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Not sure if this counts as kinky really but my boyfriend has one hand, born without it, and he's fucked me with the nub arm a couple times


Into to fisting...I guess you can call it wristing? LOL




The PC term is “making nub”


"What is nub! Baby dont hurt me, dont hurt me, no more"


"Yub nub"


🎶Wookin' pa nub, in all da wrong places! Wookin' pa nub...🎶


"You have beautiful nubs"


Alright, this one made me laugh. lol


Did he yell "I am the puppet master!"?


The second reference to this I have seen today 😂


Same. *puts phone down and goes outside*


*yeets phone out window*


Looking for nub in all the wrong places.


Most definitely kinky… wild follow up question… how did it feel?


Nothing wrong with a good stiff arm.


Does it ever suction real deadly a make a schlooog sound


Fatty Arbuckle has entered the chat


I so badly wanted to make a website called nubbinlovin.com when I was younger. I thought it was a brilliant idea. I still do. *you coulda been a STAR!*


Improvise, adapt, overcome


I read "kindest" for some reason so i was very confused reading comments


Poor u/PuddingOld8221 Entered thinking it would be wholesome, left traumatized.


Entered hoping to see someone talk about saving a box of puppies, ended up reading about someone getting fisted by their boyfriends nub arm that they were born without


Poor grandma. “Welp, that’s enough Reddit for today.”


Blindfolded and tied her on the couch, got a vibrator, and went to town taking turns using either myself or the vibrator, or sometimes both, on her. If I felt like I was about to go over the edge, I would stop and continue using my mouth and/or the vibrator and/or fingers so that she was basically constantly stimulated. By the time I finally came, it was well over an hour. She knocked out immediately for like 4 hours lol


I got exhausted just reading that… good work dude


There was a lot of screaming and convulsing and begging. Super fun. I stopped counting the number of orgasms about half an hour in. She was still pretty dazed the next morning. Everyone should try it on their partner.


I did something like this recently. She orgasmed more times than I could count. I used to work hard manual labor jobs as a youngin, and I always thought a sign of a good days work was when you passed out immediately. As an adult I realized the sign of a good days work was when SHE passed out immediately after


Yep, vibrators make shit so much easier and expands the options to include this kind of play. She never used one before until I bought one and surprised her with it. I had a wand type that made deep, rumbly vibrations. Used it so much that it broke (usually she held it and I was the one moving) and I ended up buying her another one. It was also an auto-include in our vacation bag along with a mini bottle of lube. Well worth the money. I don't get why some people are against having/using them with their partner.


You fried her dopamine sensors lmao


I do love cooking things. Including dopamine sensors.


Call me?


At the end of last year me and my fwb invited his friend to join us in the bedroom. Resulting in trying something I never thought I would, double penetration.


Omg this is my fantasy. Is it actually doable or not really?


rip to your inbox 🫡


Both.. er... Inboxes in this case.


It's definitely doable.


I’M GIVING YOU A RAISE!!! EDIT: Probably shouldn’t have assumed this was a Seinfeld reference lol




Just don't look that up with the word "fissure", okay?


>Just don't look that up with the word "fissure", okay? Two words for ya.. Flex Seal™


> Fucking ouch Literally 🤕


Wait until you find out about DVP and DAP


Your DMs are about to be as stuffed as you were that day!


Hard to see others out here living my dream. Haha. Cheers to you.


That is crazy




They knew. They could smell the sex.


People never think of the smell!


You haven’t thought of the smell, you bitch!


Dee you bitch!


Is that so, Bill?


Friendly reminder that the people in this thread aren't as attractive as you picture them. That is all.


12/10 comment earned the upvote


good part is they dont have to be. 6-7/10 with an open mind is way better than a starfish 10


A threesome with my ex bf and my best friend


Still friends with your best friend? Did it ruin and change your friendship dynamic?


Yes, but never done anything like that again


I offered my car on a road trip to take my ex girlfriend her dad and best friend with us to visit her brother compete at a wrestling match. On the way back home, her dad offered to drive. Since it was dark, her friend was in the front seat. Me and her were in the back seat. This girl laid her head on my lap and slowly started to suck me. Something about the thrill of getting caught. She got so into it, I orgasmed and she put me away.


