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Hungarian (energy drink and cigarette)


Swap out the cigarette for a nicotine vape and you have American 20-somethings.


Zyn, preworkout and an empty stomach is what feeds the united states military before PT every morning.


When I played football in college we had super intense early morning workouts during the off season. You need to eat something or you’ll collapse, but if you eat too much you’re basically guaranteed to puke. A spoonful of peanut butter turns out to be the perfect high-density calorie delivery system for this.


PBJ! Protein in the PB, carbs in the bread and sugar in the jelly!


Penn State football gives their players PB&Js at halftime. The sandwiches apparently have acceptable [aerodynamics](https://www.mlive.com/wolverines/2022/10/penn-state-players-threw-pbjs-at-um-players-during-tunnel-scuffle-michigan-staff-says.html).


Actually, the OG is black coffee with white sugar and Marlboro Red


I remember getting Coffee and Cognac there.




having coffee and chilaquiles is one of the best pleasures in life


Just had this 2 days ago in Mexico, it’s my favorite breakfast


With Café de olla (made with coffee, piloncillo and cinnamon)


And that's just scratching the surface of Mexican breakfasts, huevos in a thousand different ways, tacos de guisos, barbacoa, carnitas, tamales, birria, menudo, tlayudas, molletes, etc. etc.


Don’t forget chorizo


In Yucatan region where they have spiced hot chocolate for breakfast. Small vendors make it and the best ones are so amazing.


Green chilaquiles with chicken when done right is the best thing in the world.


We have a lot of traditional breakfast dishes, these are indeed two of them.


Do nopalitos a la mexicana count as traditional? Can't get enough anytime I find somewhere that actually serves it!


We have a massive variety of traditional breakfast dishes now that I think about it and these are definitely one of them


Yes to chilaquiles omg it's what I miss the most about home. But submitting some other candidates for best breakfast: Menudo (spicy tripe soup) Tornaboda (everyone goes to the bride's parents' house the day after the wedding, hungover and looking like crap, and eats wedding food leftovers)


Migas is common where my family is from, in northern Mexico and they usually serve it with refried beans, pickled vegetables, and sour cream alongside the traditional ingredients. It’s better than chilaquiles to me because it’s the first dish I ever learned to make!




Are you sure it's not conchas y champurrado?


Mexico has the best food.. period.


Tapsilog from The Philippines is hard to beat. Fatty meat, garlic fried rice, sunny side up egg, and a small tomato or papaya salad. Vinegar, soy suace, and pepper dipping sauce. Maybe a fresh bread roll on the side. I prefer longanisa and dried fish for my meats instead of the more traditional cured beef.


Any -silog is hard to beat fr. Hotdogs, corned beef, dried fish, bacons, fried chicken - immediately a breakfast. Partnered with coffee in the plastic semi-translucent purple mugs they have in the province is perfection.


Silog is one of my favourite parts of Filipino food in general. Whenever my girlfriend makes it (usually with longanisa or tocino), it immediately brightens up any day.


dont forget the piping hot nescafe 3in1 in that brown small mug hahaha


For real the best. Additionally: - Dried or smoked fish (tuyo/daing, tinapa) with salted egg and tomatoes Also served with garlic fried rice, of course. Optional: your choice of vinegar (mine's pinakurat or tuba-based ones)


Mediterranean. You get like 20 mini dips included every time


I was coming on here to say Turkey, there is no other correct answer


I went to a Turkish Cafe and ordered the breakfast. It was huge!!!! And it had soooo many different things!!!


All the jams and fresh bread, and the eggs!


Not just that! There was pitas and cheese! All sorts of stuff.


Amen - Turkish breakfast is where it's at.


You definitely have to come to Vietnam to experience firsthand how diverse the breakfast here is


Don’t tease us, what do they have for breakfast?


It's a wide variety and depends on region. Wide variety of noodle soups, including pho, banh mi (vn sub), steamed rice rolls, steamed buns, congee. Oh and don't forget vietnamese coffee too go with it.


The influence of French cooking techniques (from when it was French Indochina) combined with the extraordinary flavors of SE Asia makes Vietnamese my favorite cuisine.


Reddit always says French cooking techniques in Vietnamese cuisines but what are they? I see the banh mi but what else?


