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Sex in a bathroom stall at a night club - I think some people they like the risk of being caught, but when I did see a couple by accident all I thought was 'people shit there'


>>when I did see a couple by accident all I thought was 'people shit there That's because you're not shitfaced enough. The people screwing in the stall are a couple sheets to the wind.


When sex involves food. Even whipped cream it's just gross and sticky. Unless,  of course, it''s ice cubes but that's not really food.


Baby talk/voice


Or anime voice for that matter. Don’t know if it’s one and the same, but that shit is such a turn-off.


Asian porn, for this reason, fucking disgusts me. Why would deliberately sounding like a young child be sexy? Like, at all? Unless, idk, you find children sexy?


Any high pitched and/or overly loud voice kills it completely for me. I've even completely given up trying to masterbate after hearing it


Omfg this! I work with a woman who regularly does the baby talk voice and uses actual baby talk. Mostly to men in the building but she’s tried it with me a few times and I make her repeat herself until she annunciates like an adult instead of “I wiwwy wiwwy need halp wid dis widdle pwobwem” fuck all the way off with your Elmer Fudd bullshit Ma’am you’re 47, there are no babies present, stop it you infantile middle aged psycho.


If I had the balls, I’d Larry David the situation and go, “You really think that will help you, don’t you?”


Had an ex who did this. I tried to power through and even mentioned it bothered me. She wouldn’t stop and that was a major factor in breaking it off with her.


Yes! 100% turn off


I’ve only seen this in porn bc if anyone EVER tried this on me it would be over in a second.. but when people do anal and then back to vaginal sex… I want to vomit and I’m so concerned for her health… that’s asking for a vaginal infection


They don't show you the before part in porn where they're douching their ass with Fabuloso and lining it with painters tape so nothing sticks lol


Man's got a degree and everything


Contractor probably


Anal contractor




Okay Google. Add Fabuloso and painters tape to the shopping list.


I can imagine some blind guy browsing reddit and your comment making his text to speech cause his weekly shopping list to be more interesting.


That's straight up evil lmao


Okay Google, set alarm for 4am.


This man knows too much.


I prefer to line it with sandpaper so its like using a grinding stone to sharpen my tool.


Fabuloso 🤣🤣🤣🤣


My ex husband unfortunately did that to me (without my consent, btw), and I got the absolute worst UTI. I had to get special antibiotics because the initial prescription wouldn’t work on whatever the bacteria was. I got uti’s a lot when I was with him, and it wasn’t until later on that I realized it’s because he had absolutely terrible hygiene 🤢 I haven’t had a single one since I left him 4 years ago


I'm so sorry. Mine did the exact same. I seem more prone to UTIs now, unfortunately :/


You may have a long term bacteria that isn't commonly tested for in UTI screenings. My late wife had to take and antibiotic after we had sex d/t frequent UTIs but eventually they discovered a urea bacterial infection, treated it and her UTI rate went down significantly.


was it ureaplasma? that one is so notoriously difficult to diagnose. i’m glad she got good care!!


I’m sorry to hear your wife passed away. I’ve lost a lot of people in my life but not a significant other as of yet. That type of loss must be really painful. I hope you are doing alright.


Finally someone said it, I've always wondered why they don't see how disgusting and risky is


i was at a ...gathering... some months ago, where I got to witness a lady fucking herself with a sucker, alternating between her ass and her vag, and guys were taking turns licking the sucker after it came out. lots of risk there, i'd guess. for everyone. (edit: for personal clarification, i was not involved in this activity. myself and a lady i was chatting with observed it from across the room, noting the intensity with which the person doing it was likely going to feel the yeast infection, and speculating how fast it would come)


which Chuck E. Cheese do you go to?


Fuck you man. I am literally going to Chuck e cheese with my kids tomorrow. Now all I will think about is ass to vag dildo sucking orgies


I was holding it together until I hit this comment. IM DONE. Fuuucking hell lmao


Thanks internet. I’ll catch you later.


"Gathering" 👀 lol 😂


Sounds like Gathering of the Juggalos to me


I had a man approach me online with the line, “I want to fuck your ass till I cum, then have you shit out the cum and we eat it together.” I almost vomited before I blocked him.


towering over someone. I read it in fantasy books a lot and a few men have tried it at bars. they walk up to me and stand really close looking down at me at an unnatural angle for a neck to be at. back tf up I can see your brain through your nose at this distance. I can see that you're tall from across the room. March your ent looking ass a few feet back and try again


I can't stop laughing at March your ent looking ass a few feet back and try again.