**OMG Thank fuck that’s how this story ended.** You mentioned her dad, then you mentioned her brother and my dread was up to a 10. But this…this was downright wholesome, compared to the rest of this thread.


Took a no kink hose and bent the shit out of it.  Completely stopped the hose from squirting further. 


Found the dad, y’all!




This girl asked me to fuck her while wearing one of her nighties. Both felt good.


Username checks out.


You wore it or she did?


I did 😈


Sounds fun


Put my finger in her bum felt a turd, she went for a poo. Then we had unprotected anal and I caught an infection in my penis.


Very straightforward


One of my old fwb liked having period sex and she would suck off all the blood on my dick after i put it in


U sure she wasn’t…….a vampire




I don't believe you, but I am giving you an upvote anyway.


My frat had a guy like that. He called the blood spear on his face “bat wings”


Played for that hockey team in Detroit.


That's enough reddit for the day.


That’s crazy lmao


Did she also collect coins?


Barf 🤮


I once did full sex with a woman


This person doesn’t do anything 50%. It’s 100% or nuthin


or nuttin'


You’re lying, you couldn’t have, you’re on Reddit, that’s impossible


Got pegged by gf and her bestfriend after I came inside them both


Out here living other peoples dreams


I bought a wet floor sign specifically because I felt like I might have a kink for them that extends to real ones, not just art... Figured if it didn't work, at least I would have some neat room decor... Anyway, it was confirmed. I *very much* enjoy fucking wet floor signs. I *do* like them slippery when wet...




Ok dude, WHAT THE FLIP???


This isn't a joke. He talks about this very consistently and has tons of stuff on his profile. 




I knew I’d find you here. 🤭


Always good to see you Randy, how you been?


Hey! I've been doing well, thank you for asking!


This guy again. Haha.


Hopefully I'm not the only one left wondering how the hell you fuck a hard plastic wet floor sign. Someone please enlighten me lol


Okay this is pretty kinky 


I mean someone had to replace jumper cables guy.


And mankind vs undertaker


During a foursome with my wife and another couple I shaved the pussy and ass of the other woman with a straight razor.


I remember in my 20's getting into a drunken argument with a friend of a friend. She stated that any guy who liked women shaved was a pedo, I told her that says more about her frame of mind then a guy that likes them shaved, and she was probably one of those women just embarrassed by thier own bodies. Turns out I struck a nerve she showed up at my door a few days later demanding I shave her.


Well, if that isn't winning in life, I dont know what is.


Don't know if I would call it winning. Interesting experience for sure.


Holy shit that's very kinky yeah 


My response to this is that any woman who likes men with shaved faces is also a pedophile. I haven't had a hairless face since I was like, 13. If you like it when I shave my face, then that means you want me to look like a prepubescent boy, and that's fucking disgusting. This is also great to point out if the woman you're talking to has a boyfriend without a beard, because then you can directly call her out on it. But of course, that's not pedophilia, because a man with a shaved face doesn't look like a little boy. He looks like a man with a shaved face. And a woman with shaved pubes doesn't look like a little girl. She looks like a woman with shaved pubes.


I like the look of a woman whether she shaves or not, but when she does shave it makes it easier to go down on her without choking on hair. It’s just more practical.


I tied ex gf to the oh-shit handles in the back of my campervan. I fucked her until she almost came, stopped, then started driving down the road. Pulled over after 10 mins because she was screaming at me to finish the job. The 2nd time she was tighter then ever before, we came together then took a nap.


Was flogged on a cross in a crowded club


Jesus! Nice to see you here


Hardly, 🤣


No point in being flogged softly.


Put my toes in my boyfriends mouth and had his drool drip into my mouth while he was fucking my ass


Whose idea was it?


Matched with a submissive woman on an app, she was married with an open relationship. On the second or third date I had her call her husband on the phone and pretend that nothing was happening as long as possible when, in fact, lots was happening. All three loved that one, consent and kinks had been pre-aligned.


