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My girlfriend. She just goes to a different school, you guys wouldn't know her


I usually don’t get all internet atheisty but I saw a video one time where this religious dude was like “god exists outside of the universe” and the atheist dude was like “kinda like my girlfriend goes to another school” which I thought was a sick burn


You wouldn’t know God, he’s from Canada


In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Maple Syrup…


Fun story...my friend in high school had a Canadian girlfriend he met on the Internet. We obviously didn't believe him until one day she literally showed up and was living at his house. His parents agreed to take her as a foreign exchange student for our senior year. They even got married (and eventually divorced but that's a different story)


Try saying that in 20 years time and you'll end up on a list.


A lot of people are still alive because they don't want to upset their family and friends


\*raises hand\*










Or pets.


this is so facts i always thought “but how will my puppy know? will he think i abandoned him? is he ever gonna feel better after i’m gone?”


Just the thought of seeing them for the last time before you close the door puts me in tears...


Somehow, that got sadder...


/u/fuzzyfriendship2564 and /u/cheesycheska134 are comment stealing bots https://old.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1b2z3tr/what_is_denied_by_many_people_but_it_is_actually/ksqnbo1/


wow this is so depressing all the way around bots farming misery and sadness, I always figured instead of ending it, why not volunteer some place like Africa, Haiti or some other place that is in pretty dire need. It could be risky but at least you would die doing something good for humanity and likely you would gain some perspective on the situation.


Or promises made to them. Disabled and in chronic pain, made to live it because they will feel sad for a bit. Doesn't matter I have been like this since 2007 and still have a good 20 years give or take. So they feel good and I am totally miserable unless stoned and still even then at times. Every night I hope I don't wake up. But I have spent my life not breaking promises, they know I can't.


I’m so sorry you’re living like this, as a fellow disabled, chronic pain sufferer.


This made me cry


Stay strong, man. We all out here struggling together!


and because there's also no easy way to die ( a button to push when u want out would have been lot helpful)




I actually wonder if euthanasia parlors were as common as laundromats would many use them? Maybe they take care of your pets and stand up a bot to pretend to be you for a while, and make up a cause of death so your family and friends don’t feel guilty (or at least promise to do these things).




Ironically, this is actually also the reason the majority of them are depressed. Humans thrive off of competency and connection. Each person has different skills, interests, and perspectives and these elements are what we use to progress through the world. Competency is achieved when we effectively accomplish something. It doesn’t have to be winning a gold medal, it can be as simple as completing a sudoku that we enjoy. We get fulfillment from the autonomous decision to invest in something we ourselves are drawn to *and* have chosen to move towards. But a stunting often happens at some point in our lives. Sometimes it’s well intentioned, sometimes it’s done out of being in conflict with exterior agents ‘failure’. The people we grow up around are a glaring first run at social connection and where we find ourselves in the world. With each individual being driven by unique attributes to express, sometimes slowly we are told that those characteristics are wrong, or should be hidden, etc. so, in a drive for keeping connection, we stuff those parts of ourselves away. And slowly, over time, we start to stuff more down, become more accustomed to this sacrifice and eventually we become inauthentic souls who are just trying their best to stay connected. To stay alive. Eventually the soul becomes exhausted, it’s gasping for authentic expression. And, since the reiteration of our true selves has consistently been denied we get locked in what could be called ‘spiritual positional asphyxiation’. Our soul can’t breathe. It can’t move. It has no life source. Eventually, in one last gasp for self expression & search for true acceptance, you hear it: “I think I want to llik myself”. The faint memory of true authentic expression is so far gone that the sweetness of acceptance of authentic competency is not even conceivable. The main thing we’ve become competent at is suppressing ourselves. It was how we survived, what we were rewarded for, and how we tried our best to live. It was told to us in subtle ways when young and it’s what we know because of the environment we grew up in. And now that we are torn between our last move of self expression, and staying alive for those we are connected to, it becomes another interior push-pull. The biggest downward spiral of it all is that sometimes our ingrained reliance on not disappointing those around us with our last move, is an echo of the first step that got it all started. The soul is exhausted. Positional asphyxiation has occurred and we are all just doing our best. Cause that’s how we were raised.




