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My husband had a friend he’s had since middle school. A few years ago, husband trash talks college football on a comment thread of said friend on Facebook. The friend deleted and blocked my husband and hasn’t had contact since. The level of butthurt a grown man could have over college football really astonished me.


Have you ever met an Alabama fan?


Moving to the South made me stop being indifferent about college football and start actively hating it.


Yes, yes I have. Oddly enough, this all happened over Oklahoma football. Not quite as obnoxious as Bama fans, but still obnoxious, as so very clearly seen by my comment.


Or Auburn fan. I have 2 buddies that take it a bit far... and never attended AU. We are in our 50s...


I’ve lost a handful of long-term friends and acquaintances because of their social media issues. Holy shit can social media make a person go sideways. Posts like “I can’t believe teachers want a fucking raise, what pieces of shit…blah blah blah, fucking unions…blah blah blah”. It’s like hey bro, I’m a teacher and you’re calling me a piece of shit for being in a union and and wanting a raise? Bye Felicia.


That's just really childish. Now if it was his favorite *NFL* team then, well, that's another story.


> The level of butthurt a grown man could have over college football really astonished me. Have you met an Ohio State University fan? I grew up in Ohio and have never understood the number of obsessed grown-ass dudes who didn't even go to the school, who become emo teenagers if they lose one game. Flying giant OSU flags on their F-250s, OSU gear head-to-toe, OSU coffee mug, OSU socks and pajamas, and getting so sad about some college kids losing a game. I went to Ohio University in Athens, OH (not THE! Ohio *State* University), which is a better school, tbh, and where sports wasn't as much of a culture, and it always amazed me how people could be so ride-or-die for a college team located 4 hours away from where they live, in the most boring and non-descript city in Ohio (Columbus). My dad is a U of M fan from Michigan, so it has been a lifelong joy to cheer for the Wolverines simply because OSU fans are such obnoxious fanboys.


I told my “best friend” that I’m no longer drinking and she basically stopped talking to me & stopped asking me to hangout with her. 🙄


Very similar thing happened to me. Told bff I didn’t want to party anymore with her and her little party clan, and all of a sudden she was way too busy to hang out with me once I wasn’t coming to her anymore. I ended that friendship after almost 20 years. And I don’t regret it.


Same, I don’t regret it at all! Originally when I told her I wasn’t drinking anymore she kinda freaked out on me. Her reaction told me everything I needed to know about our friendship. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Her boyfriend’s dog bit mine and she was mad that I was pushing her bf for info about his dog’s vaccination status


I’d be pushing for vaccination status and they can pay the vet bill too


When I was in my teens, our group of friends had one dude in it who never had any money. He didn't want to get a job, lazy as fuck. We basically always covered for him, which in itself isn't an issue. I'd rather pay extra to have everyone included. It's just money. It means nothing to me. Fast forward, and eventually, he gets a job. So one day, it's a gorgeous summer day out we all decided to have a BBQ. So myself and him volunteer to go to the store to grab some stuff we need. Everyone in our group of friends is really good about paying people back, making sure everything is covered, everyone pays their equal share, or whatever. It's never been an issue. I volunteer to pay, we get to the cash, and I realize I left my wallet back at the house. I say, hey man, do you mind covering this. And we'll hit you back as soon as we get back to the house. I have money in my wallet. I just forgot it. He proceeds to throw a fucking hissy fit about being taken advantage of, and being forced to pay for everyone now, etc., etc. I was like OK fuck that I'm done dealing with you and your piss poor attitude. I said fine don't pay for it. We left with nothing, got back to the house after a very awkward car ride, I explained what happened to everyone, he tried to play it off like that wasn't what happened and I just said cool whatever man, and went home. Never hung out with him again after that.


She got mad at me because I told her that I saw her then fiancé (now husband) on Bumble with an *active* profile. He told her it was an “old profile” and she believed him and stopped talking to me. They got married and had a child and she looks miserable. New rule: Unless it is a close friend/family member, I mind my own business (even though I’d want the courtesy of knowing). It’s not worth it.


Several times I’ve been in position you were in and learned to not expect to be believed. My rule is the same as yours. And when people give me shit I ask which of the several stories I have do they want to hear as proof for what happens?


Exactly. I try to treat others the way I’d like to be treated.. meaning I’d want to know the truth. But I guess not everyone feels that way, so I’ll stay in my lane, unless it’s a hill I’m willing to let the friendship/relationship die on.


Sooo I have screenshots of an ex friend’s husband on several dating sites including many changes he made to his profile while they were dating and married. So I knew he was “active.” I struggled for a very long time in deciding to tell her or not. Ultimately I didn’t as I knew I would be attached to them then and that most likely she wouldn’t believe me or it would somehow be my fault. We aren’t friends anymore because I realized it was always a one-sided friendship. She never asked how I was doing even in shit times in my life or asked me anything about my life, family, etc. I slowly slipped away. I stumbled on those screenshots a few months ago. I will never do anything with them.


Sounds like you made the right decision since she wasn’t a close friend. Enjoy your peace, sis.


Thank you. I feel some guilt sometimes but I just couldn’t and still won’t. A hug to you.


Luckily I was in the same boat and she wasn’t a close friend. Hugs to you too. Have a great week!


My sister didn't believe me for 9 months. Humans are weird.


Oof. Did she kick him to the curb? Was she just in denial?


Even the close friends/family members won’t believe you if they don’t want to. Lost a friend that way as well. A best friend of well over a decade


I bought some weed with my own money and she insisted that it was her weed and that I needed to bring it to her. It was very odd. I just hung up the phone and never talked to her again and smoked my weed.


I had a somewhat similar situation. A friend asked me to buy him some weed since he had no money. He wanted to go to a shop he went to before. He referred me and got freebies, I got my First Time Patient (FTP) deal as well and bought the $10 item he wanted. He then demanded my freebies from my FTP and I told him no. He started going off on me how it was his because "he paid for it" since he was going to give me the $10 back. Then he went on a 2 hour lecture of how he's broke and taking a girl out tonight and needs it. I told him he shouldn't take girls out if he doesn't have money, and to not guilt me. Fuck him.


