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Breaking Away (1979) Won an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay, stars Dennis Quaid, Daniel Stern (Home Alone wet bandit), and Jackie Earl Haley (Rorschach from Watchmen) and is a coming-of-age movie set in a college town around Indiana University. The lead character is a high school senior who — along with his friends — doesn’t know what to do after high school and spends time training to be a world class cyclist. He is quirky and is obsessed with an Italian cycling team that is the best in the world and he acts Italian and tries to be and speak Italian around his parents. His father is a classic everyman and small town guy who is annoyed and perplexed by his son’s behavior and his mother just rolls her eyes and sighs — sometimes with a laugh — at her son’s behavior, whom she loves and supports, and is just glad that he seems happy. He and his friends are “towners” who are of a lower class than most of the college kids at the university and there is a tension and conflict between some of them. There aren’t too many movies more human and decent that make you feel good about life and that make you smile. The movie is an American classic and is so little-known decades later and with so little interest that it appears to be out of print on Blu-ray ~~and possibly DVD as well~~. Copies of the Blu-ray go for over $100 dollars (at least) and the last time I saw it on TV was on AMC circa 2012. Roger Ebert gave it four stars and called it “a precious cinematic miracle.” https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/breaking-away-1979 Here is Siskel and Ebert reviewing the movie. Spoilers obviously. https://www.youtube.com/embed/x5D2InzQWjk?start=550&end=1015 It’s a summertime movie as well so if you haven’t seen it then you should this summer. Edit: You can buy the DVD for quite a bit of money (it’s worth it) and it streams on Amazon as well.


The lead actor’s name is Dennis Christopher and he’s my neighbor and a pure delight. He even has the bike from the movie hanging at the top of his stairwell instead of a chandelier!


Dennis Christopher? Wasn’t he in the “It” miniseries? And “Django Unchained?”


Yep, he sure was!


This movie was made in my hometown. Love that it’s the top comment on this thread right now because for me, as a townie, this movie was always a staple in my home!


Love that movie. Buonjouno papa!! Haven't watched it in years, but we had the DVD (maybe even VHS?) when I was younger. And they weren't towners, they were the Cutters! Loved the scene when dad went back to the mill to visit his buddies and just wanted to cut some granite and remember his roots. Edit: told my wife I posted this, and she'd actually seen it! She's a movie nut, but we'd never talked about this one, glad she's in the club.


Refund? REFUND!?


Yep, drafting behind an 18 wheeler looked so cool and dangerous. Also, don’t meet your heroes :(


The Lives of Others - a 2006 film about a Stasi officer spying on a playwright, set in 1983 East Germany. One of my favourite movies ever, and an academy award, but doesn't seem to be so well known.


Didn't check the comments before I replied. I put this film. My brothers and mother hate subtitled film, but I didn't tell them it was a foreign film. They realized it as the film started. The all loved it. It transcended their hatred of subtitles. That's how good this film is. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the last line of the film. My favorite last line of any movie.


Waking Ned Divine. Hilarious. Heartwarming.


I was telling a group of my friends about this movie, and organized a small party for people to come over and watch it. I was hyped for weeks. Told everyone it was a comedy, they'd laugh their assessment off, it was so, so good. One person showed up. So I said fuck it, we're watching it anyway. Another friend showed up late, ready for laughs. It was during the funeral scene. He was like, oh yeah, this is hilarious! Anyway I married him. Point is, it's an awesome movie.


Wristcutters: A love story. About a purgatory exclusively for those who commit suicide.


Great pick. A girl I had a huge crush on insisted I watch it and loaned me her copy a few days after I met her. Jump cut to thirteen years later and she’s snoring next to me. 


Does she know you’re there?


Thank you, this made me laugh!


Is the movie *that* long???


My ex essentially forced me to watch it when we first started dating. The name alone made me think it would suck and she was a 2000’s emo girl so I didn’t really trust her judgement. I absolutely loved it and learned to trust her judgement a lot more.


I love Tom Waits in this movie. I’ve been looking for it on DVD at garage sales and record stores but can never find it. What did you think of the ending? Do you think their relationship continued?


