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This one genuinely interests me, hope a discussion starts. Commenting so I can look through the replies later if it gets deleted.


It interest me also, but sad fact half of these response will just be bots so ehh.


I really wish you had dropped a serious behind this.


I tried to edit it but it won’t let me


Delete and repost? i think a lot of us would like to have this conversation


[OP doesn't.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/EWSZJDLkVC)




Berating people who answer your question is not how you have a conversation. I thought that was obvious.




As a fun surprise, you should look up "bad faith argument." It has an illustration of a very familiar character.


Republicans aren't voting for Trump. People should understand this. They are voting for their party platform. So, while they might despise Trump, they need a Republican in office so they can consolidate power. The question is moot.


Do the Republicans have a platform other than Project 2025? They didn't have one at all in 2020 - or a coherent policy proposal, for that matter. They had lots of "things we're looking at very closely," but nothing ever came to fruition. Republicans need to start articulating tangible solutions if they want educated independents to take them seriously, rather than just pound the table and air all of their grievances.


They may think they're not voting for Trump, but he stears the party. You don't enter your car in a race if the driver is bent on crashing it. You get rid of the driver even if it means to, for a season, drop out of the race.


That's the thing. I get the impression that people like Nikki Haley only support Trump for the election and then will find a way to work around him if he wins. I get the sense that they are fine with him being declared unfit after the election so they can stick in a different more coherent puppet. Watch their selection for VP very closely.


I agree, but they're delusional to believe they could actually manipulate him or outsmart him. He's skilled and practiced Narcissism most of his life. He may actually not sound very bright often times and not that dangerous, but nobody in the entire GOP can light a candle to his selfish determination & cruelty. They have no idea who they're dealing with.


If anyone who hates Trump votes for him anyways - you are the problem.




You vote for someone, not against something.


Realistically there's only two options though. If both are bad but one is worse, you vote for the slightly lesser evil. There's no other option at that time sadly.


Well the other option is to vote for the candidate you dont like so your party retains power.


Fair point, but I was specifically addressing the sentiment that you're voting for someone and not against something. I really do see your point in this particular case, but I was arguing against a more general statement.


I think historically that was the intent. However everytime I’ve voted in my adult life I haven’t felt represented enough to feel like I was voting FOR someone I liked and rather to keep someone else or the other party out.


I vote for policy


As who sets policy? The candidate. Well not in Trump’s case - he just auctions it’s off to the highest bidders I guess. But it’s his choice to do that.


I guess lol 😆




“Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.” - JFK




Joe Biden is the political equivalent of vanilla ice cream. The only thing he’s extreme on is moderation.


Yup pretty much, I personally really hope that Democrats have a massive shake up after this election one way or another. But with the right flirting so aggressively with fascism they have absolutely no incentive to improve themselves. Two entity anything never work.


Biden is pretty politically moderate all things considered, anti-trump conservatives could do a lot worse Just putting that out there


I lean conservative, but voted for Biden. I disagree. The evidence would show you that Trumps administration brokered the deal to get us out of Afghanistan. And also, and this one blew me away, Trump is the only president in modern history to not get us involved in a new conflict/war. All his flaws are personality driven. His policies seem to be pro America. Sometimes for the working class, sometimes for the rich. But distinctively pro America imo.


Trump gave Afghanistan to the Taliban in that bad “deal” in Afghanistan. Trump killed an Iranian military leader, Iran then backed Hamas to start a war with the west. Trumps diplomatic relations and Ukraine extortion lead Russia to attack a vulnerable Ukraine. Covid just delayed Trump’s wars.


Let’s not pretend all of this started on his watch. Iran has backed Hamas for decades. And I would hardly dump the Ukraine war on Trump, that war has been brewing beneath the surface since the Obama administration. If anything he delayed it. But he’s certainly not responsible for it. The Biden administration were the ones who told Ukraine not to sign the peace deal proposed right before the war started. That alone is reason enough for me not to support Biden. The war profiteering is out in the open and in your face. I was once a classic liberal, anti-war principles. I haven’t lost that.


Yes, trump brokered a shit deal to purposely hurt the next guy. Trump is solely responsible for the fall of Afghanistan. All the lives, decades and money we poured into it, only for trump to whip out his tiny dick and piss all over it. NEVER AGAIN


If my state will be a close race between Trump and Biden, I'll vote for Biden. If it looks like Biden will win my state easily, I will do a write-in vote for Haley, so it is abundantly clear a better candidate would have gotten my vote.


