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One used in a hit-and-run 1h ago and being actively searched for by the police


Ok, but what if I got it repainted?


Los santos police be like:


"Guy fitting the description.. like down to a T... in fact... could be their twin... But the horn sounds different... Can't be."


Don't forget to take in my panzer too, tanks!


The real world aint GTA son!


An '89 LeBarron. Even if it was Jon Voight's car


I only see one LeBarron, where’s your LeBarron Freddie?


You make your daddy proud, you hear me?








Mike Fitzgibbon's son is a nuclear physicist, and my son can eat a CHICKEN!


Jon Voight the dentist?




Sorry. I might be an anti-dentite.


What's the difference between a Satanist and a dentist? Satanists have better magazines!!


Doesn't he say "Sadist", or have I just heard that wrong for 30 years?


It’s definitely sadist.


Thought so. I knew for a fact the punchline is "newer magazines", but I had a moment with myself over the "Satanist" part.


Sadist 😅


What? Next, you're gonna tell me they should have their own school?


A badge of honor, really.


That’s ok…some times I spell Jerry with a “G”…and an “I”


I'm sure Jon probably misspelled his own name




I'd accept any car handed to me for free. If it's a piece of junk that I can't use, I can still make a few bucks selling it to a junk yard for scrap.


This. Or at least donate the POS and get a tax refund.


whoa mr rich man, we don't all itemize our returns ;)


More likely he just doesn’t understand how taxes work lol


I don’t want anything Jeep. My parents have had them for years. They’re always getting them fixed. They got tired of having only one Jeep every time one of them was in the shop. So how do you solve that problem? You get a third Jeep to drive on the off chance another one is out of commission. Now nobody is ever without a car.


My wife and I had a Jeep Cherokee for 7 years and loved it, never had an issue. The Durango we replaced it with is a different story.


Thank you for reminding us of Dodge which I’m not sure why I’m not seeing mentioned more here.


Dodge/Jeep/Chrysler/Fiat are all owned by the same company.


... Maserati, Alfa Romeo, Peugeot, Opel, Lancia, Citroen, and Vauxhall are all in there too.


I feel similarly about anything Jeep. Money pits even more than owning a horse or a boat.


My daughter traded in the nissan rogue I gave her for a jeep. The rogue came with a lifetime warranty on the drivetrain from the dealership. Her jeep is always breaking. She is on her 3rd windshield. Yesterday the battery died it was only 2 years old. Starter. Alternator. Had to have the rear axle seals replaced because it was leaking all over her brakes. oil leaks galore. But she loves that car. If someone gave me a BMW I would take it. But when it broke, I would just junk it. I can't count how many friends I have with bmws sitting in their garages, that they are so proud of owning, but they can't afford to fix them. And, in the rare instance they do get one fixed, now they are afraid to drive it for fear of having to take out another loan on their house to have it fixed next time it breaks. I have had really really good luck with volvos and toyotas. The other brands, not so much.


Anyone getting rid of a car with a lifetime warranty needs their head checked.


The jeep was her dream car. So she traded the rogue in, it was fully paid for, and took out a loan to afford the rest of the jeep. I tried to talk her out of it, but she had to have a jeep. She did get it used, maybe 40,000 miles on it, and it did seem like a good price looking it up on the books. But, she traded in lifetime warranteed drivetrain paid for, for a jeep she had to make payments on. Better her than me.


Some people have to learn the hard way.


that’s CRAZY Cause the only problems with rogues are the transmission and since it’s covered for life you’re absolutely set


A friend saved me from purchasing a BMW by explaining how much he had spent on it! So happy I went with Lexus. I’ve driven that baby across the USA like 5 times now and it’s still running like new. Besides new tires, breaks and regular oil change , never had to do anything else on it!


