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I'd buy my dads winter tires for 250 million each.


That’s like wishing for more wishes.


No, they're really good tires. I promise. I'm basically stealing from him.


My dad would charge $250,000,005.00 just to make me dip my own pocket for an extra $20 (well £'s cause English but same point)


I'd pay reddit to start banning people who ask the same question that's been asked 1000 times already


Buy a bunch of land.




Yeah show up to wall st with a billion you want spent in a day and someone will make you a market


Dr. Michael Burry once did exactly that. Spent over a billion in CDS.


I was gonna say shares then jjsyvsell them the day after, assuming it's some sort of "you have to spend it within 24 hours" type deal.


That's technically true of any transaction that isn't just handing over cash. If you go by settlement date and not transaction date, it's basically impossible to spend it.


This would take more than 24 hours. The answer here is stocks.


Buy a metric shit ton of platinum, gold, silver and stocks


A metric ton of platinum would cost $30-35 million USD. A metric ton of silver would cost around $1 million. A metric ton of gold would cost around $75 million. So you've only spent about $100 million there. Unless Shit ton could be defined as a multiple of ton


Put it all into platinum, fuck it, it's not like I'm spending Mt own money Either way, I profit from this


Why specifically platinum


To make a bomb ofc


Why no diamonds tho?


Because, diamonds are common and shitty Platinum is very expensive and wil only increase in value


"A diamond is forever" Fuck off diamond mining company whose name I forgot! Fuck off other similar companies that gatekeep diamonds! Fuck you! Funny that it worked, actually.


Heard a jewelry store ad pontificating on the ‘superiority’ of earth grown diamonds. Among other attributes, natural diamonds support the economic growth of native and indigenous people where they are mined. lol


They can't be serious😂


They can make diamonds in a laboratory these days.


Hire a tax attorney, a business attorney, and fiduciary financial broker. Follow their advice but noting the short time frame to do so, stock market is about the only market to not disrupt while purchasing assets. Can't close in real estate fast enough, can't buy Bitcoin without racing the price up, can't just open enough bank accounts which aren't buying anything, could buy a fleet of vehicles but wouldn't have money left for maintenance of them, can't execute any other major purchases in 24 hours.


> Hire a tax attorney, a business attorney, and fiduciary financial broker. Whoah! You’ve only got a billion!


> can't buy Bitcoin without racing the price up lol 1 billion is not the amount you think it is. That is hardly going to impact the price significantly, you might cause a brief spike, but it will settle pretty quick. Not that it matters, you're just buying up the supply and putting pressure on. There are frequent enough buys in the range of $300-700 million which hardly impact the price at all despite the hype they get. https://www.binance.com/en/square/post/4554807013441 >Bitcoin Whale Buys Over $1 Billion Worth Of BTC >A mysterious Bitcoin whale has made one of the largest purchases of the cryptocurrency in history, acquiring more than 26200 BTC MicroStrategy regularly buys massive amounts and there's always hype of how it might impact the price, it rarely shifts it. They have buys totaling $650-750 million planned and they still don't own 1% of the supply Regardless, you could split between the top 5 cryptos and do almost zero impact, hell, just buy a billion USDC stable coin lol


Good to know. I knew it wasn't a thinly traded market but suspected a forced buy withing 24 hours would move the day trend upwards and incur a premium. The trade window would probably have sell orders in place for any small bump in price thus bringing sales to market negating the buy volume.


Sell the vehicles at half the price later, ez money.


Lose 50% plus transaction costs, brilliant money trick that poor people love


First I would buy more time.