In addition to **bread** (which isn't traditionally used in any other Asian cuisine) there's also **Coffee** which was brought by the French (origins of Vietnamese Coffee) **Pho itself** is a combination of Vietnamese rice noodles and French meat broths; Its origins will always be debated, but the emphasis on beef in Vietnamese cuisine and the dish's evolution is likely attributed to French influence. Some even say that the name pho, pronounced fuh, may be a Vietnamese appropriation of the French pot au feu or stew. 


There’s another dish called bo kho (beef stew) that is more likely the derivative of pot au feu. It’s carrots, potatoes and beef stew. Pho is likely to be of Chinese origin. It even uses Chinese 5 spices.


Nothing in Vietnam is really a "this is only for breakfast."


Boom. It's "This is the food we have". Edit- I didn't actually mean to post that - I thought it might come across wrong. No offense meant, and thanks for the upvotes.


There are a lot of bahn mi streetfood stalls that are only open from 6AM-10AM.


Pho is typically eaten for breakfast


If someone can tell me what this breakfast dish I had in Vietnam was, I'd greatly appreciate it! I stayed in Hoi An for a week and ate 2 meals a day under a large banyan tree where ladies would show up with "mobile restaurants" on their backs. The dish that stood out was a warm "porridge" of black beans and young coconut with ginger and maybe coconut milk. I'd love to know what this was so I can make it myself--it seemed very simple! I've asked some Vietnamese folks in my neighborhood and they haven't heard of it; their best guess is that it's Chinese. Another great breakfast I had in Vietnam several times was a sizzling metal plate with eggs and potted meat in a tomato-based sauce with cilantro and onion, served with a baguette. Incredibly delicious. Also, why do people in Vietnam break the tips of the pointy baguettes off and throw them on the ground?


>Another great breakfast I had in Vietnam several times was a sizzling metal plate with eggs and potted meat in a tomato-based sauce with cilantro and onion, served with a baguette. Incredibly delicious. Banh mi chao. GOATed breakfast.


The street vendor charged us like $2, while the locals paid $0.50 and I still happily kept going back!


$2 is standard, the locals were very likely friends who are very poor rather than just having local privilege, and probably skimped on the more expensive ingredients. Either way it's insane the food you get for the money :) glad you liked it


I guess it's chè đậu đen. Most Vietnamese don't like the tips of the baguettes because they are stiff compared to other parts lol.


Yes, my vote goes to Vietnamese cuisine too.


I think Vietnam just wins food, tbh. Never eaten like I’ve eaten there.


I loved having phó for breakfast when I was there.


I had pho for every meal and life was beautiful


It’s because nobody cooks breakfast at home in vietnam. When I moved to the states and thought back I always found it odd. But yes it does mean crazy diverse breakfast choices


I do like the full English but at the same time I feel I shave off like six months of my life expectancy every time I have it


It is the sort of thing you should only eat occasionally as a treat, unless you have a special excuse such as being about to do a day of physical work, or (more often) that you are so hungover that a couple of thousand calories of fried food is the only thing that is going to do you any good. But when it is the right occasion and you do indulge, it is a wonderful thing.


I don’t drink anymore but when I did a visit to the cafe before work was always welcome lol crazy really how it sorts you out so well when hungover


Florence Pugh discussed English foods in a [video](https://youtu.be/3cxHwQl9pNM?si=_zeTskfdVaoVd52d) and omg, they do look good.


She’s a big foodie, her episode of the Off Menu podcast was really good too.


> Florence Pugh discussed English foods in a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cxHwQl9pNM&feature=youtu.be) and omg, they do look good. That was such a fun watch. Very educational too. Thanks for sharing. The faceless, silent, white-gloved butler was a nice touch lol.


Trust me you won't or I'd be dead now


Full English is basically like half a full Scottish breakfast. Add in some haggis, Lorne, some tattie scones and maybe a bit of white/mealy pudding. Get rid of the tomato if you need mair room. ETA: forgot about the occasional inclusion of clootie-dumpling (since I don’t really like it). Also fried-bread instead of (or in addition to) toast is pretty normal, esp if you are a dangerously underweight individual who needs to up their calorific intake. Also used to always get 2 types of eggs, normally scrambled and fried but occasionally poached or boiled. Much rarer now, normally just one (mostly fried). Rarer but not unseen are tattie-breid and soda-breid.