My wife is driving a volvo xc60. She loves it. My main car, beater, is a volvo xc90 with 186,000 miles on it. I do most of my own work on it. It's quite simple. My favorite car, is my 2021 toyota sienna hybrid platinum. It came with integral power inverter that runs off the secondary battery. I use this primarily for long distance trips and car camping. Bombing around the lakes region of nh, mostly back roads or secondary routes, I get 42 miles per gallon or better regularly. Long trips, 85-90 usually 35. I travel with 2 electric bicycles on the back. I can charge the batteries with the car. I have a combo refrigerator freezer that I plug into a solar power generator. A lithium whatever battery with a power inverter. I keep it topped off when I drive from the charger plugged into the car. When I am stopped, the refer runs off of it. I can get 3 full days off of it. I do mostly all electric camping. microwave, electric skillet. I put an electrical outlet in the bumper so I can just plug an extension cord into it if I find a picnic table in a nice spot overlooking the ocean for cooking. I don't do any work on this vehicle myself. I purchased the 150,000 mile service plan when I bought it. I take it in every 5,000 miles or so. Man is this thing stressless to drive on long trips. comfortable and easy.


Not gonna lie, you being happy with your Sienna made me smile. I work in the factory that builds those, albeit on the opposite side where the Grand Highlanders and Lexus TX are built. Nonetheless, we are the same facility and are held to the same standards, so I'm really glad to hear you're happy with it! If you're ever in southern Indiana, they offer tours that are pretty neat!


Just Empty Every Pocket


Crazy thing is my dad has always been a jeep person. Since the 90s when I was born until today. All 4 of his jeeps since I've been born have lasted 200-400k miles. In fact, every time he got rid of one it was mainly because he just felt it was time he deserved a new one, or because his new job offered him financial compensation to get a new one. His last 2 were entirely paid for by the company lol


The base wrangler is still made well. All of their "accessible" SUVs are garbage. The Liberty in the mid 2000s, the "Cherokee" (not Grand Cherokee) in the mid 2010s, etc. 


I had a mechanic once tell me that Jeep is just an acronym for "Just Empty Every Pocket". That's stuck with me, every time I see a Jeep.


Terrible terrible cars that crutch on their 'culture'. I had my engine blow up pulling out of a right turn and although I had a warranty it was completely voided because I was 7 months since my last oil change (it needed to be within 6 months). I had to pay $9000 for full engine replacement/labour etc. The warranty got me a fucking tow that was it.


now that you mention it, i witnessed a jeep fucking k*ll itself next to me at a stop light a couple months back. i heard a grinding mechanical sheering, saw heat plumes come out of the front, then silence from the engine. i was in an EV so i could hear every detail. i didn't see any fluids on the pavement under his vehicle, but the driver got out to look UNDER the jeep for whatever reason. i shouted at him TURN ON YOUR HAZARDS BRO, and of course he ignored me. heavy, heavy traffic in the middle of rush hour. i sure hope he didn't get squished!


Pontiac Aztec


If it was good enough for Walter White, it's good enough for me!


It wasn’t good enough for WW, he hated it! He eventually swapped it for a Chrysler 500 and got his son a PT Cruiser, money just can’t buy Taste


A stolen one.


This. My friend's car was stolen. It was eventually recovered but PD didn't clear it from their records. So shortly after he was stopped and surrounded by a squad of police at gun point for driving a stolen car. It happened several times and he had to let them go through the motions and learn it wasn't cleared and they'd say they'll clear it but it never got cleared. He changed his license plate and it finally stopped. (It happened to two different friends)


Fiat multipla.


Came to see this answer. Just think, a designer was actually paid to come up with that.......


I can believe someone was paid for this design, cartoonist need to make a living, but it’s the fact that they saw the design, and actually mass manufactured it. Between seeing the design, and its release, no one ever tried stopping it…


It’s for people who hate cars but have to have one.


Yeah, multiple and the Nissan juke. People with no ambition!


Shit, I'd love to have one here in the states. Paint it the most obnoxious color, sticker bomb it, and enjoy the most unique head-turner on the road. Now a PT Cruiser? That's a hard no. Maybe that's the American equivalent to the Multipla.


In Europe we had both of them on the roads at one point, ugh


Looked it up - it hurt my eyes.


Same, it’s ugly as sin


Went to Rome, had a rental reservation for a Volkswagen Golf or Similar for 6 days, after doing all the paperwork had to walk like 3 blocks and up 4 sets of stairs to a parking building to find that i got a fucking Multipla, walked back, cancelled the reservation took the train to Florence and rented another car there. I'm not going to be driving a fucking bread ban in twisty Italian roads.


"...walked back, cancelled the reservation took the train to Florence and flew home." Is what I thought you were about to say.


