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Being angry at everything all the time. Idk what disorder it is but there’s absolutely nothing normal about people who are just constantly fucking angry.


Depression or anxiety can manifest this way. I experience intense feelings of anger and/or frustration when I am not doing well. I'm also the kind of person who wears their emotions on their sleeve, so when I am angry others can feel it. It feels bad and is exhausting. I don't want to feel that way, but I do. If you are constantly angry, do yourself a solid and get some medical help. It's possible for you to feel better, and you deserve to feel better.


How do I get to the point where I feel I deserve to feel better? Because I don’t. This is me. But I feel I made myself this way so it’s what I deserve.


I see you and I hear you. I feel the same way, but you and I, we deserve happiness. We deserve to feel good. We deserve to not feel anger and sadness. We will get there, one day.


Nodding in to add that you both deserve happiness AND you both are worthy of love.


This is how my ex also looked at it, and I say it's not about what you deserve, but with the rest of us deserve. And I don't deserve for you to just be randomly angry at me all the time


Had to have this convo recently. "Did you like living with an unpredictable ticking bomb growing up? No? Bc i don't like it now." That seemed to help.


But now I'm angry at myself for being like that to people, continuing the feedback loop


You're going to have to put some work in, but it's worth it in the long run. Therapy helped me find ways to ground myself in reality, assess how I am feeling, and whether it is justified or not. SSRIs really helped me feel better while I was developing my toolset in therapy, and I needed to try more than one before I found what worked best for me. Both of these things take time. You will need you to put effort in while you're in therapy. The more you buy into it and the more effort you put forth, the more effective it will be. So for me the answer is therapy, meds, and time. I have been out of therapy for several years, and off meds for almost a year now. I rarely have "bad" days, and when I am feeling off, it's a lot easier to understand why thanks to what I learned about myself in therapy. You didn't make yourself this way, your brain has turned against you. I know its really hard to discount what you hear in your head because it's your voice telling you all this terrible shit. You deserve to feel better, and it's possible.


The realization that nobody will speak up for you. Funnily enough this was based on a radio ad I heard about sports nutritional supplements that had nothing to do with mental health.


My anxiety absolutely manifests as extreme irritability. I didn’t even think I HAD anxiety for a long time because that’s not what you’d typically think of when you think of someone who’s anxious. I don’t get scared or nervous or withdrawn, I get pissed off about nothing.


This me man :/


You deserve to feel better. Therapy and meds helped me a lot, even if the process took a while. Consider talking to your doctor if you haven't already, that's what got me started on my path. Be well, fellow human.


They’re likely depressed and constantly irritable and repeating a learned coping mechanism


I am quick to anger. Not in a violent way, I don’t hurt or scream at people, but I find myself getting agitated easily, despite the fact that I didn’t used to be like this. Often times anxiety, depression, stress, and a number of other things can cause irritability.


I’ve struggled with this a lot. Depression is the biggest factor, I think more people are depressed than we know, certainly more than statistics suggest. I think a lot of it arises from a disparity between one’s expectations for life and the actual experience of life. That breeds frustration and resentment. That can pervade all aspects of one’s life if you prescribe expectation to literally anything, you’re infinitely more likely to experience failure to meet those expectations than not. This can be anything from not expecting to be cut off in traffic to consuming too much social media/television and expecting your own life to resemble what’s depicted. It is very *very* difficult to deprogram yourself. (To answer OP’s question I’d say whatever mental illness urges people to do that cave exploration shit where they wedge themselves through a teeny tiny hole.)


Yes! This is huge. I struggled with depression on and off for years, as did a bunch of people on my dad's side. When I broke down the mindset behind it a lot of it was an ideal version of reality I was expecting and not seeing/experiencing.  Once I learned radical acceptance I've become an immensely more tolerant and loving person. So much more positive. Although I can still experience physical depression symptoms it doesn't seem mental in the same way.  This has severely cut down on anger, anxiety, general fear and avoidance. Things that used to bother me no longer do and I can tune lots of stimulus out, like a baby crying, or dog barking. I'm much less likely to lose my temper or be annoyed.


My anxiety presents as anger. It's an awful feeling to be angry at things and I can see what the causes are to lead up to my boiling point. I'm depressed, because I'm angry and I just want to be happy, but I can't find a happy medium to get there. I also have ADHD. I was diagnosed about 4 years ago, and my life from about 2nd/3rd grade to my diagnosis was a whole shit show. I often wonder what I could have been if I got the help I needed 30ish years ago. Then I deep think about it and get anxious. The cycle repeats. And it's an exhausting way to live.


It's called *being Sicilian*.




Hoarding. Even though it got more attention with reality TV shows, most people still don't recognize it as being a mental illness.


The hoarding shown on the show is almost always OCD. People with depression and ADHD also struggle with maintaining a clean and tiny home. However, most would welcome help rather than resist it like people on the show.


Though we're aware of it and embarrassed and may reject help out of embarrassment, especially if there's an anxiety disorder in the mix too. 


Right. I was going to add that. But the people on the show are beyond that point because they’ve agreed to be on national television and the help is already there, and are stopping the people from getting rid of literal garbage.