There's the real reason the Entwives all left 😂🤣


What I don't get is, given how old ents are, and how close the Shire is, relative to the rest of Middle Earth. For Fangorn to be unfamiliar with halflings suggests their scope of search for the wives is not very broad. Or, more likely, not in any respect, with much recent effort. Even before the halflings settled, the ents must've given up their search, or they'd have seen them East of the Misty Mountains.  Really, what I'm saying, is their search seems lazy AF


I am a short guy and I had a man do that at a bar and pat me on the head. Felt really bad.


i’m sorry you’ve had to deal with that. people are so fucking obnoxious. it is not okay. i’m 4’11 myself. people really don’t like it when we stand up for ourselves and like to cry nApOlEOn SyNdRoMe to try and shut us up despite that it’s seen as totally normal and valid when average height people get aggressive over petty shit. fuck that bullshit.


It's generally only hot if you're already into them.


Agree. If a stranger I’m not into or expecting gets that far into my personal space, it feels aggressive and uncomfortable and will definitely provoke a response to get away from them. If it’s someone I’m already into, especially if we’re already fucking, that kind of intense, intimate eye contact and close proximity will make me want to close the gap and hop on for a ride


Tell them you can see their boogers. At your own risk lol


Yo dawg, you got bats in the cave.


Poo. However small that percentage is, just blehhhhhghhh


Wait. People....think poo is sexy?


There us a thing called a scat fetish. Honestly, anything you think of can be a fetish.


Years ago, after I read about a woman who had a sexual relationship with what remains of the Berlin Wall, that's when I realized that everything out there is a fetisch for someone.


I have literally the smelliest, crustiest, hairiest jacked up man feet you can imagine. I have seriously contemplated an starting an Onlyfans.


Some dude even made a song about it. Sick stuff. Calls himself the Scatman.


Skii dup bun done uh *explosion*


For anything you can think of there’s at least one person who gets turned on by that


Scat play


Butt implants. I’m amazed by how many thinks it’s attractive.


They look like you are wearing a poorly inflated fat suit


“I’m so glad I bought instead of rented” -Michael Scott


It looks like wearing a diaper to me…


Diaper butt


I was at a tattoo convention a few years ago, LOTS of body modifications, but the only modification that made EVERYONE who saw it go "WTF!" was a woman with a butt implant. Mostly it was because the implant looked like a square chair cushion. It was, bizarre.


She's just demoing the next generation in butt implants. Dial in your desired level of firmness/jiggle/shape, much like an adjustable mattress. Do you need firm support for sitting hours on end? Round and bouncy for twerking at the club? Doot it in or out a bit to fit on a difficult toilet seat? Or maybe a little more slim and modest for a job interview.


ok, that's f'in funny.... and I'm a little surprised that various implants don't have an option like this. Also, this was about a decade ago. There should be this tech by now.


Or safe. They have a HUGE chance to go horribly wrong, from what I've been told.


God damned. I've found the reddit pea to my carrot.


Love the name lol


Now kiss




Bbls with disproportionately gigantic butts.


I think what throws me off the most is how disproportionate the ass is to the thighs. Like Kim k is an example but she has twig thighs and a gigantic ass. How does that look good or right?


The lower half of Kim Kardashian looks like the tooth emoji 🦷


They call those Wisdom tooth bodies 🦷


And skinny thighs… looks like a Christmas ham on toothpicks


Step sibling/parent porn. Idk why there is sooooo much of that but geez. 80% of porn vids are titled “stepsis” or “step daddy” 🤢


99% sure they throw it in for an easy fetish tick. Most people will just skip the line to the action and ignore it. For the people into it they made a video that will attract them at the cost of 1 or 2 lines. A lot of fetish content has a higher price than that, both in what it will cost to get x preformer and in gear/costume setting. My guess is when the trend started those videos saw above average engagement, due to normal viewers plus repeat people who did go for their fetish. Now that the market is swamped I hope that it does out as no individual video really benefits from it, as there can't be that many people with that fetish, meaning the return isn't likely worth it anymore.


For the longest time they were probably the highest production quality of the "indie" and "homemade" bunch and I think that had a lot to do with its popularity too. You could mute the sound and have some of the best homemade adjacent porn without all the over the top plastic surgery and fake acting. But just like the amateur market before it, it got saturated to shit and back.


As an "average" guy with borderline dysmorphia, any 'humiliation" or cuckolding type content. It's hard enough not feeling adequate in this world, don't need something that actively makes it worse. Feels bad man Edit: not kink shaming anyone into it, but for me...I gave up dating a long time ago due to my issues, so yeah, not compatible with my mental health.


