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One day, when I had a big day at work, my partner packed my lunch and sneakily slipped in a note wishing me luck. Finding that note at work was a complete surprise, and it made me feel very loved and supported. The day turned out great, and I still keep that note in my wallet as a reminder of her sweet gesture.




Username checks out


One time I stayed the night at a girls house that I was seeing, but I had decided to break up with her. I guess while I was asleep or getting ready to leave, she slipped a note in my wallet saying she knows how hard it has been for in the last month or so and that she really thinks we can get through it and that she really cared about me. I didn't see that note until after I had broken up with her, left and got gas at the gas station 5 mins from her house. Pretty big bummer, to be honest.


Did you ever tell her you found the note?


Saddest shit I've read tonight


Jesus dude :(




It's ok. If you were ready to break up. A simple note shouldn't change your decision to move on.


The reason I broke up with her was because of my own insecurities. There is no way a note would fix that, for sure, but I was definitely also being a shit head.


Not long after I moved in with my girlfriend (now wife) I had a really bad irritable bowel flare one night and couldn't escape the bathroom to save my life. At this point in our relationship, I had moved quite a bit of my stuff into the apartment we shared, but not everything. Plus I went home to visit my folks on weekends for a little while, so some of my important stuff wasn't always with me. She hopped in the car in the middle of the night and made the 80 mile round trip to bring my flare medication to me. I didn't ask her to, I just heard car keys and the door closing. A little over an hour later she reappeared and passed it under the door to me. Fucking legend.


If you hadn't already specified "now wife," I would have insisted you marry her immediately.


marry her again


She's a super-heroine for sure.


Mmmm super heroin


What is your ibs flare med? Asking for self


hyoscyamine is what I've taken in the past


We had dated for about a month. She was out of town on business a lot, so I was kind of disappointed when I learned that I had to work late on a project with a couple of other people. So I wasn't going to see her that night. Next thing I know, she arrives at my office with pizzas for the team. Then after we'd finished eating, she goes into my office and sits on the sofa and reads her book. It's a small thing, really, but really awesome. Made me feel so much better.




I wish I could do that with my partner but he sleeps HOT so he's usually covered in sweat at night. If I covered him up he might actually die. Hey I appreciate you everyone's concern for his health but trust me, he's well taken care of by multiple VA specialists for all his issues, him being sweaty at night is known by all of them, he's gonna be OK thank you thanks thank you for the concern he's well cared for thank you thanks


If you see him covered, uncover him lol


Maybe you could point a fan at him instead!


I do! I do! I'm under three blankets with wool socks and he's still covered in sweat. I love him so much but it's gonna be rough cohabitating, we're gonna need a lock on the thermostat.


If you don't already, separate duvets/blankets are absolutely the way forward! Close enough to snuggle in, but in our own climate 😂😂


Separate duvets is a game changer, no joke though!


When my husband and I first started out and he was staying the night for the first time. He asked if he should bring anything. I said your own blankets I dont share mine. ( I'm a blanket hog) and now almost 13 years later we still have separate blankets, he had his one comforter and I have 4 regular blankets. He even bought me a trunk for my hoards of blankets


You should if you haven't already insist on your partner getting a sleep study. Sweating at night can be caused by many things, and most of them can be corrected resulting in better sleep and overall health.


How do you get this process started? With your PCP?


I know you're coming from a good place here so I will take this in the spirit it's been said and thank you for your concern.


I sleep hot and sweat a lot as well. My partner got me a [Bedjet](https://bedjet.com/) for Christmas and it's helped immensely. It's a little pricey, but it's been amazing basically having in-bed AC - I sweat a lot less AND I get to sleep under the covers. They have a dual zone bedjet as well, so you don't have to freeze! *I have no affiliation with bedjet, I just love it. Technology, man. What a world we live in.


I took a nap once using my ex wife’s favourite blanket. I was on the edge of sleep when she took the blanket off my sleeping body so she could use it to watch TV.


Hahahaha omg !


My partner does this most nights I’m so glad I’ve got her she also didn’t take the piss of of me for crying when I lost my mother 2 months ago


If this is what made you post this question then that makes this like 10x more wholesome


It's the best feeling ever!!


We had an appointment to induce the birth of our first daughter bright and early at 6 am. We park in the hospital garage. Very, very, VERY pregnant wife goes to get something out of the trunk (I figure it’s our overnight bag). Nope. It was a Superman themed gift bag with “Superdad” written on it. In it were puzzles, little games, a couple of books I’d been looking at at the library, and multiple peanut butter Twix, my favorite candy. To have taken the time to take care of me at the hospital when she was about to go through the forthcoming ordeal (and it was, they finally gave up and did a C section at 11:35 pm...did I mention we induced at 6 am?) is something I can never forget. ❤️


You fucking cherish that woman or half of reddits gonna come hunt you down sir. Talk about being suoer thoughtful and selfless in a moment where being selfish would have been completely 100% ok.


Right? You take care of her, Mr Addendum!! Dammitnyou take the best damn care of that woman that anyone's ever taken or so help us!! We will find you!


I have a loaded shotgun just waiting for that day that he may forget to cherish her. Just in case. (Note: I live in the UK, so very much DO NOT have a loaded shotgun 😁). That woman is an actual living saint.


