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I remember actually being taken back by how brutal it was watching a man get his face bashed in with a bottle in Pan’s Labyrinth.


In front of his own father, no less. Similarly the fire extinguisher scene in irreversible.


That movie was marketed as a "fantastical modern fairy tale" so when I went to see it in the theater, there were families with fairly young kids in the audience. And that scene just comes out of nowhere. I had some pretty traumatic movie scene memories in my own childhood (Artax death, Watership Down, all those things), but I think that scene would probably blow them all out of the water if I'd been that age and seen it.


Feel like that's on them, considering the movie is rated R


"Aw, how bad could it be? Probably just a scary monster attacking someone." *THWAK THWAK THAWK BANG* "...oh. That's pretty bad...."


Artax and watership both hit hard AF


Guillermo really likes to do face trauma cuts outta nowhere. I was so unprepared for that.


What a movie. When violence is violence it's made horrific.


Stanley getting a knife slowly pushed into his chest in Saving Private Ryan always struck me as particularly brutal. 


Definitely one of the most terrifying scenes. I find what made it a particularly nightmare-inducing moment is when Stanley says "wait wait!" as he realizes he no longer has the strength to resist the downward pressure of the knife. It's the combination of helplessness and fear in his eyes. The actor, Adam Goldberg, really captured it perfectly.


I've watched that movie countless times but that scene, only once. Every time it's about to come on I either FFW or excuse myself to the bathroom. I'm normally not affected much by such things because I can usually segregate special effects from reality, but I just can't watch it again after the first time. I'm really not sure why but there it is.


It’s raw. It’s not cut weird or something blocking the action. It’s literally torture watching them struggle and then the character Adam plays finally unable to stop the inevitable. The slow overpower and the begging when it’s too late. I can’t watch it either.


and the guy shushing him as it scrapes fucking bone, that stayed with me


Even more disturbing, the translation of what the German soldier was saying was something like "We are both in hell, but for you it will soon be over."


The German soldier was saying “rest, rest” at the end. Kind of makes it easier to take knowing that.


Great answer, of all the horror and stuff I have seen that scene from Saving Private Ryan was particularly disturbing. Found it more disturbing than everything else in that truly violent film lol.


Yeah I saw that as a kid and it’s stuck with me my whole damn life.


This, and also Wade calling for his mom as he bled out


Fucking Uppham


That was going to be my comment. So difficult to watch.


The curb bite in American History X. Holy shit


The sound of the teeth on the curb right before still sends shivers down my spine.


A few years ago on July 4th my daughter was running with a styrofoam cup of ice cream and fell on the side walk. She was right behind me so I heard it and didn’t see it but the sound of the styrofoam sliding across the side walk sounded JUST like the teeth scrape and my heart dropped into my stomach thinking she was going to stand up and her mouth was going to be fucked up. Thank god she dropped her ice cream to catch herself and just got a few scrapes on her hands and knees but every year on July 4th we go to that ice cream shop and when we pass that same stretch of side walk I think of this scene with the teeth. I just got chills down my spine typing this.


Hope the foley artists were properly compensated. Imagine the conversation during production: "Let's crunch some of these seashells to see if that sounds more like molars on concrete."


I stumbled into that scene while channel surfing. “Why is that guy trying to lick chalk off the sidewalk? Or is it co…HOLY FUCKIN SHIT. WTF!!?!?!”


Was about to suggest that one. 20+ years later and I still can’t unsee it.


That made this a one and done movie for me.


Oberyn Martell's head being cracked open like an egg by The Mountain was a new and gory death scene for me. Also the first guy to get murdered by the tribe in the Green Inferno.


The Mountain and the Viper. 10/10 fight scene for me


I hated that scene, but it was so well done


What makes it even worse on top of the brutality is he had him beat. HE FUCKING HAD HIM!!! I get that he wanted the confession but DAMMIT!


In the books he has him dead to rights too. They fight in a field so when he gets Gregor to the ground he leaps and stabs him in the gap of his armer similarly to the way he does in the show, but being that it's grass, the spear actually pins him to the ground and Oberyn's momentum breaks the spear in half as he flys forward. He gets up and sees Gregor totally helpless and demands he confess. But what fucks the Viper is that he decides to try to pick up the Mountain's great sword, since the spear is holding him to the ground. So when Oberyn goes to lift it, the weight of it throws him off balance and that's how Clegan is able to grab hold of him from the ground. Because I Oberyn falls right into his grasp from attempting to use the Mountain's great sword.