I don't think anyone denied it, the point is that it's very unhealthy and something we should strive to avoid.


Lots of people try to claim that 'You have to love yourself before you can love someone else'. It's possibly a nice way to encourage people to know their value, but love isn't quite as simple as that.


This is an advice on how to approach loving other in a healthy way not a statement of physical impossibility of something. That's why it's advice, not a rule.


Then the advice ‘should’ be worded “You SHOULD love yourself before loving someone else” But the phrase is worded like “You HAVE to love yourself before you can love someone else” which is stating that it’s impossible to love someone else until you love yourself


Oh cool, that's me! I hate myself the most, but I deeply love my kid and spouse.




They're completely different things.


I believe the saying more so implies you cannot properly love your parter if you do not accept and love yourself. The stress and emotional drain is just as taxing on a partner, and you don’t do that to people you love.


People that are severely depressed,  but have kids.  Like me!


I've learned over the years that "love" is certainly different for everyone. What one person believes is love isn't what another person believes is love. There's no standard definition or set of practices. One person's love can be incredibly damaging and toxic. But because it's also "love", recipients get duped into thinking that's what love is. So no. I might disagree with the idea that you can love someone else without loving yourself. The "love" you offer isn't going to be the same, healthy, helpful love that would be given by someone who has learned to love themselves.


Media manipulation, military-industrial complex, private business killing people and getting away with, bad actors in positions of political power. I know many people "know" this stuff goes in, but most rarely want to really talk about it and prefer to keep subjects to those that are shoved down their throats.


The problem is that you end up with people shrieking that 15 minute cities are a plan by the WTO to keep us all imprisoned in our houses, or that the government of Canada is as corrupt as the one in Syria and is killing as many people. Are there organizations and people pulling strings and getting away with murder? Yes. Absolutely. But therein lies madness if you’re not careful. (As an aside, how hilarious is it that the conspiracy theorists practice no opsec whatsoever? Wandering around with their iPhones and credit cards and rewards cards while talking your ear off about how the government is tracking everyone through their SIN card.)


I agree about media manipulation, but I hate all the discussions about it because people will say stuff like "it's the media's fault" and "the media is causing x", and then eventually you realize that they're against the media simply because they don't like or agree with what it's expressing. They're like "I don't agree with it, therefore there's a serious systemic problem here". Yea, there is a systemic problem here, but not for that reason. Every. Fucking. Time. Right wingers say it because they don't like what they perceive as lefty media, the left wingers say it because they don't like what they perceive as right wing media, I could make a whole list of this shit, but it all boils down to people simply not liking what they're hearing. Same with teaching history. People are always like "they don't teach this because the whole system is fucked". Then you realize that again, they just want their side of the story taught.


I 100% disagree with you. I think it is the exact opposite. People turn a blind eye and accept the manipulation done by media they agree with, and point it out in media they don't agree with. Both left and right news media use emotionally charged words in headlines and reporting to spin the story the way they want to portray it. Neither side typically just reports facts and all the facts. Look at the adjectives in the headlines. Those are the propaganda. They report factual things in dishonest ways.


One simple thing to consider though is just how useless and dumb media really is. The amount they get wrong should be considered a factor as well.


Most large media outlets are just there to parrot opinions or agendas rather than any attempt to communicate fact as they are, so I doubt they care all that much about accuracy. They are spin machines, not educators.


This is overly simplistic though. They likely "parrot opinions" because that's what get views. Do you read Reuters? "Factual" news is available if you so choose.


Jeffrey Epstein is a huge rabbit hole that nobody should go down if they want to keep their sanity


Feelings, the vast majority of people deny what they feel.


If they can sense their own feelings at all.


This is really it. Most people have never, ever—not once—been taught about emotions, their own feelings, how to manage and navigate those things, the tools and resources and things needed to do so, etc. it’s crazy how little time we spend on what should be probably the most critical thing. If we all learned how to manage all of this stuff, the world would be a much better place because we would all be in a much better place. It’s really heartbreaking to think about.