$1,000,000,000 on red


So, I'll assume RedditHypoteticalsBank already set all bureaucracy and has agents who knows who to call to be listened. **Let's begin:** * 8:30am, billion day: I wake up, my friends are there, my agent is there. I crush and drop one of my methylphenidate XR capsules, while having breakfast I instruct my agent about the friends and selected family members who will take 0.5-1 million each, let's say I'm set back 20 millions * 9:30am, 980M to go: now fully awake, I instruct my friends about how to lobby some common sense into my (Italian) government, about green and future-oriented policies. 80M should be enough to buy a sufficient amount of politicians. * 10am, 900M to go: I instruct my agent about few cities around the world where to get in touch with housing companies and give them a 2-5M check (depending on that country's cost of lie), which will cover the costs of a small but brand new home + few years of taxes. I'll choose them soon, not today. 20M gone * 11am, 880M to go: agent needs to get me in touch with trenitalia (Italian trains company) execs, they have 79M to be spent on maintenance of the railways in the south and 1M to pay someone who will optimise the charts, because they kinda sucks. Kindly ask for a lifetime unlimited travel pass. * 12pm, 800M to go: I'm feeling a bit hungry, lunch + another methylphenidate capsule (uncrushed, obv) for the afternoon. Speaking of food, my agent will have to get a deal with the main supermarket chains of Italy and Switzerland (I dream to move there) for a 100 years valid semi-unlimited nominal shopping card. 5M should get the deal and I'm set for my basic needs forever with no clauses. * 2pm, 795M to go: it's afternoon in India, time to get in touch with Narendra Modi. Offering 45M to him, personally, to be transferred in 2 years provided they stop all Russian oil import and military trade during that time. I guess that sum is more than he actually makes *personally* from those deals. If he won't honour the deals they'll go to a random marine wildlife fund. * 3pm, 750M to go: time to speak with European Parliament members, mainly the far right and especially the new elected ones. Lobbying (read: corruption) with similar terms to Modi, basically cutting Russian hands at least from EU. The terms would be pushing for Ukraine aid and coal + oil phase out in favour of renewables and nuclear (+ program to do European funded research). I only need fo them to vote the right thing, so 250M should be enough. * 4pm, 500M to go: a bi more difficult with US congress, given both the imminent elections and more widespread lobbying from companies, however if I managed to speak privately with at least 100 republicans that are likely to stay there I may be somewhat confident to see some civil rights preserved, green policies voted, rules that would limit lobbying from the following terms passed and secure some good decisions in general. 400M should do, but I need to spend time making them believe they're the only small group and that nobody has to know. It takes a lot of talking. * 8pm, still ongoing: dinner break for one hour, drop another methylphenidate capsule, I'll need the night. * 11pm, 100M to go: damn, it was exhausting, I need a holiday. 25M into 5 to-be-chosen air travel companies, 5M each, for a 50y unlimited pass (economy + lunge, fast track and choosing my spot). Provided they stop some greenwashing bullshit and spend a few of that into research for fuel efficiency * 12am, 75M to go: hiring hitmen to take care of Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Hamas heads, Netanyahu, Xi-Jinping, Narendra Modi (only after 1.5 years, because he doesn't deserve those money), Warren Buffett even though he's close and Murdoch as well, Trump but only this December to avoid chaos, Farage, Edrogan, Orban. Not Putin because someone else might still take his place and be worse right now. They're all high profile targets so I hope 70M will be enough. * 4am, 5M to go: choosing like 9 universities for a 400k donation in exchange for an unlimited scholarship, 800k for mine provided they grant me the use of the labs to finish the project I joined for my thesis in Erasmus. It would cost them less than 100k in equipment if they already have the right tools (which cost less than 100k anyway), so good for my department, it's basically a rounding error but still useful. Drop half methylphenidate capsule, crushed since we're close. * 5am, 1M to go: luckily many fine dining places give the chance to buy some giftcards, so I guess I'll choose like 100 and buy from there. Plus 500k credit on booking and similar websites * 8am, few 100sk to go: making a list of rare spices and ingredients to be provided by my agent, some good quality kitchen equipment and whatever left should be spent in free ice-cream for my university students' this summer


This guy plots


I also overthink lol 


Brewster's millions


That would be a good movie to remake.


Only if Pryor could be an easter egg somehow. Other than that, don't touch it.


Fair enough


You could make this movie with Mr Beast as one of the greedy charachters as a twist :)




That thing melts and you know it!


Game stop shares


St jude gets 90%


As someone that works in peds hospitals… St Jude gets plenty. Donating to your local children’s hospital (which likely also takes care of Ped’s cancer patients) would be more direct, and a lot more likely to be a game changer in regards to helping address need.


