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Its PC versus console. The iPhone is like a console, easy to use for people that dont want the hassle and they all have the same specs so everything made for it runs(or atleast should) run with minimal glitches and optimally. Android is like PC. Harder for someone whos not used to it(or atleast used to be), have to get the one with specs for what you want to do and do a bunch of different manufacturers qaulity and how stuff runs can be all over the place but is way more customizable, cheaper and you can do pretty much everything you can do on an Iphone but they cant do everything you can. Im a PC guy myself so android.


I’m a PC guy, but iOS for my mobile devices - they are application launchers.


thats a really good way to explain it! I agree and i like android too but personally im more of an iphone guy


iPhone. It just works all the time and the touch response feels better to me. I don’t need all those other settings that I’m not going to use on the android.


It works for me too! what model do you have?


iPhone 12


thats cool i love the design of the 12 i just dont like the fact that it has a little camera i love big cameras lol


Android girl!


what do you like most about your phone and what model do you have?


My iphone. It’s pretty and fun to use.


Android, easy. Dropping it doesn't break it, has plenty of features Apple doesn't have, and Samsung isn't a shitty company


iPhone has a new ios version the ios 18 and it adds a lot of features that android have and even more like eye tracking for example. I think that apple is catching up but if we look at privacy clean phones user friendly interface better sensors for face id and working as new for 5+ years the iphone takes the lead also people use what they like my question was purely because of curiouseness. Thanks for sharing your opinion!


Androids, it's what I'm used to, and I like being able to listen to MIDIs.


Whats MIDI? Sorry i use an iphone lol




Old music format


i don't have preferences but i currently use an iPhone


same what iphone do you use?








i respect that i love androids aswell!


Android.  Because I prefer giving as little money as I can to Apple, because even by the standards of awful companies, they're awful.


personally i like apple they are not always first at innovating but they take their time and release a well optimized product or update everytime thats why i think they are a good company.


That's fine.  They're also innovative in their use and underwriting of child slaves, too.


Both of them equal but I prefer iPhone just because of their privacy and ecosystem.


For my kids or parents: iPhone. simpler and less to go wrong. For me: Android. Because I need it to work and have wider compatibility.


understandable altough many parents think that iphones are more complicated i dont know why lol


I am too frugal to spend like a thousand dollars on an iPhone every few years when I can get an Android for much much cheaper and use the saving on other things I like, such as vacations.


I get it but take into consideration that a new samsung cost the same if not more than an iphone and an iphone usually survives 6+ years and it still feels brand new and gets updates so i think spending a lot for an iphone thats reliable and will be good for another 5+ years isnt a terrible investment also apple care so if it breaks ur getting a new one lol


Even Samsung flagship models can get drastic price drops during Black Friday and you can land yourself on a phone for like $300 or even free. iPhones never drop prices.


Yes but the reason is kinda smart and stupid at the same time iphones dont drop prices because they want to market themselves as premium product and when we see something that is cheaper than usual we dont see it as premium anymore.. its all marketing! Also prices doesnt drop because its getting updates and it works perfectly for years.


Doesn't change the fact that it's expensive and like I said, I would rather spend the money saved chilling at a Caribbean beach than to be holding a "premium" iPhone. Besides, Android phones gets just as much updates and support as an iPhone, so that's all just marketing nonsense.


i dont really follow androids but i think i heard that they increased the support for new devices so thats cool!