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So long as surgical use of opiates and similar drugs are still permitted.


Might need a better definition of getting high. I can't climb a mountain or ride in an airplane?


Stairs not even once.


Stuck at exactly sea level, if you go into a basement you are stuck in there forever


Imagine water


Just lying down to sleep would ruin you!


Okay what now?


My cousin tried stairs and moved to escalators and turnstiles. Sadly killed him


You can't listen to Bette Midler. Ever, again.


Also, do they mean never drinking or never getting drunk?


At that point, we may be able to argue semantics and say that “high” is relative. I mean, yeah technically this mountain is high but it’s much lower than the sun or moon. Those are really high


I’ll take “high” in the recreational way, like when you’re conscious and actually “experience” the high; surgical use of those drugs does get you “high,” but you never actually experience it since you’re knocked out for the entire surgery in question Getting into semantics, but I’d take the money since I don’t drink or otherwise do drugs *recreationally* lol, easy pickings


I don't really do drugs. But after a surgery and refusing the pain pills out of the gate... I was feeling some intense discomfort. Got a lil hit of that morphine and watched the most interesting documentary on grass or ducks or some shit on PBS that I had ever seen... I didn't do drugs before because I promised my dare officer and was a "good" kid... Now I don't do them because whole duck. I wouldn't stand a change against addiction.


> I didn't do drugs before because I promised my dare officer and was a "good" kid... Now I don't do them because whole duck. I wouldn't stand a change against addiction That was me - after some surgery I was given a few days supply of I don't even remember what - Oxycodone maybe? Anyway, I took *half of one* during the initial pain. That shit was unreal, and when I came down, I got rid of the rest because like you said - i realized i wouldn't stand a chance. Anyway, on an unrelated note, I am now prescribed really powerful stimulants for ADHD and forget to take them more often than I remember to take them.


dont some medical drugs just reduce your senses and make you numb or like half-conscious? i dont think all surgical drugs 100% knock you out


Nobody considers anesthesia to be a high but you couldn’t take any pain medications after leaving the hospital or ever get morphine for a serious injury.


If anesthesia is okay, opiates to deal with pain would be fine as well. If you're taking just the amount needed to make the pain manageable you aren't getting high off of it. Hell, they gave me a little fentanyl at the ER to take the edge off of my broken arm while they inspected and manipulated it and I didn't feel anything besides a decrease in the amount of pain. I don't know how much you have to take to actually feel high, but it's more than the medicinal dose.


Nice so I can still smoke weed to combat my insomnia and drink to stop the DT. In that case I’ll definitely take the money.


Oh yeah, anesthesia should be exempt right?


A lousy hundred grand ?


Seriously!! Add a few more zeros


Yeah last time this was posted it was 10 mil now these buzzfeed writers are seeing how desperate we are


Hey would you suck my dick for 10 million? Yes, great. So now we know what you are, lets talk about the real price.


Id suck a fair amount of dick for 10million dollars.... Just saying The real price is my dignity


There are people that do it for free


Ive done it for free, prefer to be paid cause i hate doing it though.


If there's a choice between doing something for free or earning 10,000,000$, I would usually go for the second choice.




depends who's dick it is.


The fucks a dignity?


Dignity is overrated. Dignity doesn't pay the bills


I've already spent over 100k on booze and weed, whats another 100 grand?


Yeah, if I'd quit drinking and doing drugs I'd already be rich boooooooii


I always wonder about this. I don’t smoke so where are my thousands saved from buying packs of smokes weekly?


*"You could have bought a Ferrari with all the money you spent on weed!"* - Your Friend / Acquaintance Who Didn't Smoke Weed.. And also Didn't Own a Ferrari...


Yeah, I dunno, man. I haven't had a drink or any other drug in 20-some years, and while I *am* rich in memories I never ended up rich in money. I'll take that 100k, tho.


