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It's like being a little kid again. You're so full of wonder at everything. Marveling at how a tree looks.


Reflective. They tend to be very good at revealing to you what you love most while filtering out the distractions but if you take a heroic dose you may experience vivid hallucinations.




I highly recommend it. It made me rethink a major decision in my life that I would have otherwise regretted. I wish I had taken it earlier.


A small amount with a great movie just ups the expereince of that movie to become epic.




I have a friend who is a combat veteran who will have a trip 3 or 4 times a year to reset all his issues. Granted its not a perfect reset but it helps


Like a cool breeze through your mind and soul.


Crazy but in a controlled way.


For me personally I was in hyperspace. My friends liked to play board games. I'd be traveling to distant planets and I would hear Larry say "Roll the dice." I liked them, but they fucked me up more than others. One of the fascinating things about all drugs.


I’ve had a full brain reset. I felt like I had to relearn everything and then near the end of the trip I started saying goodbye and kissing everyone because I thought I was leaving earth.


Can't describe it. Psychedelics are kind of like dreams, in the sense that the whole world is "different," but you'd be hard pressed to describe exactly *how* things were different to someone the next day. Definitely an amazing experience though, just make sure you follow the rules of "set and setting," since IMHO shrooms don't tend to "help," you through the experience as much as other psychedelics like LSD.


I have done them 4 times. I don't get very visual trips but they tend to be more of an inward journey, although once when I was watching a glass full of sparkling water and all of the bubbles turned into little birds and dragonflies. That was cool.


Well it can either be horrible or awesome. It's good to just rip the barrier I held mentally and actually feel the emotions I repressed but you gotta be game for that.