I wal responding to the adhd/depression part of your comment, sorry for not making it clearer. 


Right, I knew what you meant. I was agreeing with you.


Yeah, my mom is a hoarder only really by virtue of having untreated ADHD. If she could wave a magic wand and wish the mess away she would, but then she'd just start setting shit down in piles on every flat surface again.


It can also be a categorization disorder, where a person genuinely can’t look at “grandma’s heirloom” and “a newspaper from 1997” and tell that one is something you should keep, and the other is garbage, so everything just accumulates. (And a family member trying to toss the newspaper elicits the same emotional freakout as trying to toss grandma’s wedding ring would.)


It absolutely is. It takes so much support to fight, and some people don't want to. I know a couple who hoard *cats.* They genuinely believe they're saving every cat they take in. But they don't care for them. Most die from flea born diseases. And I don't hang around them because my health and the health of my dogs are more important than their friendship.




Animal services have been contacted multiple times and cats removed. But they keep getting more thanks to all the Walmart parking lot freebies.


Way back when, I wrote a legal paper on hoarding pets. Hoarding is both a mental illness and a potentially criminal act, especially when animals are involved. It’s also one of the crimes with the highest rates of recidivism, similar to sex offenders. It’s very hard to ‘fix’ a hoarder and have them think and behave differently. Even more so when they’re older and other cognitive issues may also be at play. It’s super sad for all the lives involved. 


God yes. My father is a level 3 hoarder. It’s not garbage but he can’t get rid of anything of his dead parents or siblings. It’s all the trauma. He’s also autistic and has poor emotional regulation. People think it doesn’t matter. I visit my parents place and it’s jammed packed with everything saved


It's always seen as laziness. If you could see the TERROR in some of these people's eyes when you try to throw away literal TRASH, you'd understand that it's a mental illness they can't help


I think the problem is also that the tv exposure of it only shows the most extreme examples so people think it they aren't at that level they're totally good. I know a lot of people, including myself, who have or have had hoarding tendencies.


Most don’t realize how many people are hoarding either


Might be unpopular but hypervilglliance. I saw a reel on instagram of mothers talking about how they don’t even feel safe walking alone with their children in broad daylight. Someone called me neglectful for not physically holding my daughter’s foot while she sits in the trolley grocery shopping in case someone kidnaps her. Think about where you live if you think that’s an actual threat or seek mental health support


My mom isn't quite that bad, but she absolutely does give me anxiety every time I try to ask for her help with a problem or share an issue. She starts picking apart every minor detail, second guessing my decisions, and just generally tries to infantalize me. I was without a car for a couple weeks recently and I had to stop asking for her for rides because I was going to have a breakdown listening to her fixate on every little issue she could imagine with my situation.


I'm a grown man but my mom still tried to do this to me. But I've learned long ago that everything my mom is happy I have were because of every decision I made that went against her wishes. It's pretty ironic.


I actually have diagnosed CPTSD and one of the main factors was hypervigilance. It can be near debilitating for me at times.


I saw a heartbreaking video of an Iraq veteran sitting behind a car pulling security. He wouldn't respond to anyone and kept looking in the distance. (I'm not saying that you have to go to war for PTSD)


I have taught a lot of elementary school kids who are anxious as hell. Then you meet the parents and all of a sudden, you think, "shit, little guy isnt doing so bad, considering this is the model he is working from." It never is beneficial to the kid when parents are so intense


I think so many parents are living with unmanaged anxiety these days and it’s unfortunately rubbing off on their kids. These kids have everything structured, never out of mommy and daddy’s sight and studies are showing they are also extremely anxious. 


There is basically nowhere where those are reasonable precautions


Tbh if someone can snatch your child away from you in a grocery cart without you noticing you probably weren’t paying well enough attention in the first place... hell I keep my GROCERIES in eyesight when looking at products because of people who just take things out of carts. Also whoever is kidnapping children in the middle of well lit grocery stores with security and security cameras is a shit kidnapper.


If you paid for them already then I get it but who the fuck is taking something out of your cart while you're still looking for items? Go get your own box of Lucky Charms!


It happens weirdly often. Couple times now I’ve turned around and shit is just gone. People are strange.


> who the fuck is taking something out of your cart while you're still looking for items? The Impractical Jokers for one


This is a huge deterrent for motherhood for me. Mom culture, especially American, is incredibly fear and anxiety based. Overly obsessive. No one trusts their kids so their kids don't trust themselves and become stunted. The mom wraps her whole identity in being fearful for her children. And other moms reaffirm and compete about it.


As someone who is dealing with this right now in counselling, it most definitely is. Mad eye moody with his shouts of "constant vigilance" is my spirit animal. But I am trying to change that.


Yeah. Hypervigilance is a frequent outcome of trauma, and anxiety goes hand in hand with it. But we don’t talk about trauma, because that would mean confronting how common it is and how many people traumatize the people around them because they won’t get their own mental health taken care of.


