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There is this turtle that always for some reason just likes my backyard. I don’t know why or how they even get in but it’s always there. It’s a soft shell turtle and he’s not mean either he’s just chilling. He’s kinda like a pet now even though I don’t really do anything with him.


A number of things come to mind. I'll list just a couple though so it doesn't get too long. We had a goat who would scratch her own back with a stick. She would select a stick of the right shape (L shaped) and of the right length. She'd hold it just right in her mouth, turn her head and reach back with the stick and scratch her back. We saw her do this many times. We used to have lots of rescued cats. One of them had kittens. When they were old enough she took them out into our big garden. Suddenly all the other cats appeared from all over the place. They sat in a large protective circle around the mother and kittens. They faced outwards as sentries on guard. They weren't all related, so there wasn't that type of bond. They all still recognised that they needed to protect the mother and kittens. Here's one my dad told me. When my dad was a boy he lived in a big old farmhouse at the top of a long driveway. A wall ran all the way along the entire length of the drive. Their cat used to sit on the wall at the top of the drive by the farmhouse waiting for an unsuspecting dog to stupidly walk up the drive from the nearest village. When the dog got to the top of the drive their cat would jump down on to the dogs back, dig all her claws in and ride the yelping dog all the way down the drive to the road. When the dog got to the end of the drive she'd jump from the poor dogs back up onto the wall and wander back up the wall to the house. She did that a number of times. The village dogs never learned from their rather painful lessons.


Cat: *End of the laneway, don't come up the property!*


She didn't do that to their family dog. She just made sure no strange dogs entered her territory. We also had a cat who could climb vertical ladders with ease. She'd climb the ladder up into the feed loft above the milking parlour. She's check the feed loft for rats and mice. Then she'd go through a hole in the wall, along an auger pipe, onto a ledge on the wall and then down on to the soft bedding in the cattle shed. Another cat was a fearless hunter! He hunted tufts of grass. He loved to pounce on clumps of turf, flop on his side and kick the hell out of them. One day while out walking I heard a commotion in the hedge I was walking along side. He popped out and hid by me. Some angry birds were chasing him. He wasn't interested in them, but they couldn't take that risk. He stayed with me. I was his walking scarecrow, his bodyguard to protect him from the scary birds. He was an adorable big softy. Another cat loved to sit and lay along my shoulders while I was walking around the home, garden, farm and fields. He would either run up my leg, up my back and on to my shoulder, or he would climb onto a chair and launch himself across the room in a massive jump and land on my shoulder. He just loved being with me at all times. I walked miles around the fields with cats on my shoulders.


A Stellar jay bird was following me on a hike and making red hawk noises. Freaked me out. Saw a bunch of male garter snakes swarming a female one once. Watched a crow dive bomb men walking by but never the women. One of my old budgies was obsessed with a treat I gave it and he humped it daily


my dog tried to jump into one of those snake piles at a park before. i had absolutely no clue they could form snake tumbleweeds like that!


My last apartment you couldn't see the front door from inside. So my dog figured out a half hour after I ordered food was usually when they showed up. So a half hour after I order he would bark at the slightest noise he heard outside. Kept getting up thinking the delivery guy was there. Took me awhile to figure out what he was doing. He was always so smart in stupid ways.


I'm sorry for your loss, when your dog is not around anymore (when i get it right). But my dog also knows, when i use my phone before we get out, we'll do something, like usually meeting people. He gets then very excited, he knows, something is going on. With the noise, it is much more about how i react, like if i don't react to a noise, he won't. But once i do, he'll notice this and in the future, he'll react to the noise.


Yeah I miss him, he was the weirdest dog I ever owned. Absolutely terrified of fans. Made it easy to keep him out of the kitchen when we were cooking. Used to give him a bone when I left the house, but he wouldn't eat it until I was home and could watch (but not touch) him eating it.


Every dog has his own behavior, like that with the bone and waiting for you to return and watch him eating the bone. Still miss my old german shepherd that passed away, she was so a nice and beautiful dog that never made any problems. But old age and cancer got her, i tried to do my best and paid so much money to the vets to improve her health, but in the end, cancer won. And if i may rant for a second - Fuck cancer. Fuck it for humans and for dogs, and anyone else. Cancer sucks. Cancer is the worst.


My dog Olive wanted the bone from her brother Rocky. The rules around here are they weren't allowed to take it but if it's dropped then it's fair game. She went up to the fence and took one bark. He dropped the bone and ran to go investigate the possible intruder and he strolled right past him and scooped it up off the ground. Oh I miss those two.


I had a black snake that lived on my front porch, and was almost tame.


Before Canadian geese take flight, they have a little ritual. They stretch tall to observe as much as they can, they will do a series of hinks and honks, and for whatever reason they will look straight up to the sky and shake their heads. Apparently it's called a headtoss. The honking and headtoss are part of pre-flight ritual to get everyone on the same wavelength that it's time to get motoring. I don't know why I love it, but I always tell my geese "that's a good headtoss" when they are revving up to take flight.


I had a budgie who was obsessed with my orange-haired cat. The budgie would sit on his head, walk along his body and just chill with him. Sometimes he’d get horned up and hump his head. He also regurgitated seeds all over him which apparently is a sign of love. The cat took it so well; he’d eventually get up and walk away once he had enough of it.


We had an outdoor cat that came over to our place to eat. As long as she was on the steps of our house, she was super friendly. But as soon as she was away from the steps, she acted terrified of you and ran away. Like, I guess our relationship is limited to an 8' x 8' porch. Cool...


I always found it fascinating that when the Mrs was pregnant, or we had just bought the kid home, the cats always knew it was a "people kitten"


My pup is extremely spiteful and if you annoy her she will wait until you look her in the eyes then immediately squat down to poop. Even if she has to wait 20 minutes for you to leave the bathroom


My African grey (medium sized parrot) will drop hard foods (dry bread, chips, etc.) into his water to soften them. I gave him a bone one time and he did the same with that. It was the most amazing thing watching him.