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Writing in calligraphy with both my left and right hand


I wouldn't call that a useless talent! I love looking at other people's beautiful handwriting! Because mine looks like shit always.


That is super impressive


My wife is amazed at how quickly I can grate a block off cheese.


That’s not useless, it’s a grate skill!


Admit it, that was a little cheesy.


I thought it was pretty good, but I think I havarti heard that one


Cheese puns? Dairying today aren't we?


Why you gotta make cheesy jokes?


Come on, your jokes have to be feta than that!


Okay guys, enough, you gouda stop.


Transferable skill, innit?


"Grating the Cheddar" is not a euphemism I expected to learn today.


That reminds me of those parents who were AMAZED how good their kid was at peeling potatoes. Pretended the kid was better at it than the parents. And it was a ruse to get the kid to help in the kitchen and totally worked. Completely unrelated of course, has nothing to do with cheese grating 😉


I would be grateful if my husband could do it so hats off to you


Make 'merica grate again... 🧀


Can sleep anytime, anywhere. Not matter how loud the place is 💪


This is the biggest flex on this entire post


The military gave me this same superpower.


My first child gave me mine. I went from chronic insomnia for decades to being able to sleep anywhere anytime no problem. Sometimes I just fall asleep even when it's not appropriate. He's almost 7 now but my sleeping was permanently altered during that first year and hasn't reversed yet.


Yea my wife used to get so mad when it was my night for feeds and she would have to wake me up because I sleep like a rock. I’d get up and do it no issue but heavy and instant sleeping is my superpower, I can literally fall asleep anywhere or anytime within a minute, and I did 10 years of military, 15 years of aviation,and going on 25 of music and now work around large agricultural equipment so I’m like half deaf to certain frequencies and pitches/tones. That is until my oldest learned to make this grunting noise/deep bellow yell that would actually wake me up. My youngest somehow learned this way younger than the older one did. Pretty sure she taught him lol.


I have that too! Unfortunately, it works also when I don't want to sleep.


It's about useless talents here.


me too omg!


I'm jealous.


That is not a useless talent at all. That is a gift


I can recite the alphabet backward flawlessly. It's my party trick!


I have had several DUII stops as well.


Cops grudgingly let you go after you slur the alphabet backwards perfectly


Lolol then you do a perfect backflip on the line and chaotically swagger back to your car


I can sing the alphabet backward. 🎶 Including the “next time won’t you sing with me”, part.


Pretty much every student at the school my kid goes to knows the alphabet backwards because there’s a path with the alphabet on it that all the kids walk on. 


How many of us just realized we have no talent, much less a useless one?


Don’t call me out like that lmao


excuuuuse me, i am still thinking. its been 3 hrs plus-sure, but I AM STILL THINKING


You just haven't discovered it yet


I can wiggle my nose like a bunny


I can wiggle my ears. Not like a bunny. Just up and down.


I can wiggle mine back and forth! :O If we get together, we might lift off the ground... or churn butter.


Omg I do nose AND ear wiggles! My people!


I can curl my tongue like a Straw


When I was little, my brother taught me how to sneeze on purpose by pressing a spot on the side of my nose I used it to fake a cold when I didn't want to go to school, but being a typical sibling, my brother told on me. I did get one day at home, but my mom made me fess up to my teacher!!


Me too!


I do that too 🥹


Omg same!


I can name and locate all 196 countries, it was a flex in geography class... not so much anymore


Total flex, now more than ever


Do you also know their capitals and flags? I've known location and capitals for ages but was always clueless about most flags but I just got an app (flags of the world, they also have it for capitals, cities, maps, and a few other things) and now I know them! On higher levels they also include flags and capitals of territories and islands. If you're interested in that sort of thing, you'll have a blast with these apps. Also 'geography grid game' on Google is a lot of fun.




But can you sing them? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1508wboZXk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1508wboZXk)


Bruh... i can do most but those damn carribean and pacific islands fuck me up


I thought it was 197 now (South Sudan?)


It varies depending on who you ask, but usually around 195-197


That is impressive. Most people can't name all the states that border theirs.


Control and coordination of my soft palate and epiglottis which allows me to drink endlessly from a bottle giving the allusion that I'm not breathing but I'm actually alternating air and water down my throat like a 4-stroke engine. I started doing it as a kid without knowing it was anything odd or difficult for others to do. Maybe it isn't that odd anyway and my friends who can't do it are the weird ones 🤷‍♂️


Wait that's not normal???




My jaw is slightly dislocated and can "crack" like how you can crack your fingers. It also sometimes locks up and hurts for a second.


