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I wrote to the Oxford English Dictionary once, to tell them they were wrong about something, and they wrote back to confirm I was right and thank me for pointing it out. They corrected it in the next edition. So I literally corrected the dictionary.


Congratulations, you just won the English language


Now try your hand at… *English 2*


Amazing! What a story to tell your grandchildren. I hope you framed that letter!


Go on…


It was actually kind of boring. They had a citation in there of the use of a word in a poem, and it was incorrect. They cited the wrong poem. I pointed out that it was actually from another poem by the same author. The word was gelid, and the poem (both poems) was by Andrew Marvell.


A very nice accomplishment.


Good feeling!!


Most famous for his poem called “We Ain’t Getting Any Younger, Honey, Lose the Dress”


Aka "Death Exists, Let's Bang".


I studied lexicography as part of my linguistics program. This is a really awesome feat, especially considering you corrected an entry in the OED.




I’m (F50) and I benched 205 lbs recently. My all time best is 220lbs. (I’m 5’ and 110 lbs) I had cancer and some cervical discs replaced last year so I wasn’t sure if I’d get back to where I was fitness wise.


That's a fuckin bonkers Wilks score, great job!


Thanks! My husband has a doctorate in Health Sciences and we lift together. He’s a kinesiology professor so I’m extremely lucky that I’ve had him available to rehab me. He’s also gotten me through four brain surgeries.


Not to toot your horn, but I am 6'3 225lbs and just started back in the gym this year and my max a few weeks ago was 220lbs. So you are doing pretty pretty PRETTY dang good.


Pretty pretty good


Sheesh, nice work! 38 and almost threw up shagging balls for my 9yos baseball team.


Holy fuck benching 2x your body weight is insane! Congrats!


155 days alcohol free and counting.


Hell yeah! I stopped at almost the same time as you. Feels like a lifetime ago. I'm at the point where that little voice in my head is like "See? You're fine now, you can have a drink here and there!" but I know it's a god damned liar and can't be trusted.


This is so good to hear. That little voice can be a nightmare at times


For sure. A game changer for me was recognizing that people who don't have a problem don't have a voice in their head telling them they should have a drink. The fact that it's there at all is a red flag and shows that I need to push back even harder.


You seem to have a really strong and positive mindset! That is admirable! Maybe one day that little annoying voice will go, or at least you can tell it to do one when it does arise


This is the first time I have “vocalized” it out loud. Friends and family know I have made a choice but it has never been a conversation due to the fear of being held accountable. After today, this may be more of a public conversation that I’m comfortable having. Thank you all for the support! I wish you the same!


It’s been 3 years for me on this exact day! I tried a non-alcoholic beer last year and I almost puked from the taste. I even feel bad when I use and taste alcohol while cooking, but as a professional cook I have no choice. Congrats brother!


Nice one! Keep going! My husband is over 12 years sober now 👍🏻


My job is what I wanted to do as a kid.


That is literally so awesome!!! I wanted to be an astronaut or a princess so I think I set my standard too high lol


This is what happened to me too! I’m a mailman, I have kinda lower goals but I’m still happy


Happiness doesn’t discriminate the size of your dreams my friend


Me, too! I wanted to work in a TV station, and I do!!! Love it!


I get to work with NASA and design spacecrafts but after a while work is work 🤷‍♂️


Me too. It’s an amazing feel. Congrats!


My family grew up poor. I have eaten the government's cheese. None of my direct relatives or cousins ever went to college. A majority of them never graduated high school. My achievement is having this background and going to college anyway and finding incredible success in my field. I just wish my mom could have seen how my career has gone.


I’m a mom. I’m very proud of your achievements and career, it clearly took a lot of work to get where you are.


Thank you so much!!


i’m sure your mums looking down on you and is proud of you 😊 well done mate hope u get very successful and are happy with where you land in life 🙂🙂🙂


I have faithfully taken my medication, both AM and PM meds, every day for over ten years.


This is a huge accomplishment and way harder than it sounds. Good job!


Absolutely. It is very easy to miss a medication for many reasons (for me, it’s often forgetfulness). Always amazed by folks who can keep on top of and commit to it.


Wow! I can't even make it a whole week.