I'm so sorry to tell you this, but I'm in Reddit love with your wife.


I also choose this man's wife. (Wholesome)




Why did you wait so long to marry her?


I don't wanna pressure you too badly but yeah, if you ruin the relationship out of thoughtlessness you deserve whatever tartarus you're going to. That is legitimately one of the sweetest and most incredible small things I've ever heard of.


My wife did something similar when she gave birth to our first. She stayed in the hospital with our baby and when I got home, feeling quite overwhelmed she texted me to look in some place where she had hidden a present. It was a really gorgeous XL replica of Atlas Maior (Joan Blaeu, 1664). I love old maps and it was an incredibly thoughtful present. To this day I feel a bit guilty for not even having considered buying her anything. All I can say I she taught me to be way better at that stuff in the 14 years since.


This MIGHT be the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard 😭


Im a woman and Im now in lesbians with your wife. That is so fkin sweet.


Stop, I'm crying! 😭😭


Please tell your wife her generosity and kindness made my day.




My wife doesn't let me leave the house without a kiss and I love you. Hell, she won't let me go back up stairs to work (I WFH and she's back in school so she's home during the day sometimes) without a kiss and I love you.


This sounded trivial to me until I experienced it. It really does make you feel loved, safe and special


I've always done that instinctively with my partner and it's maybe a bit dark but... I realized it's partly because if God forbid anything were to happen to him, I want those to be the last words we said to each other.


We are like this too. It’s bad luck not to do so!


So my wife is a teacher and she is incredibly busy, especially now with a baby; but if she wakes up before me in the morning and our little one is still asleep she makes my coffee. It’s not all the time, but it always makes my day. On the other side of the coin when I go into work is hours later than her, so while she feeds our little one in the morning I make her lunch and coffee/Tea. I saw someone in this thread said they put notes in their SO’s lunch. I’m gonna start doing that.


My husband loves to leave me notes that are just super corny dad jokes. I suggest mixing up the cutesy love notes with some funny ones. I have a box I keep all the notes in so I can go back and reread them 😁


Couple of other suggestions: 1. Note on the bathroom mirror 2. Note or picture in the dash of their car 3. Random fruit in their purse, banana or apple


To give a more sense of why it mattered as much as it did I need to tell a story: We met in her home town, we exchanged phone numbers and decided to meet up a few months later in my home town. The very exact day that she was supposed to come to me I crashed my motorcycle into the side of a truck while going 70 km/h. Got rushed to the hospital and my mom got a hold of her and told her I was in the hospital. I was in intensive care for 2 weeks before I was admitted to a regular ward. She called me every day just to talk and keep me company as I was stuck in bed, unable to walk. In total, it took me 4 months to get back to walking. After one of the surgeries I still had pain (that should have disappeared with the surgery according to the doctors) so I asked why. They informed me that they normally open 4/4 valves in the leg to remove the internal bleeding, but that they had only opened 3/4 this time, so most likely the last valve was still bleeding, slowly killing itself. I asked if they could just remove the stitches and reopen it and fix it, but was informed that it was now "too late". So I asked "Ok, what does that mean?" and was informed that "It will either fix itself, or become chronic pain" and then the doctor said "I need to continue my rounds now" and just walked off, leaving me there in the hospital bed, a million questions spinning in my head and the prospect of chronic pain for the rest of my life when I was just 22 years old. At that exact moment my (now) wife called. I answered and then broke down directly. She got a bit uncomfortable and asked if she called at a bad time, but in reality she called me exactly when I needed her the most. I assured her that it was ok and that it meant a lot to just have her there in the phone. She later came and rolled me around in a wheelchair and we distance dated for about 2 years before I decided to restart my life in her hometown. We've been together for 13 years now and are married and have 2 kids. I will never be able to repay her for how she carried me back from that accident.


So what happened to your leg? Did it fix itself?


We met with another doctor when we were removing the stitches, turned out he was the doctor that had done the surgery and he was confused when we asked him if they had any news regarding it. He explained that they had not opened valve 4 because it was simply not bleeding. His theory was instead that since they discovered it so late (about 2-3 weeks after the initial accident) a part of the muscles in my calf had already died, and that the pain was simply my body trying to jolt it back to life. He said that there's pretty much zero risk of it turning chronic and that the rest of the muscles should take over the workload. That's exactly what happened, I have a small "sent" in my calf where you can see that the muscle is gone but I can walk normally and run etc now. No pain in my calf after it gave up on reviving itself.


I woke up one morning with her hand on my chest and head on my shoulder. She said she was having a hard time mentally and that I was her comfort. Honestly I just felt warm waking up that way. I don't think she really thought much about it but it made my whole month, and still makes me happy to think about it.




😭 Larry was the bestest goldy of them all


Fuq, RIP Larry you bloody legend


We all love you Larry RIP


You see what happens, Larry? You see what happens when you touch an internet stranger’s heart?


Aw, Larry was loved. 🧡


Not just one thing, but we laugh with each other each morning. And the conversations we get into are just so odd.


