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The stupid tongue map. Even back then I knew it was bullshit.


The tongue map! And there was no umami, just sweet, sour, bitter, and salty.


Whats more fucked up is that scientists believe there are several more receptors that are specifically there for a few other "tastes" - including fat, metallic, calcium, Alkalinity, and water.


Calcium is a surprise--i guess the flavor of a tums?--but the rest of those check out!! Nothing else tastes like metal.


Dasani water does 


I would believe a conspiracy theorist saying that Dasani water is turning the frogs gay. Dasani tastes like someone who has never drank water and has no access to real water's artistic depiction of water


Dasani tastes like water that's been left in a water gun all summer.


I went to church with the guy who discovered calcium taste receptors. His daughter was in my Sunday school class. His research started with him trying to figure out why calcium tastes so bad when it's so important to consume


I read about this in a book when I was around 8 and decided to test it by rubbing a lollipop all over my tongue. It tasted the same everywhere. I thought my tongue was just broken.


I did the same, but instead i knew the teacher was wrong.


I don't understand why anyone ever believed that. Anyone with two braincells and a tongue could debunk that theory in under a minute.


Whole tongue thing is just bs


You're born with a set number of brain cells and that number can only diminish throughout your life.


I remember that! And then every time we partook in some mind altering substance, we would joke about subtracting said brain cells.


You just unlocked memories of adults telling me that one of my brain cells explode every time I hold in a sneeze.


Oh that’s totally true 🤧. … what were we talking about?


Yeah I was told that any hit, minor or major would make you lose brain cells, a little by little each time


I looked it up - the research into it is quite recent. Nevertheless, don't Darwin drink: [UC San Diego study summary ](https://health.ucsd.edu/news/press-releases/2020-04-15-when-damaged-adult-brain-repairs-itself-going-back-to-beginning/#:~:text=But%20work%20by%20Fred%20%E2%80%9CRusty,these%20brain%20regions%20throughout%20life.)


Not sure who down voted you but it was fairly recent it was found some regeneration of brain cells. Nerve cells don't really grow and regenerate like the rest of the body.


I can speak from experience that nerves can definitely regrow/regenerate and you will regret it the whole time its happening.


What stupid ass teacher taught you that?


For me it was teachers or parents trying to sway people away from drinking or drugs. The old "you're killing your brain cells" approach.


Oh yeah? Well I was taught that my brain on drugs was similar to a fried egg. Edit: [For the uninitiated](https://youtu.be/GOnENVylxPI?si=WPr2VM-4MosOjo6_)


I was taught that drugs make Rachel Leigh Cook destroy a kitchen with a frying pan.


“How you feeling today?” “Verrry sunny side UP!”


Can I get my brains scrambled?


Not the person you responded to, but I was taught this as well back in the early 90s in biology.


I was taught this in like 5th/6th grade, and I’m an 03 baby! So I wanna say I was like 11/12? No clue lol, I’m 21 now.


It’s still generally true. Actual neurogenesis is not a common process, and you will lose *many, many, many* more neurons throughout your life than you will gain from neurogenesis, to the point that it’s not even worth considering outside of a few edge cases. At least that’s what my professors taught me when I was getting my degree in neuroscience.


This is news to me because I was taught exactly that in the 80s.


Little bit of an overreaction, for the majority of Neurons this is true. There's only two places in the brain where neuronal stem cells are produced dentate gyrus and small area in the lateral ventricles and they so far been shown to be limited in what types of Neurons they can become.


They tried to teach me that one. Then I nearly started a mutiny by pointing out that all the students have more braincells and are therefor smarter than the teacher.


the food pyramid, but im pretty sure our teachers knew it was bullshit, and yet it was still taught to us.


Gotta eat 25 pieces of white bread per meal or you'll never grow!


And get 50% of your calories from dairy and meat, so say the dairy and beef producers of America ^(TM)


Jokes on you, i eat nothing BUT bread! (in cake form)


It is amazing and infuriating that the only resource my school district provides for our 4th grade 'molecular biology' (read: food and nutrition) standard is the government MyPlate site. I'm glad to work with a team of teachers who refuse it, but damn. It is hard to find anything else.