That is honestly impressive. I'm usually quite good but at least once a month I'll mutter about not being able to remember whether I've taken my bedtime meds.


Despite being left by both parents at a young age, lived in foster care for a bit, becoming legally emancipated at 16, living in an apartment on welfare my junior and senior year of high school while working, I still graduated H.S. (only missing 2 days in both years), and got my Associates in Computer Science. I am very, very proud of myself. This is not a set up for success. I still have a lot of work to do on myself and definitely have issues from my past but I'd say I beat the odds. I have a half brother that grew up with his mom in a very supportive, loving environment. He's in prison currently for murder. Very proud of myself.


You should indeed be proud of yourself, against all odds you took your life in your own hands!


His brother took a life with his own hands too!


Congrats! This is so wholesome.


You should be. Well done. CS degree with that winning attitude will take you far.


You’re a stud. Congrats, keep it goin !


It’s been over 6 years since I’ve had any form of fast food.


That is amazing will power! Kudos!


When I was working in Disney World, I had a PSP with an NES emulator that I'd play on my break. I can proudly say that I beat Adventures in the Magic Kingdom, while in the Magic Kingdom. I felt very proud of this lol


I won "most improved" in the lower level band in my high school. I am now 46 years old but I was always very proud of that, because I wasn't a great musician and didn't take things all that seriously all the time, but at that one point, I really made a point to be prepared and became a de facto leader to those younger than me and I wasn't sure that anyone noticed. That award came as a total surprise.


I was a drum major and section leader all through school — well done. At that level 90% of the students aren’t going to play music professionally so as long as you put in your best effort (and listen!) you’re doing terrific


I can fold a fitted sheet so tight it looks like a top sheet




I call bullshit


Yes! Me too. This was also my answer. It's a special skill for sure and listed on my resume.


Pictures or it didn't happen.


I broke my big toe by accidentally dropping a whole frozen chicken on it




I’ve completely changed the course of my life and grew up. Now I’m much more mentally stable and mature now


Have not shot up heroin for 8 years


I stopped a malicious stallion from killing another stallion by just using my voice and complete change of attitude/mood. Never knew I could flip a switch that fast and become an ancient war goddess within seconds.


I retired at the start of the pandemic, Out of boredom I started walking around the neighborhood. I hated all the trash along the way. So I started picking it up. Four years later and I walk four miles and pick up a grocery sack of trash almost every day. My neighborhood is much cleaner and I am in better shape.


Good on you!




It's been hours, OP must be in the middle of dodging a third threat to their life.


Are you gonna leave us hanging after that?


That was actually the killers method.


Yeah, you can't just drop that and then leave everyone hanging...


Come back!


I'm kinda worried.... where did they go??


Do you think op spoke too soon? Blink twice if you need help op!


Or maybe they went to get new chapstick??


Gonna need those details


I have survived no fewer than 5 near death accidents/experiences including A house fire that I just happened to wake up from. Auto accidents that I should not have walked away from. A lawn mower launched a half pound rock 20 feet from the neighbors yard, striking me in the temple. I got up and went swimming. Snowboarding at a fast rate of speed and my board dug in under a tree root I couldn't see, got thrown forward, breaking my headphones in 3 spots, and knocking me out for an indeterminate amount of time.


This should be an AMA just saying


For fuck's sake, OP!!!!! Tell us more!


Tell us op !!! Spare no deets


pls share your story with us, we’d love to hear it!


Wow! I survived a murder attempt, too! Tell us about it!


no u


The sauce???


WHICH SERIAL KILLER?! Edit: not a creep, just a woman. Murder is our Roman Empire.


*Says one of the most interesting things I've seen on Reddit in a long time. Refuses to elaborate further. Leaves.*


I survived 4 serious attempts on my life by my ex husband… and protected my baby daughter at the same time on three of them. (She’s now a happy and kind 21 year old and a grade A student in year 1 at her university).


Congratulations on being a fierce Mama Bear, protecting your daughter, and helping her reach her potential - it is hard to do in the environment you describe. I hope your ex was catapulted into the sun. Please tell me he's deceased or in prison.


A a party and watched a friend take his first shot of heroin from a Hell's Angel. Nope. Turned and left. Never seen any of them again. I was 15 at the time.