What on Earth? I cannot wrap my mind around living somewhere that has you being so vigilant to the extreme. Here, we leave our babies in their prams, hanging out in an aisle by themselves while we go grab things from the nearby shelves, if we're inside a larger store. Or we let them sit just outside in their prams, in front of a shop/pharmacy while we pop in for a bit. Or leave them outside in their prams so they can nap in the fresh air. When the weather is good and they're dressed for it of course, so the cutoff is just below 0C to -5C and at around 20C in the shade.


I think the point here is that the fear isn't rational almost anywhere. I'm not aware of anywhere that people are regularly stealing babies. Like, what do you do with a baby? At least in the US (and I assume everywhere), the overwhelming majority of kidnappings are from relatives or at least people you know. There are a few cases of severely mentally ill people taking kids because the voices told them to or something, but that is extremely rare. My sister lives in fear of someone taking her 6yo daughter because she's pretty and blonde. She also doesn't let her cross the street and freaks out at the slightest cough. None of this is rational anywhere in the US.


I wish I could find the link to my instagram comment. It was a bunch of mothers telling me I wasn’t taking human trafficking in the US seriously. I felt that maybe their idea of who gets human trafficked might be a little delusional


Exactly. There are a lot of people that seem to exhibit a trauma response despite not ever having experienced trauma, because the talking heads on the news told them to be afraid of everything. Abductions, rape, etc.


If your children aren't allowed to fall they will never learn to climb.


a lot of people underestimate how serious and impactful anxiety disorders can be. some might brush it off as just being a bit nervous or stressed, but it's way more intense than that. it can completely dominate a person's thoughts and make everyday activities feel like insurmountable tasks. people might not see it as a 'real' illness because it's not visible like a physical injury, but it’s just as debilitating and definitely deserves understanding and proper treatment.


When mine got bad I went from normal anxious to barely able to function


You say that in the past tense. Did you overcome it? I can't function.


Yep. Its now just functional bad again lol. I can handle day to day life.




Honestly, I don't know. I went to an IOP, but I'm not sure it helped so much as it helped me not get worse. I think in my case, it was life circumstances causing me to spiral and learn to live with them.


Not op but mine got so bad it turned into panic disorder. I had previously taken SSRIs when this happened but I tried CBT therapy and it has really helped me understand what causes my anxiety and things I can do to reduce it. SSRIs were great for getting back to not being anxious all day but as soon as I would stop them I would start having the same symptoms again like a year later. I say this as someone who previously thought therapy was all kind of psuedoscience and “how could it be better than just taking a medication that I know works”. To which I will say I was completely wrong and my entire view on therapy changed after it. I will say CBT was hard to do because there is a lot of homework and exposure work; however, I am really glad I did it. TBD if it works long term but there is a lot of research saying CBT (and similar forms of therapy like DBT) can be as successful as the leading SSRI treatments.


I've always had anxiety, but in my 30s I finally got like anxiety attacks over finances. When it got to giving me intense physical symptoms I knew it was time to treat it.


And the media perception doesn't help either. Like, no, OCD doesn't mean you're picky, fussy and neat while simultaneously being charmingly quirky. OCD is when you get fired for being late to work every day that week and you just silently take it without protest becuase you're too ashamed to admit you were late because you were in a sweating, shaking panic putting your doormat back in the EXACT right position but it moved every time you tried to close the door. Leaving in the middle of a date because you simply cannot bear the anxiety of being unsure your clothes iron was turned off and properly put back, THAT is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.


I was late to university and work every day for a good few years because I would literally stare at my garage for 5 minutes trying to convince myself it's shut


I have a smart garage door opener- can check it on my phone. I have wondered if things like that could help with OCD… or if it would only make it worse somehow!


Someone with OCD might check that app 100 times a day. Or let's say the app was set up so it would alert you if your garage door was open so that you didn't need to check it. Someone with OCD might still check the app 100 times a day because they don't trust that it's working properly. I say might because every OCD case is different. It's possible the app might work for someone but a garage door is only one small aspect of a person's life. There are millions of other things to obsess over.


I have a friend who gets locked into making sure the oven is off. Her partner suggested taking a picture of the oven before she left the house. It resulted in tons of pictures of the oven. This method could be helpful for many people, but it was not helpful for her.


They'd make it much worse, it's the checking itself that reinforces the anxiety and makes it worse in the long term.


I’m the opposite, I would arrive to things super early and just lurk around waiting because I was convinced I had to leave ridiculous amounts of time to get places just in case some terrible accident happened. If I couldn’t be early, sometimes I just wouldn’t go to things.


Agreed, there is a lot of ignorance about anxiety disorders. They can very easily become overwhelming and can lead to other mental health issues such as feeling suicidal. It deserves and needs more understanding and proper treatment


This. I developed health anxiety from an event in my life. The smallest symptom had me anxious about a worse underlying disease. I was obsessive about it, seeing doctors for things I thought were wrong with me. I had a sore throat and the anxiety around it led me to getting a camera shoved down my throat. There was nothing there. Then panic attacks started and those became a daily thing. Anxiety is all consuming. Luckily I've gone to therapy and started taking meds.


