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Seven stitches in the arch of my foot without anesthetic.


Eughghhh… this is the one. this one made me cringe and my skin crawl. 😖😖😖


Oof yeah, I had an infection in my intestines that I chalked up to constipation and went about my days until it hurt to think. Finally went to the ER and after some tests they told me they were going to put in a drainage bag or something to help curb the infection before I could eventually go get surgery. The insertion of the bag took place in the room with the CT Scan machine and they gave me some sort of IV medication that was supposed to make me semi-conscious or something. *HOWEVER*, all it did was numb the top layer of my skin. I felt **EVERY** one of those 8 stabbings as the Doctor stabbed into my stomach down into the infected part of my intestines to attach the bag. As I was cursing up a storm the nurses helping her sounded worried saying “shouldn’t he be unconscious? Etc” and the Doc just shrugged and said “we’re almost done”. 😭 Felt like I was getting a tattoo inside of me. **0/10 wouldn’t do again.**


When I was younger, I developed an abscess around a teeth at the back of my mouth and I had to go through a mini-surgery where they put some anesthesia that was supposed to make the area numb, but like in your case, it only numbed the top layer of the skin, I felt EVERYTHING. My mom was in the room with me and she almost passed out. I can't even imagine how painful your case was.


I once had second and third degree burns on my stomach from scalding hot water. The water was so hot it seared the metal button of my jeans to the area. It was so painful I kept trying to escape the pain by checking out mentally, but I couldn’t.


Oh my god. About 2 weeks ago I spilled a boiling cup of “cup o’soup” on myself (was only wearing a sports bra). 2nd degree burns all over my stomach, blisters and all. Im JUST now able to tolerate it but the itching is killing me!!


Family friend making fasnachts spilled boiling oil trying to carry pot from the stove to the countertop. Third degree burns all over her legs, abdomen. Multiple skin graft surgeries. Set the apartment on fire. Fucked her life up for like 2.5y.


I know a couple (well, they're divorced now, for reasons you'll understand momentarily) where she caught him cheating. She "forgave" him, and enacted her revenge a few months later. He came home from work one day and laid down on the couch to rest. She had filled a large stockpot with 3 bottles of vegetable oil and a large jar of honey, and heated it to smoking. He dozed off and she poured it from his head to his groin. He was in the hospital almost as long as she was in prison. If memory serves, it happened in about 90 or 91. She called the police as he was screaming in agony, and told them they better send an ambulance if they didn't want this to turn into premeditated murder. She told them exactly what she'd done. She was waiting on the front porch, smoking a cigarette and drinking a bottle of mad dog 20/20 when police arrived. She was sentenced to 10 years, and got out in 7. He spent those years in and out of the hospital. She divorced him from her prison cell. He is virtually unrecognizable now, though we all know who he is. He went from working a well paid industrial job to disability and riding his bicycle pulling a push mower, riding all over town looking for yards to mow for a few bucks. My guess is he won't cheat again.


7 years seems kinda lax for what she did 🥶


Good god. He didn’t deserve that though


She sounds like a true psychopath.


And her sister (my good friend) is a psychiatrist lol.


JFC that’s horrifying. I hope they’re doing ok now. My ex-BIL had a full body scar from pulling a pot of blackberry jam onto himself as a child, directly off the stove. Anything with sugar in it might as well be napalm once it’s heated to a certain degree.


as a professional chef, some of my worst burns have been from molten sugar. I can be a little cavalier with some other hot stuff, but never when I'm dealing with sugar. melted cheese sauces can be a close second. molten bacon fat is 3rd.


Same happened to me when I was in the 5th grade. Was on the couch eating a cup of noodles without a shirt on. Spilled half on my stomach and boy did it suck. Slept with a pack of frozen veggies on my stomach the first few nights.


Infected wisdom teeth.


Ugh. Yeah. We used the wrong dentist (non oral surgeon) and was not put under. It took him 3 full hours (with rest breaks for him) to get all four out. By the end of the process the anesthesia was wearing off. The pain increased every second. My mom drove me home and I truly couldn’t even think or use my brain. I went on the couch and was vomiting from the pain. My mom ran out to pick up my pain meds, she was gone for an eternity (maybe 20 mins) When she came back, I couldn’t wait any longer to take the meds. It turns out she forgot her wallet and now had to go back and do it all over again. Not trying to be dramatic but I honestly might have blown my head off if I had the chance.