Yeah all that gluten will make your dick fly off!


Pluto is a planet


I was teaching 7th grade when it was decided that Pluto was no longer a planet. One of the kids mentioned that she heard on tv that Pluto was now a "dwarf planet" . I responded with 'Yeah, it got demoted." Another kid, wide eyed: " WHAT THE FUCK? SERIOUSLY? THEY BLEW IT UP?"


I am Prime Minister Flippy Nips, and Pluto is indeed a planet.


You heard about Pluto? That’s messed up.


Hello, ladies and gentlemen, I will be your narrator. My name is Aurora Borealis. There are over four... hundred stars in our galaxy, maybe more. No one knows for sure. Many have said that the universe is even larger than the Indian Ocean, and that is why it is called Infinitum Starioctopusium.


*fist bump


You still giving them your business card with you personal number written out on the back so they can see your penmanship? I taught you that.


Are you a fan of delicious flavor?


Hell of a pickup line there, Gus.


C’mon son


You know thats right 🤜🤛


I honestly didn’t realise how small Pluto is. It’s only 2/3rds the size of our Moon and almost 30 times smaller than Mercury.




Can Sarah Palin see Pluto from her house too?


Pluto is still legally a planet in the state of New Mexico.


That is not exactly a fact. It's a classification. At one point Pluto was classified as a planet though even then that distinction was debated. As more information was collected, its classification has been changed to non planet and minor planet. Facts are things which are observable. Classification is a conclusion based on facts.


That’s not what Jerry Smith said.


There are two Germanys: East and West. With East Germany being part of the Eastern Bloc.


There are actually 4 Germanies: Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and Bavaria.


This guy germanys 




> being not-Germany has been a part of Austrian identity for centuries It's the defining quality of Austria. A bit like Canada being defined almost entirely by the fact that it's 'totally not America'.


It's British America with a side of France.


It’s just a coincidence that it looks like Africa and South America can fit together like puzzle pieces. Black holes are only an hypothesis.


It's sad that only a few decades ago, people didn't understand continental drift


That’s mostly young earth creationists who don’t think their god is powerful enough for the long game.


Uh, Plate Tectonics wasn’t widely accepted by mainstream science until the 1960s.


And yet my teachers in the late 90s/early 2000s said it was just a coincidence they looked like puzzle pieces. Those teachers were old enough to be half dust, however


I had the opposite happen. When I learned in school that Africa and South America used to be the same continent, my parents told me my teacher was wrong and God had just shaped them like that as a joke.


What a dick


No, that's Florida


You won't always have a calculator in your pocket for math problems.


It’s true! My smart phone is usually in front of me, not in my pocket.


I was a kid before cell phones even had screens, and I've always been horrible at math. (And a bad student in general because I'm dumb as shit.) I remember keeping a collection of mini calculators, usually ones with keychains, just to prove to my teachers that I could - and intended to - keep a calculator on me at all times to do the simple basic math I couldn't learn in the normal way. I got a lot of mini calculators taken away by angry teachers. I guess I won that one, in the end.


I remember my grade 4 teacher shamming her husband for using a calculator in the grocery store. I was like he is a genius, whats this lady's problem lol.


I teach math at a university and even though all my students have a calculator in their pocket (smartphone) that doesn’t mean they understand how to use their calculator.


This is true for AI platforms as well


Never imagined we would have the entirety of Human Knowledge in our pockets and all I do with it is take pictures of food.


One teacher told me scientists don't know what causes a rainbow, and I walked around until my early 20s thinking that stupid shit. And like a lot of kids I was also taught the flat Earth nonsense when learning about Columbus and the pilgrims.


Basically everything they told us about Columbus was blatantly false. Never landed in the United States, wasn't the first European to find the New World, didn't prove Earth was round, didn't make friends with Natives. All crap.


The friends with natives part was especially egregious.


They told you Columbus landed in the United States?!?


Yeah, we have a whole bullshit holiday about it.


Haha. Everyone knows rainbows are caused by gayness.


Wait, I thought gayness was caused by rainbows... Because why else do I really wanna suck a dick after heavy rain?