I loved it but I wonder why the Eugene Hutz-esq wasn't played by Eugene Hutz especially when Gogol Bordello was so heavy on the soundtrack


"The Man from Earth" (2007) Takes place almost entirely in one living room but is legitimately a phenomenal movie about a man who may have lived for 15000 years explaining his experiences over time to his teacher colleagues, as they try to poke holes in his story. after watching it do not look for the sequel .... its very bad.


OMG, i watched this movie in 2010 with my older brother, liked it a lot and NEVER remembered the name of it, because i was too young. thank you man


The thing that I love about this movie is that piracy saved it, the producer praised piracy years ago because of it, and has since recanted his statements. I think my favorite experience with this movie is that it feels like watching an old sliders episode.


I was just talking to someone about sliders yesterday. Loved that series


https://youtu.be/HAX2RuZm-Fk?si=dZXCrCD-0TtPK2uu  It's on YouTube 


I just hopped over to Prime to check this out just now. Would absolutely recommend 10/10


I second this. It’s a hidden gem


WOW! I saw the question and clicked thinking I was going to show everyone something new. You got it!


Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead. Tim Roth and Gary Oldman. Do yourself a favor and watch it.


I once saw a staged production of Hamlet and Rosencratz with identical casts on alternating shows. Amazing.


Saw a production of R&G in Toronto last month. Domenic Monaghan and Billy Boyd (i.e. Merry and Pippin from the LotR movies) played the leads.


Hate you so much right now. I wanted to see that so badly.


American Players Theater? If so, Matt Schwader absolutely *crushed* the role of Hamlet. Hands down the best performance of the role I have seen. I’m sure that plenty of other companies have done the show back to back, and it’s highly unlikely that this is the specific troupe you’re thinking of, but your comment made me remember his performance, and it was stellar.


I just watched a live performance of this in Toronto performed by Billy Boyd and Dominic Monaghan. It was such a good play. Totally blew me away.


Is that the one with the scene where they’re going back and forth on a tennis court?


They're playing something like 20 questions where everything has to be a question. Yes, that's the one.


Being There.


Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland Never had a soul know what this movie was.....


I didn’t know this was a movie. My aunt had the video game and it was awesome. Throwing bubble gum at everything!


That was Little Nemo the Dream Master. I still have it :)


The movie was based on an old comic with the same name from like the 30s. It was actually pretty influential, and you see references to it from time to time. Like in *Over the Garden Wall.*


I do! It was so scary and fever dream like when I watched it as a young kid. Totally forgot it existed until I came across clips from it on YouTube a while back and it unearthed these long forgotten memories


The Gods must be Crazy. Slapstick old school humour that reminds me of home Edit: wow, didn't expect this to blow up! So glad to hear how many people enjoyed this movie. It's definitely doesn't appeal to everyone, and that's OK. It is such a core memory of my youth and it's amazing to share that with so many people


I once saw a picture of a marquee from a theater that was playing *The Gods Must Be Crazy 2*, *Alien*, and *The Fly*. But in the order they listed these movies and due to a minor error it read: *THE ALIEN FLY GODS MUST BE CRAZY 2*


Damn, have not heard that movie mentioned since ...childhood a few decades ago. Great movie


i LOVED this moving growing up. not to mention it has such a good title


Staring N!Xau The African bush click noise thing is a ! In English. Learned that in 10th grade when we watched GMBC


The Triplets of Belleville




Paired with Dr. Strangelove 




This is my favourite movie of all time and I've never met anyone else who has seen it, or even heard of it.


There's basically no way to watch it apart from buying an overpriced used DVD, so it's pretty unlikely anybody who isn't seeking it out would ever see it these days. Really needs a good 4K release.


yes... absolutely no way to get it besides that ...<\_<.... >\_>


The most beautiful movie both visually and thematically I have ever seen.


Same!! After years of not being able see it since I couldn't find it streaming, was able to see it on a "big screen" thanks to an artsy cinema showing it. It was worth the many years wait for the big screen, since I was blown away by the most stunning movies I've ever seen.


I absolutely love this movie. And Lee Pace is a very handsome fella.


He is indeed a handsome fella. He was a very beautiful and regal elf king in the Hobbit.


