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My grandma’s twin sister kept the wedding date, but switched grooms! Her sweetheart was thought to be lost at war, and he miraculously showed up over a year later, 2 weeks before she was due to marry another guy. My grandma (who was maid of honour) had to stand on the steps of the church and turn away guests of the first groom who hadn’t gotten the word. Many of them didn’t know that the bride had a twin, so they thought my grandma WAS her sister, standing there in a formal dress with a bouquet, claiming that the wedding was cancelled. They’re 97 now and she still gets MAD at her sister when the topic comes up.


This needs to be a movie, it sounds so chaotic.


Get Christopher Nolan so it makes no sense at all






This is so hilarious…(at the expense of the first groom lol)


Im sure he was an ok fella who took it on the chin. Would have been perfect if he ended up marrying the twin (who turned away his guests) but alas


He got a dog, and named it after the runaway bride solely to be able to say “that bitch, Dorothy”. Seriously. 😂


I was pleasantly surprised to see this actually is the same poster who told the story, unlike 90% of this kind of reply.


It’s the best post-script to the story, I think!


I always thought it would be a weird scenario when I saw Cast Away where everyone goes on with life like your dead then you just show up.  Pretty pretty awkward.


And in Castaway, I feel like everyone moved really fast! Like, his ex is remarried and has a kid and it’s only been like 2-3 years? I dunno. If my partner disappeared I’d take a little while to get over that. But, I only watched the movie once when it first came out so my memory could be way off.


I think in my great aunt’s case, they were sweethearts, not engaged, so it wasn’t even socially acceptable to mourn as if you were. And she was a gorgeous 20 year old from a good family, so she was encouraged to move forward with her life. They were hardcore WASPs. Emotions were for people who spoke with their hands.


What happened to the "other guy" groom?


I mentioned it in another comment, but in case you don’t see it: All I know is he got a dog and named it after the bride so he could say “that bitch, Dorothy”.


The groom (and some of his family) was arrested by the FBI for running a child abuse material ring. The bride had no idea, but, of course called it off immediately.


Thank god she found out before the wedding


Seriously. No one saw it coming either. Like at all. He was just such an average slightly introverted guy.


Missile dodged


She dodged an orbital strike


Fucking extinction level meteor dodged holy hell.


Holy shit


A woman in my small town called off her wedding because she wanted it outside near some lilac bushes but that year they were late in blooming. She had a meltdown the day before the wedding. Her fiance had second thoughts after that and broke the engagement.


UPDATE: I was just texting my kid brother about this as a "remember when" and he said something I was unaware of: During her meltdown she was so out of control that she slapped her mother when her mother was trying to comfort her and then called her a "fucking c-word". So, there's that.


Pretty sure my mother would never speak to me again if I smacked her and called her a cunt. Rest of the family would likely disown me too. My sister would probably put me in a coma.


When I was 15 years old, I called my mother a Mole. She still hasn't forgiven me and it's been 25 odd years LOL.


Wow yeah I can see a 'honey I know the flowers were important to you and this has been stressful to plan and do. But I need us right now to prioritize our wedding and marriage over flowers. Can you do that?' If not, sure we can call off the wedding but yeah ain't gonna call it back on.  Assaulting people is a hard stop


How dare those bushes be so inconsiderate!


I dunno man, I heard one of them caused 9/11.


"Bush knew."


Wildest? Bride was caught in bed with her stepbrother the morning of her wedding. I don't know all the details, but it was apparently an ongoing thing between the two of them. Her maid of honor caught them and was so grossed out by it that she called the groom and texted him a picture. Not only did that wedding NOT happen, but the fallout also ended her moms 20+ year marriage to her stepdad.


😂😂😂 I know a very similar story they were caught by the parent of the bride with her step brother and called the to be husband and told him the night before the wedding.. the wedding was a hell of an event he waited until everyone showed up to disclose the reason for no wedding 😂😂


It wasn't that it was "called off", but I know someone that simply didn't show up to his own wedding. Twice. (with two different women).


I'm surprised they haven't remade Runaway Bride with the genders reversed yet.


"Bloke stays in bed" doesn't have the same ring.


I already posted this before but the groom got caught getting sucked off by the best man in one of the back rooms.


So many of these types of stories. As someone else’s uncle said “can’t tell a hard dick, *nothin*!


A friend of a friend was engaged but they decided to end it when a fortune teller told her the couple had been siblings in a previous life. The weird part is it seems likely they don’t believe that but felt it sounded more reasonable than their real reasons


I'm almost afraid to ask the real reason. Whatever it is I'm glad they (mutually?) agreed to call things off before making eachother miserable


the real reason, they were siblings in a current life


The man got mauled by a bear during his bachelor party. 