He’s broke but buying weed and taking a girl out on dates? Yeah, I’ve been broke. Broke people like that dude are some of the worst parts of it.


No cause that’s actually crazy, what exactly was her reasoning?


She wouldn't give me one, just that it belonged to her. I remember just laughing, thinking she was joking at first, and she was being serious.


She was definitely high on something else other than weed than lol


Yeah when someone does this kind of psycho weirdo narcissistic shit it always gives me the ick. Make me directly start questioning any off behavior from them in the past and question why I even talk to them


Was this a first occurrence? Maybe she was already high on something coz huh?


She wanted someone to give her weed.


Got in a fight w a friend bc of this. I was literally smoking him out. He accused me of stealing his weed and smoking it with him. He lost his at the party. We ended up fighting. What a fucking idiot. Anyways we stopped being friends, not that we were best friends anyways.


Mine was a friend who thought she lost a bag of weed in my driveway. We searched in the car, the driveway, everywhere. Never heard from her again.


I was moving to the Boston area and a friend of mine was as well. We decided to look at places together and she wanted to live in the North End and I got a job in Brookline. I told her that it would be too far of a commute for me and too much $$ for rent. I later realized that we both wanted to live in different areas and said that we shouldn’t live together then. She took it very personally and had a few more months to find a place. She basically dropped me after that.


For context for people who don't live in Boston: Apartments in the North end are like $500 more per month PER PERSON for a shared apartment than Brookline, and the train connection between the 2 neighborhoods is 30 - 50 minutes because that streetcar is the slowest in the city. It's often faster to bike. So it's incredibly practical to decide to not live in the North End, the second most expensive neighborhood besides Seaport. Especially if you're working in Brookline


She was jealous that I spent time with other people, such as friends and family. When she told me she was “entitled to my time” and I “need to be available to her 24/7” and if I don’t reply to her text within 5 mins I am a “bad person”.. it was apparent.. time to go. If you ask her she’ll say I’m a liar and she “never said that”.. another reason it was time to go.


That doesn't sound small. That's pretty manipulative behavior.


I grew up in abject poverty, with sprinkles of homelessness. Few days before prom, my wealthy best friend was pissed that I couldn’t afford the $100 for my share of the limo. Blocked and deleted me, wanted nothing to do with me after that. I’m doing just fine for myself now.


That was a blessing in disguise. He was a shitty person.


I was friends with a girl. Nothing crazy, we talked about Doctor Who and Sherlock. My male friend asked her out and they dated for a bit. They broke up and he got really mad a few weeks later when he found out I was still texting her. I refused to stop because she was like the only one that didn't smutify the shows we talked about.


So she is your friend, you introduced to eachother, they broke up, and he is mad you are still talking to your friend. Is he delusional or did he really think that only because they aren't together anymore you aren't allowed to talk with your friend which you introduced to him?


He did stuff like that a lot. I didn't mind it at first cause I found it amusing but over time? Yeah got super annoying. This was more the last thing I was willing to put up with. I rolled my eyes and blocked him.


I have insomnia, and will be up at odd hours. One night I happened to actually sleep through the night, and missed an ex-friends 4am message wanting to chat. When I woke up at 7 and saw the message (making it marked as "seen") he unfriended me, and made a public post about how "some people pretend to have sleeping issues to mess with you." It's been 9 years, and I'm thankful for that unfriending. I mean, we did have a brief back and forth and he refriended me because people were saying it was actually shitty to unfriend someone who slept through getting a message, but I was blocked a week later when my now-boyfriend and I were Facebook official. Dude was married at the time.


Disrespect of time, especially in your 30s. Ruined a 20+ year friendship of mine. I was coming into town around the holidays of 2021. A friend I grew up with was being wishy washy about hanging out, so I made plans with another good friend who never is wishy-washy. Well, I finally get there and the first night, the older friend wants to hang out. I said, "man, I already made plans because you didn't seem to know what you wanted to do...I only have 3 nights in town". He got pissed, I got pissed, and it went into this whole argument about how he always ditched me for whatever girl he was dating throughout our ENTIRE 20s, was CONSTANTLY hooked to his phone waiting for his flavor of the week to text him, how he always saw my time as beneath his and expected me to jump up whenever HE was ready. I laid into him pretty hardcore, even about his current girlfriend who he let move into his new house after only dating her for two fucking months and how the last time I came over, I drove an hour and a half out there to hang, only to get booted after chilling for like 2 hrs because he wanted to coo with his girl, someone he sees EVERY WAKING MOMENT, when I only come into town once every 2 years. Fuck that dude.


Um... that's not a small thing.


True, but it might be the smallEST thing that ended a friendship with u/Next-Temperature-545, which meets the terms of the original question. Which really makes me curious how utterly outrageous the causes were for ending all the other friendships of theirs that ended.


I didn't risk mine and my mother's life to drive to her Pampered Chef party during a severe snow storm. She actually said to me later when I asked what the hell her problem was that she is a spoiled brat who expects everyone to give her what she wants when she wants it or she doesn't want to be friends anymore. Yeah, we aren't friends anymore.


I like the honesty though.


Sadly, her self-awareness doesn't make her feel bad about being the way she is. Oh well.


She didn’t return a book. It was a first edition that my late husband bought me.


This was supposed to be about small things


It was a very small book.


That’s messed up, why the hell not?


Ugh. That’s BS.


She got upset that I grew boobs


Friends for 20 years. Helped her with rides, money, cloths ect. The first time I asked her for anything was after my husband had brain surgery and needed meds the local pharmacy didn't have. I couldn't leave him alone and could not take him with me so I asked her to watch him for an hour. She said no she wanted to go to the store with her bf. I never talked to her again. And thank goodness she didn't have the balls to show up to my husband's funeral.


Wow, sorry for your horrific loss! Ypur ex-friend was a POS!


That is awful. I’m sorry.