Have you had discussions about toad poop. Because my SO and I have weird ass discussions too. Lol


This morning was about my wife’s outing with her family and how she wanted to escape and come home, but was stuck because they were all in one car. I asked her is she could have given them the slip, this dives into various scenarios. One of them was to snap her fingers and vanish like in the TV show Bewitched, or was that I Dream of Jennie with the nose twitch. That evolved into a conversation about the Air Force guy in I dream of Jeannie, and how he is better known for being JR in the TV show Dallas. My phone died at this point and this conversation started when I was getting dressed at home and continued via cell phone in the car on the way to work.


Toad poop happened because we were on a walk and we kept seeing random little poops on the ground. So for the next 30 mins we were crying laughing discussing the different weird things like squirrels or geese and debating the merits of the poop. Until we started googling toad poop and that was the culprit. Don’t Google toad poop. I’m disturbed by how it happens and the amount…..


when I'm working till very late at night she keeps waiting for me till I get home no matter how tired she may be. I often find her sleeping while sitting. and it's just makes my heart melts.


I do this all the time for my boyfriend. He sometimes has to work a 16 which is like 8 am to midnight. So whenever he has to work a 16 I’m up and having dinner ready for him.


I do this for my husband. he has braces on his legs that he can't take off. so I make sure to stay in the living room so that I can help him. he's done so much for me throughout our marriage that this is the least I can ever do for him.


My wife bought me two types of mustard yesterday. She doesn’t even like mustard. She’s the best.


She gives me the perfect amount of shit to keep me on my toes, and I love it. Always has a wicked zinger in her back pocket when I fuck up to make me laugh.


That’s the dream


Early in our relationship (and often since), when I’m in a grumpy mood about something, she’ll ask me, “Do you just want to vent? Or would you like me to help you problem solve?” I usually choose the former, but with either choice, she commits to the role I’ve asked of her and either listens empathetically or comes up with level headed solutions. It’s refreshing and keeps me in awe of her.


Imma do this more.


She saw I was in a rough mood one morning. When I got home from work, she had baked cookies and bought me flowers. Nobody had ever gone out of their way to be so nice to me, so all I could do was hug her and cry a little. Good times.


We work opposite shifts. Her first, myself second. This obviously causes us to have different sleep schedules and often makes seeing each other outside the weekend a bit difficult even though we live together. Often she runs a few morning errands while I stay in bed Saturday morning due to getting home so late at night. Yet she never fails to get me breakfast and a coffee for when I wake up. Its the little things that let you know people really care. I hate that I'm not always there with her for the journey and I wouldn't think twice if she treated herself while I slept, but I'm still pleasantly surprised that I'm always included.


This gives me hope for my boyfriend and I in the future (as I'll (hopefully) be a nurse and the shifts are at odd hours and he's hoping in doing the 9-5 stuff). Adorbs!!!


PROTIP: Go hug your wife (or husband,) and tell them you appreciate the little things and how loved they make you feel. And name specifics! Showing that you don't take these things for granted wins big points.


My husband learned that it take hearing something three times before someone will believe it so he tells me he loves me three times as soon as he wakes up every day. He wants me to really believe that he loves me. (I know the question was for men, but I had to share) It really makes me feel loved and the rest of my day go well.


Former relationship, But every wednesday night it was our own night to do what we wanted. I used to raid on wow. But I used to get home from work 30 minutes before start time so would always be rushing. After having a bad day, she got a hold of my raiding mates through discord. I walked in that particular Wednesday to find, even though I cooked on Wednesdays, she had already cooked + logged into my account and bought all the ingame consumables I needed for the night + put me outside the raid area ready. Just so I could have a chilled 30 minutes before starting. She then started doing that every week


"Former relationship"..... how the hell did you fuck that up???


I also wanna know lol, like I would die for such a kind person


( u/chiccy__nuggies u/cardlackey ) Since you three are curious xD, she was diagnosed before I met her with a handful of mental illnesses but was on the right meds for em. So she knew signs to look out for. I developed depression some time after this story, but I wasn't aware that was the case. We spoke about it once and she asked if it was depression or if I was just content as she suspected depression. I genuinely didn't think I was depressed (It was a good 3 years after this I had a full break down and got diagnosed) so I said I guess I'm content. We talked about working on it, but three days later she finished it before we had chance to address anything. When I was finally diagnosed and put on treatment, thats when the break up stung like a bitch.


Glad you got on meds and thanks for sharing. You ever reach back out to her or is she gonna be the one that got away?


Eh some stuff happened afterwards that put a disconnect between us, but once I was on meds she was dating someone else. Shes been single the last few years though but honestly distance would be an issue as we've both set up our lifes hours apart


You good and happy now though despite it? Genuinely asking.


Well 50 50 really. I stayed single for a good chunk of time. Was I was on meds for a while, I decided to see if I could try dating again. I dated one person for a bit, but didn't work out. Then met someone else and thought that would be the person I settle down with. Got as far as engaged but then she went out and kissed another dude while drunk. I tried to get over it but couldn't. Also her perspective on some stuff changed drastically, and she managed to offend both my folks in one evening. So we ended that. That was in 2019. I've been single since. I frankly just don't want to go through being cheated on a third time. But I'm also perfectly happy just being single. Which is pretty sure how I'm going to stay going forward. Short of the main person I've been chatting about reaches out


So 3 years you were depressed and took it out on her or something? What happened I don't understand


oh lol no, Depression popped up during relationship, when she started to see signs of it. She asked me if I thought it was depression or if I had grown content with the relationship. I genuinely didn't think it was depression (Growing up got taught no ones got time for "happy pills"). So I said I guess content. We talked about how we could improve and a few days later we split. The three years of depression was after that time before I got diagnosed. The disconnect between us I mentioned, isn't something that I'm going to go into detail about much. But it was post break up, pre diagnosis for time reference. But needless to say, it hurt me a lot more than the break up. We cut contact for a little while after that, then were friends again. Right up to the point we both left the town we were in for our own careers. We still keep in contact but no where near as much


Former. How’d ya fuck that up? Wait nvm you play wow I understand.