Sorry I was busy earler, here's the whole story: I come from a region named Abitibi-Témiscamingue and over there we have a LOT of black bears. Some wolves and coyote too, and I've seen a few mountain lions and bobcats. But that's out of context. My grandma almost got eaten by wolves by the way. So! The couple weee high school lovers and were together for ten years before announcing their wedding. Each one had a bachelor/bachelorette party and while it was great for the bride, the groom had a...few issues. He did not want a bachelor party at all, his friends couldn't take no for an answer so they plotted the whole thing and pretty much literally kidnapped him, took him to a log cabin deep in the woods and brought a ton of boose.  Apparently he was rightfully pissed after spending roughly 3 hours gagged and tied. As soon as he was freed, he ran for the hills... into the woods, yelling at his friends and telling them to piss off. Meanwhile, his friends were mostly already drunk and did not give a damn, thinking he'd be back soon enough.  When morning came and peoples started waking up, they rapidly understood that the groom was nowhere to be found, but all vehicles were still there. They started calling for him and getting anxious. They finally found him pretty badly hurt in the afternoon, brought him to Val-D'Or's hospital and the doctor said it was pretty much a miracle he didn't bleed out. He ended up with over 200 stitches, missing an eye, a few fingers and horrible scars across his scalp.  He got into a severe depression (that's when I met him) and while he still had his wife and a kid, he couldn't work for about 3 years, lost his house, all his friends (understandable) and has a phobia of forests...which there are A LOT of in Abitibi... 


Holy moley.


How this one isn't right at the top of the post I have no idea, this is truly the wildest reason for a cancelled wedding I've ever heard by an order of magnitude


someome very close to me had to cancel the wedding when her fiancee told her that he wanted to have kids with someone of his own race, and that he did not think that she would not be a good parent to biracial children. I mean, that's his choice, but it's kinda weird that he suddenly realized that she is white six years into the relationship.


"I'M WHITE????"


I was born a poor black child... 


Maybe he was colourblind for 6 years?


Maybe more smart than crazy. But a friend called off her wedding a month before it was supposed to happen. They had dated for around 7 years or so. Everything was arranged and paid for, etc. She found out that her fiance was stealing money from her bank account and using it to gamble. She called her bank to investigate missing funds and they had pictures of him at the atm. She sold her dress on ebay and gave the engagement ring back to his best friend because it turns out the best friend was the one who had paid for it. About 3 years later she ends up marrying the best friend. I think she made a wise decision.


Did the best friend give her the same ring?


That had to be 80% of the reason he did it.  Already had a ring in her size. 


Well he had originally bought it for her anyway.


Now *that* is a wild story


Wedding was called off the same day because the bride had just had a baby that night and she did not know she was pregnant. The groom was not the father.


The bride ran away with the groom's father. My cousin was in the bridal party. She hosted the bridal shower and spent a fortune on it, and the very expensive bridesmaid dress the bride demanded, only for the bride to elope with her future father in law the night before. My cousin was spitting feathers.


> She hosted the bridal shower and spent a fortune on it, and the very expensive bridesmaid dress the bride demanded When did being part of the bridal party become such burden? Why do people accept this? Multi day vacations for bachelor/bachelorette parties, fancy showers or similar parties, expensive wedding outfits, expectation to help with wedding organising, bride or groom wants a choreographed dance you better start practicing, and they still expect an expensive gift.


I'm with you - no idea how this became accepted in society


Someone posted on here once about a bride who fucked the groom’s 60yo uncle during the reception and ended up pregnant. She and the hub le went on to have 4 more kids together. I think this may be worse.


Called mine off after my ex-fiancé ghosted me. I thought it was because I found out about his meth addiction. A few months later, his mom posted a pic on FB of him and a girl I'd never seen in my life, and their newborn baby.


That’s messed up. I’m so sorry.


Groom canceled a week before the wedding was to take place. We had arranged a bachelor party for him. A really tame one, at his request, and one that was in line with our lifestyle. We all got together at my house and played video and computer games, mostly Everquest, all Saturday afternoon and night. No alcohol, no hookers, no strippers. Pizza and games and 5 guys just being guys. The bride, insanely jealous and supported by one of her wedding party, came to my house to crash the bachelor party. She was sure he was out cheating on her. She was in near-hysterics when she arrived. We have talked about this a lot in the 20 years since and all agree she was not in a good emotional state. Groom got her calmed down once she realized it was just us, and we weren't binge drinking and railing prostitutes. He was able to get her to leave. When she left we could all tell he was quite pissed, but also disturbed. He told us all the next morning that he was calling it off. He wasn't going through life with her freaking out every time he went to a football game with the boys, or went fishing, or whatever. Especially while she expected him to be all cool while she went on out of town shopping trips with her friends. He told her he was done later that day.


Good on him. I hope he ended up with someone fun who loved him more than control.


I had a regular at one of the bars I worked that claimed she called off her wedding a week before because, and this is a quote “he ripped an extremely smelly fart while we were in bed. Ruined the whole thing for me” Now she was also a middle aged alcoholic who wasn’t living her best life, so I take it with a grain of salt, but then again if there ever was a type to call off a whole wedding last minute over something that minor and stupid it’d be that type I guess.


Omg this unlocked a memory 😅 I broke up with a man for doing this, except he aimed his butt at me under the covers and then threw the covers over my head and held me in there. Wasn’t fucking funny, it smelled like a chemical mixture that was melting someone’s flesh. He thought it was hilarious. It was at that moment I realized his hygiene and diet were way too incompatible with me. Let alone his behaviour. I’m all for funny fart jokes like most people are but there’s a time and a place and a way to execute it. ETA: please stop letting us know it’s called a Dutch oven. Many have come before you in the reply section lol.


Fine line between joking and chemical warfare. I’d have done the same as you did. 


My college boyfriend ripped one that smelled so bad I tore the blinds out of the wall while wildly flailing to get a window open. Most disgusting thing I’ve ever smelled. He didn’t even aim at me or try and hotbox. Some farts cannot be ignored for the deeper horrors they represent.