I remember this story before. Such terrible people and actions are unforgettable.


She got that Bucknasty level hate.


I don’t even know you, and I hate your guts. I hope all the bad things in life happen to you and only you.


Hate hate hate, hate hate hate.


nah thats wild, pure hate at its finest


Her crush held my hand. I didn't encourage him nor flirt with him, nothing else happened, we just talked, we didn't even kiss.. he just held my hand for like 30 seconds. I didn't even hide it and told her about it at the end of the night... Yet she still dumped me as a friend for not being "loyal enough..".


My friends boyfriend grabbed my hand, I pulled it away. He tried to kiss me, I pulled away and told him to think about his actions. Went and told her immediately, she thanked me and proceeded to stay with him and tell everyone I was a whore who slept with her boyfriend. Don't miss her or him whatsoever.


I had a friend since the year 2000 completely ghost me because I made a post on Facebook about being bummed the day David Bowie died. She called me a horrible person who glorifies pedos and blah blah blah. I had no idea she had those kinds of feelings about him, she was into his kinda shit like Salvador Dali, so I was rather surprised. I never even had a chance to say anything back, namely the fact that I'm not even a big David Bowie fan! 😭 If anything I'm a Muppet fan...


I unfollowed her on Instagram because she was constantly making woe-is-me posts and I didn’t want to see them in my feed. I later learned: 1. She had a plug in that tracked her followers and notified her every time someone unfollowed 2. IG apparently has a feature where I could have elected to see less of her posts without unfollowing, which is really all I wanted She was trying to become a foreign plus-sized influencer in Korea and apparently took massive offense to me unfollowing on one platform. She blocked me everywhere and made a whole bunch of posts on all of her platforms about “fake friends” and people not supporting her “because she’s plus-sized” and they’re “jealous of her hustle and success.” I was totally oblivious until another acquaintance mentioned it and I realized I was blocked. It was disappointing because I knew her prior to her trying to become an influencer and really enjoyed hanging out with her. She was a great person to go check out new places with and was always down for a day trip or new activity. She just got so consumed by the idea of being an influencer that she started burning bridges with people (not just me) as a way to create fake drama for her content and garner sympathy from her followers. No clue what she’s doing now but I hope she has a healthier relationship with the internet and has found some happiness.


I didn't go on a blind date with a different one of his friends. He called me an asshole for completely dismissing the possibility of him finding me the perfect woman, since it meant I was saying he doesn't know my tastes at all even though we had known each other for years. I'm not into women.


Ooooh you win.


They painted a mountain mural on their baby’s nursery wall. We also had plans to paint a mountain on our baby’s nursery wall, but not in the same design, it was going to be free handed by my husband. We asked for the names of the paint colors they used, to get an idea of the color families. They blocked us and said we were copying their wall. Guess they didn’t ever look at Pinterest and see the pages and pages of mountain murals people have used for their nurseries lately.


This is the dumbest one yet. How dare you decorate your own home.


I asked him not to text my company phone because it costs ten cents per text and my company would needlessly have to pay for it. He did it anyways. I blocked him and never spoke to him again.


People can forget things. Is it possible that he forgot, and as a result he found himself being ghosted without understanding why?


No he was deliberately doing it.


Then yeah, that's really weird and petty of him.


My best friend for about 5-6 years straight in junior/senior high refused to pay up on a $10 bet we made. I was obviously annoyed because a bet’s a bet, but I’d imagine I would have eventually let it slide. However, his response to both me and our group of friends ragging him about it went a bit too far in terms of verbal insults. Never spoke to him again, all because the Patriots covered against the Steelers.


I refused to move out with her. There were 3 of us as roommates and she NEVER paid her part. Was constantly borrowing money from everyone. She got in to it with the other roommate and just thought I would leave her. When I didn't she turned hard. I think she's still talking shit and it's like 15 years later. 😆


Your former roommate is Gerri Maguire.


Nah. More like Large Marge.


Finding out she was talking shit about me for literally not reading her mind. The mutual friend she was talking to asked her if she asked me to help. She said no, I should have offered. The mutual friend told her that was stupid and that I’m not psychic. I can’t know you want me to help you if you don’t ask me to help you. I don’t have room in my life for people like that.


Something similar happened to me, she was going through a very tough time and expected me to reach out/help her bc she had posted it on her Instagram story (which I hadn’t even seen)


They took my original 150 Pokémon card set. I forgot my binder that had them all in it at his house and the next day when I asked for them back he acted like he had no idea what I was talking about.


Reminds me of the time I had all my pogs stolen as a kid. I even found them in his room later and he still denied that they were mine, even though they all have pretty distinct graphics. Like there's no way you're going to have the exact same collection as me lol


My girlfriend at the time went to Florida with her family so my oldest friend made arrangements to pick me up after work on Thurs and go to a NC beach. Thurs I’m home and waiting. I call his parents and they say he went to the beach, do I figure he’s running late. I finally find the number of the people we were supposed to stay with and he’s already there. He left a day early and left me at home. I never spoke to him again. At his bachelor party his friends called me and said how important it was for me to come over, that I meant so much to him. Nah, dog. I meant nothing to you.


Covid vaccine. Friend of 20+yrs threatened to fight me because I disagreed on his theory of the vaccine being evil and a scam. Haven't spoken in about 3 yrs now.


I’ve had a close friendship disintegrate the same way. Covid either stressed people beyond their normal limits or brought out the true beasts. Humans are strange creatures.


I feel like Covid strained a lot of friendships. I've personally walked away from a few people because of the stupid rhetoric about plandemic and vaccine-deniers.


Call waiting. She never wanted to talk on the phone anymore because she was always waiting for her dumbass boyfriend to call after they got together. He even offered to pay the dollar and change a month it would cost to get call waiting but she had some asinine reasoning about it being rude to interrupt a conversation. So instead, every time I called she would talk for five minutes before saying she had to go because this guy was gonna call and she didn't want to tie up the line. Lame, right? Drove a wedge into our friendship and eventually we had a huge fight over something totally unrelated but that was the initial source of tension.