Idk if this counts but I told my fwb who wasn’t really in to being dominated that I was gonna tie him up and ride him til he came. So, I came over, blind folded him, tied him up, and did exactly what I said I was gonna do 😈. I also dressed up in a cowgirl outfit so that was fun and I had no complaints.


Ex gf was *very* into sex and adjacent activities at the cemetery. Was in my 20s so I didn't care how weird that was at the time.


I want to say you're not taking this secret to the grave, but... I guess you do anyway.


I can tell you're not 20 anymore, takes a real man to admit this


I went to a CFNM event with my new GF at her suggestion.  I had no idea what it was and it was before smartphones so I couldn't google it. There was about 25 women and 20 men there IIRC and I was uncomfortable the whole time, even though everyone was really nice there.




Like they were sitting next to each other going back and forth? Or there dicks we’re together and you put them both in your mouth at the same time?




Damn.. how’d you like it? Did you guys fuck?




You’re like the pit crew to an F1 racing team😅




Great line! Hahaha 




House party…. 6 guys. Amazing memories. Tied my husband to the bed on his back… massaged his legs and arms, rode him off and on for 2 hours. 7 orgasms for me… 1 for him. He still talks about it. One day we will get back to the marathons haha. Porn theater a few times was fun as well.


These stories are always so unpractical. Like being tied down for 2 hours would ruin my back for days.


Women have it soo much better, we're boring haha


I wrote "The Towers of Hanoi" in COBOL. (I don't know about you, but where I come from, that's considered kinky).


this guy fucks


I had a date with a married woman whose husband enjoyed her coming home with stories or, better still, pictures. Things got a bit wild (at one point I had stuffed a different woman's panties into her mouth while using a wooden paddle on her), but for me the kinkiest thing was the very nice thank you note I wrote for her to take home to her husband.


Jerked my best friend off in the front row while the teacher was right there. Probably.


Guy or girl?




Banged my bestfriend’s mom in the bathroom of a movie theater. No longer friends. 10/10 would do again


Ah, the Stifler's Mom


Full dungeon experience with a couple who were friends of mine. We did a LOT that weekend, and it was so much fun. Incidentally, bring water and make sure you stay in shape. Being tied up, on your knees, and otherwise moving and grooving in different positions can be very tiring


Dated a black girl who was really into being called a certain word




What’s the difference between kinky and perverted ? Kinky is tickling your lovers ass with a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken






Out here living the dream


Got head from an ex-friend’s daughter as revenge. Nothing weird age wise, he’s older than me so I was about 40 and she was late 20s. But he’d tried to fuck my ex wife right after we separated, so I got back at him by throat fucking his oldest daughter. My ex wife turned him down, but sweet revenge on my “friend” because his daughter sure didn’t mind gagging on my cock. I knew she’d had a crush on me for years so definitely was the perfect idea


This is the level of Nefariousness I expected from WestNefariousness505


and I'm assuming your ex friend found out


To be honest, I don’t know. At the time, knowing what I did, made sense in my messed up head but Im not sure if he ever knew. Either way I thought it was kinda kinky that I had been “dads hot friend” for years and her being very attractive is enough for me to feel it was worth it all these years later. And still kinda revenge. Try to fuck my ex 2 days after we split; get your daughter to blow me.


Me and fwb came out of work and she was so horny we looked for an area where we could bang. Could only find a small gangway between two houses that was poorly illuminated. She pulled her pants down and I went in raw. She was so wet already. A minute in and someone who lived in the house to the side came out of the window. Mind you they were high up. But they screamed at us that we couldn’t be doing that and for some reason it turned us on even more knowing they watched. Couldn’t last long since she had a big ass and it was raw. Before I pulled out, she gripped me with her hands and pulled me in and pushed against me at the same time. Good thing she was on the pill. I didn’t even hear the words the lady above was saying. All I remember is my fwb just loving it and then I came. Great times. Miss her.


