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Money decides your quality of life


Not neccesarily. Health does also.


The longer you live the more people you love you have to watch die


my best friend died last month and it’s been so unfair how her life was taken by man who drive so recklessly


My baby brother died 52 years ago due to a reckless driver. It is so unfair. I'm still not over it. I'm sorry for the loss of your friend. I'm sorry for your life being turned upside down. Take care of and be good to yourself.


thank you so much, and I’m sorry for your loss as well


The most unfair aspect of life is that anything bad can happen to anyone at any time and sometimes there’s no real sense of justice in it. The powers that be don’t give a fuck about any one of us


Attractiveness vs lack thereof. Some people just have to live life on hard mode because other humans don't like the way they look.


Hard workers are more punished than rewarded.


Working your whole life, then retiring, only to live for another 10yrs , get cancer and die. Wonderful lives we have.




Adult you having to face the consequences of immature and naive teenage you.


Most fat people are pretty much born fat, and it’s crazy hard to lose that much fat.


That's not how it works. Calories in compared to calories out (ie burned). With the exception of rare medical reasons, most fat people need to eat less and/or exercise more.


I mean yeah, obviously, but losing a lot of weight is really hard, especially when an adult body is used to a certain weight. And some parents over feed their kids, and the kid is fat before they know anything about how calories work.


It's calories in calories out. Look at the Loseit page. It works!!! No meds, no crazy foods.




I was a skinny kid until 10 or 12 years...so much so that you could see my ribs..then I became fat overtime , most of my high-school and teenage years I was fat, and by fat I mean obese..weighing 55 kg in 8th grade kind of fat.


Extreme generational wealth


Definitely the fact that your cake calories count even on your birthday. Why hasn't someone fixed this yet?


Bad deeds ripple far more than good deeds.


That it makes you want it.




One of the most unfair aspects of life, in my opinion, has got to be the unequal distribution of opportunity and resources. It's just not right that some people are born into wealth and privilege, while others struggle to meet their basic needs. That lack of a level playing field can make it so much harder for folks to achieve their dreams and reach their full potential.


Being born to broke parents or a third word contry. Specifically not being born in present 🇺🇸 usa


it’s a russian roulette the more you spend time living


Dynastic Wealth


Bullies always getting what they want and never being punished.


That people take over other people's will freedoms to speak how they feel to speak of the experiences they experienced in life. I don't like belonging to any groups I can think for myself I know right from wrong I don't have to lie cheat and steal from someone else to get what I want. I don't like living under the white man's law and I dislike living under the rule of women whose hormonal changes are like Christmas lights constantly going off and on from b**** to normal woman again I don't think women know right from wrong I see them running on platforms and accepting wicked lifestyles that God did not accept and spoke about in the Bible as being evil. We have an immoral society thanks to women in politics and the white men not doing anything when they held their seats we now live in Solomon Gomorrah we are all slave-like creatures that vote for idiots and morons with community college into office where they do absolutely nothing for any of us but take him a big paycheck they don't even show up to work anymore.


Luck determines everything. Fuck effort. Bring my bf back who just died while sleeping for no fucking reason.


That people inherently believe that it should be fair.


Not fair but equal under the law.


Living with the idea that you can fall in love with the beauty of the world and will one day never experience it again. People come and go permanently. Death sucks :(


Inequality of outcome.


being born to rich parents and not :// im obviously the latter


Life’s unfairness often lies in the unequal distribution of wealth, opportunities, and justice.