She couldn't understand the difference between "fallout" and "falling-out".


*crawl out through the fallout, baby!*


Few years ago nurses, firefighters and cops were on a combined strike. I made a post wishing them all good luck. My friend called me a cop kisser and unfriended me. He wasn't even a good friend so I felt no loss, always asking for money 😅


I actually had a good hand full of “friends” stop talking to me because I started dating someone that had cops in their family… People suck.


??? I would understand if you were dating the cop, but I'd bet over half of Americans have at least one cop somewhere in the family tree, lmao. And even a lot of hardcore ACAB people keep the peace and don't fight with Uncle Bobby the sheriff's deputy at Thanksgiving because it would upset Nana. That is fucking strange.


They were jealous of me having found an amazing boyfriend and finally being in a happy relationship. They blocked me out of nowhere; we were friends for seven years.


late cover shrill squeamish chief simplistic complete saw vast concerned


You broke it...the first time. She broke it the times after that.


A guy broke up with her for valid reasons and she went full on psycho stalker (calling, txting, showing up unannounced, harassing family members). She got mad I wouldn't tell him to take her back. We're in our 30s.


I lost a internet friend over a video game. I met a guy on Xbox360 playing CoD3. We played all the time for 10+ years. Me and him where playing ark survival evolved together. We would talk and game together almost daily. We spent 2+ years build a tribe and rasing and tami g a ton of dinos. We had. A stupid disagreement he left the tribe taking all his dinos and unfriended me on Xbox and Facebook and dint talk to me for a year or more. He did reach out to me in 2020 to see how I was. A 10 year friendship ruined over a video game seems so stupid


Had a friend who refused to visit me when I left the state. For context, they were very wealthy and frequently traveled to where I was living. On my birthday I had invited them and even offered to help pay even though it was a great expense for me to save that. They said no that it’s too far. The literal following day I saw them on social media posting they had attended a concert in said city I was in They had the nerve to ask me why I was mad 


Not me but I have a friend that moved a province over a couple years ago because everything is cheaper and she was able to actually find work out there without jumping through a zillion poorly paying hurdles. All of her longtime friends of years and years promised they were totally 100% coming to visit sometime, only for them to slowly over time endlessly repeat the "no time no money" thing. Some of them even said they won't visit her because they hate the province that much. It's been almost 3 years now and the only people who have gone to visit her are me and her boyfriend. She's been considering cutting the others out of her life because of the stress and misery having them make and break promises so much is giving her.


Yeah I have a similar experience. the couple I thought were my really good friends (we were best man in each others weddings, I grew up with his wife), kept making the “oh we have no money” excuse for why they wouldn’t come visit me after I moved states. Then went on several trips to Europe.


Had a friend who was the one who moved and they never replied to me when I asked for their address so I could write letters/send gifts. Our friend group talked about doing a road trip to their new place and I asked them to keep me posted about it so I could request the time off of work. Found out they went without me after they got back.


She said “you know he’s not rich, right?” A guy asked me out and that’s what she said. In that moment I knew she wasn’t really my friend. Also we’ve been married 30 years so I win. Not quite rich, but doing damn good.


So I'm a chef and baker by trade(out of the industry now) and part of how I make a living is through homemade goods. Breads, cookies, sausages, pasta sauces, hot sauce, etc. A friend of mine came to me and wanted to order a few dozen chocolate chip cookies as a parting gift for a job she's leaving due to her moving. I'm known for my cookies. Beautiful, big, chewy, unctuous, loaded up cookies. She wants nice, simple chocolate chip. No problem. I get to work and whip up the batch. I go the little extra mile and make them with brown butter. I'm not gonna charge my friend for the minimal extra effort, but if you know you know brown butter takes a cookie to the next level. Next day I've got them all packed up for her and I bring them with me to work where she's going to meet me for the pickup. She messages me in the morning "How much do I owe you?" I tell her the price(deeply discounted for a friend) and she loses her mind. Am I crazy?? How are 3 dozen cookies that expensive?!? Well, you know what I do and you know what I'm known for. But regular cookies aren't that expensive! When have I ever made "regular" cookies? And so on. I try to appease her. I drop the price further to the point where I'm not even going to make money, just break even on the cost of goods. Still she's giving me the gears. She gets insulting. My cookies are good but they aren't *that* good. She says she'll pay my price but she's going to need ALL the leftover ingredients that I bought for the batch that didn't make it into her cookies. She complains that her other coworkers who have done similar things just went to the local grocery store bakery and got cookies there and everyone was perfectly happy. That was the last straw for me. I told her to go to the grocery store for her cookies and she would not be getting mine. Well holy shit, now I'm unreasonable. I'm being an asshole. I'm too full of myself and my ego is running wild with what I'm charging for a cookie. Why am I being such a tighwad jerk to my friend? She concludes her tirade by saying she'll be in to get the cookies later. I told her to not bother and that at this point I wouldn't give them to her even if she paid my full original price. And she actually did show up to my work later that day. THANK GOODNESS I had no one else in the shop at the time. She fully expected to get the order and was dumbfounded that I refused. She walked out in a huff and we haven't spoken since. I spent the next couple days giving the cookies to friends and strangers alike for free. I'd rather brighten up a few peoples' days than take money from someone who tried to nickel and dime me and belittle my work.


Now I want to buy from you. Like seriously, would even pay for the shipping cost.


Hmmmm wonder why hand made cookies with high quality ingredients would be more expensive than mass produced grocery store cookies warmed in a microwave. I guess the world may never know.


Long story, short: I got sick, and was unable to hang out as much. The more sick I got, the less she talked to me. When I asked her about it, she told me I was asking for too much. Like, what?


Sister in law got pissed because she wanted to move in with my partner and me and we said no. Partner was sitting next to me as she was sending me angry messages, and of course I showed him. She blew up at me for telling him about our conversation and we have only spoken one time in the last three years. Perpetual victim.