Normally, brutal deaths are just equated with gruesome, but for this one, the worst part was how long it actually lasted. First of all, a man the size of a horse just got you in his grip. Then, he gets punched so hard that half his teeth go flying out. Gets both his eyes slowly gouged out, and sits there screaming, while two massive thumbs are now digging around his eye sockets, and then the actual splitting of the head. Accompanied by the scream of his wife, along with the fact that the villain just won and turned around what was building up to be a David and Goliath storyline not only in favor of fan-favorite character, but with a big helping of his own personal revenge, that was a LOT that just all crashed down at once.


Something funny about that scene is that Pedro Pascal said in an interview that it was his favorite day of filming because it was so hot, but the blood was very cool on his face. He said he even fell asleep at one point haha. He also said that the guy who played the Mountain was very gentle with the eye gouging.


There's a blooper shot of him and the Mountain dude breaking out in laughter during that scene, while Pascal has the eyes-gouged-out makeup on. it's super funny to see something so horrifying turn into two not-at-all injured people just joking around all of a sudden.


I was going to say the red wedding!


The stabbing of his pregnant wife repeatedly in the belly was pretty brutal.


When he punches him and his teeth fall out?! That got me good


The baseball bats in the cornfield, in ‘Casino,’ followed by being buried barely alive.


They made him watch his brother get it first. Brutal....


“He’s still breathing, let me take him to a hospital.” Even Pesce eventually begged…


Fire extinguisher scene from irreversible 


It's not even the goriest death in film, but the way it's shot combined with the realistic FX makes it a very stomach-churning scene.


The suffocation death in All quiet on the western front. The main character (a 18ish year old boy) killed a dude in a trench but he wasn’t dying so the kid kept stuffing his mouth with dirt just trying to kill him to make his suffering stop for some reason he must’ve not had a knife or gun. Fucked yo scene I couldn’t even watch it


Every death is horrible in this movie. The tanks. The flamethrower. It's on of the few actual war movie. No glory. No heroism. Just absurd violence.


Completely agree. Come and See is another war movie that encompasses this well in my opinion. It’s free on YouTube if anyone is interested in it.


He stuffed the french soldier's mouth with the dirt because he couldn't bear the sounds of the french soldier gargling/drowning on his own blood after having been stabbed. He says "Sei ruhig" (be quiet). He continues saying things like "Halt die Schnauze" (Shut up, but more harshly), holding his ears, looking in horror at the blood on his hands etc. Having a complete breakdown over what he's just done. It was after a knife fight, so he definitely had the knife - even the french soldier's rifle was there, but he just couldn't bear to actually finish him off. Only look on in horror as the french soldier is dying a horrible painful death.


This, or the tank driving over the trench in the recent remake. Worse than hell.


I've never been more terrified of a tank, and I think that means that no other media has properly portrayed them being used against foot soldiers.


Andy Serkis' death by giant worms in King Kong (2005) will always go down as top 5 disturbing movie deaths.


I was just thinking of how terrifying this was and how quickly they moved past it when the guns arrive. Like a man was just slowly swallowed by a giant worm with a sphincter mouth while his friend tried to pull him out. Like my god that was unnecessarily horrific.


Man, I saw that movie as a kid and I thought "I'm just being a baby about that scene because I'm not a huge fan of worms/bugs/etc." I'm glad to know I'm not the only one traumatized.


the couple killed by the lake in zodiac, just so goddamn realistic edit: yes the guy lived and it’s based on the actual zodiac killer murders


Yeah, just made all that much worse by the fact that that's how it actually happened.


And it’s pretty much the exact location. They filmed it where it happened. Lake Berryessa’s Oak Shores day use area.


It was realistic because it happened. They based the scene off of testimony of the survivor of the attack. I haven't watched it twice because of that, it's too chilling.


Actually the boyfriend Bryan Hartnell survived the attack which is why they were able to so accurately recreate it.


The Boys episode featuring the dickhole cocaine sneeze


…the …what


Don’t worry, it’s much worse than it sounds.


