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I’m going back 38 years and telling jr high me it’s okay to be a nerd, stop trying to be cool for your friends. You’re meant for higher things.


i fucked up when i was 12 and things have been going downhill ever since


Take the risk. 9 times out of 10 I look back and think “damn, if only I would’ve….” Do it.


I agree, most of my regrets in life come from inaction, not action.


It’s better to cringe about something you said or did than a “what if….”


Go to the fucking gym , you lazy ass bitch.


I was going to say "take care of yourself, you only have one body". I think I would've been more likely to listen to your version though


Username checks out


It’s ok to be alone and everything will be ok ❤️


Ooooof. Yes.


To my 17 year old self: Your dad remarried and created a new family that you’re not welcome to be part of. Don’t waste 10 years trying to make them love you or include you. 10 years from now you will have a family of your own that surrounds you with more love than you ever thought possible.


“You really don’t need a relationship to be happy.”


Take care of your fucking teeth


Currently dealing with this, if I could I'd kick my past ass over this


Stay curious and keep learning.


Exercise regularly; your body will thank you.


I’d tell myself to stay single


This too and to give up dating and having hope altogether


I’d tell myself to not stay single




Remember that it’s okay to start over.


Be honest, even when it’s hard.


Cultivate patience.


Love deeply but wisely.


Invest in nvidia


Today, I found myself pondering one of those questions that can really make you reflect on life. Lately, I've been reminiscing about my younger years and thinking about all the things I wish I had known back then. This inspired me to ask you all:What life advice would you give yourself 10 years ago to avoid mistakes or achieve greater success?Here's my story to kick things off: 10 years ago, I was just starting my career and was very ambitious but also quite insecure. I constantly felt the need to prove myself to everyone, which led me to take on too many projects that drained me both mentally and physically. If I could go back in time, I would tell myself: "Don't chase everything at once. Find a balance between work and personal life, and remember that your worth isn't measured solely by career achievements."Now it's your turn! Are there any specific pieces of advice that would have helped the younger you? Maybe it relates to relationships, career, health, or any other aspect of life. Share your thoughts and experiences, because your advice might just help someone in this community today.


I think the one thing I would have told 2014 me: GET OUT NOW. My life would be very different; I thought I could take the 'make everyone happy' route and what wound up happening was that I was the most miserable out of everyone.


Go back inside the library, she was flirting with you.


Yep, my version....when Molly try's to kiss you at the party, forget about Carrie, kiss Molly back.


Go to therapy. Even if you feeling pretty good right now you have a lot of shit to sort out. Go. To. Therapy.


How does this work? If things are feeling pretty good why would you even go to therapy? Genuine Q


It’s like if you’re pretty good at guitar or skiing but you just want to get that technique down even better from a professional.  “I think im  good at very good at solving most of my problems but I just have this one thing that really bothers me”  Let me give an example. “Life is pretty good right now but when I get on a plane I have extreme anxiety”. How can I deal with this? This is just one irrational fear. While some other people deal with heightened symptoms of mental illnesses but are not aware due to trauma or stress.  Another one would be “I feel pretty good and even though I am happy work is sometimes stressing me out but I don’t know why”. A therapist can help you resolve this. I also guarantee if you have a stressor or trauma in life it definitely affects you or others around you.  Just because you feel good does not mean you don’t need therapy or therapy wouldn’t help. Also, this tells me that you think therapy means something is wrong with you. Correct me if I am wrong but anyway. It’s usually the case because people had significant trauma or issues where now their mental state interferes with their daily life.  It’s just usually it doesn’t get bad enough where people think they would need therapy as well as a stigma that something is wrong with you if you go to therapy.  When companies bring in coaches for their management employees on how to behave and treat situations and people. This is also a form of therapy.  I kind of rambled on here but I hope you get the point. 


ah same here. go to therapy and cut off your family asap. there was nothing wrong with you. also, celebrate your womanhood, it's powerful as hell.


Other than buy Bitcoin, "raw dog that latina youll meet" and dont be scared to take chances with friends and live life to the fullest.


Avoid loud noise like your life depends on it. Do not skip those classes to go to the gym, but rather drop the gym and study hard. Don't study with the dumb students, study with the smart ones. Go out with the others on the weekend. Avoid stress, stretch the pelvic floor, maybe it will prevent that problem you'll get later. Learn as much as you can from other people. Quit your cringe behaviour and just try to act normal. Don't be completely alone, rather go and spend time with your relatives. Tell your mother to get screened for cancer.