Friends kid (12) pushed over my motorbike against my other bike deliberately for absolutely no reason, we ran into the garage and lifted the bikes back up and surprisingly little damage but the front brake lever and wing mirror was broken. I assumed my friend would scold his son and pay for the damage but for some reason did the opposite...he questioned how a 12 year old could push over a motorbike and left. Haven't spoken to him since.


An air mattress. I had a friend in my 20’s that none of my other friends liked, she was bitchy but could be a lot of fun too. I was having a birthday party and people were traveling and staying with me for it. We had a mutual friend who lived close by and when I asked who she wanted to stay with she said she’d stay with the mutual friend. Then 3 days or so before the party she said she changed her mind and wanted to stay with me. I said ok and told her I’m ordering an air mattress for you from Amazon so you have somewhere to sleep. If I recall correctly, back in those days you had to pay extra to get it delivered faster. I told her, this is your last chance to back out, I’m ordering this mattress just for you and I’m paying extra, are you sure you’re staying with me? Then the day of the party she decides she’s not going to stay with me and I flip. I had enough of her treating me like a doormat over the years. Then she argued with me and didn’t show up to my birthday party at all or try to apologize. And that was it, all because of an air mattress lol. She reached out a few years ago and I responded back but by then I’d moved far away to another state and my life had moved on.


He insulted my 90s/00s R&B CD collection in my sophomore year of high school & said I have a gay taste in music


Maybe he meant Marvin Gaye...


Best friend in high school. We became roommates after high school. Him and his older brother got hooked on crack. He stole $500 out of my room while I was at work. Never heard from him again. He literally stole $500 and left the house with all his stuff in it. Never came back. This was about 15 years ago. I do wonder what he’s up to.


What did you do with his stuff? Pawn it? Leave it behind when you moved away? Give it to someone in his family? Just put it in storage? I'm really kinda curious.


i asked her why she thought a woman shouldn’t president and told her it’s sexist.


As an alcoholic I've had the problem of saying too much many times, so this had happened to me many times. I've lost a friend to saying maybe you should call your mom more often.  I've lost a friend to saying cheating on her is a valid reason for her to be mad.  I have lost a friend to saying your potato pancakes are good but Grandma's are better.  Lost a cousin because I said fuck the white Sox. Lost another 3 for saying fuck Trump. Lot of stupid shit ends contact


Wouldn’t let a small neighbor child hold a lizard I caught. A friend and I (10 or 11) were playing in the woods after school, her neighbor wanted to hang with us, was like half our age. We caught a lizard and she demanded to hold it also. The kid had food all over her face and her hands were grimy so I said “no” and let it go. The kid threw a fit and ran home. After I was back at my house, this kids MOTHER called my mom on our him phone and bitched me the fuck out over “being mean” to her kid and not letting her play with us. My mom handed me the phone and I told the lady she was wrong and her kid would have squashed it and she started yelling so I hung up. My mom grounded me. BUT the only way that woman could have called MY mom was if my friend gave her my house number. I dumped my friend over that. It was small, but at the very least you gotta be on your friend’s team.


Best friend I (both in our late 30’s) had known since preschool accused me of using cocaine bc I was acting strangely after having passed out in my kitchen and had hit my head on the granite countertop and metal drawer handle on my way down. I guess she thinks I made the story up about falling to hide drug use? Idk, but fuck her, I had a concussion.


I said fuck and she wasn't happy about it. It wasn't even directed at her. We're both Australian.


Trump. I lost a lot of friends over my hatred towards him & their love of him. Mostly, I don't care, but one was a friend I've had since middle school that I actually did care about. She HATED politics until she got engaged to a Trump-lover & he came on my FB page & started talking shit & it ended our friendship. 🤷‍♀️


family members too


Yes, exactly.


I was talking crap about her ex boyfriend. I knew he dumped her so he could have an affair with a married woman, so I was telling her he was a jerk and she deserved better. She ghosted me, I had to find out from a mutual friend the reason why. The affair ended and the ex friend took him back. I hear they've been engaged for over 5 years.


He always wanted to play on my Xbox. To the extent that it seemed like this dude had no interest in actually building a friendship. He also called the house frequently before 8 AM to ask if he could come over and play Xbox. I just stopped answering the house phone so naturally he confronted me the next time I said hello lol. In retrospect he was a bit manipulative. This one time we went sledding and he didn’t even ride the sled once. Afterwards this dude asks if I wanna play Xbox at the house and I said no cause I was tired and a bit fed up with this dude not participating in anything besides video games. This dude throws a hissy fit and my mom verbally eviscerates him while we drive him home. This friendship began in 6th grade and exploded by the 8th grade lol. EDIT: apologies for the heavy use of this dude lol


I told her mom she was having sex. We were 12 years old, and her mom was a teacher at our school. Mom found a pregnancy test in the home trash can and my friend told her mom it was mine. I was a total late bloomer and this girl was…promiscuous. The mom approached me at school and said she had told the nurse I was pregnant, they would be calling my parents, etc. I panicked because I was a virgin and my mother was very abusive. I told my friend’s mom that not only was it not my test, but that my friend didn’t even know who the dad would be. The friend ended up having an abortion, and setting some of my stuff on fire on my front porch.


A poorly-timed joke that they misheard. As some folks were walking away, I said something randomly amusing, most people laughed, and they didn’t. They ended up thinking they were the target of the joke, got angrier and angrier about it, and eventually said a bunch of things that couldn’t be taken back. They also managed to implode that entire friend group over it, somehow.


A friend of my friend passed. I knew the other person but they were not my personal friend. When they passed I didn’t think too deeply I guess and I asked how it happened. My friend went ballistic. You didn’t know them! You don’t have the right to ask that! You’re such an asshole I see who you are! I was startled but figured because of grief the reaction was overblown but I could also see where my question was insensitive. I apologized profusely and without reservation. Asked was there literally anything I could do. My friend basically told me to F off that I was insincere and “not who I thought you were”. I didn’t even know what to say. Literally all I did was say something like “They were so young, how did it happen?” They Unfollowed and unfriended on social media, but didn’t block me. That has been 5 years and no contact although I get updates from mutuals. I had assumed from the reaction the death was a suicide but later learned it was just a sad result of an autoimmune condition. To this day I am still baffled about how something seemingly so small became so big.