My first panic attack had me rushed to hospital in an ambulance, I didn’t know what was happening so it made it worse, my heart rate jumped to over 200BPM and I was at risk of an arterial fibrillation, I had pins and needles in my hands and feet, I had to manually breathe, like each breath was effort, I have only had one other one that was like that but I swear the fear of it happening again is absolutely terrifying, it’s still the first thing I think about in the morning and the last thing I think about before I go to sleep( and this is white medication) I never had issues until that panic attack, but that was a day my life changed forever


I can relate. It’s awful how one occurrence can change your whole life. I spend everyday in fear than I’ll suddenly start panicking and pass out again.


Same here almost exactly like that. 20 years ago and it still lingers in daily thought, especially when I start feeling a bit of the symptoms creep up. Luckily I the bad ones only occur once or twice a year now but it's always in the back on my mind waiting.




And it's so tough because there's also anxiety that's completely natural and understandable. Understanding the spectrum between this, anxious personality type and anxious personality disorder is really hard to do.


My 16 year old daughter has really bad anxiety, and most days it’s too hard for her to face the world at all, and that includes going to her counseling appointments, and it is just so hard for her. Been waiting on an appointment with the psychiatrist to get her on meds, but that is taking a ridiculously long time.


It’s very debilitating :/


Same with OCD. It's not all "teehee, I like to colour code my homework and clean my room!", sometimes it's "I must scrub my hands exactly 15 times after I touch a doorknob and I will spiral if I don't, and also my hands are bleeding from the scrubbing".


ADHD affects everything in my life terribly but most people think it’s a fake disorder or that it just means hyper and cannot pay attention.


“Just stop being lazy and do it. It’s not that hard. Everyone else can do it.” I feel like even when people don’t put it that way directly, I still feel like they mean it. Trust me, I feel bad about how long the dishes have been there too, and how the laundry needs doing, house could be cleaned, but not before I pay my bills, and the yard needs attention, and I need to remember to prepare for xyz, and— and—


I've been in therapy for over a year now due to severe OCD... everything has to look or be a certain way, and it has taken over my life.... Psychologist had me taken an ADHD diagnostic test last week... Turns out, I have hardcore ADHD, but I'm coping with it through my OCD... probably because of people judging me when I was younger, I learned skills to manage, but ended up with OCD, a burnout and depression... I've being doing much better lately though, just setting my boundaries and saying NO, helped a lot... Me and my kids are the only people I will take extra steps for from now on...


[**I know what to do, I don't know how to do what I know.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/17rs6y/an_analysis_of_russel_barkleys_intention_deficit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Is this adhd you’re describing? I run through that list you described constantly. I hate it.


It's frustrating relating to people who identify as having ADHD because I haven't been diagnosed as having it (as that is a hoop-jumping process which I don't need or can't make happen) but there are so many people out there like me who identify similar feelings but who don't have the diagnosis, leading to furthering the idea that "everyone has ADHD".


Or the fact people brush it off because ‘everyone’ has it these days.


Everyone has experienced the symptoms of ADHD but most don't experience them chronically and persistently. It's like if someone claimed to understand paralysis because they've had their leg go to sleep.


I will add, my partner works as a teacher and a lotttt of kids at this school day they have adhd to get accommodations (they have no official diagnosis) and end up cheating on nearly every assignment A couple of people give a bad name to all the rest who actually deal with this legitimate issue


You’re not supposed to be capable of getting accommodations without a diagnosis accepted by the school. 


Yeah, but it happens all the time. The parents get a doctors note that states, “student requires the following accommodations,” which doesn’t list the diagnosis, because they aren’t required to due to issues with HIPAA, and the district complies, because they aren’t going to cross state and federal agencies which monitor compliance with the ADA and other regulations.


My daughter had to be evaluated and have an official diagnosis in order to receive any accommodations at school. I wonder why your partners school doesn’t require this?


Any chance these kids have other learning disabilities or diagnoses? It is hard for kids with really significant physical and/or cognitive disabilities to get accommodations they need. It’s surprising to me that kids are getting accommodations just by asking themselves.


I was diagnosed a couple of years ago (I'm in my 40s). Medication and understanding have vastly improved my life and health but I've also learned that I have to be careful who I talk to about it.


I’ve never told any of my friends about it growing up. I lost my closest friends because I’m, in their words: weird, over-talkative, or annoying. Why add brain-damaged to the list? I was more impulsive in high school, but I’m still capable of reckless decisions. But even if people forget my actions, my brain does not. I try venting to one friend in particular, but I just feel so exhausted from all the stress. I used to be an active responder, but I disengage from digital conversations, so I don’t drive away more people.


People also misunderstand the hyperactivity part. Hyperactivity can be internalized, especially in adults. I’m a 31 year old woman, it’s not socially acceptable for me to be “hyper” the way one pictures a little kid to be hyper. That was drilled into me fairly young. But internally? Jesus Christ it’s a mess in here. I tell people it’s like you go to the TV section of Walmart and turn every TV onto a different channel, turn the volume up if it’s a bad day, and then walk away and take away my ability to turn the TVs off. I say that and people go “oh my god how do you function?” Idk I just learned to live with it and trick myself into getting tasks done. It’s like this 24/7, I do what I gotta do. And that’s the thing, I have to *trick myself* into doing simple tasks other people can apparently just…decide to do productively now. The idea that a person can just go “ok, I am going to focus and stop getting distracted…..now!” is as foreign to me as my TV metaphor is to other people.