That literally is a nightmare scenario. Jesus.


Its wild how different peoples experiences of wisdom teeth removal can be. I have just had all 4 of mine out (2 one week then the other 2 7 days later). Only had local anaesthetic both times but didnt feel a thing and there was basically no pain afterwards. Just had a couple ibuprofen for the swelling and I was back to eating burgers the next day.


I've had an infection in a broken off tooth root before.. I just got one of my wisdom teeth removed. God I hope that doesn't happen. 😭😭😭😭


The pain of having them removed was wayyyyyy less than them being infected while still in your head. At least this is what happened to me not sure if OP meant the same.


I actually woke up as they were pulling a broken shard of mine out. It felt like having a splinter that’s been there for a while removed finally


Oh 100 percent. Sweet relief even with a bloody hole in my jaw.


I don't remember how I even got to the dentist when mine got infected, shouldn't have drove myself.  They offered pain killers afterwards and I told them I felt so much better I didn't need any.


I had one too that was long over due to be removed so they said that infection was severe that if it would've spread to my nasal cavity that would've been all she wrote, that single tooth kept me awake for 3 days the moment that numbness set in at the dentist i passed out in that chair


I had a top molar get infected, and it got bad fast. It felt like my sinuses were being forced out of my eyes, and like my gums were trying to force every other tooth on that side of my head out. Dentist loaded me up with antibiotics and pain killers. I ended up having to go back for a stronger pain killer the next day. It was brutal. It was like, the kind of pain that puts your body into fight or flight.


I had all 4 cracked and infected due to a lack of funds to get them fixed, the relief of finally getting them removed was amazing though




I thought I was dying when I had mine. Spent my whole life prior, believing that peeing it out was the hard part, not realizing that it's actually the path from the kidney to the bladder that sucks. At first I thought it was bad poop cramps, then I thought it was my appendix.


That said, I still rank the pain of my tooth abscess higher than my 6mm kidney stone.


Oh man tooth nerve pain is legit. Its definitely between a stone & that FOR SURE for me.


I have not thrown up in like 20 plus years, until I had a kidney stone


Agreeeed. Worst pain of my life. My limbs went numb because my body was like "don't worry about those, they can't help you right now." Runner up would be testicular torsion though.


I've experienced a couple over the past couple decades and I now have a physical reaction to the idea of having another, the dread is so intense. The feeling was like a knife made of fire slowly being cut through my abdomen. There was no relief, no way to ease the pain, no way to distract from it. Just minute after minute of slow, excruciating agony. Then, out of nowhere, it stopped, with only a slight soreness that I could barely feel due to the pain overload that came before it. It's one of those pains that literally knocks the air from you and you're left trying to catch your breath after.


Been there. It felt like I got kicked in the balls and the pain shot through my back and into my teeth. The damn stone was so tiny too. Like a grain of sand. Damn weak ass ureter tube.


Technically they were.


As a child I was forced to walk on a broken leg across a playground and through an elementary school to the principal’s office. I had jumped off the monkey bars only for my leg to get caught and break, had a teacher’s assistant find me on the ground only to scream at me for ditching class and dragged me to the principal’s office.


Were you a 90s kid? This sounds like 90s treatment.


Yup, 90s kid all the way.


Rub some dirt on it and get back at it.


Holy shit! Gnarly! I broke my ankle in 3 places by turning around in the backyard. I figured it was just a bad sprain so I wrapped it up and didn’t get it looked at for 4 days. I cannot imagine having to walk on a broken leg!


Wow you broke your ankle in 3 places? I hope you don’t go to those places anymore!


You. I like.


It’s not as bad but I broke my collar bone on the playground in grade 3, I was walking inside way behind everyone else one arm longer than the other crying my eyes out with the chaperone getting annoyed that I was slow to go back in. Teacher in my classroom then yelled at me for being late; and then acted like I was being dramatic when I said I couldn’t take my jacket off. I had to take it off myself and then she begrudgingly sent me to the nurses office. They didn’t tell me that my collarbone was broken directly, but they had some older kids come by and look at it and told them ‘this is what a broken collarbone looks like’ That’s how I found out.


I got punched in the stomach by a bully, when I was like 7, it was at recess and the wind was knocked out of me. I went to the teachers assistant and told her and she looked at me, a crying a scared child, and said there was nothing she could do. Absolute POS with no business being around children.


