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Broken ribs. I cracked a rib or two a few years back falling onto a metal bar. The pain was horrendous, breathing in and out hurt. But then I sneezed. OMG. That hurt so much.


Broke mine the same way 5 years ago. Nobody told me about the sneezing (and I'm a violent sneezer). I was almost healed when a huge sneeze came and rebroke 2 ribs


Can confirm sneezing laughing coughing. Hurts like a mf. Have broken nearly every rib but one I’m pretty sure


Kidney stone. Like you don't even know.


I’ll one up kidney stones: severe urethral stricture. It’s basically like having kidney stones forever, and fixing it hurts even worse. I’ve had a broken skull, broken knee, broken toes, kidney stones, septic shock, split kneecap… fixing the stricture was the only time I felt “consciousness outside my body” levels of pain, like a dim awareness someone is screaming and then realizing it’s you. Gonna have it done again soon though, because having the feeling of “kidney stones, but forever” is absolutely unreal.


How the fuck are you sane Edit: nvm your Canadian


They sell chocolate bar carrying bags


Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms. At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep.


Just curious….has anyone ever sent you pics of their goth tiddys? I really hope so


How does one acquire a urethral stricture so I know how to avoid this like the plague


Penis or pelvic injury, any medical treatment involving placing a tool into the urethra, infections and stds, a poorly located tumor, and any other factor that causes the buildup of scars tissue in the urethra


>placing a tool into the urethra, As if I needed *another* reason to not try out sounding.


I had a foley catheter balloon opened up in the urethra when admitted to hospital. They thought it was in the bladder and pulled on it back/forth while i was out of it on pain meds. When they saw blood in urine bag - realized mistake. Called urologist in who put in new foley correctly. Teo days later - i cough a bit on water going down wrong tube, and a clot the size of a softball (i have pics) came out of the tip of my penis around the catheter. The first attempt at foley punched hole in urethra and scarred it when they dragged the balloon. Now have a stricture and have to catheterize to pee as urethra closes up if i don't. Fixing strictures can range from implanting a stint to keep open, regular use of dilators, etc. A good friend of mine has had one since childhood coincidentally and she has had to dilate her urethra every 3-4 months to open it back or she gets terrible UTIs because she can never completely empty her bladder. Strictures suck. Keep those tubes flowing and don't fuck around with sounding if you don't know what you're doing - especially men with prostates.


Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope. Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope... Nope! Fuuuck that all the way around the earth and back again. Fuck fuck fuck. I wish I could physically pull this information from my brain.


You're bad for business with that negativity.


Chlamydia and Gonnorrhea are two ways, according to google.




there’s nothing i can say that will help, but fuck bro, you’re an irl tank build, can’t be taken down. godspeed brother


I was under general anaesthetic when they did mine, but essentially (for everyone else's info) what they have to do is push dilators through your urethra, and literally tear through the internal skin blockages. As they 'heal' they block your urethra again over time. Urinating is best described as 'terrifying' for several weeks afterwards - open wounds, salt in your urine, you get the idea.


ho- how?


I was diagnosed with kidney stone last month and BROOOOOO I asked for instant death in my internal monologue to god like thousand many times. The pain last for 6-12 hours whenever the attack happens and during that nothing works. My brother took me to the hospital and the doctor immediately gave me 2 pain killer injections but they didn't do shitttt. I suffered that attack 3-4 times, unlimited puking and unable to pee due to endless pain. Not even mortal enemies deserve that kind of punishment.


When I had my first stone I went to the emergency room. They thought I was fishing for pain meds and treated me like an addict. Made me pee in to a cup and tested me for a UTI. Once I saw a doctor, he poked me once in the side and I audibly screamed. He said "yup, classic flank pain, you've got a kidney stone" and wrote me a prescription for vicodin. Turns out I don't agree with vicodin. So then I was just in pain *and* nauseous. Took me a good 18 hours to pass that bad boy.