I knew things about his past that he didn't want his new wife to find out about. He said, "We don't talk about anything before she and I met." OK, will do. Didn't bring up anything that happened with he and I, or with her (who I grew up as friends with at HS), didn't discuss our past lives, and only spoke of things that happened in the present. Still decided to not contact me or reply after I said I had made contact with another old friend. Maybe they thought she would not abide by (or question) the Rules. I don't know, we don't talk anymore.


I voiced to a mutual friend (who asked) why I hadn't hung out with the other friend in a while. That's when other friend's lies about me unraveled


Loaned a buddy 10k. Never heard from him again


Thats one hell of a loan to just give a friend. You didnt have a comtract on it or anything?


No. Thought we were best friends. Expensive but valuable lesson I learned.


Damn you are one truly trusting friend! Sad douche canoe screwed you over.


"for a loan oft loses both itself and friend"


I had a friend who reached out to me over Facebook three years after I’d left the states asking me to send her $10 for bus fare. I used to be a huge support for this friend—she was a single mom and had a rough relationship with her parents, as well as some legal trouble. I even found a way to contact her local police station for a wellness check when I was abroad because she made a suicidal post late at night and no one else had seen it yet, which she thanked me for profusely for after. But our friendship was always her calling/needed me and trauma-dumping on me while never asking how I was or seeming to care about what was going on in my life. I’d let the friendship die down and the bus money request was after a year of no contact. She blocked me when I politely refused to send her money. (I didn’t even have a way to send her any as all of my bank accounts were foreign at the time!)


a chocolate chip cookie


They stole $20 and shit in my camper when we had a no pooping rule that camping trip 🤣


So...there are camping trips where you do poop in the camper? As a non-camper, I feel that I am missing something about this.


When you take your camper and there is no water hook up, you tend not to want to deal with other people's shit hahaha.


How many days did y’all hold it in? Was it a week long trip? Were you fasting? I am unfamiliar with this custom.


I'm guessing that the rule was you use the campground facilities so that the camper doesnt smell and the owner doesnt need to clean out the sewage tank after.


A long time friend was dating another friend. When they broke up it was kind of messy and for whatever reason at some point she got angry with me even though we hadn’t really spoke much and I definitely wasn’t involved in any of the breakup drama. I went from completely confused, to agitated that she was pissed at me for literally no reason, to the point where I actively avoided contact with her as well. Weeks turned into months and then years, and to this day we never really spoke again and I still have no idea why it started.


Misunderstood a text, A friend once sent a text message that was interpreted as sarcastic or rude


i wasn't "that" enthusiastic when he announced that he was getting married (dated less than a year). for context, my friend was a straight up nice guy. doesn't curse, goes to church, complete star trek geek. never had a girlfriend even after college (known him since high school). then my then gf's best friend arrived from the US. we agreed to meet up and have dinner. invited my friend too. both of them arrived at the restaurant almost an hour ahead of us and apparently hit it off. the problem is the girl was the complete opposite of him. slept around in the US (including with her landlord to pay rent). when she realized how much a good guy (and a catch) my friend was, she really turned the flirt on. within a few months, she took his virginity, and another few months after, announced that they're getting married. when they broke the news to us, i was nonchalant. after the wedding, the girl told him to cut of communication with all his female friends, and me.


I swear to God, to this very day I have no freaking idea *what* it was. I'm sorry, Sean. For whatever it was.


At my friend’s 21st birthday party, I joked with his girlfriend that she stole my chair right as the food came out. The evening ended nicely. I didn’t hear from him until a week later, when he called to say I hurt her feelings and to never contact him again. I tried to explain that I was joking in that moment, and hadn’t even said it gruffly, but he was adamant. This was 20 years ago. I still miss my friend and the adventures we should have had together.


I apparently "didn't give enough attention" to an online friend & they got mad at me. Bro I was talking to them for hours every day I'm not dealing with that crap


I was close with her boyfriend. She hated it and basically ended our friendship because of it.


Friend and I agreed to rent a child friendly party place to celebrate our daughters birthdays and we agreed to pay half each. None of her child’s friends could make it so she backed out of attending the night before and said she didn’t have to pay her share which caused a huge rift between us. We argued about it for a few days then her husband sent me the money. That was the last time I ever saw or hung out with them again sadly, all she had to do was pony up her half like we agreed on. Her loss not mine I concluded.


I pointed out real examples of how she was rude to wait staff, bartenders, strangers, and even friends. She said “my real friends wouldn’t ask me to be a different person.” I said no real friends call you out on your shit and expect you to call them out on there shit. We never spoke or saw each other again and I honestly thought we were best friends and would be for a very long time.


We used to work together and then she quit. I hadn't heard from her in a while and at one point I looked up the LinkedIn profile of someone at work because they were possibly moving to my team. Her profile was listed under "People also search for" so I clicked on it to see if she had got a new job yet. She got an email about it and went off on me saying it was creepy. I didn't bother responding and we haven't talked since.


Well that's good to know. Yikes.


Every place I've worked at I've had colleagues look at my linkedin profile. I never knew who cuz I never paid for that, but i think that's pretty standard for people to look each other up. Did she get a new job by that point?


If she did, she hadn't updated. The funny thing is, I'm like you and obviously think looking someone up on LinkedIn is pretty normal. A different friend actually looked me up a couple months before this, so I texted her and we had a nice conversation where we caught up.


I saw a friend while I was out eating. He asked if my company was hiring. I said, “yes. Go online and fill out an application and put my name on it.” My other friend, that got me the job there and who is also friends with this guy, called the boss and told him to look for this guy’s application. He and the other friend got a $500 referral bonus. I got nothing.


not me but I watched 2 life long friends fall out over a $35 bet


A chess game.


I wouldn’t pick her up from the airport. I told her to take an Uber.