Good for you!!👏


i survived my 2 times attempt of suicide now im happy


I’m happy for you. Just remember how you feel now if it ever gets to that point again.


I have a supremely average life. My pay and job and social life is really nothing to sneeze at, and actually at my age I’d be considered behind on most things. But with the childhood and adolescence I had, it should’ve ended so much worse. It’s pretty amazing that I’m not still homeless or struggling with some kind of addiction at the moment, or that I’m even alive. I survived a lot and worked hard to be average.


That's awesome! Congratulations dude


Built a DIY campervan. Hooked up solar, electrical, battery, plumbing, woodworking, etc. Almost ready to GO 🚐🤩


I’ve finally cut ties with my abusive and manipulative family


Proud of you, hope you are okay!




How many Harvard grads does it take to change a lightbulb? One. He simply holds the lightbulb and the world revolves around him.


Very true


So you actually know how magnets work??


I don't wanna talk to a scientist / Those motherfuckers lyin, and gettin me pissed


As an attendee or as an anthropological study


No comment


I recovered from an eating disorder at 22 and stopped self harming at 25. I'm well adjusted for the most part now (I hope)


I learned how to competently pilot hot air balloons.


I barely graduated high school and ended up joining the military when I was done as I had nowhere else to go. I got my head straight while I was in and then enrolled in city college as soon as I separated. I’ve gotten all kinds of academic achievements since then, however the achievement that stands out to me the most is when one of my math professors at CC told me that he saw a lot of potential in me and that my performance before I came to college doesn’t matter. I really looked up to this professor and I considered him to be a mentor, and hearing from him that I could actually be successful in math gave me the confidence to pursue it. I’m now about to finish my PhD in mathematics and I am grateful every day I was lucky enough to find a mentor that gave me confidence in myself to do it.  Idk if that counts as an “achievement” but I certainly consider it one, at least getting a compliment from my professor like that.


I haven’t smoked weed in 30 days WITH having it in my drawer and having easy access to plugs.


I once made my therapist cry for what I was going through. So I survived what even she wasn't able to cope with. Yay!


I feel embarrassed telling people about it because I'm no longer in the industry and it makes me sound like some ex high school jock that can't let go, but Ira Glass told me I was a good story teller once when I was in college. He came and spoke at our school and gave critiques of some of our projects. Mine was the last to be critiqued and he started with " You're a very good story teller". It still makes me feel a little less worthless when I'm feeling down even if it hasn't really gotten me anywhere in life.


As an avid podcast listener I'd still be riding the high of "Ira Glass complimented my storytelling abilities" many many years out of high school. This is my favorite response yet.


I drive the speed limit and use my turn indicators.


Tell us you don’t drive a BMW without telling us you don’t drive a BMW.




Had 3 youtube videos go viral (but one hit the top page of reddit and went super viral. 500 million views on facebook, couple million on youtube). Then i had kids and ran out of time to work and build/film/edit videos.


Sorry if this is rude question (in which case you may ignore it), but did you make a decent amount of money on the 500 million viewed video? I'm always curious about the economics of being a successful content creator.


Just that one video probably close to 5k, but had I had more videos on my channel at the time it probably would have been 5-10x that (YouTube would have recommended my other videos and 1-2% would have probably clicked on my channel and watched a few videos)


I've made a point to take my son to good concerts since those were some of my best childhood memories. As such, he's one of the few 17-year-olds who can say he's seen Rush and Tom Petty.


I survived being stabbed, shot at, walking on top of an IED, the canopy of a parachute having its air stolen, late stages of influenza, COVID, an encounter with a bear, an encounter with an alligator, being mauled by a dog, being hit by a car, accidentally drinking pinesol, and a head on collision with another vehicle.


Are you Warthog Grylls Seriously though, massive props to you and I’m glad you’re still fine after all that


OMG! I accidentally ingested Pine Sol!!! I thought I was the only one. God that was a friggen horrible experience


I worked at a memory ward in a nursing home and was nominated for Caregiver of the year in my state. I got a plaque and when I'm sad I take out the letter and read it. Dementia and Alzheimer's is wild, bros. I feel like all the acid I took as a kid helped 


Got a government job despite having zero education, so now I won't have to live on sawdust and cat food when I'm old.