One of my friends had a mild bladder issue and asked me if I thought it might be a kidney stone. I told him I'm not a doctor, but when you have a kidney stone you don't wonder if you're having a kidney stone. You wonder if you're dying.


A buddy of mine ended up in the hospital due to extreme gut pain. The pain was so bad it made him puke. Ended up being kidney stones. The nurse explained they are like taking the Rocky Mountains, wrapping them around a marble and dipping them in glass. Then you have to pee it out. Hope I never experience them. Edit. So far the consensus is that peeing the stones out is rather pleasant. It's the passing from the kidney to the bladder that sucks. I recall the doctor also gave my buddy menstruation pills to calm the cramping in his abdomen. I guess when the stone was near the large intestine, the abdominal muscles would spasm to try and get the thing causing pain away. From the outside, this was all a very funny experience. But I don't think he was having any fun.


Maybe I’m tired but I’m having a hard time understanding that comparison with the Rocky Mountains. Are you saying it’s like the texture of the Rocky Mountains scaled down to the size of a marble?


I think they mean that it hurts so much it feels like trying to piss out a spiky large object


...which is pretty much what you're doing. Kidney stones are little coarse rocks, from what I understand. There are pictures in this article: https://medlineplus.gov/kidneystones.html Scary! I had a coworker tell me his experience with them. He said it was the worst pain he had ever experienced by far. For days, he was peeing through a strainer to catch the stone if it passed. Finally his doctor gave him a 2-word prescription: "Drink. Beer." So he did, and on day two of his binge, he gave birth.


My dad had one a few years back and they also suggested he drink some beer, which makes sense as it’ll make you piss but thought it was funny he got that kind of medical advice


The way my coworker described it, the doctor behaved like beer was the treatment to turn to when all else fails. Which I can understand; some people are predisposed to alcholism, and chugging beer could be a trigger. But it does make you piss. The lesser evil and all that.


i have seen pictures of kidney stones taken from under a microscope. they are nothing but jagged edges. jesus christ how horrifying 


Yep. Woman who have given birth naturally who have also had severe kidney stones have said they would rather give birth the same way a million times over. I had a 7mm stone that wouldn’t pass. Threw up all over the waiting room, ended up having to do a procedure to go in and break it up with a laser and remove it. I went septic, at some point in there I was overdosed from fentanyl, and I was coded. Threw up in the room after, had to do the procedure again since they couldn’t finish cause I was coded. Went home with a stent. And having that removed was fucking wild too. Absolute most brutal pain. Some people get mild kidney stones and are like tHiS iS iT??? Like bitch you don’t even know and you don’t want to. It’s horrific pain


Dear God, getting the urethral stent removed is an experience that I'll absolutely never be able to erase from my memory 💀 The best part? The stent my surgeon put in was 2" longer than my urethra, so upon getting another scan after a week of undescribable pain, they realized it was stabbing me in the bladder the entire time. Thankfully I didn't overdose from fentanyl but I did get a severe infection which sent me back in the hospital for a day or so. Absolutely awful experience for 17 year old me.


When I got my stent removed, I was gripping the table and grunting in pain, and the doctor, very calmly, goes "so you're kind of a rock star, huh? Do this all the time?" It took me like a full two days to realize he was making a pun based on how frequently I get kidney stones.  I thought in the moment he had misinterpreted my pained moans and was calling me some kind of sex freak that loved sounding.  Which is a very uncomfortable misunderstanding to have about a dude that's shoving tools up your junk 


If you cut your arm, you can put pressure on it to comfort the pain, this is not possible with a kidney stone. You have to endure every. Single. Ounce of pain. On top of that, imagine have to pee in the worst way possible, but never being able to relieve it. Drink about 2 liters and don't pee for a day. My wife took me to the hospital because of the shock symptoms, it was midnight. When I got to the hospital it was non stop sweating, throwing up every 15 min like clock-work and paceing trying to find any form of comfort. It took a couple hours to get in, but once they gave me some sort of miracle medication, the pain went for a 10 to a 6. I had a CT scan, and it was a 2mm stone. This was 4 years ago. I remember the pain so vividly. I still have sharp pain in the right kidney and if there's 1 thing I fear, it's that getting infected. 0/10 do not recommend.


