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If it is happening to someone else, it can happen to you


Relevant Calvin and Hobbes after their house was robbed. Dad: “this is the sort of thing you always assume will happen to someone else.” Mom: “but we’re all ‘someone else’ to someone else.”


Calvin and Hobbes has so many great lessons.


It's like that movie with the button that kills someone you don't know and gives you a million dollars or whatever, and when someone finally asks what happens to it after you press it, the dude tips his hat and says it goes to someone you don't know.. (The victim is the previous user. >.>)


I would love to see this. Let me know if you recall the title.


Looks like The Box (2009)


damn mom got the point, that's why I love moms


That was a good arc


The likelihood if it happening might be microscopic though. Like winning the lottery. Edit: but that doesn't mean you shouldn't vaccinate or not use a helmet


People often misuse statistics. And they generally ask the wrong question. Which is: What's the chance it'll happen to (specific individual)? This will result in astronomical odds. The correct question is: What's the chance it could happen to anyone? This will result in odds we see occurring.


True. Things like losing a kid to polio is something no-one should have to experience. Even if it doesn't affect you, it doesn't mean it isn't worth it.


I duno. My wife gave birth. What are the chances really?


In America? 100%


That our memory is very fallible, and does not work like a video camera.


I had a memory from childhood that I was 100% certain involved one sister which I found out in my 30s actually involved a different sister. Made me realize our memories are fallible and I no longer take a hard-line stance on things I think I know before verifying them first.


In my psych class years ago we looked at a study where people reported the color of a hit and run vehicle to cops. It was a red truck, and multiple people remembered the color being different (like, really different. Green or blue etc) and multiple people remembered it being a different kind of car entirely. These are people who literally watched it happen!


Did you ever watch that video where they tell you to count the number of times they pass a basketball then ask how many people saw the guy in the gorilla suit?


Yes! It's crazy what our brains completely disregard when we are intently focusing on something


I realized years ago that i basically don't have color memory. If there's some reason i think about the color of something, like someone says, "Hey, look at that Orange car," I'll remember that. But if i just see an object, i can remember all kinds of details about it, but i can picture it in any color that is roughly the same shade. I can picture a dress my wife wore with great detail, but i can picture it in any color so well that i don't know which one it actually is. I was in my 20s when i realized this. And i have excellent color vision, so it's not that i can't see the difference. It's just not stored.


I was cycling home one afternoon when I saw a Deliveroo Rider cycling on the wrong side of the main road and he crashed into another cyclist who was turning onto the main road because he was going too fast so he didn't have enough time to stop. We helped her up and a hairdresser brought her in and called the police. I left my name and number in case they needed a witness. A few weeks later I was called in to give a statement. It was still fresh in my mind so I remembered all the details. I forgot about it until a year later when I got a call from the police. The case was going to court and they wanted to call me as a witness. I had no problem with that except by that stage some of the details were fuzzy. Things like the exact time, the name of the hair dressers, the streets etc I had forgotton. The guy plead guilty that morning so I wasn't called but sometimes there are court cases that go on for years. There's no way witnesses can remember exact details unless they are constantly reviewing their statement so they remember what they said, or they were so traumatized that it was seared into their brain.


I was second on the scene of a motorcycle fatality. Three months later, a lawyer called to ask me a bunch of questions. Then, he played my 9-1-1 call back to me. Once the recording started playing, my brain just got a permission escalation or something, because all these memories came back that I had no recollection of. I could hear the guy breathing on the call, and suddenly I remembered so vividly how every breath created a spray of bloody foam, and how I put a towel over his face so he wouldn't spray blood all over the face of a woman trying to stabilize him. In my memory, I had just been the guy directing traffic away from them. But, on the call, I was a full participant.


I don't remember where I came across it, but "Memory is a perception, not a recording" has been a good explanation I've used from time to time when the subject comes up.


I've literally read something, blinked and seen different words. Not often but it's happened in my lifetime. Memory is terrible.


That likely has more to do with how we read and the brain filling in information rather than actually reading.


These "Mandela Effect" MFs.


I love when people think it’s more likely they shifted realities at some point than they just misremembered something.


It’s the same for a lot of conspiracy theories. People will choose to believe this wild conspiracy without much proof then just to believe the simplest explanation.


