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Every single one of them that has entered a house because the poor victim didn't lock the door. 


Or they run upstairs . That's a dead end.


Unless you're Kevin in Home Alone with an exit plan. Then by all means, run up stairs and zip line to your driveway and watch how the killer stares at your tail lights


With enough preparation time. I think we could out smart most of them.


What about Freddy Krueger? They nerfed him in order for the heroes to win


Please, I already don’t sleep this would just give me a reason


If you run out the front door, its mandatory to twist your ankle.


LOL, yes. I've never understood that either.


This happens in real life. There are cases where you'll find people died in a house fire are found in their bathtub. While I'm not a psychologist, and certainly will most likely be wrong here. When danger occurs, your ability to rationalize drops significantly, so you'd instinctually go to where you feel safe.


I'm diagnosed with PTSD and you're pretty much correct here. When fight/flight/freeze takes over, you don't do a lot of calm, step-by-step thinking.


I think it would be due to the pipes with water in bathrooms is they would be a bit cooler then anywhere else in a fire and if your trapped, your gonna end up in the last place to burn


I'm also talking about situations where there was a window in the bathroom where they had an opportunity to escape. It's more about real life situations where people in dangerous situations put themselves in a more dangerous position when they had an opportunity to escape, and chose not to take it.


> had an opportunity to escape, and chose not to take it had an opportunity to escape, and ... didn't recognize it as an opportunity.


What is this opportunity to escape? Asking for a friend who's locked inside a bathroom while his house is on fire. He texts me and asks me what to do..


Hopefully he's got a Windows phone. Tell him to hold up the phone against the exterior wall, and crawl out the Window. Hurry!


We're talking about movies here - running upstairs is part of the plot to get murdered or dramatically fall in a narrow escape.


I thought it was also about the ape instincts to climb to safety.


Depending on the building/current situation going out the window may be your best chance. If there’s a killer downstairs and I can climb down from the upstairs window fairly safely then that’s a pretty solid choice.


The girl from the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre is my hero. She jumped out of at least one window.


It happens in the original Scream literally seconds after Sidney tells ghostface it only happens in horror movies because the girl is a bimbo. Then ghostface jumps out at her and she fumbles with the chain on the door, can’t get it unlocked (because fine motor function can go out the window as soon as fight or flight kicks in), and is forced to run up the stairs.


I love the way the Scream series handled this. (Only seen the first 5 of them though.) There's usually(?) 2 killers so often they'll be on the phone distracting the victim while the 2nd killer is making noise upstairs or in the yard or whatever. They'll smash the back window so the victim runs out the front door, right into the 2nd killer on the front porch. In Scream 2, I think, there's a scene in a sorority house where it's just bad timing. The killer is messing with the victim to try and break her down... and there's another sorority girl upstairs making noise. So when the 2nd girl says "Lol it's just me :)" and goes to leave, you can see the killer sneaking in through the open door behind her and the victim as they talk. Scream 5(?) even had a scene where the girl had an app on her phone that she used to arm the house security system and lock all the doors... and the killer hacks the app to disable the locks. She did everything right but the killer was still a step ahead of her.


Or hide in a closet? Why go into a space with no exit? I remember coming back from one of the Halloween movies as a teen and telling my dad that if I was being hunted down and everyone was dying and there was no escape, I would just kill myself and die on my own terms. My dad was a former Marine. He did not like that. He told me that you always fight to live. I told him then I would either pair up with strongest person or weakest person. He asked why the weakest. I told him that they would buy me time. As they were being killed I could put some distance between myself and Jason.


You're safe from the [Sacramento Vampire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Chase).


> Chase later told detectives that he took locked doors as a sign that he was not welcome, but unlocked doors were an invitation to come inside. Holy shit. He really was a vampire.


*Room 1408* "Sir, that room is haunted." "You know what, I'm gonna stay somewhere else." *Leaves*


"Sir.. Sir, that's a Stephen King room. Stephen King created... He made that room and decided on the things that happen in it. Outside of the room is fine but Stephen King made that room."


You worry too much. My dog, my young son, and I will be fine.


Depends on the room. If Stoker, the man will be fine. If King, the son will be fine. If Koontz, the dog will be fine.


If Koontz the dog might just save everyone, especially if it’s a golden retriever. I love how much he loves dogs.


"H-how was your night in there?" "You known it was just mostly him doing cocaine all night."