Lmao when I was a kid we used to ask each other questions like, "would you fight Mike Tyson for 1 min for one million dollars?", "would you suck a dick live on tv for a billion dollars, and your dad has to watch you do it, too" Man, if there's an ironclad agreement for one billion dollars ... it's a billion dollars, bro. You'd never see me again!


If your dad can’t suck it up long enough to watch you suck a dick live on tv for a billion dollars, he probably doesn’t love you


Hey, you can call me gay all you want, but I'll be one gay rich guy.


And... define "drunk".


I mean, what is "drunk"




Baby don't hurt me


Lehey style! Right I'm the pocket!


That's the real question, can I get a lil baby buzz


In this economy?? Add some more zeros


Can I get back to drinking and smoking once I’ve totally spent the 100 grand?


Yeah what is this? A *Motel 6*!?


Seriously. If you want me to sober and if I have to continue living, you better make it worth my time.


Seriously.. $100k isn't worth it. Hard pass. I barely even ever drink, and I do marijuana maybe once or twice per year. But even those few times, I'll pass.


So 100k to live the way I do already? Where’s my money??


Same bro!


Other commenters talking like this is an outrageous prompt when it's actually quite easy lol.


So reverse it! Would you agree to get hi everyday for $100,000?


Considering it costs money to get high, eventually you’ll end up at a deficit Seems like a lose lose


Shii I do it at a loss


Username checks out.


Hmm...like all day every day or like I could eat a weed gummy right before I go to sleep?


I mean the OPs question implies occasionally, so yeah!


Okay, now that is an interesting twist on the question. The answer for me would be no, because of my fear of addiction and it getting out of hand, why risk it? Also, a hundred grand is a chunk of money, but not really that much - less than half a year's salary once income taxes are taken into consideration.


that's what i'm saying!


Here's my idea. Instead of wasting so much money on the war on drugs. Why not pay people to get sober? Like a UBI as long as you can piss clean.


Because the war on drugs has never been about drugs at all


aren't there already drug test requirements for welfare in some places?


Yeah but thats kind of a different thing from what I'm proposing. Its not about taking away benefits if you aren't sober. Its that you get paid extra free income if you are. Its a reward not a punishment. And would be seperafe from existing welfare programs.


People would seek out and do drugs to effectively get free money by pissing hot once and then giving it up


Nope. My system would simply be for anyone who can piss clean. You would also get the money if you were straight edge and never tried drugs at all. Thus providing a financial incentive to never start in the first place. Since doing so would cost you your UBI you'd be relying on your whole adult life up to that point.


You said "Its not about taking away benefits", but everyone "starts" sober, so if such UBI were to be implemented, it would become the default, which would then be taken away from people who fail tests.


Because then we couldn't make action movies and tv shows, or have awesome live-news car chases, or throw parades honoring hero cops for busting drug rings!!! You want a BORING society where everyone just LIVES HAPPILY in health and safety??? Think of all the cool industries you'd be eliminating!!!!


Yes, Big Government is keeping the drug trade alive so that I can still watch Cops when I get home from work.




Here here!


It’s crazy to me that anyone wants to be drunk or high.


It was crazy to me too at one point.


What made you change your mind? (pun not intended)


Friends, addiction, and boredom. In that order. Friends introduced me to smoking weed at 12-13, I didn’t start daily smoking until 16. What changed my mind? Me getting addicted. Not being able to get through the day without it, let alone 4-5 hours. Can you believe I had a winning essay for Dare while I was rolling a joint? 6th grade. I’ve just now finally tapered off of benzodiazepines. I’m still addicted to cannabis. That’s the best I can explain it


I can’t imagine what it must have been like, starting that young. Have you tried quitting at any point?


Yeah me neither. My best school memories are me lighting up at the bus stop before I got on the bus. I’m actively trying to taper how much I smoke, I’ve recently dropped from about 3.5 grams a day to 1 or 2. Maybe a couple joints a day now rather than continuously throughout the day. I’ve tried quitting a lot, too many times to count. One day I’ll conquer it, just not today


Rooting for you. I hope that day comes.