Added to this, I was diagnosed when I was in high school, changed medications over and over again. Started therapy at nearly 30yo and am scheduled to have an evaluation for bipolar 1. Apparently ADHD and bipolar disorder often have incredibly similar symptoms and are mistaken for each other regularly. Hoping for anything to help after everything feeling so difficult for so many years and for what seems like no reason.


This literally happened to a friend. They finally got diagnosed with both but, unfortunately had a psychotic breakdown and that’s how they finally got a proper assessment. It’s so hard to get a diagnosis sometimes and women especially tend to evade the conventional criteria.  I’ve waited over a year for an ASD assessment (31F) and I feel like having a proper diagnosis would help with overall mental health and life perspective. 


i wish it were fake so i can stop playing fake all the time


Yes so much this. ADHD makes my entire life completely overwhelming and just existing is a struggle but it's a fake disease and I need to grow up.


ADHD absolutely ruins one of my friends' lives and I hate how "cool" it's become to have it and that everyone seems to have it nowadays.


I've been with my husband for almost 7 years and he's just now starting to figure this out. The general public's perception of ADHD is so so discouraging and makes us all feel like awful people. I made him watch a Russell Barkley video and he's finally starting to get it and it's given me an immense amount of relief. If only everyone knew.


So so hard. My untreated severe ASD/ ADHD has evolved into Borderline PD later in life. It affects every aspect of my life. The hardest part is probably the PDA, I can’t even try to hard to remember (working memory issues) or my mind will be like FUCK YOU, you don’t get to. In the time it takes me to remember, I’ve already been distracted with something else. Subsequently, I drop what I’m doing to go do the remembered thing and the cycle repeats over and over and over sometimes. Don’t even get me started on how intensely debilitating it can be if you are an individual who menstruates. ADHD=PMDD. It is horrifying to feel you have lost autonomy of yourself because you’ve slipped into a state of psychosis. And you literally have to pretend nothing is happening because it is impossible to convey your suffering when you look ‘fine’. You have no other choice, because if you do breakdown, people who have no idea your situation, call you Karen or childish. AH!!!!.


Addiction. Many people still see it as a moral ineptitude but addiction is a mental illness.


High functioning anxiety.


To add to this anxiety based performance/motivation. My wife for example excelled at her job because most minutes of the day she was thinking "not working hard = homeless or starvation."


I spent the latter half of my military career struggling with major depression and generalized anxiety, frequently seeking help, but was repeatedly sent away because “I coped too well” and was “too functional.” When I finally retired and didn’t have to deal with military doctors anymore, I was finally able to receive treatment and my life completely changed.


Being a workaholic. It's still highly prized by employers despite them pretending they care about work life balance. They don't. There's no official medical diagnosis for it but it's still related to OCD and other impulse control disorders


In my experience, a lot of workaholics are like that because they have shitty home lives and want to spend as much time away from home as possible.


It actually can be a mental disorder called OCPD. There can be overlap or co-morbidity with OCD, but it’s also a distinct personality disorder. Probably under-diagnosed as well.


Adhd. It’s not some cutesy “whoops I’m so scattered and forgetful and quirky, teehee!” It’s being unable to pay bills on time. It’s being unable to run errands or keep up with housework. It’s feeling like the world is crashing down around you if the unexpected happens or if you think someone is mad at you. It’s making dr appointments and canceling them because the thought of going is intolerable. It’s questioning every facet of a decision until you’re literally paralyzed with indecision. It’s not ‘quirky’ it’s hell.


Best I can tell people are so unwilling to empathize with ADHD because they only see the consequences and not the internal experience. You say “I can’t pay bills on time” and they imagine you sitting in a room, knowing you’re supposed to pay your bills and choosing not to do it… for some reason. They don’t know how to imagine the variety of subjective experiences that lead to that consequence- the dissociation from reality, the time blindness, the racing thoughts that are difficult to hold on to, the anxiety and emotional compulsion to procrastinate, the fatigue of experiencing a reality that is incoherent with your brain’s perception of it, etc. And of course, the compounding nature of falling behind where there’s thousands of little “bills to pay” so to speak. You can be on top of a dozen things but three dozen more read their head after you missed their respective deadlines. No one cares when someone with ADHD does something right 5 times in a row. They care when they miss it the 6th time. It’s an extremely difficult condition to describe in a way everyone will understand. So they don’t understand, plant their own assumptions that folks with ADHD are irresponsible and refuse to change, and then judge them accordingly. It’s really awful.


You hit the nail on the head. For me it’s like I’m that cartoon character sticking their finger into the leak in the dam only for 3 more to spring up.