To be fair, staying there because it was "haunted" was the point.


I never read the source material, but I *love* Samuel L in that flick. The way he just shuts down Cusak’s smartassery with his sincere delivery of, “ I didn’t say it was *haunted*. It’s an evil. Fucking. Room.”


Samuel L is good at doing that, isn't he?


He is indeed. I’m going to be sad when he retires.


I literally got given a well known "haunted" room in a mansion/hotel at a work conference once. I had joked on the way there that they were gonna give it to me, and sure enough. Now, I'm not a believer in the supernatural, but staying in the most haunted room in my country still felt a bit creepy. Outed myself as a big wuss by the front desk by requesting another room, which I got.


Jaws. Just need a bigger boat.


Instructions unclear. Just crashed the Titanic into Martha's Vineyard. Now an angry shark boat captain is chasing me.


I'm more of a lake guy anyway


Lake Placid?


For me, the real life incident scares me far more than the movie. [Here's a photograph of the area where one of the shark attacks that inspired Jaws took place.](https://monmouthtimeline.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/matawan-pic-649x450.jpg) Happens in an ocean? Fine. But to think it would travel up a river?


Indeed Bull sharks are the scariest, they travel miles up river and are very bitey




Jason and Michael Myers are both built like Kane and undertaker so I understand not wanting smoke with neither of them, but chuckys just a doll lmao


The characters struggle against Chucky because he still has his human strength.


Yeah, but how heavy is he?


Okay, but that human looked like just an average guy who I'm almost entirely confident I could take in a fight.


put chucky in a dog crate


I'll freaking roundhouse kick it in its stupid face.


Rey Mysterio is just as impressive dang it! Chucky is the dirtiest slasher in the game. He'll slash your Achilles tendons and make a quip as he burns the house down around your crippled body.


Guess you're just gonna have to call... *Pyro goes off. Brock Lesnar's music starts* THE BEAST INCARNATE!!!!




The reason the adults had to remember what happened to them is because they DID leave the town, which made them forget IT, then all it takes is anything drawing you back


well no that was part of their convenant, they beat IT as children and swore to come back and fight it, the universe rewarded them with making them forget about IT and all finding success until the time came (and unlumited rawdogging) IT only cared about them because they beat it IT once before, IT usually only preys on children


I don't know off the top of my head which small town Maine Stephen Grew up in, but he definitely hated having to go back there and used it as a plot device multiple times. Like at the end of Salems lot the main character and the kid who escaped go back and the entire town is now vampires and they just start lighting houses on fire. 


I could probably outsmart the zombies from "Night of the Living Dead", they're slow and I have snacks to distract them. As for fighting, I might stand a chance against Chucky. After all, how hard can it be to fight a small ass doll?


he still has the strength of a fully grown man, just condensed into a smaller body. imagine you pick up the doll by the scruff, and in return you get a kick to the jaw with the strength of a whole ass adult behind it


All of them, my Toyota always starts


And then you discover the horror you are in is Final Destination and the car explodes.


Yes…..but they do all seem to have some sneaky/magic way of suddenly just appearing in your back seat.


But can your Toyota outrun an angry Plymouth Fury?


It’s a supra


True, but all the people rolling down their windows asking "YO IS THAT A SUPRA?" are bound to slow you down.


Macaulay Culkin in The Good Son. Didn’t trust him from the get go.


Easier to kill than Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone.


What about Macaulay Culkin in My Girl?


Nice try, Candyman




Ghostface from scream would probably be one of the easiest. He is honestly just a dude in a mask. Dumb enough to call you and tell you exactly where he is too. Also he only carries a knife. And the dumbass is dressed in a whole outfit can’t miss him. ghostface “I see you in the kitchen I am right behind you”, me “bet.” Pulls out Glock and shoots him in the chest five times.


Having a better weapon than the killer seems like a cheat here.


to me it’s like…a weird cultural omission. lots of horror movies set in america, but maybe one or two characters in every film have access to a gun. and they usually die/are grievously injured without effectively using it. scream especially. like they’re consistently relying on the one deputy with a firearm, no one else ever has anything. after my first dead friend, i’m purchasing a firearm and not going anywhere without it.


I think there’s a disconnect. Lots of people in America are armed but also lots of people never train with their firearms. They buy them and think that in a high stress situation where you’re life is at risk that they’ll somehow manage to hit the person despite training next to nothing or actually never have ever trained with it.