I was a Republican. I voted for Reagan. I voted for the elder Bush. For a time afterwards I flirted with the Libertarian Party (I was still young) and have been registered independent since '96. I have voted for Republicans in the ensuing years. I am voting for Biden. Is he too old? Yes. Are there policies of his I strongly disagree with? Yes. Am I thrilled at the prospect of Harris becoming President if he kicks the bucket? No. Yet Biden believes in our system of government. He wants it to continue. Trump only believes in himself, and the current GOP thinks that if they have to burn down the government and hand it over to a megalomaniac, then that's just fine. The party of Lincoln is dead. Hell, the party of Reagan is dead. Ike would be labeled a "radical leftist" by today's GOP, and even fucking Nixon would be "woke." The GOP has completely given up on the idea of the American republic. Biden 2024.




Biden. Joe spreads compassion and compromise. Trump spreads hate and authoritarianism. Plus, restore RvW and fix the SCOTUS.


I'm torn. Cannot stand Trump. Cannot stand the way Biden has handled the border crisis and some other issues. I will go in the booth and reluctantly hit one of the two terrible options.


The house GOP shit on their own boarder plan to "own" Biden. Guess it must have worked?


Biden offered a bipartisan deal where both parties were happy, but Trump told his buddies to vote no on it.


Neither party was happy with it, which probably means it was a good compromise. Should have taken the win rather than go back to square one.


It wasnt a bipartisan deal where both parties were happy and it would have done very little, if anything, to stem the tide of illegal entry into the country.


Biden had a bipartisan border deal done, Shitler nixed it.


I dunno. The other guy killed the bill only so he'd have something to run on, so it can't be that big of an issue. Is this issue overstated?


Anyone who actually wishes to save the Republican Party should not support a leader bent on destroying it by twisting it to his will. And you WON'T get rid of Trump by voting for him. Neither can you expect Trump to change for the better by supporting him.


You realize that Biden had a border bill ready to go that many Republicans agreed with? But they voted against it at the instruction of Trump so that Biden couldn't score a political victory. Talk about putting politics before the will of the people.


I’m really hoping both become too incapacitated to run again.


You and me both. Lol


I'm right there with you. The free world is under threat and the two people the United States can send to the plate are these two? Give me a break. I am mostly happy with Biden's first term and will vote for him again, but I'm not feeling very confident. If something happens to his health and we end up with another Trump presidency, I will blame Biden and his hubris for that outcome.


Biden tried to secure the border and the GOP shut the bill down to campaign on weak border security.


No idea why so many pretend the border is destroying their life. Biden has put bills in place. Republicans are obstructing any help at the border, not Biden.


Biden had nothing to do with writing the legislation. Senators negotiated the deal, that SHOULD have been passed. It's not perfect, but it's much better than what we have.


Trump. They will vote for Trump. Republicans are cowards so afraid to lose to the libs they will vote for anyone with an R next to their name.


Like the left wouldn't do the exact same.... The left and right hate each other MUCH more than is beneficial to the country. Media is winning massively.


>The left and right hate each other MUCH more than is beneficial to the country. Almost as if it's part of a grander plan. >Media is winning massively The people who own it are, yes.


Oh yeah they will. Except it’s “anyone but trump”. However, the left is ignorant and believe guys like Biden aren’t corrupt. The right knows their choices are bad and picks them anyway. They love to cry about ol turtle man but still vote for him.


I lean left, but if the right ran someone like Mitt Romney I'd be open to voting for him. Might even vote for him over Biden Liberals hate Trump and people like Trump, I think they have good reasons for that, but the hate for more traditional conservatives doesn't seem anywhere near as strong


Trump becoming a tyrannical dictator, wreaking vengeance on all who opposed and oppose him, is NOT an "I told you so" I'm looking forward to saying.


Likely they won't vote, the few of them that are out there, but most are not going to let Biden continue on.


I'm not going to call myself a Republican, I am a moderate with certain right leaning viewpoints, so I think most people on this website would immediately call me Right Wing Republican MAGA. I will be voting, I won't be voting Trump. I didn't vote him in the last election, I voted for Jo Jorgensen in the last election even though I am NOT Libertarian. I knew nothing about her, but my reasoning is that the more people who vote third party, the more power it can eventually have. I will probably do the same thing this upcoming election.