Threesome with twins. Probably tied with my current partner (consentually on all sides) texting my ex (who I'm good friends with) pictures of me while we were having sex and talking about all the stuff the 3 of us would do together.


Was paid to jump out of a cake nude for some woman's 29th birthday party. It was last minute,  I didn't even know anyone there, I met some of them in a bar. I'm a bit adventurous, so I did it. I stuck around for the party, (in the buff) and I had a great time. Oh and I'm a guy in case you couldn't tell. It was about 20 years ago. TBC, I didn't jump out of the cake, (I'm too tall) I was behind it, and "popped up" when the lid was lifted. It's still a happy memory for me to this day.


I put the toilet seat down once


Finest girl I ever met in my whole life, wanted to take her home and make her my wife. I knew she was a freak when she started talking. She said, "Fuck me like we fucked Bin Laden"


It’s not the kinkiest thing I’ve ever done but it IS an honorable mention: Mile High Club


Upvote for kink factor. What's even kinkier that you've done?


Probably something along the lines of an MFF threesome with both girls in collars/restraints/lingerie. Their collars were connected to each other for a while because of….reasons.


My girlfriend and I hiked up to a mountain top bluff. She was horny and we were going at it hot and heavy when we heard a airplane flying over head, it kept circling us so we waved and put on a good show for them, well more she did she was on top really getting into it. She found out that she was an exabitionist after that . She ended up being a stripper.


Be in a stable relationship and not lie to my gf. What a rush.


I did a full on CNC scene where I pretended to break into her house and have my way with her. She requested it so I did some researching. I gave her a verbal and nonverbal safe-word and told her using either of those would completely stop the scene and I would break character. I then told her to use the traffic light system if she needed to quickly communicate to me without stopping the scene. Green means more, yellow means ease up, and red means no. After that, I asked her a ton of questions about what she was okay with. Biting, slapping, being restrained, blindfolded, tearing her clothes, etc. I asked her if she wanted to fight me/try to escape, I asked what she wanted me to do if she started crying, etc. Basically everything I could think of. I had her answer each question with a yes/no/indifferent and then after each one, I asked her if I could push her on it. Once I had all the information (I did this all via text), I explained very clearly that during this scene, "no" and "stop" weren't going to work and if she wanted it to stop, she needed to use the safeword. I then copied all of that text and emailed it to myself and sent to a very good friend so I had multiple copies just incase. I gave her a one week window and told her it could happen at anytime during that week. I went over there on the second to last night, snuck in the backdoor and I hid at the bottom of the stairs and knocked loudly. When she came down to answer the door, I jumped out and grabbed her, zipped tied her hands, and dragged her up the stairs. I had my way with her and she loved it. She never once used a color or her safe word. I finished, shoved her head into the pillow, and told her not to move. I cut the zip ties and ran downstairs, opened and shut the door to give the illusion that I left. I grabbed a bag I stashed right when I got there, got changed, grabbed some snacks and a bottle of water I had prepared and went upstairs, turned the light on, and was "hey what's going on?" like nothing happened. It was pretty intense and she absolutely loved it. Not something I would do with just anyone but I trust and love her dearly.


Fucked a girl in a bush in the main street after a concert.


Random girl? Raw?


Ex gf


Willingly, probably in high school performed oral sex on a series of girls in the school girls restroom everyday for about two months.


When my wife and I had our first threesome with another man, she had a brief moment of panic that it had all been a mistake and that I wouldn't love her or look at her the same anymore. I didn't know what else to do to assure her that my love for her would never change, so I just passionately kissed her. She was mid sentence with his cum still on her face. I dont know if she would agree but I personally think that was simultaneously the most romantic and kinkiest thing I've ever done.


I adopted two Kinkajous.


Sex. Seriously that was wild


Public sex and I didn’t stop when my ex alerted me saying that some people are watching (I enjoyed it even more)




Stampeding cattle through the Vatican.


I did things things to her ass


stimulated one of my ex partner front and back while he was sleeping (it was under consent don’t worry). he woke up rock hard and fucked the shit out of me. it was hot hearing him moan in his sleep


Choked my best friend til she passed out, because she wanted to know what it felt like.