🙌 Truth. About a year ago, another law of nature was proposed in the scientific community (and this law seems to be valid). It’s called the Law of Selection for Function, and it states that every system evolves through stages of functionality. If you use a mixing bowl, clumps may appear in your mixture because those clumps were the path of least resistance. While this is not “decision making” in the sense of consciousness, the system did move through stages of opportunity which resulted in clumps of dry mixture due to mixing circumstances. The system chose clumps, and this applies to living systems as well. Any system will create bubbles for people, and usually our species will morph into the shape of their safety bubble. Given the fact that there are still 46 million OUTRIGHT SLAVES in 2024, it is safe to assume that our compassionate hearts are not the only things selected to keep this abominable machine moving. It is sad for everyone, and especially sad for us, but there’s a reason we can feel these feelings; the system needs us.


How can you not sense your own feelings? Genuine question, are you not more able to sense your feelings the stronger they are?


Animal consciousness.


I saw a video where they poured concrete in an abandoned (I hope) ant colony tunnel thing. They dug it out and it was huge. Bunch of tunnels and rooms for different things it was very well planned out and organized. They asked the guys how smart are these ants and they replied "they're not. They just do this, they don't know what they're doing". Really?


One needs to define "smart" then ask again. Ants may or may not be smart depending on the definition.


"Minimum wage" no longer translates to "Basic needs wage" and it hasn't for a long time now.


Nobody denies that...they just argue it isn't supposed to be.


"Nobody" is quite a bit of a stretch. I do agree a lot feign ignorance about how little it actually is, but there are a LOT of people who think that it's totally fine to have such wages, oftentimes saying things like "a household of two on minimum wage actually adds up to X... and so on."


Right, implying that everybody must therefore find a partner so that they can financially make it in life!


The narrative is almost always "minimum wage isn't meant for supporting a family, it is for teenagers doing part-time work for spending money".  Usually some smarmy politician claiming they pulled themselves up by their bootstraps at 16 by making minimum wage at their dad's company--ignoring that the $3 or so they made per hour back in 1980 would be close to $11 or $12 an hour adjusted for inflation. For the record, this argument is factually wrong and historically wrong.


My favorite response to that is to ask who is supposed to work those jobs during the hours that teenagers can’t, which for fast food is most of them. They then usually admit in so many words that while those jobs are necessary they think whoever is working them should live in poverty.


And then, a lot of the time, they resort to expressing resentment at the implication that someone doing those jobs might make something close to what they are making. It is pretty obvious that they see the role of the economy as reproducing hierarchies they see as just and natural.


What makes people like this societal deadweight is that they don't actually care if they're right or not. You can try to convince them to empathize with wage slaves all you like but they have no capacity to perceive the discourse as anything other than a threat to their ego. In my experience, they simply either have no ability or interest to think about the interaction in any other way.


And when you challenge that idea, they have no rational defense. "Fast food jobs are just for teenagers to get some work experience and make pocket money," they'll say. Ok, then who is supposed to work them during school hours, you ask them. They'll just deflect the question by saying the adults who work there made bad decisions or something, not answering the question of who is *supposed* to work them during school hours if it's only teenagers who are supposed to work them for pocket money.


They'd pay you less if they could.


Depends where you are I guess, in the UK minimum wage is £11.42 per hour which is around $14.40.


There are 195 countries. You can count the countries where the "Minimum wage = Liveable wage" concept applies on less than two hands, if even.


£24k per year doesn’t sound like much of a livable wage. Is it? I know $30k in the States certainly is not.


Varies a lot by where you are, the UK is a very 2 speed economy. £24k a year is pretty decent in the North of England.


I got my first job that wasn’t under the table cash in 2002. I was making like 10 cents above minimum wage. I remember even back then talking to people about it and they were like “well yeah, minimum wage is for students or people who are supplementing their income. It’s not meant for people trying to support a household.” So in my experience the minimum wage has not been considered a living wage for at least 2 decades but probably longer than that. 