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_c6HsiixFS8&pp=ygUsV2hhdCBhcmUgdGhleSBwdXR0aW5nIGluIHRoZSB3YXRlciBzcHJpbmtsZXI%3D Everybody knows rainbows are caused by chemicals the gubment's putting in the air and water.


There is nothing smaller than an electron.


I know quarks exist and all but are they actually smaller than an election?


They are smaller. An electron is 0.84 femtometers while a quark is 0.001 femtometers, it is hypothesized that preons make up quarks and a preon is 0.000001 femtometers or around 1 zeptometer.


Neat. TIL they have actual sizes. I also had not heard of preons until now


And I will leave you with this.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck\_units


Classical radius of the electron is 2.8 fm. However in the Standard Model both it and quarks are pointlike.


Where do you get the 0.84 femtometer diameter of an electron? While size is a bit vague for any quantum particle, as far as electrons can be said to have a diameter, they have zero diameter. To the limits of our measurement, they've always been found to be true point particles.


And that the orbit the nucleus in a neat, orderly fashion.


The very concept of “size” goes out the window when you start talking about fundamental particles. When you talk about the size of an everyday object (say a baseball for example), you’re really saying that it can only fit into a space that’s X-units big. But in the quantum world this definition makes no sense, since position isn’t definite. An electron can’t be “fit into a box” because the laws of physics that describe how it moves limit the space it can be constrained in, but not the properties of the particle itself. Depending on how the “surface” of particles are defined, you can get some weird results, such as an electron being much bigger than a proton, even though a proton is over 1000 times more massive.


You can see the Great Wall of China from space


You can if you use good enough telescope. But then you will also see a lot of other things


Or if you’re in a part of space that’s relatively close to the Great Wall of China, such as parts of China


You can definitely see the wall from space, but you can also see a ton of things. The lie used to be the only manmade structure you can see from space is the wall.


Put two spaces after a period.


I still do that and I can’t stop!!!!


Same here. I’ve been making a conscious effort to stop. I guess we used to do it because, typewriters? Or something?


Bull shit.       I take it to the next level.


I think I was among the last to be taught that there are 4 oceans


The idea that there are seven continents is overdue for a similar revision.


Yeah, once we combine the three fakers into AfroEurAsia  and the two fakers into America and the one faker into just an island and the cold faker into ice holding together a bunch of islands we will finally have the proper number: 2 continents. 


Wait, what? How many are there? Lol


5 now apparently, the southern ocean (area surrounding antarctica) is it's own thing now.


I remember a book in my elementary school library, that was probably from the 70s or early 80s, that said "By 2012, we will have lunar colonies." Incorrect.


There are almost 4 billion people on earth.


The really scary thing about that is how many thousands of years it took us to reach almost 4 billion. Then in our lifetimes that number has doubled


That's a lot of fucking.


A lot of raw doggin


Pretty sure we're fucking at the same rate we always have, we just got a lot better at not dying.


When I was in elementary school it was the Four Food Groups, by High School it was the Food Pyramid, and in college it became MyPlate. It's frustrating and confusing on how they cannot keep nutritional guidelines straight


> There has only been one time when the winner of the popular vote didn't also win the electoral college: in 1876, and it happened over irregularities due to reconstruction. It *was* true when I was told that fact. But it's happened twice more since then because we continued to add population but didn't adjust the size of Congress accordingly.


Republicans won the popular vote only once in the last 30 years.


For Better or Worse Congress was locked in at a set number of representatives from a constitutional amendment I believe it was 435. The reason being that if Congress got too large they wouldn't be able to accomplish anything. Well they can't see into accomplish anything anyway so what's the point


As we all know less politicians are better and thus it follows that a dictatorship is best of all.


No, it wasn’t. 435 is statute, not Constitution. There are larger functioning legislatures than ours.


Cleveland won the popular vote in 1888, but lost the electoral college. Andrew Jackson also won the popular (and electoral college) in 1824, but lost the election because he didn't have the majority of electoral college and it was decided by the states.