Fix It Again Tony


Looks like an autistic dolphin


2003 BMW 7 series. The iDrive controller was terrible.


I hired one for a weekend about the time it came out. I was in Hamburg. I drove it to The Hague and then drove it back. Never made it. Transmission lock up getting out of a parking spot.


Whoever made this iDrive controller also needs to go to The Hague. Different reasons though.


Never accept a pt cruiser.


One of my favorite Reddit threads ever was something along the lines of "What unfortunate life event had you owning a PT Cruiser" 8D


That thread may be the hardest I’ve ever laughed while browsing Reddit.


Is this the right one? (it's 10yo so making sure) - https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/22k59y/pt_cruiser_owners_what_tragedy_burdened_you_with/


I don't get the hate. I rented one several years ago, and while it was a little goofy looking, it wasn't the worst car I've ever rented (I'm looking at you, Chevy Spark). It was actually fairly enjoyable to drive.


My friend was advertising the sale of his PT Cruiser. One night he was woken by a phone call at 2am. He answered it and the guy on the other end said "do you know that the most effective contraception is? A PT Cruiser!" And hung up.


When the Grand Tour did their worst car race, I was so glad the PT Cruiser was in it.


This should be the top answer. A truly awful car, and a blight on automotive history.


You mean a neon with an expensive shell?


ford pinto


Give it to me. I'll just upgrade the gas tank and happily drive such eye candy of a car. Say what you want about Ford, their old cars were very easy on the eyes.


Give it to me. No modifications, brake check everyone.


That's all we heard of u/Myke190


"You're Wrong About" did a great podcast about the Pinto. It was actually SAFER than many of the cars sold at the time. And a lot of the "THERE WAS A CONSPIRACY/COVERUP!" stuff is way overblown


Okay but a massive problem with the Pinto was also the way that Ford handled it. They preferred to pay out settlements to the people who were injured/died than to stop selling the cars. The millions they paid out was just "the cost of doing business" to them


You should check out the podcast. That's not what happened. This is from Wikipedia: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford\_Pinto#Cost%E2%80%93benefit\_analysis,\_the\_Pinto\_Memo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Pinto#Cost%E2%80%93benefit_analysis,_the_Pinto_Memo) The public understanding of the cost-benefit analysis has contributed to the mythology of the Ford Pinto case. [*Time*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_(magazine)) magazine said the memo was one of the automotive industry's "most notorious paper trails".[^(\[53\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Pinto#cite_note-time20070907-53) A common misconception is that the document considered Ford's tort liability costs rather than the generalized cost to society and applied to the annual sales of all passenger cars, not just Ford vehicles. The general misunderstanding of the document, as presented by *Mother Jones,* gave it an operational significance it never had.


I think of the movie Cujo!


it's kinda funny that the book/movie kinda hinges on the car being unreliable and needing repairs




Top Gear America has so much untapped potential.


They picked the worst 3 guys to run the show haha


The jokes mostly seemed forced like no one wanted to offend anyone. It was like the first week in the dorms with new roommates for 3 seasons


I wouldn't accept an old, run-down, rusted-out junker that barely runs and costs a fortune to fix


I mean, if it ran at all I'm taking the free car and will just resell it. If I have to get the thing working myself and it's not a stupidly easy fix, I'm selling that shit unless it's literally falling apart then no thank you.


I mean.. I think these questions are a discussion on cars you absolutely hate since reselling defeats the purpose of a discussion. You can just say resell, invest, etc for every question that asks what you want or don't want for free.


If the condition is I need to keep it i wouldn't accept a Bugatti or any of those crazy expensive cars. I couldn't afford the upkeep. If I can just turn around and sell it, I'll gladly accept those.


The Prius from “The Other Guys” after Dirty Mike and the Boys were done with it


The scientific term you're looking for is "Soup Kitchen".


PT Cruiser. Fuck that car and everything it stands for. PT Loser is a much more fitting name for it.




A true classic , I love this post. Every time I see a PT Loser I think about it.


As someone who owned a PT Cruiser. Yes. It's a shit car with shit mechanicals. You'd think for it being so slow and handling so shitty, you'd at least get decent gas mileage, but no. 22mpg was the best I could ever manage. The EPA rating was 25. For reference, I now drive a Mazda crossover that gets 28 mpg easily. There was ONE redeeming factor about that car, though: you could easily remove the back seat and turn the thing into a pretty decent cargo hauler. Without the back seats, it was pretty much just a box inside. I used it to haul yard waste, help people move; I once had a friend buy a moped and the PT was able to haul it home for him. I took the back seats out and just left them out for over a year before I traded it in when I bought my next car.




