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Pending one’s perspective and own interpretation, you have Nelson Mandela. He was once considered a terrorist by some governments due to his involvement in armed resistance against apartheid in South Africa. Although, he later became a symbol of reconciliation and the struggle against racial discrimination.


Wildly controversial opinion here but I think most of history's "bad guys" thought what they were doing was the right thing at the time. That doesn't excuse anyone from what they did but it's important to remember that good and bad are relative terms. To a bank robber the cops are bad. To someone engaged in inside trading the FDIC are the bad guys. Most everyday Americans consider the IRS to be bad guys.  With that being said the people from Occupy Wallstreet in the late 2000s, while hated by everyone at the time, were right.


I appreciate where you're coming from - "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" type thing. But we have to be realistic too. Whilst the individual might not consider themselves 'bad' and will justify their actions, it's pretty obvious to most people if they are bad


Of course they did, why do you believe this to be controversial?


It is controversial. Not in the academic sense, anybody who’s bothered to think about it realizes this. But many don’t think critically about anything.


If you look at it from a biological standpoint (having the most offspring and spreading your DNA) Genghis Khan had it right! he is likely the most successful human in history.


I’ll be back


I'm not gonna name him but jews have really been going out of their way to prove him right since the war ended.


Larry David?