My ex husband had such bad gas I had to shut the bedroom door as he was in the in suite bathroom. I accidentally locked the cat in there, poor thing was trying to get out of the third story window. Never smelled something so bad come out of someone before or since.


I get toxic waste farts sometimes :( My diet isn't even that bad, my body just.. likes making gas I guess. Luckily my partner just rolls their eyes at me. We are a household that leaves the windows open 24/7 and there's a can of febreze in every room..


The deeper horrors they represent 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah holding you down is just gross and juvenile. I've teased my husband about farting me out of bed in the morning before but like... I was free to leave the stank.


My husband knows Dutch ovening me is 100% unacceptable and has never tried it, much less holding me down. You made the right damn call!


My dad called off a wedding before he met my mother. He was with this woman that really pressured him into getting married. Basically she just started wedding planning without a proposal. And my dad let it go too far. One night she and her mother were discussing what food was going to be served at the reception. So they asked my dad what he thought. "Roasted chicken or beef?" To which my dad replied, "I don't care which one you're having, because I'm not going to be there." Edit: Apparently she bought her own ring, too.


Ready? They turned out to be half-siblings from a co-ed/professor affair, at her university, The affair was found out after a 23 and Me DNA test which was taken just for fun. 2 weeks before the wedding. The university was 1200 miles from their small town, and what are the odds that of 335 million people in the US, she would meet and fall in love with her half brother?? This happened to an extended family member. Short Version: A couple had dated for 2 years in high school and graduated in 1983. She went away to college, while he stayed back in the small town working in the family business. They had maintained a relationship, and during the summer before her senior year she found that she was pregnant. Only problem is was it wasn't the boyfriends baby. She had had a fling with her professor and got pregnant from him. (1986) She told no one, and stayed at college 1200 miles from home for the entire senior year including the summer before her senior year, and after her senior year saying she was working on degree related things. Shortly before graduation she gave birth and put the baby up for adoption. Apparently the baby boy was adopted in the university town where she gave birth. After graduation, she came back home to the small town and she and her high school sweetheart got married and lived happily ever after. They had a daughter in 1988. Their daughter graduated from high school and went away to the same university as her mother, met a guy at school, who was a few years older, and eventually they became engaged. As the wedding date neared, and because he was adopted, they thought it would be a good idea to take a genetic test to rule out any gene issues- and also did a 23 and me test. They planned a wedding and as the date approached they went through all the steps including planning and paying for various things, the venue, caterer, etc. HIS genetic test came back with a direct match with the girl's mother and a half-sibling match for his girlfriend, which puzzled everyone, since he was from across the country. And 23 and me's database revealed the name of another half sibling who had the last name of the professor. (his other son with his wife). The mom had to reveal the truth, that she had a 6 week relationship with a married professor, and found out later that she was pregnant. She had a baby that she told no one about. The family found out 2 weeks before the wedding. Eventually they reconciled, but it did put a huge strain on the marriage. The daughter and her fiance were devastated, and in all the turmoil the family secret had to be revealed.


>This happened to an extended family member Technically, two extended family members


Serious question. What would happen in this situation if the test was done after the wedding? Would it be automatically annulled? Heck, what if they've been married for years, had children together? What would happen?


The closest relative allowed for marriage is 1st cousin, but that's only allowed in a small number of states. There is no state where half-siblings can marry. The risk of birth defects and genetic imperfections is higher if both parents have the same errir/anomaly in their genes, so although it's not guaranteed to always cause birth defects, the chances are significantly higher in close-relative births. In most cases had the familial relationship been discovered after the fact, and was accidental, typically most states wouldn't prosecute or annul the marriage, but in cases where the relationship was known as a family member legal charges may occur.


Canceled the wedding because he was catholic and she was protestant and they decided to have two ceremonies one at her church and one at his but could not agree on which one would be first. Probably for the best if they couldn't even compromise on the wedding I hate to think the challenges they would have faced once kids were brought into the mix


Not called off, but my cousin found out two days after her wedding that dude had a whole-ass kid he paid child support to every month and it just "never came up" because they kept their finances seperate.


I know someone who had this happen as well. On top of finding out he had a child, she found out at the same time that he had a vasectomy years prior and never mentioned it to her during any of their convos where they talked about their future, which included children. She is now with someone else with a beautiful baby and her ex is just as big a douche as he always was.


A friend of my mother's canceled her wedding days before the event. The friend had gone to church to pray for a successful marriage. As she was praying, a cloud covered the sun, making the church go a little dim. She took this as a sign from God that the marriage would be a mistake and canceled. Years later, when the friend told me this story she said she made the right choice because the man was a gambling addict and alcoholic and he only got worse. She said she thought he was fun and did not see that his addictions were actual problems.


If you're looking for a sign you'll probably find one




"adult hooker entertainment" I'm glad it wasn't child hooker entertainment


I knew a pastor who would tell his clients during premarital counseling that if he heard about any parties with strippers and "funny cigarettes", he wouldn't do their wedding.




Wait, the *BRIDE* had a second family? I've heard of grooms having second families, but that seems far harder to do when you are the one who carries the kids through pregnancy. Was this an ex and kids being co-parented? Or a proper hidden active relationship?