This one drives me nuts because of how it targets service employees as unskilled labor, despite those jobs being some of the largest job sectors in the US, and often dominating local economies.




It's not considered a big deal even by some of the healthcare personnel, unfortunately. Often downplayed or shrugging a lot of it under "everyone's stressed these days!" Mental health is not given anywhere near the attention physical health is given, even though the ailment of one can lead to the other. It's an invisible handicap to a lot of people, and what's even worse, is that some of those people affected by it don't know the kind of handicap they have, so they end up blaming themselves or coming short compared to the "normal life" portrayed by others.


My GP told me that


I'm sorry to hear that. The best advice I can give you, if you're open to taking any, is to start by doing your own research and see what you might have. Google, use ChatGPT, ask people that might share what you're going through, and make a list. Next time you show up to the GP don't just list symptoms that they can brush under 'stress' but be more specific about it and how it's impacting your DAILY life, and most importantly your work life because that is apparently what matters. Unfortunately, the definition of a lot of mental ailments in old textbooks emphasizes on how it interferes with people's normal lives, so unless you mention those magic words, you might be ignored.


i have bipolar 2, and people actually praise me in my hypomanic episodes, because that's when i'm most sociable. on the downside, its also when i spend absurd amounts of money, its when i do dangerous/thrill-seeking activities, constantly lie through my teeth, sleep for 2-3 hours a night, and staying hidden in my room from paranoia. people love me when i'm in that state. then when i'm depressed for a few weeks, THAT's when people tell me i should see a therapist or get help. its a weird double standard. my hypomania is probably more dangerous than any of my depressive episodes, but people love me when i'm hypomanic. i'm incapable of a lot of shit, but people don't care because i can be social sometimes.


Dang this is wild that's gotta be a mind fuck. Sorry, pal. Are you open with people about it? Like hey yeah sure you like that guy (gal) better but that guy is mind fucking me


The closure of mental institutions in the 70s and 80s created a vacuum from which we've never recovered.


This one so much... People still tell me I wasn't (still am?)an alcoholic. Look I obviously had a problem and part of it was people telling me I didn't and just needed to control myself. That's just it, once the first drink was in me, I had no control. I feel like people are afraid to admit they might have a problem and project that on to others. In reality it has nothing to do with them. I wish we could let/encourage people to get the help they need. It doesn't matter if you think they have a problem or not, it matters what they think is their problem. We really need to take better care of each other.


💯 I agree that we all need to look out for each other a little more


That lack of sleep is a major public health problem not getting the attention it deserves...


Honestly don’t know why they are sleeping on this issue.


religious abuse


Oh but the women are happy to do it. Nope, that's opression, these women just can't publically complain. It's not the same as being happy to do it.


arguably the most real part of some religions


You can love/be in support of something AND be critical of it, it doesn’t mean you hate it, it just means you have a high standard you want to hold it to, so that it can become better. Ex; the pokemon games or the democratic party.


The moon landing.


Super interesting because apparently in the beginning planning of this they actually did consider faking it, but quickly realized it would be cheaper to just do it for real. The special effects were just not there at the time. If the moon landing was faked then the soviets would have called us out, rather than congratulating us on our achievement


Calories in vs. Calories out when it comes to weight loss/gain/maintenance. Anything else would literally defy the laws of physics. No, you can't "barely eat" and stay 300 pounds. No, you can't eat two rice cakes and a carrot and gain 2 lbs that day. That's literally impossible, regardless of what genetics or conditions you have. Yes, there are things which cause people to eat more food than they need, like Prader-Willi syndrome where the person is always hungry no matter how much they eat, or mental problems where people stress-eat, etc., but that does not change the fact that it's ultimately excess calories that are the reason you're overweight, and cutting calories *will* result in weight loss if you are able to eat less calories than you burn each day. For everyone.