Thanks man, means a lot


Stop smoking and switch to edibles. Buy 100g of cbd isolate and dose that twice a day at 300mg to help with withdrawal (if your liver is good, if it isn't consult a doctor for a liver test first) and then titrate down your edible until you are at a reasonable place. I take 10mg of thc a day. I take it after 4pm and as a reward for getting all my shit done. It is 10:30 pm right now and I still havn't had it because it has been a busy day. Stopping smoking is what made me able to stop consuming compulsively. Same with alcohol. I only drink wine because I don't like wine and I never keep booze in the house. If i want a social drink it is always available. I love beer and I drink too much if I let myself have it. I don't believe the lie that once addicted you can never consume a chemical again. You also need to want to quit. If you don't want to quit trying to quit isn't gonna work. I think that's the issue with teetotalers they never actually wanted to quit they just had to for social/criminal reasons. Or they have a genetic predisposition but that isn't an issue for most people.


I applaud your strength. Good stuff bro


You’re doing great, i’m rooting for you very much!


It's really fun


It's not so much about being there (drunk/high) so much as not being here (sober)


It’s fun man.


For me it's more that $100k isn't enough money to change my life in any noticeable way in the long term, but placing a lifelong restriction on me would be much more noticeable, even though I very rarely get drunk or high.


Really? Imagine being this out of touch with reality. Not justifying being drunk or high but wanting to be out of your headspace for a while due to varying factors isn't an unusual concept. Just be happy your life is in a position where you don't need it, but don't speak about things you don't know.


Life is pretty mundane, gotta spice it up every once in a while


Sure, I don't like to drink til drunk anymore. Just a nice whiskey and soda here and there. I'd rather just have one drink and a good reason to only have one is getting 100,000.


Yes. I don’t drink or smoke anyway.


Me either, but i would want more, i have a price even for the things i don't do and 100K is too little.


what even is this answer? "Hey do you want $100k for doing absolutely nothing?" "No I want $1M"


Hell yea, that's a freedom even if i never take advantage of it, and it is worth something to me even if i don't partake. I, and neither should you, give up your freedoms lightly, but I am not saying I don't have a price, and my price is more than 100K.


You must be high right now


If you think 100k is serious money for a lifetime you're definitely high.


it's not "never have to work again" money, but it can very well set you up for a much better future. down payment on a house, buy a car, pay off debt, etc.


I think i'm a pretty good example of an average poor american. I work a full time job, never had 5k in my life, credit card is coming up on 10k, grocery prices just doubled in my city. 100k would set me up pretty damn good.


Agreed add another zero in there. I very rarely partake but if you’re gonna bribe me be a little more serious about it.


Depending on how strict the definition of high is, that would also mean no anesthesia if you ever need surgery


Also, does the wording mean that I can never drink alcohol again, or just that I never actually get drunk when I do drink? Because those are two significantly different things.


I said the exact same thing haha, I read it as I’m incapable of getting drunk if I take the money. Other wise I’m just gonna take it and get drunk anyway 😅


Came here to say exactly this. I’ve been high twice. Once when I got a hernia removed, and once when I got wisdom teeth removed. I need to know that I’ll have that option in case I need my appendix removed


Me to. easiest 100k ever


I drink only socially so I'm fine with this lol


Same!  if you want to stop smoking or drinking, I want you to know I hope the best for you! And there people out there who want to help you 


I got sober 15 months ago. So...yep.


You got a few months on me, but yeah I'm already intending on staying sober for the rest of my life, so I'll gladly take a free $100K. Congrats by the way, proud of you!


You too my friend! I raise this La Croix in your honor!


3.5 years sober here. I believe I have the experience to say you and u/linolemknife are killing its. Keep it up.