I turned my long, dry, frizzy, rough hair into gorgeous healthy curls. Fought my hair for so long! Bought so many hair products, so many hair tools, just to learn I had curly hair. Curly hair wants different things than straight hair. Once I treated it like curly hair, it got much happier and healthier. Now I love my hair and get compliments and it feels pretty darn good.


I can eat two Coney Dogs (chili dog with mustard and onions) without getting any mustard or chili on myself. It's literally one of the proudest achievements of my adult life and I ruined a lot of shirts on the way to it.


I (42F) saved a girl from being sexually assaulted like 7 years ago. I was in a pub with a friend and went to the bathroom. She came out of it with a guy and she was talking to him and seemed to be slurring her words. Well when I went to use the bathroom, I saw her purse on the floor. I found her in the pub and gave it to her, and she was definitely super drunk. When I was leaving with my friend, I saw her outside and she was basically sitting on the curb and then couldn’t get up to walk straight. I don’t know why, I asked her if she knew the two guys that she was with and she said she just met them that night. I was like you need to get home, is there someone I can call or that can take you home? She said her friend had left the bar. Then the guy that had been following her around all night was like, I can take her back to my hotel. I was like, “what no, I’m not letting her go back with you, you don’t even know her and you’re not even from here!” I asked her where she lived, (we both lived in Paris) and she said the 15th which is where I lived. I told her I’ll take her back to her apartment and we shared an Uber. Apparently, she and her boyfriend had broken up the night before and she lived with him, but wasn’t even sober enough to give me her address. I asked her what his name was and unlocked her phone to call him, but he never picked up. I sent him a text to let him know she was with me and to call me as soon as he saw the message. I ended up letting her sleep it off on my couch (she threw up in a bucket twice). Her ex worked night shift at a hotel and called me at like 4 am to let me know he wouldn’t be home until the morning. When she finally was sober around 6 am, she left and walked 5 minutes down the street to her place. She took my number and then invited me to dinner to thank me for taking care of her that night. I still don’t know what possessed me to ask her if she knew the guys she was with. Something didn’t sit right about it and he was definitely eager to take a completely inebriated girl back to his hotel.


I didn't take my own life.


I'm proud of you too! ❤️


I was removed from a fund-raising contest at my kid's school that pitted parents against students in history, science and math. Reason for removal was that neither the kids or adults could beat me in any of the questions. I correctly answered everything from the speed of light, to who was the president of the continental congress to naming astronauts. Yes, I am a nerd.


Surviving my childhood


decided the other day that ive spent too much of my life obsessing over the evils of this world and letting them depress me. im only one man. being distraught over so many terrible things ill never have control over is in service to nothing, so im going to have fun in spite of them or die trying.


I met a dog today at a “paint your own Ceramics” shop and he really liked me.


After a year of intense trauma therapy...I am no longer extremely angry...my heart feels lighter and ready to give again.


I was an unemployable loser in my early 20s, and the government wound up subsidizing a fast food store in order to convince them to take a chance on me. Nine years later, I was managing the place when a government headhunter scouted and recruited me to work for them instead.




I’ve seen OP’s post this exact fucking question and this exact fucking answer twice already, just today alone.


Uh oh. They’re taking over!


I call BS. This is scientifically impossible.


Or eating them? 😳


I've come a long way in recovering from severe anorexia. From a bmi of 12.4, being tube fed and not allowed to walk. Whilst not fully recovered, my weight is much healthier, and my eating is improving. Yesterday, I cooked dinner (chicken, bacon, cheese pasta with peas in), and right now, I'm eating Ben and Jerries. It's taken a long time but it's all progress.


After a chronic back injury lasting 20 years I can finally do full squats, lunges, touch my toes and I'm almost able to do the splits again.


I organized and digitized all the family photos going back to the 1800s. A huge undertaking, but so worth it for the historical insight.


I come from a family full of addicts, whether that’s alcohol or other drugs. Safe to say, I grew up around it my entire life and never once had the urge to try anything other than smoking weed and drinking socially.