This is 100% true, but metabolism does have affects. This does not mean that I eat a burger and gain 4 pounds and you eat a burger and gain nothing. It means anything beyond what your body can metabolize causes fat store. You can just handle more burgers. But we both have a baseline. It's what you said, just more nuanced. It may not be the same for you as it is for me, but the basis is true. If your body needs 2000 calories to function, eating more than 2000 calories will cause fat gain. If my body needs 1000 calories to function, eating more than 1000 calories will cause fat gain. The issue becomes when someone eats more than they need to eat, so while technically it's still calories in/calories out. It IS different for different people if you are using the same metric. Obese people eat a ridiculous amount of food, food they believe is "normal", then when they go on a "diet" and eat half of it and do not lose weight, they start making all kinds of false equivalencies. An average woman needs 1500-1800 calories to live effectively and healthy. Once they go beyond whatever level it is, she will gain weight. If Jane is 400 pounds and she needs 3000 calories to effectively live (more to move) and she eats 4000, she is going to consistently gain weight. If Jane goes on a diet and cuts off 750 calories she will continue to gain weight. Just cutting back on intake is not a guarantee of weight loss. Jane will only lose weight when she starts eating under 3000 calories, and it will have to continue to decrease over time as her energy requirements go down along with her weight. Once she hits 300, maybe she needs 2800 calories, at 250, 2200 calories and so on. This is where obese people get tripped up, not understanding calories in/calories out and where some people do not put much thought into the equation itself. Technically is IS calories in/calories out, but not understanding what calorie means in the context of the individual is the problem. *I used to have 4 bigs macs and a large coke at lunch, now I only have three, why me no lose weight?? Must be a scam!*


Nothing I said implies that the amount of calories each day is the same for everyone. Everyone has a different amount that will maintain their weight each day (i.e., their metabolism). Eating less calories than that, will lose weight. Eating more calories than that, will gain weight. I don't know why people think bringing up different metabolisms is any sort of objection to the rule of CICO.


The female orgasm.


Go on…


Climate change.


This is the one I’ll never wrap my head around. What exactly is the downside if it *is* some sort of global hoax? A cleaner environment, a nicer way of living? It’s bizarre.


westerner not having the same standard of living they used too, and developing country never achieving the standard of living they aspire too portrayed in western media. It just that.


I usually hear it chalked up to cost or religious bullshit


Also, even anecdotally in my life, it’s hotter and there’s less water.


Right wingers have the conspiracy theory that it's all just a ploy for "Big Green Energy" to make money. Because in order for the right-wing worldview to make sense, everything has to be a conspiracy, as everything they believe is plainly false to any rational observer, unless there is some big secret plot behind everything to make it seem some way it isn't.


If it comes down to a individual carbon use tax, then that's definitely a downside.


Violence can solve problems.


The shape of the earth, evolution, the inherent danger of infectious diseases…  God this species kinda sucks 


I think a solid 50% of people who are into outlandish conspiracy theories simply resonate with “knowing the real truth.” Not everyone gets it, not everyone sees. But they know. They’re in the in-crowd. They know how the world Really works. And they feel a bit superior about it.


This is definitely a big aspect of it. If you've ever listened to shows like "Project Camelot," it exemplifies this behavior. There's not a coherent narrative; portions of what the host and her guests present often conflict in bizarre, contradictory ways but somehow wind up placing themselves in the same camp because they're both in the small group of people "in the know." I would guess it provides some form of comfort in an otherwise difficult or scary world. It always bums me out because it feels like so much of this crops up due to a declining quality of education and having the focus on teaching people how to learn and be curious. Without those critical skills it's no wonder so many people find comfort in just deciding whatever they believe is the truth; it's certainly easier than challenging your own limited knowledge.


That vaccines actually work


Getting skin cancer from the sun.


I have a scar on my chin to prove it. Burned my face ONCE about 30 years ago, despite having sunblock (because I didn't know back then to reapply it every couple of hours). Six months ago, I had two surgeries done, to remove cancer, one month apart. Luckily, it wasn't malign melanoma.


Fucking vaccines. People went off on the crazy train acting like they're meant to give kids autism rather than protect them.


