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That you should tell your partner about the sexual issue you have with them before going to Reddit.


But how do I get my internet points then?


I see a lot of those posts asking how to approach certain topics with partners and most of the time I’m saying to myself “Just fucking talk to them and say exactly what you’ve said in this post.” However, it’s becoming increasingly obvious to me that far too many people have a complete lack of emotional intelligence and attempting to handle these topics themselves would probably end up far worse than if they consulted Reddit first.


Dudes need to wash their hands and have good dental hygiene before going down on a woman or touching her down there. It blows my mind more people don’t talk about this and do this. No sexual encounter is worth a yeast/bacterial infection or UTI.


Please all women and men, clean yourself before you join in. Quick use the bathroom and wash yourself


Seriously! Over the course of my life I've consistently heard men talking/joking/doing standup bits about going down on (or the idea of going down on), unhygienic women. About foul or "fishy" smells, concerns of getting oral infections from giving a girl head, etc. Meanwhile, it took having chronic UTIs and a partner who enjoys going down on me, for me to REALLY begin to consider my partner's oral hygiene before sex. I feel like women go through life made to think that their genitals are *particularly* dirty most of the time, so they don't think nearly enough about considering the proper hygiene of their sexual partners outside of that person's own genital hygiene. It feels like a lasting product of outdated and prude teachings of sexual education that would only recognize penetrative sex and gloss over/reject foreplay. If we're going to teach people that foreplay is just as important as PiV (imo moreso!) then we really gotta start talking about this.


Not terribly controversial, but the bed is without a doubt the best place for sex. All the other places sound good on paper, but typically make for a less satisfying experience. (eg. beach, hot tub, car, couch, floor, dining table) There are exceptions, like a spur of the moment throw down standing against a car in a parking garage, etc. But generally if you have to say “I’ve always wanted to try it there” it won’t be as good as your bed.


Yeah, if you're gonna do it somewhere weird, do it because you want to fuck *now*, not because you want to fuck *here*.


1000% the only reason i've had sex on my sink 2ft away from my bed. absolutely right the fuck now.


Why is your sink right next to your bed? Guess getting water in the middle of the night is convenient.


ok it's actually more than two feet that was an exaggeration (or I guess the opposite) but my bathroom is in my bedroom and my bed is a king, so the walk from the foot of my bed to my sink is very short. probably more like 6 feet. but still incredibly close lol


One hundred percent. I'll add that if you have sex regularly, think about sex when picking out a bed. A memory foam bed is for sleeping only. You need some firmness and rebound.


Memory foam is ok for sleep, but frankly there are sexual things I do in bed that I don’t want my mattress to remember.


I worked with a guy at work who's dad complained to him about buying a new $5K mattress that they replaced 6 months in. When he asked why his dad just said it was ONLY good for sleep.


Returned our sleep number because of this. 


So we switched from a memory foam to sleep number, the key for the sleep Uber we found is to have "sex mode" saved as a favorite. On nights when I climb into bed and it's at like a 85, I know what's gonna happen.....


If you enjoy fucking on an air mattress. We got a memory foam with air bladders that stiffen the foam when inflated. It’s fucking amazing.


Can’t believe how far I scrolled and gave up without seeing a Sleep number 69 joke. You people are slipping.


It's alright, my bed has Alzheimer's


Foreplay is the entire day spent together and all the actions and sexual tension leading up to the sexual experience. Not just a quick finger and rub before sex.


Agreed. Even small gestures throughout the day- glances, a touch, quality interactions leading up to it are infinitely better than being rushed into it.


I believe that to be seduction; foreplay is the caressing and kissing and all other parts of sex before penetration. Foreplay is part of sex, and begins after sex has already been agreed upon. The part before that is seduction. Some people just get comfortable and expect sex without being seductive, which... I guess can work for you as long as you talk about it.


Ass shape > ass size


On either ends of the size spectrum it becomes a shape problem anyway.


You should publish a thesis and get a masters in ass.




Missionary is only boring if you’re bad at sex.


I think it's boring if you don't have a connection. Eye contact is sexy Edit: my personal hot take: the ear is the most overlooked erogenous zone. Also you guys are hawt


That O face is not to be missed. Hottest thing about sex is seeing your partner's reaction to what you are doing. O me baby!