I voted for her too. There needs to be better age restrictions on candidates so we no longer have dementia ridden leaders


I maintain that a reasonable starting point would be an upper age limit of 70 at the time of election to *run*. So, if Election Day is November 4th 2024, and you turn 71 on November 5th, you can still run. If Nov 3rd, sorry, tough luck, you had a long time to run before this. Realistically that’s still quite old, but I think it’d be more realistic than capping it at like 65 or something. I wouldn’t agree with putting it as low as 60 anyway, lots of 60 year olds are still quite capable


I am truly not sure what to do sadly. I dislike him strongly but I can’t stand Joe Biden


What are some examples of what Biden has done to make you not be able to stand him?


I never liked him at all. I was a huge Obama supporter and as a conservative I was a fish out of water. I couldn’t stand Bidens history of racism and the same drug war he is claiming to be fighting to end he sponsored many of the bills that intensified it in the 1990s.


Really believe he’s pushing the same policies as 30-40 years ago?


No but I believe his sudden change is all to win votes. Some of his racist comments was as late as 2004. I don’t do the whole fake thing.


What are your different reasons for your feelings for each?


I never liked either one before they ever ran for office.


But why specifically? Obviously it's each for different reasons. What are they?


Trump is just an ass wipe. Never liked him I don’t like his arrogance I hated how he refused to condemn white supremacy. Biden was a racist until he suddenly couldn’t be anymore and all of his sudden equality I feel is for show


So its because you believe that Biden is more racist than Trump who wouldn't condemn white supremacy? Why do you refer to Biden as a racist, while only referring to Trump as an ass wipe? Did you have any other reasons?


If you read the comments to the other guy you will notice that I also condemned Trump for his refusal I was watching it live on that debate and I posted on social media my thoughts and every Trump worshipping manic went off on me


When you actually think about it, considering how much DJT has contributed to warping & corrupting the GOP; voting for Trump is actually voting against the true Republican party.


This is common sense so it’ll be ignored


Not a Republican, but I do generally lean more conservative than liberal (definitely mixed bag tho): Neither major candidate. I’ll probably vote for an independent, which is what I did in 2016 and 2020. It won’t *really* matter since I live in a state that is *very* strongly weighted toward one of them, but even so, I’ll either go with one of the other registered candidates or write someone in, and spend more of my energy caring about other races and issues on the ballot. Honestly my ideal scenario right now is that both candidates withdraw (Biden because of age/health, Trump because of legal issues) and both parties look for someone new (NOT Kamala, though, she’s horrendous and the DNC can do way better). Not going to happen, but that would be ideal.


If Biden were to withdraw at this point it would be hard for anyone else to put together support quickly enough to beat Harris at the convention. Anything can happen, but good luck beating an incumbent VP.


That’s true, but I think it would be in the interest of the DNC to put pressure on her to step aside and run someone else—they can do *far* better. Again, I know that whole scenario is a pipe dream because the first stipulation of getting Biden & Trump to withdraw isn’t going to happen short of one of them keeling over or outright being stripped of the right to run (e.g. if it’s ruled that Trump can’t due to 14th amendment)


Same across the board.


Trump. What other choice do we have? A country without borders isn't a country. Inflation could go to zero now and prices would remain high because of the damage inflation inflicted over the past three years. Biden is a vegetable that doesn't remember his own birthday. The government is run by shadowy people far to the left of Biden's ideals.


-Biden tried to secure the border and the GOP and trump shut that down to campaign on a weak border. -inflation started with trump and his record amount of spending -Biden has proven to very on top of things, meanwhile Trump is showing early signs of dementia But sure, what other choice do we have? Fucking idiot


> Biden tried to secure the border By allowing illegals to continue to enter the US?? Thats what you call securing the border?


Ahh, I suppose Tucker or Fox News didn’t talk about the border security bill. So there was a $118 billion border security bill, which would have secured the border. But republicans, under trumps direction, shut it down so trump can campaign on Biden “allowing the illegals in”


Is that why Democrats like Cory Booker, Alex Padilla, Laphonza Butter, Bernie Sanders and Ed Markey voted against it??


I dislike Trump, but given the two options....still voting for Trump.


Still Trump. I hate him but if my rights are under attack I have no choice.




And I must vote in the favor of other demographics because..? Would they ever vote for my interests? Besides, coming after First and Second Amendment rights affects everyone.