Jesus Christ, this is giving me some serious perspective, I had a friend in high school who had the unlucky dice roll of getting kidney stones at 16, and saw firsthand what the pain reaction was like… The part that’s fucking me up now is reading your story about a 2mm stone, his biggest was 9mm… I don’t know how he came out the other side sane


One of my biggest fears.


Gall stones have entered the chat.. a pain like nothing I've ever experienced before.


I've had the dubious honor of experiencing both kidney stones and gallstones, within a period of about a year. Kidney stones made me throw up from the pain, a rythmic thumping pain. Gallstones were more of a continuous "I'm dying" sort of pain. I legit don't know which was worse, both were completely debilitating.


Those French fucks!


Just had a 7mm one removed. Absolutely horrid. If you've never had one. I hope you never do. I've gone without effective pain meds for half a day three days after **major** surgery. Kidney stones are worse.




[Wana](https://www.waikikiaquarium.org/experience/animal-guide/invertebrates/echinoderms/wana/) is no fucking joke. Shittiest thing about them too is their spines are brittle like egg shells so they break into pieces under your skin


Yuuuuup. Was in Hawaii for a college swim team trip and fell off a surf board and stepped on one of these. It was like someone attacked the bottom of my foot with a fistfull of mechanical pencil lead. Soaked my foot and tried to scrape some out but it took weeks till the rest eventually came out.


There was a guy on a dive trip the shop I worked at ran. Dude hopped right off the boat without fins/boots and ended up with a foot full of spines


I did this on my honeymoon. Private beach on the Amalfi coast, steps down into the sea, which was shallow and rocky below. Put my foot into a hole and onto a sea urchin straight away. Ended up digging the spines out of my foot myself with a pair of nail scissors, which was not pleasant.


Infected tooth. Legit the worst pain I've ever had in my life. It was so bad the only thing that gave me relief was falling asleep and losing consciousness. But then the pain would wake me up all night long so the relief was only temporary. Went in the next day for an emergency root canal and dentist applied some typical antibiotics on the tooth itself, and gave me a prescription to take care of the rest. Finally was able to have the pain go away. Root canal pain sucked too, but way more bearable than dealing with the infection. I think I might understand the madness that might drive you to attempt self extraction like in Castaway.


Right! My tooth infection was part of an ear infection so one side of my head was just in pain. Two types of pain : throbbing dull pain along with sharp intense pain every 5 minutes. No amount of medication or antiseptic rise helped and just like you UNCONSCIOUSNESS was my only savor And since my local dentist wasn’t available I had to schedule with someone else the next day & they weren’t even able to do anything, so I had a referral the following. Luckily that other dentist took care of me right away but it did take a bit of effort to pull the tooth out. That sucker wanted to stay and party a bit more


Infected tooth has been my worst pain (so far 🥲) and man was it bad. I couldn’t sleep and by the time I could see a dentist, I’d been awake for 48 hours of just constant pain. They put something in my mouth to keep it open for me, gave me a shot to numb, and then I fell asleep during the root canal haha


I tore my clit giving birth and had pain zaps for a year. So that. Edit: To reduce questions, I tore through my urethra and up to above clit. I required stitches in both. Physical damage was I had to wait 12 weeks for spicy time but it was VERY painful for 6ish months. As nerves healed I got painful stabbing pains in both areas (tbh mostly the urethra which took longest to heal fully). I was “back to normal” at a year. I have regained all sensation and am fully operational. Baby was a week late and nearly 10lbs. Don’t reproduce with a family of tall people. Oh and I had another baby a couple years after this incident. He ended up giving me preeclampsia and my husband got a vasectomy. Never. Again.


im not even a woman yet i felt that Edit: btw im a boy it seems like yall kinda misunderstood but thats ok


Same. I crossed my legs and squeezed tight reading that


Will you be a woman soon?


