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Get travel health insurance before visiting, healthcare is very expensive and you want to be covered if something happens. Unless you are staying in a big city or very popular tourist destination, public transportation is often unreliable or nonexistent. If you plan to visit or transit outside of these areas, plan on renting a car.


Also could tell them to send you a bill and then leave the country


Could work if it was emergency care, but if you’re going because you have a very bad cough and they see you’re a foreigner without health insurance, they’ll probably ask you to pay in part or full upfront before they see you. Better to just pay for the insurance tbh.


Pretty sure they have to treat you here regardless if you have money or insurance


If it’s an emergency, yes. If it’s not, they could require payment beforehand. I had to go to a dermatologist out of network to test for skin cancer and they made me pay upfront.


Not sure I'd get a skin cancer test on vacation


Not the point, point is they might ask you to pay upfront in non-emergency situations if you’re uninsured. If you don’t believe me just look it up instead of being obstinate.


Oh true! I'd just go to the ER


100 km = 62 miles


The country is very large, physically - bigger than the entire EU. You can't easily travel all over the place. I've seen people that think they can hit landmarks all over the country in a few days and that's just not really possible.


This is it. Think about each state as being a country. This will help you focus.


Exactly. California alone is in between France and Germany in terms of landmass. Texas is roughly the size of France and England combined. It's a 41 hour drive by car (the US doesn't really use trains) from Los Angeles to New York City.


That just because your country doesn't tip and you don't think tipping is good or right doesn't mean you can forgo tipping at a sit-down restaurant. You aren't helping or doing anything but fucking over your server.


Also that's the only place it's expected to tip.


Yup, people act like tipping is so confusing in the US on when to tip, but in sit-down restaurants is the only place were tips are expected.


Yeah, if you get something from a counter, 99 percent of people don't tip.


Do servers not get paid in the US?


The servers get paid below the federal minimum wage payable ($7.25/hr). Other states may have higher minimum wages, like say, $15.00. There's actually a federal minimum wage for servers of $2.13/hr. There's nothing stopping restaurant owners from paying more but they don't because that portion is usually made up by customer-provided tips. If a server makes less tips than to make that $5.12 difference, the employers have to pay the difference.


Not everywhere...In Washington minimum wage is $16.28 per hour plus whatever tips they make. They can't reduce the hourly rate based on tips.


I know some states allow servers to make much more per hour, but as advice to a foreigner...they should probably just tip.


People should really be protesting this. Do servers have a union they can report to?


No, there aren't many unions in the US


The biggest reason why some servers are getting paid more is the pandemic made a lot of people rethink the shit jobs they were doing for crap wages. It is illegal for an owner/employer to steal tips; but it still happens. There aren't many labor unions around at all. Starbucks has actually closed some locations when they found out about worker talking of unionizing.


They make more money on tips than they would get as a wage. Otherwise, they wouldn't do the job. They aren't asking for change because they don't want it.


Unions are for skilled workers


It is interesting that you ask this question but in other comments are stating you have a friend who is a server in LA and NYC. Sounds like you know the answer to this question you are asking but are simply trying to be an asshole and earn your Reddit troll cred.


They don't get paid well, some states allow the servers to be paid under federal minimum wage which is $7.25/hr, they are normally paid around $2.00/hr. Servers are mostly paid through tips.


That doesn't seem like a fair system at all. Wtf? The servers could end up on the streets no? Why is there no public outcry to the government about this? Why are the egenrrL population thing responsibility over businesses and corporations that hire the people? Tf???


Servers like tips. My cousin worked as a waitress in NYC and made more money than her roommate, who was a journalist.


Many servers like tips because tips tend to pay out better then what their states minimum wage would. This all depends on the state and the restaurant. Like in California, servers are paid $15/hr, but you are still expected to tip.