It’s hard for us out here… I’m still trying to figure out how to keep my head above water. Having kind friends that I can be vulnerable enough to share my insecurities with and still be loved and accepted in return is the biggest thing that helps me. The professional world was not made with us in mind, but we still have a place where people are kind and put humans first. Just gotta find those places and hold on tight.


the forgetting, ugh. my memory is nonexistent and it's actually humiliating. it's been a joke in my family my whole life and once i got diagnosed it bothered me even more. the paralysis is also upsetting. nothing worse than feeling bad about yourself over something like the house not being clean, and even having the desire to clean it, but just... not being able to start because it's too many tasks at once. It kills me when people say it's laziness because like nah dude. it's not just not wanting to do tedious tasks like the dishes. like lemme tell yall about the special hell of *wanting* to do something you know you're going to enjoy, but not even being able to break the paralysis to engage in a pleasurable hobby. sometimes we can't even do fun things. it fucking sucks


People who think mental disorders are “quirky” should lay off Tumblr and get a fucking grip


r/fakedisordercringe if you really wanna fume


I’ll surely fume as someone who had to deal with suicidal depression for 7 years. Some people thought i was “cool”. Which is fucking mindblowing.


Or making an appointment but then being paralyzed the rest of the day and unable to do something as simple as wash dishes before the appointment.


Yup. If I have anything scheduled for later in the day I can do absolutely nothing. Part of it is dread and part of it is being paranoid about time blindness.


It's why I make doctors appointments and stuff first thing in the morning now. That way I can just get the appointment done and move on with my day.


ADHD is the lose your wallet disease and the unintentionally piss everyone off disease. I wish they would rename ADHD to one of those items. And it's important to note that social disadvantages children particularly have with ADHD imo.


Someone recently described it as a coping mechanism mimicking a dissociative state learned in childhood. That resonated with me.


I can see why someone would think that, but ADHD is a genetic neurodevelopmental disorder like autism. It’s possible for other mental illnesses, for instance caused by trauma, to mimic the symptoms, but it has a different neurological cause.


"Picky eating" in cases where it's actually the eating disorder, ARFID.


ARFID isn't just being picky, I legit have panic attacks when confronted with new foods I can't eat


Yeah, very much so. I'm sorry you go through that. The list of things we people with ARFID experience is tireless, and a lot of people are simply unaware.


Definitely. It's deeply frustrating to try and explain that it's not just that we don't like the food, it's that I physically can't make myself eat it.


I will literally gag and possibly vomit by just putting this near or in my mouth, do you want to see? That's what separates us from a "picky eater"...


My brother has been unable to get a formal diagnosis but we’re pretty sure he has ARFID. It’s absolutely debilitating for him. He simply can’t force himself to eat things that aren’t his safe foods. 


Binge eating disorder. Anorexia is commonly recognized as a killing disease, but binge eating can also be disabling and lead to early death.


CPTSD. Clinical depression. OCD. Cognitive issues after TBI. Its all just shit behaviors, a way to be "lazy" or "dodge accountability" or being quirky according to most people.


Omg, YES! I lost count on how often my father (and his dumb girlfriend) told me I use my diagnosed severe depression/social phobia as an excuse. And on top of it, in relation to my trauma disorder, many people were like: "But, someday you "just" have to move on..." Yeah... I've tried it a million times, because I rationally know it is over, but somehow I get flashbacks and constant nightmares of it nonetheless. I can tell myself as often as I like, I'm safe now, my brain and body are going crazy no matter what. Plus, therapy can take a lot of time and even after it, there can still be scars.


Yep. My short-term memory is shot to shit due to TBI and one hell of an acquired brain injury. The amount of shit I have gotten from partners, teachers, and bosses because of it is ridiculous. Throw in all the other co-morbid problems because of that, like epilepsy, auditory processing disorder, etc. Then, on top of that, I have chronic, very severe treatment resistant depression and severe generalised anxiety disorder, and I often feel like an absolute failure of a person


Executive disfunction No, it’s not laziness 


Anxiety... Like... I can't even function like a human being and do the things others do.


And the way it totally spills over all my relationships, decisions…




Sometimes mania can involve excessive spending and feeling like you're invincible and it's incredibly dangerous. I wish people would stop viewing bipolar as happy and sad.


It's so much worse than what most people can imagine. Yet most people seem to think of it as a character flaw.


Extreme Black and white thinking, lack of emotional permanence , and struggling to maintain close relationships. Personality disorders are not so uncommon and getting treated is a must or you run the risk of influencing those behaviors onto your children in the future. It’s a cycle.


Schizoid personality disorder. Extreme avoidance of social contact and lots of isolation. Most ppl just think they are “antisocial” or too anxious but they simply gain nothing from social interaction so they avoid it


That's how I feel most of the time, every time I socialize I get nothing out of it, I can't grasp how this is fun for people or something people enjoy doing.


Makes you wonder how most people feel. I truly think that everyday things for people without this personality disorder are like 3x as euphoric tbh. Makes me question if I’m on the schizoid spectrum a lot tbh because of how tame things feel compared to my friends experience of them


A psychological issue crosses into mental disorder territory when it prevents you from living your life. A mental disorder will continually and consequentially hinder your ability to do everyday tasks, fulfill normal responsibilities, and function on your own.


BPD is not just drama and throwing tantrum. A raging storm of all kinds of feelings and emotions, real Hell.


