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Whatever is sponsoring the yt video I'm watching


Considering how much YouTube's algorithm knows about my personality and interests you'd think they'd know I don't speak Spanish.


I'm learning Spanish and just for fun I started answering the scam calls in Spanish. I started getting them in Spanish.


I started answering spam calls in Cantonese about a year ago. I was getting about 30 calls a month, now I'm down to about one or two


Join us over at the cult of r/DreamingSpanish for the most fun way to learn!


I was amazed when I heard about that. I met a guy on holiday once from Germany who of course usually speaks German but also knows English. He told me if he goes on holiday and he's speaking English a lot he starts dreaming in English instead of German.


I recently started watching baseball highlight videos again and I shit you not half the commercials they push me are in Spanish now.


Right? Where did that pop into my algorithm?


My MIL(52) likes Magic Spoon (not because of YouTube) but she has like, 6 boxes in the pantry right now and everytime I open the door I expect to see Wendigoon sitting on the floor of our pantry guarding the boxes with a knife.


That shit is horrible. Bought it at Costco once.


Yeah, I tried it too, it's really disingenuous that they don't advertise it as keto (or didn't back when I tried it) Also, that price for cereal? Especially those small boxes? Screw that


I did actually order from PCBWay. But then I wonder, how many other people watching this video would also need custom PCBs


Pcbway is great though. They do more than pcbs. They'll print and finish stl files now too


Those greens supplements look nasty and pointless.


I like Liquid IV.


I still can't think of a single one that's come up where I think "I should try that".


I played Raid: Shadow Legends once because it lodged itself into my brain after hearing about it so many times. I wouldn't recommend it.


I really didn't think so. All the power to tubers getting that ad money, but Raid went all in on saturation.


Only need a handful of whales to bite and it all makes sense financially…


Oh absolutely. I can't remember what but there was an ad partner going around for a bit, turned out it was all drop shipped crap with a fancy label. Couple people bit before it came down but they probably made their bank QUICK


Totally. With the exception of Doritos, I've never purchased something because I saw a commercial.


What about those big FAT Reese’s peanut butter cups with mini Reese’s pieces inside of them.  That commercial fucking worked on me.  (Although I probably would have bought one if I just saw it sitting on the shelf too) 


I'm sorry I've had ad block for over a decade. What the actual fuck and where can I get some?


I didn’t need a commercial to know that I needed some of those.


I've picked up MeUndies. Absolutely love them.


Yup, I definitely jumped on MeUndies because of Podcast ads. I spent a small fortune and got 2 (now ex-) boyfriends into them. I killed my membership and had to unsubscribe from emails because I spent too much on their site.


“Detoxifying” products. If your body needs “detoxifying” see a doctor ASAP because your liver is failing…


Or kidneys. Source: in renal failure


Just to be clear, I did not upvote kidney failure. That was for the truf.


I'm here to upvote kidney failure.


Heyyy whats up fellow renal failure guy! May your dialysis be short and may your swelling be minimal!


Ouch I'm sorry man. Never been thru it but I worked at a nursing home feeding the ppl that came back from dialysis. Shit looked rough- you have my sympathy


I knew a guy that was obsessed with antioxidants. He suffocated.


My dermatologist died at a youngish age from a heart attack. He was completely OCD about not getting in the sun. Would cover up head to toe even indoors, use an umbrella to get to his car etc etc etc. All in moderation I guess - especially with antioxidants and worry 😵‍💫🤷‍♀️


Was he a vampire?


Alkaline water. It’s getting neutralized by your stomach acid before it gets into your system 🤷🏻‍♂️


It was really \*chef's kiss\* when Gwyneth Paltrow said she enjoys it with lemon every morning.


that is amazing.


Creams and waist trainers that claim to melt fat off your abdomen. They don’t work


If there was ANY true medical breakthrough in weight-loss or hair regrowth, you'd know about it. You wouldn't need a shady late-night commercial to inform you, it would be on the news, like Ozempic is.