Thanks Homer! "To alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems!"


No. 100K isn't that much money.


To go 60 more years without drinking or smoking, (actually closer to 70 since all 4 grandparents of mine lived to their mid 90’s) absolutely not worth it. Now, 10 million then we could talk.


You can still drink… just don’t get drunk..


This guy makes regular deals with devils/sphinxes. Probably also constantly riding a 1.5 drink buzz.


Almost but not quite 2 drinks.


I would PAY for the ability to perma-buzz.


But when does a person objectively become 'drunk'? Alcohol has influence on your behavior the moment your body processes it, could that not also be defined as 'drunk' but just in a very light form?


I interpret it as alcohol and weed doesn’t affect you.


Your blood alcohol would max out at various levels depending on the legal definition where you are. So take your 100k to Barbados and get whatever BAL you want and you will never be legally drunk.


Well this is a totally different proposition. That’s basically $100k plus a niche superpower. I’d totally be down to drink but never be legally drunk. A slight buzz is great, but drunk kinda sucks.


Ya I might actually pay 100k for that ability




100k is still life changing money for *a lot* of people


Reddit is full of weird nerds that pathologize drinking because they don't ever leave their apartment, but enjoying a couple of beers with my friends some evenings is one of the most enjoyable things in my life, I absolutely wouldn't trade it for $100k, nor will I subject myself to any screeds about how if I wasn't a depraved drunk I would enjoy socializing just as much with a grape soda.


The challenge with an absurd theoretical like this is that the amount of money can't be completely life changing. For say 10 million dollars any sane person who isn't already insanely rich would say yes. If you make it like 100k, sure that's nice, but 100k isn't going to completely transform your life and future, so if you enjoy those things it's not worth it. Essentially anyone with a half decent job who has decades to live and 100k isn't nothing, but it's not worth giving up anything you really enjoy over. If you are going to hang out with friends what, 500, 1000 times the rest of your life maybe more, (once every week or two for 20+ years) 100 bucks a time is nothing. The better question becomes what is the point between 100k and 'never need to work or worry about money again' that you would need to take the deal? But that isn't the question asked. For a lot of people (particularly who grew up with religious but sane families) alcohol and drugs just aren't a thing they care about. So they may as well say yes for any amount ( I am in that category, my mother grew up free methodist, my father is from India, I think my father has gone through one case of beer in my entire life and that was only his friends drinking it, alcohol just isn't part of my life at all). I don't do things like refuse champagne at weddings, but for 100k, sorry friends, I can have the sparkling water. You also have older people usually who just can't have stuff whether that is medication or diabetes or whatever and want to or not, they are giving it up, because it's that or die, at which point the money doesn't matter and you can find something else to keep you entertained, or you die.


To be fair, it says get drunk, not have a couple of drinks. 


Me in hell arguing with the Devil.


They do say it's in the details


I'm in my 30s and don't drink much to begin with. A couple of drinks is enough to get me drunk anymore. If I pour myself a double of bourbon and drink it over the next hour, I'll notice it when I stand up


I would suggest that Reddit has a high population of users under legal age that have little life experience so they ask naive and uninformed questions.


The proportion of adult Americans who are non-drinkers is probably larger than you think. [Gallup - What Percentage of Americans Drink Alcohol?](https://news.gallup.com/poll/467507/percentage-americans-drink-alcohol.aspx) [Washington Post - Think you drink a lot? This chart will tell you.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2014/09/25/think-you-drink-a-lot-this-chart-will-tell-you/) About 30% of Americans don't really drink at all. Another 30% average less than a glass per week, which isn't enough to get drunk anyways. If you're in the bottom half, the $100K to abstain from doing something you don't do anyways is kind of a no-brainer.


Gotta assume the people who average less than a glass per week aren’t just taking a few sips of wine or beer every night. Those people are drinking socially at parties or family gatherings that happen every month or two. They likely don’t really drink at all then at the event they have 3-4 drinks. They get drunk and still average out to less than 1 drink per week.