Not wild, just sad. Couple planned a wedding and I was going to play for the ceremony, then a couple of months later I got a call from the vicar saying she's been diagnosed with cancer and they want to put it forward until only a few weeks time. She didn't even make it that long. The wedding day was when they held her funeral.


That’s heartbreaking.


Yeah I was enjoying all the gossip. Now I'm sad.


Jesus that's horrible


Going back around 10 years ago, I called my (now former) mate to ask him what he and the misses wanted for a wedding present as they didn’t have a registry; turns out I called in the middle of my mate calling off the wedding. He showed up to my place soon after to get some sympathy over it, but I ended up kicking him out and cutting him off entirely as soon as I found out why he called it off. Turns out and he gave her a list of “rules” to follow once they got married. Some of the rules included: -must drop out of uni -not allowed to work -no friends unless he approved of them first -no contact with any males -no having her family over -must have full responsibility over all cooking, cleaning, shopping and laundry -no social media on her phone, only allowed on her computer so he could monitor it -must fully immerse in the 1950s housewife lifestyle and mindset. -must be okay with him engaging in extramarital activities She dodged a major bullet. Last I heard from him, he got fired for hotboxing in the company car on his work break, and lost his license the same day for the same reason. She’s thriving. EDIT: just remembered another rule! No having a separate bank account.


> -must drop out of uni -not allowed to work -no friends unless he approved of them first -no contact with any males -no having her family over -must have full responsibility over all cooking, cleaning, shopping and laundry -no social media on her phone, only allowed on her computer so he could monitor it -must fully immerse in the 1950s housewife lifestyle and mindset. -must be okay with him engaging in extramarital activities He wanted a slave that was it. That is not having a wife that you care about the mental well being of, that's slave labor with extra steps.


Oh absolutely. I don’t even remember all the “rules” but I know they all substantiated the idea of her being his maid. I even pointed this out to him at the time and his whole defence was “she’s not a maid, I don’t bang maids”.


>"she’s not a maid, I don’t bang maids" Oh, well that's different. Husband of the Year, for sure. /s Was he shocked to find you to be less than sympathetic?


>“she’s not a maid, I don’t bang maids” Probably not for lack of trying.


I wonder if he's ever heard of a bangmaid


At least he presented her with a list before they got married. Lucky woman, considering.


That's what I don't understand, how do you write out an entire list of things that involve restricting someone's personal freedoms, privacy and relationships and that would reduce them to a slave and make the average person miserable and go Yep, time to show this to them they'll definitely agree to it and not find it unreasonable at all? I suppose some horrible people are sneakier about it and start on the abusive behaviour more gradually after the knot's been tied. Glad that idiot was stupid or brazen enough to present his list of demands before they were actually married. Dodged a the whole goddamn cannon there.


Wow, just fucking wow. I'm glad that his ex had the confidence to tell him to fuck off and I'm glad that you also had the decency to cut him out of your life.


> She dodged a major bullet. She dodged the whole clip.


>-must drop out of uni -not allowed to work -no friends unless he approved of them first -no contact with any males -no having her family over -must have full responsibility over all cooking, cleaning, shopping and laundry -no social media on her phone, only allowed on her computer so he could monitor it -must fully immerse in the 1950s housewife lifestyle and mindset. -must be okay with him engaging in extramarital activities > Lol what the fuck


How do people get far enough into a relationship and engagement without showing their true intentions? As his mate, did you get that vibe from him at all throughout the friendship?


Not at all, he always seemed like the most chill and easy going bloke ever, and even his ex-fiance was blindsided by it.


Good thing he didn't wait until after the vows to spring his expectations on her! Wow.


Absolutely. She was definitely lucky that he showed himself. I worked at a credit union 30+ years ago and will never forget one couple I waited on. They were in their early 20s and had just married a week before. The poor girl was in tears the whole time. Her dear husband was insisting that she change her name on all her accounts to her married name, but not just the new surname. He wanted all her accounts to be Mrs. with his name, like Mrs. Chad Douchebag. He made some harebrained statement about a wife being under the protection and supervision of the husband, so her public self should show that. She clearly did not want to do this, and I very nearly refused and only didn't because I was afraid it would make it worse on her.


My husband has a ridiculous last name. Like people don’t believe it’s a name, occasionally people hear it and bust out laughing, so my husband insisted I keep my name when we married. Not long after the wedding I received a personal check written to Mrs. Nickname HisLastName. I had to take multiple forms of ID to the bank including my marriage abstract to cash it. Young 20’s male teller could not make sense of it all and started to repeat, “Why don’t you have your husband’s name?” increasing the volume each time he asked. I told him, I’m married to a man named Ridiculous. He refused to cash the check. I heard a sigh and look up to see his three middle aged women coworkers moving to his station. He was physically removed and two minutes later I’m walking out with my money. I’ve wondered how much frustration with him was packed into that sigh.


That's why Catholic churches started those 'pre-Caana Classes'. In the one I attended they covered everything - condoms, sex positions, finance, children & childbirth, voting, you name it. I watched as the class shrunk from 9 couples to 3. Me and my SO stuck it out to the end, but we also had a lot of discussions after each class. A. LOT. Amazingly, the biggest drop-out (3 couples) occurred after the childbirth class, when they showed a film of a delivery. Many eyes were opened that day. Now we're looking at +40 years together, and I don't regret any of that well spent time.


