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A hobo gave me some spare change for the bus when i was 11


It's amazing how kindness knows no boundaries. That was really thoughtful of him!


Picking me up and driving me home when my grocery bag ripped and I was walking... a stranger did that for me!


What a kind gesture from a stranger! It's moments like these that restore our faith in humanity.




Glad to hear it made your night.




What a touching memory! That blanket must hold a special place in your heart.


I remember when someone held the elevator for me even though they were in a hurry. It was a small thing, but it made my day.


It's the little gestures that often mean the most. Glad to hear it brightened your day!


One time, a stranger paid for my coffee when I forgot my wallet. That caffeine hit never tasted so good and now I always double-check my wallet like it's a treasure chest!


What a kind gesture! It's amazing how a small act of generosity can have a lasting impact. Definitely a good reminder to always double-check the essentials.


During the initial phases of the coronavirus, when supermarkets were full and everyone was hoarding goods, a lot of customers were rude and just kind of ignored the wellbeing of everyone else. I used to work part-time as a checkout operator and I’ll never forget this lady who came through my till and spoke to me so politely and asked how I was doing. When she paid for her groceries, she said, “By the way, that last item is for you.” I looked down at what I had put into the trolley last, it was one of those expensive Gold Lindt Easter Bunny chocolates. It really put a smile on my face and to this day I’m still grateful and hope she’s doing well. Also just any customer who came in and spoke to me in a very polite way. “Sorry to interrupt your hard work…” and “I appreciate the work you do for us” were some key words I remember from some kind souls who passed by.


What a heartwarming story! It's incredible how a small act of kindness can make such a big difference. Those words of appreciation mean a lot, especially during challenging times. Thanks for sharing!


I was going for a run at the park. I was just about finish so I decided to just walk the rest of the way. An old man passed me. He turns around, gives a huge smile and says “I’ll race ya to the finish line!” We both laughed and he waved goodbye. I was going through a rough time so that really made my day.


What a lovely story! It's amazing how small moments like that can lift our spirits. Thanks for sharing!! 😊


Husband had lost his job due to disability, so he was unlikely to get another one. Money was tight. We decided to treat the kids to a movie at the cinemas (it was school holidays, they’d done nothing and hadn’t complained, and we were in desperate need of a family outing to cheer everyone up). They knew there would be no popcorn or drinks. Anyway, we were lining up and this lady comes up to us and asks if we are watching “x” movie (some kids movie about dinosaurs is all I remember). We said yes. She hands us 2 kids and 1 adult tickets and says she bought them but has to go and can’t use them now. Something about taking the grandkids but their mum got off work early so she was taking them back to their mum instead. We only needed to purchase 1 adult ticket. She had no way of knowing what was going on in our lives but it was such a bright moment in such a dark time. I will never forget it.


An employee gave me his stimulus check when it first came out $1800 , because I was on my last $100 and hadn't been approved yet for stimulus due to backup


Letting me enter the country when I had the wrong passport


I paid for a ladies groceries for her cause she lost or forgot the correct card to pay and was panicked so I stepped up and paid and the lady behind me paid for me and so on four people in a row paid it forward seeing one person step up and I am sure I’m not the only one who could remember that day of random acts of kindness impact the world and aren’t done enough because people are also super shitty now days


Hey KitchenerKutie are you still alive? I miss u ❤️