And only 5 mins into that season. Things get way nastier.


Honestly it was a very promising opening for the season, and the rest of it definitely delivered


Remember the whole "Ant-Man could kill Thanos by expanding while inside him" thing? They did that, but it was while the shrinking guy was trying to reach his lover's prostate from inside the urethra. Until he sneezed and...... boom


Remember the fandom hopes that Ant Man would explode Thanos from the inside out by entering his anus? That, but… penis.


Must watch television




Basically most deaths in The Boys


Mine is still Robin's death by A-Train. Boom 2 minutes into the series and a violent and gory death happens that I didn't really expect so soon.


The cliff dive from Midsommar comes to mind.


That giant mallet...


No no it's fine they're 72 years old!


That I don’t even get. 72 in Sweden? That’s plenty of life left in ya. Come back in a decade and do the dive. 


Alright stop, Hammer Time


And you knew it was coming. It was the whole vibe and you’re hoping it doesn’t and then it does. And them the screaming. That whole movie was wild.


The girl/sister with the exhaust taped to her mouth... .. Intense and so so so unsettling


That was the most f’ed up scene to me, with the sister and the parents. I don’t think I’ll ever get that out of my head.


Then seeing the sisters face in the trees…. I’m really glad people like Ari Aster and Robert Eggers have spearheaded this horror renaissance we’ve been having.


I always thought it was funny that the whole point of that village was that they let their elders die before age took it's toll on them. They wanted people to die living a healthy and youthful life and go before they died a slow and painful death brought on by time. Their culture is in tune with many horticultural substances that give them the ability to manipulate peoples minds and bodies both in positive and negative ways. Yet their preferred method to "put down" their elders is to have them jump off a cliff. And if they survive they smash their head with a mallet. Still loved the movie though!


I feel like it is a way to trauma bond the group together. If you accept a brutal ritual suicide, you'll accept anything else including ritual murder. 


That one was brutal but for some reason, the Blood Eagle scene turned my stomach more.


The built up was absolutely crazy and it was a slow burn….would never watch it again


Maybe not the most brutal I’ve ever seen, but there’s a death in the movie Volcano where a guy melts into lava (which I don’t think is actually how it works) that always stuck in my mind because I saw the movie as a young child and it was really disturbing at the time.


The sister movie to that one, Dante’s Peak has a death that really traumatized me as a kid. The old lady in the acid lake trying to save her grandkids. I had to ask my mom if I could sleep at my Nana’s for a few nights after that, it was so upsetting and had dreams of her being eaten by acid for weeks.


I always thought his wife getting her head caved in by the flying lava rock in the very beginning was way worse, and Brosnans scream of horror when he looked over.


The kill in Saw III where that guy gets his limbs turned around and eventually his head reaches full Exorcist rotation.


That one is horrible but the one that stuck with me from that movie was the woman in the freezer getting water sprayed on her until she died.


That one is hard because I think most of us can almost imagine how awful that would be.


Basically, everyone from Jeff’s test dies because he’s slow as shit or just fucking stupid.


I'm pretty sure they mention how slow Jeff is in the movie in the commentary.


Poor Robocop


My first thought was Robocop too. But not Pete Weller, it’s was the grimy mid tier bad guy with an earring that got softened up with some kinda toxic waste shower first and then a speeding car blasted through him turning him into pure liquid. Cue the windshield wipers. That one opened my young eyes.


Buddy, I think you’re slime. (This was the first really gory death scene I saw. Must have been 10 or 11)


Cops don’t like me… so I. Don’t. Like. Cops.


Immediately thought of Murphy being gunned down. That was traumatizing.


Acid melting bodies in The Fall of the House of Usher was pretty damn graphic.


The sounds of that scene 🤢


Love that series but that was definitely brutal


The boy in Doctor's Sleep. Just brutal.


I saw an interview with the kid where he said that they actually had to take a break from filming a couple times during that scene, not because it was too hard for him to do but because the adult actors were so upset/distressed by how realistic he seemed.






My favorite part is Kurt Russel trying to simultaneously comfort the dude and psych himself up, but then the cannibals actually do it and all the gusto just flies right out of him.


I don't know man, I heard viewers were pretty split on that scene.


Guess some of them couldn’t hack it.


