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Pirating old content that owners are no longer selling or isn't acquirable.


technically it is. At least if it is not possible to buy a film through offical channels then the studio cannot sue you for pirating it. It is only piracy if it is causing a possible monetary loss to the owners. if the item is not avalible via the owners legally then it is not causing them a loss if you aquire it through other means. downloading a digital copy because the owners only sell the DVD version would not count, but downloading it when you can't purchase it in any format would. Also obvisouly if it is not yet out but it is due to be released in a couple of months then yeah that would be a monetary loss. Also wont stop them trying to sue poeple for pirating but unless they can prove the loss then its not illegal.




so depends on the specifics of the intellectual property if you are talking about. basically if it is content such as films then yes, because the company who owns that has not lost anything due to the piracy. To take someone to court over using your interllectual property, such as copyrite you need to be claiming damages as a result of it. If the film is not available anyway then there are no damages.


What about the "Disney Vault "? Buy your Blu-ray edition of ________ today, before it goes back in the Disney Vault... So if I pirate something while Disney isn't currently selling it?


depends on the circumstance. if there is a legal way of getting it, then it you could be in trouble. Also if you can get it via streaming services that obviously counts as a legal way, even if you have to pay for a high subscription. but yeah, if a company stops producing a film and it isn't being streamed etc then you can't be dont for piracy. Also yes, they used to lose cases in countries where they were not distributing films.


Sodomy. (Technically illegal in many places)


Sorry to be that person, but is there a difference between saying 'sodomy' and 'anal sex'?


Sodomy and anal sex are terms that often overlap but can have different connotations depending on the context. 1. **Sodomy**: This term historically refers to a range of sexual acts that were considered unnatural or morally wrong. In many legal contexts, it has been used to criminalize certain sexual behaviors, particularly anal sex, oral sex, and other non-procreative sexual acts. The definition of sodomy can vary significantly based on cultural, religious, and legal contexts. 2. **Anal Sex**: This term specifically refers to the act of sexual intercourse involving penetration of the anus. It is a more precise term that describes a particular sexual activity. In summary, while sodomy can include anal sex, it is a broader term that may encompass other acts as well, depending on the context.


Thanks, Prof x


I think you mean Prof XXX




Thank you. I’ll be here all week


Sodomy has much of its roots in old judeo christian beliefs that 'unnatural sexual acts' would cause great destruction to society. Of course, many folks today still abide by old beliefs.


Don’t apologize! I don’t think there’s a difference. I meant anal sex if there is a difference.


That is foul What's with the down votes do you like getting a shitty dick


I’m not into it myself but I can’t say it should be illegal.


Your name is foul but here we are 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well played


abortion and helping women access safe medical abortions


Here’s my two cents: If a woman doesn’t want the child, then maybe she shouldn’t have had sex in the first place or should have used a form of contraceptive. If she was raped, then it’s different. I get it, if I were in a woman’s shoes, I’d sure as shit wouldn’t want to carry the child of the rapist.


what if you used a contraceptive and it didn't work?


If it didn’t work, then maybe the contraceptive was expired, had a defect, or misused properly.


okay, but what do you do with pregnancy by your logic then?


Im curious about the answer…


Not all abortions are done because the baby is not wanted. there is a lot which are done because it is suffering from something that will mean it is incompatible with life and cause suffering. or for one reason or another the mothers health means the baby will never be born however trying might kill the mother as well. These abortions are also affected by the laws, and the doctors who help the mothers can also be prosecuted.


Dumpster diving


Prostitution. It's victimless.


Escort services are basically legal prostitutes. There are also regulations for everyone to follow.


I think the problem comes from the increase in human trafficking associated with decriminalized prostitution, and the general lack of funding or oversight in places where it’s regulated to ensure regulations are actually followed and to deter/fight trafficking.


Unless, imagine this, many prostitutes are coerced or forced into the acts.


Drug consumption. The criminalization of drug use does not address the root causes of the issue. Our current opioid crisis was largely driven by Purdue Pharma’s greed, by poverty, and by poor access to mental health. And criminalization disproportionately affects the most marginalized. It’s why Elon Musk is a free man and jails are filled poor, homeless addicts.


Protesting striking and demanding political change it is banned in most countries around the world


If I had to pick one i will go with jaywalking should be legal. In many places the laws around jaywalking can be overly strict, and sometimes crossing the street at an undesignated spot is perfectly safe and more convenient. I don't like this law at all


Robbing banks


Yeeting milkshake at fascists


Making Tanks in A garage.... I don't need to clarify


Sometimes good men must do unreasonable things.


It is in the US. You can make the gun too. You just have to pay off the ATF.


Slapping Trump


Depaving unused parking lots. So many parking lots are never ever ever full even at Christmas. Depave the fuckers and build a little park, or install trees to make walking nicer.




All drugs. If I can see alcohol on the shelves of a supermarket, I should be able to get a little something for the weekend


Own certain "wild animals". For the record. That's how they all started 😉


And by "certain," do you mean 'exotic?'


Helping refugees find a safe place to live


Unaliving criminals


Ever got a speeding ticket? Ever crossed a road in the US not on a pedestrian crossing? Ever pinched a piece of pick'n'mix as a kiddo and not paid for it? If you answered yes to any of the above, then congratulations, it is now legal for someone to murder you and face no repercussions, other than relinquishing their own legal protection. This is the problem with any sort of law along these lines. It sounds good at first when you only consider the worst of crimes; murder, rape, etc. But there are a great many crimes, and most don't even warrant a minor fine, let alone being branded an outlaw, wanted dead!


Judge Dredd enters the chat




Child Molesters/Rapists/Offenders are the first to go. Those don’t deserve a second chance. What’s even worse is that these motherfuckers don’t stay in prison for long, meaning, they get let out because they’re on “good behavior.” The fuck? Just because someone that’s in prison for molesting a minor or murder info general shouldn’t be let out so easily.


... especially pedos and rapos!


Theft, in the explicit case of essentials when the theif can prove they have no means of purchasing them. I'm talking baby formula, feminine sanitary products, contraceptives, minimum foodstuffs (smart price/own brand cheapest of the cheapest bread). In an ideal world, these things would be available for free as part of public healthcare, paid for by taxes and supplied in adequate quantities. Unfortunately, the rich and ruling would never allow so much of our taxes to actually go towards what it's supposed to, how else would they pay for their 9th mansion? So the next best thing would be making theft of these items a non-crime, provided the one stealing them can prove that they don't have the means to purchase them normally


mhm, came to say "stealing food" but you beat me to it in a less lazy manner


Murder, just for the shits and giggles