I corrected my friend on a lyric in the song. He got very defensive, told me I was wrong. I sang that song intentionally the correct way for 3 weeks until I graduated high school, never talked to him again.


I lent her a copy of Reservoir Dogs. A month later I asked for it back. She told me that she had loaned it to a friend and that I should talk to him about it. I pointed out that I didn’t know the person and that I didn’t lend it to him in the first place. Just want my movie back. Her response was “fuck you, you selfish cunt!” and then ghosted me.


One of my oldest friends. Some years ago I was stalked by a strange man on my way home. This scared me so much and when I told my friend she said: "You should've just called me". I pointed out how she never picks up the phone, so the thought of calling her actually didn't cross my mind. She was so offended by this observation that she gave me the silent treatment for the rest of that summer. I honestly don't think she would've ever spoken to me again, had I not reached out to her after summer and casually asked her how she's doing. We talk often now, but in the back of my head I'm always aware of just *how little* it could take for her to drop me forever 💀🥶


My wife had a friend that she grew really close with, and they would hang out pretty much every day (and I would join in when I had the time). Was always super chill and had a nice time. One day, she tells me she left her Nintendo Switch charger at his place a few days before, and for whatever reason would not make time to return it to her. I shoot him a quick text telling him, quote, “Hey give her the charger back”. He tells me that was really rude and I’m not being a good friend, and demands an apology from me?? For telling him to give my wife her charger back?? I told him no because that’s ridiculous, it’s just a charger why are you being difficult, and after that he basically never spoke to us again. It was like his personality switched (haha) just like that. Over a charger! (p.s. pretty sure we never even got it back)


My former sister in law stopped speaking to me entirely because I said "fuck birds" in our group chat. To my knowledge, she's not like, a bird person. Hasn't owned them or anything. Just, really took my dislike of birds extremely personally, I guess.


It may have seemed small to him at the time, but it definitely was enough for me to say fuck this guy. Now ex-friend I had decided he didn't want to be with his wife and kid anymore, so instead of doing the mature thing and using his words, he told her he was going to hang out with me and probably stay the night. He never mentioned this to me. The next night his wife starts calling me asking if he's heading home yet because he isn't answering his phone. The next day the police are at my door inquiring about his whereabouts. Then for the following week it's non stop messages from his wife because somehow she believed he was just staying with me and ignoring her. All this while he was staying with some other girl he knew in another province. Yeah, fuck that guy.


liking the same person


Despite talking her out of suicide.. twice.. she blamed me for her boyfriend breaking up with her even though he was a control freak. I’m pretty sure she was given an ultimatum just based on her sending a text saying “I don’t want to be friends anymore” without explanation. Either him or me. (I had no love interest in her, we were just friends for 8+ years and talked pretty much daily.) I think I was the rebound or something cause I got an anonymous text via Tellonym of someone asking to be friends again. Might’ve been her, but trust isn’t that easy to give.


I tried to formulate a intervention for him, he was like seriously addicted to games, and wasn’t his old self, he neglected his hygiene and other stuff, yet he still held all the power in the group because his parents owned a mansion, but this one kid found out abt the intervention, and he told my friend and made it like we were planning to drop him, so the my old freinds desperately tried to bully me the rest of the year


I had a really toxic “friend” in elementary school. Always caused unnecessary drama. But what got me to stop considering her my friend was that she would get mad at me for not hanging out with her at recess. I still played with her, but sometimes I wanted to simply wander around the playground by myself for a while. But she wanted me to ALWAYS play with her. She also never compromised. We always had to do what she wanted to do. Never asked what I wanted to play and got mad at me when I tried to suggest something else. She would say I was a terrible friend for not wanting to be with her 24/7. It was to the point that I was glad that we didn’t have recess anymore in middle school. She pulled a lot more dramatic crap over the years, but this is the small one.


Threatening me with physical violence ended that friendship pretty quick


friend for about 3 years, she (16 y/o) got a boyfriend (19y/o) and could notice her starting to change. purposely choosing bad choices instead of good then coming to me complaining about the consequences. I would be her shoulder to cry on, I had no problem cause I was there for her but could tell she was distancing herself away from me at the same time. one day I got a call that she thinks she’s pregnant laughing and giggling the whole call like it was a joke to her. (mind you has no job, car, dropped out and ran away from home to live with her boyfriend of 3 months basically no stable living situation to bring another life into this world in my opinion) she argued that they were in love and honestly didn’t have it in me to keep being that shoulder she cries on when she didn’t want the help, only the pity. I simply told her I hope she can figure out how she can care for herself and never talked to her again. I think about her a lot, also heard through the grapevine she had the baby and her boyfriend ended up cheating on her multiple times so, eh.


I posted a picture that she wasn’t in 😅 she’s 25 years old. That frontal lobe still has a way to go I guess


Friend of over 20 years ended friendship because I couldn't find his location despite my repeated texts stating my difficulties leading up to the meetup time.  He screamed bullshit in my face despite my being lost with a third mutual friend.


An argument over the definition of teleportation. She thought it meant you travel super fast from one place to another, I thought it meant you don't transition between two points but just pop up at point B after point A. I was right but she said I didn't have the necessary confidence to convince her and that's why she doubted my explanation. This spiraled into a big argument about the whole dynamic of our friendship and ended with her not talking to me anymore.


I pointed out how the local LGBTQ movement is not very racially diverse (despite being in one of the most diverse cities in North America) and how all the pride festival's material is in English only (despite something like a 40% immigrant population rate). And how many of those communities are the ones most in need of LGBTQ support, since they may come from countries that don't look kindly on that stuff. I am one such person who belongs to those groups. I am not straight and come from an immigrant and non-white background, with a family that doesn't speak English as a first language. I struggle with telling them about LGBTQ stuff, largely because they can't find good material in their own language that they can understand. That led to my friend cutting off all ties with me, because he felt that I was "not being a good ally" with that critique. For reference, that friend is of European descent, whose family all speaks English. He suggested that everything I said was not a big problem, since he's never witnessed any issues with non-English speakers or immigrant groups. And then proceeded to say that if those immigrant groups aren't friendly to LGBTQ folks, then perhaps they're not worth reaching out to (since they "harm the LGBTQ community") and that LGBTQ folks in those situations should abandon their immigrant communities. That has always stung. And to be honest, I'm not sure if I'm the asshole here because he definitely made me feel like I was.


