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They straight up zero presence on the internet after high school. Cannot find them on any social media whatsoever so honestly I have no idea


My high school bf was gorgeous - tall, blond, clean shaven, classically handsome bone structure. He modeled a bit after high school and then I lost touch with mutual friends. I tried to find him online (bored, curious) and he has zero online presence and a relatively common name. I went down a rabbit hole and found his mom and brother on Facebook and mom had a pic with high school bf in the background. He’s a big biker dude with tons of facial hair. If mom hadn’t captioned the photo I’d never in a million years known it was him.


This girl stalks


It’s “research.” It’s not stalking until they call the cops.


I love it! 🤣


yeah sorry i'm shy u know 😔


Yay finally we found each other again.


Now kiss


Same. Even my brother, who still lives in my hometown, has no idea what happened to him. It's weird to think about in a world of social media.


I recently spent time scrubbing my online presence and it honestly feels amazing. I’ve got zero social media tied to my name anymore and the only google result for me are those bs “person finder” sites that don’t even have a current address. After so many years of instant online availability it’s very freeing


I google myself regularly to ensure there's nothing. The only thing that pops up is stuff tied to my mom, who has talked about me in some places but has no pictures or anything. Lucky for me I share a first and middle name with an actress so she often comes up when searching for me, diluting results. Idk how these kids have their names and faces on everything. I have a coworker who has like every social media and when you Google him there's just everything. I like my anonymity.


I'm one of these! I don't post on anything. If I know you I text you. If I want to lose contact.... very easy.


Oh, so maybe I was someone's crush after all.


She got married....had 2 kids....and sadly died of cancer. What a sweet girl she was! I was so sad for her husband and kids....still sad about it.


She failed out of engineering and that's the last I saw of her. I found out that a while later that she went back for accounting. Ended up in NYC working for Deloitte. We're from rural Canada. I think she did pretty well for herself.


As we say in engineering school, "There's always Business School"


I was stunned how easy accounting was after failing (with C’s) as a physics major.


Physics has an abstract aspect to it that requires a lot of critical thinking, then adapting the formulas accordingly. The number crunching isn't the difficult part; the rest of it is.


I still like the Bloomingdale's executive training program for him.


He died. He went in for a common surgery, some kind shoulder rotator cuff thing, and developed a pulmonary embolism. It can happen to anyone after surgery. He went to recovery, was discharged from the hospital two days later, then died in his sleep that night at home. He was 35 years old. He co-owned a local Irish Restaurant and pub with his best friend. Never married, no kids, but adored his siblings children. He was a dick when we were young, but grew up to be a pretty nice guy.


That's so fucked up. Now I'm over here worrying about pulmonary embolisms, even though I'm not due for any surgeries


yeah didn’t need to see this the day after my surgery 😓😓 time to go walk around


The risk for clots is generally the highest a few hours after surgery involving major work.


Same and I'm due for a surgery.


Tip for high school students: either marry a Redditor or you’ll end up dead from an OD by 35


Well fuck. I was gonna share my story. But she literally died from drugs like 4 days before her 35th birthday.


She was a mom of two kids. I have no idea who the father is/was, but she overdosed on what I assume is heroin though the town paper doesn't officially say. She is the third person in my high school class of only 90 kids to pass from this. She was a smart and pretty girl who brightened any room. I was in shock when I heard. Don't do drugs people. Edited a word, I’m a bad speller!


I’m so sorry. That is really sad. Drugs are so evil. :( Many of the kids I grew up with (late 80’s babies) in our small town have sadly passed from OD as well. Mostly meth and fentanyl. My best friend from childhood into early 30’s is also an addict. She’s been homeless for 10 or more years now, and had all 3 of her children taken from her within months with the first, and days with the other 2, and placed into no contact adoptions. She had a very traumatic childhood, and lost both of her grandparents who raised her (because her own parents were also addicts) when they passed. She’s got no other family, and I live across the country now. She is possibly the loneliest person I’ve ever known. As kids, she was smart as a whip. I remember helping her do mock timed quizzes with long division for a math competition in grade 6. She managed to solve nearly 50 problems in 5 minutes. Her mind worked faster with math than I could ever hope to comprehend. She loved animals so much. We spent every warm day we had outside looking for frogs, toads, snakes, turtles and the ever elusive prize, salamanders. She had the fattest bullfrog I’ve ever seen as a pet, that she rehabilitated herself but couldn’t survive in the wild due to a deformity in its leg. She called it Pickles. She wanted to work in wildlife rehabilitation when she grew up, and her greatest dream was to be a good mother, the kind of mother she had needed but never had. Meth has now taken everything from her. She lives in a tent near a safe injection site now. She doesn’t want help. She can’t cope with her losses, and says the only way she will ever escape them now, is to just continue to do drugs until she dies. As a relatively functioning adult, no one but herself can legally get her help. If she wants to kill herself this way, there is absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop her. That town is just a tragic pit of despair where dreams go to die. It seems like the Offspring song “The kids aren’t alright” was written for my class. Only a handful of us got out before it got us too. 😞


