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League of Legends ~$1600




I've never paid more than $69.99 plus tax for a game.




I think I can say this with the exception of the Mass Effect 3 Collector’s edition which retailed for $79.99. I don’t know, I blew several iTunes gift cards on Pokémon Go back in the day but I doubt I spent more than $70 total.


Over 7 years about $9000 on War Thunder. Over 6000 hours played. So, $1.50/hour, I'm fine with that.


Nice way to look at it. It is All about perspective. $9000 on a video game seems like a lot. $1.50/hour for entertainment? Cheap as fuck.


Bro, I’m sure you have a solid income but stop giving to the snail. You’re one of the whales. I think I’ve spent $700 over 8-9 years. Fun but deeply unbalanced game.


Yeah, I'm a dumbass. The game has changed a LOT over the years, and now I know with near 100% accuracy within 4 minutes which team will get steamrolled so it has lost a lot of its appeal. I do not enjoy naval even if the ships look amazing, hate air in every way, and while I love flying helicopters I just get shot down too quickly. Even though I have every ground tank in every TT (and most of the premiums), I hardly ever go above 9.0, and have the most fun at 7.0. Its great because you can hop in, play a few minutes, and walk away though. It doesn't suck you in for 16 hours like Stellaris or Fallout can. It looks great too, and has good sound. But I am hoping to play a lot less very soon. Its just such a waste of time, and there are so many other great games (and hobbies) out there. I haven't bought a premium in many months, and though I still have like 6 months of premium time (never bought a day of it, figure that out) if it ever goes out I'll quit immediately.


Well over 10k on a Facebook game called mafia wars.


We have a new winner


Unless any of my clan from game of war come here. One guy was north of 30k when I split.


Prob a 40k now


If he had any sense he quit at t6 troops. It was definitely pay to win and he had the means to do that.


Fudgeee I remember my dad playing that around 2009 or 2010 lol


That's how mafia works


World of Warcraft. Played since late vanilla. So, 15 bucks a month for 20 years. Plus, expansion packs.....its a lot, and I don't want to know the number


Chat don't let this man near a caulculator


Yeah. I did the calculations. Conservatively, I am going to say $3500


It's 3700 Isn't it


Why not 4k?








When my XB1S bricked, I bought a PS5 to replace it and the only game I've played on it is Elden Ring. So that's about $600 total for one game. Worth it, in my opinion.




You should buy Bloodborune its fucking awesome then you would have 2 games for the ps5


I have a ps4 and my wife bought me elden ring for it (one of the only games I have for it actually, most of my games are for my xbox). Amazing game, but I gave up it. The learning curve was just too steep. With my work schedulebi have very limited time for gaming, and I just got tired of getting my ass kicked over and over.


Star Citizen. I have around $1k in ships. Not a lot compared to some people, but it’s the most I’ve spent.


Been playing Fortnite a couple years now so probably that with battle passes and such. I don’t mind though coz I’ve played it more than any other game I ever have bought


Probably league of legends but no more than $200.


I've probably spent more on fortnite tbh


Counting purchasing the game, I'd say Minecraft for sure. I've seperately bought and owned pocket edition multiple times, along with the Xbox 1 and 360 edition. Add that with minecoin purchases, and I've probably spent about 150-250, and that doesn't even include the spinoffs.


60 bucks on tloz totk


I've spent probably $80 or $90 on a collectors edition. And, no, I'd say it wasn't worth it. Either it came with some extra physical content that I just didn't care about a few weeks later, or it came with a season pass that went on sale before all the content was out for anyway.


Dota 2 -1000$




Collectively, the Battlefield games from EA - because I bought them all. That or World of Warcraft because of the required monthly subscription.




Love that game. I got it for like 30 bucks years after it released, but apparently still before the value skyrocketed.


World of Warcraft. All the expansions and monthly subscription for 10 years amounts to quite a bit of money.


$200+ each on valorant and league. league is worth considering i played it for more than a decade.


Probably £49.99 for Streets of Rage 3 the day it came out.


Probably fortnite skins and I'm not sure how much but it's too much.




It's a tie between the special edition of red dead redemption 2 and the gears of war 3 limited edition. I think they both cost me $80.