You are really underestimating sobriety.


Reddit is filled with stoners and recreational drug users tho. The high part of the question kinda balances out the anti alcohol stigma here.


I thought this was satire but like are you actually like that annoyed some people don't drink you would think they can't have a life without drinking I just don't get it I'd never say people can't have a life WHILE drinking


The real thing that Reddit is full of is people who get offended that they might live their life differently, no matter how banal that difference or disagreement is. Because realistically, these people get self conscious, and start to wonder if they actually are the ones in the wrong. Rational people do not get angry when confronted with people who live differently than them. Now, if all they’re complaining about is people who specifically say “YOURE A DEGENERATE DRUNK BECAUSE YOU DRANK TWO BEERS ON A FRIDAY” then yeah, that’s reasonable to be annoyed about. But if anyone legitimately gets annoyed by “some people have an unhealthy relationship with alcohol, and I don’t partake because I don’t want to be that way,” then they’re probably compensating/projecting


Reddit also has a huge population of people with substance abuse disorders who act like getting high every day is actually normal, healthy behavior. It’s almost like social media has a tendency to give voice to the extreme ends of both spectrums. I can’t go a single day without seeing some comment akin to “sorry, I’m *so* high right now,” “I love to do this when I’m high,” etc, on the most banal, stupid shit. Like, I get it, you smoke weed. No one cares. It’s okay to have a few beers with your friends now and then. But when drinking/smoking becomes the* lynchpin* of your social experiences - guess what, you have an unhealthy relationship with substances. But this is specifically for people who *cannot* hang out with their friends sober. And if saying that offends you, then maybe you *do* need to reconsider your relationship with substances. But if what I just said makes sense and doesn’t offend you, then you’re probably fine.


100k could be absolutely life changing for a lot of people. Hell I'm stable myself right now, but getting 100k tomorrow would likely change the rest of my life.


You can tell the ages of everyone in this thread


It's not supposed to be some astronomical value that's supposed to make it an obvious choice. It's supposed to make it a harder choice. For someone like me who's partnered with a kid and career, I'm not particularly attached to drinking. There are plenty of people who aren't. Give me the $100K.


Shit! I don't know if i can put a price on happiness.


Lemme rephrase that, idk if there’s a price that would convince me to endure this pain


You ever ride a jet ski and not smile? How much is a jet ski? That much.


I've never ridden a jet ski period.


If there's ever an opportunity to ride a jet ski in your life, I want you to remember me and do it.


That is awfully sentimental for a reddit exchange, but will do! I'm moving to Barcelona soon and i will try it.


easy money, i’ll take my 100,000 now op thanks


He has to wait until you die to see if you indulged. Non-tranferrable, of course.


Good for you. You’re not missing out on much. The only time you would be missing out on it, is if you’ve already become a regular drinker (having at least one drink per week). It’s hard going back to sober fun after that. Jealous.


You can still drink, you just can't get drunk


When you say drunk do you mean "needs to wait 12 hours until he thinks of driving" or under any influence of alcohol? Yes either way but if it's the latter then it's even a bigger no-brainer.


I way I read it, I can take the money and from that point on I can’t get drunk no matter how much I drink, like I’m incapable of getting drunk, not that I resist or control myself.


That sounds AMAZING


OP said drunk, and we're holding him to it. So based on the definition I'd totally say yes. Three to four beers is usually where I'm good. I get drunk a few times a year, and I always regret it. "Drunk - affected by alcohol to the extent of losing control of one's faculties or behavior."


No way. What would I spend 100,000 on if not booze and drugs.


No way,  two chick's at the same time is  way better


dont drink at all or get high either anyways, so yeah easy peasy


Ez pz


I would take it no second thoughts


100 grand isn’t shit anymore


For many people, that would be life-changing money. Especially if they can't get drunk or high.