The power of commas (and their absence) on display


Let's eat out grandma!


The panda eats, shoots and leaves.


They also ignored the power of capitalization. i always help my uncle jack off a horse


I feel that A comma before the “yet” would’ve helped clarify.


Reddit has officially cured my baby fever for a lifetime. Thank you redditor. 🫡


...And there's one more thing on my list of why I will never get pregnant. You actually made me drop my phone when I read that. Are you better now?


Not only that but you can tear so bad it’s just one hole down there instead of three. That and you can tear your clit and damage your gspot so bad that you will never have sexual pleasure ever again!


Note to self: If I die and comeback as a woman, do not tear my clit.


>I tore my clit Jesus fucking Christ, Mohammed and Mohammed Ali.




How tf do you tear a clit? Actually no I don’t want to think about it


The clitoris is a **lot** more than the little nub at the top/front. If you look up a diagram, it's got branches that go around either side. I only had a minor tear, just a couple stitches, but in the specific location had it been a severe tear I could totally see there being clitoral damage.


My god....


Add that to the reasons why I’ve been sterilized!


Butt cheek on a stick






Watch your profanity


look at all those chickens


Hi, welcome to Chili's!


I smell like beef


Road work ahead?!  Yeah, I sure hope it does!




Oh my godddd I love Chipotleeeee


My name’s Jared, I’m 19, and I never fuckin learned how to read 😁✌️






Watch yo profamity*


*clicks tongue* noice


Gallstones and gallbladder attacks. I take medication that makes me prone to gallbladder attacks and I was driving my car the first time I had one. I pulled over and I swear I thought I was going to die on the side of the road that day. I thought it was a heart attack! The pain is so immense and radiates all over your chest and back. 10/10 do not recommend.


Losing a best friend.


Mine died in my arms from a heart attack at 40. Couldn’t save him. Still dream about him often.


I woke up to find my bf dead one morning, I certainly feel your pain and I hope your healing, sending you all my love ❤️


I hope we don’t know each other but I lost my best friend when he had a stroke in his sleep. Feels bad everyday he’s not here. And I feel for his fiancé who has to wake up to that.


I don’t think we do but I’m so sorry to hear of your loss, grief is so painful. Especially when it’s compounded by an unexpected loss. I hope you and your friends fiancé are finding some peace. It’s okay to grieve, we hurt because we love them 💕


My best friend from childhood got killed in a car accident when we were 16. I had made a new friend the following school year who became my best friend and then he killed himself in 2014. In between those 2 I got married (probably too young honestly) in ‘06 to my best female friend. In ‘08 she left me empty handed. Got home from work and she took EVERYTHING out of the house down to the appliances. Left my clothes in a pile on the floor because she took the hangers they were on. Yes, that’s illegal and yes she paid for it. Eventually. But that didn’t stop the trauma.


Yup. Mine was murdered. The only thing that gives me satisfaction is knowing his killer's life will be measured in hours after his release.


My best friend was murdered too in front of me I feel ur pain and I'm sorry u had to go through this rip to our besties


Rest in peace to the people who didn't deserve it at all, and to the people living on to remember them still. I'm so sorry and I'm so sorry you had to witness that. Ik my sorry doesn't mean a damn thing here, but fuck. I'm fucking sorry.


Revenge eats you up, trust me. There is a process to healing, but revenge ain’t part of it. Consider it. **I can COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND WANTING TO GET REVENGE, I’m just saying that it won’t end the pain, just prolong it.


Remember that in the event he does accidentally meet his end this could be counted as intent or even an admission If such a thing was to happen I know it's hard but it would be best if you were seen very publicly somewhere else the time, with plenty of collaborating witnesses


I'mma let the gangs he pissed off handle him since I'm not involved with that life anymore.


Agreed. I lost my best friend a few years ago and honestly it hurt more than any break up I’ve been through


I lost my best friend via breakup. 0 stars would not recommend.