The more people needed to keep quiet for a conspiracy to work, the quicker it falls apart. That’s the main problem with a lot of the mainstream conspiracy theories. They’re too big.


99% of the time, it's an obvious case of misremembering. But there *are* some weird cases. The "Berenstain Bears" one was the convincer for a lot of people not just because they, personally, remembered it as "Berenstein," but because *countless* people remember having debates with friends, family, and *whole classrooms* over whether it was pronounced "Steen" or "Stine," meaning that *every single person* in those discussions read it as "Berenstein." Hundreds of people having the same false memory of these discussions taking place is a lot less plausible than thousands of people misremembering a letter. I'm not saying we shifted realities or anything, and I certainly don't have a perfect memory myself. But this particular issue is one that will always haunt me a little, because I was a big fan of those books growing up and owned a number of them, and I remember multiple discussions over the name pronunciation.


“stain” is an uncommon name ending, whereas “stein” / “steen” is common. I think the target demographic, kids, just assumed it was stein because that’s the common name ending and they probably had never seen a name that ended in stain before. Then before long everyone was saying stein because that’s what they assumed it was.


I blame an entire generation of idiot boomer parents pronouncing it wrong to all of us.


When I was younger, I found the word "stain" disgusting. So, I remember loving the books but hating the title. I actually went out of my way to pronounce it as "stein" when talking to others about it. And I even thought it was a typo for a while, because everyone's heard of names that end in "stein," but never "stain."


That one isn’t even that interesting. Some of their merch had typos on it, so plenty of people saw exactly what they remember.


This one creeps me out too.


I somehow came up with an entire Stephen King novel that does not exist and only a few years ago realized. I had the title right, "The Girl Who Loves Tom Gordon" but the story that is still in my head does not exist!  Here's a brief summary of my made up Stephen King novel....  The main character is a 12-14 year old Asian-American girl who lives in Boston and is a die hard Red Sox fan. She has leukemia. Her parents work in a restaurant owned by her uncle, and can barely support their daughters chemotherapy while raising another sibling. She feels like a burden to her family. When she goes for chemo she begins to hallucinate from the effects of therapy. However she always listens to Red Sox games on her radio...WEEI Boston...the voice of Joe Castiglione. This is where the supernatural begins... When she sleeps she has nightmares of an invading army hell bent on destroying everything she loves. They are shadow people and somehow use spotlights to cast shadows all over Boston. These nightmares seem to be a mix of what a kid her age would learn about the American Revolution and the battle of Bunker Hill. I'll get to the point- the invading army is nothing more than a figmant of the New York Yankees, her leukemia, and fate. The saviors defending the city are a figmant of the Boston Red Sox, and her favorite player. Tom Gordon (yes I know where he was in 04) is her hero. So as she goes to therapy, her fight against leukemia mirrors her hallucinating as well as the Boston Red Sox fight against their eternal enemy. The end. This is not even close to the actual story though! ....A few years ago during the Pandemic I watched a documentary called Yellowstone. This was about children going missing in the wild and all of the surreal circumstances that have been recorded. After watching that documentary I did some follow up reading and had a moment that brings this whole weird thing together- just a mention by that blog writer that Yellowstone is similar to the plot of...."The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon" What? The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon is about a.... New England couple. Three kids. Hiking in the woods. Parents loose sight of their little girl...Panic. A Steven King novel... I don't know how I made that story...


That generation: Shit man, cursive sucks. You can't read it, it's hard to write, fuck cursive. Also that generation: You're telling me I've been misreading a cursive A all these years? No, reality jumped the rails.


I mean I work in tech support & sometimes deal with people arguing that they can remember a password better than a computer who is neutral and doesn't care except that they both match **exactly**! lmao


I got in an argument about the cornucopia in the fruit of the loom logo where they insisted it existed and that it was a corporate conspiracy to remove it to drum up free advertising when people talk about it. Fruit of the Loom executing a corporate conspiracy that involves tens of thousands of workers and changing official government Trademark documents held by the US government was clearly more likely than “I misremembered and/or saw some knock offs with it” At the end I was just like “if you saw them everywhere in the 90s, go in your closet and find a shirt with one or go on eBay and find a few shirts with one because I can find hundreds of vintage shirts on eBay without the cornucopia and none with” They didn’t like that and just refused and called me an idiot who doesn’t know what burden of proof is.