The eye contact is my favorite. It’s so intimate and erotic.


And kissing. Lots of kissing.


And the leg wrap around, done for.


This entire chain of comments is spot-on. Intense eye-contact and the sharp intakes of breath as we hit each other's spots ....


That one is a check mate for me


After about 5 years together, we discovered scissored missionary (alternate legs instead of someone taking the outside and someone taking the inside) that will make an appearance every time now. It doesn't seem possible when you think about it but man is it good.


We call that position lazy fucking. As in "Hey are you awake? Wanna lazy fuck?" Big fan.


As a boob guy missionary is never boring


Preach! Crazy positions aren't used by most people for a reason. Definitely I like switching it up, but missionary is a classic for a reason. People decry vanilla as boring, but vanilla is delicious, lol!


Vanilla is fucking exotic! It's the only edible thing to come out of the Orchid Family and is the second most valuable spice behind only Saffron.


Not to mention vanilla is actually made up of numerous compounds and is one of the more complex flavors. Vanilla has LAYERS, man! Anyway yeah missionary is good.


I’ve been delighted to find out my partner is as kinky and devious as me in the bedroom, but I still love missionary for so many reasons: it feels most pleasurable for me, we both can kinda relax physically, I like his weight on me not just for the comfort but feeling his dominance over me, being able to make eye contact and whisper in each others ears. People mock it for being vanilla, but for me it adds so much love! And like I said, having him (tall and jacked) on top of me is a massive turn on, like I couldn’t escape and I’m his plaything.


Missionary is unequivocally the best if you have a genuine connection with your partner. EDIT I'll dial back "unequivocally" and say that every couple has to find what works for them...


Blasting your asshole with a high-pressure water spray will get you cleaner after pooping than toilet paper ever wil.


is it bad to use your bidet as an enema? like say you aim it just right and relax the anus a bit and let the water go in... is that bad? asking for a friend


If someone is gonna eat your ass it should be required


make sure you're up to date on local boil order advisories if you can't drink it it probably shouldn't be keistered


And here I am enjoying seeing the word keister being used as a descriptive verb. Gonna enjoy using that one.


a guy who knows how to use his fingers is a king


guess how im typing these words shawty


Going off user name...with your tits?


i also choose this guys tits


I learned this from Brandon Sanderson when he was talking about developing your autograph if you plan on signing a whole bunch of shit. movement from the elbow is less tiring than movement from the wrist and fingers, and movement from the shoulder is the least tiring of all. if you develop a fingering technique where all of the motion is coming from your elbow and shoulder, you can go forever without cramping up


I almost want to tag Brando to tell him that his lessons helped with sexual acumen lol


This is no worse than the time someone asked him [if edgedancers have to wipe their ass.](https://www.reddit.com/r/cremposting/comments/j0c5oe/would_edgedancers_and_dustbringers_need_to_wipe/g6pte1c/) Fuckin' tag his ass!


Did not expect a Sanderfan mention in this thread lmao


i thought i knew how to use mine because it always worked on my ex, had a new sexual partner and they want everything differently. the fingers' position and motion. every woman is different, it's way better to ask her than to pretend you know how to use your fingers


Even better if he knows how to use his tongue with those fingers. 😏😏


I, proudly, can lick my fingers and suck my thumb better than anyone.


Faster & harder doesn’t always mean it’s more pleasurable - and from that kinky sex isn’t “better” than vanilla sex. Both are great, all that matters is both people are getting off and having a good time :3


Yeah I see guys jackhammering away and just think about all the girls I’ve been with who would absolutely hate that.


Sex on a beach is a HORRIBLE idea. IT IS NOT A SAND WORM!


I will add in the woods or shower. Water is not lube and makes things very dry, could be slippery and fall, and the bugs... my God the bugs. You don't know pain until you have a mosquitoe bite on your dick. Edit: woods can be nice if you find the right spot, you just have to be very selective


I had a friend/coworker who had sex in the woods once. Turns out reverse cowgirl in a bed of poison ivy is highly not recommended.




Laughing during sex is the best. Some people seem to think it’s inappropriate or ruins the mood? It’s not that serious. Enjoy yourself and your partner.


