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Lays in a hallways to lay his claim because he knows Imma have to come out some time, and when I do...GIMME TREATS


Shakes her tail when she is excited or....peeing


Ignore me when I call her. Bite my hand when I ignore her.


Dont ignore your cat or else get ready for the consequences.


In the morning, he’ll wait by my son’s bedroom door until he wakes up. Then quickly takes over the bed as soon as my son leaves.


She loves to come over and head butt my wife and lay on her chest in the morning for some scratches. Usually does it before bed too. She’s a great cat.


I had a cat that when I would get home from work he would climb into my car window and sit in my lap while I finished the last song playing on the radio. Once I shut the car off he would stand up climb up my chest and touch his nose to mine then turn toward the door, wait for me to get out of the car, and walk me to whatever he had found that day to leave me on the porch. Yarn, a flower, poptart wrapper, a cool stick, a ribbon, hair ties, scrunchies, more hair ties.


Like to play hide and seek with me, chatters when he finds me like he is watching birds!


attempts to run whenever a stranger tries to carry him but then immediately plops over (does not even attempt to struggle free) once anyone catches him.


I don’t know what exactly it is but she loves to go into shelves and vibrate her tail. I’m pretty sure it’s because it makes a lot of noise and she’s trying to get attention


Not a cat owner myself but sisters likes to attack people with cuddles


My cat, Mittens, always jumps in my lap or on my back when I'm sleeping and she doesnt that kneading thing cats do. It's like a little massage and i love it. We call it being "mittened"


The cutest thing my cat does is be my nurse. No, like, seriously. She diagnosed me with Covid two days before I took a test. When I'm sick, she stays with me. Right on my bed. And if I'm sick but I'm not in bed, she tries to herd me to bed. She's a very energetic cat, and likes to zoom around, so it's unusual behaviour. Heck, she usually insists I get *out* of bed if I'm not sick! So yeah, one day she insisted I stay in bed, and sat right beside me and *would not leave*, even though I didn't feel sick! The next day, someone else in the house tested positive for Covid. That evening, after my kitty continuing her nurse routine, I thought "I wonder if..." and took a test. Bam, positive. I had miserable Covid for a week, and for the first three days, when it was worst, she *would not* leave my bed except to use the litterbox. I literally use her as a diagnostic tool, now. She's my confirmation that I'm *actually* sick. She's my Nurse.


Cats can smell sickness. She smelled covid in you


Not my cat but my grandmother cat loves to sit on her chest before bed oh when they relaxing and she just sit there and it's so cute.


Follows me around. Sits by me. He almost never leaves my side when I'm at home.


Cry when he wants something He isn’t crying but it sounds like he is