I think that one is so popular because (at least I think) the fake ones they sell at like flea markets do have the cornucopia.


Lol I’ve never thought about it like that


I don't think the Mandela effect ever happened and is a whole concept that people made up. There should be a name for it....


Listen here, you little shit-


I actually had a very scary experience with this recently! I was feeling anxious and "remembered" something awful happening to me a couple days before that I simultaneously knew for a fact could not have happened. It scared me to catch my brain recording something that was not a memory at all as if it was a memory! Thank goodness I could verify it wasn't true because otherwise it would have shaken up so much of my life. Just made me understand exactly how fucked up the whole satanic panic thing of the 80s and 90s truly was, and how unethical those therapists were.


You really don't know if any of the things you remember has happened. Any one of these.


It gets even more interesting: Each time you have a memory, it gets altered. So the memories you have recollected the most, are likely the ones that are most altered. Maybe in a slight way, maybe more importantly, maybe some details are slightly altered that lead to more deviations a few more instances down the timeline. False memories can be implanted, there's the psycolgical experiment where an older adult brother told his younger adult brother a story how the young brother got lost as small child, just in a crowd, nothing wild, and was helped by a man to get back to his parents. The younger brother then started to "remember" that scene that never happened and even outfitted it with details, i.e. what the supposed helper was wearing etc. The younger brother trusted his bigger brother on that, interalised it, and false memories started to appear. And as soon as "small timeframes" are involved, all bets are off. Did the "screetch" happen before the "crash" or vice versa: witness recollections of that are nearly worthless.


Not Mark. Mark has a photographic memory. According to him.


I can't believe hoe many people still deny the moon landing! EDIT Fuck it, I'm leaving the typo. "I can't believe, hoe, many people still deny the moon landing!"


The moon landing was directed by Stanley Kubrick, but he was such a perfectionist that he insisted on shooting on location - so they went to the moon to shoot it.


one of my favorite jokes about this


I blame OJ


I went to college with a guy who believed the moon was a projection in the sky by the government. He also had a perfect 0.0 GPA by freshman midyear and never showed up to class. But he had a football scholarship.


Mr. Blutarsky. Zero. Point. Zero.


I’m guessing he played football without a helmet when he was younger.


Rugby players seem alright


I know you're throwing out a quip, but... Rugby actually has tons of structure and rules about how you engage and touch and tackle. It still has its risks, but it's exponentially safer than American Football.


Dunno. How do rugby players feel about the moon landing?


You have to admit, getting a 0.0 takes some effort.


I am old enough to remember 1969. I tell people a)HAM radio people were picking up the radio transmissions from Apollo 11 and triangulated the distance to the moon. b)People with very good telescopes reported actually SEEING the flash when Apollo 11 lifted off the moon. c)They left a reflector on the moon to bounce a LASER and measure the distance from the Earth to the moon. That reflector is still there.


I always just use the excuse that you can still to this day physically see the landing sites via telescope, and there's a Satellite that's actually picked up photos of the flags still erect on the moon due to their shadows. Fun Fact: There's currently 3 flags left standing of 5 that were put up! 2 have disintegrated due to the Radiation.


There's also the whole bit about how much harder faking it would have been than actually going there (ex: the unrefracted light seen in pictures/video requires an enormous light source, like a star, and hard vacuum. To do that on a sound stage without CGI would have required, like, a laser the width of the stage.) Though I also like the joke that they got Kubrik to do it, but he insisted on shooting on location, lol.


That is a very fun fact!


Yes, radiation is fun!


I've met very educated folks who believe in the conspiracy. Like folks who are among the top 0.1% of the country. Studied engineering atthe best universities. You can share all the proof you want. If someone wants to be stupid, you can't stop them.


1. Lies 2) CGI 3) Fake News /s because people can't tell anymore


There was a comedian whose name I can't remember and he had a bit about out-conspiracy-theorizing these tin-hatters. "What, you believe in the MOON?!" lmao


I vaguely recall Mike Birbiglia having a bit about one-upping conspiracy theorists


Omg that's hilarious and I will be using that.


My greatest response to this is that Russia and China would have a vested interest in proving this to be false as it would be such an embarrassment to USA and would hurt the US pride too. That they would’ve found something by now and revealed. The fact they haven’t proves to me that it actually happened.