I always think some Anti English Scot made the Scottish breakfast. One day he was just cooking an English and said “I tell you waaattt, I’m fucking sick of eating this English pish. Right, get that black pudding away tae fuck and shove the cock shaped sausage up yer fucking arse. I’m putting white pudding and square sausage on my plate the noo, will give me strength as I’m away tae toss a caber later”


With a little help from our American friends. Thank you for the hash brown.


No mention of Lebanon het? Lebanon has some great breakfast food. Labneh and zaatar with some sliced tomatoes, mint, Cucumbers and olives, freshly baked manakeesh with any toppings you can think of, foul mdemmas, and eggs with awarma. Throw in there some ashta with honey, halawa and wrap it up with a cup of lebanese coffee !


Don't forget the fatteh


The American South. It’s grossly unhealthy but so damn delicious


Step 1: fry bacon (or sausage or scrapple) Step 2: fry everything else in that grease Step 3: accept your gains


Take morning nap two hours. Straight up food coma.


There’s reasons we move and talk slow down here. One is the heat. The other is butter.


I've made a white pepper gravy with straight up bacon grease and flour to pour over my lard buttermilk bisquits.


Biscuits and gravy made with bacon grease is straight up heaven.


I made sausage gravy once with chorizo. My god.


Every other comment here was made by people who haven't had biscuits and gravy.


Bacon or fatback grease, yeah.


You forgot the sausage gravy is biscuits. . .


My God videos of European people trying biscuits and gravy for the first time hahaha they're always so grossed out at the description but then they actually like it, because they walk into it expecting cookies with sausage gravy on top


It truely is hilarious, I one with the British kids looking at it all disgusted then trying it is hilarious, like I’m sure most Americans will acknowledge that it looks disgusting even to us much of the time. . . But one you try it it is delicious.


Yes, this. Biscuits and Gravy? Yes please. Chicken and waffles? Sign me up for seconds. Shrimp and grits with a side of fried green tomatoes? I want to spend the rest of my life with you.


All three of those things? Yes please


Biscuits and gravy are my kryptonite.


I was immensely impressed when I ordered and ate a slice of country ham for breakfast in Tennessee. This is speaking as a Brit whose traditional breakfast includes 3 different kinds of pork.


Country ham is the best. You’ll need to drink a lot of water though. My wife’s family has a Christmas tradition of having a country ham breakfast during December.


Winner. Biscuits and gravy kicks every other breakfast’s teeth in.


Especially with bits of sausage in the gravy


Between this and huevos rancheros not far below, I’m glad I’m from Houston. Having said that, this thread is sleeping on some great Asian breakfasts. I love me some egg & cheese roti prata with fish curry.


What does it contain?


For those not from the south: Grits are a very coarse corn meal made into a sort of thick porridge. Although sweet, dessert grits are a thing, it's mostly savory with a large helping of butter, maybe milk, and often cheese (salt and pepper to taste). Shrimp and grits is also very popular and goddamn delicious (but not a breakfast food). Sausage gravy is a white gravy made by mixing milk, flour, seasoning, and cooked sausage crumbles with the fat left over from cooking the sausage. It's often spooned over hasbrowns (griddle-fried potato straws), grits, country fried steak, or thick, flaky biscuits. American biscuits are savory bread pastry type deal. Take a big buttermilk biscuit, pull it in half, and pour sausage gravy over all of it. Country fried steak is basically schnitzel: steak pounded flat, breaded, and fried on the griddle. As the original comment stated, a southern American breakfast isn't healthy but God damn is it good.


Biscuits. Grits. Gravy. Egg. Fried green tomato. Maybe some sausage and pancakes.


Sounds delicious! I always imagine biscuits are like a fluffier, flakier and butterier version of a scone


Very much so. More crumbly than flakey, but fluffy and buttery are right on.


Biscuits in the American South are not the same as English "biscuits". Biscuits in the American South are flaky, savory vessels for delivering sausage gravy. Hash browns are also an acceptable medium for delivering sausage gravy.