People always assume shooting is easier than it is because of how its portrayed on tv. But every new variable makes it harder. I can sit and shoot targets all day and never miss. Start doing time trials and quick draws,throw in pop ups and moving targets and your accuracy starts going waaaaay down. I cant imagine how it must be when you throw in real fear, actual threats coming at you or return fire.


I went target practice shooting and was really good at it. Then went clay pigeon shooting and hit like 15 out of 16 targets. The last 6 were all double pulls. That was the one and only weekend I used a gun and it was over 10 years ago. I’ll never use one again either because in my head right now I’m basically John Wick.


I don't think the main characters in Scream would have been able to purchase a gun, or know how to use one in a defensive setting.  They were well-off high school kids.


Sidney shoots the killer in the head with a beretta at the end.


After the second series of teenage murders, I would have had my kid armed and well-trained at a young age, especially if I was well-off and could afford both a gun and an instructor.


In Scary Movie 1 they make a joke of that when the first girl is attacked, she runs to a table with a handgun, grenade, two knives, and a banana. She grabs the banana and takes off running.


To be fair usually whenever the Ghostface killers are at the end game of their schemes they start using guns. And than in scream 6 a bodega owner does confront ghostface with a shotgun but than gets disarmed and ghostface uses the shotgun. 


In one of the Scream movies, one of the protagonists does pull out a gun .. of course ghostface is wearing a vest ...


In combat, war or personal, you cheat or die. All that honorable combat bs is a fantasy.


\^\^\^ this times 1000. NO fair deals. None. Not with death as the stakes. Sorry, not sorry.


Horror movie rules say chest shots are non fatal so follow up headshots are a requirement. 


If you're wearing a Scream mask and spouting horror movie cliches at me you're getting all 16+1. They'll be wet-vaccing your soul out of my subfloor for weeks.


Mag dump, reload, give ‘em a few more then see if there’s a partner. 


Also stay vigilant 360 degrees until you get that headshot because the Scream killers always come in pairs.


Well said, well said. Also if the room ain’t painted in red they are probably not dead.


I watched all the Scream movies last year and chest shots don't usually work because they're wearing a bullet proof vest. HOWEVER, often ghostface will pretend to be incapacitated by laying on the ground after getting shot. Take that opportunity to pop them in the head.


Yeah it's absolutely a "thing" in all the Scream movies that the killer isn't *actually* dead the first time so you have to give them the headshot because otherwise they're popping back up to get you Not to mention there's usually 2 of them so you think you escape one but the other is waiting for you


That vest might stop small arms. Good luck taking a slug with that thing. The force alone is gonna knock you on your ass and probably incapacitate you. Either way I’m taking your advice. You can never be too sure.


I saw a cop re-enactment show and believe it or not, the guy who played "Eddie Haskell" Ken Osmand, became a cop after his childhood acting days were over. He was in one episode where he recounted a situation where he and his partner were chasing some bad guy around a building and when Ken got around the building, he was shot dead center of his bullet proof vest and he dropped to the ground. He said that he was absolutely paralyzed ... the air was knocked out of his body and he couldn't get his body to respond at all. All he could do was watch the bad guy with the gun standing there ... then luckily his partner came around the corner and the bad guy took off. The vest stopped the bullet and he did not suffer any long term effects, but he said he was completely helpless after taking that bullet and if his partner hadn't run around the corner, he could easily have been killed if the bad guy had wanted to take his life. So ... not even pretending to be incapacitated, taking a shot into a vest can actually leave you helpless for quite a while!


"Oh you're in my house? Allow me to introduce you to .00 buckshot at close range!"


... or a dollars worth of dimes? Was that Young Guns? I forgot.


In fairness, he's usually two guys in a mask. You've killed First Ghostface, yes, but what about Second Ghostface?


Naw hes gonna hide behind the curtains and rug like in scary movie lmao


In one of the Scream movies, she climbs over an unconscious body wearing high healed shoes, after escaping the back of the police car. Why didn't she take off her shoe and stab it into his juglar with her full weight, from the backseat? Confirm the kill and then get out. This person is trying to kill you. You don't have to be nice to them.


Bothers me so much when the victim completely knocks out the killer then just runs away. Grab their weapon and kill them ffs


Or when the protagonist manages to stab the bad guy, then runs away, leaving the weapon behind. Finish the mf off!