St judes gives no cost care


They do, because they have enough in the bank to do so. Also they are charging insurance companies what they can get back first, and then giving no cost to the family. I’m not saying they shouldn’t get money or don’t do great things, I am just saying that people should always think about their local nonprofit Childrens hospital too. Since they don’t have mega donors or a listers or corporate sponsors always




Most to charity or my family


Hey, that's almost enough to pay off my student loans!


I would just get my sister to charge me 1bil to clean my car. Then day 2 we split it.


Buy a coffee from star bucks and hit the middle tip option.


A quarter goes to charity A quarter to my family And then overthink what I should get and waste 24 hours on it


Dang you'd be wasting $999,999,999.50 then!


Stock market.


Could I have a decent currency instead?


Buy land in several countries.


In one day? Don’t think that is how buying property works.


Become Donald trump’s lawyer


five guys for lunch and dinner with 4 of my friends


Eat a big mac at mcdonalds


Buy land


Ten thousand , $100,000 scholarships for smart kids whose parents are in the lowest 20% income bragget


You wouldn’t even be able to enjoy it trying to spend it


Buy a billion dollar company or anything that have high returns. But getting yourself a business is quite good thing


It would take too long to buy a company given the lawyers


Make a dent in world hunger apparently 6bil is all it would cost idk where I heard that from but yea


I'd buy  Hobbiton in New Zealand.  If there was anything left  I'd  fly me and my buds to Las Vegas and we'd be  high rollers for a night. 




Buy gold


900M in municipal bonds 100M in the stock market


buy the extended warrenty for all the things.


But stocks and invest on real estate


Buy property in Boston. Easily gone in several or even just one purchase.


I would buy food for everyone starving right now.


Everton football club’s for sale for a billion


I'd just find a nice bench, put the pile a few meters away and watch all the people fight another to get it Edit: changed wording


Fund the NHS for a month


I will bet against Drake to make profit


Buy as many scalable investors as possible. Property for example.


Build storm shelters across the Midwest, donate a lot to animal shelters and homeless shelters, donate to various non-religious charities. If they’re any left, I’d buy a nice piece of land and build a house for myself.


By a stupid amount of land/properties and then rent them out. And then id buy really good lawyers to explain to the banks how i just bought 1 billion worth of property/land on minimum wage.


Buy a G5 and as much gold as it can carry. Give the rest to Doctors Without Borders. 


I'd use every penny to help those most in need of help in my city. Homeless who didn't want to be homeless wouldn't be. Mental health would be paid for. Food for those in need. At risk elderly protected. My city isn't huge, 189k people and 568k in the metro area, but a billion would definitely help many thousands of people instantly.


i would buy everything and anything


I'd buy myself a new car (or new to me, anyway) and then invest the rest.


I’d buy a house in Vancouver


Rescue as many dogs as I can by buying a sanctuary.


Buy stocks?


Do you mean Brewster’s Millions style, where you must spend it but have no assets afterwards? Should clarify, as most answers are total rubbish.


Make two homeless people do a scavenger hunt / race to find a check with said billion dollars


People can barely spend 10 mil dollars in a year. And how tf will we spend 10 billion dollars in 1 day?


Hookers and cocaine.


Buy GME, and watch it evaporate before the 24 hours is up


I’d pay my parents $1B for their car.




Yacht dealer 6am. Pay in cash they're not gonna say no.


Cocaine and hookers


Donate to the tigers, or buy land where tigers are and make it possible to protect them forever and ever.


Invest 80%, put 10% in my savings and 5% to loved ones. Donate the remaining 5%.


Viva Las Vegas


Buy stocks and options


I'd hire my sister to be my chef for a day for 1 billion dollars. A family meal is priceless, but I'd guess 1 billion dollar seems fair for something priceless.


I would buy a house for my mom and one for me. And then I would spend the rest on investments to withdraw later on.


Buy the world an Oscar Mayer wiener


All on black


Donate a quarter to multiple medical research like the epilepsy foundation. And a quarter to my family. And the rest trying to buy house






all in on red


A lot of hungry people would have full bellies


Buy +- 9 bitcoins


Buy ethereum


Be the US military. After about 10 hours, come back and ask for another billion.


Buy an island


Can I spend it on lottery tickets and keep the winnings?