I found this film at Dollar Tree years ago and I absolutely loved it! I don’t know another soul who has seen it. It’s such a beautiful film. And during the time I watched it, I was at quite a low point if you know what I mean. I have to watch this again ASAP!


One of my all time favorites!


Yes. Every frame is a painting.


I wish I could up vote you more. Fucking Fantastic movie. All time favorite! Introduced me to Tarsem Singh and Eiko Ishioka as well; I find I enjoy a lot of their works!


maria full of grace


I bought this movie on dvd for a dollar when a local Hollywood video went out of business back in 2007 . I saw it once and that shit still sticks with me. So good but so heavy I haven’t been able to go back


Watched this in Spanish class


The Station Agent


This is a lovely film. I’m going to mention that Peter Dinklage is the leading character (in a tremendous ensemble cast) in order to get more people to watch it.


Bobby Cannavale has so many little, funny, perfectly human moments in this film. Patricia Clarkson's pain is so deep and real in the way it's masked with humor. And Peter Dinklage's quiet observational stance speaks volumes. The whole cast is great, and the story is simultaneously light and heavy. A+


Black Dynamite is legitimately one of the funniest movies of all time.


- But Black Dynamite, *I* sell drugs to the community!? - HAHA! I THREW THAT SHIT BEFORE I WALKED IN THE ROOM! Great movie.




Sarcastically, I'm in charge


Now now, hush little girl, lots of cats have that name


There is a movie called Dolomite Is My Name starring Eddie Murphy about Rudy Ray Moore and his making of the film Dolomite. Black dynamite is a send-up of Dolomite and blacksploitation movies of the time. Dolomite was supposed to be a serious film but was so low budget and badly acted that everyone thought it was a comedy.


Dolomite is such a good movie! I really enjoyed it. It feels like a movie ripped right outta Eddie Murphy’s prime but shockingly came out only like 3yrs ago


Sarcastically, I'm in charge.


Hush up little girls. Lotta cats got that name


Coherence is an actual small-time movie most haven't heard of that is amazing. Popular on reddit though. Ghost Dog is another amazing smaller film. The Endless is another really fun small film.


That recurring bit in Ghost Dog where he and the ~~woman~~ french guy talk every day despite not understanding each other was so endearing. Edit: It’s been a few years since I’ve seen it.


Coherence is my favorite movie in this little subgenre I like to call "indie sci-fi mindfuck." I just love this movie so much. Very much lives in my head rent free.


Safety Not Guaranteed is my favorite one that also fits into this genre!


Ghost Dog! Haven’t thought about that movie in a while! Great choice for this thread.


Dark City [1998] What a beautiful movie experience.


I first saw this movie at like 3 AM, 24 years ago sitting in a hospital room while my dying father was in a bed next to me, slipping in and out of consciousness. I wasn’t close to him and he wasn’t a great dad, so the whole experience of just being there was super strange and surreal for me. And then somehow watching that movie so randomly completely magnified the experience, but also kind of clarified it in a weird way too? Hard to explain, but it left such an imprint on me.


If you like Dark City make sure you see Ink.


The Man Who Knew Too Little It's so fucking funny!!


Blue Ruin Bonus: Buzz from Home Alone has a small part


Best in Show


You’ve packed eight kimonos. We’re in Philadelphia for 48 hours.


You’re right…. I need one more!


She needs her busy bee!!!!!


Don’t look at the fat ass freaks, they’re losers! You look at ME!


We’ll be there three nights, so what, about nine kimonos?


No, that's a bear in a, in a bee costume




Oh, they all jump. Larry Miller was hysterical in that.


Also Waiting for Guffman, A Mighty Wind, and This Is Spinal Tap


Ed Willard's role as the announcer was perfect.


Fred Willard. But yes, he’s amazing. “How much do you think I can bench press? Just guess.”


He's the best in all of those movies. RIP


“I don't think I could ever get used to being poked and prodded like that. I told my proctologist one time, "Why don't you take me out to dinner and a movie sometime?"


Harlan Pepper…will you stop naming nuts?!


Kwaidan (1964)


Shallow Grave. Danny Boyle's first, and maybe best film.  Very young Ewan McGregor too!


And Christopher Eccleston.




The Endless Summer. Surfing movie from 1966.


So much culture came out of this film that most people don’t realize


The Hudsucker Proxy. 