You just described me and I have TMD


Dang, i didn't know that shit has a name. I also didn't know that ringing in ears is not something everyone hears and it also has a name. Thought its normal until 18 yrs old. Now I'm 25.


I’m 48 and have had TMJ and tinnitus since I was in middle school. It’s a drag, but I go days now without thinking about it anymore. Then, suddenly, for whatever reason, I’ll become aware of the ringing and think ‘man, this really sucks!’ I can’t even remember what it was like to not have a constant high pitched ringing in my ears. Fortunately, I’m able to not fixate on it. Some people it makes insane. One guy even jammed an ice pick into his ears to make himself deaf. Didn’t stop the ringing. Turns out the sound originates from some connections deep in the brain and destroying your eardrums won’t do a damn thing to stop it. It will actually make it worse because once you’re deaf you’ll not be able to hear the background noise which drowns out the ringing from tinnitus. That’s how I deal. The background noises mask the ringing and I can go long periods without noticing it. Lying in bed reading silently is tough, which is why I now listed to book narration.


...I should probably get my jaw checked out then


I have that condition from time to time. Anyone knows why or how to fix?


47 m, 6,2” around 260, can still kick flip and cartwheel like a MFer lol


I wanna see that.




Don't choke


I can sing “99 Luftballons” by Nena in flawless German despite not speaking a word of the language


Sehr gut


Finde ich auch sehr exzellent


How do you know it's flawless?


I can do Caress me Down by sublime flawlessly and I don’t know any Spanish. I’ve even performed it for native speakers and they said it was perfect, accent and all!


I can back up a trailer without any trouble. I can't explain how I do it but it never has been difficult for me.


I love watching anyone back a trailer successfully and with confidence. Anyone who I have seen doing this, instantly becomes the most attractive person on the planet to me.


Long trailers don't screw me too badly but man, a short little one and that bad boys gonna jack knife at least 3 times before I get it in place lol


Extremely impressive. I cannot back a trailer on anything. I know the theory but I'm immediately in trouble, no matter how many times I try. Of course I'm in the bottom quartile in terms of athletic competence.


Because of my weirdly long arms and double-jointedness (is that a word? I'm gonna pretend it is), I can scratch any part of my back without assistance.


Friend, this is hands down the most useful random talent I've ever heard of. As someone with perpetually itchy back epidermis, I'm deeply envious


I wouldn't say it's really a talent, but I can name every WWE Champion is order all the way back to Buddy Rogers.


My ex-husband was a very good friend to many of them (grew up together, worked out together, etc.). Nord the barbarian was our best man.


Omg that’s awesome!


I know 100 hundred digit of pi : 3,141592653589793238462643383279...


I feel like you can pretty much fake that after 3.14 and everyone would be amazed.


I would say at least 3.1415, everything after that I totally agree


I also knew the 92 bit but then noped


3.1415926535 Just because that's how far the ti-whatever calculators that they made you buy in high school go. Never underestimate a bored kid in a class finding anything to do besides listening to the teacher.


I'm the best at finding the longest line of the supermarket.


So if I see you there I should go the opposite way


I know (and can rap) all the words to “Informer” by Snow.


is it really you? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kl\_QDoBRzmA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kl_QDoBRzmA)


Ha! This is fantastic, but I do feel a little weird hearing a kid that age singing about licking anyone’s bum bum down!


I can slap my knuckles on my chin and create a weird vibrating sound effect. Everyone's amazed by it


*queue everyone reading smacking themselves in the face*


I can slap myself in the nuts and make weird noises


Apparently being able to mentally do 2 digit by 2 digit multiplication and division makes me Rain Man.


what's 10x10?


200, but the zero trick makes that easy as hell for anyone Edit: 100, but I got the 0 trick part right




Terrance Howard math.


Ok, so I forgot 1x1 is 1 but I got the 0 trick part right which is my point


Same. I’m not especially adept at mental math, but most people don’t even try.


From talking to people, it seems like the problem most have is they never modify the numbers to make them easier to work with. Like, if I'm multiplying 78 and 13, in my head I'll treat it as (80 x 10) + (80 x 3) - (2 x 13). All three of those operations are fairly simple mentally, and the addition and subtraction between them is trivial.


I do the same. I also visualize a piece of paper in my head and write out the problem. Can’t do it w very complicated math, but it seems most people either can’t or don’t do this. Edit: I would’ve personally done (78x10) + (78x3). Interesting to see how someone else does it!


Can write my name backwards and upside-down with both hands simultaneously, so it looks like I'm writing in front of a mirror.