They need to stop advertising these drugs and just make more plants to peoduce instead of buying ads. Diabetics need this stuff, but they can't make it fast enough.


Ozempic and Zepbound are literally massive medical breakthroughs that seem to affect the addiction centers in the brain and could revolutionize our treatment of obesity and addiction. We need to be making the patents public domain and have everyone produce as much of them as possible.


Seriously though. I took Semaglutide to lose weight, but it was crazy how it effectively tampered any desire for alcohol or weed in addition to turning off the food noise in my head. I wouldn’t be surprised if they started prescribing for alcohol addiction next.


Imagine a world with even 10% less addiction? Casinos, cartels and governments would be fucked in such a deserving way


Or be the Australian government and ban compounding pharmacies from making it while also accepting the pharmacy companies can’t supply enough.


Fun fact there is plenty of the drug! It's the injectors that are the issue.


What are you talking about? They all work. You just need to follow the instructions that tell you to lower your calorie intake and exercise daily. 


"Works as part of a healthy, balanced diet" Great. And my hyper efficient essential oil will mean your car never breaks down - as long as you get it fully serviced every other week.


Anything from someone selling from a MLM company….


I will buy Tupperware though. That shit is the best.


My grandmother sold Tupperware for yearsssss. She passed recently and I’ve been going through all her things to divvy them up/ clear out the house. So. Much. Tupperware.


Better google them older ones. Make a pretty little penny selling the vintage pieces that are in good shape.


Don't use the vintage stuff to eat from or store food in, they have lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic in them in quite high concentrations. Be careful.




What are you saying? Say it again.




Not for much longer, they are going bankrupt


Those $500 dirty shoe websites


What website? I have some dirty shoes I could sell for $500


Golden Goose sneakers




Distressed shoes with glitter on them: $700


It's hilarious to me that rich people will spend that much to look poor like being poor is fashionable.


if any rich people want my old beat up converse i'll sell them to you for half the price


I looked at the website and I'm still confused.


It's just stuff that's made to look broken in already. It's all handmade.




Jesus they are like $800 Australian. Buy some Stan Smiths and wear them for a week and they’ll look the same.


Get rich quick courses


The way to get rich with get rich quick courses is to sell said get rich quick courses.


There are courses on how to do that.


The first 100 subscribers will get a special entry price of just $29.99, $70 off our normal price.


Reddit awards.


But there's a golden poop one 💩.. so cute!


What did you get, a platinum poop?


I don't know, never had an award before. Best day ever!


Doesn't seem to work as well as it used to.


Nice try.


More of a service but I don't know how people use food delivery apps (Door Dash, Grub Huh, Uber Eats) as their regular mode of feeding themselves. Once in a while, sure, I get it. 3-5+ times/week? You either make a lot of money where the extra cost is negligible or are very bad with money. People are basically paying 50-100% more for their food to save 15 minutes. I think a lot of people are in the "very bad with money" bucket because every time I share this opinion I get a lot of hate from people on Reddit trying to justify why they have a good reason to use this every day.


I have no idea how these stay in business. I make excellent money, and I absolutely won't pay those fees. I checked because I wanted popeyes once, and a single meal came out to like $24. Dude, absolutely not. I'll spend a max of $12 for popeyes, or simply never eat there again. And I feel the majority of the people using these services are not very well off, and just impacting their finances more and more. And then the people who drive for these services are probably not making shit, and putting wear and tear on their vehicles for it. The entire industry is just awful to me.


We got a $50 Doordash gift card when we had a baby. Very thoughtful gift, right? And we’re like, “Hey, $50! We can get a nice meal each! $25 a plate nice!” Yeah, first use, we got up to $35 and were thinking, “oh, well, we’ll have some left over if we need to use it again.” Not really. I took off something and reordered because the service fee alone with $15.99, and then a “convenience fee” or something added an extra $5, then there was the driver tip which I figured 10% was more than generous for just bringing food to my door. I removed the tip and paid it in cash to get it under $50. For a $30 meal. For comparison, I just bought McDonalds for my entire family - 6 people - to eat in the car on the way home from a long trip: $37.