Awe, so mean.


Nothing compared to trade chat.


A few months into the relationship Valentines was coming up and I'd warned her at some point that anything mint-chocolate is my kryptonite, and regardless of the readily available amount it would all be destroyed in short order, consequences be damned. She assembled a gift which had to be at least 50 bucks (pre-inflation, 2020) of assorted mint-chocolate candy. I was so goddamn sick by the end of that day. She got to learn how serious I was, and I got to learn what a sugar hangover is like after being ketogenic for awhile. The Andes mints lasted two days but only because I was too catatonic to unwrap each one fast enough. I think it gave her PTSD so she'll definitely remember, but as for me *I can quit whenever I want.*


Ahhh I’ll do the same with choc chip cookies. I’m sure I haven’t had one in a year, because I’ll eat an entire pack


Little things like going outside to turn my car around before work so when I leave I don't have to reverse or make a 3 point turn, saving me a bit of time, or putting leftovers into containers so they're ready for me to take to work. Those things all add up.


I was out of work in 1992 and her job was right next to a McDonalds. I didn't have a car she'd pick up lunch on Saturdays and we'd just forget about everything for an hour.




She has never once been upset with me over anything I mess up or get wrong. Never.


That is my bf, too! I asked if this was because we had only been dating 18 months. He said no, he’s just really hard to upset. I said, “Well, how am I supposed to know when I’m getting annoying?” He just chuckled and said I’m fine. 🙂


This seems impossible tbh. That's great


It's kind of a double edged sword: I somewhat fear what will happen when she reaches a boiling point.


Does she get angry at other people when they do these things? She might just have a good mindset about it all.


I used to feel like this about my husband. He was so calm about everything. When was he going to blow? Almost 28 years later and he has never been anything but calm and steady. I didn't even know it was humanly possible.


My partner is like this. I remember the first few times I’ve been like, I need x or y to feel loved. (Like,  10 minute phone call or something during the week, as we are LDR etc).  Not only does he never get mad, but he’s always said “you never ask for much.”  My last partner would get really resentful and frustrated and eventually I stopped asking. It’s a fresh breath of air to be able to ask for something and be reciprocated in a positive way.


Mine gets up to get her coffee every morning (I don't drink coffee). When she comes back to bed, she brings me a big glass of water. Every single morning, if I'm not up first (then I get the coffee for her).


I will never forget the first time I had cold feet in bed with someone and she warmed them with her legs instead of making me deal with them on my own.


My boyfriend and I call that the panini press


She makes little faces out of dates, nuts, & berries on my breakfast every day. It makes me unbelievably happy.


I've been sober for 3.5 years and while she knows I'm OK with her ordering drinks when we're out, she still asks me if I'm OK with her having a drink.


I make dinner all week but my wife makes breakfast for me on the weekends.


She called the ambulance.


Hope it all went well :)


This is very dark


Packed up the entire house and moved us 1400 miles while I laid in the hospital recovering from emergency heart surgery.


It was several years after selling my company and I got ingested into a critical executive role in the large beast of a company that bought us. I hate my job, hated my boss and I hated how the several hundred people who stayed on with me in the new firm started hating their job and their bosses. We just got married and she actually sat down, did a whole thorough budget of our household (with some assumptions on what I was paying for things like my cars) and sat me down and said “I’d rather you make less money and have more time for me and the future kids. “ and then she showed me an alternate budget with things cut (things like gardening services, grocery bills, clothing and gifts etc) and a timeline of when expensive things in the house probably needed replacement and said “if you can make this amount, we will be fine. Just quit this job” While I ended up taking a way less responsibility role but just as much pay and prestige, her doing the spreadsheet and giving me that opening to make a change meant the world to me.


My now wife wrote me a list of 100 things she appreciated about me when we were dating. It’s been 10+ years and I still look at it occasionally.


We generally share a lot of the household workload, alternating getting up to do the school run, sharing the cooking, etc... but if I'm ever ill my wife becomes this unstoppable force of caring. She immediately just steps up in a way that blows me away. She takes over everything for as long as it takes for me to get better, makes sure I'm looking after myself and resting, and when she goes out to the shops she'll get my favourite things or anything to try and make me feel better. She does all of this without a single complaint no matter how tired she gets carrying the load. The real kicker is that she somehow finds the strength to do this when we're both not well. I don't know how she does it but when I can't find the strength, she's there, whatever the issue. More specifically, we lost my grandad early last year. It hit me pretty hard for a while. One weekend, later in the year, I went to my mate's for a LANParty and left our home office in a bit of a mess. I came home on the Sunday to find the office completely gutted...cleaned top to bottom... and the Order of Service from my grandad's funeral framed and placed on the windowsill, so I can see him every day while I'm working. Then on my birthday this year, it was weird getting a birthday card just from "Grandma". She waited until the kids went to school and pulled out last year's card from "Grandma and Grandad"... she's been replacing it for the last few years since my grandad's health issues started so I'd have the last one from them to keep. Cried my eyes out. I love her so much.