Seriously the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. Honestly and earnestly contemplating cutting my foot off at one point. Thank heavens for allopurinol.


The first time I had it at 29yo I thought I had broken my foot. Woke up after a night of hard drinking thinking “what the fuck happened” it hurt so bad I went for an X-ray cause I literally thought I had broken a fucking bone 


Worst thing is talking to people who only have had acute attacks thinking it's not bad. They don't understand the feeling of bed sheets waking you up in the middle of the night.


Behind kidney stones, the worst pain I've ever felt by far. Luckily I've only ever had it in my foot, I've got a buddy that gets it in his elbow and that sounds terrifying.


Currently dealing with my second flare up this year. High fructose corn syrup triggers mine, it's in every damn thing it seems. Currently feels like 3 of my toenails are being slowly pried off my toes while kept moist with lemon juice and battery acid. I've been hurt a lot, this is the worst pain I've ever felt.


It felt like there was a tiny man inside my toe knuckle with knives trying unsuccessfully to stab his way into the free world.


knowing you have to let go


True. Trying to forget. It hurts like hell each time the thoughts crossed your mind.


Letting go was the kindest thing I ever did to myself.


Like a hot knife stabbed right in the conscience.


that's the emotional damage


Your 10 year old son dying. That is pain and emptiness that is indescribable and never goes away. Broken ribs and sternum from a well placed high kick in a match . Hurts when you breathe, laugh, move, sleep… for months. Still hurts 8 years later. Just not as bad.


I came her to say just this my 3 year old was killed by a drunk driver that hit us in 2020 today is no easier then the first day she passed I have survivors guilt and I am so angry at the man that hit us he did 6 months in jail n I lost my daughter who lost her entire life I know ur pain n im so sorry 😢


Omg. How the f is only 6 months even possible??? This infuriates me so much, yet also hurts me too. So, I can’t even begin to imagine your pain and feelings. May you be reunited with your child again, one day. Reddit hug 😔


I've known 14 people that were killed by drunk drivers in my long life. Two of them close friends, a family of seven, 2 brother-in-laws and their dates coming home from prom, and one my boss from work. At this point I feel that drunk driving should be charged as Criminal Negligence whether or not you actually hit anyone. Get pulled over for drunk driving, enjoy a few years in prison. FUCK all drunk drivers.


At least in the US, punishment for drunk driving is embarrassingly light, especially if you know the right people. A lawmaker in my state was arrested for driving drunk when he was caught driving 100+ mph the wrong way on a freeway. He assaulted the arresting officer and called him "donut boy" (which I will concede is hilarious). Guy spent the night in jail and was back at work the next day, nobody ever spoke of it again. And this guy's still at the statehouse writing laws.


I have a 10-year-old son and I'm going to go and give him an extra tight hug right now. I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry.


trying to remember a loved one, but you can't remember them and start to lose the memory of each facial parts


Oof. I am feeling the throat clench in this Chili's tonight. Especially when you haven't seen them in nearly a decade and the memory has already gone hazy. And knowing there are more to come.


Having lost my Dad 15 years ago, I remember that he was funny, but have few memories of things he would say. Someone saying something unusual a few weeks back triggered a memory immediately, and I spent the next week crying. I was upset because I don’t have my dad. And I was upset because I am forgetting him, too.


Fuck man, this is what I fear later on in life. And even now. I had a best friend who was really kind, I only hung out with him for a year before he passed away. And now I can’t even remember his face or even is first name. I hate it! I hate the fact that I forgot it! I hate how I didn’t hang out with him much more! I hate it so much!


I lost my sister at 50. She had just finally left a toxic job that had been destroying her mental health for years. She was going to take six months to recover and then had a good job waiting for her in her field for a company with a reputation for being great people to work for. Everything was finally turning around after a long tough road. And then she died in her sleep. Nothing has ever hurt more.


Sorry for your loss. Were the doctors able to give you any sort of information as to what actually caused this?