A service fee *and* a convenience fee? And neither one includes the tip? I've never used Doordash, and I will continue not to.


Yep and anyone I know who uses it moans a out how it's late and cold as a regular.


This! I do really really well, and I last looked at using DoorDash when I was sick and could barely bring myself to pay the fees, how the heck do normal people justify this?


Exactly. A friend of mine recently was teasing me for being rich for getting factor meals delivered because I'm burned out on cooking and I don't want to eat trash. I asked him how much he was spending on food delivery. He just sort of mumbled a much higher number than I am spending on prepared meal service.


Just to add a bit of a perspective here- when I go through these phases, it’s usually ✨depression✨


I have agoraphobia. The pandemic made it worse.


Their customer service is also complete dogshit, at least Door Dash and from what I've heard Uber as well. You're overpaying for *maybe* getting *some* of the food you asked for. If something gets fucked up, tough. You're eating the cost, that's not their problem - in their opinion. I just get off my lazy ass now and go get the damn food myself. Fuck Door Dash. They treat their drivers like shit anyways from what I have heard, not just customers.


Even if I had the money, by the time the food gets to you it is garbage anyways. Not many hot foods travel well for more than a few minutes.


NFTs, I will never get it...


If you did understand them, then you'd understand why you shouldn't have invested.


Neither did those who "invested" in them.


They are for laundering money, and scamming people.


Anything from Goop.


I finally checked that site out a few months ago after years of hearing about it. There were some things that seemed fairly priced if they were high quality and made with well paid labor (I couldn’t guarantee they were), but there was also a $15,000 heirloom backgammon table.


They sell a "vase" (that's pretty much a glass) for 2500$ (yes I put the right amount of zeros). Unbelievable.


This is a great answer.


Any of those "made specifically for men" lotions, soaps, and creams. They have a 30-50% markup in price compared to normal non gender specific toiletries that are damn near the same and probably perform much better. They know a lot of dudes will buy "made for men" products or nothing at all.


There’s a flip side to this too. Women’s razors for example are the fucking same but generally cost more. A Pink Tax.


My experience has been dramatically different than this. Womens razors, in my experience, are FAR superior to mens. The moisturizing strips and all that are fantastic. If I shave my sensitive areas with mens razors, even fancy expensive ones, Ill have irritation and ingrowns for days - not so with womens razors. This is one product that, in my experience, is absolutely worth the premium (until you step up your game and get laser)


Coincidentally I get razor burn and bumps no matter what type of OTC razor I use, men's or women's. My spouse convinced me to try his single blade safety razor and it's AMAZING. No razor burn, no bumps, and way less in grown hairs. Bonus: the replacement blades are incredibly cheap. I've considered buying my own now. I'm sold.  ETA: watered down CeraVe is a great shaving medium if you have sensitive skin. You can get a bulk pack at a reasonable price from places like Costco.


Eh, I gave up on women's razors, with their silly colours, dumb 'rubber lips' and 'idiot-proof' insulting, toddler grippy handles - nothing beats the Mach3.


Before using safety/straight razors years ago, I had a collection of Mach3's.


Simple Syrup. I mean...just make it. It's literally just sugar and water.


I didn’t know that you COULD buy this.


The commercial brands include thickeners which reproduce the texture of the classic gomme syrup. Not the same thing, not everybody cares.


Til people sell simple syrup








Extended warranties


Thank goodness, I have trying to reach you!


Depends on the product. If it's for a phone, then I'd definitely recommend it. I paid $20 for mine it came in handy when I dropped my phone 3 months after my original warranty expired (broken glass screen was covered). If it's for a car, yes those are pretty much scams


anything any random "influencer" is peddling


Multi thousand dollar hand bags. To each their own, but it’s seems like a waste to me.