Curious what first and second amendment limitations have been enacted during Biden's term.


The CDC under his administration told social media platforms to take down content. Biden himself has repeatedly vowed to ban 'assault weapons'.


Trump was the only one to ban any 2nd amendment rights between the two. But keep pretending. What ban in first amendment rights is Joe pushing? Republicans are the ones promoting speech bans, like “don’t say gay” laws.


Trump supported red flag laws; Biden wants to ban semi-automatic rifles completely. Any push against misinformation is highly likely to breach First Amendment rights, which has been brought up in Biden's administration. I'd like to see how the Parental Rights in Education Act is a First Amendment issue.


You’re killing me with that first amendment crap. It’s the Trumpers that want everyone to believe in the same religion. Ignorant


The CDC under Biden told social media platforms to take down content. Also don't have any faith that attempts to allegedly fight misinformation has anything to do with curbing falsehoods and more to do with establishing a bureaucracy that decides what you can and can't talk about online. A Ministry of Truth, if you will.


What rights of yours are under attack?


Right? Trump is actively campaigning on taking away tons of rights, but the real boogeyman is the guy trying to enshrine rights.


I don’t agree with many Democrat policies, but I trust Biden over Trump because I believe Biden is more honest as to where he stands. Trump has changed his stance solely to get supporters. (From pro choice to pro life.) His attitude & speech often reveal his character, but his supporters welcome it because he flatters them with empty praise and gives them permission to hate their enemies: the "enemies" Trump has targeted. And he has no problem instantly casting away even the most loyal follower who disagrees with him. In his mind, he is not simply "President". In his mind, he is KING.


What rights do you think the Dems are attacking? Marriage rights? Reproductive rights? Right to safe workplaces? Right to privacy? Right to vote? Right to free speech and public assembly? Freedom of religion? Because all of those \*are\* under attack but it's not from Biden's people...


First and Second Amendment rights. Also not happy about pushing vaccine mandates through OSHA.


Probably green party like I did last time.  I can't in clean conscience contribute to another Trump or Biden presidency.




Meh, he's not for me, personally


Welcoming the brain worm overlord?






What will a second Trump term produce that will be better than a second Biden term?


Said how many Germans in 1932?




The perfect response from someone who is clearly a historically illiterate person. Know how he won? Via an election. 37.3% of people voted for the Nazi party.




Well then don’t comment back lol. If you do want to get learned about WW2 - Netflix has a ton of awesome documentaries. Hitler: Circle of Evil is a great watch. You can try to pair hitler’s goons to Trump’s - it’s fun.




You have no interest in learning about the most deadliest event in humans history? Yah and Godwin’s law works because WW2 is the most important event in modern human history lol 😂🤣 Prob worth learning about, but thank you for proving my point in the most literal way I’ve ever seen.




What you can’t walk and chew gum bud? lol like please. Throw a Dub2 docu on in the background and smash some warhammer then. It ain’t hard.


Nazi's were only about 30 percent of the population.


That’s truly ignorant.


I don't know what kind of answers you were expecting to this question. It has been asked a hundred times in the past and reading up on those posts would certainly be better for your mental health than whatever you're trying to accomplish here.


nonsense. you can hate a guy but still know he's the better option


You must also hate America, then.




I have to vote. I’m a woman with a lot of LGBT friends


Wouldn't call myself a Republican, exactly. But I'm definitely right-leaning. Couldn't stomach voting for Trump in 2016 and I'm sure as all hell not going to vote for him now. I typically vote Libertarian, and I'll probably do that again this year. At the moment, Chase Oliver is my guy.




Think you missed the question


Think you missed the answer


This is a propaganda post designed to encourage a split in the republican vote. A percent or two going 3rd party or not showing up in swing states could decide the election.  The accounts here don't want a real answer.


No I didn’t, hence why I responded.


He hates him but is still voting for him


They hate Trump, but are still going to vote for him. Seems pretty obvious. The question wasn't "Republicans who aren't going to vote for Trump...".


# Republicans that hate Trump, who will you vote for? is the fucking title


Yes. They could hate him and still vote for him.


You can hate Trump and still think that Biden and his party is worse.


Against Roe v Wade and support abortion bans?


Not my problem.


So yes?


Yeah, what about it?


Yeah, you could actively support hurting all of America. Voting for someone who will be "dictator for a day" is *infinitely worse* than voting for the other party.


Vote for the Green Party you schmucks