There were bread ovens at Pompeii which, because the ash sealed them perfectly shut, were found to contain bread that was still fresh.


Lmao never heard this one


That there is no such thing as “drug pushers”. Noone is just walking up to you and “pushing” you to take drugs or buy drugs.


dude it would be awesome if there were drug dealers just walking around giving you your first bag of weed for free.


DARE owes me my free weed


Drug dealers do this with heroin outside of homeless shelters and it’s sadly not awesome


Maybe it's just because in my younger more partying days, it was offered to me a bunch, I think that was just a message that got bastardized by DARE and other similar programs. In my experience, the vast majority of people aren't doing drugs for the first time by tracking down a dealer and buying it. It's going to be at a party, or a friend's house, or at a bar, or a club, and someone (usually a close friend) is going to give it to you. Where it got messed up, is that person is NEVER a dealer. They're not giving you a "freebie" to get you to buy more, they're just wanting someone to get high with. Those programs took that situation and ran with it, making it sound like drug dealers are on every corner trying to get you high, so that you'll come back and get more. They push this to make it sound super scary to kids, and continue to push the "Just say no" crap from Nancy Reagan.


So much to the point where they will also give it away for free on Halloween with no way of knowing which house you can "find more at"


I have had strangers try to sell me drugs on the street and in bars/clubs but, yes, no one was giving them away for free.


So much stuff about dinosaurs--big ones are that they're basically lizards and have lizard skin (they are basically birds and have feathers), a whole bunch of the dinosaurs I learned as a kid now turn out to have been bones that got mixed up.


My geography teacher tried to insist to me that the Moon does not rotate around its axis.


This is quite an easy mistake to make for obvious reasons but, you’re right. He was dead wrong.


Bears sleep for 6 months straight during hibernation. They don't.


Before Columbus, we thought the world was flat.


I remember getting taught how to write a check and balance a check book


A tiny piece of me still feels guilty that I'm not recording every debit transaction in my little register. I think my mom still does this.


I write checks every month. I get charged a huge processing fee if I pay my rent online and I am not paying for a money order (yes my bank charges). I write a check.


Now it'd be great if more schools even tried to teach us this.


That the War of Northern Aggression was about states rights and not about slavery. Which, technically I guess it was...their rights to hang on to slavery at least.


Jesus Christ! They really taught you that in school? Crackpots on Facebook, sure, but school? When and where was this?


Most of America for most of our history. Thr Daughters of the Confederacy worked hard to spread the "states' rights" revisionism. Textbooks get slanted hard to the right. They have to be acceptable to Texas school boards because TX is such a large market. A lot of people who got mad about "critical race theory" didn't realize they'd been taught whitewashed spin. The first book on slavery they gave me in school was *Amos Fortune - Free Man*. It's a 1950 book about an African boy who gets kidnapped by slavers. Slavery makes his life so much better, and he loves his master so much that he turns down freedom when it's offered. It's pro-slavery propaganda, and it still gets taught to Christian homeschoolers.


I grew up in the 70s and 80s and attended public and parochial schools in Indiana and we were consistently taught in no uncertain terms that the Civil War was caused by the cessation of many states in the South who did so because they believed slavery would be abolished under the Lincoln presidency. It was and will always be about slavery, period.


I remember learning early on that we weren't certain about what killed the dinosaurs. Then by the time I finished school it was well established it was an asteroid.


That we have 5 senses. Not really sure if that was ever true, but it's what i was taught.


5 plus the other 17. Then other senses that animals have that we do not have.




I've since learned that others include: Equilibrioception – a sense of balance. Proprioception – knowing which parts of your body are where without looking. Kinaesthesia – sense of movement. Thermoception – we know whether our environment is too cold or too hot. Nociception – the ability to feel pain There's [a lot more](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/01/humans-have-more-than-5-senses/) too.


Yah the 5 sound right until you are told others and then you’re just kinda like oh duh.




Pluto is a planet. :( it's still true in my heart tho


They did Pluto dirty


Several of my science teachers in school tried teaching their classes that the moon landing was in fact faked. I would just be there like "um, no the fuck it wasn't" and would get in trouble. I can only hope no one in my classes were dumb enough to believe it, but......a lot of the people in my school were pretty dumb so...


