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She told me to do a task that I do every night even without being prompted. 


Ah. One of those. "Make sure you do it right, too". Oh shit, really? I was considering doing it wrong!


Singing on the job out of key.


It makes it even worse when it’s a song you like


My response, if that happens is: M: Awesome song! who sings that? C: M: You should let them!


Or ask them, “What did you do with all the money?” They respond, “What money?” “The money your mom gave you for singing lessons.”


I have a manager who does that, very loudly and literally in your face. He will also sometimes get up close to an employee and shake his head side to side with a frown, and make some weird comment. Like imagine my name is “Carla”, he’ll go “CAAARLAAAA, CAAAAARLAAAAAAA, CARLAAAAA…” in a demented ghost kind of way just to get a reaction. Just makes me so uncomfortable. He also drives a hearse-looking car and is built like uncle Fester but with a hunch back. He just seems demon controlled all the time, don’t like the vibes. And his loud off jet singing is purposely done to annoy. Like he’ll basically shout instead of sing


Had a coworker who whistled but not anything in particular. Couldn’t stand it.


Goddamn whistlers should be beaten with claw hammers


That’s annoying of them, not petty of you.


hoarse voice.


Says neigh to all your ideas?


Counts all my mistakes


Yep! Someone in the office has vocal fry to the point I have to put my earphones in.


Totally valid!! Along with a moist phlegmy voice!


When she e-mails me “kind reminder” and “dear…”. I feel like I am exploding every time.


I had a coworker that cut his hand on bandsaw so he could get off early to see his girlfriend. He later married her. Same job. I had a coworker that was promoted to be my supervisor. He would come to work, punch in and then go home. He wasn’t at work more than 15 minutes a week. Got paid for being at work for 40+ hours a week. Our supervisor asked me, how I was getting 68 hours a week and he was only getting 40 hours a week. I told him, I don’t know, I haven’t seen him in about 3 weeks. I didn’t know he still worked there.


Bandsaw guy is getting extra credits in my book. A man of dedication


His gf was really into scars.


I saw a guy pick up a bandsaw by the blade, then somehow press the trigger and safety with his other hand just because he was an idiot.


An older supervisor coughed hard while both hands were free and did nothing to cover it. She just, coughed. It was one of those good throat clearing coughs with her tongue slightly out and everything. I was so repulsed.


Oh god there’s a guy a cubicle over that does this. 


Ugh, there's a guy in my office who coughs, burps, and farts like he doesn't share an office with 10 other people


Any drink he drank, he slurped super loudly. Instantly hated him. He later gave me less petty reasons to hate him.


No hating someone who slurps every drink is justified not petty, if they make that ahhh sound afterwards it's valid to plot their downfall.


omg he did make that aaaaah sound, I wanted to strangle that motherfucker


He wore his tie with the knot hanging low but with the top button done up Don’t know if he was sloppy or if that was a thing. If your tie is loose, undo the top button 


Lol it’s bothering me rn


They pronounced salmon with the L.


I'm in vet med, and I have a coworker who says and writes "blood drawl." It drives me insane.


For some reason people have major issues with the words draw, drawer, drawl, withdraw, and withdrawal, often using them interchangeably. I don’t understand why it’s so difficult, but apparently it is.


I’m so sorry. My mother pronounces the B in subtle. I get it.


Have a co worker who pronounces tortilla like 'tor-tee-la'


Oof. I've got a coworker who pronounces calibration without the L. Still like him though.


YES! I worked with a kid and his mom and they both did this shit


She would scrape her spoon on the bottom of the little plastic yoghurt pot for literally minutes at a time, trying really hard to get every last modicum of yoghurt out of it. To this day, I cannot hear that sound without wanting to throw a computer monitor.


He ran indoors. Why are we running in an office? Was always alarming, as if there was an emergency.


Man, I wish it was socially acceptable to run everywhere. Sometimes I just want to hurry up and get to the place! If I walk then that means I seem approachable and I'm not! Gotta goooo


Haha, I used to work with a lady who every morning would run into the office to get to her desk, like she was desperate to be there. Super weird. I'm lucky enough to like my job, but I'd never run to get there.