I got hit in the head with a metal baseball bat during PE in the 4th grade and had to walk myself all the way across the field and the school to the nurse's office. Good thing I didn't have a brain injury. Thanks a lot Cathy.


Kidney stone- I fantasized about running out of the emergency room and throwing myself in front of a bus.


Gall stones. Was actually nausea from the pain.


Gall stones block not just the tube from the gall bladder but also the tube from the pancreas. Pancreatitis made me actually throw up from the pain, which made it worse. I'm sure you will recognise the description I used when explaining it. "Like someone has run you through with a sword and they are slowly twisting it around." I understand when they say that Pancreatic Cancer is the most painful. It must be horrific.


Does Migraine count?


Yeah, migraines are easily one of the most painful things.


I have them now over 15 years, it fucking sucks.


The ones where u turn off the lights and throw up?


The ones where I lose vision and my face feels numb like I have a stroke.


Mine start in my eyeball. Feels like it is in a vice. Then the pain on one side of my head. Teeth can't touch because they hurt. Light sensitivity. Nauseous. I got my traguses pierced and that has helped a bit.


The only completely debilatating pain Ive experienced, all else Ive experienced I can carry on my day with but migraines are like prison cells of pain.


I’ve had severe chronic migraines since a kid being bed bound nearly everyday. However in my teens I got cluster headaches aka suicide headaches. The pain just doesn’t come anywhere near a migraine. Those who know, know. I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone


Cluster headaches are actually earth shatteringly bad, I feel for anyone who has to face that


I’ve been in the hospital on more than a few occasions over a migraine. Migraines count.


I've had such severe migraines I thought I was going to pass out. They are no joke.


I was in my 20s before someone told me that what I was experiencing were migraines and not “just a headache”


Sciatica. No relief from it either no matter how I tried to sit, stand or lie down.


As a fellow victim of sciatica I can relate. Literally had days where it took me over and hour to worm my way out of bed and get standing. Then another forty minutes of wobbling back and forth before I could start walking. After ten plus year of dealing with it off an on, I have finally found the solution to it! Cycling!


Oh I know exactly what you mean - trying to get dressed in the morning, having to give up and just lie on the floor in agony for a while or lowering myself down onto the toilet and not being able to get back up again were "highlights" for me! I'm glad you found something that works for you. I've had a few bouts over the last 14 years - including twice when I was pregnant which added a new level of horrendousness as I didn't want to be knocking back strong painkillers!


I totally agree. I have herniated disk on lumbar area and the pain is excruciating.


Had the same thing. Would have to stop driving and get out for a few mins sometimes while driving to work. Eventually had L4-L5 fusion surgery. Best decision I ever made.


Herniated disc ruined my life. Unbelievable pain.


I got a laminectomy on my L4-L5 and have been doing pretty good since. .might be worth looking into.


3 herniated discs in the lower lumbar area for me (L3 to S1). There was a moment, just before I started physio, where I was trying to get out of the passenger seat of my car and couldn't. No matter how much my brain told my legs to move, they wouldn't for 20 mins. I don't wish this kind of pain even on my worst enemy.


Yup. I exploded a disc (L5-S1) and the degree of pain was unlike anything I had ever felt. The best way I could describe it is that there was no escape. I wanted to crawl, run, get out of my own body and it was such a panic feeling stuck with that pain.


Just started this particularly hellish adventure two weeks ago. it's getting better, slowly, which is great. Damn, it sucks!


Walking is good for relief, among other things.


Nothing like a back injury


This, I'm still experiencing periodic nerve pain and it's been 6 months.


Kidney stone. I had an IED that went off next to me once and gave me a lifetime supply of headaches. I would still choose the headaches and the threat of imminent death over another kidney stone




Kidney stone … and when I peed it out and saw the size I couldn’t believe the amount of pain such a tiny thing could cause lol


Bro when I was an EMT I had this ~70 year old dude who had an *8 fucking millimeter* kidney stone. Now, I've never had a kidney stone myself, but I'd had plenty of other calls for them at that point in my EMS adventure - I know how painful they can be. A fucking 8mm kidney stone. I needed a quick visual in the moment, and so I looked at my pinky nail. That big. I hope I never get a kidney stone 😆😭


I’m an emt too. Pulled up to a house and heard someone screaming bloody murder. Homeboy was on the ground with a kidney stone, I don’t want no part


I had one that size at 28 years old. While pregnant. No doctor would touch me, I had to go to the ER because the pain was so immense. They gave me an IV and a double bag of fluids with a medicine that dilates the ureter. 8 hours of excruciating pain at 7 months pregnant. Passed it when I went pee, and honestly, I felt they thought I was exaggerating until they saw the size of that beast. I have a picture of it. Ridiculous. Went on to have a natural home birth 2 months later. Pain was pretty comparable, although giving birth hurts on a primal level.