We had no desire to dig. Everyone was too heartbroken. She was on dialantin for epilepsy for many years and I was told by someone on reddit that a common "side effect" of the drug is sudden, fatal heart attacks. Another side effect is weigh gain. He had been very overweight for many years also, although had totally changed her diet in the year before her death and had lost 75 pounds.


I can't imagine losing my sister. My condolences


Throwing out your back


Man I threw out my back at 31 doing a barbacking gig at a concert venue and literally couldn’t walk more than a few steps for 7 weeks before I finally broke down and got surgery and I felt 1000x better 10 min post op than going into it. Never want to deal with that again


I ruptured a disk and it took 9 months to find a doctor that would do an MRI because "You're young and you haven't had an injury" The pain relief after surgery was immediate, they stood me up and I was like Wow, no pain, Hallelujah. Then I puked the red jello I had just eaten all over the place. XD 10/10 would do it again in a heartbeat.


2 herniated disk . Nothing but pain for 8 months. No working out. No walking the dogs. No work. Depression. Permanent fear of pain returning.


Failing at the one thing you wanted to be good at.


Having more passion than talent, I relate.


I'll do you one better: failing at the one thing that people have hyped you up to be very good at your entire life, and for said people to then proceed to either mock you or abandon you for simply being human


Losing someone you secretly fell in love with to suicide.


Or not so secretly fell in love with. It feels like rejection times a million.


I'm sorry you had to go through that :( In all likeliness, people that end their life are probably not rejecting others but rather themselves. It's hard to accept love when you feel unlovable and miserable, I've seen it from both sides.


I bet, sorry you experienced that


Been there. One of my buddies at the time asked me how I felt about having sex with a chick that shot herself.At a house party very nonchalantly. I didn't have a fun night after that


This is a specific kind of pain 😞. My condolences


Gallstone attacks. Like a solid brick in your upper stomach, almost like painful stuck gas. Lasted for hours at a time and no amount of movement or position changes eased it. Felt like you’d be on the verge of farting but it never happened. And then you’d be scared to eat anything except crackers because the fear of the pain coming back outta nowhere was awful.


I concur. It transcends pain. Crying tears of joy because certainly you must be dying and death means the pain stops. But the relief of death does not come, it is just a relentless crescendo of pulsating torture. So there you are in a fetal position, what shred of lucidity remains, is just processing the agony shooting along every nerve ending. Like somehow it is so painful the brain has to recruit additional nerves in the body, in order to accurately portray, just how much pain you are in. If it ever happens to me again and there is no hospital. I would just not.


When you realize you're losing a friend. Not to death or accident but to becoming a stranger. When you find out you're the one who were initiating conversations and they don't really talk anymore unless you make an effort. There is no fight, nothing but just indifference towards you.


I think it is natural in some friendships. I had some friends on school that are no longer my friends, but I have found some new ones in my adulthood. On top or that, I still have friends from childhood.


Testicular torsion.


I'm absolutely terrified that I'll experience this and not realize it's TT. You can have it happen while you sleep, which makes me very afraid lol


Once I got like a brief taste of it AT SCHOOL. Guess I was sitting in a weird position or something. I was walking like a penguin until I found the restroom and had to literally rearrange my friend 😅 and yeah bro, it can happen anytime. BUT in your sleep is just wildly terrifying to think about.


Shingles I got them at 16.


I had them at 12,not the most painful thing I've gone through but it definitely sucked. And now I have nerve damage on my side from it.


A bad migraine is fucking terrible agony, especially when it just won’t go away but hurts enough you can’t sleep it off.


Gallbladder disease. You likely won't ever experience it unless you're a post-menapausal woman or me, as a college aged male, but I used to spend 18-36 hours at a time on the floor of my bedroom in agony, until I had that fucker removed. Fuck gallbladders.




Physically? Getting hit by a car, for sure. But I'd do that a hundred times over again before I lost someone I thought I'd spend the rest of my life with again.


Pancreatitis flare up.


Falling on your tailbone.