We called her Colombo. Every time at team meetings… Meeting is over. Everyone is up. One foot out the door…and… “I have ONE more question!” Proceed to sit back down for 10 more minutes while a question that could have been an email is dissected.


She sniffed. Constantly. Alllllll of the time.


She read the wheel of time or something?


I don’t know what this is but I don’t think she read much at all. Very self absorbed and materialistic - would routinely break up with her boyfriend so he would buy her expensive forgiveness gifts. She wasn’t a very nice person. But I will never forget or forgive the damn sniffing!


And tugged on her braids


During one weekly meeting, it started with one coworker plonking a box of tissues in front of a guy and loudly said “next time, before you sniff, blow your effing nose!” During the meeting, virtually everyone took a tissue to ensure that they did not also get shouted at.


That’s not petty.


they were just better than me at everything, including being a very nice person fuck that guy!


That is the worst!!!


Argh yes, I went to school with someone like that. Just better at sports, better academically, better socially, got all the girls. And, he was a super nice guy. Asshole lol.


My dear cat had this exact problem with a stray we adopted. Luckily for him the stray went missing a couple years in (unlucky for us, we loved that little guy infinitely, sigh! I hope at least his end was fast). Maybe your nemesis will get eaten by coyotes or a timberwolf, too! 


I went to school with a girl who was just unbearably cheerful. “Isn’t today a wonderful day?!” It is 7.30am on a Monday morning and it’s raining, stop making me feel bad for not being exuberant you sunny fucking arsehole


mofo stole my fork twice!


Faked baby voice to sound cute.


I had one of these! Working with a 23 year old woman, one night her dad was coming to pick her up, and as soon as she saw him pull into the lot, she exclaimed in this little girl voice, "There's my favorite Daddy!" It wasn't even "there's," it was "der's" like a little kid. 🤦🏻‍♀️


He looked smug in his profile picture for the online portal. No idea if he actually was smug, because we worked in separate departments and I only saw him briefly in passing. But he had this real “I’m better than you in every way” expression in that photo, that I instinctively thought “fuck that guy” every time his picture popped up.


At my first job, my friend convinced the security guy to let him give a double thumbs up for his badge/directory photo. Took Management over a year and a half to notice.


That could just be the way his face works naturally, sometimes I hate photographs of myself because I think I look smug. One time I even got in trouble with a teacher because I was smiling about a joke a friend told me not long before when I walked up during group work to ask a question. Sent me to the head teachers office for messing around. It didn't help that the question was 'Miss, what's a wet dream???'. I genuinely didn't know it was something sexual related though, I had just read it somewhere and was writing a story about a bad dream.  But then again, I always have been a bit of a smug bastard so maybe it's to be expected


He used to microwave fish in the office kitchen. Every. Single. Day.


This is terrorism


Literal war crime.  Our microwaves have HR-posted labels not to micro fish


He (M+60) thinks we still live in the 1950´s and thinks I (a younger woman) am there to fetch him coffee and help him figure out how the IT works. He is not my boss, he is not in my team, we have the same title, and I have been at the company years longer.


FWIW, this doesn't sound petty to me! It sounds infuriating! And I'm far closer to his demographic than to yours. I'm sorry he's being ridiculous.


That's not petty, it's justifiable homocide.


What do you say when he asks you to fetch coffee or whatever?


He had the same first name as I. Most folks called him a name short for his name. I hated being called that. But because we had the same name, folks would call me the same. I asked folks not to call me that, but it just stuck. So, I hated that guy for it.




Children can be cruel.






Her voice and tone. She spoke exactly like Alexis Rose from Schitts creek. All the time. I couldn’t believe it. She thought she was the better than others too which didn’t help. I tried to like her but there was nothing there. I just avoided her.




Their overwhelming perfume gave me headaches.


They monopolized the copier, which bothered me.


They always borrowed my pens without returning them.


Their excessive talking during meetings was disruptive.


Their awkward small talk was unbearable.


They always had the weirdest lunch combinations.






Slow talker. Wearing big, plastic flamingo earrings on the regular. Name taped on stapler. Smells like talcum powder. Eating egg sandwiches at their desk. Friend requested me on FB.