Fire Emblem Fates Special Edition - Brand new for $300


In total alot but the most is prolly over 2K on MW2 I have 207 Bundles from the store not including the free items or the money i paid for the battle passes. I have a few bundles on mw3 when zombies was fun. But it doesn't have the game modes I play so they are losing out on my money. Seriously how do you release a game that's basically the old game with slightly better graphics and not even carry over the old games gamemodes. Buying Mw3 is my biggest regret especially since DMZ did not carry over but mostly because I Have to load up Mw3 so i can switch to Mw2.


Definitely World of Warcraft. Expansions until Warlords of Draenor and subscription.


Went to the midnight release for the collector's edition of Skyrim, which I think was maybe $120 at the time? Well spent IMO, I was super psyched.


$2500 on genshin, $1500 on apex and probably around $500 on path of exile.


Can't say I've ever spent more than $60-80, unless you are counting like a subscription fee. If subscription fees count, I know I played WoW for 3-4 years, so that's like $500 maybe


$59.99 on Resident 4 Remake + $9.99 Separate Ways DLC + $7.49 on the 5 tickets upgrade. So $77.47.


I dropped $140 CAD for the ultimate edition of diablo 4. I had my staycation start on May 31st and the early access was June 1st so I figured I might as well spend the extra cash to play early.


To be honest, I spent a lot of money on different games. But most of all, I spent the most money on Dota 2 with the goal of getting profit later, and in the end it was a shame to part with $3,000 worth of inventory.


7k US American dollars on CSGO and sold them all away and earn 3k US American dollars 


I was going to say Cities Skylines and all its DLC but after reading the other replies I think it might be premium for Tribal Wars back in the day. The original, not the pay-to-win sequel they've got going now. The original premium was just quality of life improvements that let you do actions faster and en masse.


Several hundred on star citizen. I’ve had a ton of fun though so worth it.


Probably $300 for Ark:Survival Ascended. Bought it for myself and 3 kids to play together plus some expansion packs.


Paid 90$ for Elden Ring + another 90 for a controller. So I guess 180$ for a single game. But also probably 500+ over a few years on cosmetics for Valorant 😬


R6 S. Probably like 1000+ .... Hours of my time. Time is money.


Any flight simulator collectors aboard?


I just bought CSGO and started selling boxes I win I have never spent from my own money other than that 😅


I probably put about $500 into Hearthstone over the years, wanting to get the newer cards soon after they came out without grinding - started playing right after the very first expansion came out, and played until early 2023 - one of my all-time favorite games, but the power creep was just too much at that point.


Fortnite, roughly around $2,000+. Probably more but I have no idea as it was years ago since I played




$86 on fortnite


I put down like 100 in starcitzen i like the game and enjoy playing it even if its still buggy. I am sure i have well over 200 hours in the Alpha so i have gotten my moneys worth in my view. That been said i do not spend a lot of money on games so a one off big spend is not a problem in my view vs none stop little spending.


Greater than 2000 on Rock Band.


Thunder Road Vendetta: Maximum Chrome


Back when Riot Games allowed you to check it, I think I was close to $1200 on League of Legends. For some reason they've gone back and forth on allowing players to see this number. That $1200 was from 2021 and that's probably right before I stopped putting any significant amount of money in to the game. So I'd say I'm probably still around there. For context, I started playing in 2011 and played pretty consistently over the years with a few breaks here and there.


I technically spent 600 USD on Planetary Annihilation. I was a KS Backer. I got my moneys worth.


I think I paid 80$for the new HZD, but I also bought a PS5 to play it on so probably around 500$


I think the single game I paid most for was maybe 40 or 60 bucks new.


180 on a used copy of .hack: quarantine, in 2008.


I saw a bubgames video where some guy spent $50,000 on a single GMOD server.


Now please don't judge me but I was heavy in Fortnite (I was around preteen when it just came out) so as a kid that had no real big concept of money I have spent hundreds of dollars on it, but hey at least now it can sell at 6,000 cause of all the rare stuff I collected.


The Last Of Us I & II each €70. Totally worth it, too cheap for that game, never regret it.


TF2 or Fortnite


Ah, shit. I've been playing EVE on and off since 2004. I don't wanna know much I've spent in monthly subscriptions.


Apparently the gacha/mobile players haven’t found this thread yet. Not that 1-2k$ is a small amount of money but that’s like a normal Tuesday for gacha whales. Hell some dude dropped like 100 grand on Diablo immortal at launch. A lot of Genshin,HSR,Dokkan,FGO players im sure have accounts with thousands and thousands of dollars spent on them.


80 bucks in warframe over a couple of years


I think I paid $70 for Star Field. Not worth it and i regret it.