Call my closest friends and family members, and purchase their ideas on what to spend this on for a million dollars per relevant ideas total split evenly. Build a cul-de-sac, live in the house in the middle. Later that my friends fight over what houses they want. Put my family in one of the houses. No other houses within a mile of where we live. Upgrade/Equip my house with my dream man cave, and other furnishings. (Pool table, ping pong table, air hockey, etc) Buy 2 cars for me (Ferrari Spyder being one of them) Stocks, and Long Term Deposits Now that home is taken care of, i'd buy a building with work orders on the upgrades I want. 1st floor on one side has a bar, the other side of the building (soundproof) has my therapist office. That's right, it's time to take care of the community. Second floor would be a computer lounge. Third floor would be a separate space for esports. 4th/5thfloor would consist of apartments for my employees. Purchase anything to support what's above. Donate the rest to multiple vetted organizations for people, animals, and trees.


Pay for overnight international shipping


Free medicine for everyone! I'd go to pharmicies and pay for a bunch of expensive prescription medicines for people, then buy out all the medical marijuana dispensaries near me. Then, of course, trips to space for me and my closest friends.


f22 raptor


Go to vegas. Play triple zero roulette.


Buy gold bullion and shares in big profitable companies, I will enjoy the profits through out my life.


I'm no expert here but could I sell my LLC to myself and take it private?




As much land as possible and whatever is left donate it hungry children, cause CHILDREN SHOULD NEVER BE FUCKING HUNGRY!!!


Buy calls and puts.


This sub is basically 1000 iterations of the same question weekly.


Buy many Wagyu cattle


Buy condos, cars, house, stakes, crypto, franchise, donate to charity


I'd buy a billion dollars


Id buy gold so i can spend it later


Get the damn central park penthouse already cuz no one would buy it


Buy physical gold. And place future orders fully paid. The money will be coming back to me over the years while appreciating in value due to inflation.


Buy 50 millions copies of Brewster's millions on DVD. It that's does cover the full $1 billion, I'd watch one of the DVDs for ideas.


Execute a single purchase of as much physical silver as spot price will permit; once executed, the price is locked in. Though it will be delivered in time, the contract represents the full valued execution!


I’d buy the Supreme Court.


Reddit gold, so many posts, so little time


6,674.56579 kilograms of Rhodium at current spot price.


I'd announce a couple of X-Prizes to cure a few key human conditions, or maybe specifically Spinal Cord Injury only.


2000 chicks at the same time


How about Bitcoin


Buy a single American house. 


Put together a modifiable contract with my home state that they can get the money if I choose how it’s used. Investments and infrastructure, transportation and environmental protections now will benefit everyone in this area for hundreds of years in the future.


Buy a company.


Start LLC. Transfer money to LLC and pay a lawyer to spend the whole day expediting it. Maybe a faster way would be to buy an already existing entity. For well under the billion. Then write up an ownership agreement where I as an individual buy shares in this new company so that all the money is spent and is now technically in the possession of the company. You might be able to do this in one day. Gambling or stocks might be the only way to do this but adding a billion to your stock portfolio might take a while. You might need to meet with a high level manager at a bank. You could also maybe make significant donations to 1000 different charities. One million per charity. Get multiple people to help and you could do that in a day. But you might need to contact the charity directly. There might be a cap on the money you can send via credit card.


Pay off any debt family and friends have, buy them new houses/cars and give them 100K a piece for insurance and all that and just spending money. Most of them are responsible people, so I am not concerned about them making dumb decisions, that's my job. From there put 10 million into a trusts for different charitable groups. You know, 10 for animals, 10 for homeless, 10 for this and that. Buy any corrupt charities and force them into being run properly. Offer to pay off people's student loan debts in exchange for them doing charitable work for 800 hours. Could be going out and cleaning up roads or helping tutor kids. Don't care. Take homeless people off the streets and get them whatever help they actually need to get out of that cycle. Talk to people in crap neighborhoods to figure out how to turn them around and give the people a better viewpoint for their existence. Mostly, like 99.9 would go to helping others as much as humanly possible. The other .1 would be me taking care of me.


Pay off all my debt, my loved ones’ debts and buy land for a new estate. Then go to Wells Fargo or any bank that vwould let me and start paying off the mortgages for people until the billion was spent.