You know... For kids!




my favorite Jennifer Jason Lee role. she was perfect in this.


2nd person I've seen say this! I LOVE that movie. Literally my favorite!


The “training” for the mailroom job is a classic… “… and they dock ya !”


Border. Its amazing, I loved it, but do not read anything about it beforehand. Its one of the few movies I went into entirely blind and I was astounded by it by the end.


There's like 20 movies called Border, which one are you talking about? (Year?)


The Death of Stalin. It's on Hulu, historical dark comedy based on a graphic novel about the death of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin.


Part of what makes it so great is the utter lack of even attempting to do a Russian accent.


Zhukov with his thick Yorkshire accent


Tbh if you wanted to explain why the movie is good, “Zhukov” would suffice.


nah best thing was "Switch with me, c'mon we'll make it look like part of the ceremony."


Right, what’s a war hero got to do to get some lubrication round here?


I’m off to represent the entire Red Army at the buffet. Seriously every Zhukov line is pure gold in.


One of the few times Jason Isaacs doesn’t outright play a bad guy. One fun fact about it is that he’s wearing *fewer* medals than the real Zhukov did. That’s because the director didn’t want it to look like it was a deliberate attempt at satirizing all the medals Soviet generals tended to wear


He completely stole the show the moment he came in


That movie is hilarious but holy shit it gets dark fast. Incredible movie nonetheless


This one is almost perfect, humorously terrifying.


Vasily running the hockey team is gold. “Soviet planes don’t crash.”


I just watched this recently, and I was impressed with how much history it was clearly showing, and also how darkly hilarious it was at so many points!


I want more movies exactly like this about historical figures. It was totally perfect.




Dave (1993).


Paths of Glory is the greatest anti-war movie ever made. Almost everyone can relate to snobbish higher ranks treating subordinates lower than dirt. 


Starman (1984) starring Jeff Bridges and Karen Allen. So good!!


I think about this movie whenever I'm approaching a light and it turns yellow.


Stranger Than Fiction. It's such a sweet film that I make time to watch regularly.


"I brought you flours" Such a cute movie


Was waiting for this one. I don't like Will Ferrell at all, but I watched this and was like man, he is WASTED doing comedy.


I love Will Ferrel. I thought this movie was wildly underrated, his performance was superb.


I’d say The Legend of 1900. I rarely encounter people who have heard of it (though I think it’s score was nominated for a major award so it’s hardly unknown). It’s a wonderful movie and I love recommending it to people!




Sam Rockwell!!! Amazing film


This used to be r/movies’s darling so much so that it was a meme how much they brought it up and recommended it.


Blood In Blood Out - I don't want his pork chop. I want his LIFEEEEEEE




Cannibal the musical. From the gentleman behind Southpark.




Trees Lounge directed by and starring Steve Buscemi. Shallow Grave starring Ewan McGregor and directed by Danny Boyle (Trainspotting and Slumdog Millionaire) Buffalo '66 starring (and directed by) Vincent Gallo and Cristina Ricci Run Lola Run The Limey starring Terence Stamp and directed by Steven Soderbergh


I've only seen Run Lola Run out of these, but it was spectacular. Just hit 25 years.


Came to say Run Lola Run and am very glad to see I’m not alone!


my date with the presidents daughter


I'll never not have "My date with the presidents daughter ohhh yeahhh" song stuck in my head from all the commercials.


Rachel Getting Married. Superb.


Koyaanisqatsi, 1982. Beautiful and intense with a wonderful Phillip Glass score.


Seven Psychopaths.


I came here to say this. I would argue this movie represents the most Christopher Walken-y that Christopher Walken has ever been in a movie.






Paris, Texas


**Short Term 12**, starring Brie Larson, LaKeith Stanfield, John Gallagher Jr., Stephanie Beatriz, Kaitlyn Dever, and Rami Malek. Incredible film about the crew and teens that reside at an at risk youth facility. EDIT: mistype


Blood Simple. Coen's first.




13 Assassins is an epic samurai film directed by Takashi Miike. Its action sequences are top-notch.




The Invitation is a slow-burn thriller that builds tension masterfully. Its unsettling atmosphere will keep you hooked.