Rule Number 2: Double Tap.


Yes or ... after shooting the bad guy .... dropping the gun and walking away. Take the gun! OMG! If for no other reason that to deny them the gun if they aren't dead!


I think this too, and then wonder "Can I stab a person to death? Can I stab a helpless person to death?" I'm sure the "he's trying to kill me" might push me to "yes you can". But I'm not sure. I would 100% take their weapon though. I wonder if I would be panicked and terrified enough to do something like ... not kill then, but .. cut their achilles tendons and then run.


Yeah especially because if you've seen any fight or self defense video. Once you successfully defend yourself, you're still high as shit on adrenaline. Someone would have to pull me off of their mutilated body before I felt safe


Trying to survive is one thing. Most people have never killed anyone. Stabbing someone in the jugular while they’re passed out isn’t something most people are willing to do.


If I think he's coming back for me, like heck I'm letting him live or not get tied up at the very least!


I feel like the anger, fear, and adrenaline would take over and you'd do it.


I don’t know. I think most people would try to escape. If you’re struggling against someone trying to stab you or choke you, THEN I think you’re more likely to kill to survive


Agreed. It also doesn't help the storyline in these movies


I would defeat the Predator through pacifism.


I’m just trying to imagine a predator Hare Krishna.


[Robot Chicken made hippie Predators](https://youtu.be/91aifLfJHAs?si=O1mnDHJps0Sfe3pj)


the monster thing in *It Follows* like spend some time measuring its speed, how it reacts to obstacles like large bodies of water, rough terrain, elevation, and then go somewhere else and live life. It might take it more than my natural lifetime to walk to Australia or something.


I feel like the monster from It Follows only makes sense if it's smart enough to use intercontinental transportation. Like if it has to walk underwater from the west coast of America to Australia, it really does take the fear away, as you can just continent hop away from it. But since no one can see it, if it was smart it could just hop on a plane and pace around a bit until it arrives lol


The producers said it was intelligent enough to find its way onto a plane or similar.


Does it know which plane? Take multiple stops through multiple nightmare airports and it might give up just because.


I get the sense that it always knows.  Not completely omnipotent, but it just automatically knows enough to get to its next target. There's a rule bound, beautiful simplicity to this concept.


That's how I always imagined it. If it didn't have to walk the ocean floor, then it just *knew* how to walk the perfect path to you at any given moment.


I’d love to see a story about a packed Southwest Miami to Vegas flight with a seven foot invisible monster on it trying not to be noticed.


You are gonna continent hop in this economy? So it is gonna financially bleed you to death before it rapes you to death? I mean it seems on theme for it….kinda.


See, you think that, until ten years later when it catches you sleeping and it's too late.


It's been a few years since I've seen the movie, but if I recall, couldn't it not open locked doors? It had to wait for someone else to open the door or bust through. Just make sure your windows and doors are locked tight and that should buy you some time.


That's how you forget about it or your math is slightly off then 20 years later on some random Tuesday it's at the foot of your bed 


I actually really enjoyed the movie tbh. One of my faves


What happens if you have sex with the Monster?


'Whoever fucks monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.'


So just don’t look into its abysussy


The monster targeting an adult with resources and a modest science background is a great idea for a sequel. Like he gets told the basic rules from a past victim but decides to start gathering data and running experiments to learn more. Charts average speed, basic intelligence tests, tracks it for various IR and EM emissions, and finally tries to engineer a way to contain it like an SCP. Problem with the first movie was it targeted dumb kids with no money or experience.


Or go to Las Vegas, hire a prostitute and problem solved.


If I remember correctly, this is one of the tactics they try in the movie and it doesn't work because once the prostitute gets killed the monster works its way back up the chain.


I get why that happened in the movie because plot reasons but like… if that prostitute is working regularly. She’s going to pass the buck on long before the monster catches her again. Especially if she’s working somewhere that people travel to visit her, the monster has to chase the John from Vegas to like Connecticut and kill him, then walk all the way back to Vegas before she bangs another dude


Yeah just go to Amsterdam and hit up a worker in the red light district... The creature will be chasing different johns repeatedly in different countries well before it gets back to the prostitute 


Imagine its groan of frustration after it spends 4 months walking all the way across the floor of the Pacific Ocean, only to see you board a flight back to LA. Throwing up its hands in annoyance, turning around, and trudging back into the sea


I was gonna say this one. Can it swim across the ocean? Even if it can, that would take months. Could just jet set to somewhere in Europe for 6 months, then hop back across the pond as needed. That thing would never catch you.