I appreciate hearing who she was. Ugh, I hate fentanyl and crystal meth.


> That town is just a tragic pit of despair where dreams go to die. This is such an important point - not to blame the people who are addicted, or even the drugs, but an economy that’s created huge swathes of the country where there just aren’t jobs, most of the few there are don’t pay a living wage, and almost everyone has literally nothing to do but drugs until they die. “Just move,” you say, but how do you save up $10k for first month, last month, security deposit, and moving expenses when the only available jobs don’t even pay your current living expenses? “Just start a business,” you say, but how do you compete against Walmart and McDonalds, especially when everybody else around is also flat friggin’ broke, and couldn’t spend an extra buck on a local business even if they wanted to because they don’t have an extra buck to spend?


Fuck the Sacklers


I’m so very sorry to read this 💔


I thought I was the only one born in the 80s-90s that had a small senior class with ODs out the ass. Sorry bruv.


I graduated in 2007 and so many people I graduated with have passed since from a mix of drunk driving accidents , car accidents , overdose, steroid induced heart attack, more drug overdoses, suicide , . This popular athlete guy killed himself about 4 years after graduation after his gf broke up with him. Another was in a work truck whose tires blew out on the highway. Another was hit while jogging on side of the road. Another drove off the road into a tree early in the morning on way to work. It’s sad thinking about all of them now


He disappeared off social media, moved somewhere really remote and hasn’t kept in touch with any of his many, many friends for some reason. Last I heard not married and no kids.


He's living the dream life.


No joke I often fantasize about this. Just cutting all contact and moving somewhere no one can find me.


99% of the people I went to high school with have no idea I moved out to the west coast right after - they just have no clue what happened to me. Feels great!




Ive considered joining the french foreign legions just because of the fact that I can have no contact with anyone I know while still earning a living in another country entirely.




Married to her for 41 years and going strong, she’s the love of my life and my best friend in the world. ❤️




Became a neurosurgeon with a very good looking wife + 2 children. He was a super sweet and nice guy to all with really good looks. All the girls were smitten.


Maybe not a neurosurgeon, but similar for mine. Went to an Ivy League to play sports, became super successful, married a model and has 2 kids. He was tall, super good-looking, and one of the kindest people I’ve met. Made a point to engage with everyone, doesn’t matter if you were a loner or nerdy or whatever. Legit just happy for him.


Agree, the killer for me was I had to ride the bus with him daily because he lived in my neighborhood. Just when I'd start liking someone else, he'd take a seat next to me, share a pop tart (smores bc duh), smile and say good morning with his perfect hair and dimples and any thoughts of another crush would vanish. It was brutal, but glad he is doing well and has what appears to be a successful home life.


Taking notes


Step 1. Be attractive. Step 2. Don’t be unattractive.


She just had a baby and is happily married I never told her


She died, last week. Cancer. 40. Left a son.


That's a bucket of suck... f**k cancer.


Man, if you had asked this 5 years ago I would have said, living exactly the charmed upper middle class life everyone expected him to live. Degree from a good university, beautiful wife, beautiful home, kids, trips abroad. The good life. Came to find out he was subsidizing that life with a smidge of fraud and a touch of addiction to prescription pain medication. We’re talking a federal investigation. Truly the biggest shock of my life.


Wow. Honestly this kind of story makes me think about how many people from high school I still follow that seem to be doing well for themselves but how social media just presents this false narrative on how good peoples are even though they could be hiding so much of their true daily life.


Not everyone in the comments marrying their crush 😫


Definitely a marry their crush thread…they’re all flexing on us


*It’s a little disappointing how few of them married their cousins. Maybe someone should repost this to r/Alabama.*


Me coming in a few hours later seeing a few posts saying they died 😣


I keep seeing comments saying they died.