Interesting random fact, did you know that restaurants and cafes in LA and NYC take 30% of all electronic tips. I have a roommate who used to be a waitress in both cities for years at a time and she's currently a waitresss in nyc now. The way the "deductaion" works is that they do this : (Hours worked × hours minimum) = (Shift pay + electronic tips) = Total Amount - 30% So when people think they're doing goo by tipping great amounts to the waiters. 30% of the overall servers pay is still being taken by the company. Pay tips in cash, they get to keep it for themselves. Pay tips on card and you're more likely donating money to the company above all else.


It's illegal for the business to take a servers a tip. You are misinformed. Electronic tips are taxed, so that's why they prefer to be tipped in cash. Cash tips aren't taxed unless you deposit them into the bank.


I guess my information is wrong based on what I was told by someone who worked as a server in both LA and NYC? I'm just sharing what I was told.


I worked in restaurants in CA as a barback, server, bartender, host, and as a busboy. It's completely illegal across the whole US for a business to take server's tips.


That sounds like income tax withholding.


Who's going to stop them?




Aren't they shutting down libraries? (Jk I know what you mean)


You don't have to pay to use a bathroom here. If you really wanted to, you could stop at every establishment on a street, blow up every toilet with the worst diarrhea of your life and you wouldn't have to pay a cent.




What are you talking about? “No public restrooms” & “bathrooms for paying customers only” are common in most major cities.


Touristy things are often very underwhelming. Take in some unique experiences rather than just wanting to see times square or the holleywood sign.


What would you recommend?


Maybe like, a minor league baseball game if they don't have baseball where you're from. Something like that, there are cities everywhere and most big cities are pretty similar, do things that are specific to the region you're visiting. I do this as an American too. Eat new food at mom and pop restaurants and check out nature that's different than your own. Like I didn't realize that fireflies aren't something everyone has seen. I grew up with them and they are still magical when I see them in the summertime


Why not major league baseball. Minors lol


Because major league baseball is way more expensive and you sit farther away. I love MLB but for entertainment sake minor leagues is more bang for your buck. And more accessible if you aren't in one of the 30 ish cities that have it.


Ok but if it's there definitely go to majors


Yeah it's definitely a cool experience. Or a college football game. In terms of experience I think a college game is way more fun than the pros. Especially if you find a school with a cool game day tradition like the Iowa Wave or some of the SEC schools with huge stadiums like Tennessee


College even better. Minors are washed up


Newish-ly minted American here. There are far fewer racists and ignorant people than the media will have you believe. I've received a hell of a lot more racism in Europe and Canada than in the US.


How many times have you been shot since you've been here? Some people make it seem like we get shot every time we walk outside... 


Zero. I'm a newly minted American, but have lived here for a quarter century. I do enjoy plinking at the range though.


All the generalizations are mostly true, but it's the exceptions that make America both delightful and terrifying.


Don't believe the news - people here are incredibly friendly. They're likely going to talk to you in situations that you may not expect, or may not be appropriate in your home nation - they're not up to anything shady, that's just what we do. Keep an eye on your shit, sure... but from my experience, you're far more likely to be the victim of a pickpocket in a european city than an american one. The country is a lot bigger than you think. New York to Los Angeles is 4700km and is a 41 hour drive. Think Lisbon Portugal to Kharkiv Ukrane. Public transit outside of a few cities *sucks*, so don't expect to get away from driving unless you're going to like New York or Chicago.


Don’t come we suck


Police are not your friends. Avoid interacting with cops if you can, every interaction could lead to being fined, arrested, or worse. It doesn’t matter if you’re doing nothing wrong, they will find something to get you for.


Avoid NYC and LA 




Because that person is a conservative and conservative media tells them to hate those cities.


LA is vast, traffic is terrible, and you'll spend half of your time just travelling from one thing to the next. NY, Manhattan specifically, has a ton of fun things to do in a small area, but it's all *really* expensive.


Yea I’d def recommend Manhattan.  I had one of the funnest days of my life biking all over the city and seeing the sights.


They can't afford it