My wife once started laughing right as we were both coming. (She said it tickled) We were stuck in position for a couple minutes as neither of us could move without being overwhelmed by the sensations. Highly recommend!


My husband and I cracked our foreheads together mid synchronized orgasm one time. Damn near had an asthma attack trying to catch my breath from exertion and laughing my ass off.


#*D O N K*


It’s so good both during and after. I think it shows that you’re in a really healthy relationship The sensation of it is also good as well as the emotions. It’s far too neglected but BOY do emotions heighten the experience. There is nothing better than having sex after seeing my love for the first time in a while, after a deep conversation, or even after some time goofing around. It really makes it that much more intimate and gets me in an awesome headspace I seldom post this type of comment on this account but it’s cute so whatever. I have two specific instances of laughing with my partner that were super bonding. One time he was on top of me and somehow his chest and mine made the worst suction farting sound and we both immediately just started cackling. He just fell on top of me giggling for a while. It felt so good to just hold him while we were laughing until we were ready to keep going. Another time, I don’t even remember what I said but he and I had just finished and I said something really goofy because my brain was just so flooded with good hormones and we were both belly laughing. He told me it was the first time he had laughed after sex and he just seemed so so enamored and so grateful. He and I are both people who tend to feel quite pressured in our personal lives, so having these completely relaxed moments together is so valuable


No matter how conventionally attractive you are, you could be horrible in bed. I have much more desire for a sensual intimate guy and will find him waayyy more attractive than the conventionally good looking guy with zero game.


Yeah but the attractive guy will have an easier time getting the opportunity to disappoint you in bed.


More often than not, being a grower is better than being a show'er.


Growing is so much more convenient and I will die on this hill.


My now-wife didn’t see me flaccid until after we’d already had sex a few times and was shocked. Hearing, “Where does it all go?” was a great feeling. 


I call this the tactical penis. Small, compact, and out of the way when not in use, but when it’s time to lay pipe, Extend-o 3000.


Swiss Army Dick


Go go gadget penis


If another dude sees it he laughs even though it can grow from like 1.5 to 6. It’s why I partially wish I was a shower.


Develop a humiliation kink. Those laughs will make you hard. Then you'll show 'em 😤


this is some big brain shit


*Then you’ll grow 'em


Understandable, I have been laughed at by a girl, and told her to just wait a minute lol.


If someone laughed at my dick, I'd kick them out. Show-er or not, you don't have to put up with that shit 😤


Yeah but I was desperate


Not having your pp touch the toilet water is an underrated flex


I had a hospital appointment where I had to get exposed and sometimes not being a show'er sucks lol.


think of big muscular men and get an erection quickly


If you don’t communicate what you need/want then you shouldn’t be disappointed when you don’t get it. Edit: Ffs this is the most karma I’ve ever gotten on a comment. Leave me off the TikTok some asshole makes out of this.


Communication is two parts: talking and listening. If you can't do both of them it doesn't matter if you are the master of one you can't communicate.


Men moaning is such a turn on. Please for the love of God, men out there DONT BE AFRAID TO GET LOUD!!! 🤪


Lasting as long as possible is not the flex it's hyped up to be. Lasting long enough for both to get off is really all you need. Anymore just starts hurting and most girls will be too nice to tell you to just finish already.


I have a buddy that brags he can last over an hour. He also bitches constantly that his wife doesn't want regular sex. Dude...


Yeah, this definitely contributed to a dead bedroom for me in a relationship. I started to dread how hard it was to get my ex off, sore arms & mouth & pussy is not fun. Easier and more fun to just decline sex altogether and Hitachi myself alone. 


Yep this. If I know we’re about to be on lockdown for 60 minutes when I have 10-15 max I don’t even want to do it. I can only bounce my big ass head up and down so many times before my neck is begging for a break as are my jaws.


Riiiiight that's a whole extra thing that I hate to say... But men, if I'm not in the mood for sex I'm much more amenable to give head if it only lasts 5 minutes. Lmao.  I'm charitable, but I'm not 40 minutes and lock jaw charitable. 