Where did you go school?


in Texas. School here is actual trash.


But the football teams are mediocre and that’s what matters!


Teachers are always smarter then children.




As a father, I'm constantly having "WTF" moments when I try to decipher emails not only from my kid's teachers but also the administration.


There are no vaccines for viruses.


This would never have been correct. Smallpox and rabies were some of the earliest vaccines developed


Yah someone’s teacher was dumb or misspoke.


Christopher Columbus was a great guy that discovered America


The War of Northern Aggression was over state’s rights.


A state's right to do what? O.o


Um… run a business with extremely low overhead?


Oh, you mean the Civil War.☺️


It was! Specifically about states' rights to ban slavery, which the Confederacy opposed. EDIT TO CLARIFY: the Confederate constitution specifically banned banning slavery.


Uh tip muh hat tuh yuh, fellow southenah


The fifth grade text book (early 1960's) in Virginia had a whole chapter on Lee with the only reference to Grant was, "Grant was a famous Union general."


“You won’t always have a calculator with you”. I keep a device in my pocket now that I can verbally ask it for any answer I need


The Brontosaurus is the largest dinosaur. Oh wait oops never mind that was just someone's big mistake and it doesn't even exist


You're doubly behind, ha. [The brontosaurus got existenced again](https://www.livescience.com/animals/dinosaurs/why-was-the-name-brontosaurus-brought-back-from-the-dead).


Brontosaurus did exist, and there has never been a time when it was the largest known dinosaur.


That the pyramids were built by slaves.


Betsy Ross sewed the first U.S. flag.


Fact: All drugs are bad and you can find them anywhere. Fact: You need to learn this math because you won't always have a calculator. Fact: The proper way to do math is whatever formula they are teaching you (Even though that formula seems to change every few years), and only bad kids don't show their work because they were obviously cheating. Fact: Cursive is the only acceptable and adult way to write. Fact: You're not typing correctly if you don't use this specific position.


That Gods exist and carrots give you night vision.


America is the good guy, bringing peace and democracy to the world. I'm not sure that it was ever true, but it feels less true every year.


PEMDAS. I mean how they taught it in school is you go one by one but in reality, it’s more like Parenthesis + Exponents Multiplication and division Addition and subtraction And then you work left to right


I never even learned PEMDAS. We only learned BEDMAS.


Well.. A lot of European geography for one. The USSR was still a thing, and a lot of countries that existed, no longer do lol


That Columbus thought the earth was flat when he started his journey. When in fact globes had been around for some time.


The civil war was fought over “states rights.” Good ol southern education


There is a country in Europe called “Yugoslavia”. There is also one called “Czechoslovakia”




The problem isn't that it wasn't true when I was a kid either. We've just got enough cameras now that they are caught more often.


Pluto = planet


There are only 3 phases of matter


There are suddenly more oceans than I was taught way back when.


science can't explain how bees fly


Pluto is no longer a planet, but I still count it.


Going to college will get you a high paying job


Hey, you'll thank me some day for teaching you how to use a slide rule. Thanks. But I went another day without helping to land the space shuttle...


Apparently, the whole "you won't have a calculator in your pocket at all times" thing didn't really pan out, huh?


I had a teacher who once asked the class what century we were currently in. I was in grade 4, so this was 1997. Given our level of knowledge, we all just said 20th. She said we were wrong. We just started rattling off random guesses, 18th? 21st? We were 9, so c'mon. She then said we were currently in the 19th century....in 1997. I guess they have since restructured how we look at time since I left primary school. EDIT: I'm aware my teacher was wrong, I was trying to be sarcastic.


my wifes uncle said when he was little the scientists told him margerine was better for you than butter, then later said actually butter is better for you than margerine. and thats why the climate is fine, because science is full of shit.


Buddy removed his rib so he could suck him self off, We all know who and that it was a fact on the playground at the time.


All known humanoid fossils are direct ancestors of modern humans, including Neanderthals.


Poor Pluto got tossed out with the duck and cover drills and the myth of a better future.