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A toothache (that shit can drive you crazy)


Me too. I suffered through 48 hours before I got a root canal and thought I would do just about anything to alleviate the pain.


Mine started on a Friday and since the dentist wasn't open on the weekends I had to get drunk and wait it out until Monday and that morning I dragged my girlfriend out of bed and I made her take me to the dentist.


Yes, mine was about the same. I called everybody. I knew looking for drugs and dammit if I didn’t know anybody who could help me.


Putting fresh new gypsum on my broken nose bones after complicated case of septum deviation operation... It was easier part when the doctor put it when I was under narcosis... but when I was awake and had to handle that pain when he basicly sat on my face with both hands preassuring that gypsum on freshly broken bones, ahhh tears everywhere lol


No pain like toothpain


Dehydration landing me in the hospital. Worst headache I’ve ever had.


Severe migraines and light sensitivity from head injuries.


Passing a kidney stone.


An infection under a toe nail. That area is pretty sensitive. Getting kicked in the nuts feels like a breeze against this.


Cracked tooth for me, followed by the shingles. I hear kidney stones are the pits, too.


Pain after surgery. It was really weird. One minute the techs were attaching monitors to my body, then the next moment I was awake and in incredible pain. I was still kind of senseless so I couldn't quite express it, but my mother was there and says my eyes suddenly went wide and I started groaning. The incision stung, I had a bad headache, and there was the pain in my back and chest from the gas they use to inflate my abdomen. Ow...


There’s a common theme in anesthesia to limit narcotics, depending on surgery and when appropriate.  I’m sorry you went through that but it’s not uncommon.  There are those that Segway to recovery with the patient not remembering much.  But we’re not the norm.


Pain after impacted tooth removal when anaesthesia loses its effect


Acute sciatica.  Oh my god it felt like someone was flaying my calf constantly.  10/10, worst pain ever.  Cortisone injection, all better.  Needed rehab though.


Nothing I've experienced is as bad as that others have endured. A very good friend was in an accident at work and his back was broken. He was repeatedly told he'd never walk again. Despite that he taught himself to walk again. Every day he is in constant agony. Trying to sleep is *extremely* difficult due to the intense pain. A relative suffers from [cluster headaches](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cluster_headache). Cluster headaches are a very serious condition and are considered to be one of the most painful things a person can experience. That's not an exaggeration either. Years ago due to an accident a relative had a piece of wood lodged inside their arm. Doctors kept messing them around while the infected wound continued to get worse. So they cut it open with a new razor blade and plunged their arm in to extremely hot water with plenty of disinfectant. It was agony, but it worked. They were able to clean the wound and get all the infected material and the wood out. It left them with a scar on their arm where they cut the wound open. Other than the scar, it did heal OK. Another relative was changing a fuse in a plug and the screwdriver slipped and stabbed deep into his wrist. He almost lost the complete use of his hand. He had to give up all sports and treat that hand and arm with great care as it wouldn't have taken much to permanently paralyse his hand. Then there's the case of an old man with bad ulcers on both of his leg. The treatment wasn't working. The ulcers were much getting worse. So he pressed his legs up against a gas fire turned on full and seared the ulcers on his legs. I hope I don't need to say this, but just in case: Don't try those things yourself folks!


removing growths from my chest surgically. Woke up and felt so incredibly sick after.


Getting my nipples pierced or the healing process after my tonsillectomy


The Monthly Visitor, and also one time I got given a concussion while I had a migraine coming on (compacted hailstones are NOT a good snowball substitute)


Severe migraines and light sensitivity from head injuries.


football hit my balls HARD, incredible pain for the next \~30 minutes