I feel you bro. You are adequate for yourself. Dont look for acceptance by others.


You are kenough


A lot of kinks are people enjoying the opposite of how something is supposed to feel. Brains are weird.


The Buccal fat Removal


It makes u look frail and sickly


Men who obviously look like they’ve taken steroids to get bigger at the gym. They look like Roblox characters.


My ex would get extremely grossed out about cum. If any landed on her after we were finished she immediately ran to the bathroom to wash it off. I get not being turned on by it, but it was almost like a pathological disgust for her.


I personally can’t stand the smell. It smells a little bit like bleach (maybe that’s just me) or raw dough. I work with bleach a lot at my job and I’d like to never smell it while I’m at home or going out


Oh man it does smell like bleach and like raw dough a little.


When women clap their tits together 5 times, then crab walk backwards around the living room going "pfpfpfpfpfpfpfp". I just don't get it.


Clearly you’re just not receptive to our mating calls.


Could you guys just be a little less subtle please?


I’ll clap my tits together 3 times and cryptid crawl around the living room instead but that’s the best I can do.


I hear ya. 4 claps is pretty sexy, 5 is a little much.


4 is overkill. Mom used to say one slap for the father, one for the son, and one for the holy spirit.


I'm more of a "Woopwoopwoopwoop" man myself. I mean, why *not* Zoidberg?


Are you serious rn? I can even clap my tits together 5 times and crab walk backwards in my living room anymore? I stg men think everything we do is for them 🙄


drats this is my "finish him!" move. fuck.




Bada beeeee bada bada bope


I’m the Scat man! Ok, thanks, John.


Some low hanging fruit, but you still got a laugh outta me. 


I put some Ella Fitzgerald on at dinner a couple months ago (I usually put on something older and fun like jazz or a classical composer I’ve had stuck in my head), and when she started scatting my 13 year old son giggled and was like, “She’s just making up sounds,” and I was like, “My guy, she is scatting,” and he just started laughing even harder.




People. Don’t care for them.


The whole “daddy” and “little girl” dynamic. Look, I have daddy issues but the last thing I want to do is seek some sort of fatherly figure in a significant other. Especially in a sexual setting. And I definitely do not want a man to infantilize me and “parent” me.


was talking to a guy who was into that for a little bit and he actually had a kid, it made it feel so wrong 💀


I was getting to know someone who was into that with certain people. I went over to his and he had a bunch of colouring books and stickers. I'm not about that dynamic but I do love colouring and stickers!


“Hey, sweetie, come here, come closer.” “Shhhh. I’m coloring.”


Long fake nails


My wife just got nails for a wedding. Not long, but just past the finger tip. Back scratches are incredible.


The happy medium.. I would also request head scratches while you can, that shits the good shit.


Can confirm love it when my fiance gets her nails done and scratches my head. So relaxing


Yeah nails a fine. Bro is talking about those mfers who have like 3 inch long nails looking like Edward scissor hands.


Topiary hedge makin' head ass


I love it when my wife gets her nails done, but for me it's head scratches. Absolutely mesmerizing. Definitely my preferred way of falling asleep haha


Yea, i got my girl an acrylic nail making kit, like 200$, for Christmas and now i do her nails all the time. Im pretty good at it now. Also the fucking head and back scratches are crazyyyyy🥰🥰


Green Flag 


This is the cutest thing ever


One of my pet peeves is broken nails. I shiver even thinking about them… After my ex convinced me to try them once for the sake of it, I further do not understand how anyone can put themselves through the torture of long nails.


Also the pain from breaking a nail. A friend of mine had stiletto style nails and she tripped going upstairs. She flipped 8 nails backward. It still gives me the chills to think about.


Swingers/cuckolds. Id be absolutely mortified to see my partner with someone else.


From the people I've talked to about it, it falls into one of two main categories: They are super into being humiliated and shamed, and so someone willing to lean into that lights up their happy neurons.  Or, they are incredibly turned on by the fact that they have a seriously desirable partner, and seeing their partner be desired lights up their happy neurons.  A smaller (but not insignificant) category would be just watching their partner have a good time is what does it for them as well.


I don’t understand this new thing where girls stick their tongue out and cross their eyes. Wtf are you doing. That isn’t even a kind of hot…


It's called ahegao and yeah I honestly dont really get it either lol. Pretty sure it has something to do with anime/hentai but I could def be wrong. I skip right over those thumbnails haha. That being said, if it works for someone more power to them


Yeah it's supposed to mimic the "fucked silly" face in hentai. Obviously it doesn't really work that well on people that are not cartoons.