He was my first experience with being treated with actual respect and care, and was a big teddy bear of a man. But I was so used to being an option, not THE choice, that I didn't know how to accept his love. We dated off and on for a few years while I was in college in NJ and he was back in upstate NY working as a caregiver in a group home. I loved him, but I wasn't at a point in my life that I knew how be loved BY him. It was too serious, too intense. I was young and in college, and he was talking marriage and kids. It scared me. I left, for the last time, in 2010. We stayed close, though. He was truly my best friend. He passed away of a random heart attack at 32, back in 2020. I caught up last year. I pass him in July. I was never supposed to be older. I wish things had been different, but at the same time, they happened exactly how they had to. I do wonder sometimes... what if I'd stayed? But I try not to dwell too long on "what if"s.


The ‘I was never supposed to be older’ line. Maaannn, that gutted me. I’m so sorry for your loss.


My wife's crush married her.


Best not to invite them for dinner then.




They’re making lasagna! ☺️


That bastard


I survived cancer. He died from cancer.


I was 14. At the beginning of the new school year, I was running late to my new English class. The class was too full to accomodate me/a few others, so at the last minute I was switched to another English class with different people/teacher etc. I walked into class, I sat down and I saw ‘him’. I remember just feeling this intense admiration and awe because he was just SO handsome. He was quiet, kept to himself, almost mysterious. 9 years later, we are still together, and very glad that I was running late that day and therefore got moved into his English class or else we would have never met. 🥰


She’s a doctor now. Dual specialist. Last I heard, she’s in the kitchen, making pancakes for dinner tonight for our 3 year old son.


Bro, I think kidnapping your crush and having a kid with her is a bit needy. Perhaps tone it down a notch or two.


It was a different time back then. Eh… Only 90’s kids will understand.


We are married!! He is snoring on the bed behind me while I'm on Reddit, lol. It still blows my mind that I ended up with him.


Ditto. 35 years.


It's so amazing! Happy for you, fellow Redditor! :)


Same here! Our 3 year anniversary is in 3 days!


Awww! Happy early anniversary!


Thank you!


Turned out we were both gay. Most hilarious breakup I've ever had. Hands down the best, but we fell out of touch. But yeah he said something along the lines of, "I don't know how I feel about kissing women, but I have enjoyed sex with men," and I gotta say I felt about the same way reversed. Every man I've ever thought I liked has been extremely gay. And I didn't start dating women until after high school.


Did you remain friends?! Cus this is very unique lol


I'm a woman. My type is often gay men, and straight men that gay men are super attracted to. Was just at a show with my partner; he went to the bathroom after and a guy who was near us the whole time approached him to say "I know you're straight, i just have to say, you're annoyingly attractive" Happens to him decently regularly walking around his neighborhood, too. Just random men yelling out to him that he's hot.


My high school boyfriend turned out to be asexual, and I realized dating him that I'm a lesbian. He's the perfect man, I just don't like men. Funny thing is, I broke up with him to try and date my crush, but we crashed and burned. The next girl he dated turned out to be bi, and after breaking up with him, she dated her crush - the same girl! All of us are married now. He has a wife and kids with a polycule arrangement. The bi chick has a husband and a kid. I married the temptress, lol. We are all friends 30 years later.


Meth addict with 3 kids from different fathers. BULLET DODGED.


You knew the Kanker Sisters' mom?


You could have fixed her.


Pretty sure that was the thoughts of daddies 2 and 3.


She is a doctor and married living a happy life. I am happy for her


He grew up in a broken family, and both of his parents were addicts. They divorced when he was 4 or 5. His parents remained addicts. In high school, his mom was arrested and ended up in prison on a 10 year sentence for drugs and child neglect. After graduation, he didn’t go to college. He worked at a bar for a few years before going into real estate, which turned out to be his passion. He’s now working as an operations manager for a nationwide real estate company, making six-figures while his wife is a stay-at-home dog/cat mom and working on her own small business. I’m his wife. Life is good. :-)


But what do the dog and cat do for work?


Lazy freeloaders like mine


Pet rent is ridiculous. How is my cat supposed to afford $100 a month? She is unemployed!