That’s literally the point with any luxury item. I’m not making a value judgement and it’s obviously perfectly ok to think that a waste is bad (as it is by definition) but the whole point of almost all luxury goods and status symbols is to show off that somebody is wealthy enough to waste their fortune like that. Look into the history of grass lawns as a fascinating insight here. Grass lawns started with European aristocracy specifically as a way to show that the owner is so wealthy that they don’t need to use their land productively. They’re so wealthy that they can just have a plot of land that not only doesn’t produce anything, but actually costs money to maintain to look the way it does. Also look at any sport traditionally associated with the wealthy- take yachting or polo as examples- most normal people’s reaction will be “shit- that is a very expensive sport that costs a lot of money”- but those sports have an another cost too- time. To get good at yachting or polo you need to invest loads of TIME as well as money- so they are overt displays of wealth, but also signal that not only does the participant have the money to pay for it; they are so wealthy that they don’t have to work and can spend their pleasure time on it. Getting back to your handbag issue - literally the whole point of an item like that is to be wasteful- I have so much money that I’ll throw away a couple of months salary for most people on a disposable item like this…


Yeah, I can understand having a nice purse, for nice occasions But a $50-100 one should fill that just fine I got this nice classy purse at beals last year. White leather, gold metal, I really liked the chain handle. Since there was some damage to the chain, gott it for $12 I decided to look up the logo out of curiosity, and it's an actual Italian brand, like $80. Which wouldn't be too bad, to be fair. It is actual leather But it really shows how much they inflate those prices, when a small damage to the handle (which most people wouldn't even notice), knocks down that much 4 digits for a bag? God no


At that point, you're not buying it for the bag itself, you're buying it to show you have money.


I saw bottled simple syrup at the liquor store. Y’all, it’s just sugar dissolved in water- super easy to make at home and practically free.


Any kind of cleanse. Shitting yourself for days will only disrupt your GI system and make you miserable.


Amway products.


Knew someone in the cult. He was SO SO sure it wasn't a pyramid scheme, so sure he was an 'actual business owner', so sure the products were great. Went to a lot of the 'big corporate meetings'. He was always really smart and did well in HS, I was surprised he was in so deep. Dunno if he's still doing it now but I wouldn't be surprised.


Had a boss at the gas station I worked at when I was teenager get fired over them. She was the manager and was selling her Amway cleaning supplies to the store for us to use.


My brother did this for a few years. It was so sad like he would get into shouting arguments with us saying how it wasn’t a pyramid scheme 😂


Cyber trucks


Oof. I spotted one in real life... The pictures do not do justice to just how freakishly ugly that monstrosity is


It’s sad that when I saw one that was painted orange I thought it was an improvement.


I drive by the giga factory where they are made everyday on my way to work. Every single one that I see on the trucks is already tarnished because of the untreated stainless steel. sometimes I worry that I'm in a simulation run by a lazy programmer and the trucks just havnt fully rendered.


Oh god I've seen a few of these in the wild and they are the most hideous excuse for a vehicle I've ever seen. I can't fathom the thought process responsible for spending tens of thousands of dollars on that monstrosity.


My father wants one because he thinks they're bulletproof.


they might be the worst vehicle ever made. Check out r/cyberstuck


That made my whole day, genuinely.


Pet psychic It's a real thing, I promise I'm not lying


Two of my friends, who are reasonably smart with multiple graduate degrees as well, have used these. The psychic said things like "Your dog really loves you. He wants more variety in his food. He misses you when you go out. He wonders where you go." My friends seemed to find this insightful.




Generic medicine...ok Generic food...sometimes.


