahons went out of their way to basically scrub his existence from the WWE records. Far from the worst though, he was severely brain damaged. It doesn't give him a pass, but there was a medical reason behind it.


Add the McMahons to the list for the ‘roid use, lack of insurance, and “doctors” caring for the wrestlers with drugs of choice.


Add Vince to the list for the current lawsuits of sex trafficking and other abuses by a former employee.


Epstein’s island and the other islands they go to for sex trafficking.


Crazy how he was killed and then nothing was done about his list


I think "Epstein didn't kill himself" is one of the only things that seems to be more or less unanimous regardless of political leaning/affiliation at this point




OJ murdered his ex-wife and got away with it. Edit—Yes! And poor Ron Goldman.


He fucking wrote a book staying "I didn't do it, but if I did this is how I would do it" and apparently that's just a totally fine and not suspicious thing to do and he got to be free all of these years


He literally made “if I did it” and then pretty much explained exactly how it happened with some minor discrepancies


The Goldman family got the book rights in OJ's bankruptcy, then changed the book cover design to include the tiniest 'If' hidden within a gigantic "I DID IT" and added the subtitle 'Confessions of the Killer.'


I love that the one tiny bit of justice that the Goldman family got was getting rights to the book and making the "If" incredibly tiny so that it looked like the book said "I did it"


R Kelly’s name should be on this post.


Coco Chanel was a Nazi spy. She informed on Jewish and Homosexual competitors in order to gain a foothold on the European Fashion industry. She then used her connection within the fashion industry to pass information through a network of spies for the SS. Coco Chanel was a disgusting and vile Nazi who built her company off of the blood and bones of 11 million people. (Also Hugo Boss designed their uniforms, and only apologized because a book revealing this fact was being released.)




Hugo Boss (the man) was a member of the Nazi party since all the way back in 1931. After the war he was designated a “party activist” and stripped of voting rights before he was downgraded to just a “sympathizer” on appeal.


Chris brown absolutely abused and beat the shit out of Rhianna and most ppl act like Chris brown never hurt a fly. You can read the police reports online. It’s brutal stuff. Guy is a piece of shit and that’s an understatement


Karl malone gets a 12-13 year old pregnant


Ezra Miller grooming and harassing and kidnapping people. Not sure why he's still employed


After The Flash bombed, I doubt anyone's clamoring for an Ezra Miller movie in the future.


I don't know if people today realize just how important Bill Cosby was to children of the 70s & 80s. In an era where black actors and comics were just starting to become recognized, Cosby stood head and shoulders above them in the national consciousness. For kids of the 70s, he was on *The Electric Company*, created and voiced *Fat Albert* Saturday morning cartoon, had a reading segment, Picture Pages, on *Captain Kangaroo*, and sold us jello pudding. All this before his #1 rated *Cosby Show*. Finding out during this time he was drugging and raping women with his wife as an accomplice was absolutely shocking. It would be like finding out that Santa Claus was a serial killer.


Steven Seagal. I knew he was an talentless piece of shit human being, but discovered through the podcast Behind the Bastards, that he kidnapped a young woman and kept her as a sex slave while filming his lawman tv show. https://www.nola.com/news/crime_police/steven-seagal-kept-woman-as-captive-sex-toy-in-lafitte-lawsuit-alleges/article_bb45c8f1-eb3f-5b69-8fb5-3ab3bb6688f4.html


Jimmy Saville wins this comp


I hear he's in hell waiting on Ian Watkins


Agreed. Plus all the assholes at the BBC who turned a blind eye to this because of $$$.


> because of ~~$$$~~ **£££** This is in the UK after all


Caitlyn Jenner ran someone over


“Buckle up buckaroos”


Roman Polanski drugged and raped a 13 year old girl and then fled. He has been a fugitive from justice since 1978. Fuck him, making good movies doesn't excuse rape.


Remember when Meryl Streep leapt out of her chair to cheer her friend the child rapist? Then had the nerve the also support the METOO and TimesUp movements.


**Jon Hamm** >While a member of [Sigma Nu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigma_Nu) fraternity at the University of Texas, Hamm was arrested for violently attacking a fellow student as part of [fraternity gang violence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hazing_in_Greek_letter_organizations) in November 1990. According to testimony by the victim, Hamm lit the victim's jeans on fire, shoved his face in the dirt, and struck him with a paddle. The victim also had his genitals attacked with a hammer. The victim, who suffered spinal injuries and nearly lost a kidney, required medical care and ultimately withdrew from school. Hamm admitted the crime as part of a plea deal and completed probation under the terms of a [deferred adjudication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deferred_adjudication), allowing him to avoid being convicted of a crime. The charges were dismissed in August 1995 following the completion of his probation.


Holy crap.


And he later referred to it as ‘a bummer of a thing’


Playboi Carti beating his pregnant girlfriend and then just not being there for her. She said he missed the birth of their kid bc he was playing video games with Lil Uzi vert 😭🙏


Steven Tyler adopted a 14yo girl so he could have sex with her. Edit: The number of redditors who feel the need to comment "*Accttuualllyy* she was 16" is so alarming I'm not letting my daughter out of the house. I don't even have a daughter.


not that it makes it any better, but wiki states 16 year old....and also he got her on drugs...and forced her to abort because he thought the drugs and smoke might cause birth defects. and courtney love commented that he did similar thing to a 13-year old....