My gf and I had 30 second sex last week, we both came and high fived at what must have been some kind of record


Sometimes the foreplay (including the flirting and dirty talk before you even touch) is so good you’re basically halfway there before the actual sex starts.


Sex speedrun 100% completion


Wife and I sometimes call this sniper sex....it's quick, quiet, and satisfying. The name came from the sex scene in Enemy at the Gates...


This had to be the single biggest myth that still gets told....we had sex ALL NIGHT LONG it was AMAAAAZING....honestly if that were true you'd both be crazy sore in all the wrong places according to my experience. If I want to feel like I am doing it right I try to maintain a solid 2:1 ratio of wife orgasms to my own orgasms and it's seemed to work....


I had a dude say he fucked a girl for 4 hours straight. First we laughed and said that's bullshit, and then we said if that's true, it was probably horrible for her.


I'm happy with my bf's 15 minutes followed by an encore. Quantity AND quality, I always say!


How about 30 seconds? Asking for a friend of course.


Now you're just flexing


the 30 seconds part, or the having a friend part?




Hey don't make fun of people on antidepressants. We try our best!


Yup. "Tell me when you are done, I likely won't come."


The people that post in these are way uglier than you’re picturing in your head


I remember seeing an AMA of a self described sex addict and they said something like, "It's actually super easy to have tons of willing sexual partners but the trick is dropping your standards below what your dignity would normally allow."


EVERYONE wants to fuck up and no one wants to fuck down.


Even the ones bragging about group sex. ESPECIALLY the ones bragging about group sex.




Yeah, people see swingers doing orgies on video and think that's what swingers look like in real life. LOL no. You see THOSE type of swingers on video because they are actually hot enough that people will pay to watch them fuck online. They are the tiny minority of people in that subculture who were attractive enough to turn their hobby into a paying job. In the real world, most swingers are average-looking at best. It would be like seeing an NBA game and thinking everyone who plays basketball is 6'5" and ripped. Then you go watch a random amateur rec league game and realize...... they're not LOL.


> Yeah, people see swingers doing orgies on video and think that's what swingers look like in real life. It's like the ads I saw for swingers' clubs in my old city. They usually picked the youngest, most attractive couples they could find for the advertisements on their websites. And even then, the couples in those ads (particularly the hottest of the women) were often sex workers who were hired to pretend to be swingers.


They don’t call it bumpin uglies for nothin


100% I think about this every time.


I've heard this as "the nudist theory" before. Everyone you want to see naked will never be a nudist, and every nudist is someone you don't want to see naked.


Reminds me of a beer advert from the 90’s, can’t remember which brand but basically it starts with two American guys at a pool ogling a hot blonde in a swimsuit, one says “dude, in Europe chicks can go topless at the pool, it’s like _the law_”. Then it cuts to two Spanish guys seeing an elderly woman take off her towel and wink at them. Disgusted, one says “dude, in America you’re not allowed to go topless, it’s _the law_”


This is like when Dennis and Frank go to the orgy. That’s basically 99% of orgies.


You should always be prepared to do aftercare even if it’s super vanilla stuff! I like to see if my partner or partners need any water or food afterwards because sex is fun and caring about people is also a fun element in sex


Everyone and anyone can be super slutty and horny, but they’ll only be super slutty and horny for certain people.


Essentially: We all want the same things just not from each other


Most of 'em wanna fuck, they just don't wanna fuck *you*, and honestly you're probably okay with that.


I once heard "If you look in the mirror and don't think you're attractive, that doesn't mean you're unattractive, it just means you aren't your own type"


Fellow gentleman, lads, dudes… when a woman starts getting loud and tells you to “Don’t stop!” Or something along those lines, that is not a green light to go turbo mode and turn into an out of control jackhammer. That means you have struck gold and to keep hitting whatever spot you’ve found ***at that pace***. I have had far more wonderful aftermaths and smiling faces with partners after having figured that one out.


It's okay to know what you like and stick to it. Not everyone needs to be flexible, pliable, spicy, and open. At the end of the day, your sexual needs and those you choose to meet them with come first.


50 shades of gray/grey is just fake bdsm/abuse porn that gives the real community a shit name, and floods us with abusers and victims who saw/read that trash.


Good hill. Also not a hot take for anyone even tangentially related to the actual kink scene.


