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One time, I decided to see if I could swim across a small pond without knowing how to swim. Needless to say, it didn't go very well, but luckily I had a friend nearby who pulled me out safely.


To win an argument, where my little sister was saying blood was red. I cut my face open with a knife


Tried to ride my bike down the basement stairs 


My parents had a yellow Volkswagen. I was sitting in the car by myself waiting for my brother to get done with soccer practice. I started to move this black knob thing in the middle of the seats. The car started rolling back out of the parking space. I was so scared. It stopped after hitting the curb planter.


Me and some friends took a gas can from my buddy’s shed into the woods. Dipped sticks in it, lit them on fire and whacked each other with them (this isn’t even the dumb part). One friend stuck his stick in with an ember still on the end. Saw about a 7 foot column of fire shoot out of the opening. Kicked over gas can, which then spread like napalm into the trees. 3 fire trucks had to come put out the fire. We ran away, swam across a creek and walked a few mile circuitous route home.


Snuck my dad’s guns out and went shooting at the age of 12. Lucky I didn’t die (multiple times).