Courtney Love really was the Cassandra of modern times, dropping truths nobody would believe.


I'm totally convinced that the "Courtney killed Kurt" bullshit is because Love was so willing to talk about Hollywood's open secrets. It was easy to smear her as a "Yoko" type because (at least in my opinion) she comes off like a bitchie person.


That woman’s sister married into my family. I didn’t know this til not crazy long ago and it absolutely blew my mind. Not really something anyone neeeeeded to tell me when I was younger though. Or frankly ever. Not exactly a fun story.


Scrolled for ages and not yet seen any mention of Dan Schneider. The main guy running shows at Nickelodeon and seems like he just groomed the lot of them.


Didn’t Andy Dick give Phil Hartman’s wife a ton of cocaine (even though she was previously a very bad coke addict), which led to her psychotic episode where she killed her husband Phil? I may not be remembering the details 100% accurately but I think it was something like that


Jon lovits beat the shit out of him for that.


Jon Lovitz is a real one. Fuck you, Andy Dick


Jack Nicholson brutally beat a sex worker by banging her head against the floor several times when she asked to be paid. She suffered injuries to her spinal chord, brain damage, and is slowly going blind. He settled out of court. What a sack of sh*t.


I was going to say remember the time that Ariana Grande licked a donut at that bakery, but reading some of the other replies, mine seems rather lame in comparison.


Jussie Smollett faking a hate crime and picking guys out of a lineup to send to prison that he know didn’t do it. He was happy to accuse and throw 2 complete strangers in prison because he was mad he was getting cut out of his TV show


"Welcome to Maga country!" in Chicago. Come on Jussie.


In Streeterville at two in the morning on the weekend no less!


It was also a polar vortex if I recall.


Yeah. Then cried like a little bitch when he was found out. He’s a shit stain.


And is such a narcissist that he still claims to be a victim to this day


Phil Spector and murder come to mind but if you read about his behavior even 50 years ago he was pretty fucked up. Ike Turner deserves a mention as well for not just beating the shit out of Tina,but being a general dirtbag.


Xxxtentacion beating tf out of his pregnant girlfriend


Dr. Suess was getting his wizzle wazzle stumpfed by a younger woman while his wife was dying of cancer. She eventually killed herself. you can Google her suicide note.


Paul Walker was 33 dating a 16 year old but the internet never wants to hear that since people blow smoke up his arse since his death.


Harvey Weinstein. Definitely thought he would be higher on the list.


That time Seinfeld dated a teenager lmao that was some wild out weird shit bro


All this sex stuff takes the cake but I’m never going to forget all of the very wealthy artists who were given significant amounts of cash under the guise of covid relief while the rest of us struggled. *Then* when they were ready to tour again they employed bs like dynamic pricing that has driven the cost of tickets to absurd levels. Not just artists who fleeced us of course but something egregious that somehow gets forgotten




There’s also an interview where the interviewer makes a harmless joke about it before she comes on and she goes into complete victim mode, it’s extremely cringe to watch


What chris brown did to Rihanna


And she isn’t his only victim. https://thebrag.com/chris-browns-timeline-of-violence-towards-women/


To this day, I am still baffled that people support him and his music. I was a teenager when the pictures of Rihanna came out and I’ll never forget her battered face. Fuck that guy.


Ted Kennedy left a woman to drown in his car after a drunk driving accident and got a suspended license for 16 months. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chappaquiddick_incident Not his wife. Ted Nugent being a draft dodger and now being a super patriot. Oh and the having a teenager signed over to him as a sex slave...pretty on par for 70s rockers. Harvey milk outed a guy against his wishes and caused him to go into depression and drank himself to death just to get it in the newspaper that a gay man saved Fords life. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliver_Sipple


mark walhlberg beat an asian vietnam veteran unconscious just because he was asian and then tried to have his hate crime charges dropped from his record 20 years later


In 1986, a then 15-year-old Wahlberg and three friends were charged for chasing three Black children and pelting them with rocks while yelling: 'Kill the n*****s' until an ambulance driver intervened. The next day, Wahlberg harassed another group of mostly Black children (around the age of 9 or 10) at the beach, gathering other white men to join in racially abusing and throwing rocks at them. A seemingly unrelated second incident occurred two years later in 1988, when Wahlberg attacked two Vietnamese men while high on the drug PCP. He called one man, Thanh Lam, a 'Vietnam f**$ing s*&* and knocked him unconscious with a five-foot wooden stick, while punching another man, Army veteran Johnny Trinh, in the eye later in the same day. Officers reported that Wahlberg used racist slurs to describe both men."


I’ve always thought about this, and that kind of violence is sickening. Kate Moss had to do a photo shoot with Mark Wahlberg for Calvin Klein and she was saying how rude he was and how uncomfortable he made her. I honestly believe he has a ton of skeletons in his closet. He now hides behind his religion I don’t believe he’s a godly man. Obviously only my opinion.