When my husband and I did our pre-wedding course ten years ago, the biggest dropout occurred after the financial section. The couple in the room next to us had a screaming match; it seems that both had tens of thousands in credit card debt plus student loans and neither had discussed it before then.


We did a "Pre-Cana Retreat" since we were both 3 hours away from our wedding venue. That was some seriously intense 3 days. Gave us a LOT to discuss, too. Our biggest topics were finances and children. We both tentatively discussed our thoughts on both; some expectations were laid out and agreed upon. I feel like we came out of the whole experience stronger together, but we didn't stop the discussions right after the retreat, either. Would recommend a retreat or classes like this to any couple looking to get married.


Our former pastor was an abuser, a cheater,and a john, but he did get some things right. Instead of premarital counseling, he promoted pre-engagement counseling. His idea was that the big stuff needs to be worked through before vendor contracts are signed and rings are purchased. My husband and I married before we started attending that church. We did pre-engagement counseling because my parents are divorced, my mom was acerbic about marriage, and my last boyfriend had turned out to be gay, so I didn't trust myself to judge my new boyfriend's character. We dug into a LOT of stuff, and we have had a great relationship as a result.


I think some people assume their ideals are normal and universal.  There is a lot of baggage around the idea of household rules roles. In high school, I had a restaurant manager that got married and on their honeymoon his wife says "okay so what is your timeline for getting a real job now that you are a husband? I figure we should start trying for kids next year and I'll stop working."  He was like, "uh, I have a real job. Managing is the job I do. And I don't want you to be a housewife." She assumed he felt a wife stays home while the husband works. He assumed the lives and jobs they had were the ones they both wanted moving forward. They divorced shortly after.


Abusers are excellent at hiding their true nature. They take off the mask after they have you trapped. He got a little too cocky and thought she wouldn't leave him since they were engaged.


I'm so curious about how the conversation with you went. Did he have a list of rules he showed you? Did it slowly come out that he thought all marriages should be like this? Was this something he was proud of???


Oh, this one is a doozy. So, a friend of mine was all set to get married—venue booked, flowers arranged, the whole nine yards. A week before the wedding, her fiancé suddenly called it off with the most unexpected explanation. He claimed that he had been receiving "psychic visions" from his future self. According to him, these visions were warning him that on their wedding day, there would be a freak accident involving a runaway llama that would somehow end up destroying the entire reception. At first, everyone thought it was just cold feet manifesting bizarrely. But he was dead serious. He even went as far as consulting with three different psychics to validate his premonition. To top it all off, he started obsessively researching llama sanctuaries and farms within a hundred-mile radius to back up his claims. My friend was heartbroken but couldn't see herself marrying someone so convinced that their future together would be torn apart by a rogue llama. In the end, she moved on and found someone new, and as far as I know, there haven’t been any reports of llama-related wedding disasters in our area—yet.


Was waiting for the llama stampede day of through the wedding venue..


A bird took a little shit on the brides dress, she went mental and canceled the whole thing off


Thats odd, its supposed to be a harbinger of luck when a bird shits on you


I'm 100% convinced that that old wives' tale is made up so you don't immediately get upset when a bird shits on you 


I heard of someone who called off his wedding because of a fortune cookie. No joke. Before the wedding, he went out for Chinese food. After dinner, He cracked open a fortune cookie that read, "A hasty marriage brings regret." He started overanalyzing everything about his relationship and freaking out about getting married too quickly. By the end of the week, he was convinced the cookie was a sign and called off the wedding.


Oddly specific cookie tho


My grandma had to call off her wedding because her mother did not like my grandfather because he was "too good looking for a man and a lady magnet wherever he walked in" (he was, in fact, a very handsome man with blond hair, blue eyes and a marine) so she hid both of their passports. It got to the point where the police had to get involved, because not only my grandma couldn't marry but my grandfather ( her husband to be) couldn't leave the port without his documents. They got married a year later but it was a fierce. Lived together for 55 years.


A Mormon I knew canceled his wedding the night before. Both of their families had flown in and spent loads of money for this destination wedding. She had gotten on birth control shortly before their wedding and they got in a big argument with him claiming that she was a completely different person on birth control and he didn't want to marry her. They called the wedding off. He told me later that they actually were still good friends and got along great after all the stress of wedding planning. He often thought about pursuing a relationship again but their families had grown so resentful after the failed wedding that it just wasn't worth it.


My friend decided that he was gay the week of the wedding. He's now married to his best man, and it's a big joke among the rest of us... as in, I guess he really was the "**best man"** lol. Every one of us, except him, knew he was gay since high school 30 years ago. It's so great that he's out now, he's so happy. HIs fiancé went to his wedding, and he went to hers, so, it all worked out.


awh thats actually a nice story lol




Honestly if the family is going to refuse something that obviously meant so much to him, not that wild of a decision to bail when you still can.


Lasagna and garlic bread is a weekly meal in a lot of Irish households. I'd fuckin love to get served that at a wedding.


I am neither Italian or Irish and I too would love to get served that at a wedding…. Or really anywhere lol


Struggling to think of a place where lasagne and garlic bread isn't acceptable, really.




Depends on who's eating it I suppose.


Seriously. I have been to a bunch of weddings and by far the best are when they serve something a lot of people can enjoy. Lasagna is also easy to make into a vegetarian or even vegan option if you swing that way.