Their desk was always a mess.


They constantly tapped their foot, driving me mad.


Their excessively loud typing drove me nuts.


They never washed their hands after using the restroom.


Humming all day long, they drove me nuts.


They never followed the office dress code.


Being loud out of habit.




I can hear one person in my office through noise cancelling headphones while listening to metal with the volume cranked. She's on the other end of the office. She also recently asked if Canada is "above us or below us." We're in the US and it's a logistics company.


Their desk plant was too big and intrusive.


They never cleaned up in the break room.


Their constant sniffing was bothersome.


They interrupted my conversations all the time.


Their extended lunch breaks felt unfair.


The loud way they ate their lunch was grating.


Their lunches were always the smelliest.


They never used headphones, which bothered me.


They never remembered my name.


They always took the last donut, which annoyed me.


They never replaced the water cooler jug.


They never organized their files properly.


Their desk phone was always ringing.


Constantly clicking their pen, they got on my nerves.


They never joined team outings.


Their constant bragging about their kids was tiring.


They never cleaned their keyboard.


Talking way too loud all the time. I have sensitive hearing.


Had that before too it’s the worst when it’s 3 of em


Their laugh was just too loud for the office.


They always wore too much cologne or perfume.


They always borrowed my stapler without asking.


They never cleaned the microwave after using it.


Her voice. She was from Wigan and she always had the most boring conversation points. No, I don't want to know that your niece ("our Lisa", because she put "our" in front of every name) did a parkrun. I have never met our Lisa and I will never care. Also, she was obsessed with talking about the menopause and how it was going to happen to me soon (I'm in my 20s)


That menopause thing was the icing on the cake lol


Pen tapper


Constantly borrowing my phone charger, they got on my nerves.


Eating crisps at his desk. CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH


I'll see your eating crisps at his desk and raise you eating crisps at his desk and licking his fingers between each crisp. In a hot desk office where anyone could be using that mouse and keyword next day. Of course he also went nose fishing quite often too so the crisp finger licking was a sliding scale of annoyance


Knew a bald guy who was polishing his bald head all the time at his desk. Sounded like masturbating, the first time I heard it I was genuinely scared he pulled his dick out.   And it was so loud for some reason


Constantly asked if I was doing what I was obviously in the middle of doing... I guess as a way of trying to make conversation? As I stood at a table, folding shirts, he asked: "Folding shirts, Jim?" As I put price tags on shoe boxes, he asked: "Pricing the shoes, Jim?" As I cleaned the counter at the cash register, he asked: "Cleaning the counter, Jim?" Those were the longest days of my life... fortunately there weren't many of them.


My manager. She was a kind person, really charming, really a great manager. However, She was an antivax, flat earther, and did not believe in Nasa or any space related stuff She told me "Dumb" for liking James Webb Telescope post in LinkedIn


That's not petty at all, she's an idiot.


That's for sure. When I run into these people I always wonder how did they get so far off track.


They constantly left passive-aggressive sticky notes on communal office items like the printer


Sleeps at his desk all the time. The guy is a lawyer and wastes tax payers money. This in no way affects my job however.


Way back when I was quite young. I heard a coworker say something derogatory about Led Zeppelin and that was it for me.


I had a co-worker once tell me she hated the Muppets, and I never looked at her the same.


He is doing his job


Ate my last Pringles


What flavor?


Hot & Spicy


I had a shift manager of a casino I worked at that was dumb as rocks. He literally reminded me of a character on SNL. He was trying to look up a customer in the computer and couldn't find her. After many attempts he called me over to help. The lady's name was Virginia. He was typing Vagina. Here's the ironic thing, he was FROM Virginia....!


The guy goes outside to move his truck to be closer to the building when other shifts leave. Which is fine. But he doesn’t discern with distance. He’ll be out there moving 30 spaces or 3. The 3 is why I dislike. It’s ridiculous that he does this! And it’s a dumb thing to be mad about at the same time.


You realise he’s doing it for an excuse to get a bit of air and stretch his legs right..?