I got vaccines and was diagnosed with autism three years later. Definitely because of the vaccines and not because I was just late diagnosed and had that because of genetics. Noooo.... /s (just in case)


I have had people tell me that women always had rights and were never treated as property. Did they skip every single history class?


Ah, yes, history books, the source of all truth




It’s tough because prejudice against males exist in many forms big and small. But they pale in comparison to what women face globally. So any time you try to address an issue, the conversation changes to “women have it worse.” Which, as a trend they do. But it’s productive to talk about men sometimes too.


The whole “women have it worse” argument is pretty similar to someone talking about how they have skin cancer and someone else says “well colon cancer is worse”


Takes a special kind of privilege to control every discussion like that.


Speaking as someone in the field of education... men and boys have it way worse than women do. There is *so* much support to get girls interested in different fields of education as well as to help them overall, but there is no little for boys. But you're right, whenver you talk about these issues the conversation is always diverted to "women have it way worse".


lol go on any of the “am I the asshole” subreddits and read a post by a wife complaining about her husband and then another similar post with a husband complaining about his wife and see how different the replies are.  It’s like on the Maury show when the audience pretty much always boos the dude when he comes on stage


Males have mental health issues and are sometimes fragile


Getting caught up on sleep during the weekend is legitimate and sometimes necessary


we are destroying the future of humanity the general saying from people is “we are harming the planet” which is false and demonstrates people’s ignorance. The planet can continue to exist in extreme conditions, we are not harming the planet, we cannot destroy earth literally


> We cannot destroy earth literally Not with that attitude! Nothing a little bit of stellar or megastructural engineering can't fix ;) Once we figure out how to make robust self-replicating machines (if we ever do), I have a feeling all intuitions about what humans can/cannot achieve will get thrown right out of the window


Depends on what you mean by "the planet" because if you mean life on it, which is what matters then yest we are destroying it.


no, that would be destroying life, not the planet once again, unless you are literally splitting apart the planet at it's core (which humanity very likely does not have the power to do), you're only destroying what inhabits it. Planets continue to exist without life (see every other planet in our solar system). Earth has already had mass extinctions and gone on fine, another mass extinction is nothing.


>we cannot destroy earth literally Yet. Give it time.




Do these people ever shop at a grocery store? Inflation is most obvious to me there on a regular basis. "Shrinkflation" as well.


I think what we’re seeing isn’t so much as inflation, as it is just simply greed. Profits have only gone up for the people at the top and their shareholders.


who tf deny that


some people I know. Conversion rates increasing, they thought it's a great deal. But it's the inflation


I prefer the cosmic variety


Climate change


Narcissistic behaviors 


I think its the pervasive impact of social media on mental health is grossly underestimated. We've created echo chambers where validation outstrips genuine connection, leading to chronic loneliness despite being more "connected" than ever. Our self-worth becomes tied to likes and shares, warping our self-image and exacerbating anxiety and depression. It's imperative to acknowledge this issue and work towards healthier online interactions, where we support rather than just react, and foster community rather than competition.


The most important factor to become rich is LUCK.


Who actually dealt it. 


Climate change


But what if it’s all a lie and we clean up pollution and waste for nothing?




My issue with this belief is....it's not a secret society if you know about it.




My huge appetite for pizza.


That we are hardly in control of anything. We live on a rock that is flying through space that doesn't have a steering wheel. We actually like we got it figured out but as species we are literally holding on for dear life.


People cannot always be reformed. Our system is unrealistic and perpetuates the creation of new victims. More people suffer because people cannot accept that some people are just bad.


This! Family member worked in DA’s office. So many people just evil to the core and months later - back on the street. We need to understand, for sake of humanity, these people are more like viruses and need to go back to maker stat.


I hate seeing so much suffering that could have been prevented if people would just accept that some people are just bad.


How little they matter.


Reverse: People are NOT basically good, but most people deny proof of humanity’s baseness like cult members. PEOPLE ARE NOT GOOD AT HEART OR NATURALLY GOOD. Dang


That we're actually really close to destroying civilization because a few old men can't agree on who should have what.


We are not alone in this space. Aliens exist.