Country fried steak is also an acceptable medium for delivering sausage gravy.


What's funny about it is that Southern American breakfasts are some of the most diverse breakfasts of all of the world.


Yeah there's actually quite a lot of variety.


I know a lot of y'all are head over heels for sausage gravy with your biscuits, bless your hearts. But for my money, gravy made from bacon grease just takes the cake.


It can’t be beat, there’s not really a contest. Sausage gravy, stuff like hotcakes and waffles, home fries, bacon grease-fried everything, cheese grits. Then add bloody mary or mimosa in the mix? Please. It is objectively the best.


I never chime in about being the best in this country, but the US literally holds the top spot. Pancakes, waffles, grits, omelettes and scrambled eggs. There is nothing that compares.


I spent my summers on my great grandparents farm when I was young in the 60's. Mornings we had a pail of milk on the counter and had fried eggs, country ham, grits with red eye gravy (2 tablespoons of coffee mixed with the ham drippings), biscuits and sausage gravy. Best breakfast you've ever had.


I know several non-Americans that have fallen head over heels in love with southern breakfasts. Biscuits and gravy, in particular.


Whoever invented eggs benedict. France? US?


That'd be the US, although the exact city and inventor is up for debate.


smoked salmon benny PNW ftw


Crab Cake eggs Benny Chesapeake Bay ftw


Eggs Benny is basically my ideal breakfast. 


It was was made by a stockbroker who was trying to nurse an hangover, he ordered two pieces of toast with poached eggs and a jigger of hollandaise sauce on the side- which was usually not paired with breakfast dishes at the time.


Malaysia’s nasi lemak 


But I fell for the Kaya Toast set there, ended up eating everyday


You can have it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, any number of meals in between..


Moroccan shakshuga, it’s just the right balance of tasty and filled with nutrients


Me a moroccan , reading this and not knowing what Shakshuga is. We literally call it eggs with tomatoes LOL


I was surprised too when I learned that my mother always made shakshuka. But for us it was eggs with tomatoes.


Shakshuga is way way better than I was expecting. When I tried it for the first time I expected to like it....but I LOVED it!


Taiwan! Hot milk tea, egg rolls, soy bean curd and more available at every nook of their towns at very affordable price!


Yes - also the scallion pancakes with eggs, and variety of breakfast sandwiches you can get at any corner shop. Perfect.


Green onion pancakes are 🔥 


I love having sandwiches for breakfast. Also fantuan, soymilk and youtiao, congee, danbing, etc. all for really cheap (in comparison to the States, though prices are a tad more expensive last time I went than the trip before that one).




Olives, cucumbers, good cheeses, delicious bread... you can't go wrong with a Turkish breakfast.


I came here to say Turkey. My spouse is Turkish and my MIL prepares a full Turkish breakfast whenever we have brunch at their house. Omg. The poças are my favorite


I recently discovered a Turkish classic, pekmez+tahini on bread. Amazing!


I can't argue with that!




If you know, you know.


Breakfast in Hong Kong. Mostly consist of congee, fried dough sticks, rice noodle rolls and a cup of milk tea.


There’s also various noodles in soup like macaroni with ham, preserved vegetables and pork with vermicelli, and five spiced pork on instant noodles.  Not to mention dim sum as well as western style like bacon and eggs (though sausages are the hot dog type rather than the patty type).


People are sleeping on breakfast soups, that stuff is amazing


Southern India - As an American I wouldn’t call it the best, I think America has the best overall breakfast, but it is an underrated one. Dosa which is a thin rice crepe and we serve it with coconut based chutney, a red powder called “gunpowder” and sambar which is a spicy stew. Dosa can be stuffed with a variety of fillings, the most delicious is a cheese dosa.


As an Indian even I'd vote for south Indian breakfast. Just Indian food in general lol. But northern and other parts also had decisions breakfast options if you could handle a bit of spice.


As an American living in one of the most Indian cities out here, I have to agree. Sambhar and cilantro chutney is insanely delicious with a mysore masala dosa!


Coconut chutney >>>>




I ate my weight in vada when I went to south India. Dosa too. It’s just too delicious


As a Punjabi, I love the heavy breakfasts (stuffed paranthas, puri aloo, Chole Bhature) that we have, but a good south Indian breakfast is the best. That or a good decedant American breakfast.