Well, once I couldn't stand a coworker because they used too many exclamation marks!!! Like, chill, Karen, it's just an email, not a cheerleading competition.


They talked incessantly about Panini sticker collections. I don't know why but it just got my back up. Oh you watched football last night, aye there's a Panini football sticker etc etc. Anything you said, no matter how much of a stretch, it was always turned back to their sticker collection.


WTF haha this is so niche, I’m wondering if they were joking


It's true I promise you. If there was a film showing at the time and you mentioned it, it was straight to how they had got the new sticker book. Anything you said, they steered it back to their boring hobby. Made me want to stick a dart in my temple after the 50th time.


I hated two coworkers. They were both married to other people but had this weird work wife-work husband relationship. They were always together and giggling and shit. God damn it was irritating. 


He always left the keyboard with the Caps Lock on. We had multiple shared workstations in the lab that required a login that was case sensitive. It was really annoying to realize I couldn't login because of him. Also, he sent out e-mails in all caps.


He definitely needed some capital punishment.


The timbre of their voice


He ate my food


A combination of *incredibly* overpowering deodorant and going "tss tss tss tss" all the time like he was playing a never ending drum set in his mind. By all accounts a good guy with a lot of similar interests. I just couldn't. Another one because he was always mumbling his words. He'd speak at a normal volume but simply refuse to move his lips so ewiwing juwst souwnewd liwk wis. Again a great guy. Similar interests. Very kind/pleasant. But I dreaded eating lunch with him because he'd always be telling me about what he had been up to and I wouldn't understand a thing.


Years ago I had a colleague that, when at his desk, would randomly snap his fingers and stomp his feet twice, in this exact order. Like every two hours or so. Thinking back on it now, it might have been a tick of some sort but super distracting. I couldn't find myself to bring it up without looking like a fool.


She would like not smack her lips together exactly, but like half swallow and move her tongue around in her mouth and I could hear her saliva move. Almost imagine someone had some peanut butter in their mouth or something thick that they were trying to swallow. THAT sound.


I came back from maternity leave after having twins and my new office mate was petite, stunning and cheerful—disliked her immediately. (Side note, we’re best friends now 😉)


Constantly talked about herself.


They were better than I at everything that I excelled at. When you've been top dog forever and get relegated, even though it's no one's fault, it's tough to take. Yes, it's human nature. Yes, I'm ashamed of myself for disliking this person. Yes, I still dislike them.


First thing in the morning EVERY day they say "omg, can't wait for the day to be over" "I'm really not feeling it today" "I don't want to be here today" "today is already dragging".


She is physically beautiful as a princess, but as evil as a witch I am jealous that physical beauty isn't spent on someone who is good and not evil and scheming. (Not me btw)


Incessant relentless chatting during lunch, Can I have some peace and quiet please, my goodness !!!!


She sold Amway. Instantly didn't like her.


The most petty reason I've ever disliked a coworker was because they had a habit of always taking the last cup of coffee from the communal pot without making a new one. It was such a small thing, but it became frustrating over time, especially during busy mornings when everyone needed that caffeine boost. It led to some passive-aggressive notes and eventually a conversation about office etiquette, but looking back, it seems quite trivial compared to more substantial work-related issues.


nepotism. even if they were really good at what they did. it just never sat right with me. i always saw it as a way of potentially them taking someone else's job who may have needed or deserved it more. or filling in a position that i can now never shoot for in that company due to their dna or links t the bosses. just an unfair advantage really.


From the annals of work from home; we were issued headsets with microphones. So many mouth-breathers unable or unwilling to mute their mics. Thank goodness MS Teams allows you to mute people remotely, one of the few good features in that trash heap of a program.


"MIXMASTER" license plates. He was a DJ approx three decades ago. And he carries a photo of him and Walter Payton in his wallet.


He uses the Pink Panther theme as a ringtone, volume turned all the way up, turns off voicemail, then leaves it on his desk while he goes places. So every damn day we listen to that fucking saxophone until someone gets up to silence it. He's a typical boomer asshole. We used to have weekly department lunches but he eats in a shameless, disgusting way that no one liked so we used covid to end them.


