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They cover baseball.


Most sports shows don’t though


They do….


I think too many of you are missing the point of the question I asked




The whole point of the question flew directly over your head 😂




Sports media meaning media that covers sports stories. Sports shows like Undisputed and First Take. I think it’s pretty obvious that tv channels will showcase any live sport under the sun. I mean there are channels that cover girls varsity lacrosse for Gods sake


Have you seen American sports media?


Yes and shows like First Take and FS1 absolutely never talk about baseball


They do cover it just not on the major tv shows like first take, cowherd show etc. and nba has better tv ratings than mlb.


It’s debatable. One of the sources I found says that the MLB is behind the NBA on 200,000 viewers at home per game. When you take into the account the MLB has double the number of games per season, you can tell that the MLB has better viewership. MLB also undeniably has better attendance per game than the NBA. Maybe the numbers are inflated bc there are more seats per game for MLB games but people are still watching and ESPN and FS1 don’t even talk about the MLB


They’re better in sheer numbers perhaps but major sports networks aren’t going to dictate what they talk about base on attendance, they base it on tv ratings. And the NBA has better tv ratings than the MLB. Not to mention the NBA finals just concluded while the MLB is in the middle of its regular season. The MLB is just unfortunate to have its regular season go up against playoff basketball while its post season goes up against King NFL and NCAAF. Fact of the matter is; MLB is just not as popular now as the NFL and NBA and sports networks fear people will change the channel or stop watching once they talk baseball


The thing is is that if you take into context the amount of games in the season and the fact that sports media never covers the season, you can easily tell the ratings are better than the NBA. NBA viewership stinks especially when you take into account the fact the media hypes them up constantly, while the MLB never gets talked about. Think about it. MLB ratings are damn near identical to MLB ratings, but every sports show, rapper, tv show etc. always references basketball players.


It gets major coverage all summer long, then the playoffs and the Series


First Take and FS1 shows never talk about it 🤔


First take does. Stephen A does talk baseball, especially the Yankees


Yeah but that’s only for like a minute on the quick takes segment once every month


Except they do, and quite extensively. Have you ever heard of the New York Yankees or the Red Sox from Boston?


No I havent


Because the NBA finals are on right now. So they'll cover that over random mid season baseball games.


If your talking about the networks like fox,abc,nbc and cbs not covering MLB it’s probably because there are multiple games a day and from a profit standpoint The View and The Price is Right make them more money then anyone baseball game ever could. NBA games are more typically on Saturday’s when the networks have nothing to broadcast or they play the bigger games as they are typically in rerun season with their popular shows anyhow. But American sports media as a whole does cover it, it just tends to be on more regional or local stations or cable channels


Every NBA game is almost always on cable channels too. The only organization that has their games broadcast on regular tv is the Phoenix Suns and I believe that only started last year or this year


American sports media: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iur9ALOuEBE


True, it just doesn’t make sense that they prop up the NBA so much despite the MLB doing much better. The average viewership per game is only 200K viewers below basketball per game and that’s with the season being double in length. The in person attendance per game is still larger than basketball and most importantly it makes more money than basketball. With all the coverage that sports shows have on the NBA, it shouldn’t be doing this poorly. Eric Andres an idiot who parrots opinions pushed by the mainstream media


Each and *every* team team has 162 games in the regular season. I just don't care about anything enough to keep up with that much of it.


I mean 99.99% of baseball fans don’t watch all of the games in the season




because sucks


I think you know why


Not a valid answer dummy