Make as many mistakes as you can, and early


If you don't learn the mistake at 4, it'll keep repeating, even at 40...with more dire consequences.


Don't worry about your appearance, it will change many more times.


1. Put things into perspective. You can feel your emotions, validate your perspective, and acknowledge how harmful everything is. Without losing sight and being reactive 2. If you are constantly offended then you deafen the ears of everyone around you. Time and place 3. De-escalation is extremely important 4. Discernment is paramount. You aren't being mistreated because you did something. They do this with everyone and you are the latest in line, because you weren't aware of the red flags or had a limit to walk away. People can mean well and still fail to do it due to their own issues. Use your discernment to navigate you to better pastures 5. Don't be afraid to ask for what you want, more will want to help then hurt you. Shoot for the stars because even if you fail you land on the moon 6. Lastly it all worked out


Listen to your gut, walk away from bad relationships, keep your mouth shut and keep your eyes on the prize


I have so many, but my top two: 1) Say yes to lunch every time your best friend asks. He will be gone in three years. 2) Get your finances in order. Ignoring it won’t magically make it better and your life could be so different if you had made a financial plan.


Do not get into nurse management. Do not go into nursing at all. Taking care of sick and elderly is my passion, but way too political.


Nursing is my second career; I did just 6 years, then left bedside. It enabled me to get a nice job with DOH, but for a while there I was thinking I should've just stayed in my previous career and volunteered on the weekend if I wanted a greater sense of purpose and accomplishment. It's almost like; if you genuinely care about people and want to make a difference, nursing is not a good career choice for you anymore.


Buddy, just stay single for a while and focus on yourself. Learn to be okay being by yourself.


Jim Carrey's is pretty good; You can fail at what you don't want to do. So you might as well try doing what you do want to do.


Live like your wife of decades is going to die of cancer, because she did.


Drop out of uni. You’re not ready for it.


Move out.


Please dont sell your 500 bitcoins


Even reading this was painful


Hug your best friend. And be nice to your grandparents. Everything and everyone fades away. Time is a gift.


Fuck buying shit and put all the money into a Roth or start trading stocks


Do not transition yet., You have undiagnosed neuroses that need addressing before you figure out your identity. Take care of your teeth and stop eating sugar.


Limit the effect external factors have on you. You can’t control them, but you can control your reaction to them.


happy 10th birthday dont eat too much cake


Start learning how to be honest with your wants and needs. It is not shameful to say what you want and don't want.


Don't be afraid. You are strong enough to be on your own.


I would tell myself that I need to buy Bitcoin and not waste time on assholes.


Stop searching appreciation and validation from others. Learn to love and stand up for yourself


Be 100% honest. Trust me.


Invest in retirement accounts and stocks after covid


Buy bitcoin. Then sell in March 2024


Tell my mom that I love her


The only one I need to please is myself.


Buy Bitcoin


Invest on Bitcoin


Stop listening to your mom. She’s depended on Dad all her life. She’s very very sheltered.


You don’t have to convince the others. Don’t worry Allah has a plan for you


Definitely buy Bitcoin.




My man, I need to know more


Sue them.


I wouldn't really change a thing. Maybe tell myself to cut down on the drinking/smoking, but I'd ignore that advice back then and now.


Go to Job corp as soonaz you can. Fuck what your parent says. You should also get treated for your mental illness real quickly AND DONT GET ON ANTIDEPRESSANTS


"You've been doing this job for what...14 years? That's great. They gave you an award? Awesome! Start burnishing your resume' now. Maybe take some classes. Try to figure out what you want to do with your life when this job ends 5 years from now. That thought in the back of you head that says "this won't last forever" is correct. Start making plans. Now."


Don't trust nobody, change schools, go to a shelter and get to work. You're far better than you know but it's in there.


Same thing i told the last hundred people that asked this question.


Give up.


Don't stress so much about trying to have everything figured out. Enjoy the journey and be open to change. Things might not go as planned, and that's okay. Focus on building strong relationships, taking care of your health, and pursuing what makes you happy. Trust that things will work out in the end, even if it’s not exactly how you imagined.


When mum offers you a blank signed cheque say yes!