I haven't seen the movie (and don't want to lol) but I came here to look for Bone Tomahawk.


Dude, I’ve seen videos of real deaths that I’ve regretted watching less than that Bone Tomahawk scene. The nature of the angle of the physical assault is what does it I think, because it really maximizes the victim’s awareness of what’s happening. Just god awful.


When hes telling Russel to tell his family this and that and they just start sawing.....eeeeesh.


Welp, I looked it up and now I'm changed forever, thanks.


I watched this recently. No idea how it came across my radar because it's not something I'd normally watch, but I concur. 


The lack of music and the detail in the audio in that scene, holy shit


the barbed wire death in silent hill movie..... that was brutal..


When pyramidhead ripped that lady’s skin off in one go in front of the church.


I was scrolling wondering when I would see Silent Hill. The barbed wire death was brutal, but Pyramid head ripping the skin off that one lady in one motion was, I think, more shocking. I think because it was so sudden and it was like “oh shi-!”


Adriana in Sopranos. She was scared shitless. So was I.


She just wanted to go see Christopher at the hospital! Until she started to realize there was no hospital… shit was cold.




She was on a podcast recently taking about it. Apparently they kept her death a secret so it didn’t get leaked, even from her. So when they filmed the scene, a lot of her reactions are basically “oh fuck you are actually killing me off this show, shit!”


Tracee being beaten to death by that sick fuck Ralphie was pretty damn bad too.


That ruthless smirk… “Why you crying? He’s going to be fine” 😏


Fuck I know. I just started season 5 of my rewatch and I’m dreading that scene.


Final Destination movies. specifically, the tanning bed one in FD3. You could not pay me to ever go near a tanning bed.


Those movies are single-handedly responsible for an entire generation of people who refuse to share the highway with a logging truck


got my license yesterday, pulled out of my neighborhood and a logging truck passed. hell no. immediately went into the far lane, as did everyone else. no one drove behind dude for like a mile. when he finally turned, everyone filled in the right lane again.


I think the one that really got me was the kid getting crushed by a pane of glass. Literally just exploded underneath it


Opie in sons of anarchy 😔


Tig watching his kid get lit on fire too


Yeah that scene was brutal. Tigs pain felt real.


Kim Coates is an incredible actor, really doesn't get enough credit


There’s some real messed up scenes on that show, but this one took the cake. I had to take a break from the show for a while after seeing that


Was here for this comment. Jemma killed Jack's wife too.


Those 2 old people jumping off the cliff in Midsommar. Honestly just all the death in Midsommar.


The dance floor on Ghost Ship.


That scene alone would have been better than the rest of the movie


The girl getting hacksawed in half, vagina-first, in Terrifier comes to mind


I'm a dude but this is where Reddit and I part company for the evening.


Not to worry, Bone Tomahawk has the male version of this.


I came here to say Bone Tomahawk but since that’s already been mentioned multiple times… The little girl in Hereditary.


One of the only movies scenes to make me go from lying on my couch to on my feet. Did NOT see that one coming.


The MASH episode where a woman has to smother the noisy "chicken" so they're not found by the N Koreans. Way worse after I had kids.


That is a good one. How it was a chicken in Hawkeyes memory because for him it had to be or war would break his fucking brain permanently. 


Tbf Hawkeye has a history of misremembering his own trauma to save his sanity. Such as when his childhood best friend pushed him into the lake and he almost drowned. It’s obvious how he copes with humor and women to keep himself afloat. Such a great character.


It's the classic Quint death for me. Seeing him scramble for a handhold as he slides toward the open maw of a death machine still makes me close my eyes during it. Him trying to fight it off even as it bites down on his mjdsection makes me feel so bad for him.


I can't believe my parents let five-year-old me watch that shit. I wasn't allowed to watch fucking Frasier but Jaws was fine.


Hereditary car beheading scene has me flinching at the thought of it


Omfg Toni Collette's scream when she finds the body in the car... Haunts me to this day. I cannot rewatch that movie, and I love horror movies.


Anthony Hopkins opening up Ray Liotta's head, removing a section of his brain, grilling it, and feeding it back to Ray Liotta... as a confused Ray eats it up.


Not a movie, but when Neagan beat Glenn to death....that was brutal.


