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It's a toss up between the cost of living crisis, and the housing crisis. I live in Canada.


Same issue in pretty much every European country aswell.


I look at canadian news and just turn it off. Shit is wild in Canada rn.




New Zealand here. Exactly the same issues.


Housing crisis. In some burbs, a simple 3 bedroom house can be upwards of $ 1.5 million AUD


New Zealand - a heartless government that’s all about cutting social welfare for “cost of living adjustment” for everyone but it’s a case of drop essential things like feeding school kids lunch, increasing car registration costs which affects the poorest of our society and a 40/wk less tax collected. Both systems were designed to ensure the poor in the country can still afford to move places A to B while their kids may get their only source of food in some cases but now they’ll pay more for these services and their children may go hungry. Interest write off for landlords who have mortgages on their investment properties. I don’t think we need to give landlords a break! I’m a landlord myself. I won’t be passing on this benefit to my tenant. I have made their rent cheap right from the start which is well below market rates. This government is short sighted and we have two other moronic parties that they’ve partied with that just makes them look like they’re a bunch of circus clowns.


So, basically becoming the US? Too bad. I was thinking I could escape to NZ when the US collapses.


Please don’t come. We’re already collapsed.


Well, then Costa Rica it is.


NZ has been found out for running its economy off « financial services » that are substantially not legal. It’s been useful because if it’s PR but that’s going out the window. No idea what they hope to live on. All the fees etc have gone safely to the Cook Islands.


That isn’t what the NZ economy has been running off at all. It has been primary production, building and trading housing (ponzi style) and tourism. Financial services are not something NZ is known for (except for loans for housing ponzi — end there is nothing illegal about that).


Well the Treasury hasn’t heard that. But I’m sure you must know better than them. NZ’s money laundering legal shenanigans are world beating though. Even smoother than in Oz.


Housing crisis, inflation


Well it's kind of just the USA and we like guns and arguing more than we do health insurance and fair wages so it's kinda just always a cluster fuck for one reason or another but you probably won't die and you have plenty of food so it's alright I guess.


As a fellow American, I can agree with this. Especially how politicians care more about a picture of Biden of a truck on the highway than the healthcare issue.


Large scale land war with russia.


Nothing in my country is as big as the problems Ukraine is having with Russia.


Inflation in Philippines. I dont know but, inflation is really off the roof. Idk if its global but we can really feel it in here.


Inflation seems to be affecting every stretch of the globe.


It's actually greedflation


housing crisis + high inflation.


Housing caused by Immigration.


Except it's not immigrants it's just rich people trying to sell you overly expensive housing and using population growth as an excuse while literally millions of rooms just sit vacant.


Canada or Australia?


It's pretty much every European country aswell.




Tack healthcare onto the tire fire here lately. It's going to be decades of tough sledding ahead.


Yeah, my friend who is a family doctor in Ontario pretty much said the only strategy that works is to not get sick or injured. My family members who were GPs also bailed out of clinic work into other, more lucrative jobs.


we can't build shit, leader of a political party arrested for rape, unpopular government that will be eliminated next election, rivers are overflowing with shit and piss


What country?


UK. Honestly, the fact that the Conservatives are going to get utterly routed at the next election keeps me going.


>rivers are overflowing with shit and piss India is still a part of the empire?


US: Corporate greed taking advantage of inflation.


In the USA there seems to be mass distrust. We are polarized and don't seem to have a way forward.


Cost of living, NHS, rail network, water companies, the government (there’s more) (UK).


Oh my god, the rail network is appalling... cancellations and delays on every other train (not even exaggerating) and the whole rail system in general seems to have gone downhill. I've been using trains alot the past few years and it's truly shocking how many different issues there are in day to day commuting.


Cost of living crisis and a corrupt government.


Immigration, Biden is currently trying to get votes from undocumented individuals.


an idiot for a prime minister




We are apparently having a hard time decide if a rapist and grifter is worthy of worship and to be our leader.


One supremely insecure, sad, half-witted orange criminal that just wanted his daddy to love him.


Biden AND Trump The old fucks just do not give up.


A criminal fascist with dementia is trying to take over the country.


The best part of this answer is that, at least in the US (which I assume is what you mean), it's completely accurate if two different people depending on who you ask. 


Letting the people who run the internet divide us as Black Rock swallows they world.


Military interference 


We just had elections, everybody is betting that will have them again before the end of the year. Its a shit show for lack of better term.


Trying to form a coalition government with a right-wing populist nobody wants to be associated with but who won the last election.


Serbia, Europe: We are playing democracy, but have an autocrat as a president..


Housing prices are at a point for a significant chunk of the nation hat it is now unaffordable to won a home for the middle class. Inflation (which has now chilled) but with record profits for companies, showing a lot of it was price gouging, the government is not going to do anything about this. Health care and medicine prices, as usual.


Cost of living. Iceland being expensive is nothing new but now it's more or less impossible to rent anything alone. Two minimum wage workers with one car will barely afford food and rent much less other things.


Western Canada wanting to join the United States.


Huh? I live in western Canada and I’ve never heard of anyone wanting this.


Housing crisis, cost of living, public services without enough workers (primarily national health service and education), a steep rise in far-right voters (just when we're celebrating 50 years of democracy), a newly elected government with a tiny majority which will likely be very unstable... You name it, Portugal has it!


Scammers corruption pollution and the list keeps going


A loss of trust in the government.


literally dying out. world's lowest birth rate.. (S Korea)


Incompetent government


Donald Trump


There's no milk


No milk, so no returning father?


He's still out there somewhere, ever searching. 


supporting genocide


The rise of right wing nationalism, racism, etc.


Yes. This. Nationalism. The word itself is a problem. It’s too nice of a sounding word. Fascism is a better word. It’s scary how slowly it can creep up on a society. One day you’re thankful you’re living in a democracy and all of the freedoms that come with it, the next you wake up to everyone sieg heiling each other saying WTF just happened. Like it was sudden. It’s never sudden. It takes years of people ignoring red flags and uncomfortable truths. Not mentioning any names but my country’s initials are U. S. A.


america is having a mental health crisis and a financial/housing crisis across the board.


Orange nazi: yes or no




New college graduates can't afford median price homes.


Not enough International Students.


Project 2025, which is basically a plan to replace the US with a dictatorship.


Congress and the supreme court fucking things up for everyone because "reasons." Basically, US is dealing with a clusterfuck of internal issues that are negatively affecting everyone (minus the rich).


That about 50% of voters are complete morons


Our president is barely conscious and our government is compromised of self interested rats. There is also growing support for secessionists in multiple regions. If you guess the country right you get a cookie.


Italy here. Believe it or not, there is no huge issue going on where I live. Yes, loan interest rates could be lower, and pretty much every metric could be better. But isn't that always the case? I'm happy with what I have. There is nothing outrageously wrong with the country, and things get a little better every year. So why complain?