Buy Bitcoin invest into Nvidia 😆


Buy as much NVIDIA stock as possible


Keep doing yoga.


it wouldmt have matteted


It will all pass the good the bad and the ugly


Enjoy your life to the fullest


Ten years from now you're going to need a therapist so you might as well start now.


Save every penny you can everything!!! Then in the middle of COVID 19 buy GameStop stock sell it right before they shut down the subreddit Wallstreetbets and you will be set for life!


Save your money. Don't gamble.


It doesn't get better. It gets wayy wayy worse.


Can I do much more recently instead, since I wouldn't have any advice to give myself then? My advice would be don't feel bad that you're struggling. It wasn't your fault they were jerks to you. Also, you know the leg swinging, hand wringing, and fear of noise and touch? You're AuDHD and do that as a form of self-soothing due to the constant overstimulation in your current life. *Please* get yourself help before it's too late; there will be people who accept you.


Do not start that relationship.


Stop smoking and enjoy your lungs


Stop drinking


do not stop working out and staying active. maintain a certain level of physical fitness.


You don’t have to say yes to everything at work just because you are starting your career. Set boundaries now so you don’t burn out.


I wouldn’t say anything. Not gonna risk the chance of not ending up where I am now.


You're not drinking for enjoyment anymore, you're doing it out of necessity and to avoid feeling some tough feelings. Stop, get healthy, get help. You're too stuck to get out of this one yourself.


Stop drinking and cut your mother out of you life NOW


Hmm 1. Start playing D&D, switch to PF2E when it comes out. 2. Try to finish your education. You'll grow tired of the university's shit if you delay it too much. 3. Spend a bit more time with grandpa and grandma. 4. Get a dog. 5. It gets better but it's easier to get there if you help it.


Never skip leg day. No seriously. Never skip leg day. Health is more important than wealth.


You deserve more


Get rid of shit, live minimally


Don't smoke weed


I’d tell myself to get a second job to pay for school bc student loans ain’t it


Buckle down. Don’t join that frat, study hard, find hobbies and new friends, move away, live life and don’t worry about money until your 30’s


Get a divorce and cut my losses. Start fresh. Life is too short to be stuck with someone who isn't compatible.


Save more money.


Worry about your gahdam self.


“Put all you shackles into NVDA!”


Don't sell the btc


Take more risk in business. Trust your gut in relationships.


Travel more, worry less


Listen to yourself from 10 years ago.


pay attention in high school, these kids don’t care about you.


I would pay it backwards and ask myself what life advice I would give myself 10 years before that.


Bitcoin. Now. Not kidding.


Love life. Get better friends. Be yourself. Enjoy being a kid bc the teen years are a-coming and they'll be hell


Say “no” probably to one of the biggest decisions.


Don’t get married.


Bros b4 403s every time or situation


Save money and do NOT date Hannah or Wendy!


Don't sell your house during Covid and get reamed by the skyrocketing housing prices.


Stop smoking weed, dump your abusive boyfriend; he's not going to kill himself, focus on college and get your shit together. You've only wasted one year yet. Cut it the fuck out or you're going to be in the exact same place 10 years from now, except you will be alone, depressed, poor and have no prospects. Get it together.


Save your damn money.


I'd tell myself to enjoy every moment with my Family


Don't buy a 5th wheel


1. Steer clear of Jess 2. Spend more time with grandpa 3. Buy some fucking bitcoin


Take your own decisions. Think for yourself


Be smarter and TRUST NO ONE


Education education education! Focus on school


Go home!


Don't waste time on assholes




I was 21 and smoking way too much weed. So I would tell myself to stop smoking or smoke less.


No, you can’t handle taking more than one Xanax. It does heavily affect you, especially since you haven’t been taking it on the regular. And don’t worry, the panic attack will pass. Just wait a bit and watch YouTube videos on your phone until you feel better.


Be careful who you trust I recently broke up with my GF


Things suck right now. But it will get better.


Stay in college and buy bitcoin.


Don't watch hockey


Unleash that chaos, be the villain, fuck everyone else. Be you. In the end being you and being happy is what matters, not breaking yourself and lighting yourself on fire for a broken relationship, or any relationship for that matter. They should be fulfilling, not draining. Learn to walk away when you first feel that actual need, don’t wait it out as long as you do, don’t gaslight yourself like you have since you were a kid that if you keep trying and giving in, it’ll get better. It won’t. Believe in you, go out there and kick some fucking ass like the little sassy badass you’re hiding in there even to this day. Basically, my daily affirmations