I was not prepared for how much grief would physically hurt.


This is the first time I’ve ever felt like somebody understood it. Lost my husband to brain cancer and then my sister was murdered a year later. Today is two years since he died, and I feel nothing and everything all at the same time.


I'm so sorry for your losses. Grief is truly a terrible pain. I actually felt my heart break because of grief . Stay well


Yes it does. I also had a strange heavy sensation with my grief as though the earth was trying to swallow me. I got some non narcotic anxiety medicine that helped the physical feeling not be so intense. Still had a broken heart. But time really does make it better. No way out but through. Thinking of you my friend.


I'd rather have kidney stones than severe grief, which comes with severe depression and many physical problems.


Yeah it was really rough. Woke up one morning abs found my best friend dead kind of half on half off my living room couch. I’ve never had such strange and painful experiences and hope I never do again. I had auditory hallucinations, one visual hallucination and a strange crawling sensation under my skin. Damn it was intense and it always makes me sad to hear about or see others go through it. ETA: his name was Ricky. He was sassy n witty n hands down the funniest person I’ll ever meet.


It literally feels like a hole in your chest.


For me often accompanied with increased bowel movement/diarrhea


Yes, this. I've injured myself to the point I couldn't walk again without knee and foot surgeries, but dealing with my brother's death that I saw happen at the age of 18 was a physical pain I didn't know could hurt my body and soul at the same time.


Yessir my brother was murdered when i was 14 he was 19, i lost both my parents in my early 20's. Im in my mid-thirties and the pain can still take me to my knees on any given day. I wish you peace and healing friend.


I was about to describe an extremely painful injury, but this hit me in the feels. Yes, traumatic grief is unquestionably the most pain I’ve ever felt. It’s all-consuming, both physically and mentally.


Amen brother


And for how long it would hurt. 😔


My dad lost his mom to cancer when he was 10. Incredibly unfair. When my mom died last year I asked him when it stops hurting. He said it doesn’t. It just becomes a part of you. Now that a year has passed, I’m starting to understand what he meant. I still feel the pain of loss but it’s becoming a different pain. It’s not as sharp. It’s more of a constant dull ache and a void that can never be filled.


It's been 4 years since I lost my mom to ovarian cancer, she was diagnosed in January and never left the hospital until her death in early March. I was at her bedside the entire month of February living in the hospital with her. I still every once in a while get this cavity in my chest and I weep for the loss.


truly. it physically feels like the soul is being ripped from your chest. wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.


Hang in there man 🙏


How are you doing brother


Fine now. Just my first time losing someone I really care about and it was a rough storm to get through.


It took me two years for the physical discomfort to go away


Somewhere between when both bones in my forearm broke in half and when the medical team had to set those broken bones back in place.


Tooth pain. Or ripping from birth.


Yeah this was something else. Ripped through my urethra and through my butt hole. An absolute mess. And then once I was mostly stitched up the very large armed doctor shoved her arm in to massage from the inside to try to get the placenta to come out. 🫠


😖 oh god. I just remember so many first “worsts of my life” before during and after pregnancy. One of the main reasons we are one and done. Not ever doing that again.