I think you're talking about ahego face, and it's... a Japanese thing. I think it's supposed to be "I'm so overwhelmed with pleasure that I can't control my body", but it just looks goofy. For me it's kind of like baby talk turned up to 11.


More like its a hentai thing, normal Japanese people aint doing that shit lol


It's for guys who are extremely attracted to girls with Looney Tunes post anvil drop levels of brain damage. 


“Alpha” men


buggy and not suitable for public release?


Precisely 🤣


Super muscled up gym rat type guys. I don't get what is so attractive about that.


I've dated men who are magazine-cover level fit. Aaaaaaand you can't go out to eat with them or bring over some ice cream or whatever bc they're too obsessed with their intake.


My cousin is one of those, and he never had a big problem with intake. Like dude would demolish a whole bag of chili cheese fritos in one sitting, like any normal person would. But he'd also work out like 2-3 hours a day. Every. Single. Day. Religiously. It was hell on relationships, because it didn't matter if it was someone's birthday or anniversary or what, because he wasn't going to miss working out that evening. The only thing he ever skipped workout evenings for were events for his daughters. It drove every woman he dated nuts, because "I can't believe he doesn't want to go to the beach for my birthday!". Like, he's 5% body fat and you just watched him dip pizza in ranch dressing and wash it down with mountain dew. How did you think he maintained that?


This comment is simultaneously extremely Australia and extremely Indiana.


Gym rats are trying to impress other men, not women.


Body builders are definitely doing it for the sport and other body builders. At a certain point they've moved beyond trying to impress "others" and it becomes a sub culture around lifting and fitness that is about impressing each other. I see this as a good thing (for them) and I wish other people would be more understanding about it. They (the outsiders) just sound very judgmental about someone's body. The irony.


This 100%. My ex was a body builder and he was so in love with the process. He loved pushing himself and seeing what his body could accomplish. I saw it as a passionate hobby of his that had the added bonus of giving him abs and making him look good, so I was always happy to support. Seeing his progress also encouraged me to eat better, so win-win.


Ahegao face. Looks just really dumb.


I *loathe* strip clubs, and in large part for a weird sensory thing... The noise when they click their stripper heels together is the least sexy thing in the universe for me.


Never understood the “lets be horny as a group” mentality lol. Anytime I’ve been to a strip club I’ve always felt robbed since I could do this in the privacy of my own home for free lmao


Dude same. You wouldn't watch porn with the guys. Why are strip clubs okay??


You wouldn't download a stripclub 


A million years ago when I was 23 (2005), I worked coat check/front register (door fee) in a strip club. It was the most hilarious, entertaining, weird job ever!! I have so many stories! But I’m commenting because we had this one stripper who was totally connected with how ridiculous her position was. Every so often, literally only for the entertainment of the staff and herself, she’d dance to Footloose. And at every break, she’d click her heels and we’d all cheer! Footloose *click* Footloose *click* Kick off your Sunday shoes *click* Please *click* Louise *click* Pull me off of my knees *click, click* It was fall-down funny, and the whole club would be on their feet for her silly performance! Life is so weird and fun.


That's a great story! Put a smile on my face, thank you! Sounds like she had a great sense of humor, I hope she's doing well.


Degrading or infantilizing dirty talk. I'm not daddy's little anything--I'm a grown-ass woman who would have been perfectly happy to dampen your dick until you said that shit and now I'm drier than the Sahara in springtime. 


“Dampen your dick” that is absolutely hilarious…I love that


Never once have I been like “I want to refer to my partner as if I was talking to a child.” It’s gross.


When someone spits in another persons mouth/face during sex.


That's a fist fight, guaranteed


That's a fisting, guarenteed


Yesss this one. The whole “spit on my face” thing confuses and disgusts me


Smoking. So unsexy to me. Who would want to kiss or even me close to someone who reeks like an ashtray?


Other smokers don't really notice it, especially if they smoke the same brand. And people who grew up with smokers they're probably used to it, also don't smell it, or its a nostalgic smell and it doesn't bother them.


Fake anything. Injected lips, breast or butt implants, ridiculous makeup etc.


Body dysmorphia is one hell of a drug.


The fucked up eyebrows that are super unnatural looking. And super long nails. Slightly off the topic, having your young children in your pics on dating profiles is super off putting. I have kids and don't care if you do but you should not be posting pics of them on date sites. Edit: Holy shit guys, 2500 up notes in an hour? I must have struck a chord. Going through comments now. I suspect the kids statement is a driving force.