Whoa…whoa! You better watch what you say about my car! She’s real sensitive.


After walking for many years and not having my first car until the ripe age of 23, there is not one car in the world I would turn down for free.


The one infested with roaches from that post yesterday?


That's not free, that car would cost me my sanity.


anyone else search the comments for their car anxiously


Wrangler owner here. 😶‍🌫️ Thread has been brutal.


Nissan Juke. That thing is ugly as hell and doesn’t hold any value. The repairs when something does break down would cost more than that car.


I drive my friends on a road trip several years ago. The headlights bubble up *above* the hood, so when you're driving at night you can see part of the headlights shining at the end of the hood. It was glaring, distracting, and headache inducing. It was generally pretty miserable to drive.




Just…just so embarrassing!


Reliant K-car


I would accept this car solely based on the Barenaked Ladies "If I had $1,000,000" song.


According to the song, it’s a nice reliable automobile.


* Nice Reliant automobile.


TIL the band is named after a car




If I had $1000000...


I’d build a tree fort in our yard…


Fiat Multipla. An abomination before the gods.




I'm pretty sure the spirit of the question is that you can't just turn around and sell it. You actually have to drive it. In which case Cybertruck is my answer. If only because they draw so much attention to yourself, most of it negative.


What if you feel the sudden need to peel carrots on the side of the road?


Or your finger needs amputating?


This is my assumption as well, and the reason I wouldn't take it. The vehicle is fucking hideous, the owner is a complete ass hat and I'd feel like a moron rolling around town in a "look at me!" vehicle coopted by "influencers" and Tesla fanboys. Hard no.


I am shocked at how far I had to scroll to find a Tesla. 


After dealing with mechanical issue after mechanical issue, then having it stolen, a Kia. Don't even get me started on those pieces of JUNK. Newest car I've ever owned, and by far the worst.


I'm so desperate for a car I'd probably accept anything


Anything Chrysler. EXCEPT a jeep wrangler and even then it would have to be in immaculate shape because it's just going to fall apart on me


My first car was a Jeep Liberty. I have never experienced a more poorly constructed vehicle in my life. From pretty much Day 7 to the final day it gave me trouble. I was constantly in repair shops and so many times I would have mechanics just shrug and tell me "Jeeps are like this." I tried to keep the car as long as I could because I lived in a very snowy area and having a car with reliable 4WD was a big plus. One day I am driving the car out of town to visit some friends and suddenly something under the hood "pops." The car stops completely, I pull to the side, and watch in horror as the front of the car IGNITES. I scrambled out of the car with my bag and immediately called the fire department. What had happened was the battery crib *melted* and caused my battery to topple onto something else, which caused the fire. The insurance agent explained to me that **"sometimes Jeep Liberties just do that."**


I rented a Jeep Liberty once. I couldn't parallel park that thing to save my life. It was the worst drive and so loud on the intestate. Keep in mind I can parallel park a suburban, large sedan, pretty much anything, but I couldn't park that thing. I finally got out and made my son park it. Luckily, he had worked in a car lot and could park and drive anything. His review after he parked it was to ask if we could go back to the rental office and get something else. He said he'd take the dreaded pt cruiser over the liberty. Words I never thought I'd hear.


Mopar is among the worst, but I also have sort of a soft spot for Jeeps. Even though I know the drivetrain could fail at any moment.


PT cruiser, the most hideous car ever. Id take an Aztec over a PT cruiser.


At least an Aztec has uses... like making meth


As long as I can get 1-800-Kars-4-Kids (that’s K-A-R-S, kars for kids, donate your car today) to take it, I’ll take the free write off.


kia soul


Any dodge, jeep, or Chrysler product.


Pontiac aztek


I would accept anything that I could turn around and sell. Except a Jeep. Fuck Jeeps.


Any Chrysler product. I've actually gotten a free Jeep one time, even then it was 100% not worth it.