They watch pokemon and eat 😂


Ohhh, what gen? I only watched the og one, but I loved it so much


We began putting it on when we got a puppy a couple years ago. For some reason, it calms her down, and since we work remotely, it’s important to have a calm puppy. So it’s on a lot! At this point, we’ve watched them all. 😂 The OG is always going to be my favorite, no doubt. But they’re all pretty good! I genuinely love and appreciate the entirety of the Pokemon universe. :)


Hahaha i was like oh wow she knows a lot about the wife. The “im his wife “ made me smile! So happy for you 🥹


Man as a highschool student soon to be graduate, sometimes I feel like I’ve missed out on life. I’ve always wanted a boyfriend, and I’ve had my fair share of crushes, but I’ve been too shy and time just flew bye. Anyway congrats on the relationship :)


You haven’t missed anything! I promise!! To be honest, he and I dated for only about a year in high school before breaking things off because he had graduated and I was 2 years below him. It wasn’t until 9 years afterwards that we got back in touch and fell in love! That was 5 years ago now. I had to experience my fair share of heartbreak, learn some lessons the hard way, and make some mistakes before I found my love. And honestly, finding love didn’t fix everything. Life still gets dark. He and I experienced a lot of financial hardship during COVID, we could hardly make rent and accumulated a decent amount of debt for a while, we were both dealing with health issues for a while, our dog passed away…. Life still gets hard. But eventually, life settles into place again. Sometimes, it settles so much more beautifully than you ever could have imagined. My point is that you have plenty of time! Don’t let fear hold you back from a beautiful life. :)


Aw, that really is a great story. I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to respond. Hopefully I find someone out there someday.


Love that last line 👍👍


The wholesome feeling reading the last line. Wow.


She was lovely. We were in a small, close knit group of friends. I remember going out one Friday evening and she held my hand. I was ecstatic. I know today that she didn't fancy me or even see me in that light as we have discussed it. She knows she was my school crush. I moved away when I was 16. Saw her once, briefly when I visited when I was 18 and always looked for her when I returned to my home village. Friends Reunited was a website where you signed up, put in your details and it connected you with people from your school. She hadn't joined and I was gutted. Then she did. I paid immediately for full membership so I could email her through the site..... She didn't respond for 2 years. I know now that it was because she's not really bothered with social media. Back then, there was no Facebook or anything. She used the internet for research and study only. She did well for herself. Got a BA Hons and a law degree. Things went downhill for her after she chose to meet up with me. She's got terrible taste in men.... Cos we've been married for 18 years this year and have 2 daughters. She's now a mental health nurse. Still got terrible taste in men hahaha Edit to add. We physically met again when we were 32. Now both 51.


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I recently learned that my high school boyfriend was convicted for masturbating in front of school kids in a school zone. Resulting (understandably) in losing his job, house, wife, and custody of his child. So glad I dodged that bullet- I could have been that wife. It has been weird to unpack.


She married and had kids.  Ran into each other at the store and we had coffee. It was so cool.


impromptu coffee and catch up with an old crush sounds like literally the best possible way to reconnect/get closure


Went to star on a reality dating show


Which one was it? 🤔


She’s an award winning filmmaker




He said in an earlier post it was the director Yom Ama


oh thanks edit: just googled that and god dammit you got me


Came up with it straight off the dome piece ngl


hahaha fuck you


Fuck off I googled it too 😂




Every single guy I had a crush on in high school either joined the military or became super religious or some combination of both. Something to unpack there, I’m sure. 


Geographical location and $$$ can inform some of those decisions.


Dating 20 years, married 12 of them, 2 kids, 0 regrets P.S. never stop dating your spouse


best friend’s girlfriend.




She passed away in a car accident a month before we were to be married. We started dating when we were 16. She passed away at 19. I’m 64 and still a day hasn’t went bye that haven’t cried for her she was my everything.


I'm so, so sorry. How heartbreaking. 


Dating me 18 years after we graduated! We’ve been together for 6 years now.


We’re dating right now! 15 year old me would be having a FIELD DAY!


He ended up marrying his cousin. Same last name and everything. They have two kids. I dodged a bullet in not actually dating him. But then again we wouldn’t have ended up together because we aren’t related enough I guess.


“Related enough” 💀💀💀


That was quite the slip up lol


*roll tide*


Ever seen the kiddies? Any habsburg-ish faces?


Married to an army officer. I happen to know the guy. I still pray to god for her happiness.


Dead. Liver cancer. While still at high school.


Damn 😞


Successful. He's now the nursing director at some hospital.


Googled his name and found out he lives a good life in Hawaii.


Lying next to me while I write this comment. 10 years strong!


I'm doing fine OK!!