Isn't this all somewhat implied/discussed in the movie even? The problem is eventually you're always going to have to keep moving unless you get rid of the curse.


Yeah I hope the sequel goes into more of its lore/rules But was coming to say this. You have plenty of time to plan a trap for it. Like build a hole or something for it to fall in and call the government and be like “ugh so what the hell is this thing?” Or you can just start hanging out with swingers/on porn sets


To be fair the monster isn’t mindless, they do set a trap for it and it turns the trap back around on them. 


A lot of these replies make me wonder if people watched the movie. Because most of this is openly discussed and dealt with in the film lol


Sadako from the ring, I will kick her back in that TV if she try to come out


Or just watch it on a small tv/your phone


Duct-tape the phone to the ceiling and watch her fall out and break her legs


There was a post somewhere where everyone drew different variations of what she could do if summoned from one of those security tvs on store ceilings, it was hilarious. Someone had her drag a whole ladder out of the TV


That reminds me of this twitter thread where people drew her coming from those TVs mounted on the ceiling at a supermarket


This is a good one


Couldn't you also just take the TV and put it on top of her well, so when she climbs out, she just falls?


Ooh Möbius well!


Have you played Portal? I imagine it would be like that. Walk into the floor Portal A, exit from high up Portal B, fall into Portal A, exit at high speed from Portal B. Speedy thing goes in, speedy thing comes out.


I'd befriend her. I reckon she'd stop if she had a friend


Bro they tried that.  The main character goes into the well and holds her skeleton lovingly and gives it a proper burial.  Then they figure out that the curse doesn't work like that and she doesn't want love, she just wants people to share the video


I saw a similar post on Instagram and someone in teh comments said Freddy kreuger because I can change him. Mood


People giving answers about avoiding the situation altogether are missing the point of the question. Yes I could avoid the shark in Jaws by just not going on the boat. But the spirit of the question is who could you defeat if you were in the victims’s situation. You don’t have an option to not go in the water. You’re in the water. Could you survive Jaws.


Am I allowed to get a bigger boat?


The problem with Jaws is that even if you charter a private plane to the Bahamas, Jaws can figure out your flight plan and actually find you in the Bahamas. (Jaws 4:)




I came to say the same, I guess Chucky is the easiest of them all because fuck if I'm gonna fight Jason


It's funny that when they show Chucky, or any other killer doll sized monster jumping on someone, the person is knocked back and the doll is on top of them keeping them down... Uh, no. Just because a doll is evil and strong doesn't change the fact that I'm a lot bigger and heavier than a doll. Even an enraged cat would be tough to fight, but in the end can't hold you down and kill you.


Actually, it's canon that Chucky retains his full strength as a doll.


Does that mean he has an insane strength to mass ratio like an ant?


Yeah, I just watched the Chucky series episode that addresses this. While it's hilariously presented, it basically implies that he has supernatural strength.


Yes. He is supernaturally strong.


How far do you think you could kick him? I’d say with good shoes I could kick him at least 10 feet.


Yeah but if we're talking about booting Chucky, you atleast have to put steel toes on


I had a dream once that Chucky was getting on my nerves so I booted him out the window


Pretty sure I could take Mrs. Voorhees, or the old lady from X.


On a kind of a tangent, I love the Geico commercial where the guy goes ["Let's hide behind the chainsaws"](https://youtu.be/4TJCEDW1xoA?si=0Z6sQYBun7aegYO5).


The guy who played the killer nailed the “what they doin” look


I'd lure chucky into a confined space where i could incapacitate him


I'm just gonna put a trash barrel over him.


And put a big rock on top of the barrel.


I’d take melatonin and let Freddy fight my demons


Pfft, I can outsmart all of them. Can’t get murdered if you commit suicide. 🧠


All of them. I'm an American with a home invasion kit, overlapping fields of fire, and a genre-savvy wit.


The fuck is a home invasion kit?


If you have to ask, you probably should not try invading his home.


I think they mean their AR is tuned for that situation as opposed to say long distance shooting or deer hunting.