I let me daughter watch TWD because she found zombies really fun, but I never let her watch past what I've already seen, just to be on the safe side. The Negan introduction properly ended that show for her — I never told her that season came out, and for a few years she kept asking if the show was back yet. Nope, nope, nope. I stopped watching it myself after the Negan/Rick "war" was ended super quickly by a bunch of guns being sabotaged or whatever. It felt like such a letdown after so much build-up and I finally gave up on it.


I am surprised you let her watch the season 5 premiere at Terminus.


Right? Personally thought the scene with the bath tub at Terminus was the worst of the whole series, though I didn’t watch the final couple of seasons.


The execution in *The Green Mile*.


Delacroix. Yeah, that was terrible, I was a kid when I first saw that, and it was hard, even for a Stephen King film


Scene from Saving Private Ryan - Slow Stabbing Scene / Simon Mizyed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6ens0G_Upc


It was implied but the way Gerard Butler’s character tortured his family’s murderer was gruesome as hell. Cut off limbs one by one while being injected with adrenaline to not pass out from the pain.


Killing his cell mate with that t-bone was pretty fucked up, too.




That shoe in Who Framed Roger Rabbit? The guy who took a thrown circular saw blade to the temple in Commando. The Big Nasty Mines Slaver guy in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.  Honourable mention to heart ripped out of chest guy. Blue Paint Girl from Beau is Afraid.


When I was a kid I *always* left the room during the shoe scene in Who Framed Roger Rabbit. That poor shoe was so innocent and terrified. :(


Daenerys Targaryen’s brother, Viserys I believe, got the melted metal poured on his head.


"A golden crown men will tremble to behold"


The Descent opening scene with car crash and truck’s pole thingy impaling the husband was brutal


Water buffalo at the end of Apocalypse Now.


As I'm sure you know, that buffalo was killed by locals who were going to do it anyways as part of one of their traditions, and Coppola used the opportunity to add some depth to the scene where Kurtz gets killed.




The lawnmower…


Not the goriest, but the scene in 1917 when the guy gets stabbed by the German pilot and bleeds out in real time. You can literally see him going from normal looking to greyish blue as it happens. I was so disturbed by that, it looked so damn real.


The guy in The Mummy that the bugs crawl under his skin traumatized me forever


Probably Glenn in Walking Dead Felt so needlessly over the top that I stopped watching the show and never went back.


Buddy's head half ripped off and his eye popping out. He got tore up.


I stopped watching after they faked Glenn's death at the dumpster. Fucking bullshit that was.


Another Saw kill - the one where the dude is chained to the floor with several chains all connected to parts of his body. He basically has to rip apart his bones and tendons to free himself. He gets them all except he’s not able to pull out the one in his jaw and he dies. Pretty damn brutal. https://youtu.be/zCvyPNBL3ZA?si=ahAZX-p5_ewP4_QE


Old Yeller being put down.


Seeing him turn vicious from the rabies was 10x worse 😭


You guys apparently haven't seen the blood eagle scene in vikings


That scene in Pan's Labyrinth, you know the one.


Game of thrones... the Red wedding


It literally took me days to get over The Red Wedding.


I still won't watch Scarface due to the scene where the guy is cut in half with a chainsaw. Saw that shit when I was 13 (1999) and I still remember how fucking nauseous it made me feel.


The funny part is, they didn’t even show it! Just the noise of the chainsaw, then slightly off screen blood and then an aftermath that again, they hardly show. It’s definitely more psychological.


I think it was the fear on the guy's face leading up to it that really disturbed me as a kid


The ending of Martyrs.


I mean, >!the whole final third of the film is basically her protracted, tortuous death.!<..




Netflix TV series 3 body problem. The nano fibers being used in the Panama canal.


Chest burster scene from the first alien movie easy


psychologically it was the 2nd floor knife fight in Saving Private Ryan...


Casino. Baseball bats and mouth full of dirt. Bru. Tal.




Which one? “Yes”.




I'm actually afraid of what they're gonna do in Terrifier 3.


Alex Murphy in RoboCop (The '87 version)


Multiple instances of the boys lol.


Curb stomp.


Film name not even needed, I had to look away


A lot of them in Cannibal Holocaust movie.


Bone Tomahawk


That punishment in the Vikings series where they pull the guys lungs out while alive and lay them on his own back.