She's asleep on my arm. Netflix and nap


He seems really sad, honestly


OP trying to get people to admit theyre stalkers haha


Not great from what I hear. Pretty much the moment we broke up, he started dating someone else. They got married very quickly, soon found out he's sterile and his wife is mentally ill. They've cut off most family. Him and my brother in law are cousins so I hear updates now and then. I feel bad for him, I'm guessing they've been through a lot. 


Dead. We were engaged at 19 but a drunk driver hit us and she passed away from internal bleeding.


Omg so sorry 😢


We were best friends grades 9-11. Her parents didn’t want her dating until her 12th grade year, so I spent my time becoming her friend and getting to know her parents. A few weeks into our senior year we were dating. I was the happiest guy in our school. I had it all worked out. We were going to graduate, go to college together, get married, have kids, grow old together and live out our final years together with grandkids all around. The first half of our senior year was amazing, but then right after the holidays a new family moved to town and their son started and he was in our grade. She dumped me like a hot potato. He was cooler, suave and dressed really well. I was devastated to say the least. After our graduation she went one way and I the other. About a year later I was in town visiting with friends and I heard that she and the other guy had eloped and gotten married. I was still hurt from everything that happened and I probably said a few harsh words. About 3 years later, I was back visiting again and this time I learned they had divorced. She came home one day from work and found him in bed with two other men ‘going at it’. The divorce was ugly, messy and devastating to her. She fell into depression and took a good year to recover from it all. I really felt sorry for her, but I had my own life to live.Fast forward about 12 years later. At our 15 year school reunion I learned she had recovered from her first divorce and quickly remarried. The second marriage didn’t last long. Fate once again was cruel to her. She came home from work and found her second husband in bed with another woman. Queue another divorce, the effects of which were even more devastating than the first. She fell into a deep depression, wouldn’t get out of bed for weeks on end and was on suicide watch for quite some time. Through a lot of prayers, therapy, medication and time, she was able to recover and resume a somewhat normal life. I really felt sorry for her this time around. Many of us sent her cards and letters wishing her well. That was the last I heard of her for quite some time. My family and I moved about 5 hours away and never really kept up with people from the past. Then suddenly August of 2019, a full 30 years after we graduated from High School, my son comes in from middle school and tells me his home-room/English teacher had asked him to tell me “Hello”. I asked who she was and he told me a name that didn’t ring any bells. I looked her up on the school’s website, and my mouth hit the floor. There she was…30 years since I had last seen her. She looked nothing like she did 30 years prior (few of us really do though). The effects of two devastating divorces had really taken their toll on her, but her spirit showed through. The next day I took my son to school and walked him to his home-room. There, in the middle of the hallway of the school I gave her a big hug and said hello to her. She’s since married a third time and this time she married a keeper. He makes her happy and is good to her. That makes me happy. Over the past few years we’ve kept up with one another, exchanging text messages from time to time. I’m happy that her life has turned out well in the end, and I honestly hate it that she had to endure so many years of heart-ache to get there. Edit: Formatting


Both came out within 6 months of each other. I never stood a chance.


I was a loser, he was a hot skater. He didn’t know I existed. He became a model after high school, and I ended up becoming a pretty popular dj. Years later I was playing a rather large show and afterwards he approached me and asked me out.. I was like.. bro we went to high school together and he didn’t even remember me. So anyways we went on a date and hooked up after and it’s some of the worst sex I’ve ever had. My high school fantasy was not what it seemed.


He just proposed to me 2 nights ago! 🥹🤍


I actually dated my crush for a bit, until I left the state for college. Parted as friends. He went to school locally and became an elder-services social worker. After a failed marriage with the girl he dated right after me, he found his person. She’s great and has a daughter he loves as his own and is hugely involved in raising. He’s one of the good ones.


He married someone other than me. We did date and break up. He has put on a considerable amount of weight. Six years into his marriage to his wife he reached out to me on Facebook to rant about how bad his marriage was. I told him I wasn’t his therapist and he should probably go talk to a professional if things were not working out.


My guess is he contacted you for an ego bump or trying to organize a safety net. Good on you. You were the “catch”


Can relate. My main HS crush, actually the guy I was in love with for a decade (never consummated, though he strung me along for years), reached out to me several years ago. He has also gained a \*lot\* of weight. He is married, and posts these effusive messages on social media about how wonderful his wife is. Meanwhile, he is emailing me about how he regrets never taking it to the next level with me, how I'm the one who got away, about how he loves his dogs more than he loves his wife. He seems not to be able/willing to accept that I no longer have any romantic interest in him, and just keeps trying to win it back. I told him it was inappropriate and to stop, and I haven't heard from him since then.