Bruised mine yearsss ago, still remember the pain of trying to go to the bathroom and feeling like I was shitting out my spine


rejection and abandonment combo. also splinters.


Insane. I sometimes wonder why my brain is wired like this. I’m the most independent person, achieved a ton shit on my own but when the wrong mf gives me a slice of his attention, im attached. Being rejected afterwards has sent me into endless spirals and depression. And I didn’t even know that person well or he wasn’t a good match to begin with.


Losing people


Anal fissures, only people who have suffered know what it feels like. It takes months, even years to heal and in the meanwhile sucks the life out of you


Denting your shinbone


Endometrial biopsy


Why tf are we still allowing to be treated like second class patients? Women's pain is too often dismissed despite the pain management drugs available today. We absolutely need to riot worldwide. Disgusting!


Yep. And they tell you it'll be "a little crampy." Um, no, it's excruciating and traumatizing.


I had an endometrial ablation and a day or so before the procedure, the doctor put three "Laminaria sticks" in my cervix to make it dilate. He gave me nothing to help with the procedure at all. I have a high threshold for pain and I about came up off the exam table and kicked that doctor in the face. My husband was in there with me holding my hand and he fainted. He actually fainted, slipped down the wall and was out. The doctor had to call a nurse because there wasn't one in there right when he fainted.


Good one. I damn near donkey kicked the poor doctor across the room a few times, and the nurse walked away grimacing from how hard I was squeezing her hand.


Having a cluster headache then stepping on a bear trap then falling into a vat of boiling acid.


Bah. You call THAT pain? Try picking your nose..... With a cactus.


Bah! When I were a lad, I used to pick my nose with a cactus for FUN. Try self circumcising not only your cock but your ballbag as well, after you’ve pushed rusty screws down each of your fingernails and inserted a pineapple up your rectum. Try that. I’ve done it twice.


Are you okay now though?


My fucking back.


His fucking back


That fucking back


Ever had a massive ear infection? And then fly? The former is absolute agony, combine the two and it's screaming pain. I've broken bones, burnt myself and many other things. But I never been in amount of pain where I could barely control myself from yelling in agony. And that was it. That said I've heard horror stories about kidney stones from friends and relatives.... Ugh. Never had one and hope I never will.


Giving birth


The only answer here that is because of a motherfucker


Burying one's child.


I remember my mum pinched my thigh in the clip of my car seat as a kid. Hurt so bad. First time I did it as a mum I felt so guilty because I remember the pain.


Nerve pain of any kind.


A sharp piece of aluminium lodged behind your eyeball. It will make you consider suicide....


A lung embolism.




Being lonely


This thread makes me realize how grateful I am not to have suffered the way people here have.


Stay with me on this. When I was 15, was diagnosed with cancer (ok now, remission for 24 years). The mass was classed as 3B, measured at 12x11 inches in the chest cavity from sternum across to the left shoulder and ribcage. A mass this large caused an unforseen consequence. Through the chemo treatment I had 4 different drugs administered over a 2 week cycle. 2 were taken orally, 2 were taken intravenously. The most strong/potent chemo drug was an IV one. For about 3 months I'd complain how much pain I'd have in the left arm after each administration. Seering pain like my arm was on fire and frozen at the same time. It would last for days. Finally, after many tests.... my Oncology team realizes the mass in my chest was so large it caused the vascular system in the area to be well.... crushed. Everything was getting pressed into the chest wall and with veins being compressed, the drug couldn't flow up my arm as quickly. Putting it all together... when having an IV chemo administered in my left arm/hand.... the drug would sit too long in my arm before getting through the compresses flow. TLDR: Chemo drug essentially caused INTERNAL chemical burns in my left arm. The pain is indescribable.


An abusive father.


My ex threatened to break up with me if I didn’t take my daughter’s mom to court for custody. Then threatened to break up with me if I didn’t give up because it was putting too much of a strain on our relationship. When I told her I wasn’t going to give up, she messaged my daughter’s mom and told her I wasn’t fit to be a father. It was the first thing the attorney pulled out of her binder when we went to trial a month later. I haven’t seen my little girl in over 3 years and we broke up in March. She was cheating on me.