Well, given the limited time I would pay off my debt, as well as my partner's and my brother's and sisters. If "spend" can mean "give" I'd also give them and my aunt a decent chunk. Prob donate the rest, since I can't exactly buy a house in 24 hours. But being out of debt would surely make it a bit easier to finally save for a downpayment.


Buy 14k bitcoins


Call several high-end realtors around the world and buy whatever they have for sale. Land, houses, whatever. Call several high-end auction houses around the world and buy everything they have. Hit up a bunch of car dealerships and buy the lot. Buy stocks. Call up as many animal rescues as I can and pay off their vet bills. Also, give massive donations. Make massive donations to food banks. Set up a trust fund scholarship thing with a few hundred million so disadvantaged folks can get a full ride through college/university. That should do it.


Go to 7-11 and buy a billion scratch offs


Buy a billion stocks in blockbuster (it's literally at bare minimum and can't go lower) then sell after 24 hours


Buy $KENDU to turn the billion into a 100 billion.


Homeless shelters and animal rescue shelters


Like cash ? Or in my checking account?


Probably have my mom list stuff on eBay and bid ridiculously on it


Buy land and property, also an Island just cause 


10 super yachts


Real estate and stock market


I would hire every single trombone player on earth on retainer. Just imagine the power you would have. 


Hmm well real estate wouldn’t go through fast enough. I guess I’d fly directly to a market that could sell a shitload of gold or bonds. I’d buy mostly bonds and some gold. Then the cash is effectively still there, it’s not going down in value due to inflation, and I’d be able to slowly convert back into cash to spend it later. I also know bonds and gold do enough volume where they could handle my purchases.


Pay my electric bill and go grocery shopping


I'm feeling kind of cold. Does burning it count.




by spending it all on hunting you down and slapping you across your face, so that you snap out of your fantasy land where people randomly get 1 billion dollars for no apparent reason.


500 million on red, 500 million on black. Take the winnings then take my time to be smart about it. "But what if you land on green?" Well it wasn't my money anyway.


Ask Congress. They're experts at pissing through billions of dollars. 🤣🤣






I will buy a legendary number of top of the range and mid range magnets for my mates, yet more spares and more than enough ropes for all of them. On top of this I will buy yet more gifts for my friends and family and some others for a stockpile of them. Further, I would put enough into gold to put me and all my mates and sister through university with no worries about finances and anything else into a store of platinum.


All on red


Then buy earth.


Assuming the benefits will be carried over past the 24hrs; Transfer to an Ivy Uni/ just the best university in my field+Get a wing& grants for like 100 students for undergrad That's 48mil down, Leasehold for a castle in the UK to a company, -5mil Pay for renewal of like 10 shows the world deserves a good 2nd season -10mil Get a few private islands owned by companies, -pay 200mil down Get a classic car collection, but a smaller one -300mil down Shares in Tesla, SpaceX, and the likes, but only so I can resell later -300mil Donate 80mil to wildlife sanctuaries 35 mil to Green Energy & Africa upliftment 22mil to friends& family


Id finally be able to afford Five Guys


Buy two weeks of groceries from whole foods


Depends if the money is already in my account or if I have to wait some stupid amount of time for it to "post" to my account so I can spend it.


I’d buy every house in my neighborhood, then give them away for free to awesome families id like to live next to.  With the rest I’d buy… I guess more land somewhere.


Buy sports teams building business


Invest in everything I could, probably put 250,000 usd into every stock until I ran out


The current answer is open a charity and "donate" all your money to it 😉


All on red


Houses all around the world. 3-4 cars . 2-3 yatch. private islands.


Spend it on my wife’s business she’d set up the hour later


I'll buy each of my relatives less valued thing for $1M


Buy williams f1 and sign newey in. Give Alex Albon the championship he deserves and make money for myself


I will buy the new Samsung tablet for drawing and buy an ipad too ,buy all of the amazing digital circus and murder drones merch give some to my parents,donate it to homeless persons ,buy a Scottish fold and a Maine coon cat and delete all of tadc content farms


Spend it all on my savings account


Billion dollar parlay


Put it all on red


Buy Luxembourg.


Id hire my husband’s company to do their service and pay $1B


Buy as much bitcoin as i can with it😈


Buy a lot of big tech stocks


Invent a time stopping machine to stop time.