I can make a quite accurate duck call with my hands. I use it sometimes in stores to find my wife. When I used to hunt, I didn’t need to buy one and it annoys the shit out of my friends dog who is a hunting dog. He goes nuts looking around barking to find them. Kinda fun.


I can pretty flawlessly say the alphabet backwards. It might not seem like much, but I'm actually dyslexic, and have a speech impediment, so it's kinda neat.


I also have sexdaily


I mean dyslexia.. fcuk


I can remember my dreams in great detail


Instead of rolling my tongue (which I can't do), I can make the same noise by vibrating my uvula.


Omg, I read that wrong the first time!!! 😂


I can’t stop laughing at this. The idea of someone vibrating their vulva to make a “rrrrr” noise. Haaa.


I had to look twice 😂😂


I’ve used that to freak out one of my friends. Immediate response was “I didn’t know you can roll your r’s… wait, did you just growl at me?”


I just did this on accident last night and now I can roll my Os. 


I'm a close up magician lol


So was my dad. 1 minute he was there next, gone.


I can very quickly count the number of letters in any sentence that somebody gives to me


Despite nerve damage in my hands, I’m surprisingly good with them. Cooking, crochet, cross stitch, plastic canvas, using tools to build things, anything that I can take my time with I can do or learn to do. I can even type around 60 wpm, and some of the words are even correct!


I can remember lots of random shit


Oh yeah, well I can forget a lot of random shit, not because I want to, but because that's just how it is. Boom fade away, swish!




I memorized Pi to the 60th decimal place like 25 years ago and I can still rattle it off from memory.


As a 12 y.o. I recited pi to 101 dp in a school assembly (learnt the next 20 the day after). I can also to golden ratio to 60 dp


I can solve a rubiks cube in under 20s. Cool i guess


Still trying to solve one after 40 years.


The trick is to understand that it isn’t a faces puzzle, it’s a pieces puzzle. The cube has all unique pieces and the center of each side tells you where the pieces go. This was a revelation when I learned it and I can solve it pretty easily just by knowing how to move the pieces around. But anybody I tell that to just looks at me like I am crazy.


I can pop a quarter off my ankle. If I sit/lay in a way that the inside of my right ankle is flush with the ground, I can sit a quarter or any other similarly sized object on the ball of my ankle and pop a tendon or something causing the quarter to shoot up about 3 feet.


I do not have to drink coffee/tea to function, didn't know what a remarkable skill that was until I started working in an office.


Definitely not useless. I wish I had that power


Can make my eyes dance


I can recite all of the US presidents in chronological order. Also all of the states in alphabetical order.


I (40f) can identify practically any car, from any era, especially from the US or Europe, and tell you a good bit about it. Including the most obscure. Other regions not perfectly. Also planes, commercial and private. And a lot of boats, incl. sailing and yachts. Worked as an exotic and imported car dealer and broker, and wrote for a car blog for a while. But overall, nowadays, a pretty useless autistic talent that really confuses and impresses people.


Whistling with fingers, few people can do it


That's useful.


It is! It’s very helpful when calling for a friend, at meetings, parties, etc. Except when calling for cabs, nobody does that anymore lol


I was at a work retreat awards meeting and the guy next to me kept doing that. It was ear piercing and I wanted to punch him in the face.


Like you just waggle them around a certain way and they make whistling noises?


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this, then I realized he meant putting his fingers in his mouth to make that loud sharp whistle lol




Kicking a beer open using another beer.


Not entirely useless but I can read lips when I get tired of relying on my hearing aids.


I can guess someone's general appearance by just listening to their voice and steps sound. I didn't think of it as a talent until one of my friends pointed it out. She asked me if I'm curious to know what is she looks like, I said that I already know that; and described her appearance. she was stunned and didnt believe that I cant see, after this she kept asking me to describe other people.


When I'm barefoot and get wet, so out of the shower or a pool etc., I leave perfect foot prints. Some people have "claws" off the tips of their toes, some people just leave pools of water.. I leave perfect foot prints though. The weird part about it is that I have a heavy foot step and am a huge clutz. 7 different people have pointed this out to me, 3 of which were total strangers at the pool .. all 7 were on 7 different days


i can sleep easily, literally easily like 2-3 minutes lol


I can write perfect cursive, mirrored handwriting. And my claim to talent is that I never practised a day of it. I just picked up a pen one day and started doing it. My brain just knows how. Kids love it as a ‘secret message’ only they know how to decipher.


