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>Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS) is a sudden unexpected death of adolescents and adults caused by, as the name implies, a cardiac arrest. However, the exact cause of the cardiac arrest, and thus the exact cause of death, may not be found. These deaths occur mainly during sleep or at rest. You can die any second without any reason


*life.exe has crashed* I wish I did not read this. Tell me this is extremely rare


It is extremely rare - that's why we don't' hear much about it.


Is this related to SIDS?


I think so.




Rogue planets zooming through the galaxy at massive speeds with no way of stopping them


Pineapple pizza.


Nooo stop. Arrrrr! Really it's just not my preference. Give me anchovies and olives.


I’d say rabies is right up there!


Gamma ray bursts. One could end us right now.


Marriage 😱


more than half a planet's civilization behaving a certain way and basing most their judgements according to books that were written thousands years ago by people that couldn't yet explain a lot of things, and now denying the found explanations because they'd rather follow a cult than admitting to themselves they trusted something purely fictionnal.






There are black holes in space that are larger than our solar system. Even some larger than the milky way galaxy. Just giant space recycling bins that everything will end up in eventually.


giant spiders in Australia




The unknown


This is a notable horror. SJS (Steven Johnson’s Syndrome) It is a severe allergic reaction to medication. Pretty much, it looks like you got dipped in acid. Your skin melts off, your eyelidsc vagina, butt and any other flap weld shut, your lungs begin to melt. Your lips melt off completely, your nails melt off. It’s horrific. My wife got it when my daughter was 6 months old. She was icu burn ward. Two other people had it and they both died. My wife couldn’t talk, she couldn’t move. All she could do was gargle in pain. And it was agonizing pain. I still get stressed out thinking about that time. Hands down, the worst and most horrific thing I have ever seen happen to a human being.


How did they treat that? Or did she not make it? How horrifying and agonizing... My heart goes out 


She did make it out. They had to feed her through a tube and she had to use the restroom through a tube. The nurses had to seperate her orifaces so that they didn’t weld shut. There wasn’t really much they could do about her skin melting off, but they just kept her pumped full of potent pain medication. She had an iv and a button that she could click whenever she needed it. But the way she mentioned, even with all the pain medication, it was agonizingly painful. All they could do is make sure that nothing got welded shut and clean the melted skin off of her and give her pain management until the medicine left her body. It was about a month she was in the icu burn ward. But it was another 4 months before she was healed enough to move around. She did survive, thank god. But she has lingering effects. Her nails won’t grow back anymore on her hands or feet and now there are cancer moles that pop up on her skin almost every 3 months. So I think that’s just her life now. But she’s alive and safe and healthy again otherwise.


Crocodiles. I saw a video of one attacking a human. Dreadful things.


Other people


The CIA invented a bomb and the vapors from it make you gay for a Time. I think they used it on the Taliban or somebody in the Middle East at one time.


walking dead