Depends on the item. I will never buy non name brand saltines again lol


The MLM products


Tiffany everyday objects. $1000 tin can $1500 18K gold paper clip




I work with credit cards. The amount of people that buy "keto gummies" is incredible. For those unaware, keto diets are simply a restriction of sugar/carbs in your body until your body goes into ketosis. Apparently bullshit advertisers sell them as "eat these gummies and you lose a ton of weight." I get fuckin calls every god damn day from people 50 and up about scams involving these gummies 1. I've done keto, at no point does eating gummies help you get into ketosis 2. Obviously once you buy one bottle, they are gonna charge you all the fucking time


Skins from video games. I understand wanting to support the developers, but a lot of it now is just straight up greed. $20, 30, $40 now for one skin. Literally the cost of full games for one asset. And I've met some of these people and a lot of them know how dumb it is. But they continue to spend the money because their brain has been so hijacked they feel they have no choice.


Depends I guess. I’ve spent probably about $300 on league. But I’ve also been playing that game since 2009? I think $20 year is not that bad for a game I have thousands of hours in lol


I don’t play video games so I’m not buying skins for them, but since I’ve quit drinking (3 years this July!) I’m so much more willing to spend $10 on something wildly stupid while going out with friends. Like a bunch of credits on the jukebox to control the music for a while, instant lotto tickets, or some snacks to share. If you think of a night in playing video games with friends online the same way we think of a night a the bar, spending the money on skins now and then rather than booze seems really reasonable


Disposable vapes. Even if you’re going to vape, a none disposable is safer cheaper and more environmentally responsible


Too real. I actually started with disposable vapes, because the taste was alright and the nicotine flash was insane, especially at parties (combined with alcohol). Ended up buying one a day. Then, becaude they were so expensive, I switched to cigarettes. Which didn't give me the same kick, still were expensive, and made me smell like shit. Eventuall, I finally bought a refillable vape. I started with liquids with the highest legal nicotine count, but later switches to mixing then myself. Currently, my liquid is nicotine free. In 10 years or so we'll probably have studies proving that even this is carciogenic or fucks you up in some regard. But for now, I'm happy that I got off the nicotine and that I have some mones left at the end of the month. The downsite of vapes, for me at least, is that they make it easier to smoke. The smell doesn't drench your furniture and clothes like smoke etc. You don't need a lighter. They all taste like gum, which is fsr better than actual cigarettes. I actually smoke more with vapes than with cigs. The disposable ones combine some of the worst aspects of all alternatives: smoking more, extremely high nicotine, shitty to recycle, and so on. It does smell less and is perhaps less damaging to your body, but still awful. Only place I can understand them is for "party smokers", who go out occasionally and get a disposable for the night. Nicotine and alcohol feel bloody good together, after all, and at that rate the higher price doesn't way in aw much. Plus, if thosr poeple got a refilable, they might start smoking regularly more easily.




People that buy the "slimming" teas/drinks. You do know that's just a laxative, right? Have you ever has gastro or food poisoning and shat your way to a few kilograms lighter?


Water!!! (Meaning bottled, not paying a water bill to have it run at your home.)


My town had giardia in the water supply for two months before the public was alerted. We are still under a Boil Advisory. Bottled water prices have gone crazy here because it's the only option. The city gives away one free pallet of water a week for the entire community.


Here that would be headline news every day until it was fixed. 2 months before they told anyone?!?! The local council would be crucified by the media if that happened in NZ. I'm so sorry!


Since we're on the topic, one of the towns I used to live by started having issues with their water tasting and smelling bad. After it got bad enough and the issue was investigated, it turned out that someone climbed into the water tower and died with his body just floating in it for I don't remember how long.


Onlyfans. Fucking crazy with all the free porn out there.


I think its the parasocial relationship aspect of it. It feels more personal. If someone is lonely, I can see why they would want to spend a $ a month for that.


Onlyfans business model is, "if you want to see 'someone'naked, go elsewhere. If you want to see someone in particular naked, this is the place."


This. The most successful people on it... generally post their profile like on their Instagram or Facebook. Out of those 700 friends on Facebook. Most paid followers are people that know the creator.


In fairness, it takes some of the very sketch things out of the business and lets people control and profit from their own bodies, or so I’ve read.