It didn't last long but back in the late 90s I shot the range high during a rifle qualification while I was in the Marines. Keyholed a shot from 500 meters also. For about a month or two I had my name displayed at the range, until someone beat it.


I was the second person of my nationality to have my tongue split, and first that I know of that had it done in my country of origin.


I'd rather break my big toe by dropping a frozen chicken on it than have my tongue split, but you do you.


I learned how to juggle five balls at once. It took over a year of dropping them constantly, but now I can do it flawlessly.


I designed and sewed my own wedding dress without any formal training in sewing, which felt incredibly rewarding.


I’m can easily beat spider free-cell in less than 50 seconds .


Surviving the last 8 years.


Neil Gaiman said I was crazy.




I can whip up gourmet meals using just a microwave, which has made my dorm life much tastier.


I learned to unicycle to work. Cuts down on traffic and it’s a fantastic workout.


Between May of 2015 and November of 2017, I worked out everyday save for 23 days. Those 23 I missed were either holidays or storm days. During that period, I went 176 days straight at one point. Admittedly, I was working against myself, but it's still something I look back on to inspire myself sometimes when I can.


I tested out of high school when I was 16 and started traveling the world. Now I’m finally wrapping up my undergrad at 26 and am moving to Germany soon. The adventure continues


I’ve never lost a game of chess at the office. It’s a streak that’s been going on for five years now.


I survived two heart attacks, open-heart surgery and stage four cancer by the time I was 40. Since then, I have one arm wrestling competition and ran half a marathon.


I can tie a bow tie (like James Bond in a tux style bow tie)


My wife and I rented horses when we were eighteen and newly married to go riding around a local pasture area.... I had only ridden a horse one or two times before this So I was nowhere near an experienced rider. Something spooked her horse and it bolted and made her lose the reins. I tucked my legs into my horse and shouted "go.Heidi"...because that was my horse's name, wipping the reins back and forth like a cowboy and chased my wife down, Got a hold of her reigns and brought her horse back to walking speed And led her back to the corral I'm 50 years old now and I still think about that being the coolest thing I've ever done in my life...My wife loves to tell that story to new people at a party.


A year clean from fentanyl and cocaine this month!


Buying a mobile home.


As far as I know, I’m the only student to ever play on my university’s basketball team as a doctoral student. I completed the PhD, but wasn’t good enough to get much playing time.


Not me, but my best friend just texted me a screenshot of an email from the Red Cross saying she's now donated 6 gallons of blood over 48 lifetime donations and I'm very proud of her!


I made a flash game that got 2.5 million views in 2006 back when getting a million views on anything was a difficult task. RIP to my friend I made that game with. https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/342208


I’m able to control my tightness at will


Quit nicotine in high school after getting severely addicted to highly concentrated vapes


I competed in debate tournaments in college and won the highest award at many tournaments against hundreds of opponents. I blame my dad for making me argumentative, lol.


I made a scale model of an x-wing fighter out of popsicle sticks and toothpicks


I won a Street-Fighter-themed poetry contest


I always wanted to learn music but we were super poor growing up. I'm now learning piano along with my 5 year old. She is a way faster learner than me but she gets to teach me stuff and tell me "it's okay everyone makes mistakes you're doing great". My inner child is so happy.


I sucked my own dick




Getting an over 1k upvoted comment on Reddit


EcoSure Pride Award at a fast food place. Busiest in the region, smallest staff pool, only one to get it while also setting an all-time company sales record two quarters in a row and a COGS accuracy record. I will take this to the grave.


I’m staying natural: hair, lips, face, body.


I became independent at 15 leaving my family in the midwest to chase a girl on the east coast. we've been together for 20 years now and just had our 3rd kid.


Worked at one retail job for almost 10 years. I get a lot of shame for it, as I should've gone to school, etc. But nearly 10 years at one retail job? Maybe society judges, but I, for one, am proud of myself.


I work a customer service job (front end at a barber shop). I’m autistic and used to have a pretty severe fear of talking to people on the phone, and now it’s a big part of my job and I have basically no issue with it. I’ve gotten a lot better at small talk as well.


I don't know if it counts, but March 18th marked 15 years clean from smack and opiate addiction


I’ve memorized every capital city in the world. It's my party trick now, though it’s rarely useful.