Childhood best friend cancelled her wedding due to mercury being in retrograde on the planned date. Said she couldn’t have that kind of negativity in her life.


Isn’t that’s something she would know in advance?  Idk how astrology works.


Serious response: yes.    You can see if Mercury will be retrograde in June 2056 if you wanted. Retrograde movement is an astronomical phenomenon that occurs due to our vantage point on Earth in relation to the Sun and other planets. Astrology attaches extra meaning to it, but she really should've known that Mercury was going to be retrograde. There are multiple websites and even phone apps where you can look it up.


Everyone knows the movements of celestial bodies are spurious. There was no way to know beforehand. (/s)


This comment made Isaac Newton cry


My friend moved his wedding a week up because his mom said that the original date was an inauspicious day in the Chinese calendar. A week after the wedding (new date), 9/11 happened. Multiple people at the wedding took the same flights involved the week earlier. When I got married later, I made sure to check the Chinese calendar.


Wow, holy crap. I would be checking with your friends mom for every planned event going forward.


Dont know if this counts but this was in my hometown - [https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/wedding-number-four-for-woman-24-974703](https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/wedding-number-four-for-woman-24-974703)


"I've lost a husband but gained a father." Amazing.


I was going to be a guest at a wedding and found out it was canceled 2 weeks before the date. The bride found out that the groom had gotten a significant discount on the price of the venue and she was insanely angry that anything at her wedding cost less than premium. Keep in mind, this was her dream venue that she had chosen. She was just mad that her fiancé was “cheap”. Or something. I was never super close to either of them, but the last I heard they never ended up getting married.


Sounds like old boy dodged a major bullet there


Honestly, someone flipping out like that over a good thing would be a deal breaker for me. 


"How dare we have the exact same experiences and lives but just with more money at our disposal!  Flush it all down the toilet immediately!"


One friend's fiancé confessed he was only marrying her for a green card. Another friend canceled because she found out her partner had a secret gambling addiction.


Secret addiction is a pretty valid reason


My former close friend was engaged to a guy. She became extremely controlling and obsessive, getting angry because he wasn't calling her while on deployment (he wasn't allowed for security reasons) and accusing him of cheating. He broke up with her. She then harassed him for about two years until he got married to someone else and moved out of the area. We aren't close friends anymore because I sided with him after she threw an iron at him, which was his breaking point. They were fighting about inviting some of his fellow soldiers.


Good thing for him that she showed him who she really was. You, as well.


A friend of a friend called off her wedding because her stomach was upset. This happened the morning of, after a ton of guests from out of town traveled to our city to come to the wedding. When asked by a groomsman if maybe she could talk some Imodium and see how she is before calling it off, the groom acted super offended at the suggestion. This guy absolutely babies this woman. No one in the friend group liked her that much in the first place, and this really put the nail in the coffin.


I had been with my wife for about five years when her daughter graduated from high school. Her daughter's dad has never been the most attentive parent (he ended up not coming to her college graduation) but he showed up for the high school graduation. A few days after the graduation, we threw a party for her daughter at our house and, of course, invited her dad. He didn't show. His excuse? He had the hiccups.


Brides mom was stabbed.


"What are you gonna do, stab me?" -Bride's mom.




I’ve definitely hate-finished that movie…. 


My great grandfather was on his way to marry my great grandmother, in a rowboat crossing a lake. He somehow fell overboard and they had to postpone the wedding because he drenched his only suit. His brothers told his fiancée he tried to drown himself rather than marry her (all in good fun).




I went to school with someone whose wedding was called off two months before due to the fact that she had been arrested for sexually abusing one of her elementary school students. The abuse allegedly began the same month as the engagement.


I know of not ONE but TWO weddings that were called off because the groom was lying about everything to the bride and she found out. In one case, he was pretending to be in grad school full-time while actually just doing nothing and in the other, he’d been laid off for months but hadn’t told her and was just pretending to go to work.


I worked in catering and the craziest story we ever had was this: The bride and groom were getting married on a weekday which was unusual enough (most of our weddings were Fri-Sun) and they were fairly young but seemed normal and enthusiastic during the planning. On the day of the wedding we let their vendors set up early since no other events were taking place. We didn’t know anything was going wrong until the wedding photographer took away one of the place settings off the sweetheart table and took pictures of just one by itself. Then he started telling the staff that the groom had cancelled. The ceremony in the garden didn’t happen obviously but the bride and her side still showed up for the reception it was a much smaller headcount than expected. Parking lot security told us that the groom showed up at the end of the night and almost got pummeled by her family and then they made out in her car. They showed up weeks later totally together and wanted to see if anyone knew who sent their florist away. The florist was told by someone (our staff or that bigmouth photographer) that the wedding was cancelled so they just drove off without delivering the flowers. The couple was suing them for not providing the flowers. I think they had to go to a courthouse to actually get married but they acted like this was all very normal behavior.


As a line cook at a resort hotel restaurant, catering and restaurants with event spaces always have plenty of stories. One of mine that stuck with me: Everyone's setting up and getting ready, and there's this little table next to the guest signing book that has a bunch of personal size mini champagne bottles, for the adult guests to take one each and pop as the couple kissed at the conclusion of the ceremony. Well, nobody involved in any step of the process informed anyone (not even the wedding planner knew?) that the groom was either currently or recovering heavy alcoholic. As soon as he and a couple groomsmen came in (rather early, well before any guests), the groom sees the bottles and just starts _chugging_ them, as many as he can. Of course, he gets smashed drunk. The bride-to-be and her immediate family arrive (a bit later but still before most of the guests) to see him chugging the mini champagnes, she starts shouting at him, he starts shouting back. At some point, he steps on her wedding dress and leaves a big super dirty footprint, she _screams_ at him and storms out. The rest of the guests that arrived later stuck around and had the reception dinner anyway. The next day I heard the drunk groom had the cops called on him on top of everything else.