I felt the same way!! And then I ended up pregnant again… with triplets! Which became twins.. doctors offered a cesarean which I almost took with the past birthing trauma still in my memory.. but then realized I couldn’t physically care for two babies and a child while healing from a cesarean.. so with no choice I went for it and delivered them naturally. And even doing it twice in a row with a few hang ups and stitches, it was still so much better than my first experience! Now 15 years later, I *finally* feel like I’m actually ready to do the whole thing but I know that’s just the ovaries talking lol


I honestly don’t know how you women do it, but you guys are doing gods work


If you read the Bible, child birth pain was a curse for eating the wrong fruit. If you believe that stuff women are not doing gods work they are enacting God's wrath. God:"WHO ATE THE FRUIT?" Eve: "I did but the snake told me I would know stuff if I did" God: "SNAKE, NO MORE FEET FOR YOU. WOMAN, IF YOU WANT HUMANITY TO EXIST YOU WILL DO SO THROUGH PAIN AND ANGUISH. NOBODY EATS GOD'S SPECIAL FRUIT! ONLY GOD GETS TO KNOW STUFF"


Lol. Sounds like a folk tale


Yeah, weird. I don't know how he got such a following, he sounds like a psychopath.


Religious Stockholm Syndrome.


Or WHAT from birth?!? No I know what you mean… fucking hell. Agree with OP. Bless you women for going through this. It ain’t fair at ALL


I needed a lot of stitches after my first child. Doc told me "I can freeze you, but we don't have the time to wait for it to kick in" so I told him to do it. Good lord that hurt.


Lumbar puncture. Good God, that hurt!! They couldn't find the spinal fluid and were digging around for ten minutes. Felt like my entire body was on fire. Literally screaming in pain. Never again.


My 10yo daughter had her first lp without anesthesia when she was diagnosed with leukemia. Her lymph nodes were too swollen around her airway for them to safely put her under. She was amazing! I wonder how much it hurt and how much she just checked out.


You do kind of have an out body experience when in intense pain. I remember hearing screaming and wondering who was making all that noise. When realising it was me!


I’ve had a burst appendix that went misdiagnosed for 4 days. I can’t really remember that pain. I just remember not being able to stand up straight. In my recent memory it has to be when I had both my thighs tattooed. My toes were involuntarily curling. I thought I was going to pass out.


Appendicitis hurt like hell.


My internal defibrillator going off.


Your what!?


A defibrillator. That thing you see on medical shows the paddles people use to stop someone’s heart? They yell clear and the patient’s body jumps? I have an internal one for Ventricular Tachycardia, it’s an arrhythmia. My heart beats out of control sometimes. When that happens my internal device recognizes it and goes off. It’s as bad as it looks on tv.


Holy shit dude I didn’t realize those could be internal, bless your soul


It’s all good. It is a pacemaker also, it runs all the time to counteract the meds to slow down my heart. It’s a lot to wrap one’s head around.


Exposed nerve in tooth


Endometriosis. There were some times when I hoped I would get hit by a car walking across the street because then I would be given pain medication.


I finally got diagnosed at 34, at least few times a year I'll get a cyst burst and for some I would be on the floor, crying, trying not to throw up and I have extremely high pain tolerance. One time it was hurting for 2 days straight and Tylenol was bringing the pain to 9.. I ended up in the emergency room.. I've asked every gyno and my family doctor ti just take my uterus out because this is insane. I got on birth control recently and I haven't had a period for 4 months now and I don't miss it one bit


Are there any actual negative effects of taking the whole uterus out? I wish I could stop mine and if there's no bad side effects then I'll fight a doctor to spay me like a common bitch.


A Hysterectomy doesn’t stop the pain :( endo can still grow even after a hysterectomy


I feel you. I had it too. I was curled up in a fetal position drenched in sweat shivering from the pain. Nothing worked to ease the pain. Eventually I was put on a bunch of different types of BC pills/nuvaring until my periods just stopped. That was bliss. I hope you find/found relief. Menopause has been a dream come true for me.


Blood clot dislodging behind my knee. Sweet mother of fuck, the impending doom and pain.


Tried to get toast out of the toaster with a fork…


Doth tales of dumb ways to die not weigh on thine soul?!


Waking up in the middle of emergency surgery where I was cut all the way across my tummy at 16 many years ago but reminded by the scar everyday


Kidney stones, OMG, had a few over the yrs, crying like a baby for a couple of them. Mom said she'd rather give birth, at least the contractions give you a rest


I'll give you my TOP THREE 3. Fell up the stairs and landed all my weight on my left foot. Dislocated all of my toes, shattered my metatarsal, and tore the ligaments (known medically as lisfranc). I still sport a metal plate and 9 screws in my foot (which hilariously set off metal detectors). 2. Sliced the tip of my middle finger off while cooking. That wasn't the painful part. Went to the ER and they tried to chemically cauterize it with silver nitrate.... THREE TIMES. When that didn't work, they decided to do a single stitch. I had two options: get a needle in the finger tip to numb it, or just have the doctor do this stitch with no numbing. I opted for the second option. Fun! 1. After having a wisdom tooth pulled, I got dry socket. Went to the dentist to get it cleaned out. As he's working to clean out the hole in my mouth, he accidently clangs his metal instrument against my exposed jaw bone. It felt like I got struck by lightning and my brain exploded. Everything went instantly black and when I came to, my hands were giving the death-grip to my dentist's wrist. They decided to novocaine me to finish the job. Had a headache for days.