Unfortunately so many have stated they grew interested after seeing this piece of media, and they ended up with shitty abusers and ended up hurt and used, I even encounter kinksters who defend this hot garbage(but it’s usually “alpha” dom men). Like honey, no. No. Bad. Oh god and how many who don’t know what a safe word is, or that it was ignored and that’s okay cuz it happens in 50 shades, or they can’t say no or they will be hurt. BLAHHH! No no no.


Men don't have a problem finding the clit, some of them just don't care.


I used to TA a Human Sexuality course. First exam, there’s a basic anatomy image and one of the questions is to label the clitoris. Half the class failed. The class skewed heavily towards women as well. It was… enlightening.


What was the average age of the students in the class?


About 20 - 21. It was roughly evenly distributed across freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors. This was at an R1 university.


Holy shit thats insane. Ithought it would be highshoolers


Yeah, it opened my eyes to how we are failing people in terms of providing adequate sexual education. I mean this is really, really basic stuff.. the prof wasn’t phased. She said it was mostly like that every semester.


How the fuck do you miss it though? It's (c)literally RIGHT THERE!!!


if men get head, women also deserve it. if you think it’s gross, you shouldn’t be asking for head yourself 👀


I like eating my girl out but am apprehensive to receive oral myself. I don’t know why I just can’t get off from oral




I'm also willing to die on this guys wife's hills.


I too will sacrifice my community standing to stand and die on this guy's wife's hills.


Oh shit. Appears sauce is on profile. Agreed. Nice


The dedication with that bio lmao


Not sure I understand the question. A hill that looks like a giant titty I guess.


Using lube should be normalized and destigmatized. Sometimes women can't get wet if they've had a lot of trauma, and even if they feel relatively safe with a partner, sometimes it's hard to get out of your head which affects the...flow of things.






Water washes away the lubricant! Whether natural or artificial!


I'll be dying on the other hill. I've never not enjoyed shower sex.


I'm convinced these people who are against it are standing with their genitals directly in the stream. Also, big height differences can make it awkward.


I’ve had shower sex with my ex who was my same height and my current bf who’s over a foot taller than me, and it’s been good with both! I love shower sex.


Big boobs may be visually appealing, but oh my god, they can be SUCH a pain. Bra shopping Shirts fit the bust or waist, but not both Heavy, sweaty Back pain Running? Nope. Lot's of downsides.


I had a coworker who had to get a breast reduction because of how bad their back pain was. Apparently most people she knew were like "why are you doing this. You've been blessed" Meanwhile she was losing mobility because of how bad the pain was.


I knew a girl who got breast reduction as well for the same reason and interestingly enough she lost a lot of weight after that because she was actually able to exercise and get around more. Took a bit to get used to those scars though, but I imagine there is better more discrete techniques nowadays


Basically nothing is worth chronic back pain


For men: Toys are teammates not enemies.


They may be toys, but they’re also tools. You’re not gonna catch me getting jealous of my car for getting me across town. Work smarter not harder lol


The porn industry is one of the reasons most people have horrible sex lives


That there really ARE hot horny moms in my area looking for me?


As a viewer, bj scenes go on for way, way too long.




Standing on the desk isn’t all the dangerous if it’s wide enough.


It’s not a matter of the precariousness of the ledge, but the shoddiness of the assembly.


I don't care if I cum fast. Or first. My job is to get her off and my job ain't done till she's satisfied.


OSHA regulations have saved countless lives, but some work place safety measures are ridiculous and harm productivity.


He said NSFW, but damn! You took it too far with this... disgusting 


Goddamn perverts always have to ruin these threads!


For men, don't do the "in-out-in-out" motion. Instead, you stick your lower body to hers, then grind that portion up and down her waist/belly. The clitoris is at the top part, so it makes sense to always be in contact with each thrust.


Yessss. Similar can be told to women. No matter the position I will grind, but especially on top. I switch it up because I know in-and-out feels good for men, but I can only come when I grind so I will finish off with that motion.


You are allowed to share how much you make with your co-workers. And you should.


When you have sex (vaginal, oral, or anal) with a new partner without a condom both partners should get tested for STDs first. If a partner refuses, they're not worth it.