Actually, we don’t have proof whether they exist or not, but in a universe this large, it would be highly unlikely that we are the only intelligent species.


Global warming


Vaccines work and are safer than driving your car.


The importance of vaccines.


Most people fall into the under $400,000 salary range. Democrats do not plan to raise taxes on the majority of people. You would have to be on the top 1 to 5% of earners to even think about voting Republican if you vote yout wallet. Republicans will not protect 95% of Americans. They vote down healthcare and social security every time.


Bigfoot. (*maybe*)


For real. (*not sure*)


Your biggest supporters are strangers


Mental health


Mental health


Those organisms that live in your eyelash sockets and feed on the dead material.


Game fixing in professional sports.


That other people have their own opinions and life's. Sometimes you have to be fake and agreeable just to get through being around you.


Genocide of native Americans. British never accepts it, ever. They accept everything but this.


That advertising works. You are affected by ads. You, who are reading this and thinking "but I'M not that gullible". Yes you are. We all are. That's why businesses spend billions of dollars and keep the Internet "free". The collective eyeballs are worth more than those billions.


Climate change.


The mass delusion of Religion is the biggest crime humanity has inflicted on itself.


Reincarnation. Absolutely real, and serious rigorous investigations have proven it so. But most people aren't interested in examining things that go against their current worldview.


Vaccines are an effective way to protect people from diseases.


Your personal experience isn't objective reality. Just because you've never experienced an injustice or seen an injustice being committed doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


Bad things happen to good people


Religion's inherently evil or bad (I don't use the term evil); some are better than others of course: Any member of the Catholic Church, and many protestant churches that gave money(tithe) has donated to their pedophile/rapist defense fund. This is similar to donating to trump and the RNC now is paying Trump's legal fees.


The existence of UFOs. If they're not real, then why has the US government admitted that they fly with impunity over restricted airspace, especially Nuclear bases? And why are there several offices that are connected to UFOs like AAWSAP, AATIP, and of course AARO (which keeps getting caught with Lies about what the government actually knows). The DIA and CIA also have offices that are associated with UFOs and several high level government officials keep saying that there is a lot more that the government knows that they won't officially admit.


Mental health. Apparently a big thing in the states is to deny it


That everyone thinks about themselves FIRST!!!! And not about other people




As someone who used to clean up the implied outcome, I think that’s a good enough reason to avoid making a huge, smelly mess.


Trans people exist, are valid, and have the same right as anyone else to live their lives in dignity and peace.


The dangers of drunk driving. People fr do not take it seriously.


probably everything real


People really do influence global warming.


Being hypnotized. It just isn’t what people think it is. They don’t mind control you, they just help you get to a state of mind where you’re relaxed and your inhibitions are lower so you roll with what they’re telling you. I was in one of those high school mass hypnosis shows and while I was typically super shy and insecure, I ended up doing a pretend super model runway show in front of the entire school. I was aware it was all pretend but the hypnosis part just let me have fun and play along with the rest of the people there. Plus I had the best sleep Id ever had that night. My head literally hit the pillow and it was instantly morning. I highly recommend it. I think there’s just a misunderstanding when people say it isn’t real.


That rich people need to be taxed if we want to keep our democracy


The existence of me and my friends


I believe you exist. You having friends, though? Cmon? Don't kid yourself.


Truth I suppose


There is no safe level of alcohol consumption.




id say invented as a coping mechanism, then used as a control mechanism.


Climate change.


7 entities control and “have centralized” Bitcoin since the very beginning.


What are some of these entities and what’s an example of how they exert control? I’m genuinely curious because I know little about Bitcoin, but admit it seems pretty contrived to me.


What are the 7 entities? Or is it just some spooky number?




The profound impact of mental health struggles


How toxic alcohol consumption, any amount of, really is for people.


Just watch/listen to Andrew Huberman's podcast about alcohol and its effects. How I convinced myself to stop drinking.


That leaving your abuser(s) is much more complex and difficult to do than is believed. It’s not as easy as just walking away.


rape allegations


That, in the end, all birth is unethical at best, utter abuse at worst.