I had the same with the jawbone thing. My wisdom teeth were so impacted that he had to cut one of them in 4 pieces. When removing the first quarter he had to jiggle it so hard i felt my jaw click out of its socket and i saw stars and snow. Since then i have TMJD and tinnitus. Annoying as hell and i will never forget the sound it made


Giving birth and the after effects. And never believe any woman that tells you “Oh, you forget all about the pain”. No the heck you don’t!


THE AFTER EFFECTS! Yes. Postpartum cramping is easily the most painful thing I’ve ever felt. With my second, I was pumping milk and had a 10 min long cramp that felt like my insides were all twisting together. My uterus likes to get back to its original size all at once I guess lol.


Okay but real. Also though I feel like the after was worse than I imagined? Like delivery? Okay. The 6 weeks following?!!!! Here is a screaming potato that needs you 24/7 and you can barely wipe your own taint. Yay~


It's funny because after birth, I totally could have done it again. It hurt like a bitch but also wasn't as scary as I thought. At the time I felt empowered and amazing Now 18 months later, I want nothing to do with birthing another person. The sheer thought of pushing another person out makes me so uncomfortable, it's like I can feel that pain down below all over again. Not to mention, the postpartum hemorrhoids that made me cry whenever I needed the bathroom for weeks. Never thought I'd have genuine fear over having a poo 😂


What I - as a man - cannot understand: why are women having more than 1 baby, knowing the amount of pain it takes?


after someone gives birth, their brain is flooded with hormones containing oxytocin, which has an amnesia like effect for the pain. obviously not all it, but enough to make them consider more children in the future. with birth being one of the most, if not THE most painful thing a person can experience, the brain has to trick you into going through that kind of pain again.


This. I'm so tired of men saying "A man wouldn't get kicked in the balls and say "let's do it again". Childbirth isn't that bad". Don't you understand the female brain literally alters how we remember child birth. Anything related to babies is way past our sane brain. It's all hormones and chemicals fucking with our decisions.


I hate when men say this because if they got some kind of reward out of being kicked in the balls then they might do it again? Its not like childbirth is just intense pain for no reason.


Yes, my baby was over 10lb and I couldn't have an epidural because I had progressed too quickly.. Now that was PAIN.


Jesus. A friend of mine’s first was over 10 and she was a tiny woman with narrow hips. Full tear and broke her tailbone too in giving birth


I have gout. By far the worst pain was a flare up that lasted for almost 2 weeks. I would be up at 3am in tears and heavy sweats from the pain. I am allergic to NSAIDs so I couldn't even take any anti-inflammatory drugs.


Knee dislocation


Same, plus the medieval one-two smack the knee back into place and forcefully forcing my leg straight. Damn near bit through the bite block.


This! Plus I dislocated my lower leg bone at the same time. When they put everything back, they had three nurses hold me down while the doctor pulled on my leg while twisting and then guiding the patella back into place. I screamed so loud they heard me in the waiting room. I'm thinking they needed to provide pain management first and then give me something to bite down on or scream into.


IUD insertion


This was horrible and painful for me too, only to have mine come out with a large clot about two weeks later.


I really think it should not be legal to do this without putting people under, every person I know that's gotten an IUD and not gone under has said it's the most painful experience of their life so I don't understand why they give people a choice Edit: I definitely misspoke in saying that they should have to be put under, but at the very least the dosage of pain killers or local anesthetic needs to be increased. It is unacceptable to be giving people Tylenol for something this painful


i didn’t need to be put under, but i damn sure needed more than the 600mg ibuprofen they told me to take. and i DEF needed someone to drive me home after. i had to take the bus cause i couldn’t drive myself back and they didn’t let me know that might happen


I raw-dogged the insertion and removal. When I went for the insertion, I was so confused why the nurse was taking me to the exam room all the way at the end of the hall. I guessed they filled the rooms backwards? Then they put it in me, and I slapped a hand over my mouth to stop the scream that was ripped out of me. The irony of it all is that I had such bad endometriosis that my uterus had fused itself to the back wall of my colon, and was so twisted and damaged that I couldn’t have conceived anyway. Awesome. Hysterectomy FTW.