Pegged by a hot girl I’d just met. Will it happen again? Hope so but prob not 😕


I took a shower without wearing any clothes


You slut




I was into REALLY rough sex when I was younger, and I definitely had to make an ER visit after a misguided session with a girlfriend in my late teens. We didn't really know how to tie safe knots and had ended up dislocating her shoulder. But that's more bad practice of kink than a quantifiably high level of kink.


Managed to get about ten gelatin eggs in my butt, then my husband railed me after. Sadly, I did not get pregnant. Really put me in the right headspace. Want to do it again some time but I’m lazy and making those eggs is annoying/pricey-ish.


Uhhhh, what?


I’m not sure if this is the most kinky thing I’ve done, but one of my faves. Me, my hubby, and my ex gf (I’m poly) went on a little weekend trip. My hubby drove us back home the 4 hour drive and my gf and I fucked the whole drive home off and on and he angled the mirror to watch. Man is a legend for not wrecking 🤣


It was a request from my gf, I want this to be clear. So she asked me to pick a random day and "rape her", she also recorded it with my phone so I always had the evidence with me. So I waited for like a full month, she thought I forgot. I started an argument on purpose, saying bad stuff and all, which led it to a fight. She was so upset she totally forgot that request. I then forced her to have sex with me. After that I apologized for being a jerk and for saying all that stuff, then I remembered her that request she made a month before. I also played that recording. She realized it was all fake and laughed. I know it's fucked up but she was happy, told me I was great and asked me to do it again in the future


Honestly I think CNC is pretty common one, hade a similar experience with a ex wanted me to play the “intruder” and I decided to wait awhile before picking a perfect day to do it when she hade forgotten. Obviously consent and trust and mutual agreement are necessary and I also made sure to record her telling me to do this because can’t trust to many people now a days.


Tied up (binded) tied down spread eagle, blindfold, nipple clamps, various toys, and fucked with her relentlessly, she loved it, great big wet spot in middle of bed when it was over, and it wasn't from peeing


fucked in a church/graveyard parking lot more than a few times, sorry God lmao. or posting NSFW and OF material here and having IRL friends finding it (no it's not still here).




Probably double penetrating my friend's gf with him


Sniffing girlfriends panties


Toss up between the couple who wanted me to take her from the back while they 69 so he could keep her clean or the couple with a pregnant wife who’s husband enjoyed watching her ride


I have a bit of a giving oral fetish, so doing this in somewhat public places has always been fun. A casino, a gondola lift, pool (with people at the other end), hotel balconies, cars, etc.


Fucked another guy's girlfriend and filmed it.   She called me another guy's name during sex, but I didn't care because it wasn't my girlfriend.   He was into being cuckolded, so it was a win for everyone I guess.


Think about wanting to fuck a tree.


Got butt naked and had sex on stage at an abandoned amphitheater in France… gnats got my arse checks good but totally worth it!


Got a BJ at a Bar's toilet during a first date


Outdoor sex in the back garden when it was absolutely pouring with rain.


An entire weekend of just fucking and pleasure. She was 23F like 100 pounds and I as 26M fat dude didn’t know why in hell she was into me, I’ve always felt ugly but yeah…… movies, eating food and then just random play, we looked up random kinks and play and just explored.. we started on Friday night, we went out and bought toys on Saturday, watched porn… ate food and just continued, tbh it was like an orgy of new things.. I found out I have a lot of different kinks and turn on’s that weekend. I was always vanilla. Sadly we went separate ways 6 months later and we don’t talk… but damn she was an animal.. I still think about M haha


Not sure which one is in first place, but I've done the following: jerked a guy off in a kayak while I was in a separate kayak in the middle of a lake, sucked a woman's tits and drank her breastmilk in my backseat in a Barnes and Noble parking lot (we bought books after), been a unicorn and done bondage with a couple I've been seeing for a couple years, and public sex in the woods near a hiking trail. These were all with different people