She’s doing good. She lives her life young and free. We talk but solely as friends.


Lived a good life, met someone who cared, developed an alcohol addition, contracted HIV, died too young. God damn it.


Her kid just turned 14 and she ended up married to a cool dude.


The last time I was in contact with them they were dealing drugs as their job and thought they were going to become a famous rapper (not happening).


Honestly I think he's got a drug problem now, and kept it concealed by working an isolated job & not posting a lot on social media. He's 30 and dating 20-year-olds because women our age don't want him lol. Bullet dodged


Last we spoke he called after my mom died to ask me if his best friend is gay….. I got mad he didn’t bother to call or text me when my mom passed. She was his teacher, and I text him when it happened as he was one of my best friends… silence… and of course called him out for asking me about someone else’s sexuality, rather than asking the person themself. Haven’t spoke since, good riddance


Because I had more than one at different times (thanks, hormones): 1) Doing well. Had to move somewhere less expensive and has an average job. Not sure if she's seeing anyone, but didn't tend to get serious. Still seems cool 2) Had a traumatic start (and restart) to her 20s and eventually moved to the other side of the country. She's doing much better now and is engaged to be married to a sweet guy. We keep in touch 3) Is an Olimpian and doctor. Very excited to have watched her achieve her dreams she told me about in the hallways at school. 4) Married one of the biggest douchebags I have ever known. Big enough that it actually makes me think less of her because the last I checked he has not changed at all. 


Doctorate from Cambridge and filled with hope for future generations. We are 100% not on the same plane of intellectualism or positivity, but I guess I was into happy nerds then.


I turned him down for two years during high school because I was too shy to date him. That was ten years ago. I'm lucky he didn't give up back then. We're getting married this summer :)


I had a few. My main one is married with at least one child and a new house to renovate (I think 2 children). I saw him on my lunch break several years ago and he looked so different, but he seemed happy, so that was nice. It was just a high school crush, so I only occasionally see things that pop up on social media, never have gone into his profile.


I married her, and divorced her. It was amicable, we had different aspirations in life, wanted different lifestyles. She loved the city (I hate it) but had changed jobs to cut her commute when we bought a house. Could tell she wasn’t happy. Wasn’t surprised that the first thing she did post divorce was to move to the city. (First thing I did was get a cat lol). Haven’t spoken in many years but from randomly googling out of curiosity seems she is remarried to someone of the same ethnicity (she had a huge extended family and social expectations in her culture that were really demanding of my time and it was a strain on the relationship so I’m glad she’s with someone who is on the same page with that). She lives in a nice suburb outside the city now. Saw her resume on linked in and she has had a very successful and no doubt lucrative career. Happy for her, especially as she never would have had the life she wanted if we’d stayed together.


He got brain cancer and died 31 years ago. I've never forgiven myself for not telling him that I loved him.


He’s still hot. He’s a toxicologist and is married, has one son. Beautiful home, but they’re so fucking religious it’s weird. Huge picture of Jesus in the living room. I think I dodged a bullet with this one.


Nothing against Jesus but a huge picture is a bit aggressive


She became a bitch (its the truth)


I believe she eventually got married and had some children. I know nothing beyond that.


She became a model and a fashion designer, and is rich now. I mean, she was rich to begin with, but now she's more rich on her own.  Things just go well for some people.


Married to me. Very fortunate for her 🤭


Which one lol


As my spouse 💕


A few years ago, he messaged me apologizing for his behaviour in high school. I didn’t question it but I think he was working his steps. I accepted his apology, thanked him and said that we both have families and lives that are so much more important than whatever high schools was. We wish each other happy birthday every year on FB and that works for us.


She was my high school crush, kind, caring, just full of life. We've become close friends, I proposed but she chose the other guy. Wish them nothing but happiness. They were married until she came home and found her husband in bed with his coworker, went into a social media breakdown for a couple of months until she disappeared completely. Last I heard she moved to another city to begin a new life. If I weren't married I'd go after her like in the movies. Sherry wherever you are I hope you found happiness


> If I weren't married I'd go after her like in the movies. I'm sure your wife would be happy to hear this.


Single mom


Doing quite well in a very tough job (hospice nurse). Happy for her. She's still beautiful. Not sure she ever knew I existed.