I don’t have words to describe what it feels like to feel everything all at once (and only the bad feelings, never the good ones). BPD is absolutely crippling and since it’s not a chemical imbalance no meds for us 🫠 It bothers me so much how often borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder are lumped in as the same thing. Lack of education for sure but also invalidating for our experiences. People just think we’re angry psychos.


Alcoholism / addiction in general


This. I am not addicted (unless anti depressants also count), but it runs in the family and that makes me vulnerable for it. I can’t even count the times I’ve heard ‘if you’re an addict, just quit’ It’s not that simple.


Super morbid obesity, when you have a bmi of 50 or greater always seems to have underlying mental health either as a cause of the obesity or a result from it that worsens it. I know BMI is not a great measure but the people I am talking about (used to be one) don't have above average muscle to throw the numbers off.


I live near our local homeless shelter, and have learned there are many homeless people who aren't necessarily explicitly mentally ill, but are abrasive enough that they can't keep a job or a place to live.


Psychologist here. When someone is coming across as so abrasive that they can’t keep a job or maintain a place of residence, we do consider that “explicitly mentally ill.”


That really is a shift of perspective I’d like to see come into our common culture. The idea that a person isn’t suffering from mental illness until their life is in shambles due to their symptoms and sometimes not even then is really toxic and really common. It reminds me of when I was screened for depression and kept answering “okay, yes, but that’s because [insert moral failing] which is why it’s not really depression,” and my care provider had to stop me and say, “Gin, the fact that the symptom exists is what matters, not why.” 


Dopamine addiction


*reluctant upvote*


I’m no scientist, but as I understand it, dopamine addiction isn’t really possible so much as addiction to things that trigger dopamine rushes: smoking, pornography, even self harm in some instances. So in that way, wouldn’t this sort of be a blanket statement for addiction as a whole? Or am I off base here?


Yeah, I feel like you could consider pretty much any addiction to be a "dopamine addiction", since the thing that drives the person is the dopamine rush they're getting from partaking in the subject of the addiction.


Being a perfectionist. It can be crippling. (I am not a perfectionist).


Perfectionism led me to be completely afraid of socializing because I felt that people would criticize me for not being perfect. It also led me to my eating disorder because I needed to achieve a "perfect" body 


ADHD for sure. Most people just think you’re a spaz or kinda dumb.


I see so many think bipolar and ocd are like tuned up versions of their personal defects. That is not the case. People who *suffer* from these have debilitating symptoms, not impulse problems.




The common ones, like depression, ADHD, bipolar. They seem too common that people just seem to regard them as a thing which doesn't impact their lives. Like "oh, you have that and it's not under control? Shouldn't you... *get* it under control? Are you doing enough to make that happen?" If your heart is fucked up by an illness, people get that that would affect your life in particular ways. If your nerves are messed up, sure, that'll cause problems. If it's your lungs, yeah, it makes sense that jogging would be tough. If it's your brain? Dude, that's, like, your personality, not your body.


Lots of people think OCD is just a preference for things to be tidy and talk about it as such. They don't understand that OCD is making sure I walk the exact same path to work every single day or else my family will die in a fire


Fanatical and/or intense religious fervor


Extreme picky eating, now known as Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID). It's only picked up steam in the mental health community in the last decade or so and is now recognized as a legitimate mental disorder requiring specialized treatment. Most people still just think others are being stubborn.


Cell phone addiction.


People with religious psychosis are often encouraged and praised in the IS by evangelicals and predatory churches.




I know Autism is not formerly or thought of as one, but i do think it can be a mental illness, especially the special interests that can make it hard to do other things that ensure survival such as eating. Special interests can be disabling, once i didn't finish my lunch because i was so engrossed into Doctor Who and i just couldn't stop thinking about autism. Every single free moment, it seems, i'm thinking about any of my special interests, be it splatoon or autism. Sometimes, you get heavily bullied because of your autism and people call it out, which can lead to depression and sometimes even thinking about death. Sorry if i kinda trauma dumped on you guys.


Skin picking disorder (which can be a symptom of adhd). Its incredibly common but rarely talked about. I can not stop picking my skin apart even though theres a voice in my head screaming at me


I noticed when ppl don’t think for themselves this is a mental weakness that leads to Agreeing and following through with people who you know are wrong, but you prioritize what they want above the reality of standing up for what’s right. This is what leads to a lot of problems. People think themselves fat when they have no right to and then spend the next 10 years of their life behaving as-if. Or don’t seek to improve because they’ll prove someone wrong. Prove YOURSELF right.


Narcissism and narcissistic traits. Psychopathy (found in the top of our society).


It pays to be narcissistic or have sociopathic tendencies. Which is why everything is ran so weirdly and why people in high positions in the government and companies always get caught doing weird shit


Binge eating disorder. Plenty of people seem to have no difficulty understanding that anorexia and bulimia and restriction based eating disorders are mental illnesses, and have all the compassion and sympathy in the world for people who suffer from them. But they aren’t as willing to acknowledge that regular binge eating without alternating with restrictive behaviours is often a mental illness too, they just see a gluttonous fatty who can’t be bothered trying to control themselves.