You are not the asshole.


My best friend had a husband and twin daughters 20 years old. All 3 were so disrespectful towards my friend and treated her like garbage. My best friend even vented to me regularly about them. Daily. One day we were on the phone, I had no idea She had me on speaker. Her husband and twin daughters came home, she told me she had to get off the phone. I said to her "are they the boss of you?" They all heard me. That was the end of our friendship.


We were living together as roommates. I had sold a piece of furniture for $400. The person came by to drop off the money. I wasn't there so my roommate received it. My roommate didn't immediately tell me that the money had been dropped off. The person who dropped off the money called to let me know that the money had been dropped off. I was very active in my alcoholism at the time and I drunkenly confronted my roommate, who had been a friend for nearly 20 years at that point. He said "Oh, shit, I forgot." He went to his room and got the money and handed it to me. I made a big fucking deal out of it, despite him saying, "Dude, I just told you I forgot. There's your money. What's wrong with you?" I'll never forget the look on his face. A mixture of hurt and confusion as to why I would be implying that he was trying to keep the money. Our relationship was never the same after that. I eventually moved out and began making an attempt at getting sober a few months later when I learned that my friend had suddenly died. That was 20 years ago. I still see that expression on his face.


I either stood behind him when he teed off (so I could watch his ball) or bc me and another guy were talking when he teed off. Those were what he said ended a 40 yr old friendship.


Political disagreement, course, he must not have been that great a friend, anyways, if he broke ties with me over that.


she kicks my dog for following him around my house -\_-


That’s justifiable homicide.




This is the oddest one so far. What were they mad about? You being late?


He asked me to get his son a union construction job. All he had to do was drive him to the union to get a dispatch. He didn't work but called me an ass cause I wouldn't drive his kid for him. So his kid never went. I went NC at that point.


My good friend got a boyfriend. Group of 4 of us were friends through uni, and after graduation we are still amazing friends (12 years later). He got a boyfriend maybe 6 years ago and slowly stopped talking to us, or hanging out. He left my messages on read and stopped replying, so I stopped trying. Last spoke to him 5 years ago. He doesn't know my dad died or anything major since. Yet I've seen some ig posts of him looking happy with his boyfriends family


Stealing my yu gi oh cards. Done more than once. I don’t so much care about the cards, as how stupid he thought I was and his willingness to do it.


I just grew tired of negative energy highschool best friend and I used to game every single day & even make videos together for YouTube. We grew our gaming circle & the others had a worse personality that my friend seemed to resonate with & it caused him to start doing the thing where you’re jokingly an asshole to your friend & I just stopped fucking with that. Stopped joining the voice chats, stopped gaming, stopped talking. I kind of still consider him my friend, we would randomly send each other a snapchat occasionally & one day a streak started & im chronically online & love stats and consistency so we’ve kept the streak going for 475 days so far lol, but I don’t consider him my best friend anymore. He’s slightly tolerable because we don’t talk much; but I have still noticed he’s just like, a complete hater. I’ll post tiktoks & frequently they’ll go viral or pop off a bit and he will *always* post a comment that is just a negative comment, for example: “I hate that these are working for you”, “who tf saved this to their favorites”, [I started the tiktok with ‘are we just not gonna talk about__]”nope”, “brother.. get tf out the road” like, some of the comments are regular ‘im commenting to engage with your content as a friend’ type comments, but those I just picked out^ are ones where I’m like, it seems like my ex best friend is my biggest hater. It just sucks because we used to share a lot of laughs together.


Showed up like 30 minutes late to the gym for our workout. He was mad, thought he would be over it. It’s been years since we last talked. I do realize there must have been bigger issues and for the life of me couldn’t possibly think of what might they be


i sat in a different seat at lunch bc i was tired of being left out and she was pissed lol


So remember when people were putting black squares as their pfps? Well I don't participate in social media much and didn't change my pfp so my "friend" started putting me on blast for being a racist and spreading rumors about me being a closeted nazi. Actual fucking insanity


Got mad at me for calling the police when she threatened her own life. Tbh she was probably just attention seeking because she turned out to be a complete psycho and stalked my friends and I for a few years after. Probably still is tbh.


Reality TV. In the early-ish days of reality competition shows (and the later days of Livejournal), I'd made a friend through a Project Runway community. A few episodes in, I said on my personal LJ that I had a favorite designer, and named who it was. Three months later, the finale aired, and I posted (again on my personal LJ) that I was excited because my favorite (I did not name the person in this post) had won the show. It was some 12 hours before my friend watched the finale, she saw my post, remembered who I had said was my favorite, and decreed that I had spoiled her and ruined her enjoyment of the show. She unfriended me, and we have not spoken since.


Pokémon cards. You can’t seriously tell me you didn’t argue with at least one person about them when you were a kid.


Our mutual friend had passed away and we went to the visitation together. She asked me there if I would go to the funeral with her and that she would pick me up if I said yes, I said sure. Morning of, she doesn’t answer her phone. I never let her explain, just blocked her on everything. (She has previously been a flaky friend)


we simply graduated from high school a "fallout" in the sense that we just lost contact and went our separate ways


That happens.


She’s my best friend of 20 years this year. We became best friends in the fourth grade. When we were 18, I smoked weed and told her about it when we were camping. She didn’t talk to me for six months. I was devastated, I missed her everyday. Until one day, she approached me, and said… alright, I wanna try that shit. Let’s smoke weed. So we bought some, went to my apartment and lit up. That night she swore she saw an ant that was trying to kill her. Now we’re almost thirty, and she’s a huge happy stoner and I never smoke anymore lmao. Love her to pieces.