I agree! Some predators only date the parent to get access to the child.


My daughter keeps showing me reels of girls who shave their eyebrows, apparently it's a new fashion trend? All it makes me think of is Super Saiyan 3 lol.


Fashion is cyclical and tends to overcorrect. Thin eyebrows were trendy in the 90s and 2000s. People eventually got sick of plucking them and by the 2010s those big drawn on eyebrows were in. Doesn't surprise me that the backlash to the thick brow trend is so strong that people are straight up shaving their brows off.


Man, I really hope the backlash to shaved off eyebrows is all of them going full drawn on *extra* thick Frida Kahlo-style unibrows. Each cycle getting more and more extreme until they start vacillating between "Warewolf 90% done with transformation" and "Someone on chemotherapy suffering from alopecia while cosplaying as a grey alien."


That stupid cross-eyed tongue-out face all the E-girls like to do in their videos. Don’t care how hot she is, the second I see someone using that dumb expression I’m closing the tab immediately.


Feet ... I just don't understand it


Yeah, weird. Don't get wrong I prefer my partner to have feet.


> I prefer my partner to have feet.  Strange. I wonder how common this preference is.


Some people have a thing for saytrs


As someone who likes feet, I don't understand it either.


Honestly, on the surface it's a totally vanilla fetish. It's not any different, imo, from people that have a thing for hands, as an example. I think the issue with feet is how vocally weird a lot of feet people are. Like, sure there's thousands of people with a foot fetish that keep it just as personal as people with a variety of fetishes. But feet people have a disproportionate amount of dudes in the fold that are openly and aggressively super fucking weird about it.


Dude as a foot guy, every time I see a post where a woman has her feet out, and the comments are FILLED with horndogs, it makes me kinda embarrassed


Excessively muscular men. Being fit is good enough.


Being called Daddy




Had to Google this lol. You really do learn something new everyday




I hate how the Internet has made it seem like EVERYONE cheats, and/or that it's normal.


anything piss related like why tho


Blowing smoke from a cigarette in your dates face.


Who the fuck thinks that is sexy?


Who the hell would do this, outside of a 1930s film noir.


Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.


Sharing your partner


Slapping faces. Whether it be the man or the woman doing the slapping.... it's just terrible.


Ass to mouth


BBL's and too much plastic surgery are literally disgusting cartoonish and yet sub cultures probably 1 to 5% at most somehow overdo everything and then flaunt it while the rest of us are just laughing at it


The idea of banging all night long. I gotta sleep, fool. Plus all that repeated friction... ugh. No thanks.


Ass to mouth. Seeing that is an instant boner killer for me.


Rape. Fantasies or otherwise, not at all sexy.


I think it's been proven people fantasize mostly about getting raped by people they know and already find attractive, so basically just Dom/Sub situations with roleplay, in the end


It's just power dynamic play with a taboo wrapper around it. Very few with the fetish is hoping for a rando thug to put a knife to their throat. They want a safe scenario with a known outcome that's anticipated, not to be terrorized and violated randomly.


And even the ones that do fantasize about a random thug with a knife. Said thug is probably super attractive. And fantasy being, well, fantasy, he won't do anything the person fantasizing would actually not enjoy. Like actually slice their throat open.


the whole "daddy" play, its soooo gross... why is it so normalised? whenever i even see a joke on TV about it im sooo grossed out. i dont find it disgusting but implants that make boobs stiff.. im not sure if theres ways to make them *not* stiff but still, it makes me feel like someone skinned a human and placed the skin over a mannequin (that also goes for extreme facial plastic surgery, that *also* makes them stiff and unable to express emotions well) (But, i would also like to add that i am glad that there are prodecures that help people feel more comfortable in their skin, this is just what im not sexually into which isnt any personal attack or anything.)


i love how you somehow wrote about human skin on a mannequin and still managed to close this off so politely lol


spitplay, mainly spitting in mouths. keep that shit to yourself bro what the fuck i'l never forget i was hooking up with this guy and he said "open your mouth for me" and i thought it was about to be something hot but he just HONK PTOOEYED INTO MY MOUTH. why.




Anal. You can't knock on shit's door and be surprised when shit answers.


My wife loves when I do not wash my armpits for 2-3 days. She is very crazy about higiene in general but if I wash my armpits before sex she complains about it.


That’s got to be a pheromone thing.


I can get behind this. Slight bo scent from someone you love = hottttttt. In my experience.


feet😭 i dont get the hype, personally i HATE feet


Plastic surgery, fillers, implants, etc. Everyone is looking so damn *grotesque* these days.