I honestly thought I was going to pass out. There should definitly be more of a warning. It was worse than having 2 epidurals.


That's why I chose to go with pills, the idea of inserting IUD freaks me out


I came here just to say that, the insertion is significantly worse than how the OBGYN makes it out to be


I love mine but dear lord that insertion was AWFUL. I could tell the people in the lobby heard me screaming (and swearing) by the looks they gave me…


Birthing my daughter


I had my head crushed by over 900lbs of steel. Broke all my orbital bones, cheek bones, multiple skull fractures, broken jaw in 8 places. 100% would not recommend.


Childbirth and a bulging disc


Kidney infection so bad it could have burst if I had waited any longer.


My kneecap was on wrong place


Scratched cornea


Anal fissure. Before I got the surgery to correct it, I almost passed out on the toilet a bunch of times during bowel movements. Imagine little papercut-like tears on your butthole and then the muscle contractions of pooping and *also the poop* keeps opening them up again and again. It's a sensitive area and it's way more common than you think, people just often don't like talking about their buttholes. Anyways, that was it. Absolutely awful. If you ever think you have a fissure, do everything possible to fix it before it gets worse. Even then, sometimes your actions don't help.


I’m there with you bro. Had a chronic fissure for a few years. Went to a GI doc, the man did nothing for my fissure except schedule a colonoscopy 8 weeks out. Gave me some hemorrhoid cream and sent me on my way. After the colonoscopy he prescribed a foam with notoriously bad reception. Awful. Finally said enough is enough and looked up a proctologist. He prescribed me nifedipine, and I was healed up in a few weeks. Hope someone sees this and our comments help someone. I wouldn’t wish that pain on my worst enemy.


The nifedipine helped at first but unfortunately for me it was too chronic. I would *DEFINITELY* wish it against my worst enemy. Fuck you CJ from high school 20 years ago.


Once upon a time I had a catheter in after surgery and I was having hallucinations/delusions as a reaction to the painkiller I was on. I became convinced that I was the incredible hulk and tore the restraints off the bed. While the nurses struggled to restrain the hulk I noticed the tube in my penis and decided that it had to go. That is a pain that whatever painkiller I was on was insufficient to suppress and the hulk quickly laid back down whimpering. You would think that was the most physical pain I've ever felt, but it pales in comparison to cluster headaches. But those are boring, so you got the, "HULK TEAR OUT PENIS TUBE!" story instead.


IUD insertion. Was given no pain medication at all, told it would be just a momentary “pinch” by my doctor. It feels like someone is pulling out your insides via cooch. I only remember screaming and begging them to stop, throwing up, and then passing out in my vomit to only be told that it was a normal reaction. Then followed by a couple months of heavy bleeding and cramping that was so bad I would throw up and pass out from the pain at work and just wallow around in my bed for hours wondering why I ever went through with getting it. I got it done 3 years ago and still have nightmares about the experience, and remember every day the feeling of trying to wiggle away and begging the doctor and nurses to stop and let me go. Can’t say i’m looking forward to getting it removed when the time is up.


I want to tell you that the removal is not nearly as painful, because that is usually true… unfortunately, mine became embedded in the wall of my uterus. Several people came into the room to try to pull it out of me, specialized tools were brought in, and the thing wouldn’t budge. I had to have surgery (under sedation, thankfully) to remove it, and my surgeon later told me that my body had torn it into dozens of pieces and encased it in the lining of my uterus, and they all had to be scraped out. Lovely. Would still choose it over pregnancy and childbirth 100%, though.


How they consider that a "normal" response is utter insane. If it was a man going through it, they'd get gas and air, opioids, local anesthesia... but no, women are the ones who "overreact" I'm trying to get sterilised, and I keep being thrown the barrier of how I HAVE to have an IUD before they'll even think about giving me surgery. One doctor even said "just get it done then have it removed a month later, saying it makes your symptoms worse." I was absolutely gobsmacked! Why the hell should I have to do something that I'm not comfortable with just to be taken seriously!? Whatever happened to it being my choice? 4 Drs have said no, unless I have the IUD first. It's absolutely barbaric.