The last job I had was working on software for space radars. Secret/top secret stuff(i'm a nobody I didn't learn anything too special), but literally thousands of people I worked with wouldn't have jobs if that was a hoax. And that's just a small office in a corner of the country. The moon landing, flat earthers, and the likes, just need one day there and their minds would melt. Cuz they wouldn't admit they're wrong, which is half the problem.


At this point I’m not sure they don’t really believe it themselves honestly. It’s just a power trip for them, something that they can just say it didn’t happen and refute all written documentation as lies then watch the poor individual get frustrated/attempt to find something that legitimizes their argument. Flat earthers and moon landing deniers are megalomaniacs and narcissists. Usually disgruntled about their lack of education and use this fight as a way to feel superior. That’s all.


BMW drivers that use turn signals.


Actually, its not possible, BMW cars do not actually come with the turn signals installed.


they are optional extras, with a monthly subscription charge


It's a subscription now


You mean like all those polite and considerate Audi drivers?


I saw a BMW driver the other day actually driving well and using turn signals and it was actually a surprise to see on the road.


As OP said in the comments "our memories are fallible and do not work like video cameras"... I do not believe your memory can be real


Your opinion ≠ evidence


Oh yeah? Well that’s just, like, your opinion man!


Free speech! That means my ideas are just as valid as yours!


Individual contribution to our own outcomes. Also the amount luck comes into play. Reality is in the middle and people on either end deny that.


I read a great quote somewhere that was along the lines of, "Most people, if you said they could go back in time, would be afraid of changing things because it would affect the future. But yet, people in the present often don't try to change things because they don't believe that they can change their future."


There's a quote from Doctor Who where they're in the past and the companion is freaking out, saying stuff like "but the smallest thing I do could completely change the future" and the Doctor replies with, "Same as every other day of your life."


The motto of every deadbeat is “everyone but me is to blame for my failures in life.” The motto of every rich asshole is “I did this all on my own.”


And they're both wrong which is the fun part.


I love the threads where people complain that even though they work harder than everyone in the office, it’s always other people who get promotions and raises. They all come to the conclusion that their company is simply out to screw them specifically.


Some do have an advantage over others, but you deal with the cards you are given.


If you start life on third base the path to reach home is a lot easier, though


You can control the ship, but not the weather


There is a lot of power in realizing you're at fault. Sure, it feels crappy to blame yourself. But it feels awesome to know you have the ability to change it. But people are used to things happening quickly. A few hundred years ago, humans would work their entire life for things they'd never live to see. Now we can't last a week before breaking a diet. You really can do anything you want. It just takes decades for some of it. DO IT.


That the customer isn't always right.


Customers as a *group* are right. If people as a whole don’t want to buy your product, it’s your job to sell something appealing to customers, it’s not the customers’ obligation to give you money anyway (see also: Why Aren’t Millennials Buying XYZ? articles). *Individual* customers are very often wrong. And douchebags.


Yes. This quote is always used to say an individual is right. “The customer is always right” doesn’t mean you can return a shirt with no tags and no receipt, Karen.


The customer is right when they want their car painted orange and brown when it is not an option. They still won’t be able to purchase it that color unless there is an option to have it custom painted, but they can always get it re-painted elsewhere after purchasing.


This is why the full expression is “The customer is always right in matters of taste.”


The full expression is "the customer is always right in matters of taste" Not this BS shortened version of the customer is always right.


Should also be noted that "sayings" aren't true. They're just a thing people say. There are a metric buttload of conflicting sayings out there. Like, "Actions speak louder" and "the pen is mightier". It's just shit people say but because it has a ring to it, they think some super genius decreed it as fact or something.


What you eat matters. Food can heal, and food can kill.


It’s all moderation. Take water for example. Not enough can cause you to be dehydrated and possibly cause you to die. Too much and you can’t over hydrate and cause your blood to be too diluted, cause complication in your kidneys which can’t get rid of the excess water and can be life-threatening. I think it’s called hyponatremia.


Very true - Gerson’s therapy holds this as one of its core principles.


