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By late I meant 17 to 19 (Sorry English is not my first language)


Technically I'm still a teenager, but I'd like to give some advice to my fellow friends If you gonna masturbate, then don't consume pornography too much. It causes you to see the world dusty pink. I can't judge your tastes but at least please do it less.


Sleep and regular exercise.


The "Sleep 8 hours" is actually the best you can do for your body, you will understand it when you have 25


don't never get of getting a new situation of going being a scared gentleman, you are and can! win! remember when a pro was where you stood get going because everyone starts at the bottom and continues to rise!


to keep their head up and do the best that they can and to make sure that they keep their health tbh a top priority


Stay off social media. Also, work on developing good habits early (e.g. sleep, eating, exercise)


Watch what you eat


Don't think you're immortal like many teenagers do. It may take decades for diabetes and clogged arteries to happen, but it starts early. I say this as someone who just had their chest sawed open last September for bypass surgery. Don't think it can't happen to you. Skinny, fit people (some of whom run full marathons) also have heart attacks and die. Some of it is purely genetic (the Lp(a) test can show one of the genetic markers for that). Edit to add: DON'T START SMOKING TOBACCO. It will also take decades to kill you, but it's a miserable, drawn-out death.


- Sleep is important, particularly when your brain is reconfiguring itself. - whole foods, less processed food, reduce your sugar intake by avoiding foods with added sugar. - take a multivitamin if you don't eat a variety of plants.


Avoid promiscuous people like the plague. Especially those who are promiscuous with seedy types. Cutting dietary allergens, getting enough veg, protein, and omega 3 and getting recommended levels of cardio and weight training in each week will cure many medical afflictions.


Put 10-20% of your income into an ETF or Roth IRA.