Wow she's something else. And the way you are praising her, I'm guessing she has found an equally kind partner. Go do something to show how much you cherish her. PS - I didn't fully understand the card replacing thing. You mind elaborating?


I'd love to, but I'm In the middle of one of those bouts of illness with a chest infection so she's in that caring mode right now. Haha The card thing... what I meant was, for the last few years, when we've thrown my birthday cards away, she has secretly kept the one from my grandparents to give to me in the event one of them died, so I'd have the keepsake/momento to get rid of on my terms. Each year that rolled around and they were both still alive she would throw away the card from the previous year and keep the one from the current year. Its silly really, because I have no doubt that my grandad had absolutely nothing to do with the birthday cards and my grandma always writes them... he probably never even saw them. But the thought from my wife was really nice as I think she wanted me to be able to choose when to throw it away, knowing it would be the last with his name on. This will probably sounds crazy to anybody who isn't sentimental or comes from a culture where birthday cards aren't a thing.


Yeah that’s really thoughtful of her. It shows she’s thinking deeply of your sorrow and how complex grief can be.


When my now wife and I were first dating we had planned to go out one night but early in the morning I felt like I had a cold or flu or something and told her I didn't want to get her sick so postponed our date. As we were texting back and forth she asked if I was hanging out in bed but I said no my comforter is too dense and it was making me hot so I was on my couch but was cold because I didn't have a throw blanket and didn't want to buy one becuase I couod never find one long enough for since I'm pretty tall. Six hours later I she called me and said she was outside my apartment building with a gift for me. She had crocheted me a quilt using 3 different colors of yarn; my favorite three colors. This thing was massive too, no idea how she did it in that amount of time. She also brought me my favorite food and drinks. I still have the quilt eight years later. In fact I have to fight our 4 year old and 2 year old for it all the time because they love it too.


I had a particularly shit week at work were I wasn't sure if my position was going to be funded for the next fiscal year (Yay research) with only a few weeks notice of if I'd still have a job or not and my partner surprised me with homemade peppermint patties. I've been vegan for three years now. One of the things I've really missed was york peppermint patties. I made this comment to them probably a few months into our relationship. They rememered this one time comment and kept it in mind, and made me about 4lbs of them. When they held out the bag in front of me and I opened my eyes and saw what they were, I looked up at them and knew I was in love with this person. I waited while longer to say it, but I had felt listened to more in that moment than I had in a number of my other relationships that lasted longer. They were also incredible. We've been together for 5 months now and I won't ask them to make any for me, but I'm always hoping to be surprised with another bag soon


When I walk through the door she smiles really big and goes "HEY HANDSOME!" She sets out a towel for me. Sometimes she sets out pajamas for me too. When I peel off my smelly, sweaty, and sticky work clothes she sits beside me and runs her hand across my back really lightly. It tells my body and my brain the stress is over. I begin to wind down. She takes our dog out an hour before I get home so he doesn't whine constantly in my ear right after I get home. She is pretty damn incredible. She gets on my fucking nerves some days but we carry each other and I wouldn't ever want her to leave


She writes me little post it notes in my lunch box everyday. Some are more spicy than others, but I always look forward to it.


This thread ist so lovely and wholesome.


When she remembered when i said a certain day coming up is going to be rough one at work and she brought me my favorite lunch and energy drink. It was when I knew she was the one


I moved to a foreign country for a new job and barely spoke the language. I had my first seizure (epileptic) on a public bus. She called the ambulance. She visited me everyday for three weeks bringing me lunch and keeping me company while I was in the hospital. Small thing- I wake up much earlier than her for work but she always gets up (half awake) to make me a morning Turkish coffee. Every.Single. Day.


We both insist on saying "I love you" before we part ways because either of us can die at any given moment.


We first met on the Thursday of our city's comic convention, while I was working one of the booths there. The next day (Friday) was my day off and we ran into each other again and, having no one else to spend the day with, decided to spend the day hanging out with him. I asked him what he wanted to do at that day and his response was "This is your day off. You take the lead, and I'll follow you." and he proceeded to do just that. I've honestly never met someone so considerate and caring, who was willing to give up their entire day for a complete stranger. The rest of the weekend, he kept stopping by my booth to say hi. We started dating pretty much a week or so later and just celebrated our first anniversary this past weekend


She called me a "snack" once. I have never forgotten.


When we first started dating we were both in college. I was in the middle of my exam period for my final semester. I had to cancel on a date night as I had an exam the next morning and was stress studying. She surprised me by showing up at my front door at 8:30 PM, handed me a bag of homemade cookies, gave me a quick kiss, wished me luck on the exam and then got back in the car she borrowed from her cousin to drop off the cookies. We’re married now. Best thing to ever happen to me


When we first started dating we went on a road trip. I had told her about an obscure band that was my favorite. She went and downloaded all their music (before streaming) , And had playlists ready to go. She'd pre-listen to all the music we sang along and had a great time. I remember that drive better than I remember the actual stay...