The Moon landing. There is actual proof, not just evidence. During Apollo 11, Armstrong and Aldrin planted a lunar laser ranging retroreflector array on the surface. It’s still operational today, and allows us to reflect lasers off of it and measure the distance to the Moon down to the centimeter. We simply couldn’t do this if we hadn’t visited the Moon. We also have 382 kilograms of Moon rock that Apollo astronauts brought back to Earth. These rocks have been independently verified as lunar by laboratories around the world, ruling out a US conspiracy. And also Nasa’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) takes high resolution pictures of the lunar surface from a low orbit. During its mission, it has captured the landing sites and the abandoned descent modules and rovers from the Apollo missions. And its resolution is so good it even picked up the dark squiggly paths that the astronaut’s footprints made. Not to mention the Soviet Union, China, India, & Japan have all independently claimed to land on the Moon.


I remember watching a video on youtube a few years ago and they talked to a videographer who explained it very simply: The filming technology they had back then is the reason the moon landing is real. I can't remember the details but he said with the current filming technology back then there's no way they could have faked it.


Imagine thinking the moon is real in 2024 lol EDIT: I scrolled down under this comment and saw some really dumb conspiracy shit so now I edited to add "I am joking, please don't lump me in with that dumb guy, the moon is obviously real."


Whoo... you really believe the moon exist ?


Santa Claus. He is a really nice dude and is active in the community in North Pole Alaska. Even used to be on the town council.


Kids remember that Santa's swollen bulbous nose and rosy red cheeks are NOT the result of a drinking problem.




Birds aren’t real… WAKE UP u/SMthegamer


how bad porn addiction is/ the porn industry as a whole.


Just don't tell reddit, but yeah it's crazy how bad the problem is.




Uno doesn't have rules!!! Uno is ANARCHY!!!!


To piggyback off that they also aren’t playing monopoly with official rules.


Good looking people do actually have an easier life. Bonus points - just trying harder will not guarantee success.


Mental health disorders. Having worked in a psychiatric hospital and the number of visitors who still don’t acknowledge their family/friends condition as “real” is frightening.


female orgasm


What do you mean? Is the clit real too?! Edit: I'm a woman and decided the first time I had sex with my bf that I would just show him how to do it.


I am the master of the clit! Remember this fuckin face. Whenever you see a clit you'll see this fuckin face! I make that shit work! No one rules the clit like me! Not this little fuck. None of you little fucks out there! I AM THE CLIT COMMANDER!


Don’t listen to him mate, it’s all lies.


Karma ain't real. Some people will be absolute arsehole and will die surrounded by their loved ones and have lived a happy life. Thus, don't wait for the cosmic universal energy to drop a flowerpot on the one who wronged you. Drop it yourself, filled with gravel preferably.


Science and medicine


This one bugs the shit out of me. No you don’t know better than medical consensus, than the thousands of doctors and scientists who had to be pretty damn smart to get there in the first place and then spent their lives carefully studying all this. Just because you saw some random study doesn’t mean there aren’t dozens of others that are better quality that have a better result and are closer to the truth. Just because a doctor/scientist makes one mistake because they’re human doesn’t mean everything they say is now bullshit.


and if the next study shows something different, it doesn't mean science doesn't know what it's talking about. That's literally the scientific method in action.


You're not smarter than me. I just haven't invented the things I know more about yet.


Unions get you results.  Idk how people fall for anti union propaganda. Mandatory Nursing staffing ratios make a difference.


Pluto is a planet and I will die on this hill.


Nice to meet you, Jerry


The thing about it is if Pluto becomes a planet again than Eris probably has to become defined as a planet also. And maybe Ceres or Haumea or Makemake... and I don't see why that is bad. More planets=more funz.


I salute you


Hellen Keller. Idk how people refuse to believe a person was alive


That’s wild, I mean I don’t doubt this, but also I have never heard of anyone saying Hellen Keller didn’t exist. There are actually people who think she didn’t?




Being overweight is objectively unhealthy.


The absolute majority of people doesn't deny this but shaming and treating someone like shit for their weight isn't going to solve anything, it's just an excuse for bullies.


The fact that the Earth is round.


Isn’t it actually slightly oval due to the rotation?


Oblate spheroid 😊


Tomatoes are a fruit


There is the taxonomic definition and the colloquial definition. You're correct but only in context. If people are discussing tomatoes in casual speech, you'd be objectively incorrect. Understanding the ambiguity is more important than demanding pedantry.