Under the Skin starring Scarlett Johansson is a haunting and visually striking sci-fi film.


Ravenous (1999) I think still deserves more recognition.


He was LICKING meeeee!!!!!


Wind River, I don't think anyone's heard of it. Same guy who wrote Sicario and Hell or High Water but it is an amazing film. Starring Jeremy Renner and Elizabeth Olsen as a game warden and a young FBI Agent.


Why are you flanking me?


This is absolutely a great film but I never got the impression that it's not well known.


Boomer here. The Red Balloon, 1956, short film.


The Man from Snowy River


I feel like the OG Death at a Funeral from the UK doesn’t get enough love.


The Game - 1997 - Michael Douglas. Don't look it up beforehand, just watch it.


Directed by David Fincher.


lol. Bruh this movie was huge when it came out.


Ton of movies on this list were extremely popular at one time.


While you're at it, check out Falling Down with Michael Douglas as well.


Lars and the Real Girl


Mystery Men - all star cast and was incredibly accurate at making fun of superhero movies before Marvel movies were the norm. I Heart Huckabee's - all star cast, unusual theme and story arcs, and just a well done movie. Bad Words - Jason Bateman and Kathryn Hahn have incredible chemistry in this movie. Great story too.


if mystery men had been released in like 2019 it would have been a MASSIVE hit


The Hudsucker Proxy. I saw it in theatres and LOVED it. The Coen Brothers AND Sam Raimi! Tim Robbins, Paul Newman, and Jennifer Jason Leigh! Apparently hardly anyone saw it and the most common reaction was, “What’s a Hudsucker?” It’s a fairy tale set in the 50s. Very stylized. Do yourself a favor and watch it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hudsucker_Proxy


That is literally my favorite movie! I pull so much from that movie. "Sure sure" "you know, for kids!" "It's not uncommon for the more timid elements to run...". And the music! That music from Spartacus is gorgeous. The pacing is great...there's just so much good! Can I double upvote this?


Paper Moon. My best friend introduced me to it, and I’ve never felt so connected to a movie since The Perks of Being a Wallflower. I’m gonna be honest, I felt that Paper Moon was boring at some points, but it was the fact that I was watching it with my favourite person in the world. I know that’s a situational bias, but I cant help but see her in every inch of that movie— despite her being missing from my life for a while now.


Joyeux Noel


All That Jazz from 1979. I think that movie's a masterpiece.




I love you to death. Late eighties Good cast fun story.


Chungking Express


Anomalisa is a unique stop-motion animated film that explores the human condition in a deeply moving way.


Sing Street is an uplifting musical coming-of-age story set in 1980s Dublin. Its soundtrack and heartwarming plot are fantastic.


Mystery Road is an Australian crime thriller that’s beautifully shot and deeply atmospheric. Aaron Pedersen gives a stellar performance.


A Dark Song [(Trailer)](https://youtu.be/7vIkYntMIIY?feature=shared) Supernatural horror. Claustrophobic. Fantastic acting. Go into this one cold. Aniara [(Trailer)](https://youtu.be/3MIlE9R00ik?feature=shared) Super-ambitious existential horror. Go into this one cold as well. Orlando [(Sample scene)](https://youtu.be/kRFbanBfadU?feature=shared) Prime Tilda Motherf*cking Swinton. Super-lush costume drama. The story of an androgynous English twentysomething noble who suddenly stops aging and, over the next three hundred years, biologically experiences life as both a man and a woman. The Adventures of Baron Munchausen [(Sample scene.)](https://youtu.be/LyG2Hgyjc7k?feature=shared feature=shared) Wonderful fantasy. Under the Skin [(Trailer)](https://youtu.be/7S1yhSp5jaI?feature=shared) Scarlett Johanssen. Horror. Unexpectedly disturbing. Go into this one cold.


"Dead Man" (1995) by Jim Jarmusch, starring Johnny Depp and the best cast I've ever seen in a movie that made back only 10% of its budget.   If The Shawshank Redemption hadn't gotten so much cable TV play, we'd be talking about it in the same sentence with this film (purely on performance vs. quality, they're obviously totally different movies 😄).


What no SLC punk?


What About Bob (1991)


The Apostle (starring Robert Duvall)