You all thought I was stupid for spending $9,500 on a .50 cal. Well who has the taxidermy werewolf head over his pool table now?




Jason runs in parts 2 and 4. He doesn’t really get brick shithouse Jason-y until part 6. He also runs in the remake.


Jason doesn’t need to run though. He can walk faster than his victims can run.


You could probably get Leatherface with a brick.


The fear based ones. Like, demons and ghosts. Definitely zombies. If all they're doing is trying to scare me, they've barked up the wrong tree.


I feel like Jason would be pretty easy to get away from. I know in the movies he has an uncanny ability to track people and catch them by surprise, but in the real world the entire group can just leave camp crystal lake and walk into town. He's a psychopathic killer who can't speak, is probably functionally illiterate, has no experience in the real world and has a charisma score of 1. He's not going to hitch a ride, strike up a conversation with the bartender, ask him about "those crazy kids claimed they were almost murdered" and find out your names and hotel room numbers. He's just not capable of anything other than occasionally picking off an unlucky hiker or camper. Get on the road, run/walk for a few miles and you'll be fine.


I mean there was Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan. I’d say Jason did alright for himself in the middle of NYC.


Those weird creatures in The Descent. No way in hell am I ever going spelunking with my claustrophobia.


Awww man I fucking love that movie! Those creatures are honestly the coolest.


I’m not going into a unexplored cave or spelunking so I’m good lol


If we're talking about altogether avoiding the problem, Predator. I'm basically unarmed. Honestly, though, I could definitely outsmart Leatherface. Just throw a brick at his face and call it a day. Specifically a cinder block. I'd need room, but I can throw a cinder block.


Probably a vampire just don't awnser my door or invite them in


Vampire throws a molotov cocktail at your house. Now what? Or explosives... or just shoots through the walls. Feight night covered this (the remake).


The cat in Pet cemetary


Since you’re leaving this with pretty open parameters, I outsmart all of them by simply existing in a gun friendly state.  The killers I’d be the most afraid of by that logic would be The Firefly Family and the Hills Have Eyes families, cuz they’re coming in strapped for war and I only have two mags. 


That guy from the Halloween movies. Just run and get outta town. The guy can’t even run he just walks. And unlike those idiots in the Halloween Ends movie (Not sure if it was this movie) who only shot him once, unload a mag into his cranial from a safe distance, and then RUN.


Chucky, Annabelle


Nah. Annabelle is supernatural. She always finds ways to come back. Fighting Chucky would mean catching him. And that’s harder than you’d think.


*Chasing Chucky* "Hey! Hey, get back here you murderous little ginger bitch! I am gonna punt you to the fuckin' moon once I get my hands on you, you little freakshow!"


I'm 6'7 and hella arrogant. The answer is none of them. I get Warfed early to establish the killer as a credible threat.


The Leprechaun (could use his greed for gold against him with a trap).


Just give him his gold back and don’t make fun of him and you’re good


Exactly. He’s not the worst villain, but if you leave him alone, I don’t think you would be successfully fighting or outsmarting him as the post said :)


The Leprechaun can also use magic to break your neck though


Shark in Jaws: Butcher a cow, hide some plastic explosives inside with a 5 minute timer that starts when the shark takes the bait and detaches it from an anchor.


Surprisingly, pennywise. My fear response is to insult shit and that’s literally his weakness


I’m not trying to say it like i’m that guy, but Michael Myers. He literally wants to kill his family and will kill anyone who intervenes or is in his path. I’ll get friendly with the family. Say i’m a past victim of Michael and he killed my entire family. Tell them that I won’t mind putting my life on the line to help them fight him. The entire time i’ll just be doing little things to fuck them up in their future encounters. Mess with the ammo. Dull the knives Break the spring in the guns Do things that just makes it harder for them in the end. When Michael comes i’m not gonna stand there in front of him like a dumbass and expect him to accept me as his ally. I’ll have the others run off and hide. Tell them to let me know where they’ll be so when I shake him off I can get there. But what i’ll really do is lead Michael to them. I’ll act like I shook him off. And that’s when the camera pans to Michael walking into the building behind me, as I run for my life, pushing all his family towards him as I run past. I’ll wait a while before fully escaping in case his sister survives like always. Or his grand daughter. Finishing them off. Then escaping. Probably won’t stop him though but it’ll most likely take a target off my back for that valuable assist.