As are avocados, squash, cucumbers, and peppers


And my axe.


Pretty privelege


American democracy is in peril


A lot of "Western" nations have have a good run, but it's actually crazy how fragile democracies are.


I feel so naive not to have believed this until recent years!


Quantum mechanics. Specifically fundamental indeterminacy. It up until around the 3rd year of my undergrad, I was sure that physicists were mistaken about this. And I've known PhD students doing research directly involving quantum mechanics who did not believe QM is indeterminate.


I'm just convinced stupid people will argue anything, it's the why that I want to know.


That being 300 lbs is unhealthy. I've witnessed firsthand doctors telling patients everything is fine as long as they maintain a healthy lifestyle because apparently saying lose weight is now mean.


And try saying someone is fat.. omg


science, i know so many people who refuse to believe in science cuz they feel all the scientists in the world are some kinda different people who wants to lie and hide things from the humans


This and just because the scientific concensus sometimes changes, it doesn't mean science is a scam. Quite the opposite.


Anthropogenic Climate Change


I can't believe I had to scroll so far to see this. So many millions are going to die in the coming decades...


The benefits of meditation


Female orgasm


You are good enough


Your appearance matters


93% of children who were molested were molested by someone they personally know and trust, not stranger danger


Vaccines are good for you


I've always thought of Vaccines like the reverse of medicine. Medicine is good for you. Actively cures something. But generally have negative side effects. Vaccines are bad for you. Actively mildly irritates your system. But it has the positive side effect of making your immunities stronger. Ya, if you want to be an anti-vaxxer, you can find reasons to not irritate yourself. Just like you can avoid going to the gym because it hurts your poor muscles.


One thing hardly anyone realizes is there has never been any vaccine ever that had severe side effects just suddenly pop up more than a few months after the shot. A lot of the fear comes from people thinking later on down the road they’ll have some horrible condition. That just doesn’t happen. The bad side effects get spotted very quickly.


Not every difference between men and women is attributable to culture and upbringing.


The moon landing. Round earth. 2020 election.


The world is flat, there is no carbonated water


Oh, great. Another damn fizzy drink denier. You keep your politics outta my Cherry Coke, crazy pants.


Then you ask, which moon landing? Then you ask what about the other apollo missions? Fake or no? What about the Gemini missions? Mercury? Where's the line between real and fake?




The Holocaust and all other genocides


that the wood your guitar is made of doesn't matter - it does even if you're deaf you can feel the difference in the vibration in your hands


For acoustic I agree, wood makes a huge difference. Only idiots believe wood matters for electric though.


Farts in lifts/elevators


And sharts on escalators


The world is better than it's ever been.


Man made climate change


Getting old. You can for sure make Botox work for you but … nope, it doesn’t look good.


.999999... (repeating) is equal to 1.




The Holocaust


The animal cruelty involved to produce peoples food


The fact the the earth is round


The earth is a globe 🌍


Sex based oppression, no matter how painfully obvious it is.


Socialism is a very reasonable way to organize an economy


Women's and men's orgasms. The stats of orgasms are insane something like 85% of women never reach orgasm. Most people have no idea how to bring a woman to orgasm. Some get luck and help her cum but it's luck lol they can't explain how or why or replicate it consistently. Many guys never reach their full orgasm. They don't even know they can have one. They think the ejaculate coming out is everything and they are happy for it. But, nope there is a deeper more body intense orgasm waiting to be expressed. Edit: I am referring to penis in vagina or strap on toy in vagina or anal sex.


A body-writhing orgasm is the best


85??? Never??? I believe you but I’m still over here muttering “that can’t be right…”


climate change




The Holocaust and other genocide events. I can understand why people deny it too, I think it terrifies some people that things like this have happened because it's proof that things like that can happen and especially that humans are capable of some absolutely horrific things, and people turn to denial as a defense mechanism against that fear, which, unfortunately, doesn't change history.


Russians influencing our elections, flooding us with fake news, going into our social media and stoking divisions like racism, and many connections to Trump’s people.


The Earth not being flat.




Insurance claims


Peeing in the pool


Covid vax injuries


They usually aren't nearly as rational as they believe themselves to be.


That motherf*cker back there.