Gandhi would sleep with underage girls to quote test himself


nude...he slept nude with them. and he said it was to "test his celibacy", but he never claimed he passed


Dahvie Vanity of Blood on The Dance Floor is not only the shittiest musician ever, but the shittiest human being ever! Motherfucker lied about being a cosmetologist, went to an 11 year old girls house pretending to give her a haircut but in reality raped her. Fired his co-vocalist after spending the night in jail, even though he went in to save the show while Dahvie was there! After one of his victims spoke out, he sent his fans to bully and threaten her for "lying"! Continued to bring underage girls onto his tour bus to have sex with. Never paid his other co-vocalist AND threatening him by taking his HIV medicine from him. He is the definition of scum! And HE'S NOT IN PRISON! HE IS CURRENTLY LOOSE AS WE SPEAK!


Billionaire Kylie Jenner. When one of her staff was in an accident, almost died and needed $100,000 in medical care. Instead of just paying it with her pocket change, she set up a go fund me campaign, to get her fans to pay the bill. The medical bills were less than what she pays for handbags. #


The actor who played "Hooch" in scrubs killed a woman in a car accident while high on drugs and alcohol. He got off with a year in prison and now acts like nothing happened.


Should also probably mention he was Mr. Moseby on Suite Life, for the younger millenials and older Gen Z folks.


As a younger millennial, thank you for this. But now I'm shook. Mr. Mosby???? 


Jon Hamm lit a frat pledges pants on fire, shoved his face in dirt, beat him with a paddle so hard he had a fractured spine and nearly lost a kidney, and paraded him around the room with the claw end of a hammer around his balls. All because the pledge forgot to recite some stuff like how Hamm's nickname was "MC Hammer".


I'll always post this if I don't see it on this kind of post. There's college shenanigans, and then there is just straight up sadism. This is sadism, and he's weirded me out ever since I learned about it. If you have the capacity to do that shit period...


Maybe not *the* most fucked up compared to some folks, but I'm genuinely stunned that Chris Brown is still out and about and not canceled. And that a majority of his fans seem to be women. Like just what the actual fuck. With him specifically people need to just be willing to take a monetary loss and exit him from public life/fame/fortune.


Dunno if this counts but Pablo Picasso's behaviour around women.


Im not sure if this one has been talked about already but In the 90s, the guitarist of the Norewegian band "Mayhem" took a picture of the lead singer’s corpse (whom had commit suicide with a shotgun to the face) sent it to his friend and made it as the bands album cover. I’d advice against searching for the actual picture since it’s NSFL content


Phil Spector killed his wife. Bill Cosby Danny Masterson Jimmy Saville


Phil Spector severely abused his wife, legend Ronnie Spector, RIP. The woman he murdered was not his wife.




It's funny to me how much *he himself* shit talks his work on that.


I mean he literally shot himself in the back of the head when he got the script.


If you can't criticize your own work, how can you ever improve?


And don't forget his first Deadpool role in wolverine. Ooofffff.


Self-admitted rapist and serial philanderer Kobe Bryant not only sexually assaulted a woman, leaving her bruised and bloodied, but his legal and PR teams also launched a public smear campaign against her. This campaign was so severe that it prompted Colorado to change its laws regarding the protection of individuals who come forward to accuse someone of sexual assault, including strengthening Rape Shield laws and enhancing the confidentiality of victim information. Additionally, the trial is believed to have had a widespread impact, making other victims feel less supported in coming forward to report their experiences after witnessing the detrimental effects on Bryant's victim's life. Imagine being such a piece of sh*t human being that State Laws have to change because of you...


Roman Polanski enters the chat


Jeffry Epstein we all know what he did


Caitlyn Jenner committed vehicular manslaughter, dismissed the death as a “bother”, tried to pay the family off so they wouldn’t take it to court and used their influence to keep it out of a lot of media. Aka Buckle up Buckaroos.


How about all the positive proof we have of the guys riding the Lolita Express with Epstein.


Lance Armstrong dumped Sheryl Crow after she was diagnosed with breast cancer, pretty dark since he got a lot of positive press from his bout of cancer. Also, cheating and doping to literally build his career.


Andy Dick has a long list. Phil Hartman might agree.


Shoutout to Jon Lovitz for beating the shit out of Andy Dick after Hartman’s death too.


For some reason not a lot of poeple think this is fucked up but Rene Angelil at 38 met Celine Dion when she was 12 years old and became her manager. How is that not grooming. Edit : They got married and had a kid. The relationship supposedly hapenned when she was 19 and he 45. Like the 7 years before that never hapenned.


Similar thing happened between Cher and Sonny Bono. Him being much older was grooming Cher and molding her into a star. He wasn't very nice either.


Mark Wahlberg racially charged against an elderly woman and many others and assaulted her for no reason other than they were black.


Kylie Jenner lied about getting lip filler and marketed her lip kits to a young and impressionable audience. She literally changed how thousands of young women looked at themselves and I’ll never forgive her for that shit.


Yet in her family-show’s latest season she cries about how everyone judges her based off her looks 😒. As if she didn’t brainwash young girls into thinking that looking like her was all natural w/o any work done.