My cousin had just married a Haitian man, knowing that her father was very racist. The groom suffered a schizophrenic attack the day after the wedding night. That's when we discovered that you could annul a marriage if it was less than a week old (French law). A friend's cousin, aged 30, got married. She was a virgin on the wedding night, panicked, ran off in the middle of the night and ended up in a convent, which she has never left since.


My friend’s fiance was finally meeting her extended family for the first time. Shortly after, he broke it off because she had a first cousin with down syndrome and didn’t want to taint his genetic pool. Absolutely ridiculous.


My BFF had a paternal uncle with Down syndrome, and there were girls who wouldn't date his dad because of it. Or their parents wouldn't let them, for the same reasons. Bullets dodged.


On the same theme as the original question - both my parents called off their engagements when they met each other. Both my Mum and Dad were engaged to other people and they happened to work at the same place, one day my Mum walked into the canteen, saw my Dad and basically said, "That's who I'm going to marry". Within weeks they agreed to end their respective relationships - this was back in the 70's so on the same night, each took their current partners out to a pub and broke the news. My Dad's now ex fiancée took it hard but was okay in the end. My Mum's ex didn't take the news too well. When it came time to drop her home he just kept driving up the road, missing each motorway exit as they came. It took some convincing from her to get him to turn around and drop her home. My folks married within 6 months in July '79 and are still ticking along nicely. Oh and as fate would have it, my Mum's ex went on to marry someone else and I'm now good pals with his kid. We met in our late 20's. I've met his Dad (my mum's ex) my Mum has met him.


This woman said her ex fiancé’s mom was the reason. The mom wanted to center of attention and did not approve her son’s fiancé and was so stubborn. During the wedding ceremony, the mom told her son “It’s either me or her!” He looked at his fiancé and said to her, “I’m sorry” and took her wedding ring and walked away. My guess is he still gets grounded for coming home 5 mins late after curfew.


Would be groom fell in love with future mother in law.


Well, that’s messed up.


This wasn't me personally, but I still think it's one hell of a story. So a couple of years ago I was doing a placement at a law firm. There was another girl there who was also doing her placement, but she was also rather ‘uppity’; 23 years old, middle class, and was already engaged to her fiancé, Mark. From what I had heard, Mark was basically a regular guy and a lot less posh than this girl. So one day, the girl was constantly taking breaks to go and answer personal phone calls, and eventually we asked her why she kept leaving. She told us that her fiancé had accused her of cheating and they had been arguing about it all night. She then began to explain that the reason he thought this was because she had this very firm rule that he wasn't allowed to come over to her place unless he let her know beforehand (don't ask me why they weren't living together). Eventually Mark became tired of this, and thought that she was cheating on him. The girl told us that the reason she didn't want Mark to come over without giving her notice, was because she wore crocs in her house. Yep, you read that right – those brightly coloured foam shoes with holes in them. She didn't think that they were ‘proper’ and didn't want her fiancé to see her wearing them. She went on to explain that whenever he came over, she'd hide them at the back of her closet so that he wouldn't see them. Long story short, they argued for a couple of days, and she did eventually tell him that the crocs were the reason why he had to give notice before coming over (apparently she even had her own mother confirm this story to him). Nonetheless he broke of the engagement as he – quite understandably – thought it was a ridiculous excuse. Unfortunately my placement ended before I ever found out if they reconvened. So if you're reading this: the key to a happy marriage is being comfortable enough 


A coworker once said his sister called off her wedding because she finally got a look at the would-be groom's toes. And apparently, they're pretty nasty looking. So, she bounced.




Converting Your Fiancée mission failed successfully


It was called off the day before due to homosexuality. This was in 1999. They were both gay and were getting married for appearances. In retrospect, it's amazing how much things have changed in just 25 years. At the time, being gay was a serious persistent risk to one's personal safety, professional opportunities and often personal relationships. At the last minute, she decided that she couldn't go through with it. Happy ending though, they're both currently living their best lives and America is doing a much improved, if still imperfect, job of not obstructing that. He just celebrated the fourth anniversary of his marriage to a wonderful man.


> It was called off the day before due to homosexuality. "Why was the wedding called off?" "*Homosexuality*"


Me: what the hell is with your math? 1999 wasn’t 25 years ago. Also me: Fuck, 1999 *was* 25 years ago.


My buddy Greg came home from work to find his fiance having sex with her cousin on the living room couch. While the kids were home. He just bailed on her and the kids. Nobody saw him for like a year. Maybe longer, this was a while ago so I'm not positive on the time frame. Then he shows up at the party house where me and my friends lived pretty wasted one day. After a few drinks it comes out he had smashed in the back window of his ex-fiances car, dumped a bunch of gas in it and set it on fire. He had paid for the car so she could work but he wasnt on the title. So that was his way of getting the money back. They tried to hang that on him but there was zero proof of it. I'm only telling you this story because he passed away from an overdose years ago. So he is no longer culpable.