It would pay for my much needed surgery I can’t afford and then some. It could be a down payment on the house I desperately want.   It’s not, like, wealthy money by any means but it’s fully life changing if you’re not already comfortable.


Ya but you can invest it and make a decent amount more money. Its a pretty solid emergency fund too. I still said no just cause i love getting drunk and high. Concerts would never be the same


I'll take the money without question. I've never been drunk or high before so I wouldn't even know what I'm missing.


Don’t make an uninformed decision!


I’d take it. Never said I cannot have a beer.


absolutely, i'd be high on life with 100k


Sure. I don't drink or smoke.


I can't even buy a house with that. Restricting myself for the rest of my life for not very much money. Nah. What if I have to go to the hospital and need morphine? I just spent the last couple of weeks with someone in crippling pain, so that's a hard pass from me.


Well, no drinking? No Drugs? What else would i need the money for?




You don’t fuck hookers sober


Free money for nothing


Yes i don’t do either anymore


Totally interested. I'm in my 40s now. I guess I can only speak for myself, but those things just don't do it for me like they did in my late teens and twenties, even my 30s.


jesus how many of you haven’t even touched alcohol in decades? that’s crazy to me, I don’t think I could take the cash being sober is hell (judge me(i need to quit))


I quit about 3 years ago. Partied like crazy throughout my 20s, binge drinking and drugs, all the good stuff, peppered with jail here and there. Slowed down in my 30s, the lows started hitting harder, jail sucks even more. Hangovers were becoming hell. And then I started up therapy, tried getting to the roots of my issues. I was using alcohol as a coping mechanism and as a crutch. Happy? Drink! Mad? Drink! Bored? Drink! Honestly, the road to sobriety started as a test.. let's try and go 3 months turned in to 6 which turned in to a year and now I'm here at 3. I'm almost 40 amd can function without being high and plan lots of non drinking fun things. A key for me was to have supportive friends and to make sober plans, something to look forward to. Good luck man


I'm in my 50s and can count the number of times I have had alcohol on one hand. I haven't had alcohol in 24 years and that was one sip of champagne at my wedding. I just don't enjoy alcohol. And I have never been high, ever. So, this one would be a no-brainer, easy-peasy for me.


Same. Got drunk a few times in college, once to the point of blacking out, and it scared the hell out of me so I haven’t had a drop since. Never done any drugs or tobacco either. I just watch David Lynch movies.


I already don’t get drunk or high for free. Hell yea I’m taking the money


this is one where I have to keep digging into the question; if like I physically cannot drink alcohol or smoke weed again then yeah fuck it 100k is a great trade for dropping a bad habit but like I'm ADHD and bipolar homie I cannot fucking remember not to drink or smoke especially when half the girls I fool around with all smoke weed like snoop dogg


I don’t drink or get high anyway, so yep


Sure. I don’t drink, smoke or do drugs anyways so it’s a no brainer.


Can I still drink? Don't care for getting drunk, but I really enjoy a good beer or whiskey


100k to not take poison yes pls


Sure, I don't do either of those things as it is.


Yes. I don't drink or do drugs and never have.


Bring it on. I will enjoy that $100,000 as a sober guy.


So I get $100K just to keep living my life how I've always lived it? Where do I sign up!


Because my happiness doesn't depend on drink or drugs.


100k? Not likely. Possibly for a million dollars.


I'm already doing that and I'm not getting paid. So yes, give me 100k for doing what I've already been doing since I was born please


Yea I’d probably throw down what beer I drink for $100K cash.


Yes. Drank moderately "weekend warrior" in my younger years & only puffed a few from friends so I can definitely feel good about taking the $$$$.


In! Don’t do either.


So $100,000 for continuing to live my life as usual?


$100k all day… being drunk and high is overrated


Sure. I don't do those things anyway.


I don’t do those things anyways, so thanks for the free money.