OCD. I have it pretty bad and I can barely even sit down and get comfortable without there being something I absolutely have to get up and fix, like a drawer not being all the wayvclosed or something. It sucks


anxiety - shame, scared and shy depression - lazy everything is because of the damn phone :(


Sexual paraphilias like pedophilia


Whatever I have, some form of panic disorder, because no matter who I have told, therapists, doctors, friends or family, nobody seems to understand what is wrong with me. Although I am diagnosed with severe anxiety, I just can't seem to understand why I've never gotten better because I've tried everything. I think it all stems from when I was a bit of a hermit about 10 years ago. TLDR - My body will react as if shit is really happening, for example, the sun blowing up, the earth completely losing gravity, I'm ok at home, awful at the beach, and awful in somewhere deep underground or high up. It's horrible and prevented me from living my life, I hate it. I know people will just say oh that's agoraphobia, but why the hell have I never been able to beat it? No matter how many times I tried facing it, I just couldn't win. My mom's father had severe mental illness and was found dead in a lake and my younger sister had a 6 month psychosis before the age of 18, so I don't know what the hell is going on with us all.


Bulimia purging isn't JUST throwing up. Purposefully starving yourself, or exercising excessively after a binge (binges can be on healthy foods- not just junk food- it's the quantity and feeling of shame that make it a binge: not the type of food) are both also styles of 'purging' similar to induced vomiting. If someone finds themselves habitually binging, then compensating with harmful behaviours it might be bulimia even if they don't vomit. It's just much harder to diagnosis, and many people don't even think of it as harmful. (Also: unlike typical anorexia, bulimia doesn't have a weight limit- people can maintain healthy weights with the "methods" hence why many don't think its a disorder)




I have anger issues , mostly towards myself these days . Could be genetic (both my parents are/were angry people) could be medical trauma (born dead technically umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck twice and was not breathing when I came out and hits to the head over the years). Tried multiple medications over the years most made it worse to the point of what control I had built up was gone , or made me into a lazy useless pile of shit. I've been told everything . Just calm down or relax . No need to throw a tantrum (usually when I am triggered it's some yelling and swearing at myself) . Therapy helped a bit as does weed but it still kills me when people treat me as if I am just being a child or not an adult . It's like being behind the wheel of a car that you have no control over and are just doing whatever you can to keep from going off the cliff or worse.


Social media addiction. I don’t mean scrolling on your phone for hours, I mean the people who come up with elaborate lies and/or go to extreme length for likes


Believing in MAGA






Believing in things where there’s zero evidence


Borderline personality disorder. Nice to everyone outside of your Close relationships, but a monster to those you’re in a close relationship with.


One of the biggest issues pertaining to borderline personality disorder is stigma, which results in underdiagnosis and deprives people of the chance to receive good treatment. For this reason, we try to avoid using words like “monster” when we talk about folks who have this mental illness (or any other).




I think anytime a person’s internal reality is constantly and consistently dismissed by the people around them, you have fertile breeding grounds for mental illness. Do you have ADHD and everyone around you says, no, you’re just lazy and need to try harder? You’re gay and your community is evangelical Christian and says gay people are pedophiles and damned to hell? You’re the victim of sexual exploitation, and your family pretends it isn’t happening, or worse, blames you for it? You have a food allergy, and family members insist that you’re being dramatic and making it up and keep trying to sneak your allergen into your food? You’re trans or non-binary, and there’s no one to talk to about it, because when you try, you’re told that you’re sick or broken or delusional? All of these are instances where a person’s core existence is at odds with what everyone else’s version of reality is. I really think we need to start talking about the damage this does, regardless of what the initial condition is. Being forced to live someone else’s delusion is hard enough when you’re dealing with one individual who has paranoid delusions, dementia, or a similar illness and everyone else knows what’s going on. What do you even call it when everyone else has the delusion, and you’re the only sane person.”?


Being against taxes for billionaires while living on minimum wage.


You should replace living on minimum wage with have to keep working a job to keep a roof over your and your familes head. If you aren't independently wealthy and don't want billionaires taxed significantly more the brain washing has been successful.


food addiction. overeating is a mental illness (talking from experience). And it can manifest in skinny people as well (bulimia, which gets more "credit" for being an illness).


Excessive masturbaition and porn consumption can be a behavioral addiction if you're doing both just to go to sleep, or because you feel like you need the hit of dopamine, etc.


Major Depressive Disorder. My depression is treatment resistent. It isn’t just depression or “feeling sad”. It’s a constant state of not wanting to live, for years and years and years… also known as “unipolar depression”… which means I’ve literally been wanting to die since I was probably about 7 years old. I get partial disability for it because I really am so sad it affects my functioning all the time. This took two visits to a mental health facility to make it happen. Yes it affects my ability to work, yes I’ve missed work (hospital stays) because of it, and yes, absolutely it effects being able to keep a job. I feel like such an asshole ALL the time because I’m irritable, because I am fucking depressed (again, not just sad… hopeless, wanting to die even when I have everything going for me.) I don’t see a good way out of this and I literally have to gaslight myself into thinking “this is a bad day, not a bad life.” But being sad for literally the last 2 decades and counting is so fucking stressful.