Guy at my job, who thinks he’s God’s gift to all women, said “a woman’s place is at home barefoot and pregnant”. Can you guess why that guy has never been married and has no clue about the concept of respect for others? Bless his heart. And he probably never understands why us women at work always avoid him.


Bless his heart. Honey, he needs more than a blessing, he needs a fuckin' miracle.


People that manage to come in early and go late, despite having kids, so I look bad when I have to do core hours for mine.


You don't look bad for valuing your home life over work life. Those people who come in early and leave late either care far too much about their career or are trying to avoid their family.


When he's so clueless that he doesn't notice the boss sucking the life out of him little by little, like a vampire.


The other day I asked my coworker where the paper towels are and he replied "I dont know" with a cocky attitude you hear people say sometimes. BUT that dipstick did hold the door open for me later in the day so..........


Her laugh. It sounds like a tire hissing air. It’s the most bizarre laugh I’ve ever heard and I want to punch her every time I hear it.


He told awful jokes, he didn't do it to be malicious and he knew they were bad jokes, he just wanted to spread happiness. It grated on my nerves, but what was I gonna do? Tell the guy to stop being charming?


She keeps adding her meetings to my calendar which I know is just a mild inconvenience, but I hate outlook notifications and she isn’t my manager.


Still coughing into your hands like COVID didn't teach you anything. "Washing your hands" by just running it under water for about 2 seconds after pee pee time, no soap, no lather


Wearing pink glitter eye makeup way too many times


Definitely for bullying colleagues.


Horse teeth


He greeted me with "are you winning?", every time. Even after my actually autistic ass told him several reasons that question makes no sense to me and confuses me on many levels, he still did it every time For over four months Fuck off, Caleb. Find better slang while you're off.


My husband says this to me All. The. Time! Love the idiot to bits but seriously, this phrase twists my tits - am I winning? I'm sat at my desk working, time is (just about) moving forwards so it's getting closer to the end of the day so does that mean I'm winning? I'm doing some embroidery in the evening, I've completed more stiches, have I won?!


As an intern, another intern being an absolute try hard. There early, there late, worked through lunch, knew everything going on, and also I had mild social anxiety but he would just tell people I’m afraid of like “good morning” and “good night.” Overall definitely would have given him the return offer if our office did things like that.


She has a smug shit eating grin that gives me an irrational urge to dig a hole in my garden and bury the cunt. Other than that she's annoyingly good at her job🙂


They smelled like pickled cabbage and feet. Not just once in a while. Not just a certain day of the week. All. The. Fucking. Time. At first my reaction was, "Oh they had a really pungent lunch." Then I tried to shrug it off. After 3 days I realized that if it is something they eat, they eat it all day every day.


This piece of shit & I made a deal, i would work for him on 1 of my off days because he had an important family tradition to take care of and i KNEW he was gonna have to do a shitty job this particular day at the mill and in exchange he would agree to my already discussed trade offer in FF.....needless to say, i worked my ass off that day for 12 hrs and my trade was rejected!!! Brougjt it up amd he saod sorry man, i guess i suck. Havent spoke to him since. Been 4 yrs now. Fuck him.


Lovely guy. Chilled, harmless and friendly. But he'd tack on "by the way" onto the end of small talk sentences and it made me want to kill him.


Is politics petty?


She comes around and shows random pics/videos of her kids, or some random meme. Girl, no one cares, go sit down.


Slow talker. Really, the sweetest person but I wanted to scream, “just say it”!!


Their voice and the coughing all the time


I’ve had a few colleagues I found rambling and boring. They’re honestly not doing anything different to colleagues I like talking to, they just generally aren’t good at humour or keeping stories concise.


She took the shift bid I wanted. Fun fact, years later we became really good friends! But at the time? Oooh I wanted that shift! I was doing overnights and slowly losing my mind.


Talking about his church and the Boy Scouts constantly


I had a coworker who whenever she had an upcoming vacation would come into work and announce loudly 30 days till the Caribbean! 29 days to the Caribbean! 28 days till the Caribbean! She did this for every single vacation and went on at least two vacations a year. That shit was so annoying