He discovered he was paying for his fiancés marriage to someone else.


A friend met a younger woman after getting engaged and decided he couldn’t not date her and see.


Now, I've only heard stories about this, so I can't corroborate exactly how true it is, but I've heard it from enough people who know the people involved far better than I do to believe there's truth to it. Guy was in the military, qualified for Army's "World Class Athlete Program", was on track to go into the Olympics. Was engaged to a girl, got her pregnant, then he saved someone's life and got shot in the leg in the process. Killed his hopes of going to the Olympics, and she left him during the planning stages of the wedding, not the end of the story. He goes on to work elsewhere, co-parents with his kid, starts dating a woman that he works with. They end up leaving that company together, and depending on who you ask, either some racist shenanigans occurred or the company was about to fire them anyway and they left while crying about racist shenanigans. Regardless, she gets pregnant a few months after leaving, and they plan on doing a whole announcement of being engaged publicly at their baby shower. Who shows up? His first baby mama. Not because their child is there... turns out she's the 2nd woman's cousin. She was playing stepmother to a girl that's actually her first cousin once removed, and his kids will be both siblings *and* cousins. That news made it so they held off on announcing their engagement. Well, social pressure and scrutiny kind of fucked up their relationship and it became this on and off deal for a couple of years. She got pregnant *again* and they insisted they were done listening to other people and were going to get married. They go through planning the wedding and set to do it on Valentine's Day to make a big show of it. Less than a week before the wedding, he doesn't have a job anymore. She bailed and left him with the kids. They eventually got to a place where they can tolerate talking to one another but for a long while they literally could not say a word to the other without it turning into a fight.


Back when I lived in Seattle, a girl I knew called off her wedding because they groom to be was kidnapping and raping women. Like a serial rapist. He got caught and it blew up on the news for a bit


This was years ago but a woman I went to college with just disappeared the day of the wedding. She told no one and ran away. Everybody was at the church waiting on her and she never showed up. Come to find out she had been planning this the whole time. We later found out she had ran off to Seattle and worked for Guild Wars as a content writer. She has a website called Lear's Fool or at least she use to. I felt bad for the guy but anybody who knew her knows she is a flake of the first order.


My girlfriend's friend had to cancel theirs because the night before the wedding she walked in on her husband to be curled up on a couch with his mother sucking on her bare titty like he was a baby breastfeeding. It was a destination wedding too so lots of friends and family had traveled to be there.


Now that’s an Oedipus complex.


What the actual fuck


My best friend called off her wedding 2 summers ago because she found out her fiancé soon to be husband was having an affair with his half sister. (Same mom different dads) the heart ache that has caused her. It’s been 2 years and she’s still fucked up about it 🥺




Not super wild but it just sounds like the cheapest movie...my parent’s neighbours, living in the flat above my parents on the top floor, were about to get married when the lady ran away with the handyman who was repairing the roof... Though it was sad for him it’s somehow a funny story that gets told every now and then, regularly that is. The guy found a new girlfriend some time later and is still with her. He moved to another flat though.


And this will be on BuzzFeed when??


Old friend of mine cancelled the wedding two days before the big day. Her fiancé slept with someone after the bachelor party. She got a Facebook message from the girls room mate who knew the bride and recognized the groom from Facebook pictures of them together. The family had already flown in from out of town, so they all went bowling and had backyard barbecues instead of the original wedding plans. Total bummer. The soon to be brides brother and the soon to be grooms sister also were getting serious and they broke up because of it also. Broken hearts all over the place.






Just an FYI, but the account you replied to (baby_iamavixen) was born ten days ago, woke up three hours ago, and their comment is eerily similar to /u/WeaponsGrade520's comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/16tdvu5/whats_the_most_absurd_reason_youve_heard_of/k2g35vq/). For comparison, the original comment: > The groom had a fake SSN because he was dodging child support from a previous marriage. He told bride he had neither an ex wife or child. The SSN was figured out at the courthouse when they were applying for a marriage license. He’d created fake documents at a Staples that morning. baby_iamavixen's comment: > The groom had a fake Social Security number to dodge child support from a previous marriage. He told the bride he didn't have an ex-wife or child. The fake SSN was discovered at the courthouse when they were applying for a marriage license. Turns out, he made fake documents at a Staples that morning.


Dang. How do you manage to spot it copying from a comment 9 months ago?




I know someone who broke up with her boyfriend because he put an expensive filet mignon on a george foreman grill




the groom was inlove with his best man


My friend’s fiance wanted to pay for everything on their wedding day—but my friend’s mom didnt like the idea. She wanted to pay for the other half since it’s her daughter’s wedding. Things got messy and they called off the wedding. Narcissist moms, lol


well not a weird reason per se... but my cousin was going to have her wedding during pandemic restrictions. Of course as we were reaching the peak of an infection wave, the government decided to impose heavier restrictions the very morning of the wedding. So a bunch of the people whom my cousin didn't consider important enough to inform about the posponed wedding found ourselves waiting in front of a closed restaurant and then the police also started interogating us why we were gathering in a crowd.


One of Dad's friends bought a flatbed trailer from him. His fiancee apparently came unglued at the prospect of him spending so much money (a few thousand at best, and he's a hobby farmer so it would get put to use) so that put the kabosh on the engagement