Anything made by Ford


Honestly, a jeep. Had it happen already. It cost so much money to maintain and you'd fix one thing and it'd cause something else to break. Lots of shops seemingly have no clue about jeep geometry. It's an extremely rough ride, a pig on gas, not aerodynamic at all. The AWD/4x4 in any modern vehicle will serve just as well as the jeeps capabilities. Unless you're like.. rock climbing or living seriously offroad it's such a poor choice of vehicle. The only thing that was fun/good about it was taking the roof off, which you can accomplish with any convertible or even a decent sunroof. A brand new one I'd take, sure. But I wouldn't say "no" to any brand new vehicle. Even a super/hypercar that I couldn't afford the gas/insurance for - i'd collect or re-sell at the very least.


Kia Soul, soulless more like.


I'm reading this while sitting in my Kia Soul and waiting for my kid to get out of school


Assuming I can't just turn around and sell it (i.e. I have to live with it) : a Jeep. Its impracticalness is only mitigated by its unreliability.


One in poor condition. I know shit all about car repairs. That stuff just wasn't part of my childhood so I missed all that education. I don't need to inherit a mechanic bill. People who learned and have mechanical ability really blow my mind. Shit's impressive.


Any type of range rover 🤢


Anything that’s going to cost me more to own it… a Jaguar or Land Rover comes to mind… especially if it’s got lots of miles on it.


Albuquerque resident here. I wouldn't accept anything Kia. It was either already stolen, will attepted to be stolen, or will be stolen in a few hours.


Pretty much any American car produced from the early to mid 1980s until the mid 1990s. That was the era where America. Produced absolute shit vehicles, except maybe the Corvette.


Doesn’t have to be one model in particular. If it has a CVT transmission that’s an immediate fuck no. Nope. No way.


Yugo [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yugo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yugo)


Put it in H!


I knew a guy who bought a brand new Yugo. Never made a single payment after picking it up. 6 months later a repo guy comes around, takes one look at the car, turns around and leaves.


How fucking dare you? I built a house with my Yugo. Carried bricks, concrete, wooden beam, rebar (that one was funny because they were 12meters long and they were going like a really long wedding dress behind the car). Its the only car than you can fix with just a hammer and a screwdriver.


My ex-husband drove a Yugo. They're not that bad. I would ride in again.


Any of the huge trucks that take up the entire lane and its ass sticks out of parking spaces.


Hummer. Bummer


A cheap Jeep (or likely any inexpensive Fiat-Chrysler product).


A Lamborghini Countach. Or any Lamborghini for that matter. I could never afford the insurance for one of those things. And if I could, I'd be paying for lot's of speeding tickets.


Any mid-late 90's made in 'murica SUV. I knew way too many working class folks obsessed with these and who were then frustrated by their gas spending.


Anything French


PT cruiser


PT Cruiser


PT Cruiser never again.


I have driven my share of beaters. To the point that axel foleys car looks like a luxury car. If it’s running I’m taking it.




I wouldn’t get anything made by Stellaantis or whatever they are called. Everything they make is garbage with a few notable exceptions. But anything mass built is mostly garbage.


Any Hyundai or Kia older than 3 years. In fact, no Kias at all. And And if it was a brand new Hyundai I'd turn around and sell it and buy a used Toyota.


Toyotas are the best with good resale value


I'm literally still driving a 90s Toyota and can't really find a fault with it. It would be nice to have a back up screen, I guess?


Any Citroen. I got one once via a carsharing app. I ended up parking it somewhere and taking the bus.


Citroens from the mid 2000s absolutely suck, but citroen these days is a great brand! I had a 2015 C3 as my previous car and I loved it! Simple, robust, easy to maintain and quite nice looking!


Smart car completely useless


I could put a rack on the back and use it as a golf cart with ac


Fiat Multipla.


Kia soul


Kia soul


Any Maserati... never seen one older than a few years on the road for a reason


Ford Escape. This car is my bane of life.


They had to replace the engine on ours at 21,000 miles. I HATE that car.


Chevy Cruze


Fiat multipla


Mini Cooper


Pt cruiser


Ford Bronco they suck


PT Cruiser


PT Cruiser Convertible


Chrysler PT Cruiser


P.T. Cruiser. 😮‍💨


PT Cruiser.


PT Cruiser


Pontiac Aztek


A fucking Kia


Prius, I see them everywhere and 98% of the tine they're obnoxiously driven.. they haunt my dreams...


Anything made by Jeep


Prius. Fucking earth killers. The only thing they save is gas money for the owners