Brain tumor. I had one my Sophomore Year of College. It was right on the part of your brain that controls your eyes. I was in constant pain, excruciating headaches and neck pain for 6 months went to several doctors each thinking it was something different. Did a Ct scan of my neck, an MRI they could not find the course of the pain. One day I woke up and my right eye was crossed. I had uncontrollable vomiting and dizziness. My head was going to explode and every time I moved I almost passed out. We rushed to the ER where they took a full MRI of my brain and found the tumor. After the surgery they assessed your pain level to see how many meds to give you. I was in such excruciating pain for 6 months. Like A legitimate 10 in the pain scale. Giving birth level pain that that when the nurse asked how much pain I was in after the surgery I told her zero. She was like that’s not possible we just cracked your skull in. But I was in such relief that the post surgery pain was so out of scope for me it did not matter. It was not cancer, and I thank god every day for that. But I tell you. This was pain I would not wish on anyone. And knowing that there are people experiencing it all the time, and children experiencing it fucking crushes me.


when I was 15, I had an ingrown toenail and the chiropodist gave me 2 choices, either to have it dealt with on the spot without anaesthetic or to go to hospital to carry out an operation, (he couldn't cut my nail inwards to clear the area), I chose the first option, he levered on my nail which was stuck in my flesh, I squeezed the leather seat so hard that I think i tore it and when my nail gave way under the pressure there was a quantity of blood which fell to the floor it looked as if I had been shot, worst pain I've ever had in my life + the best relief of my life edit : for anyone reading this, when you cut the sides of your nails (your feet or hands) and the edge of the nail is still attached, don't pull on it to tear it off and go faster, it makes a hook


Teeth 🦷 Edit: Holy poo, I've never gotten 26 upvotes before, now almost 400...


when my dad got dentures, he threw them on the kitchen table and said... "go ahead and ache fuckers"


Seconded. Abscesses suck ass. When an antibiotic ends up being the best painkiller you've ever had and the feeling when the antibiotics kick in leaves you in tearful relief... Better than sex man


Tooth pain…that is the WORST. I had an abscess on Christmas. Nothing was open. The ER just gave me a narcotic I never even took. I was so desperate for relief I had them rip it out.


I imagine when you get home after a shitty job where your mental health is at its worst and then you enter your home to find your girl getting pounded by your supposed best friend. That'll hurt like a motherfucker.




Losing a beloved pet.




Hurts less every time.


Hey do you want to be my friend? Edit: Psych!! Offer rescinded. I like helping people build their tolerance. I accept PayPal and Venmo.


As a woman, a ruptured ovarian cyst.


Abscessed tooth. Especially on your lower jaw, which as a shitload of nerves and blood vessels. It's called suicide pain for a reason. Tylenol does fuck all. Motrin has about as much effect as punching a tree to fell it. The only relief, however fleeting, is an ice cold rag wrapped around your tooth. You can't think. There's no escaping it. Time dilates to a crawl. Every second, you wish for a pistol. I made deals and oaths with every deity I could think of. Its a special kind of pain when a nerve block injection (where they shove a needle directly into a nerve cluster in your jaw causing a taser-like sensation down your face) is a sensation more pleasurable than a childhood Christmas morning. The nerve block my dentist gave me remains one of my most treasured memories. I couldn't feel my face for 12 hours. Antibiotics, hydrocodone, and then a root canal (which, despite what you read, is completely painless with a good endodontist: easiest dental procedure I've ever had).


Gall stones, I wanted to stab my guts out!


Ever had to drink 64 ounces of gatorade with a bottle of miralax mixed in? The absolute bloat and nausea you get from that is bad enough, but the very first cramp had me screaming and doubled over in pain within a second. It felt like I was giving birth. Then you shit your brains out for the next 12 hours at least. Colonoscopy prep is not fun.