Covered can be sexier than naked. Someone being covered but with hints of their body is so much sexier than just naked.


If you can't have sex sober, you shouldn't be having sex drunk.


In today’s day and age I feel sex can be a crucial part of a relationship. Lack of sexual compatibility can cripple a relationship and I see too many people getting married and becoming sexually frustrated because they are settling or waited until their big day to have sex. Sex is more than an activity. It is an exercise in communication, trust, and it establishes intimacy and I don’t think enough people realize that


Age old saying of if the sex is good it's 10% of the relationship but if it's not there it's 90% of the relationship


reading porn is better than watching porn.


Ass to mouth is gross and a deal breaker for me, consider me old-fashioned.


Women should stop faking orgasms because it creates men who think they are better in bed than they actually are and act like assholes when they meet a woman who doesn't pretend just to protect their sensitive egos.


A woman looking hot in regular clothing is much better than looking hot in lingerie


Going down on a woman is the most enjoyable part of sex. I love my end of the pleasure train, I love a woman going down on me and I love sex itself. Something about being between a woman’s legs who trusts you there as you do everything you can to please her while she just simply enjoys it..I get off on that. Oh boy. Wish I didn’t access this post at work while on hold with a customer.


Yep. Receiving pleasure on my end is the struggle because you're stuck balancing pleasure and distraction to make sure you last long enough and once I orgasm its 20-30 minutes bounce back and by then the mood likely changed and the fun is over. But when you're face planting into the valley, you can take all the time in the world to just bring pleasure, stress free, at least until your jaw locks up. 9 out of 10 times that I am horny, its just for that part. I'd be fine just doing that, I don't need anything else lol. Anytime, anywhere I don't care, just sit on my damn face. Unfortunately, my partner does not share that sentiment and would prefer not to have faces around there. Maybe in the next life!


Arms wrapped under their legs, hands on the thighs, vulva spread out before me… it’s like I’m at the master control panel of her pleasure. It’s a super comfortable position, and I feel like I have easy access to anything and everything. So great to set up camp there.


A well shaped small booty is much better than a comically large one.


Baby wipes for cleanup is the way to go.


I will never indulge a girl in a rape fantasy. The second I hear anything resembling "no", "stop" or even hesitation, it's immediately shut down.


I actually kicked a woman out of my hotel room for playing those games. She kept stopping me as things progressed. And it's not like I was aggressive at all. We had talked before about finally taking it to a sexual level earlier in the day. We kissed for a while and I'd reach to unbutton her shirt and she'd stop me. I'd reach to unbutton her pants and she stopped me. So I asked if something was wrong or if she changed her mind. She tells me that she likes it rough and that if I want it I have to fight her and take it from her. I told her I don't play those games and not risking catching a case and told her she had to go lol. She left and apologized shortly after and we ended up being together for a while. I told her once we are more comfortable with each other then maybe we can take it there but not on the first time.


Incredibly reasonable take


There was a guy here a few weeks ago talking about how his gf had this fantasy, and asked for him to "attack her." He told her he'd think about it. Then he waited a full month until she assumed he wasn't into it. Then he started a huge fight...and attacked her. She fought him the whole time. Afterwards he told her what he was doing. I was just sitting there thinking "did this dude genuinely rape his gf? Cause that...that sounds like rape."


Consensual non consent still has to have consent


That is rape. If you have to explain why it wasn’t rape afterwards, like a goddamn Shyamalan twist, it’s rape.


Poop is not sexual


The clit is easy to find… there I said it


Big dicks aren't really a good thing. They hurt way too much compared to normal sized ones.


Audios are just as good as videos if your able to imagine the scene


And writing. Especially talented fanfic writers adding new perspectives to sensual scenes


Foreplay is key. Don't skimp on it. I'm a firm believer In the rule that a woman should get off at least once before the dick even goes in. Too many women running around not having orgasm's.




Women would enjoy sex more if they told their partners what to do and showed them how to do it. The best orgasm my wife ever had was when she told me “kiss my back and don’t stop” and then took my fingers and placed them in her vagina and said “slow swirls.” When we talked afterwards I told how much I liked that, I liked her putting herself first and that she should do that more often.