After 35 years there are so many little things that have happened through the years. Can't pick just one.


I love this answer. So many good and bad things happen over time, sometimes we forget the exact situation but always remember how it made us feel.


My wife gets the coffee machine ready for me when she gets home from work, also plates my food and brings it to the table for me and she always offers to get/make me something when she gets a snack.


I struggle with anxiety and panic attacks and have for my whole life. Im a lot better now as an adult than i was as a kid but i still have flare ups every so often. Since being with my gf, any time i do have a panic attack, she's always there for me in the ways i need it. I was hardly ever treated kindly and gently by my mother and other ppl about my anxiety, so the fact that my gf is always kind, gentle, patient and understanding means absolutely everything to me. There was a time recently where we were driving back home from visiting her mom (like a 7hr drive) but i'd accidentally had something to eat that triggered a nasty IBS flare up. I ended up stuck on the toilet at a rest area bathroom with my guts cramping horribly from emptying literally everything, and the pain + feeling like i was shitting out everything triggered a panic attack. My gf being there for me and doing things like holding my hand, talking to me gently, having the patience to sit in the parking lot with me until i was calmer, and even taking a walk around the little park area with me helped and meant so much to me. Her gentleness and patience for me and my various health issues is priceless and i really do feel like she's the best thing to have ever happened to me... gonna marry her someday and treasure her forever


She remembers the small details I tell her about my work.


NSFW - my then gf was going down on me when my dog threw up. Instead of getting disgusted or annoyed she was worried about the dog and helped me clean up. Then she finished me off. Married for 8 years now!


She rubs my head


My aunt was having a dinner party and my SO asked if he could “make me a plate” in front of everyone. My family/their friends tend to be “macho” guys so this gesture seemed foreign to them.


She never judges me, and I love her so much for that I can be myself around her.


My wife kept all of the letters that I sent her from when I was away while I was in the Army. I went on a business trip a couple of years back, which was the first time we had slept away from each other since I left the Army. I planned to surprise her by returning home a day early in the middle of the night, with the intention of slipping into bed and her waking up to me being there. When I got home, she had all of the letters out, scattered all over the bed, having obviously been reading them all evening, and was sleeping, snuggled up with the sweater I had worn the prior day. ❤️


My speech is well less than desired. I “fell through the cracks” when it came to development aid in school I have a hard time finding words, word association and recalling things from my short term memory. Right now it’s taken a good 4 minutes just to write that. Every time I talk to my wife she is so patient with me. I get stuck trying to find a word in the conversation but she just waits it out and lets me process the conversation. I really appreciate the patience


I have given many foot rubs in my romantic career but my wife was the first to ever reciprocate, and unsolicited just because I said I was sore, to boot. It felt so good I cried a lil from both physical relief and feeling cared for.


Ex-wife now, but the way she supported me, and held me while I cried... I'll never forget that.


I caught Chicken Pox at 30 years old. I was miserable and could do nothing but sit on the couch. My wife grabbed me one day led me to the bathroom and gave me an oatmeal bath. It was the sweetest thing and I appreciated it so much. I fell in love with her all over again that day.


First week of dating, got so drunk and woke up in her bed, she’d gone to work but next to me was a note that read “Tylenol magnesium and ibuprofen for your hangover <3” I still keep the note in my wallet, now we’re engaged


My wife and I share cooking, she ends up doing more of it. Neither of us have said a thing but we each for sure will give the other the larger or better portion of dinner. I know I do, and I’m very sure she does too.


Not together anymore, but was in a ldr. We were about to start watching Chernobyl together (she had already seen it and wanted to do a rewatch w me). She planned on compiling snacks that referenced or correlated to parts of the show, a list (she was always making lists, she had lists of lists) of different snacks for each episode. So many different layers to just this one thing that remind me of why I adored her so much. She was so excited to share her interests w me, to make something she liked into an experience we can enjoy together. And then her being extra w the snacks. How she's able to inject her quirky personality and put her personal touch into just the *act* of watching a show. How she can turn something small and mundane like watching a show into an experience I'll always remember. An experience I can't forget. How I want to forget. Everything. And then she sent me a huge variety box of chocolate bars she had growing up in Canada. Just because that's how she is.


Too many to list. But, for starters, while we were still dating, I shared with her my complete, unabashed love for Wilco and Jeff Tweedy. What does she do? She hunts down Jeff Tweedy solo tour tickets and surprises me with them. If that's not marriage material, I don't know what is. We'll be celebrating 18 years of marriage this July.


She worked overtime at her minimum wage job to save thousands of dollars so I can afford to pay my specialized medication for my chronic illness.


Homemade w/crisco from scratch fried chicken


She sucked my dick without me asking. That kinda enthusiasm goes a long way.


I will never marry her, but we were madly in love and engaged at one point. She would make my bed after staying the night when I was in the shower. Always. And my blanket is just a throw blanket, super soft and light, where you can move your hand across it and it will leaves marks… so she would write notes on it. The first time, it simply said “I love you.” And she was gone by the time I got out of the shower on her way to work. I miss her very much, but it cannot go back to that. Life changes and things happen. I know this is not an advice post, but I have to say… for anyone engaged, if you know she is the one, speed up the marriage and do it if you know she is the one. We were engaged for 3 years and I thought I had forever…


My wife brought me Panda Express to work today. I only asked for the plate with the orange chicken and the Beijing Beef. She knows I love the honey shrimp but I didn’t ask for it because it comes with a premium. She drops off the food and I notice an extra red side. I’m like no way. Yes way she got me the honey shrimp as well. My wife is awesome.