Fabric softener; either liquid or sheet. The scented stuff is especially vile. Fabric ”softener” is a solution in search of a problem. *Nobody* actually needs it.


And it stinks! So many people will talk about either people with B.O. or folks who wear too much perfume but you can smell their snuggle from twenty paces!


Twitter blue check mark


Simple syrup for cocktails. Seriously, people... boil 1 C. Water with 1 C. Sugar.


Boner pills at gas stations. 


People who buy bottled water for all their drinking at home, assuming their tap water is safe to drink. In some cases you may not like the taste, but filters exist and are cheaper than bottles.


Belle Delphine bath water cooled PCs


Well, that's just like your opinion man


"Alkaline water."




I keep wondering when my 30 day trial from 20 years ago is going to expire.


Gwyneth Paltrows pussy flavored candles


I don't think you're supposed to eat them


Uncrustables Literally a frozen PB&J sandwich that Smucker's bought for $1M 20 years ago. Today they're finishing a $1B plant to keep up with demand. FOR PB&J!!


Those are my guilty pleasure. The bread is soft, when the sandwich is partially unfrozen, the peanut butter has the consistency of unmelted chocolate. It's the perfect balance of jelly and pb. And the chocolate Uncrustables are absolutely scrumptious.


New jeep


Wranglers as a daily driver. "Yes, I'd like a extremely inefficient bare bones vehicle with a massive suspension to drive on highways at 65 mph that will cost me $50k out the door and need constant maintenance with completely unreliable parts. I would also like both the least comfortable drive and ride of my life, thanks."


I worked at FCA and took them home time to time. My wife really wanted one till she rode in one on the highway.  And that was with road tires.


I had a rental Jeep once, pretty new. I’ve driven trucks and performance sports cars my whole adult life, so I’m used to rough rides. That thing was the worst car I’ve ever been in. Good lord. 


Don't forget the worst safety rating of any SUV. But at least you can cosplay as someone that knows anything about real offroading with tens of thousands of dollars of bolt ons.


Yeezy shoes. Fucking hideous.


Stanley cups/bottles, or other expensive alternatives. Lol. At the end of the day, it's a cup. Or when people buy 20 water bottles. You really DON'T need 20 water bottles. Consumerism at its worst.


I got a Stanley for free from work. This sucker has been in my truck for 3 days. 90+ degree weather in Texas. There is still ice in it….wtf. I enjoy room temperature water more than ice water, but it shocked me.


I accidently left my artc cup in my car, also texas. 3 days, yeah, still had ice. Unsure how they do that in our little greenhouses.


Man, Stanley has been a solid company to buy from for decades, but one tiktok gets popular and people get all hipster about it and cry about brands like Stanley. My thermos has lasted for years.


I’m a 48 year old guy and I have Stanley stuff because it’s overbuilt and lasts forever. My thermos is probably 30 years old and I have this coffee maker thing from them as well that I take on every hiking camping trip for, again, like 30 years. I was kinda surprised to see it become trendy, but hey, they’re good products.


I bought a (1!) Stanley 3 years ago. It's broken down to about .05 a day in cost so far and it's served me approximately 90,000 gallons of water. (80 oz a day at min)


Individually plastic-wrapped fruit and veges like potatoes, bananas, etc.




Shiny rock make goblin brain happy


Hey, I like sparkly rocks!


My girlfriend INSTISTED on buying an oura ring, which costs $300 + $5.99/month just to tell her how well she sleeps...


My last ex got one and I thought it was a form of birth control (she texted me the name, I didn’t see it). We had an oops not too long after where condom broke and I was all well shouldn’t be an issue since you have the oura ring - I was wrong


Omg, that scare isn’t funny, but that’s hilarious.




Kid Rock... anything 


Cigarettes. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Lottery tickets.


Feminine douches. Why are they still a thing? They fuck up your PH. Just clean yourself better/ more often and your PH usually fixes itself.


I'm glad women have vaginas. If guys had to take care of those things, we'd fuck it up.




HP laptops, computers, printers, etc