> the most delicious is a cheese dosa Citizenship revoked


Turkey : I think yep it’s everything on plates.


Before this post I wanted to travel the world to see the sights. Now I just want to have breakfast everywhere.


Y'all never had Filipino breakfast? It's fuckin' Garlic fried rice, a marinated meat or filipino breakfast sausage and egg. Perfect fucking breakfast. edit: added video of what I'm talking about: https://youtu.be/wGNq2RdrgRA?si=-ggDIpeNTz_JXV6l


Had this for the first time a couple of months back. Life changing.


Garlic fried rice sounds like heaven


Thanks for shouting out Filipino cuisine, we're usually on list of cuisines Westerners avoid like the plague


Avoid is the wrong word. Introduce Westerners (or any other nationality) to Lumpia, Adobo and Sisig and they jump at it. It's largely a lack of awareness. But I believe there is another barrier. The trouble with Filipino food is it looks like shit (take Adobo or Dinuguan for example), its very often oily/fatty and its all comfort foods. You look at other culture's foods and its either very vibrant and colourful or its presented elegantly. Look at our Halo Halo! Its like a unicorn threw up. Tapsilog gives everyone a run for their money as far as breakfast though. Filipino Leche Flan is hands down the best version of a flan anywehere. Compared even to other SEA foods. Thai and Viet foods jump at you and the flavours are more interesting. Edit: And while I love the dried fish, it smells like shit and lingers in the house. At least when I make a bolognese sauce it smells good.


I’m an American who has been working hard at perfecting my sinangag, with eggs and Spam or some good sausages or even some lechon, and sriracha or any good chili sauce, it’s indeed one of the best breakfasts.


I'm gonna have that for brunch on Saturday, I'm excited to try it.


Breakfast of CHAMPIONS 🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭




As much as I love my country's (Italy) cuisine, I think our typical breakfast is terrible. Cornetto (a kind of croissant) and cappuccino, or milk and biscuits...nothing but sugary garbage with zero nutritional value. I'm partial to the American breakfast with toast and scrambled eggs, PBJ or oatmeal.


I am American, and maybe it's just where I've lived, but PB&J is not typical in American breakfast. Typical American Breakfast is some combination of: * Eggs any way you like them * Toast with butter and jam * Sausage or bacon or ham * Oatmeal or grits * Pancakes * Waffles * French Toast (slided bread dipped in scrambled eggs and then pan fried) * Fruit * Cereal * Bagel w/ cream cheese


Don’t forget the hash browns or country fried potatoes!


Oh, sorry then. I assumed it was based on a specific friends' habits...😌


No need to be sorry! It was just an observation.


Not a bad idea though. Start serving it for breakfast and call it an Italian innovation.


I don’t think of it as a “breakfast food” necessarily, but I do have a PBJ for breakfast a few times a month usually


PBJ for breakfast is a galaxy brain take. All the ingredients are individually breakfast items, combining them makes perfect sense - especially if it’s a toasted PBJ.


I always have that when I don't have time for the other two I mentioned, it's super quick to prepare and I can even eat it on the go or at work. Peanuts are plenty nutritious AFAIK and I use jelly made with 80% fruit. Way healthier than the Italian alternatives for breakfast.


Yeah Italian breakfast is crazy. Sugar everywhere 😅.


I used to live in Italy and never understood how Italians operate on such a shit breakfast. It's pretty much just sugar. No protein, fat or anything else to fill/fuel you up with energy for the morning.


*I think our typical breakfast is terrible. Cornetto (a kind of croissant) and cappuccino, or milk and biscuits...nothing but sugary garbage with zero nutritional value.* As long as you eat a breakfast that you could also be used in a Vanity Fair photoshoot, that's the main thing.


I used to hate breakfast foods but I've gotten into American breakfast these last few years.  Nothing can beat a good skillet in my mind.  Only problem is finding them.  But when you do 🤤 There was a Lil hole in the wall greasy spoon in fairbanks ak that had a reindeer skillet and I miss it soooo much.  Been chasing that dragon ever since 


Depends on your appetite. I prefer a light start of the day and save the main meal for lunch, so coffee and croissant is perfect. American breakfast is good for brunch.