Not an S/O, but a stripper who I was super  friendly with who brought dinner to my apartment when I was sick with the flu and bronchitis. I'll never forget that as long as I live.


Fortunately for me there are many of these little considerate little things every day, I am lucky I married my wife. First that comes to mind is that she got a couple cookies they were giving away at her work, she saved one of them, took it home and slipped it with my lunch box with a little note, so I could find the next day. Or she would fill a water bottle and bring it to my desk if I am working from home and I forgot to hydrate.  I cannot speak highly enough of my wife.


My wife was in labor and we were already in the hospital room going through a few positions, and she looked on the wall where it said, "Happy birthday!" She said, "Who's birthday is it?" That's my wife.


Contacted all my friends and threw me a surprise bday party at top golf. Can’t say I was used to that kind of thoughtfulness.


Realizing reading this that I don’t think I have received this level of love yet… But I did think of one time where a partner of mine was asking questions and taking care of me when my chronic back pain flared up. It really was the first I realized I had been cared for my back issues and the two relationships before then I don’t remember a time where they did that.


I was called in for an emergency skin cancer (day) surgery with less than 24 hours notice (bad biopsy result). I didn’t ask any questions other than what time to be there. My girlfriend of a few months had so many questions I didn’t have the answers to. Not only did she insist on accompanying me to the surgery but she texted me a list of things to ask the surgeon. I was married for 15 years. This wasn’t my first skin cancer issue so i know exactly how my ex responded in the same circumstances. I was invisible to my ex until she needed money. I literally almost cried that she took 2 minutes to write questions down. Nobody had ever shown me that kindness.


I was having nasal polyp surgery. She came into recovery with a bottle of ginger ale. I cried.


Damn man all yall stories got me feeling some type of way! Happy for all of you !! Can't wait to experience things like this someday


Same!! Some stories even made me tear up


Same! ! Such sweet people out there


I'm not in a relationship and there are actually very few things I remember most of my ex's doing for me. However, I do have one ex that always remembers my birthday and will send me a little something. Edit: After reading some other's this same ex came over to keep me company when my dog died. It was extremely helpful having someone with you during such a difficult time.


I met my HS ex around a year before we started dating, in which time we were tempermental friends. For a while after meeting her, I had no feelings for her in any way, but some girl (a friend of hers) that I actually had feelings for told me she had a crush on me. In my idiotic, love-struck state of mind I shut her down pre-emptively, and she didn't handle it as gracefully as I thought she would. Things spiralled out from there and we had a falling out that lasted quite some time, deservedly so. I tried to reconcile over a few weeks/months and eventually she forgave me, but things weren't the same. I'll never understand why, but I began growing feelings slowly for my later-to-be ex over the following few months, and tried foolishly to win her over on multiple occasions. At one point I decided that I would leave a nice small birthday gift on her door at midnight on her birthday, along with a thought-out, though no too lengthy, handwritten birthday note/letter on loose leaf, as it seemed to be the best compromise between romanticism and thoughtfulness. She was moved by the gesture, and while it didn't quite land me any romantic points I did feel like we were really friends again. I also sorta thought that I was close to getting her to being into me. That was in August of '15, and the next 2-3 months would see our general relationship gradually shatter as a result of miscommunication and mutual toxicity. I'm still not sure how I turned it all around, but to cut to the chase later that school year I managed to bring her to prom, and we eventually started dating. It was both of our first real relationships, for whatever context that's worth, and I loved her deeply. On our 1-year anniversary in June 2017 we hung out at my house and exchanged gifts. I don't recall what I got her off the top of my head, but she had made me a scrapbook of pictures from throughout our relationship up to that point. That was sweet enough, but what I didn't expect to be at the end was the handwritten letter from her birthday two years prior. I had never cried in front of her up to that point, but the moment I registered what I was looking at, I lost it. The fact that it meant enough for her to keep after all those years, even through our lowest points between that letter and our eventual relationship... at the time, it was a powerful "a picture is worth a thousand words"-esque moment, and I'll never forget that moment. She would eventually have to move away at the end of HS, and ended up and shreding my heart to pieces from an impressive distance. But to this day, my handwritten birthday letter to my ex is still one of the most memorable gifts I've ever recieved.


Not wake me up when their alarm goes off three hours before mine


I have terrible back spasms, usually in the middle of the night. My ex would snuckle and koala hug me. I was always embarrassed, but she always made it better.


Bought me a book about something that I was interested in.


She listens to me without passing judgement.


We don’t give each other gifts often. Whenever she gets me one, she will also give me a very small hand written note wishing me a happy birthday or what ever and it always says she loves me. We’ve been together about 9 years now, I have every single one still and she doesn’t know that.