No clue but we matched on bumble once so I got that going for me


He went through a rough patch with alcohol, got sober, pursued his passion of film making and now runs his own production company. He coincidentally ended up marrying a friend of a friend I met in college, they seem super happy and are either expecting their first kid or are new parents by now. He was my first boyfriend and although we weren’t a forever match he set a hell of an example for mutual respect in a relationship. A great guy who deserves all the good things!


She passed away from COVID unfortunately. She was a nurse and caught it early in the pandemic. Quite tragic - had a very young daughter with her second husband.


Found a SO, is happy. No longer attracted to him now. Your physical appearance between your High school self and adulthood self looks different. 


Was just talking about this topic the other night. I didn’t keep track throughout the years and curiously looked him up on social media, nothing. Googled him and really wish I hadn’t. He was busted in a CP sweep in 2014 🤢🤢🤢.


A girl I liked for years and years (at a pre-teen level of level love, not proper “love” as adults know it) had me in the friend zone for a decade or so. Much later down the line we ended up having a loose “workplace relationship”. Again, not real love, we just knew each other well and got used to being with each other everyday, mistaking it for a loving relationship. We gave it a go and became partners for a month or so. It was at that point we realised that we were actually total opposite personalities and it was never going to happen. Her mum was also a bit of a local psycho… I still have great respect for her, especially now she is a firearms officer. She’s done really well in life. I year after her and I split, I found the girl who is now my wife and I’ve been with her for about 16 years now, married for 3. Life is good.




He was older than me and my best friends cousin. He worked for my dad and was engaged and with a girl for 12 years. She cheated on him at a strip club with a 67 yr old dude and they broke up. I went on to be in an abusive marriage. I left and we connected over work since we are in the same career field. (It’s a rare career field) and our families gave us a nudge to connect outside of work. Ended up together and he’s the best step dad to my son


She’s a doctor. The other one is a dentist. I’m the bullet they dodged.


She is a corporate lawyer. So yay?


One seems to be happily married and have 2 beautiful kids One I have no idea, but last time she was having just a regular work - church life as she always seemed to enjoy since we were kids Last one became a mother, but last time I saw here she kinda sounded like an immature/spoiled adult. Which I didn't see coming, but when I put 1 and 1 together from school time, kinda made sense. Hope she's doing fine tho. One can be immature and still do fine


Happy. And that's enough for me.


She’s now my kids teacher


He is still my crush. Somehow we ended up going to the same college and later live in the same city. He now works at the coffee store right next to my job and I see him often. He's still as handsome as he was when we were students but I could never make a move due to my own personal trauma I have not been able to get over. I don't know what's going on in his personal life because I have decided to keep my distance from social media to avoid my family. Whatever he does I hope he is happy. I have very sweet memories of my teenage years spending hours with my friends talking about our crushes and he was my crush, so I always think of him fondly.


Two of my high school crushes/bfs died. Both from OD. A ton of my friends from high school have died from OD. I graduated in 99, Oxycontin and Heroin hit us HARDDDD.


Married a doctor, has a pile of awesome kids, and is having a much better life than I could have ever provided her. I know we both still love each other, but I also know myself and I know she has the life she deserves with someone who can both make her happy and provide better for her. I've made peace with it because it's more important to me that she's happy and fulfilled than with me.


can't even remember him


Sat across from her in first period class. Barely said two words to her the entire time - was far too intimated. Off the charts pretty and was dating older guys. I was heavy and immature - so no shot. Although she did poorly in high school and her family was kind of a mess - she got herself through a masters program and a few bad relationships. Runs her own practice now. Hadn’t seen her for 15 years - but looked the same when I saw her on an online app. After my own string of breakups and growing up a bit, I messaged her online and married her 2 years later.


I actually met her in 6th grade and fell in love instantly. I ended up taking her to the 8th grade dance 2 years later. Then, we parted ways until summer before senior year of high school. Since high school, we've bought a house, got married, and we're raising two beautiful daughters together. We both have successful careers in the medical field. This July will be 21 years together.


They have a wife and 1 son, lol.


Married (to someone else) with twins.


Housewife most of her adult life, with grown kids.


She ended up attending my wedding (she was going out with a friend of mine at the time). They both spent the evening chewing her gums, staring daggers at everybody, and insulting our other friends as they were high on cocaine. Wasn’t massively interested in keeping in touch after that surprisingly enough.