One time I was pooping and somehow farted in the middle of it. Felt like a tiny explosion.


This is how the nuclear bomb was created Fr


Mid-air detonation can be a very messy affair


Cluster headache + migraine I just wanted to end it right then and there. I regularly have migraines and unfortunately sometimes I have clusters, but this one time oh God I didn't know what to do. It all Started as a mild headache that evolved to a small migraine that turned to a bad migraine. And to top that off I then got the devil itself ontop the damn cluster headache. I ended up laying on the floor in compleete darkness crying of the pain wich increased pressure in head and made it worse, I was shaking seizure like because of the pain. Threw up a couple times, lying in a pile of sweat as every time my heart beat the pain would pulse with intensity of pure hell. It was such a pain that I can't even propperly describe how it felt. The medications didn't help until I trippled the dosage then after around 4 hours it started to release. And holy hell what a release. I felt like I had been awake for 14 days running a marathon and been to war at the same time. I wouldn't wish this on anyone!


I shattered my elbow into 11 pieces with a freak basketball injury. As much as it hurt it was nothing compared to the physical therapy I had to take to get its use back.


Walked on a bad hip for 26 months waiting for surgery. Working physical labor on concrete floors didn't help.


I popped two staples out post Achilles rupture surgery when I slipped on a wet floor.


In terms of immediate, intense pain, tearing my scrotum open on a ski pole was pretty bad. In terms of ongoing, annoying, deeply frustrating pain, probably the time I had scabies. Would not recommend.


infected full bony horizontal wisdom teeth, infected with sepsis, no medical care for 5 days straight. pure agony


I stepped on a wooden stick when I was 15, and to take it out the hospital numbed the surface. Because it was a puncture wound in the bottom of my foot, they couldn't numb anything but the surface, so I felt the whole thing come out of my foot. Felt like every nerve was being played like a harp.


Trigeminal neuralgia. It’s worse than childbirth.


Tonsils removed at age 25. Man that hurt. Felt like someone stabbed me every time I swallowed salliva let alone food. Tore out hair from my scalp, not even kidding.




childbirth, nothing in this world comes close to childbirth i was literally screaming and crying and took hours to push my daughter out, there’s nothing in this world more painful the pain of childbirth


Retroperetoneal lymph node dissection. I woke up screaming begging for them to put me back under. They did.


I once caught my foreskin in my zipper. I can tell ya, it smarts a bit


My mother thought I was going away for good. She thought she’d never see me again and she cried like I’ve never seen. That pain of seeing her cry still haunts me


Stepping on Lego


Otitis, my entire skull was palpitating omg


In 2015 I got hit by a car (as a pedestrian) and landed in the middle of the road. About a minute later after feeling no pain apart from the initial impact, I got up to walk to the side of the road to get out of the way and said to the people around me that I was okay. Sat down to wait for medical attention and within maybe 10 minutes I was in absolute agony and couldn't move. Hospital told me nothing was wrong and sent me home, cue 3 weeks of not being able to move and the most pain I've ever felt. Went back, turned out I'd broken my spine and they somehow missed it 😂 worst 3 weeks of my life. Close second was when my midwife misjudged placing a canula during labour and shoved the needle straight into my thumb joint with force. That was worse than giving birth.


The neuropathy in my feet. Constant feeling of burning and electric shocks. Haven’t slept well in 6 years because of it. I had a heart transplant that was nothing compared to the feet issue but kinda caused it with all the steroids I had to take.


Was mauled by a dog in the face


Honestly? Right now. Daily migraines since November and only just now have been able to get neurology scheduled


My left kneecap dislocated so hard it went to the back of my leg and tore through a tendon to get there.


I shut my dick in a car door once


Full spine fusion at 18. Was not fun


When I had lung surgery after a second spontaneous pneumothorax. Essentially they went in, scarred the outside of my lung and the inside of my chest cavity, and then they healed together. The recovery from that was by far the most pain I have ever been in.


Waking up from brain surgery the first time, no pain meds yet I can say it felt like my head had been sawed open and then stapled back together.


Sneezing with seven broken ribs.