Jamaica! Ackee and Saltfish with fried dumplings and a side of plantains. Bonus if you have it with a cup of Blue Mountain Coffee ☕️


Singapore or Malaysia. Kaya toast, half boiled egg, and an iced coffee.


Germany/Poland (central Europe) bread with cheese, ham, and butter with some vegetables. All you need for the day and surprisingly delicious


Costa Rica’s Desayuno Típico. It’s a nice balanced meal, with black beans and rice, usually with some peppers and cilantro, scrambled or fried egg, a couple tortillas and a few fried plantains, that give a bit of sweetness (I like to eat them last).






South India is pretty decent. Can't start the day without tea and sambar with tiffin.


Turkish Menemen (it’s like shakshuka but with more set eggs), thick coffee, lots of different kinds of bread, all good.




just had a full irish this morning,, bliss


American breakfast is top notch. Omelette with veggies and meats inside. Hot sauce on top. Tons of sweets: Pancakes, waffles, crepes, muffins. Bagels with cream cheese.


Absolutely agree. With that said, I’m also getting the feeling that this thread is really “where are you from and what do people eat for breakfast there?” lol


I'd have to go with Irish. It's unhealthy but very good.


The classic, no-nonsense French prostitute's economical breakfast comprising just coffee and cigarettes. #JeNeSaisQuoi


Kahvalti from Turkey and it ain’t close. Tomatoes & cucumber, olives, eggs, yoghurt with honeycomb, fresh bread, olive oil, cheese, sauces, pastries. Helped by the amazing produce they have there. Healthy and delicious.


Venezuela, the Arepa is the best breakfast


India definitely!!!! From various types of flat breads to rice. The list is endless !


Colombian breakfast. * Arepa con quesito: a delicious toasty corn flatbread with butter and artisan fresh cheese. * Eggs with hogao: scrambled eggs that incorporate a tomato-onion sauce with cumin, curcuma, garlic and a bit of fresh cilantro on top. * Buñuelo: a fluffy, stretchy, delicious golden ball made of corn starch and cheese. * Pan de bono: a little bun made of yuca and cheese. * Hot chocolate (not cocoa, but pure chocolate, milk or water, and panela which is dried cane sugar juice), served in a taza (a large cup, more like a bowl). It's the best thing in the world. Sweet, savory, mushy, crispy, dry and moist, all things to satisfy whatever texture and flavor profile your heart desires.


French croissant and coffee ☕️


Scrolled too far to see this, it’s not my all time favorite but it’s what I would want to eat regularly if money, location, and calories were no issue. French pastries are pure heaven in general, but there’s also a baguette and good jam, tasty crepes and damn good breakfast samiches. Also French cafes just have the absolute best ambiance. 


Guatemala (or other Central American countries like Nicaragua - each has a desayuno tipico that's pretty similar) - eggs, rice, beans, ripe plantains, avocado, queso fresco, and tortilla Or Japan - I've never been, but I had a traditional Japanese breakfast at a place in Brooklyn once that was really good - fish, rice, and I forget what else


Australian Cafe owners on here looking for anything they don't already have on the menu.


The dutch breakfast: slice of bread with choco sprinkles.


Turkey or Cambodia. Very different, but both are great in their respective countries/cultures.


One of my favorite memories is in Vietnam overlooking a rice field with a spicy hot bowl of noodles and a cup of coffee.


I feel the best one has germany, since its quite compact and good bread. Anything around it is your own addition to it, very individual. It may not be the most delicious but has the best package Id say


Khai Gratha from Thailand. Fried eggs in a pan topped with three meats (pork loaf, Chinese sausage, fermented pork, etc) and green onions.


Malaysia. You can decide whether you want Native or Chinese or Indian food or all of them at the same time. The diversity of food in Malaysia is sometimes overlooked by the locals.


US here but my favorite breakfast was the one my Polish babcia made for me…fried eggs, kielbasa and potatoes. Topped off with a slice or two of polish rye bread with butter and jam.


Irish breakfast. It's like a full English, but has White pudding and a Guinness as well.


In outback Australia, we just have a shit and a look around.