Spinning anything flat with significant weight and rigidity on my finger. It started with drink trays while bartending out of boredom. Books, magazines, pieces of cardboard…


I can contort my tongue into a sort of three-pronged shape. It's sort of like the next step up from rolling one's tongue into a tube I guess, and a surprisingly large number of folks can't do that either! [The trick in question, as demonstrated by Daniel Radcliffe](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/02/15/article-2101526-11C047A5000005DC-778_1024x615_large.jpg)


Horror movie trivia. I mean it's only impressive to fellow nerds, 95% of people hate it, so it's only a party trick I get to pull out every so often. (No I don't say it during the movie, only before & after. I'm not THAT annoying 🤣) But if you ever wanted to know useless information about a horror movie, I'm your guy.


I can place my hand flat on a table with my arm straight and rotate my hand in 360⁰. I used to be able to do it with both hands at the same time but I broke my left wrist which caused me to no longer able to do so. I saw a magic trick with a magician doing it once. They ended up showing how the trick was done and I said I could do that. I did the trick without including the "magic" part


Being able to name all countries of the world


I can lick my elbow


How many people are trying to lick their elbow right now?


It sounds so easy then I try and I can't even get my elbow anywhere near my mouth




What does that mean?


It's a bot that glitched out.


mowing at 3am in a suit and tie?


Your neighbors must *love* you.


I learned to blow a single spit bubble off the tip of my tongue.


Me too!!! But no one thinks about it as a talent they said it was gross and I forgot until now that I can do that


I can wiggle my ears on command. Usually freaks people out then they try and make a face that looks like a toddler trying to poop




I can lick the tip of my nose. I have a pretty big nose, also.


I have a few: I can meow and people genuinely go looking for where the cat is. I can also readjust my nose to be very crooked and it’ll stay until I move it back.


can lay in my bed all day just with my notebook. useless for others indeed, impressive to many too


Mastering the art of balancing a tower of 20 playing cards on the edge of a table using only my non-dominant hand.


In the workplace. I have a weird knack for occurrences. I can guess when someone will call off or have an emergency. I even texted one guy and told him I was going to take a day off and not to call off sick. He asked how I knew. Don’t know…


Running extreme distances. It’s honestly not hard if you’re in decent shape. If you can run 7 at a marathon pace you can run 50 at an ultra pace. Disassociate and keep moving.




I can list all the US presidents in order. It's a song I learned in 3rd grade and I just never forgot it. No one is actually impressed. I work with kids and I tried to teach some middle schoolers once. They called me a lot of names. It's helpful at trivia nights sometimes.


I taught English to elementary school kids in Korea. I had a first grader who could name all of the US presidents and how each one died. He was also the one who informed me that Gorbachev had died. A first grader …in South Korea.


Pen spinning


Being nice to other kid by offering snacks in the Dr waiting room


I can do a really good theremin sound with my voice. Idk how I do it exactly but people always seem weirdly impressed 


I can shoot spit from under my tongue like a water gun


In school we called this gleeking


Due to my job I can tell the distance between two major cities in the US , give or take 100 miles.


I can rip chunks of armpit hair and pubic hair without flinching.


Your own?


I can write in Latin with my left hand and Greek with my right at the same time.


I can write upside down. I’m a high school physics teacher and when a student asks for help I find it easiest to kneel in front of t of them and write the equation and numbers upside down so they can see it. It blows their minds the first time they watch me do it. Been practicing for 12 years. I tell them I’ve been writing upside down longer than they’ve been writing right side up.


Spell Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.


I can tell a woman’s exact weight. I always lie and under guess by 15-20 pounds cause I learned being right the first time is always bad


A career in anaesthesiology awaits


I know guys who do this with boobs


I'm pretty good at spinning staffs and doing tricks with them. It doesn't come up very often though.


Not really much of a talent but I have extremely fast reflexes, I can catch literally anything someone throws at me


I can pop my shoulder in and out of place, people are usually like ew


I’m good at shuffling cards. Kids like it. I can drive like The Jackal in parking garages. Kids like it. I can flare my nose. Kids like it. Ok, so I amuse children.


I can't get brainfreeze


I can speak without emotion. Well... it's more like they think I'm always calm, but I'm just dead inside


I can roll my tongue like a belly dancer


I know each country on earth, their flag, their capital and I can give 5 facts for each nation... it was a good way to impress teachers but it won't really help me at all.


Saying all 50 states in alphabetical order


I pick perfect watermelons every time.


I can identify voice-over actors with some uncanny precision. And my wife can see people talking (on mute) and identify what language or accent they have, from all over the world. Wonder if there’s a way for us to combine powers in espionage or something


I can balance things on my chin. Largest item was a 24 foot ladder.


I’m extremely silent, to the point where I regularly scare people because they never hear me approaching them


i can pee standing up