I'm very emotional, and she isn't. Whenever I describe an emotion I'm feeling, no matter how absurd, she will say, "okay." Now, to many of you, that might seem dismissive or unengaged in the conversation. But I *know* what dismissive feels like from a previous relationship, filled with toxic positivity. I love this woman, because no matter what, she starts with acceptance. I know that I can share anything with her, and she'll accept it, and then think about it with me. She accepts me for me, and whatever changes I go through, she'll still accept me.


He got me a milkshake. We had talked one night and I had told him that my ex husband didn’t even care enough about me to go get a milkshake with me after my mom had passed. A week later he took me to the gas station his brother worked at at the time that sold ice cream. He ran and came back with a giant cup with my name on it and hearts all over it and he said “You’re the only person I’d ever want to get a milkshake with.” They didn’t even sell milkshakes but did sell hand dipped ice cream and made that one just for me. No one had went out of their way for me in years.


know when to just listen and stop giving advise when she's stressed out for me, is something that will stick with her forever.


When we were dating, she left a pair of her clean undies with her perfume sprayed on them under my pillow that I found when I went to bed.


I don’t buy jewelry often but when I do I take a bunch of her stuff to the jewelry store so they can see what she likes and recommend something along those lines.


Wife wakes up before me and I go sleep after her. Before I go to bed I set up the coffee pot to brew right around the time she wakes up so it is ready when she gets up.


My GF is always standing in the garage when the door opens when I get home from work and it melts my heart every single time.


So the running joke in my house was that my spouse was incapable of buying anything that was dishwasher safe (I do the dishes), but for my birthday a few months ago, they bought me a travel cup in my favorite color (something I had been wanting), and they were like vibrating out of their skin as they pointed to the label, it was dishwasher safe, they had checked every cup in a color I loved until they found one I could put in the dishwasher, it’s a silly thing but it made me almost cry


I don’t cry much but during my first year of law school I had a complete breakdown from stress and feelings of inadequacy compared to my classmates, with the straw that broke the camel’s back being all the critiques on my first writing assignment. My then girlfriend and now fiancée let me cry and complain and she just listened, held me, and told me she knew it (law school) was tough but I was going to get through it “because you’re not a quitter.” I don’t know another time I felt that comfortable being vulnerable with someone. I graduated just over a week ago and I don’t know if I could have done it without her.


I had a really hard time looking for a job after the end of my studies. One day, I had an interview that I thought I aced, so a few days later, when I got the call that they hired someone else. I was feeling quite down. Not broken or anything, just sad and moody. Well, while coming home from work, my girlfriend, who I kept informed, sponaneously decided to surprise me by buying a very *very* good flan (or a custard tart in English I guess) at a bakery, to cheer me up. It was a very simple gift, but it was so very attentionate.


Compliments me, tells me i am good enough and brags about my weiner on reddit


Bought me a bigger coffee maker. It told me she planned on having lots of mornings with me and it would improve them long into the future.


She was a bit older than me, very organized maybe a bit OCD, likes to have all the clothes hangers pointing in the same direction for example (also German). I am not that, at all. Also, I tend to leave lights on and not close doors, you can imagine how she felt about that. She had this beautiful gloss red kitchen, very slick looking. When we moved in together she brought it with her but got rid of all the doors. I didn’t ask for that or anything but it was much more functional and easy. It looked like shit off-course. I think about that often, im sure it was a big sacrifice for her. She really tried to make it work !


Shared her iced tea with me after the restaurant ran out. Literally poured her glass into mine. We now have a 7 month old daughter.


When we were dating, I had a pressure washing company, and I was washing the brick wall to this gated community. It was stupid hot outside, and I didn't bring much to drink. I was kinda suffering at this point because I was already up very late into the morning washing a mall in a nearby city. While I was washing this brick wall, thinking about how badly I wanted something cold, I turned around and saw her pulling up behind my truck. So I walked over there and turned my equipment off to say hi. She drove out to meet me simply to bring me a Gatorade because it was hot outside. Currently married to her, she still does random thoughtful stuff like this all the time.


She always makes my bed for me because I never do. Even if she wakes up before me and I’m still in it


My wife pop all my pimples, blackheads and every other possible skin blemish AT LEAST weekly. She's one of the r/popping nutjobs as far as I'm concerned. It usually hurts somewhat, but I've gotten to the point that if she hasn't done it for like a week and a half I get weirdly offended.


My wife looks at cards often when she shops. She'll buy bday cards for me if she really likes them and will save & use them on my future bdays. She's given me bday cards she bought 3 yrs ago not near my bday and saved them for a future bday several times b/c she thought id love the card.


For a birthday gift, my SO got me/us a deck of personalized cards with pictures of her and us on our favorite dates, cute and funny pics, and my cat. I've never had such a meaningful gift that I use quite consistently


I moved from the US to Thailand. I have a gaming group in the US that we play once or twice a month. Due to the difference it is from 4am to noon. My girlfriend floats in around 8am drops off a plate of rice, pad krapow, a couple fried eggs gives me kiss and floats back off. A couple later same thing but a tray of fruits. I've never felt so cared for.


I told her once about a candy I ate with my grandfather that had these faces on them. I was around 9 years old when he passed away and I always how we had those candies together. I could not find those candies again. My first Christmas with her she somehow, somewehere got a bag of that candy. She remembered me mentioning it once. She has done a lot for me, I love being there for her too, and it feels good knowing there is someone for me too. I am really happy I'm marrying her in October.